Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist...

Making complaints about health or social care A report on what people said and what we think should be done to make it better. October 2014 An EasyRead Healthwatch England Report

Transcript of Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist...

Page 1: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points

Making complaints abouthealth or social care

A report on what people said and whatwe think should be done to make it better.

October 2014

An EasyRead Healthwatch England Report

Page 2: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points

What is in this paper page

About this report 1

What people said aboutmaking a complaint



What we think should happen 18

1. Make it easier to complain 20

2. Making sure their replies are kindand complaints are sorted out 24

3. Doing something about servicesthat don’t listen


Page 3: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


About this report

This EasyRead report looks at howcomplaints about health and social careare not working properly.

We are Healthwatch England, the onlyorganisation whose job it is to understandwhat:

· people using services need

· they go through

· they worry about

and then we speak out for people.

Page 4: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


By listening to people we find out whereand why services are not working properly.

We also find out how people want thingsto be done differently.

We found out that making a complaintabout health or social care was:

· far too complicated

· very frustrating

Page 5: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points

· especially tough for people who areunwell, at risk, or have just hadsomeone die

· not making any difference.

We need a way of making complaints that:

· deals with people kindly

· sorts things out properly and quickly

· shows that complaints make adifference.


Page 6: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


How many people complain?

There were nearly 175,000 complaintsabout NHS healthcare last year.

This is very low, we found out that aroundanother 250,000 people did not complainabout poor care.

We can’t find out how many complaintsthere are about social care because noone keeps the numbers for the wholecountry.

Things are slow to change

We know work has been done already tomake some changes after other reportshave said there were problems.

We know people think this is urgent.

But people are still finding it difficult tocomplain.

Page 7: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


What needs to change?

The changes that have been made so farare only on how complaints are dealt within offices. This is the wrong place to start.

We asked lots of people what happened tothem and what changes they wanted.

They said we needed a way that was:

· simple to use

· kind

Page 8: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


· quick to give a good reply to theperson making the complaint.

It is important people realise it is verydifficult to complain.

And it is very important that complaintsare dealt with properly.

There is no simple way to do this.

Page 9: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


What people said aboutmaking a complaint

People are not given enoughinformation about how to complain.

Esther’s story

Esther wanted to complain aboutproblems getting her health care paid for.She said:

It wasn’t easyto find out who to complain to as I wasn’t

given any help or information.

? Too often, people did not have theinformation they needed to complain.

Page 10: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People also told us that staff were not ableto tell them how to complain. People hadto find out for themselves.

This meant:

· 2 out of 3 people did not complainabout poor care

· 1 in 4 people said this was becausethey did not know who to complain to

· half the people who did complainfound it difficult.

Page 11: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People thought things would notchange even if they did complain.

Kelvin’s story

Kelvin complained about how long his wifehad to wait for her first treatment forcancer.

She was left waiting for 2 hours withoutanyone saying why. He wanted this madebetter for his wife and other patients.

He said:

I got a letter 2 months after mycomplaint. No one said sorry or that

anything was wrong. I don’t thinkanything has changed.

I feel my complaint has still not beensorted out.

Page 12: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People feel the way complaints are dealtwith at the moment doesn’t listen to themor put things right.

? Lots of people just wanted:

· to know why something happened

· someone to say sorry

· a simple change.

Page 13: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


Instead, they had people arguing withthem.

3 out of 5 people who complained thoughtthey had not been taken seriously enough.

Half never had anyone say sorry.

1 in 4 people did not complain becausethey were worried staff would take it outon them or it would affect their care.

Page 14: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People find making a complainttoo difficult

Jeanette’s story

Jeanette was worried her mother’s carehome was not able to give her a bath. Thehome just gave her excuses.

She did not know what to do so madecomplaints to lots of people, and in theend wrote to the paper.

This got a reply from the council, butJeanette said:

Making a complaint is a nightmare asthere are so many different organisations

to go to.

Page 15: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


No wonder people are confused:

· there are over 70 different kinds oforganisations involved in complaints

· only 1 in 7 people were told whatwould happen when their complaintwas looked at

· only 1 in 5 people said they had tomake their complaint just once.

Page 16: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


Seb’s story

People need support

Seb was being made to stay in hospital formental health treatment.

He was very worried about the drugs hewas on and not seeing his doctor.

It was not until he heard about anadvocacy service that he got what heneeded to get his worries listened to.

Advocacy services give help, informationand support to people using health andsocial care services.

Seb said:

A right to make a complaint is no good ifthere is no support to make it.

Page 17: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


When people are unwell, have otherproblems or have a complicatedcomplaint, they often need more helpthan just information.

· 1 in 3 people complaining had no helpor support

· less than 1 person in 10 had advocacysupport

· over 2 in 3 people who did notcomplain about poor care said theymight, if they had the chance ofadvocacy and support.

Page 18: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People need to know that servicescan learn from complaints


Ahmed’s story

Ahmed complained to his dentist aboutproblems with his treatment.

He said:

They agreed with many of the points I made. They said

they had learnt from them, but it was stillnot clear what they were going to do

about it.

People said the main reason theycomplained was to make care better.

Over 8 out 10 people said:

they would be more likely to complainif they knew it would be used to makethings better

Page 19: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


· that they would be more likely tocomplain if they knew the Care QualityCommission (CQC) followed them up

· that seeing other people’s complaintsmaking changes would make it morelikely they would speak out as well.

Someone said:

Nothing happenedafter my complaint. Just more upset,

wasted time, hurt feelings and a wrongthat has not been put right.

Page 20: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points



What we thinkshould happen

We need a way of making complaints thatis simple, joined up and doesn’t causemore stress.

It needs to sort things out for people.To make these changes needs the systemto change how it thinks and acts aboutcomplaints.

We have said how some changes can startstraight away.


But there are other, bigger changes thatwill need government help.

Page 21: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


We want government to say howimportant they think it is to do this.

After the election we want everyone inParliament to look at how to makecomplaints do what they are meant to.

And change the law to make it happen.This would show the problem ofcomplaints is being treated seriously.


We want changes in 3 main areas.

Page 22: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


1. Make it easier to complain

Changes that should be startedstraight away

All services should understand thateveryone has the right to complain.

This includes people who are worried bysomething they have seen happen toothers.

All complaints should be looked at, even ifthe person complaining doesn’t want togive their name.

Instead of waiting for people to complain,all staff should ask patients how they feel.

Page 23: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


All services should make sure people canget clear, accessible information on howto complain. This must be up-to-date andin all settings from waiting rooms toletters.

People should be told where they can getextra information, advice and advocacysupport when they make a complaint.

Bigger changes needing more work

We need a ‘pass it on to the right people’system.

This means it does not matter who acomplaint is made to, that person is thenin charge of sending it on to the rightpeople to get it sorted out.

The Government should look at howpeople can have the choice of makingcomplaints on the internet.

Page 24: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


They need to make sure everyone knowsabout this and that people don’t have toleave their names if they don’t want to.

We need a review of PALS and NHSComplaints Advocacy.

We also need a new complaints advocacyand support service that is:

· easy to use

· accessible

Page 25: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


· there for all users of health and socialcare no matter who they are or whatproblems they have

· independent and acts just for theperson

· well-known by everyone so that whenthey need help they know who to go to

· meets a new set of standards or rulesto make sure everyone can get reallygood support.

Healthwatch England should also be giventhe power to be a super-complainer whenthey make complaints for groups ofpeople.

Page 26: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points





2. Making sure their replies are kind and complaints are sorted out

3 Days3

Changes that should be startedstraight away

Services should reply to complaints inunder 3 working days.

They should say:

they understand what the person sayshappened

what will happen next

sorry if it is the right thing to do.

Page 27: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


All staff who have contact with peoplemust have training so they know they cansay sorry without getting into trouble.

There should be support for staff to helpthem deal with complaints better.

Bigger changes needing more work

People should have control over howquickly their complaints go.

They should be able to take a break orslow things down if they have other thingsto deal with, like being ill or someonedying.

Page 28: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People should be able to say from thebeginning what they want from theircomplaint and how it is sorted out.

For example:

· quickly sorting out a problem

· being told why something happened,and someone saying sorry

· a proper investigation into somethingthat might include going to court,action against staff and changes tohow things are done.

Page 29: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


People should be told who will be dealingwith their complaint so they know who toget in touch with.

Having a simple complaints system thatmakes sure complaints are dealt with bythe right people.

Having just one Ombudsman for healthand social care.

An Ombudsman is the final person whodecides on complaints that have not beensorted out before.

Page 30: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


3. Doing something about services that don’t listen

Changes that should be startedstraight away

Have the same system that keeps figureson health complaints for complaints insocial care as well.

CQC to look at local complaints and checkthe services that lots of people havecomplained about.

CQC to look at how services deal withcomplaints. This should follow the wayservice users have said it should be.

Bigger changes needing more work

Make sure that people or services whodon’t deal with complaints properly haveto get better.

Page 31: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


This could include:

· putting services into special measures.

Special measures means a service iskept a special eye on and strict rulessay what they can do

· fines

· stopping a service from workingaltogether.

We are asking everyone involved in healthand social care to understand what thepublic has told us and change servicesusing this list of changes.

Page 32: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


This way we will have a system that treatscomplaints with the kindness, respect,dignity and fairness that people deserve.

To make this happen we need to see thefirst set of changes done quickly.


We also need Government support for thebigger changes after the election in 2015.

If this does not happen, patients, careusers, and their families will carry onsuffering in silence for a long time tocome.

Page 33: Making complaints about health or social care · Ahmed’s story. Ahmed complained to his dentist about. problems with his treatment. He said: They agreed with many of the points


This paper has been designed andproduced for Healthwatch by theEasyRead service at Inspired ServicesPublishing Ltd.Ref ISL 138/14. October 2014

It meets the European EasyRead Standard.

Artwork is from the Valuing People Clipartcollection and cannot be used anywhereelse without written permission fromInspired Services Publishing Ltd.