Management information system in India

Management Information Systems: To help managers in decision making process for the organization. In present competitive global business environment, there is significant pressure on most to make their operational strategic and tactical, processes more effective and efficient. The management information system is a collection of components which can boost competitiveness and grab  better information for decision making in organiz ation. Due to these positive points numbers of organizations have chosen to apply this assembly to their associations. Subsequently, the organizations decide to implement Information system in order to improve the organizations microfinance. The management Information systems have become a major function area of  business administration. The information system plays a major part in the e-commerce and  business operations, enterprise collaboration, and strategic success of the business op eration. The management information system provides several benefits to the organization, the means quick and reliable referencing, improves the departmental techniques and obtain better means of effective and efficient coordination between dep artments in office. Being a part of great change and working in information age, every managers have to integrate masses of data, convert that data into information, from assumptions about that information and make choices leading to the accomplishment of corporate goals. In any organization a key element that creating data is not just a matter of processing material. It depends on manipulating the explicit and implied information which contains in sights, intuitions and familiarities of entities and making them accessible for testing and use by the association as a whole. Information should be achieved within the context where it matters the most. IS becomes a management information system (MIS) when it is applied to improve management by directors of the organization. This system can increase the performance of the management (Ein-Dor and Segev 1978). MIS is a collection of man powers, tools, procedures and software to perform various business tasks at various levels in the organization. This system has three basic levels: operational, middle management and top management where the information is passed from  bottom to top (Tripathi, 2011 ). Moreover, MIS is on e of the important functions of man agement which plays an important role in providing information that is required for crucial decision making which directly affects the performance of the organization (Murthy, 2006).

Transcript of Management information system in India

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