Market Research- Textual Anaylysis

Text Analysis

Transcript of Market Research- Textual Anaylysis

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Text Analysis

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Front Cover- Number 1

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There is a whole spectrum of colours on the background picture, showing it isn’t a boring magazine with just plain colours, also there is lots of neon, which is very popular in the clubbing and dance scene, also there is lots of different lights which is also typical of a club.

The writing on the right is all bunched together to make it seem busy and makes the magazine look like have lots in it.

The main colours for the text are white black and yellow, together these colours contrast each other and stand out very well, it also stands out from the background of all the colours and lights by contrasting the black white and yellow together.

Lots of bold text and some text is bigger than others, this is mainly used when its advertising a feature inside of the magazine, this makes it stand out, what the magazine features to “grab” the reader and get them interested.

The words “the worlds best clubs” are almost as big as the masthead of the magazine, they also have a 3D effect on them to make them stand out from the background more than anything else and shows this is the best thing features in the magazine and the get the readers attention.

The picture is a live event picture, it hasn't been posed or took in a studio, it has almost “captured the moment” an shows everyone with their hands up having a good time, it shows he type of place this type of music is played and the type of people the magazine is aiming for, showing if people go to these sort of clubs, they will like this magazine.

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Front Cover- Number 2

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The colours in this are almost neon, with contrasting colours, bright orange with bright blue contrasts very well against each other and makes the magazine stand out amongst others that may be on the shelf.

The actual background of the magazine is quite plain, and just looks like the sky, this is then contrasted by the picture of the man in the foreground who looks very busy with contrasting colours and hoodie.

The man wearing a hoodie may symbolise rebellion, as hoodies are usually linked amongst youths and “rebels”, also we cannot tell his expression as his mouth is covered, this gets the reader intrigued and also this shows the kind of audience they are targeting, for example this magazine wouldn't be for an elderly man but a teenager would be able to automatically relate to the man on the cover because of his clothing and his whole look.

The main features in the magazine are very bold to make them stand out and grab the readers attention.

The masthead is the boldest and biggest thing on the cover to get people to know what the magazine is and to make their eyes attracted to it.

The picture is very bright, the man in it is clearly a artists from this genre and this is a studio picture, as this type of music isn't really where the artist performs and entertains, they just stand and play the music, so a studio shot will show the artist much better than a live event shoot. This picture also tells us that a feature of the magazine will be an interview with this artist.

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Front Cover- Number 3

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The colours on this front page are very bright and neon, this shows the target audience they are going for, the colours are associated with the dance and clubbing type of youth, this magazine would not attract for example a gothic person as their colours tend to be red and black and dark colours, the opposite of this magazine with bright pinks ect.

Some of the text, the masthead and one or two or the cover lines are in a almost graffiti like font, this again shows the target audience they are going for, which is young adults because they can almost relate to the font.

The image is of an attractive girl, they obviously are going to put a attractive person on the front to attract the audience, also she is listening to music an looks like she's having fun, to show the magazine is fun and the music that she is listening to is meant to be the same genre of the music, and its showing the music in the magazine makes her happy and want to dance and have fun, this makes the reader attracted because they will also want to dance and have fun.

The dress the girl is wearing also fits into the glam, dance scene and again, targets the type of person they are trying to attract.

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Contents Page- Number 1

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This contents page is set out very neatly, it is set into sections which is good because its easy to navigate the reader through it and is easy to see clearly what's on what page.

It has pictures next to each section to almost demonstrate what your going to get in that section, this is helpful for the reader because they can tell what your going to get and what its going to be about.

There is a feature column showing all the specials they have in the magazine, this section has a black background with white writing, this makes it stand out and draws the readers eyes to it, this is good for he magazine because its probably the best parts of the magazine.

The colours arnt as attractive as what they would be on the front page, but the thins that are in bright colours stand out and are bold, like the different sections of the magazines, this is good for the reader as its well coordinated.

The font is also quite plane and not over the top like the front cover would be, because the contents page isn't something which needs to attract the reader as much as the cover, it needs to be quite simple so the reader can navigate through it easily.

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Contents Page- Number 2

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In this contents page the first thing that jumps out is the picture in the centre, this is the biggest thing on the page and almost in the centre, it tracts peoples eyes towards it and looks like a live shot and that everyone in it is having fun, it then has the page number very bold in the corner, this will get the reader interested and get them to want to turn straight to that page.

The main colour scheme is black, white and just an overall splash of colour, this makes certain things stand out like the pictures and the bold white writing.

This is also is quite organised, but it doesn't list what's on every page, only the features, this attracts the readers to the best bits of the magazine and keep them interested in what else is in it. There is a picture of an

artist in the corner wearing bold contrasting colours which attracts the readers eye and shows it will defiantly feature a interview with this person.

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Contents Page- Number 3

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The colours on this contents page are quite neon like, fitting in with the neon theme that’s appeared in a lot of the other magazines, the background is black and these neon colours stand out in contrast.

The things the magazine wants to advertise most are in bold bright neon, like the interviews.

This contents page is also quite organised which helps the reader to navigate easily, with categorized subtitles like “tour info” and “posters” which tells the reader exactly what there going to get.

There is a image of an artist, two teen boys, posing rebelliously, this shows the target audience the magazine is aiming for and also shows an interview with these boys will be included.

Along with the images there are big bold neon numbers to direct the reader where the page is linking to that image, this is again helping the reader to navigate easily and draw their eyes to it.

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Double Page Spread- Number 1

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This double page spread contains two interviews with similar artists, both the artists fit perfectly into the genre of the magazine.

The pictures take up more of the pages than the text, these stand out and are live shots of the artist performing on stage, the colours are black and neon, again fitting gin with the neon theme of these magazines. You can also see people at the side of the image watching the artist and they look like they are having a good time, which promotes the artist to everyone reading the article because they will think if they go to see them perform they will have as much fun as the people e in the picture.

There is a notice in the corner saying “the most amazing dance music” this is a very persuasive opinion and readers will read it and think it must be good for them to say that, and therefore want to read the article and see what all the fuss is about. Next to the

interviews, the magazine has put the tour dates of that artist, this is with a black background an white and yellow, it stands out and promotes the artist to the reader.

In the actual text of the interview the questions by the interview are in bold, this helps to establish who is who in the interview and so the reader doesn't get lost and confused in the interview.

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Double Page Spread- Number 2

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In this the image takes up actually half of the double page spread, this lets the reader get to see the artist close up and promotes the artist, the way he is sat is very relaxed and “cool” this attracts the reader and as the target audience is young club goers, they can relate to him, his clothes and even the way he is sat.

The title of the feature also takes up a lot of room, its bold and very big making git stand out an easy to read and it asks a question which gets the reader intrigued.

On the title the artists name is in bright pink making it stand out and draw the readers eye straight to it, this promotes the artist and gets the reader interested even if they don't know the artist.

Like the contents page before, the interviewer is always in bold so the reader doesn't get lost or confused about who is who in the interview.

There is also quotes around the page and in the title, these are quotes which are from the artist during the interview and are quite interesting quotes and makes the reader want to read more and find out more.

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Double Page Spread- Number 3

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The images in this double page spread take over almost three quarters of the spread, all of the images are from the same event and are of lots of young people in a club having what the typical reader of this magazine would consider as fun, it also has lots of attractive girls wearing skimpy outfits, this tells us what kind of audience the magazine are aiming for, it looks very messy and everyone looks happy, which is what the audience for this magazine would say was fun, and gets them interested and want to know about it.

This article states where you can find this event and the times and information about it, this is in a yellow box with black text, making it stand out and draw the readers eyes to it and promote the event.

This double page spread also contains another small addition to this article on the right, this is some kind of score card for how much fun you have at festivals and how drunk you get, where you get points for the more drunk and more fun, this is demonstrating exactly the target audience and showing the magazine is fun and within the readers frame of mind.

The colours in this are similar to the other magazines, black with yellow and pink and bright colours, these colours aren't dull and attract the reader.