March Triathlon Series 2017 - WCCTC Race Planning Update and Preliminary Proposal

The West Coast Collegiate Triathlon Conference Championships Preliminary Olympic Distance Race Proposal & Planning Update It is the mission of the March Triathlon Series to produce a competitive sporting event that promotes athletic excellence, sportsmanship, and a love for the sport while raising money for the Cal Poly Triathlon Team and providing a safe and supportive environment.

Transcript of March Triathlon Series 2017 - WCCTC Race Planning Update and Preliminary Proposal

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The West Coast Collegiate Triathlon Conference Championships Preliminary Olympic Distance Race

Proposal & Planning Update

It is the mission of the March Triathlon Series to produce a competitive sporting event that promotes athletic excellence, sportsmanship, and a love for the sport while raising money for the Cal Poly Triathlon Team and providing a safe and supportive environment.

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Table of ContentsRace Proposal at a Glance........................................................................................1

Summary................................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2History.................................................................................................................................................. 2Need...................................................................................................................................................... 2

Methodologies................................................................................................................... 2General Planning.............................................................................................................................2Goals..................................................................................................................................................... 3Challenges and Solutions........................................................................................................... 3

Preliminary Race Proposal: Details and Updates...................................4Location............................................................................................................................................... 4Transition Area................................................................................................................................. 4Swim Course..................................................................................................................................... 5Bike Course........................................................................................................................................ 6Run Course......................................................................................................................................... 7General Safety & Communications.......................................................................................9Traffic Control & Parking..........................................................................................................10Lodging Options & Accommodations................................................................................11Registration & Website Updates..........................................................................................12Timing................................................................................................................................................ 12USAT Sanctioning Status & Race Rules............................................................................12

Marketing............................................................................................................................ 13

Contact Information*.................................................................................................. 13

Race Proposal at a Glance

SummaryThe Cal Poly Triathlon Team’s legacy of successful race management and past triathlons, combined with current environmental conditions, has led the MTS 2017 Race Committee to prepare for a venue shift from Lopez Lake, Arroyo Grande to the quaint little beach town of Cayucos. With specific goals and adequate project management tools to produce a professional race series, along with experience in overcoming early challenges, the Race Committee is well prepared to accomplish the necessary tasks that remain over the next few months. While final permits have not been obtained, current communications with stakeholders have indicated no insurmountable roadblocks, literal or figurative, and we have the green light to go full throttle

Location Cayucos, CaliforniaDate March 26, 2017Course WCCTC & Open Olympic Distance Course

.750-1 km ocean swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run(.47-.62 mi swim, 24.85 mi bike, 6.24 mi run)Open Sprint Distance Course.750-1km ocean swim, 20 km bike, 5 km run

Wave Start Times

Based on a targeted 7:30 am race start time – 7:30: Olympic – WCCTC Collegiate Men – 1st wave 8:15: Olympic – WCCTC Collegiate Women – 1st wave 8:45: Olympic – Open Men and Women – 1st wave 9:15: Sprint – USAHSTC High School Boys and Girls 9:30: Sprint – Open Men and Women – 1st wave

Qualifications 1. History of success and race management experience for large-scale triathlons

2. Dedicated & tight-knit race committee that has stood up to early challenges

3. Veteran race coordinator heading venue shift4. Stakeholders have opined no significant risks to remain

after our initial proposals and planning approaches

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in finalizing race preparations. Such preparations, namely a final Temporary Traffic Control Plan and detailed Safety/Risk Management Plan, can be made available upon request in their current stages, and will be sent out to the WCCTC Director (and Conference teams, if requested) when completed, no later than mid- February. Current race plans from the operations and marketing aspects of our event are overviewed along with basic safety measures that will be implemented. All input is welcome, and we will do everything possible to appease the majority opinions and needs of the WCCTC with the short timeline remaining for our preparations. We understand that change can be frightening, so we hope that the ensuing, detailed overview gives you confidence to believe that the coming changes will above all else be enthralling.

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IntroductionHistoryFor those unfamiliar with MTS, it will help to first know our history in order to understand the importance of our planned venue shift from our historical location of Lopez Lake, Arroyo Grande, to the tranquil, orchard-studded backroads and saline shoreline aromas of the “coolest little beach town” in California: Cayucos.

The forerunner of MTS began to take form in 1998, when a Cal Poly Triathlon team member formally organized the club’s campus and Hwy 1-based race, inviting other university teams to attend. A year later, the race became the March Warm-Up, the official “warm-up” for California university triathlon teams for Nationals in May. As the race grew in reputation and popularity in the ensuing years, it moved to Lopez Lake to accommodate greater numbers of eager participants. There, it split into the “Series” it is today, offering traditional Olympic and Sprint distance races for collegiate and age group athletes alike.

Since it began, the March Triathlon Series has evolved into a beloved, quality triathlon for regional and collegiate athletes, growing from a little over 10 participants to annual averages of 500-600. Moreover, its profits have often provided up to a third of the Cal Poly Triathlon Team’s operating budget, thus representing a significant revenue stream for our team to accomplish a crucial part of its mission: “to make the sport of triathlon accessible and affordable for all collegiate athletes”. Similar to other WCCTC races, profits from our team’s race support heavily discounted membership, race and coaching fees.

NeedHowever, the onslaught of recent drought years in California has threatened all of the above. Facing the assurance of a duathlon at Lopez Lake for 2017, and understanding (1) the statistics on duathlon vs. triathlon participation rates, (2) the WCCTC’s standards for a conference championships, and (3) recent declines in MTS participation and revenues, likely associated with drought conditions; the Cal Poly Triathlon officer core decided that it was in our club’s and Conference’s interests to plan an MTS venue shift for the 2nd

time in our race’s history.

MethodologiesGeneral Planning


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Preparations for MTS 2017 began the day after MTS 2016 concluded, with investigating the feasibilities of new, possible race sites. By May, a new committee was formed through a rigorous application process, and established specific goals (see below section) through a project initiation document (PID) for 2017’s race.

During the summer, planning continued with formulations of initial proposals. In late September, these proposals were submitted to County Parks and County Public Works for review. By late October, the former responded, and the latter by mid November. Both have responded positively, and we are currently collaborating with both governmental agencies, and other key stakeholders, to ensure final permit application packages can be submitted by late January. Please see attached Gantt chart for a predicted timeline of this and other logistical planning finalizations.

GoalsTo meet the Mission of the March Triathlon Series, the MTS Race Committee will seek to accomplish the following, among other goals:

1. Collaboratively develop traffic control and parking, communications, course and signage, expo and transition, volunteer, and safety plans between the project kickoff meeting and late-January.

2. Design the logistics of an open water ocean swim so it is challenging but safe for all levels of swimmers, and does not deter potential registrants.

3. Develop relationships with impacted businesses and residents to maximize their, our, and registrants’ race day experiences

A complete list and explanation of our goals, along with timelines and details for how we’ll measure their achievement or lack thereof, is detailed in our PID.

Challenges and Solutions The MTS 2017 Race Committee is capable of handling the intense pressures and issues that have and could arise with our venue shift.

If there are doubts, it may help to recount a few events from this early summer. Then, we were focused on moving our race to Pismo Beach. After almost 2 months of proposal drafting, site visits, and countless conference-call style video meetings, we met with the Special Events Committee, a group of key City stakeholders including the police and residents. In short, half were for it, half were against hosting our event there, due to parking shortages, timing conflicts with local Spring Break tourism, and traffic control issues.


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Understanding these roadblocks to be insurmountable, we pulled the plug on MTS Pismo Beach after finding an alternative with Cayucos. We were then able to rebound, generating new proposals in little over a month to meet an approaching September deadline for Public Works. Rather than being motivationally crushed, we viewed our Pismo Beach experience as an important lesson in race management and became a stronger team because of it.

The MTS 2017 Race Committee understands how important our race is to the WCCTC, and has devoted countless hours already to ensure a pathway for success. We can assure you that we are more than ready, and able, to tackle challenges that present themselves to us in the coming months. Please see the attached risk matrix and below race proposal-specific sections to understand the risks we have registered, and their associated mitigation and contingency plans to date. These plans will be adjusted and finalized in the coming two months with Cayucos Fire, CHP/Sheriff Department, Public Works, and other stakeholders.

Preliminary Race Proposal: Details and UpdatesLocationSituated only 22 miles south from Hearst Castle and 21 miles north of San Luis Obispo, Cayucos is an ideal location for a new MTS venue, due to the nature of the unincorporated city, its surrounding environment, and its proximity to neighboring attractions. Easily accessible by the scenic Highway 1, Cayucos is known to many as “the last of the California beach towns”, and a cool or funky one at that: it attracts an amalgam of local surfers, ranch hands and owners, conservationists, and of course, tourists from the Central Valley and urban meccas across California, all over-eager for that aromatic, ocean-breeze respite from smog or fast-paced city life.

We chose Cayucos not only because its geography was most conducive to triathlon planning, but also because it best preserves the elements deemed quintessential to our renowned race. Most visible in our proposed bike course, and if you were to gaze easterly from downtown, there is that rural aspect—an intersection of vibrant agriculture and untouched landscape. Check. With plenty of camping opportunities down Hwy 1, there remains the opportunity for low-cost accommodations nearby, and more importantly, the team bonding and traditions that arise around the flickering flames of campfires. Check. With the ability to host an open water swim that will require focused preparation and skill, and featuring a bike course that harbors a deceiving amount of climbing, we can thus continue a tradition of a challenging, competitive event for everyone. Check.


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Transition AreaThe size of our planned transition area will be approximately 475 ft. long by 39 ft. wide. We estimate this space to be sufficient for 90-99 transition racks, if not more. Since each rack fits up to 6 bikes, this would be sufficient space for at least 560 participants. A participant cap will be implemented based on our transition area capacity, with 300 spots assured for collegiate racers.

Participants exiting the swim will run up dry sand, and enter transition through a pathway next to the public restrooms.

There will be a “run to finish” corridor on the beach. Volunteers will ensure spectators do not interfere with runners, and that there are no collisions between runners and any athletes finishing the swim.

As per USAT Sanctioning, bar end plugs and a bike mechanic will be available in the expo area for last minute technical problems.

Swim CourseFor our event’s inaugural year at Cayucos, there will be only one distance, of at least 750-meter length for both the Olympic and Sprint races. (Depending on buoys numbers, lifeguard availability, and professional safety opinions of


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the fire chief, the swim may be able to extend beyond the pier for a total of 1000-meters. This would be determined in advance.)

The style for both distances will be point-to-point using brightly colored buoys for visibility, starting from the shore north of the Cayucos pier (minimum 50 m away from the pier). Swimmers will swim counterclockwise on the right side of all buoys, out past the shorebreak, making all left shoulder turns around the pier, and back into shore. The swim finish will be brightly indicated and swimmers will do a dry sand run into transition.

Buoys will be placed the day before if possible, and checked the morning of the race to ensure proper distances. There is a possibility that buoys will need to be set-up morning of the race in order to minimize expenses. Swim Course Coordinator/Guards will be using a GPS to determine the exact distance between the buoys.

At least 6 certified SLO County Parks/State Beach Lifeguards will line the course, in the water and on shore. Volunteers and signage will direct and organize racers to the start, and be posted at the swim exit to direct racers to transition and act as spectator control and assist lifeguards and medical staff as needed.

Bike CourseThe 4-lap Olympic bike course will start at the southern end of transition, at D Street, and continue as follows:

1. Left onto N Ocean Ave.2. Turn Right onto Cayucos Drive


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3. Turn Left onto Birch Avenue4. Slight right onto Cayucos Creek Rd.5. Turn Around at approximately 3.1 mi and go back down Cayucos Creek

Rd.6. Continue onto Birch Avenue7. Right onto Cayucos Dr.8. Left onto S Ocean Avenue9. U-Turn at S Ocean Ave. and D Street 10.Repeat steps 2-9, three more times.11.On 4th lap, continue west on Cayucos Drive12.Proceed to Transition after 4th lap.

One aid station will be located at the intersection of Thunder Canyon Rd and Cayucos Creek Rd. The aid station will supply water, Fluid performance drink, and have basic first aid supplies. At least 1 CPR/AED-certified volunteer will be positioned there; multiple CPR/AED-certified course marshal volunteers will be located at key positions along Cayucos Creek Rd and will radio, phone, and/or text the race coordinator if an athlete is experiencing serious bike or medical issues.

Besides USAT Race Officials on motorcycles, we do not plan on having sag wagons patrolling the course, in order to reduce course congestion and increase athlete safety. One vehicle may be stationed at the bike turnaround on Cayucos Creek Rd to facilitate quicker access to athletes in need of help, if the situation arises.

The bike course will be 24.85 miles in length with a total elevation gain of 978 ft. Volunteers and signage will be placed to clearly direct athletes.

Run Course


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Similar to the bike course, the mostly-asphalt based, 2-lap run will start at the southern end of transition, at D Street, and continue as follows:

1. Turn Right onto S Ocean Avenue2. Turn Right onto Pacific Ave.3. Turnaround at Pacific Ave. Parking Lot4. Continue north on Pacific Ave.5. Left onto N Ocean Ave. 6. Turnaround at D St. and N Ocean Ave. intersection7. Repeat Steps 1-5 once. 8. Turn left at D St. and N Ocean Ave. Intersection and continue west down the marked ramp onto the beach.9. Take a right and run north along marked path on beach toward initial “swim in” entrance ramp.10. Take a left (instead of running into transition) and continue along Ocean Front Ave as it loops towards the Vet’s Hall parking lot (expo and finish line).11. Proceed into finish chute.


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3 aid stations will be strategically placed on the run course: at the Olympic turnaround adjacent to transition; midway between the Olympic turnaround and Pacific Ave parking lot; and at the Pacific Ave parking lot turnaround. At least 1 CPR/AED-certified volunteer will be positioned at the Pacific Ave aid station, with more along the course if possible. A volunteer on bicycle will lead out the first runner, and give advance warning of their approach to the course marshal volunteers. After the first runner exits the main course, the bike patrol will function as to be a moving monitor for all other racers. All aid stations will supply water, Fluid performance drink, and have basic first aid supplies.

The run course will be mostly flat and fast, at 6.24 miles in length with minimal elevation gain. Volunteers and signage will be placed to clearly direct athletes.

General Safety & CommunicationsIn addition to at least 6 lifeguards, we will have 1-2 safety boats patrolling the water. Wave sizes will be much smaller than in previous years, between 10-30 athletes per wave of each race division, with each wave going off in intervals of 2-3 minutes. The purpose would be to ensure a safer shore-based swim start. Olympic-distance race divisions will be separated by 30-45 minutes to reduce course crowding as much as possible, thus enhancing bike and run course safety and overall racer experience. Because the final “run to finish” corridor will be on the beach and enter the northern end of Ocean Front Ave through the same entrance area as athletes exiting the water, there is little to no racer flow conflict expected with the different division wave start times.

Wetsuits will be mandatory due to typically frigid ocean temperatures in March. The swim will be cancelled in response to storms, lightning, poor water quality, and the unlikely chance of shark sightings. A modified Olympic-distance duathlon of 2.5k-40k-10k would then be implemented, if appropriate.

In addition to the course marshal and aid station volunteers as previously described, Cayucos Fire and CHP/Sheriff will staff key intersections to direct traffic through or around the course, as appropriate and in accordance with our final Temporary Traffic Control Plan (see below).

All Race Committee members, a Head Lifeguard/Fire Chief, CHP/Sheriff, and key volunteers on the bike and run courses will be given radios for rapid communication purposes. (Any CHP or other agency-specific radio bandwidths and communications will be the responsibility of the race coordinator.) A two-way radio chain and/or phones will be used in their stead for certain sections of the course if by our February radio testing site visit, our radio repeater fails to function adequately. The race coordinator is currently working with a Cal Poly GIS Specialist and former Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club President to determine the best radio repeater location in Cayucos for


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maximal coverage. Radio communication protocols will be discussed day-prior and morning of.

To supplement pre-race email announcements, our website will serve as a vehicle for preventative measures – we will showcase resources for ocean swim preparation, adequate triathlon warm-up routines, and clearly announce required racer actions should participants hear approaching sirens or notice an emergency vehicle on-course.

As well as an on-site EMT, Paramedic, and Ambulance, at least 1-2 registered nurses will be present for any emergencies, injuries, or illnesses that may occur. CPR-AED and EMT Certified volunteers will be identified and positioned strategically throughout the course.

The fully stored medical tent, and medical staff, will be based next to the finish line. Post-race fluid, food, and recovery will be provided here.

Traffic Control & ParkingThe multiple diagrams included below best explain our preliminary TTC Plan. On November 18th, our traffic engineering contact with Public Works finished reviewing our application, and has provided us checklist of items for us to submit as part of a final permit application package. In the coming weeks he will be working with our Bike/Run Course and Traffic Control Coordinator to refine the TTC.

A few changes to note: we will push for a complete NE-SW traffic flow closure on Cayucos Drive, in order to enhance participants’ safety. Such a move would facilitate easier passage of emergency and race vehicles through the course. We will also push for the complete closure of the southbound right-of-way between D Street and Pacific Ave intersections with N/S Ocean Ave, instead of only the sidewalk, to give plenty of space on the run course.

Parking will also be finalized through our Public Works contact. Currently, we plan to encourage parking along non-race course sections of N/S Ocean Ave, and at lodging locations (with commuting by bike to transition area in the morning). Cayucos has quiet hours from 10pm-6am, so we want to take as many actions as possible to mitigate disturbances.

Early morning volunteers will park in the southern-most parking lot, adjacent to the southern end of transition. Vendors and disabled participants/spectators will be permitted to park here and in the expo area as well, provided that they arrive prior to an established time (TBD) before road closures occur and the race begins.


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Lodging Options & AccommodationsOur Sponsorship and Parking Coordinators are currently looking into group discounts for collegiate athlete lodging and camping. We will update the WCCTC via email and through our respective website page when options are finalized.

There are myriad local, convenient inns and motels within walking distance to transition.


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There is also the Morro Bay Strand State Beach Campgrounds on the beach a few miles South of Cayucos (about a 5 minute drive away). This will be an assured, affordable option for all.

Registration & Website UpdatesPast racers will receive registration email advertisements for our 2017 event. Registration will be on, and mail-in entries will only be accepted for special circumstances. Race-day and packet pickup registration will be available if our participant cap has not been reached; however, with the stresses of race morning, we strongly discourage opting for this route.

Our website,, will be continually updated in the upcoming months. We expect to have all major overhauls of race information completed by January 23rd, though this does not mean that all possible information will be listed by then. Any significant race information updates will be announced via email to past racers and 2017 registrants and on our social media.

TimingOur event will use chip timing. We will work with Synergy Race Timing (with whom we have worked with for the past few years). A running clock will be featured at the finish chute. Aware of an unacceptable number of “missing” times that could not be recovered after the 2016 and 2015 races, we will discuss possible sources of the problem with Synergy to mitigate the potential problem for 2017.

USAT Sanctioning Status & Race RulesWe will submit our USAT Sanctioning application no later than 60 days prior to our event, though general Event, Safety, and Risk Planning will be completed by early January at the latest. (This will allow for sufficient time to finalize and submit permit application packages.) Again, please see attached Gantt chart for a detailed timeline of target and required deadlines.

Our race will follow USAT rules and regulations. Two USAT officials will enforce drafting penalties and other USAT rules on the bike course with the assistance of Finish Line Motor Escort employees or other motorcycle-driving licensed volunteers. Volunteers briefly trained by USAT officials will note rule violations at the mount/dismount line and in transition, though USAT officials will have final authority.

USAT Southwest WCCTC Championships prizes and top-finisher prizes, three deep, for every age group will be given out at the awards ceremony.


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MarketingWith knowledge of successful and not so successful past marketing strategies, the MTS Race Committee will focus on a more robust online social media presence for its advertising efforts than in the previous 2 years. To supplement a structured Facebook and Instagram campaign, we will post our event on online race calendars, including Trifind. Though to save money we will devote most of our time and energy to online marketing, we have also invested a small amount of money toward print advertising to target age-group athletes at late and local fall races, most notably the Morro Bay Triathlon. We will invest a small amount more to post fliers in sponsor stores come late winter.

We are more than happy to discuss cross-promotion of April 2017 or Fall 2018 WCCTC races with fellow conference race coordinators and presidents. We are always looking for great packet stuffing material, and our event can be a great way to reach Californian (especially Central Coast) multisport athletes and others. The Cal Poly Triathlon Team will also be hosting our annual community 5K/10K fun run, Heart & Soles, on February 11, 2017, and we would be more than happy to pass out advertisements for your race(s) there as well.

We will conduct post-race surveys to determine improvements for MTS 2018. As long as solutions to constructive and negative feedback alike are within MTS budget constraints, that year’s race committee will start planning those improvements as early as May 2018.

Contact Information*Stuart Suplick | Race Coordinator | All General Race Inquiries | [email protected] | (510) 847-0957

Jake Pickett | Cal Poly Triathlon Team Club President | [email protected] | (949) 375-5200

*Prior to contacting Stuart or Jake, please visit for all Race Committee member contacts to see if their specific areas of expertise will match your specific inquiry.