Major rebrand yields 77% increase in PRELOH WUD ¸F€¦ · Allport Packaging is a division of...

Allport Packaging Major rebrand yields 77% increase in PRELOH WUDƸF CASE STUDY 01 Background Allport Packaging is a division of Allport Cargo Services, the UK’s leading independent freight forwarder. It works across all industries and supplies packaging for high value, low volume products made in the UK and shipped internationally. The company provides bespoke packaging, which is designed online for some of the UK’s leading manufacturers, packaging anything from the nose cone of a Formula 1 car and defence radar systems, to fragile MRI body scanners. “We were in our element with a large-scope brief like this, which required deep 360 degree insight into the brand. Developing and strengthening this brand across the mediums of digital and print in collaboration with the client has delivered truly fantastic results for them.” Rich Bargus - Creative Director, Preface Studios yields

Transcript of Major rebrand yields 77% increase in PRELOH WUD ¸F€¦ · Allport Packaging is a division of...

Page 1: Major rebrand yields 77% increase in PRELOH WUD ¸F€¦ · Allport Packaging is a division of Allport Cargo Services, the UK’s leading independent freight forwarder. It works across

Allport Packaging

Major rebrandyields 77% increase in PRELOH�WUDƸF


01 Background Allport Packaging is a division of Allport Cargo Services, the UK’s leading independent freight forwarder.

It works across all industries and supplies packaging for high value, low volume products made in the UK and shipped internationally. The company provides bespoke packaging, which is designed online for some of the UK’s leading manufacturers, packaging anything from the nose cone of a Formula 1 car and defence radar systems, to fragile MRI body scanners.

“We were in our element with a large-scope brief like this, which required deep 360 degree insight into the brand. Developing and strengthening this brand across the mediums of digital and print in collaboration with the client has delivered truly fantastic results for them.”

Rich Bargus - Creative Director, Preface Studios


Page 2: Major rebrand yields 77% increase in PRELOH WUD ¸F€¦ · Allport Packaging is a division of Allport Cargo Services, the UK’s leading independent freight forwarder. It works across

02 The BriefPreface Studios has a long-term relationship with parent company, Allport Cargo Services, and an in-depth knowledge of its strategy, brand and culture.

All divisions of Allport Cargo Services had recently been rebranded, apart from Allport Packaging. A major sales push and a sales strategy refresh was in progress and the organisation needed to stand out – both to attract a larger client base and to reinforce its position as a crucial component of the overall Allport portfolio. We were briefed to refresh the outdated Allport Packaging EUDQG�E\�HƦHFWLYHO\�VKRZFDVLQJ�LWV�LQQRYDWLRQ�LQ�VXSSO\LQJ�KLJK�TXDOLW\��FRVW�HƦHFWLYH�SDFNDJLQJ�

Key Deliverables:

Brand refresh

Brand guidelines

WordPress website

Mobile friendly

Brand animation

Sales iPad app



Icon design





03 The SolutionThis was a very open brief - we were simply asked: “What would you do if this was your business?” We began with an in-depth analysis including: brand audit, positioning, WDUJHW�DXGLHQFH�LGHQWLƧFDWLRQ�DQG�FRPSHWLWRU�analysis. In order to really pin down the key proposition and reshape it to enable the company to move forward, we provided top-level marketing consultancy to create a sharp and robust message focusing on Value Added Packaging (VAP) as a key point RI�GLƦHUHQFH��7KLV�ZDV�D�KLJKO\�GHƧQHG�proposition, centred on VAP, which lowers the entire cost of the logistics chain. The new brand and messaging also focused on Allport Packaging’s impressive client-base.

04 The ResultsThe refreshed Allport Packaging identity and materials have reinvigorated the brand internally and reinforced the foundations RI�FRQƧGHQFH�ZLWKLQ�WKH�$OOSRUW�JURXS��Compared with the same time period last year, there has been an impressive 77% LQFUHDVH�LQ�PRELOH�WUDƦLF��7KH�DYHUDJH�WLPH�on the website has increased by 14% and pages per session are up 27%. Crucially, the bounce rate is also down by 15%.

“We already knew the Preface Studios team were highly professional, ƨH[LEOH�DQG�YHUVDWLOH��7KHLU�H[SHUWLVH�in branding and creative approach to animation for the website means that RXU�SRLQWV�RI�GLƦHUHQFH�DUH�QRZ�HDVLO\�understandable to potential customers. There has been a considerable increase in the number of website hits and a very positive reaction to the content and overall brand perception from customers and employees alike.”

Mark Bartholomew, Sales Director

77%Increase in mobile WUDƦLF

14%Increase in duration spent on the site

15%Reduction in bounce rates

27%Increase in pages viewed per session


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