Major Technical Aspects and Special Requirements for Batch ......Special Requirements for Special...

2 1 Poin Poin ts to Note ts to Note z Comply with the conservation requirements stipulated in the resource kits (uploaded to the heritage website of Development Bureau) z Bring the buildings to current safety standards under Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) z Strike a balance between maintaining architectural authenticity and building control requirements z Achieve cost-effectiveness 2 Major Technical Aspects and Major Technical Aspects and Special Requirements for Special Requirements for Batch III Historic Buildings Batch III Historic Buildings

Transcript of Major Technical Aspects and Special Requirements for Batch ......Special Requirements for Special...

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PoinPoints to Notets to Note

z Comply with the conservation requirements stipulated in the resource kits (uploaded to the heritage website of Development Bureau)

z Bring the buildings to current safety standards under Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123)

z Strike a balance between maintaining architectural authenticity and building control requirements

z Achieve cost-effectiveness


Major Technical Aspects and Major Technical Aspects and

Special Requirements for Special Requirements for

Batch III Historic Buildings Batch III Historic Buildings

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HeriHeritage Conservatitage Conservation Requirementson Requirements

Chapter VI and Relevant Appendices of Resource Kits

z General conservation approach

z Special conservation requirement



Comply with the BuildinComply with the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) gs Ordinance (Cap. 123)

Some of the major considerations: z Means of escape z Fire resisting construction z Means of access and firefighting rescue z Barrier free access and facilities z Protection against falling from height z Structural Adequacy z Fire Service Requirements z Natural lighting and ventilation z Provision of sanitary fitments


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General SuggestionsGeneral Suggestions z Strike a balance between the conservation guidelines and

the Building Ordinance (Cap. 123) z For difficulties in complying with the conservation

requirements, provide justifications for Antiquities and Monuments Office’s consideration

Unless with strong justifications: z Avoid disturbing the foundations of the existing historic

buildings or any nearby structures z Avoid proposing uses that require substantial structural

upgrade z Avoid disturbing the existing slopes z Avoid disturbing the original facades and the architectural

features to be preserved 5 5

Special Requirements for King Yin LeiSpecial Requirements for King Yin Lei

z The proposed revitalisation works may involve application(s) for Environmental Permit(s) under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) and/or planning permission under the Town Planning Ordinance (Cap. 131)

z Any works within the site will require a permit granted by the Antiquities Authority under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53)



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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiConservation and Conservation and Revitalisation Revitalisation

z Adopt a “minimum intervention” approach for the revitalisation of Main Building for the public to appreciate its architectural features and the restoration efforts


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiConservation and Conservation and Revitalisation Revitalisation

z Adopt the fire engineering approach (instead of installation of sprinkler systems) to cater for the proposed uses in the existing buildings while avoiding substantial modifications of the existing building structure/fabric

z Only unitary air-conditioning systems (excluding window-type units) with minimal connecting pipework/ductwork and similar alternative ventilation arrangements (such as natural ventilation, etc.) should be considered for adoption in the Main Building and the Subsidiary Building



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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiConservation and Conservation and Revitalisation Revitalisation

z If applicants consider it necessary to provide a passenger lift and an additional escape staircase between the Ground Floor and the First Floor for the proposed future uses at the Main Building, the Kitchen area within the Annex Block is considered an acceptable location for such purpose

z The Second Floor of the Main Building is not suitable for public access


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiConservation and Conservation and Revitalisation Revitalisation

z The rooms on the Ground Floor of the Main Building, including the Main Hall, the Rosewood Hall and the two Dining Halls, should be preserved as interpretation areas

z The selected applicant should use the furniture on loan from a previous owner for long-term display in these rooms. Old photographs have also been obtained from the previous owners for long-term display



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z Construction of new structure to provide additional usable area within the site in support of the provision of services by the social enterprise and for accommodating essential building services is allowed at the Swimming Pool area

11 11

Swimming Pool

Location for New StructureMain Building

Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiNewNew Structure Structure wwithin the Site ithin the Site


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiNewNew Structure Structure wwithin the Site ithin the Site

The proposed location of new



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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiNewNew StructureStructure wwiithin the Site thin the Site

z The design of the new structures should deliver the objective of achieving compatibility with, and not being visually intrusive to, the existing buildings and setting of King Yin Lei

z The new structures should be non-obtrusive to the surrounding natural setting outside the Swimming Pool area

z The scale of the new structures should be commensurate with the intended purpose of use and in proportion with the existing buildings without overwhelming the latter


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiNewNew StructureStructure wwiithin the Site thin the Site

z The applicant should observe the building height restriction of 3 storeys as stipulated on the Outline Zoning Plan

z The height of the new structures should be kept below 158.0 mPD

z If the applicant prefers to fill the Swimming Pool with water for the purpose of using it for swimming, the applicants should assess the suitability of these existing structures for such use and bear the costs of the relevant upgrading works as well as the operation and maintenance costs



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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiNewNew StructureStructure wwiithin the Site thin the Site


Main Building


Existing Changing Room

Existing Swimming Pool

Building Height Restriction for New Structures 158.0 mPD

10.5m 15.0m

164.2 mPD

Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiUpUpgrading and Maintenancgrading and Maintenance ofe of Slopes and Retaining Walls Slopes and Retaining Walls

z The selected applicant should check the stability conditions, conduct geotechnical assessment and carry out upgrading works, as necessary to meet the current safety standards, for all slopes and retaining walls within or adjoining the site boundary of King Yin Lei that may be affected by the proposed revitalisation works

z The works should fulfill the requirements of Geotechnical Engineering Office and comply with the Buildings Ordinance with approval from the Building Authority

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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiUpgrading and MaintenancUpgrading and Maintenance ofe of Slopes and Retaining Walls Slopes and Retaining Walls

z The selected applicant should be responsible at their own cost for repair and maintenance of all slopes and retaining walls affected by the revitalisation works

z The selected applicant may be entrusted with the assessment and/or upgrading of the existing slopes and retaining walls within the site boundary of King Yin Lei and those adjoining the site boundary of King Yin Lei not affected by the proposed revitalisation works. While these entrustment works will be carried out by the selected applicant, Government will bear the costs of such works and will be responsible for the future repair and maintenance of these slopes/retaining walls


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiUpUpgrading and Maintenancgrading and Maintenance ofe of Slopes and Retaining Walls Slopes and Retaining Walls

z Applicants should pay particular attention to the visual appearance and landscaping treatment of all slopes / retaining walls to ensure that they are visually compatible with the overall setting of King Yin Lei, especially where slope works are to be carried out as part of the revitalisation project, as per Works Branch Technical Circular No. 25/93 “Control of Visual Impact of Slopes” or Buildings Department Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers No. ADV-23 “Improvement of Visual Appearance and Landscape Treatment for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls”



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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiUpgrading and MaintenancUpgrading and Maintenance ofe of Slopes and Retaining Walls Slopes and Retaining Walls

Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiTraffic (Applicable Traffic (Applicable to Haw Par Mansion)to Haw Par Mansion)

z Applicants are required to conduct a preliminary traffic assessment and state clearly the findings of their preliminary traffic assessment as well as the traffic management arrangements and associated mitigation measures, etc

z The selected applicant would be bound by the maximum limit of the volume of traffic generated by / attracted to King Yin Lei as stated in the preliminary traffic assessment above

z The selected applicant would be required to conduct a comprehensive traffic impact assessment and implement corresponding traffic management measures to the satisfaction of the Transport Department, after the application has been selected by the Government

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Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiFree PuFree Public Access blic Accessz Free public access should be allowed for the Front Garden, the

Rear Garden and the Ground Floor of the Main Building of King Yin Lei for a minimum of 2 whole days every week (including at least a Saturday or Sunday)

z Free guided tours to King Yin Lei should be provided every week. At least half of the guided tours arranged in any one year should fall on Saturdays or Sundays

z Phased opening of the site for public use prior to the completion of the revitalisation works may be considered


Special Requirements for King Yin Lei Special Requirements for King Yin LeiPublic Education / EngaPublic Education / Engagement ogement on n Revitalisation Revitalisation of Historic Buildiof Historic Buildinngs gs

z Applicants shortlisted for the second round of selection for the revitalisation of King Yin Lei will be required to participate in an exhibition to be organized by the Development Bureau to display their revitalisation proposals (covering both the adaptive re-use proposals and the architectural design proposals) with the aid of visual displays (including display panels and scaled models)

z These visual displays will be funded by the Government subject to the ceiling amount of HK$100,000 for each shortlisted proposal

z The display materials and the scaled models will become Government’s property after the exhibition and may be displayed in whatever manner at the discretion of the Government

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SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw PRequirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionTraffic Traffic

z Applicants are required to conduct a preliminary traffic assessment and state clearly in the Application Form the findings of their preliminary traffic assessment as well as the traffic management and associated mitigation measures etc

z The selected applicant should be bound by the maximum limit of the volume of traffic generated by/attracted to the project as stated in the preliminary traffic assessment above

z The selected applicant will be required to conduct a comprehensive traffic impact assessment and implement corresponding traffic management measures to the satisfaction of the Transport Department, after the application has been selected by the Government

23 23

SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw P Requirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionNewNew Structure Structure wwithin the Site ithin the Site

24 24

Main Site

Ancillary Site

Site Boundary Legend

z It is not permissible to construct new structures at the Site for the provision of services to be operated by the social enterprise

z Applicants may consider providing supporting facilities, such as building services facilities, at the Ancillary Site

z The exterior of any plant rooms provided, including the roof, should be compatible with and visually unobtrusive to the surrounding environment


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z A lift is required to be providedto bring visitors from Tai HangRoad to the Garden level of Haw Par Mansion

z Applicants may consider providing the lift at anylocations within the Site that they consider appropriate. In the Resource Kit, we havementioned provision of lift at the Ancillary Site and connecting the lift to the Gardenof Haw Par Mansion with a footbridge

25 25

Site Boundary

Passage Area Boundary of Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 RP

Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 S.A

Other Special Uses

Green Belt


Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 RP

Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 S.A

Main Site

Ancillary Site

Other Special Uses

Green Belt

Road Zone

Public Footpath


SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw P Requirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionLift to the Garden Level Lift to the Garden Level

SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw P Requirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionLift to the Garden Level Lift to the Garden Level

z Applicant's attention is drawn to the Outline Zoning Plan if the lift is provided at the Ancillary Site. A part of the Ancillary Site falls within "Other Special Uses" Zone (bound by yellow line). Within this zone apart from the Main Site, the permitted maximum GFA has been used up by the residential development within that zone.

z It is not permitted to provide the lift at the Green Belt.

z If the lift is provided at the Ancillary Site and connected to the Main Site by a footbridge, the footbridge is required to span over a public footpath. This proposal may require gazettal under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation)

26 26Ordinance (Cap. 370)

Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 RP

Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 S.A

Main Site

Ancillary Site

Other Special Uses

Green Belt

Road Zone

Public Footpath


Site Boundary

Passage Area Boundary of Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 RP

Hong Kong Island Lot No. 8972 S.A

Other Special Uses

Green Belt



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z The selected applicant should beresponsible at their own cost for the repair and maintenance of all slopesand retaining walls disturbed and/orupgraded under this project

z Based on preliminary assessment,upgrading works are required forretaining wall No.11SE-A/R17 and theeastern portion of Sub-division No.1 ofretaining wall No.11SE-A/R15

z The selected applicant will beentrusted with the assessment and upgrading of the above two retainingwalls, if not affected by therevitalisation works, to bring theretaining walls up to current safety

27 27standards

Main SiteRetaining Wall No.11SE-A/R17

Ancillary Site

Retaining Wall No.11SE-A/R15(1)

Site Boundary Legend

Retaining Wall No.11SE-A/R15(2)

SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw P Requirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionUpgrading of Retaining WallUpgrading of Retaining Walls s

SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw PRequirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionUpgrading of Retaining WallUpgrading of Retaining Walls s

z While these entrustment works will be carried out by the selected applicant, Government will bear the costs of such works and will be responsible for the future repair and maintenance of these retaining walls

z All permanent upgrading works to the existing retaining walls should be located within the boundary of the Main Site.

z The upgrading works should not alter the existing external appearance or cause adverse visual impact on the retaining walls

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SpecialSpecial Requirements for Haw PRequirements for Haw Paar Mr Maansnsion ionMinimumMinimum ReqRequuirements for Free Puirements for Free Public Access blic Access

z To set up an area for interpretation of not less than 40m2 on the Ground Floor of the Mansion for the interpretation of the heritage significanceand value of Haw Par Mansion. The content of interpretation should include the architecture and history of Haw Par Mansion as well as the religious beliefs propagated by Haw Par Mansion and the former Tiger Balm Garden;

z The area for interpretation should be open for not less than six days a week and the days of openingin a week should include both Saturday and Sunday; and

z To provide free guided tours to HPM every week. At least half of the guided tours arranged in any one year should fall on Saturdays or Sundays.

29 29

SpecialSpecial Requirements for Brid Requirements for Bridges Street Market ges Street Marketz Preserve and revitalise Bridges Street Market to capitalise on the clustering plane

of the “Conserving Central” projects, e.g. an information centre or resource centre closely related to the promotion of the “Conserving Central”, and achieve a synergy effect with the preservation of Wing Lee Street.

30 30

Police Married Quarters at Hollywood

RoadWing Lee Street

Central Market

The Central Police Station CompoundHong Kong

Sheng Kung Hui Compound

Bridges Street Market

Murray Building

Central Government

Offices Complex

Former French Mission Building


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SpecialSpecial Requirements for Brid Requirements for Bridges Street Market ges Street Marketz Shing Wong Street should be reinstated after the demolition of the

existing Refuse Collection Point next to the Bridges Street Market

31 31

SpecialSpecial Requirements for BridRequirements for Bridges Street Market ges Street Marketz An interpretation corner shall be set up –

¾ History merit: illustrate the evolution history of the Site from the American Congregational Mission Preaching Hall to the Bridges Street Market

¾ Architectural merit: illustrate the existing facilities to realize the market’s history. A list of architectural features must be preserved for interpretation(mentioned in Appendix X of Resource Kit)



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SpecialSpecial Requirements for BridRequirements for Bridges Street Market ges Street Market

z Applicants are advised to take cognizance of the salient public views received in the public engagement days

z The public views collected during the public engagement days is available at Development Bureau’s heritage conservation website at


Special Requirements for FoSpecial Requirements for Former rmer FanlFanling ing Magistracy Magistracy

34 34


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Special Requirements for FoSpecial Requirements for Former rmer FanlFanling ing Magistracy Magistracy

35 35

Special Requirements for FoSpecial Requirements for Former rmer FanlFanling ing Magistracy Magistracy

z About 60 nos. of trees present. Refer to resource kits for their recommended treatment

z Consult DLO on tree transplant / felling

z Compensatory planting might be require