Map of Competences

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    Grundtvig Project

    LeadingElderlyandAdultDevelopment LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP



    LV 02/09/2010

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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences



    ..........................................................................................................................................................31. SOMEQUESTIONSTODESIGNTHE MAP.....................................................................................................................4

    MAP OF COMPETENCES OF LPT...................................................................................................................8

    MAIN REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................16


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences


    The present document is aimed to present the study that attains to the definition of a

    thematic map of competences and skills framework of the Learning Personalization


    Here is carried out a study about the necessary competences and knowledge for the

    new professional called "Learning Personalization Trainer -LPT.

    The map of competences has been drowned also collecting and harmonizing the

    inputs coming from:

    The synthesis Report WP2 Status Artis and best practice by CNAM (July 2010);

    the work document produced by HRDC (GR) WP3: Map of Competences of

    Adult Trainer (July 2010);

    the literature about personalization proposed by NOEMA (FI)

    the Presentation A set of key competences for adult learning professionals

    shown during the Conference Competence development among adult educators

    in Malm (March 2010) by Simon Broek ([email protected]);

    The LEADLAB project assigns a great importance to the sharing of common

    meanings, as the requirement that really allows defining an integrated European

    model. A great importance has been indeed assigned to the identification of a shared

    definition of personalization as the first step before designing the Map of

    Competences. Moreover the map of competences of the LPT is oriented to an

    Andragogic (Adult) paradigm of personalization. With the same attention to the use

    of definitions and words, the partnership is evaluating the opportunity of adopting the

    term anthropogogic (G. Avanzini, Lducation des adultes, Paris, Anthropos, 1996).

    The term "anthropogogy" can be preferred to "andragogy" which refers inaccurately

    to male gender (andro-) and not to the human species as a whole (anthropo-).

    Consequently the map integrates both adult learning professionals competences and

    personalization competences, taking into account four dimensions of professional


    1This classification of competences is built, again in order to share common meanings, on the base of


    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    1. Common: represent the core competences that all training/teaching

    professionalism have in common;

    2. Generic: are the competences relevant for carrying out all activities in the adult

    learning sector;

    3. Specific: are the competences distinguishing the profile of the LPT;

    4. Transversal: are the boundary competences between the LPT and other

    training profiles such as coach, counsellor, tutor, training guidance expert, etc.

    The map of competences identifies the main areas of competences and necessary

    knowledge and skills, for who wants to become expert in personalization of NVAE

    learning pathways. It is an integrating part of a global design of the adult learning

    personalization model; therefore it can be correctly understood only in relation with

    the Model of adult learning personalization and with the LPT job description.

    The global design include:

    the LEADLAB Model: describes theoretical requirements, learning approach,

    learning pathway, educational methodology, learning environments,

    educational interaction, evaluation and assessment methodology;

    the Job description: describes the role and the tasks of the LPT;

    1. Some questions to design the Map

    Thanks to the result of the researchs stage about the Status Artis, a common

    definition of personalization has been found within the frame of Leadlab Project.

    The personalization of the training includes the following dimensions:


    different national and European sources: European Commission, Education and Culture LifelongLearning: Education and Training policies School education and higher education testing conferenceon the common European principles for teacher competences and qualifications 20th - 21st June2005; European Council, Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governmentsof the Member States, meeting within the Council, on improving the quality of teacher education,Bruxelles, 2007, ; EuropeanParliament, Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 18 December 2006,on key competences for lifelong learning, Official Journal L 394 of 30.12.2006; ISFOL, Standard

    formatori per un modello nazionale delle competenze verso laccreditamento professionale, Roma,1998; INFFO, Le Mtiers de la formation, Guide technique, Paris, 1995.

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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    The personalization does not only include the cognitive dimension of the person. It

    has for goal his/her development, both cognitively and emotionally, as well as social

    and citizen.


    The personalization is based on the learner self-direction, which means that:

    a. He/she has the ability to choose by himself the object and to determine the

    objectives of his learning (learning self-determination)

    b. He/she can have a control over the terms and means of this learning (learning

    regulation: place, calendar, educational approach and material)


    The learner is seen as the actor of his learning and in this sense, is associated with

    the decisions of the training organization.


    The role of the teacher or the trainer is not to transmit content, but to support the

    learner in the control of his learning.

    Through the analysis of the partners contribution to the research about the StatusArtis in the partners Countries, it is also possible to highlight different and similar

    aspects of personalization models, concepts, practices and identify the following

    recurrent features:

    Involvement of the all dimensions of learner;

    Development of self directed learning process;

    Development of self regulated learning process; Co-design of the learning pathway and process;

    Development of self-evaluation process;

    Learning challenges not learning objectives;

    Learning pathway not instructional curriculum or training program;

    Flexibility in the development of the learning process

    Achievable results are not predictable a priori.

    The definition of a common meaning of personalization is decisive in order to


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    describe the role, the competences and the profile of the LPT. Nevertheless this

    figure is really innovative.

    That is why we still need to answer some questions in order to better clarify this

    concept and then identify competences and skills to be included in the Map:

    Who is the LPT?

    This is the previous and core question we need to answer in order to design the map

    of competences. That is why a specific document is dedicated to the LPT Job

    description. Please refer to it.

    Which is the age range of adult learners involved in personalized educational


    The target for the LPT will be, according to the Grundtvig definition of adult learner,

    persons over 25 years old, or younger persons no longer in initial

    education within the school or Higher Education system.

    Which kind of educational pathway can be took in account?

    Non-vocational adult educational pathways, for example oriented to the

    active aging, or social inclusion.

    Adult learners to be involved in personalized educational pathways, can

    have different levels of education, from illiteracy to University Degree?

    Adult learners to be involved in personalized educational pathways can havedifferent levels of education, from illiteracy to University Degree.

    Personalization is carefully targeted or is based on differences among


    Is based on differences among learners.

    Which is the best duration of a personalized learning pathway?

    A minimum of is required in order to allow the development of a process of


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    empowering of basic competences, to monitor and support the development of a

    basic learning cycle.


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences






    core competences that alltraining/teaching professionalismhave in common





    Management andorganization


    Evaluation andassessment oflearning processes

    Educational solutions


    Educational research


    Web mediatedcommunication


    competences relevant for carryingout all activities in the adultlearning sector


    COMPETENCESAdult learning


    competences distinguishing theprofile of the LPT



    Educational guidance




    boundary competences betweenthe LPT and other training profilessuch as coach, counsellor, tutor,training guidance expert, etc





  • 8/4/2019 Map of Competences


    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences




    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of diagnosis of theindividuals developmentneeds and requests

    Decodes the individualmotivations of development

    Understand the individualdevelopment request

    PLANNINGKnowledge and application ofeducational planningstrategies

    Plans the information programs,pre-training, guidance andaccompaniment interventions

    Co-Plans educational andindividual development pathways

    Co-Plans competences profiles

    Plans strategies and tools ofevaluation, personalization,information, welcoming, needsanalysis, monitoring, etc



    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of:

    Problem finding

    Problem setting

    Problem solving

    Decision making

    Defines the services strategies

    Negotiates the accordance withlocal institutions offeringeducational services

    Stays in contact with theeducational Institutions of theterritory where learners areinvolved in learning pathways

    Communicates with stakeholders, external parties andorganizations

    Sees new opportunities forproposals, programs anddirections

    MONITORING Knowledge and application ofstrategies of:



    Evaluates and monitorseducational actions and programsefficacy

    Evaluates the satisfaction


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    Evaluates and monitors the

    educational services quality

    Evaluates the impact of theeducational intervention on thelocal context




    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of:

    Learning needs analysis

    Assessment and evaluationof learning processes and oflearning results

    Assessment of learning skillset, of learning attitudes andof learning strategies

    Identifies the opportunities ofpersonal development

    Evaluates the prior knowledge

    Analyses the proximal zone ofdevelopment

    Analyses the learning skill set

    Analyses the learning stiles

    Analyses learning attitudes

    Analyses learning strategies

    Monitors the development oflearning process

    Evaluates educational results


    Knowledge and application ofeducational strategies:











    Self directed learning

    Knowledge and application ofmain educational models andstrategies for people withspecial educational needs


    Knowledge and application ofeducational communicationstrategies:

    Listens carefully

    Assesses non verbalcommunication


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    Active listening


    Interpersonal interactionAssertive communication

    Knowledge and application ofdifferent tools, means,strategies, channels,registers of communication

    Deal with possible languagedifficulties and other

    disadvantagesIs friendly and cooperative indealing with questions andrequests

    Is assertive


    Knowledge and application ofsocial research strategiesand tools

    Knowledge and application ofeducational researchstrategies and tools

    Systematically observes thebehavior of the adult and elderlylearners whose is thepersonalization trainer

    Researches innovative modelsand strategies of adult educationand personalization of adultlearning

    Uses the approach of actionresearch

    Realizes thematic and periodicfocus group

    Uses and/or build tools in order tocollect information on

    characteristics of the adultlearners


    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of:

    Management of negativeemotions

    Management of mistakes

    Relaxation ofcommunicational tensions

    Management of possibleconflict situation

    Recognizes tensions, problemsand possible conflicts

    Suggests different possiblesolutions in order to solve apossible conflict or to afford andsolve a mistake

    Is empathic

    Is highly trustedDoesnt loose patience


    Knowledge and application ofmodels, strategies, tools,stages, evolution of webmediated educationalcommunication environments

    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of analysis of webmediated communications

    and interactions withinAsynchronous learningNetworks

    Suggests possible integrativeweb mediated resources to enrichthe learning pathway

    Supports the choice of webmediated courses or socialnetworks or groups of interest

    Is confident with the use ofAsynchronous Learning Networks


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of construction,

    development and animationof web mediatedCommunities of learning andof Communities of practices

    Knowledge and application ofstrategies of web learningscaffolding and socialnetworking

    Knowledge and application ofeducational communicationmodels synchronous and


    One to one

    Many to many

    One to many

    and e-mail

    Is able to assess theeffectiveness of web basedlearning environments

    Is able to support people whowork and study within web basedlearning environments




    ADULT LEARNING Knowledge and application ofthe main theories and modelsof adult education and ofadult learning psychology

    Knowledge of theories ofdevelopmental psychologyand of the stages of humandevelopment in adulthood

    Knowledge and application ofthe main models andstrategies to support adultlearning

    Knowledge and application of


    the psychological profile oflearners

    the culture of adult learner

    the biography of adultlearner

    the learner priorities

    Applies the biographicmethod

    Focuses the intervention ona perspective o themes andproblems (instead of

    contents and disciplines)Adopts a situationalapproach


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    self learning models andstrategies

    Focuses the intervention onconcrete tasks

    Valorizes and supports theautonomy of the learner

    Valorizes the masterlyinstinct of the learner

    Preserves a flexibility marginin the development of theeducational experience

    Applies to himself/herselfadult learning strategies

    being a fully autonomouslifelong learner: is selfreflective, assess his/herown learning needs,manages his/hers ownlearning processes; appliescritical thinking towardshis/hers own professionalpractice; organizes his/herswork and time; is interestedin his /hers own professional





    Knowledge andapplication of strategiesof Balance ofcompetences

    Realizes the individual

    balance of competencesreport

    Knowledge andapplication of strategiesof Balance of guidance

    knowledge andapplication of strategiesof psychology ofguidance

    Diagnoses the individualneeds of information

    Decodes the individualrequest of information

    Knowledge of localeducational offers Gives information,collects, selects,organizes information


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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    Knowledge of local socialrequests and needs oflocal developmentpolicies

    Welcomes and guides tothe choices of learning


    Keeps and maintainrelationships with localinstitutions offeringeducational opportunities

    Put in contact withinstitutions offeringeducational opportunities

    Knowledge of laws ofwork and of categorieswith special needs

    Knowledge of the adultinstructional andeducational system

    Is aware of the politicalcontext and of the adulteducational policy

    Is aware of the specificcharacteristic of thesector

    EDUCATIONALCOUNSELLING Knowledge andapplication of the mainmodels and strategies ofpersonalization

    co-sets learningchallenges

    co-designs learningpathways

    co-manages learningpaces and time line

    suggests learningstrategies

    supports meta cognitivecompetences of the

    learnerSuggests learningsupports and resources(technology and/orpeople)

    Offers the learner theopportunity to assess thelearning resources andinvites to review them

    promotes active learning

    negotiates educationalagreement

    takes into account the


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    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

    evolution of the learnerduring the pathway

    meets real needs of thelearner even if notplanned from thebeginning

    valorizes the learnersacquired knowledge

    valorizes the resourcesbrought by the learner

    Guides learner in thedevelopment and ongoing

    review of the educationalplan periodically (onetime each month)

    Knowledge andapplication of mainlearning personalizationstrategies:

    @ of self evaluation

    Arobase of self learning

    Autobiographic method

    Supports self directedlearning strategies

    Supports self assessmentstrategies

    Supports self guidancestrategies

    Is aware of the life of the

    adult learners and theirbackground in order touse that as a learningresources


    Knowledge andapplication of the main

    coaching strategies

    Knowledge andapplication of the maincounseling strategies

    Supports motivation

    Supports self realization

    Communicates therelevance of the learningprocesses with a widerperspective

    Provides opportunities forlearners to apply theirknowledge

    Motivates the adultlearner to learnindependently

    Refers the learningprocesses to the real lifeopportunities


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    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

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    LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development- LAB

    Reference: 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

    WP3 Map of competences

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    WP3 Map of competences

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    WP3 Map of competences

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