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    Master Thesis Nr. 1

    Route choice in macroscopic andmicroscopic assignment models

    for public transport

    Author: Maximilian Hartl, BSc.

    Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Friedrich

    Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Schmaus

    October 2013

    Universitt Stuttgart

    Institut fr Straen- und Verkehrswesen

    Lehrstuhl fr Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrsleittechnik


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    VuV 2013 2


    A task of traffic engineers is to investigate the impact of traffic demand on past,

    present, and future transport networks while considering social, ecological, and

    economic issues. The challenge in transport planning is to find the right balancebetween all aspects. To solve this optimization problem, methods like transit

    assignment models have been developed to support the traffic engineer to analyze the

    current deficiencies and design better public transport networks. Depending on the

    purpose of planning, the requirements differ among the transit assignment models

    according to the type of public transport system modeled, supply and demand

    representation, level of details, input and output values, reliability and effort. Each

    model has strengths and weaknesses, and suggests specific assumptions about the

    information provided to the travelers. Consequently, the results of the models vary.

    The aim of this thesis is to compare route choice in the macroscopic schedule-basedassignment in VISUM and microscopic simulation-based assignment in BusMezzo, and

    thus giving transport planners a good understanding of the model characteristics by

    explaining the underlying modeling principles, comparing route choice behavior, and

    evaluating the assignment results.

    The model comparison done in this thesis brings light to

    how the effect of overcrowded vehicles is represented in both models,

    how passengers are distributed in the network due to capacity restrictions and

    how different degrees of information are affect assignment results.

    The challenge of comparing two transit assignment models, which are structured quite

    differently, is to use an appropriate network. The network example needs to be as

    simple as possible but still covering all relevant phenomena. Before comparing the

    models, it is necessary to define the initial conditions: what is actually comparable and

    which level of similarities are achievable? The main focus lies not on simplifying the

    models as much as possible in order to reproduce the same results. Rather, it is more

    important to ensure that the same starting condition is used to evaluate the output data

    and point out the difference of the models. Transport supply of the schedule-basedassignment in VISUM is modeled deterministically based on the assumption that all

    passengers have the knowledge of a reliable timetable. In BusMezzo, however,

    transport supply is not deterministic, but based on a stochastic simulation-based

    model. To make the models in some way comparable BusMezzo is forced to have a

    deterministic transport supply. This is done by assuming that all agents have real-time

    information of the entire network. This accommodates for the knowledge of the reliable

    timetable used in the schedule-based transit assignment model in VISUM.

    To analyze the differences of the two models, first the deterministic state with the same

    degree of information is compared. Then, different sets of scenarios and subsets are

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    VuV 2013 3

    defined to investigate the influence of varying the information degree provided to

    agents as well as the effects of capacity restriction and the feeling of discomfort from

    crowding for the assignment results.

    To capture the effect of overcrowded vehicles BusMezzo uses an absolute limitation of

    capacity. In contrast, the schedule-based transit assignment model in VIUSM describes

    the phenomenon of overcrowded vehicles by a crowding function. It describes the

    feeling of discomfort from crowding and adds additional impedance to the connection

    mainly depending on the ratio of volume to capacity multiplied by the travel time of the

    vehicle journey item. As a result, this implementation is not able to capture the

    limitation of capacity appropriately since travelers are generally always able to board a

    vehicle. This is based on the macroscopic structure of travel demand and is a

    characteristic of the schedule-based transit assignment model. Therefore, it is

    important to adapt the congestion function in a way that the level of unattractiveness

    rises to an adequate level and travelers avoid this connection. The option to model thebehavior of public transit participants under congestion conditions is not properly

    considered at the current state of implementation.

    A major difference between the two models is the way of distributing the demand on

    the network. The schedule-based transit assignment model first looks for connections

    in the network and subsequently filters all reasonable connections. It assigns

    impedance, depending on the impedance function, to the connections and calculates

    the distribution of the demand according to the probabilistic distribution model as a

    single shot decision. BusMezzo does not estimate the impedance of connections.Instead it filters all reasonable paths as foundation of the dynamically adaptive decision

    process. Once the path set is calculated, each traveler faces a sequence of decisions

    while traveling through the network. The selected connections are not an input for the

    choice model, but instead they are the result of the dynamic sequence of decisions.

    Along the way, travelers make several decisions, for example connections boarding

    and alighting decisions, to adapt their behavior to the dynamic network conditions. At

    the first glance, this feature is a major strength compared to the static schedule-based

    transit assignment model and allows implementations of real-time information and

    holding strategies to improve the network performance by regulating the departure

    time. However, in special cases of high-frequented lines, BusMezzo overestimates the

    distribution of travelers. Obviously, a high-frequented line approaches more often than

    a less frequented line and travelers need to face a decision more often. Each

    alternative holds a certain probability. The traveler chooses an actual alternative by

    picking a randomly generated number and sets it in correlation to the probability of the

    alternative. Since all provided alternatives hold a certain probability, there is a chance

    that travelers choose this less attractive option. If this decision needs to be faced

    several times in a row, the amount of travelers increases, taking a less attractive line in

    favor of a high-frequented line. This shortcoming needs to be compensated by a

    logical, dynamically adaptive filtering rule.

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    Furthermore, increasing the demand, decreasing the vehicle capacity or reducing the

    frequency in order to enforce capacity constraints in BusMezzo significantly raises the

    average total travel time because of denied boarding. The schedule-based transit

    assignment model covers crowding effects by a using crowding function, but the effect

    is marginal on the passengers travel time, because the schedule-based transitassignment model optimizes the total impedance value to a stochastic equilibrium.

    The comparison between the BusMezzo and the schedule-based transit assignment

    model clearly shows the strengths and shortcomings of both model classes.

    Furthermore, it contributes to the understanding of the basic fundamentals of each

    model structure and highlights the right of existence. The appropriate application of the

    models strongly depends on the scope of work. The decision which model fits best to

    the assignment needs to be considered by the traffic planner and his/her experience.

    The comparison also shows that more scientific work needs to be done to compromise

    the shortcoming (e.g. crowding function and the limitation of congestion, overestimationto high-frequented lines, and travel time calculations) to an adequate level of

    acceptance to approximate the real behaviorof travelers.

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    Die Aufgabe eines Verkehrsingenieurs ist den Einfluss von vergangenen,

    gegenwrtigen und zuknftigen Ereignissen auf das Verhalten von

    Verkehrsteilnehmern zu untersuchen. Die Herausforderung fr die zielorientierteLsungsfindung liegt in der Bercksichtigung von sozialen, konomischen und

    kologischen Gesichtspunkten. Um die Lsungsfindung zu erleichtern, sind Methoden

    wie Verkehrsumlegungsmodelle entwickelt worden. Abhngig vom Planungszweck

    unterscheiden sich die Anforderungen an das Modell erheblich in Bezug auf den Typ,

    die Darstellung von Angebot und Nachfrage, Detailierungsgrad, Eingangs- und

    Ausgangsgren, Zuverlssigkeit und Performance. Jedes Modell besitzt Strken und

    Schwchen und trifft unterschiedliche Annahmen ber die Informiertheit, die dem

    Reisenden zu Verfgung gestellt wird. In Folge dessen unterscheiden sich die


    In der Masterarbeit wird die Routenwahl des mikroskopischen, simulationsbasierten

    Verkehrsmodell BusMezzo mit der makroskopischen, fahrplanfeinen Umlegung,

    implementiert in der Software VISUM, verglichen. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist dem

    Verkehrsplaner ein Verstndnis darber zu geben wie sich die zwei Modelle im

    direkten Vergleich Verhalten, wo ihre Schwchen und Strken liegen und wie die

    Defizite kompensiert werden knnten.

    Der Modelvergleich der Arbeit behandelt vordergrndig

    wie der Effekt von berfllten Verkehrsmittel in beiden Modellen dargestellt wird,

    wie Reisende im Netz unter Beachtung von Kapazittsbeschrnkungen verteilt

    werden und

    wie die Informiertheit von Reisenden die Umlegungsergebnisse beeinflussen.

    Eine Herausforderung beim Vergleich von zwei unterschiedlich strukturierten Modellen

    liegt in der Verwendung eines adquaten Beispielnetzes. Das Netz muss so einfach

    wie mglich sein, dennoch aber alle untersuchungsrelevanten Phnomene abdecken.

    Bevor die Modelle verglichen werden knnen, ist es notwendig die Ausgangssituation

    zu definieren, was verglichen werden kann und welche Gemeinsamkeiten sich dieModelle teilen. Der Anspruch liegt nicht darin, die Modelle soweit zu vereinfachen bis

    sie die gleichen Ergebnisse reproduzieren. Vielmehr geht es darum, die gleichen

    Bedingungen zu schaffen, um die Modelle vergleichen zu knnen.

    Die Angebotsseite der fahrplanfeinen Umlegung ist deterministisch modelliert unter der

    Annahme, dass alle Reisende mit zuverlssiger Fahrplaninformation ihre

    Verbindungswahl treffen. Das steht im Gegensatz zum simulationsbasierten,

    stochastischen Modell BusMezzo. Um die Modelle vergleichbar zu machen, mssen in

    BusMezzo auf der Angebotsseite die zuflligen Einflsse eliminiert werden. Wenn sich

    BusMezzo deterministisch verhlt, mit gleichzeitiger netzweiter Echtzeitinformation fr

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    alle Reisenden, fhrt das zu zuverlssiger Fahrplankenntnis und erfllt die Ansprche

    an die Vergleichbarkeit.

    Der Vergleich der Modelle beginnt auf der deterministischen Ebene mit der gleichen

    Bereitstellung von Information. Anschlieend werden unterschiedliche Sets und

    Szenarios entwickelt, um u.a. den Einfluss von Kapazittseinschrnkungen und dem

    Einfluss von Informiertheit zu untersuchen.

    Kapazittsengpsse in Form von berfllten Fahrzeugen werden in BusMezzo durch

    eine absolute Beschrnkung der Platzanzahl erreicht. Im Gegensatz dazu steht der

    Ansatz der fahrplanfeinen Umlegung. Es beschreibt das Gefhl des Unbehagens durch

    berfllung mittels einer Kapazittsbeschrnkungsfunktion. Dabei verringert sich die

    Attraktivitt der Verbindung je voller das Verkehrsmittel ist. Die Attraktivitt, auch

    Widerstand genannt, hngt unter anderem vom Auslastungsgrad multipliziert mit der

    Dauer des Fahrplanfahrtelements ab. Diese Art der Implementierung ist nicht fhigKapazittsbeschrnkungen mit dem richtigen Ma abzubilden, da Reisende

    grundstzlich immer in der Lage sind einzusteigen. Das liegt in der Abbildung der

    Nachfrage der fahrplanfeinen Umlegung. Deswegen ist es wichtig die Funktion der

    Kapazittsbeschrnkung anzupassen, damit berfllte Verbindungen nicht weiter

    genutzt werden. Diese Eigenschaft ist zum derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand nicht

    adquat umgesetzt.

    Ein wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen den Modellen besteht in der Verteilung der

    Nachfrage auf das Netz. Die fahrplanfeine Umlegung sucht erst nach mglichen

    Verbindungen und filtert anschlieend die Verbindungen heraus, die am

    wahrscheinlichsten unter realen Bedingungen gewhlt werden. Der Menge an

    gefilterten Verbindungen wird ein Widerstand mittels einer Widerstandsfunktion

    zugeordnet. Ausgehend vom Widerstand der Verbindung wird die Nachfrage mittels

    eines wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Verteilungsmodell als Einzelentscheidung auf

    das Netz modelliert. BusMezzo berechnet keine Verbindungen, sondern filtert alle

    sinnvollen Wege als Input fr den situationsangepassten Entscheidungsprozess. Jeder

    Reisende trifft entlang seines Weges eine Vielzahl von Entscheidungen. Die am Ende

    entstandene Verbindung ist nicht das Ergebnis einer Verbindungswahl, sondern vieler

    Einzelentscheidung, angepasst an die Situation im Netz. Auf den ersten Blick ist dasein wesentlicher Vorteil gegenber der statischen fahrplanfeinen Umlegung in VISUM.

    Es erlaubt u.a. die Bereitstellung von Echtzeitinformation und die dynamische

    Fahrzeugkoordinierung. In Fllen bei denen eine Linie mit einem geringem Takt einer

    Linie mit hoher Taktfolge gegenbergestellt wird, berschtzt BusMezzo die Anzahl der

    Reisenden zu Gunsten der Linie mit hoher Taktfolge. Im Modell whlt ein Reisender

    seine (Teil-)Verbindung indem er eine Zufallszahl zieht und diese in Beziehung zur

    Wahrscheinlichkeit der Alternativen setzt. Da alle verfgbaren Verbindungen eine

    Wahrscheinlichkeit besitzen, besteht immer die Chance, dass Reisende die weniger

    attraktive Verbindung whlen. Wenn diese Entscheidungen oft hintereinander getroffenwerden muss, erhht sich die Anzahl derjenigen, die sich fr die unattraktive,

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    hochfrequentierte Linie entscheiden. Diese Schwche sollte mit einer sinnvollen an die

    Situation angepassten Filterungsregel kompensiert werden.

    Wird die Nachfrage erhht, die Fahrzeugkapazitt verringert oder die Frequenz der

    Linie reduziert, entstehen Kapazittsengpsse. Diese Engpsse wirken sich in

    BusMezzo direkt auf die Reisezeit aus, da Reisende nicht in der Lage sind in das

    gewnschte Fahrzeug einzusteigen und somit auf das nchste Fahrzeug warten oder

    ihre Verbindungswahl berdenken mssen. Die fahrplanfeine Umlegung deckt

    berfllungseffekte mit einer Kapazittsbeschrnkungsfunktion ab. Die Auswirkungen

    auf die Reisezeit von Passagieren sind jedoch marginal, da das Umlegungsverfahren

    den Widerstand in Netz in einem iterativen Prozess zu einem stochastischen

    Gleichgewicht optimiert.

    Der Vergleich zwischen BusMezzo und der fahrplanfeinen Umlegung zeigt die Vor- und

    Nachteile beider Modelle in Bezug auf das verwendete Beispielnetz. Zudem trgt derVergleich und die Erklrung der grundlegenden implementierten Theorien zum

    Verstndnis des jeweiligen Modells und ihrer Daseinsberechtigung bei. Die geeignete

    Anwendung des jeweiligen Modells hngt stark vom jeweiligen Einsatzzweck ab und

    muss jeweils vom Verkehrsplaner auf Grund seiner Erfahrung entschieden werden.

    Der Vergleich zeigt zudem, dass mehr wissenschaftliche Arbeit ntig ist, um die

    Schwachstellen der Modelle (z.B. Kapazittsbeschrnkungsfunktion zur Einschrnkung

    der berfllten Verbindungen, berschtzung von hochfrequentierten Linien und

    Reisezeit Berechnung) auf ein adquates Ma zu reduzieren, um das Verhalten von

    Verkehrsteilnehmern bestmglich abzubilden.

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    Hiermit erklre ich, dass ich die vorliegende Masterarbeit eigenstndig verfasst habe

    und keine anderen Hilfestellungen oder Quellen als die angegebenen in Anspruch

    genommen habe.

    Insbesondere habe ich keinen bezahlten Dienst mit der Anfertigung der gesamten

    Arbeit oder Teilen der Arbeit beauftragt.

    Stuttgart, den 15.10.2013

    Maximilian Hartl

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    VuV 2013 9


    ADC Automated Data Collection

    APC Automated Passenger Counts

    ATTT Average Total Travel Time describes the average time atraveler spends in the network.

    AVL Automated Vehicle Location

    CONNECTION describes the spatial and time depending choice between an


    D Destination

    FB Frequency-Based

    GTC Generation Time Capacity

    HDWY HeadwayINTEGER is a number with no fractional part Z={0-2,-1,0,1,2,}

    IVT In-Vehicle Time

    LINK is defined between two nodes

    LOAD is the amount of travelers on a link/trip/connection

    M Model (BusMezzo or VISUM)

    MNL Multinomial Logit Model

    NI Network Indicator

    NrTransfer Number of Transfers.NODE starting or ending point of a link

    O Origin

    OD-PAIR Relation between origin and destination

    PrT Private Transport

    PuT Public Transport

    SB Schedule-Based

    SCENARIO Scenarios are a subset of a set and describes the actual model

    executionSET A Set is a group of scenario with the same general conditions

    STOP is the location where transit users might start, transfer or

    terminate their trip.

    TAM Transit Assignment Model

    TRAVELER General expression with no model relation

    TRIP refers to a single vehicle which serves one run of the schedule

    TRIP SEGMENT is defined between to stops

    VoT Value-of-TimeWalkT Walking Time

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    BusMezzo Related Expressions

    AGENT Represents a single traveler in the network

    BM BusMezzo

    RTI Real-Time InformationWaitT(BM) Waiting Time is defined as time an agent needs to transfer

    between vehicles or the time between the generation process

    and the departure time of the chosen vehicle at the origin stop

    VISUM Related Expressions

    PASSENGER Represents the amount of travelers in the network in terms of


    PJT Perceived Journey TimeSB-TAM Schedule-Based Transit Assignment Model


    WaitT(V) Waiting Time is defined as time a passenger needs to transfer

    between vehicles at a transfer stop

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    1 Introduction 13

    1.1 Motivation 13

    1.2 Research Goals 14


    Outline of Work 14

    2 Survey 16

    2.1 Structure of the Survey 16


    General Information 19

    2.3 Estimation Process 20


    Traffic Modeling Fundamentals 22

    3.1 Traffic Model Principles 22

    3.2 Private Traffic Assignment Models 25


    Public Transit Assignment Models 26

    3.4 Level of Information 28

    3.5 Capacity Constraints 29


    Stochastic or Deterministic User Equilibrium 30

    4 Simulation-Based Transit Assignment Model 33

    4.1 Mezzo 33


    BusMezzo 34

    4.2.1 Object Framework 34

    4.2.2 Simulation Flow 35


    Implemented Models 37

    4.2.4 Dynamic Path Choice Model 40

    4.2.5 Real-Time Information 49

    5 Schedule-Based Transit Assignment Model 51

    5.1 Connection Search 51

    5.2 Pre-Selection 52


    Impedance and perceived journey time of a connection 53

    5.4 Connection Choice 53

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    5.5 Crowding Functions 54

    6 Model Comparison 58


    Classification 59

    6.2 Comparable Level and Information Degree 61

    6.3 Simplifications to make the models comparable 62


    Travel Time Correlation 65

    6.5 Example Network 65

    6.6 Set and Scenario Overview 70


    SET A: Unlimited and Limited Vehicle Capacity with Low Demand 74

    6.8 SET B: Unlimited and Limited Vehicle Capacity with High Demand 85


    SET B Demand Variation 89

    6.9 SET D: Frequency and Vehicle Capacity Variation 91

    6.10 SET C: Degree of Information 95


    Conclusion 98

    8 References 101

    9 List of Tables 104

    10 List of Figures 105

    Appendix 107

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    VuV 2013 13

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Motivation

    A task of traffic engineers is to investigate the impact of traffic demand on past,present, and future transport networks while considering social, ecological and

    economic issues. The challenge in transport planning is to find the right balance

    between all aspects. To solve this optimization problem, methods like transit

    assignment models have been developed to support the traffic engineer to analyze the

    current deficiencies and design better public transport (PuT) networks. Since the prize

    of manpower constantly increase and the computing capacity steadily increases, in

    terms of calculation time, transit assignment models play a more and more important

    role for estimating traffic impacts. Many implemented theories in transit assignment

    models are derived by observing the natural behavior of travelers. The aim of transport

    models is to describe the complexity of the real world with the best possible

    approximation by balancing between the degree of simplification, input quantity and the

    quality of the out coming results. Thus, empirical investigations form the foundation for

    most implemented theories in transit assignment models. Great efforts have been

    made within the past decades to investigate the characteristic travel behavior in private

    and public transport respectively the interaction of those two. Depending on the

    purpose of planning, the requirements differ among the transit assignment models

    according to the type of transport system modeled, supply and demand representation,

    level of details, input and output values, reliability and effort. Each model has strengths

    and weaknesses, and suggests specific assumptions about the information provided to

    the travelers. Consequently, the results of the models vary.

    Traffic assignment models form the core of any travel demand model. They model the

    route choice of travelers and thus determine traffic flows on links and on public

    transport line routes. Additionally, assignment models provide skim matrices describing

    the service quality of a network between origin (O) and destination (D) pairs (OD-pairs).

    Private and public transport networks have specific characteristics which need to be

    considered in the assignment. This led to the development of a variety of models. The

    various public transport assignment models replicate the transport supply, traveldemand, and travel behavior using different levels of modeling detail in representing

    supply and demand. They also suggest specific assumptions about the information

    provided to the travelers. Consequently, the results of the models differ. The planners

    task is to apprehend the model which is most suitable to address to the existing

    problem and delivers the most confidential results compared to passenger counts, for

    example. Therefore, it is necessary to make the models comprehensible for transport

    traffic planners and provide summarized tutorials as well as detailed model evaluations.

    But any kind of transport model can always be used to assist the planner. It never

    replaces the knowledge of the expert and in the end, the engineer is in charge to take

    responsibility for the measurements chosen to improve the current short-comings.

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    1.2 Research Goals

    The objective of the thesis is to facilitate the planners comprehension of the model

    characteristics by comparing, explaining, and evaluating the route choice of the

    microscopic simulation-based transit assignment model BusMezzo (BM) and themacroscopic schedule-based transit assignment model (SB-TAM) implemented in the

    software framework of VISUM.

    1.3 Outline of Work

    This work starts by presenting a survey in chapter2 Survey on the estimation of the

    value-of-time (VoT) for a transfer between two transit lines, as well as the willingness of

    passengers to accept longer travel times when traveling in less crowded vehicles

    depending on the ratio of volume to capacity. The survey is used as introductory part to

    specify some of the fundamental relations between the real world and the simplified

    implementations in transit assignment models.

    To evaluate the models BusMezzo and the schedule-based transit assignment model

    in VISUM, first the fundamentals of modern traffic simulation are outlined in chapter3

    Traffic Modeling Fundamentals.Therefore, the different model types according to the

    level of aggregation (Micro-, Meso, Macroscopic) and time relation (static vs. dynamic)

    are classified followed by a short description of the modeling principles for private and

    public assignment models. Furthermore, the impact of information and capacity

    restrictions are described. Chapter3 closes with the definition of the deterministic andstochastic user equilibrium.

    Chapter4 Simulation-Based Transit Assignment Model explains the principal model

    structure of BusMezzo. It concentrates on the subjects of simulation flow, implemented

    models, and dynamic path choice models. The latter describes in detail the choice-set

    generation process followed by the path choice decision process as well as the

    evaluation of alternative paths and the actual path decision. The chapter closes with a

    description of real-time information (RTI) in BusMezzo.

    Chapter5 presents the principle model structure of the Schedule-Based TransitAssignment Model.It begins with the description of the connection search, followed by

    the filtering process of all reasonable connections and the calculation of the

    connections impedance. Furthermore, the connection choice and the distribution of

    travelers are explained. The chapter closes with an analysis of the impact of the

    additionally provided capacity restriction function.

    Chapter6 Model Comparison forms the core of the work. It describes the model

    classification, travel behavior aspects considered in the model, the comparable level of

    the two models, the information degree provided in each model and necessary

    simplifications. Additionally, it describes the travel time correlation between VISUM and

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    BusMezzo which contributes to the description of the example network. Subsequently,

    an overview of all comparable parameter sets and scenarios is provided. The

    comparison first outlines the model differences in the path choice model, number of

    transfers (NrTransfer), and load distribution on public transport lines. Secondly, the

    model behavior by increasing the demand, reducing the vehicle capacity, as well as thefrequency is analyzed. The chapter ends with the comparison of different information

    levels in BusMezzo.

    Chapter7 Conclusionsummarizes the accomplishments and major findings. The thesis

    concludes with an evaluation of the results, outlines the strength and weaknesses of

    the compared models and formulates recommendations for the application of

    BusMezzo and/or the schedule-based transit assignment model in VISUM.

    To facilitate the comprehension of the thesis, the term traveler is used as general

    expression for somebody who travels in the network. If the characteristics of a traveleris related to VISUM, the expressionpassenger, and respectively to BusMezzo the term

    agentis used.

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    VuV 2013 16

    2 Survey

    The originally idea of the survey was to estimate the coefficients of the utility function,

    used in the schedule-based transit assignment model and BusMezzo, in the analysis in

    chapter6.Unfortunately, it was not possible, within the limited time of the thesis, toanalyze the survey before implementing the network and running the assignments.

    Therefore, the survey is used as introductory part to specify some of the fundamental

    relations between the real world and the simplified implementations in transit

    assignment models.

    Many implemented theories in transit assignment models are derived by observing the

    natural behavior of travelers. The observation is transferred into a mathematical

    approach to simulate and, especially, to forecast travelers behavior for planning

    purposes. One of the major parameters, besides travel time, which influences the route

    choice in public transport, is the transfer rate. Since transit assignment models are notable to reflect all influencing parameters in a one-to-one correlation, parameters are

    transferred into impedance. The impedance is mainly represented through the unit

    time. This means that all influencing parameters with or without a correlation to time

    are transferred to a value-of-time. This is also true for the number of transfers. Since

    transferring has no direct relation to time, surveys try to estimate the value-of-time

    which expresses to what amount travelers would accept to travel with a more time

    consuming connection instead of transferring once. This kind of survey is called stated

    preference survey (see (Hicks & Turner, 1999) for details). The method of stated

    preference tries to derive the value-of-time by providing a choice of several discreteoptions to the respondents. The aim of the survey is to define the coefficient of the

    parameter transfer rate for public transport within a travel time shorter than one hour.

    Another focus of the survey is to allocate the importance of overcrowded vehicles. It

    follows the same principles but analyses the dependency of the value-of-time

    depending on the ratio between volume and capacity.

    This chapter first presents the structure of the survey. Secondly, the general

    information (Gender, Age etc.) of the respondents is analyzed. Finally, the estimation

    process is explained and the results are presented.

    2.1 Structure of the Survey

    The survey is designed in the framework of the web-platform SurveyMonkey and was

    conducted in German. The link to participate in this survey was open to public access

    for about ten weeks and started in July 2013. The link was available on the homepage

    of the Department for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering of the Institute for

    Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart and was also passed to the

    authors personal mailing list. In total 243, people responded to the survey. About 90%

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    of the participants answered all questions. The survey itself was structured into three

    main parts, as seen inTable 1.

    Table 1 Survey Structure

    Part Type of QueryResponse


    a General information (Table 19) 98 %

    b Estimating the value-of-time for one transfer (Table 20) 92 %

    c Estimating the value-of-time for overcrowded vehicles (Table 21) 87 %

    It was interesting to observe that with the progress of the survey, the response rate

    decreased. This is derivable by the motivation of the respondents to finish the survey

    along the process of answering the monotonous questions. A complete list of the

    translated queries and the corresponding answers are given in AppendixA.

    Since it was unforeseeable who would actually participate in the survey, the choice

    situations of the stated preference experiment are constructed in a way that everybody

    is able to answer them without any additional knowledge. This is done with the best of

    authors knowledge to avoid that people cancel the survey before completing all choice

    situations but, even more important, that people understand and answer the question

    correctly. To make it easy for the survey participants to grasp the context of the

    decision situation, the survey is equipped with sketches, pictures and explanatory text

    passages given in surveys screenshots inFigure 1.Most of the time, transferring is aregular part of a connection (except direct connections) and therefore most people are

    familiar with the personal correlated meaning of it. More difficult to capture is the

    parameter congestion and what it means to travel in a crowded vehicle. Especially, the

    abstract degree of volume to capacity ratio, explained in chapter2.3 is hard to imagine.

    Therefore, pictures are provided to illustrated different degrees of crowded respectively

    overcrowded public transport systems

    Since the number of questions in a survey is limited to a for the participant acceptable

    number, the range of travel time is within one hour. It represents the regular travel time

    for inner city OD-pairs. The travel time values of both connections are chosen such thatthe statistical experimental design is most likely to captures all representative travel

    times and correlations. To exclude the propagation of the same question order, the

    questions in part b and c are given to each respondent randomly. The provided answer

    to choose both connections is considered in the analysis as half an answer for each

    connection. This is derived by the question type. To force the participants to give an

    answer, most questions are carried out as a single select answer. But the possibility to

    choose both connections as a third choice is also provided. The assumption: If a

    participant would accept both connections but needs to decide which one he/she

    chooses, the distribution is equally. That is the reason why the answer for bothconnections can be spitted into half an answer for connections.

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    Figure 1 Screenshots Survey

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    2.2 General Information

    Due to the fact that most of the respondents are from the authors family environment

    or related to the environment of the University of Stuttgart, the responding group is

    characterized as young educated people with an affinity to use public transport as astandard transport mode, but with equally distributed income. Therefore, the amount of

    respondents cannot be seen as a representative cross-section of society. The

    distribution between female and male is almost equally represented. This is deducible

    by analyzing Figure 2 and Figure 3.However, the respondent group is very familiar

    with the properties of public transport, hence they are able to rate the queries about the

    connection choices properly.

    Figure 2 Gender (left), Age (middle), Income (right)

    Figure 3 Education Degree (left), Percentage of Main Means of Transportations(middle), Public Transport Modes for Regular Location Chances (right)

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    2.3 Estimation Process

    To estimate the value-of-time for the coefficient of the transferring parameter or

    discomfort due to crowding, the method of Maximum-Likelihood is used. Maximum-

    Likelihood describes a parametric estimation method. The coefficient is simplyestimated to the value which fits with the highest probability to the available data.

    According to the surveys structure, the respondent have to weigh a time attractive

    against a comfortable connection (non-transfer or less congestion). The impedance of

    the connection is expressed by the impedance function for each estimation process

    respectively. The impedance is evaluated by the multinomial Logit model (MNL) into a

    probability. The likelihood of a connection is weighted by the sum of respondents to

    calculate the value-of-time according to the following formula:

    () [



    Query Impedance of connection for query The amount of respondents chosen connection Value-of-Time for One Transfer

    The value-of-time for one transfer is calculated with the given impedance function to

    7 min. This corresponds to the range of 5-10 minutes of other surveys and

    assumptions in software products or standardized assessments (ITP, VWI, 2006),

    (Wardman, 2001). The used impedance function is given below:

    Value-of-Time for Overcrowded Vehicles

    The meaning of overcrowded vehicles is more difficult to define since the willingness of

    spending more time in public transport vehicles compared to the travel time in

    congested vehicles depends on the travel time and the volume to capacity ratio.

    Compared with the estimation process of transferring, different types of variables are

    considered. In both cases, the travel time varies up to one hour among the

    connections. Yet while the transfer is a binary decision, in contrary the congestion rate

    varies between a half, three-fourths and almost completely full transit vehicle. The

    travel time stays the same for each set of the three named volume to capacity ratio

    degrees. The respondent needs to balance between the volume to capacity ratio and

    the travel time. To estimate the coefficient, the same choice model from the estimation

    process from the preview chapter is used. The parameter becomes more important the

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    VuV 2013 21

    higher the congestion rate becomes. Therefore, the following impedance function is


    The coefficient is calculated to about 13.5 min for an almost completely fullvehicle over all queries. This implementation assumes a linear relationship for the

    volume to capacity ratio up to one hour travel time regardless of the in-vehicle time

    (IVT). A more appropriate way to define congestion is to take into account the travel

    time (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012). By estimating the value-of-time for the

    same travel time correlation (blue dots) with different degrees of overcrowding,Figure

    4 shows a linear relation (trend line). This is comprehensible by the subjective

    perception. The longer the travel time and the higher the crowding level, the higher the

    discomfort of the connection. Ergo, the connection becomes less attractive andtravelers shift to connections with more travel time and less travelers on board. The

    linear correlation is in line with the presented results of (Pownall, Prior, & Segal, 2008)

    at the 21st European Transport Conference 2008. The linear crowding function to

    capture the effect of congestion is considered in the transport planning software VISUM

    and will be discussed in chapter5.

    Figure 4 Value-of-Time Congestion

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    3 Traffic Modeling Fundamentals

    This chapter first presents a classification of the different model types according to the

    level of aggregation (Micro-, Meso, Macroscopic) and time relation (static vs. dynamic)

    followed by a short description of the modeling principles for private and public transitassignment models. In addition, the impact of information and capacity restrictions are

    described. The chapter closes with the definition of the deterministic and stochastic

    user equilibrium as a preparatory step to classify the type of equilibrium used in the

    model comparison.

    3.1 Traffic Model Principles

    The typical approach in transport demand models to represent travelers decision

    processes is captured with the classical four step algorithm. The algorithm covers the

    decision process with the following four sub models (Boyce, 2001):

    Trip or traffic generation models determine the

    amount of inhabitants activities within a defined time

    period. Thereby, focusing on activities, which lead to

    a change of location.

    Trip distribution or traffic destination choice models

    identify the place where the activity takes place.

    Modal split or transport mode models describe thetype of transport system which is used for changing


    Assignment or route choice models determine the

    used path through the network with or without

    capacity constraints.

    Because route choice affects network elements or skim categories (e.g. travel time),

    the traffic demand generally depends on the assignment result. Therefore, a feedback

    loop is normally implemented between the sub models.

    The transit assignment model emulates the correlation between supply and demand

    and mainly calculates three output values (Friedrich, 2012):

    Traffic flows: Estimate the route/connection loads for

    given OD-pairs.

    Loads on single network elements: Calculates the loads for single elements

    of the network-like links, nodes, turning

    movements, trips or stops.

    Skim categories: Determine the skim values e.g. travel

    time, travel costs and transits.

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    Static Transit Assignment Models

    A transit assignment model is called static if the model does not consider a timeline.

    Travelers with a fixed origin and destination are distributed onto networks routes

    without considering the departure time. This means that demand is assumed to beconstant within the transit assignment period. Therefore, it is not possible for a static

    model to provide information about the exact location of a traveler at a specify point in

    time (Friedrich, 2012).

    Dynamic Transit Assignment Models

    A transit assignment model is called dynamic if the model does consider a timeline.

    Travelers are distributed onto networks connections with a given departure time at the

    origin. A requirement to fulfill the dynamic assumptions is to provide information of the

    temporal distribution of a travelers movement along the route. The movement alongthe route is described with a flow model to determine a travelers location at a specific

    point in time (Friedrich, 2012).

    Depending on the modeled decision, specific names are used for transport models.

    Transport Demand Model: Imitates the behavior of an activity decision

    process, destination choice, modal split,

    departure time choice and route choice for

    passenger traffic.

    Traffic Flow Model: Simulates the velocity choice, lane choice and

    choice of vehiclesheadway in road networks.

    Most transit assignment models are classified into three major steps as listed below. To

    fulfill stable convergence conditions, some of the steps need an iterative procedure.

    Search process: Estimates a set of alternative routes. The routes

    are subjected to logical constraints to filter all

    reasonable routes which might become

    attractive to travelers within the assignment.

    Choice process: Models travelers behavior for the route choice

    and assigns a suitable proportion of the demand

    to the route set.

    (Assignment equilibrium vs. decision probability)

    Traffic flow models: Simulates the movements of travelers along

    their route.

    To simulate the movements of travelers along their route, traffic flow models use

    different levels of aggregation. They are classified into classes: microscopic,

    mesoscopic and macroscopic, according to the level of detail and aggregation.

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    Macroscopic Models

    According to (Papageorgious, 1997) the macroscopic transit assignment model

    describes the transition to the continuum theory. Probably the most famous

    macroscopic transit model was developed by Lighthill-Whitham and has its origin in thescientific research field of hydromechanics.

    Microscopic Models

    Another extreme, according to the level of detail, is the microscopic traffic model.

    Vehicles are represented individually and the behavior of each vehicle depends on the

    interaction with other vehicles. Additionally, vehicles subject to braking and

    acceleration processes, as well as to the characteristics of the transport network (e.g.

    light-signal system, right of way rules, lane assignment). Furthermore, the human factor

    is considered by the models cognitive and reactive capability. Since some of thecomponents are subjected to stochastic processes the assignment needs to be

    repeated until the results present an adequate mean situation of the network.

    Mesoscopic Models

    Mesoscopic models are a combination of macroscopic and microscopic modeling

    approaches. That means that skim categories of the network are used but vehicles are

    simulated individually, however, their second-by-second movement is not modeled.

    Figure 5 Aggregation Level according to (PTV AG, 2012)

    The characteristics of private (PrT) and public transport (PuT) differ significantly.

    Therefore, it is necessary to specify individual assignment models separately in order

    to simulate the model characteristics properly. Note that the separation of the models is

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    required, but the interaction (e.g. bus lines are usually on regular streets and flow with

    the surrounding traffic) should not be neglected. The classification and explanation in

    chapter3.2 and3.3 are taken from (Friedrich, 2012)

    3.2 Private Traffic Assignment Models

    A private transport (PrT) model can be described in the major steps. Firstly, a route

    search is performed which finds the choice-set of all alternative routes a traveler

    considers on his way from his origin to his destination. Secondly, the route choice is

    selected, in which the traveler chooses one of the alternative routes in the choice-set

    according to the routes utility. And lastly, the traffic flow through the network, in which

    vehicles are processed along their chosen routes and interact with each other.

    Route Search in Private Transport

    Route search methods, as they are provided in navigation systems or on the internet

    (e. g. journey planners such as (Google Maps)) are based on shortest-path algorithms.

    Only the shortest path according to the travel time is calculated. These mono-criterial

    methods consider only one search criterion in the objective function. But the route

    choice is influenced by many other factors, e.g. cost, road type, and road charge. To

    extend the number of criteria, the variables are transferred with the help of value-of-

    time to an abstract value of impedance. Since travelers evaluate the variables

    differently, it is advisable to work with bi-criterial methods to obtain all reasonable

    routes (Wardman, 2001).

    Route Choice in Private Transport

    Since the route choice of each traveler reduces the capacity of the chosen path, hence

    the travel time increases and the route becomes less attractive to remaining travelers.

    For this reason decision models working with probabilities (e.g. Logit, Kirchhoff

    (Ortzar & Willumsen, 2011)) are less suitable to simulate the distribution of private

    traffic in the network. Instead a load-dependent route choice model is required to

    describe the interaction between demand and route choice. These equilibrium models

    are designed to the principles of (Wardrop, 1952). The deterministic user equilibrium(DUE) can be extended to a stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) where the traveler

    optimizes the perceived travel time rather than the real travel time.

    Traffic Flow Model in Private Transport

    One of the simplest traffic assignment models is the load-dependent model. The travel

    time is calculated for each link individually depending on the utility and volume-delay

    function developed by (Bureau of Puplic Roads, 1964).

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    Macroscopic Flow


    Microscopic Flow


    Figure 6 Types of traffic flow models for private transport according to

    (Wiedemann, 1974) and (Kemper, 2006)

    In macroscopic models, the traffic flow is considered as continuous flow like a fluid

    through a pipe. The velocity is derived from the traffic density . The density isdefined as the number of vehicles within a path interval of the length withoutexplicitly modeling lanes or vehicles. The correlation between velocity and density is

    presented in the fundamental chart.

    The most detailed representation of traffic flow is given in a microscopic traffic

    assignment model. The complexity reaches from simple models like the cellular

    automate (Nagel & Schreckenberg, 1992) to complex psycho-physical vehicle-following

    models (Wiedemann, 1974).

    3.3 Public Transit Assignment Models

    One of the major differences between private and public transport is the time

    dependency. Public transport participants are not able to decide freely when to depart

    at their origin, because they depend on the schedule times of the transport system, e.g.


    Link i Link i+1

    Link i Link i+1

    Individual Vehiclesunified

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    bus or train. Therefore, the decision process is extended from a spatial route to a time

    dependent connection.

    Connection Search in Public Transport

    The connection search in public transit assignments is mainly divided into the

    categories frequency-based (FB-TAM) and schedule-based transit assignment (SB-

    TAM) models:

    The frequency-based connection search does not use the actual departure time of

    the line nor the exact coordination between lines. It estimates the transfer waiting

    time depending on the lines headway (HDWY) and the assumption about the

    accessible information. The aspect about the information degree will be discussed in

    chapter3.4.The calculated paths do not represent connections. Instead, they are

    routes, since no time axis is considered. Merely travel time and headways are thefoundation for the connection search (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012). This

    search method is mainly used for planning purposes where the coordination of the

    timetable is negligible or the line density (e.g. inner city) is so high that travelers do

    not coordinate their arrival time. The frequency-based transit assignment model

    provides four different levels of information (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012):

    1. No information and exponentially distributed headway,

    2. No information and constant headways,

    3. Information about elapsed waiting time,4. Information about the next departure time of the lines from the stop

    A search method is called schedule-based if all arrival and departure times of a

    public transport line are taken into account. The method assumes that travelers are

    provided with exact timetable knowledge and they coordinate their arrival time to the

    departure time of the first line (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012). The

    schedule-based transit assignment is presented in detail in chapter5.

    In simulation-based transit assignment models, each individual traveler is provided

    with a static pre-defined path set which forms the foundation of the decisionprocess. Along the travelers path the decision process is dynamically applied to the

    changing network environment. In terms of the dynamic path choice model, the

    output of a travelers path choice is referred to as an adaptive path choice

    depending on the travelers progress in the network. Since the decision progress is

    a sequence of single decisions, the implemented dynamic path choice model is

    dissimilar to static assignment models. Travelers in static assignment models

    consider a path choice as a single decision for the whole path. The simulation-based

    assignment model implemented in the framework of BusMezzo is presented in


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    Connection Choice in Public Transport

    Similar to private transport, the travel time and costs play a major role in the decision

    process. Additionally, the transfer frequency and the temporal utility influence the

    connection choice. The temporal utility describes the difference between the actual andthe desired departure time (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012). The demand is

    distributed with a probabilistic choice model (e.g. Logit, Kirchhoff (Ortzar & Willumsen,

    2011)). This method is also called random utility model since the evaluation process is

    based on a utility of each alternative which is split into an objective deterministic and

    subjective stochastic proportion. The traveler chooses the option among a set of

    alternatives where he/she maximizes his/her utility.

    Traffic Flow Model in Public Transport

    Another substantial characteristic of public transport is that travelers do not drivethemselves. Instead, they board a public transport system as a passenger. Therefore, it

    is necessary to distinguish between travelers and public transit vehicles.

    Public transit vehicles are assigned to the network according to the lines timetable.

    If all vehicles of a line coordinate their travel time strictly to a timetable, it is called a

    microscopic flow model. In contrast, in a microscopic model each vehicle is

    simulated individually and considers eventual occurring unreliability, e.g. travel time

    fluctuations caused by the current traffic conditions. Since the location to a specific

    time point is known, microscopic flow models are able to simulate the interaction

    between private and public transport systems.

    Public transport participants are introduced to the system as travelers who start their

    trip at their origin stop, board the desired vehicle and move through the network on

    board their chosen vehicle. The congestion process is captured in macroscopic

    models with a feeling of discomfort due to crowding. This means that travelers are in

    principle always able to board a vehicle, but the connection might become less

    attractive according to a reduced utility because of crowding. Since each traveler is

    modeled individually in microscopic models, the vehicle capacity is a strict limitation

    of travelers boarding the vehicle. If the vehicle capacity is exceeded, travelers are

    denied boarding the vehicle and they need to wait for the next approaching vehicle

    or re-evaluate the alternative connections. Since travelers move in vehicles through

    the network, this does not affect the travel time of the vehicle besides the extended

    boarding and alighting process. The effect of congestion will be discussed in

    chapter3.5 in detail.

    3.4 Level of Information

    Depending on the specific model and the aggregation, different levels of timetable

    information are provided to public transport travelers. Therefore, it is necessary todistinguish between two types of information:

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    Information level in static assignment models referring to the frequency-based

    transit assignment model estimate the information degree of passengers and the

    reliability of the public transport system, for example, the waiting time is estimated

    as exponentially distributed or half the headway of a line. Additionally, the elapsed

    waiting time at a stop or the next departure time of a line from a stop might be usedto calculate the choice-set. The information degree decides indirectly on the

    attractiveness of paths and the number of selectable alternative paths. The

    assumption of the line reliability is converted into the information provided to

    travelers. The decision process is represented as a single decision according the

    decision model. The schedule-based transit assignment model assumes full

    information and considers the actual departure and arrival time of a line. Hence, the

    search process considers paths and the temporal distribution of a line. The process

    delivers reasonable alternative connections. Once the choice-set is calculated,

    travelers chose their connection as a single decision according to the decision

    model. If capacity constraints are considered, the decision process is carried out

    iteratively depending on the discomfort factor but the choice-set remains the same.

    Simulation-based transit assignment models do not estimate connections. Instead,

    they estimate all reasonable paths as a foundation for the dynamically adaptive

    decision process. Once the path set is calculated, each traveler faces a sequence of

    decisions. The selected path is not an input for the choice model, instead it is the

    result of the dynamic sequence of decisions. Since unreliability is simulated, the

    timetable is used as coordination for public transport systems to adapt the actual

    travel time to the predetermined timetable. This improves the network performance

    by regulating the departure time also known as holding strategies. Therefore,

    information has a different meaning. It represents the difference between expected

    departure/arrival time according to the timetable and the actually departure/arrival

    time according the existing situation. This can be referred to as real-time information

    (RTI). The degree of real-time information given to travelers influences the amount

    (no RTI vs. stop RTI) of information and the place (stop RTI vs. Network RTI) where

    information is given to public transport travelers. This will be discussed in detail in


    3.5 Capacity Constraints

    Traditional assignment models assume that travel time and costs are the main

    attributes influencing travelers decisions. Empirical studies prove that passengers, in

    reality, consider several qualitative aspects, which impair or improve the experience of

    travelling (Tirachini, Hensher, & Rose, 2013). In the case of public transport, this

    includes the number of travelers sharing one bus or train. The relevance of these

    qualities becomes more important in developing and developed economies, since the

    income of the population increases over time (Tirachini, Hensher, & Rose, 2013).

    Consequently, public transport travelers are more likely to attach more value to theservice quality and comfort features (Tirachini, Hensher, & Rose, 2013). The disregard

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    for capacity limitations is an unsatisfactorily simplification which does not reflect the

    reality in highly loaded public transport systems (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals,

    2012). Capacity limitations can affect travelersdecision process in different ways:

    Absolute vehicle capacity: A single vehicle is only able to carry as

    many passengers as capacity is allows.

    (e.g. BusMezzo)

    Discomfort in the vehicle: Travelers feel discomfort due to crowding

    in a densely loaded vehicle. The effect can

    increase if all seats are occupied. (e.g.


    Discomfort outside the vehicle: Transferring at a highly frequented transfer

    stop is perceived uncomfortable. Aside

    from the discomfort, delays may occurbecause of queuing processes.

    3.6 Stochastic or Deterministic User Equilibrium

    The terms stochastic and deterministic will be widely used in chapter6 to define the

    comparable level of the two models, as well as for the determination of the input, output

    and data characteristics. To obtain a fundamental comprehension of these

    expressions, the following example will be used to clarify the underlying principles.

    The example network shown in Figure 7 is simply structured. The demand of 1000vehicles requests to travel between the origin and destination. The network provides

    two alternatives; one with short travel time but less capacity and the other one with

    longer travel time but more capacity. Depending on the equilibriumsobjective function

    the demand will be distributed differently to route 1 and 2. Therefore, the deterministic

    (DUE) and stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) as well as the system optimum (SO) will

    be highlighted and described.

    Equilibrium methods are widely spread in every-day planning to estimate the

    distribution of traffic flows in transport networks. To optimize the objective function it isnecessary to distinguish between two deterministic approaches, also known as

    Wardrops principles (Wardrop, 1952).

    Deterministic User Equilibrium (DUE)

    DUE provides full information to travelers and every traveler acts totally rational. The

    utility is evaluated by the presented volume-delay function. To optimize the target

    function, Wardrops first principle is used: Under equilibrium conditions traffic arranges

    itself in congested networks such that all routes between any origin-destination pair

    have equal and minimum costs while all unused routes have greater or equal costs.(Wardrop, 1952). In other words, it is not worth changing routes because all other

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    routes hold higher or equal impedance and everybody chooses the best route. In the

    example networks chart, the two blue solid lines present the impedance (travel time)

    for route 1 and 2 according to the actual volume. The equilibrium state is reached if the


    is fulfilled.

    The approach is based on the principle of the individual trying to maximize the personal

    utility. For practical use however, the assumption that travelers are provided with full

    information is questionable, because not each traveler can be continuously served with

    information or acts without personal preferences (Boden & Treiber, 2009). These

    weaknesses are compensated in the stochastic user equilibrium with variables to

    estimate spontaneity and individuality and lack of information.

    Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE)

    The stochastic user equilibrium assumes that travelers in principle choose the bestavailable route, but evaluate the alternative routes differently due to incomplete

    information. In addition, the stochastic assignment for private transport, similar to public

    transport, uses a distribution model (e.g. Logit, Kirchhoff (Ortzar & Willumsen, 2011))

    to assign demand to alternative routes. In contrast to the deterministic user equilibrium,

    the stochastic assignment distributes demand even to suboptimal routes due to the

    used distribution model. This approach is closer to reality than the strict application of

    Wardrops first principle (PTV VISUM 12.5 Fundamentals, 2012).

    In the chart, the red line represents the stochastic impedance for route 1. The input for

    the stochastic impedance calculation is the volume from the distribution model .The volume of the distribution model is calculated with the current travel time and a Logit model. The Logit model evaluates the difference of impedance between the

    two alternatives. The stochastic equilibrium has reached stable conditions if .The willingness of travelers to accept routes which are more time consuming is

    considered in regards to the corresponding parameter of the distribution model. DUE

    and SUE correlate with the value of the parameter. The higher the value, the stricter

    travelers evaluate the difference in impedance between the two routes and SUE comescloser to a deterministic user equilibrium.

    System Optimum (SO)

    The system optimum pursues the approach of Wardrops second principle. The aim is

    not to equalize all route impedances (DUE) but to minimize the total amount of

    impedance in the network. This contributes to the fact that no traveler is able to benefit

    without causing damage to other participants. The dashed green line is the weighed

    sum of travel time and volume for route 1 and 2. The optimum network condition, in

    terms of minimizing impedance (travel time), is fulfilled if the dashed line reaches theminimum .

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    Demand CR-Function according to BPR:


    Route 1: Route 2:

    Figure 7 Deterministic vs. Stochastic User Equilibrium

    O D

    Route 1t0,1= 8Cap1= 500

    Dij= 1000

    Route 2t0,2= 16Cap2= 800

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    Simulation-Based Transit Assignment Model

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    4 Simulation-Based Transit Assignment Model

    The complexity of public transport systems increases with the interaction of various

    modes, services, information and communication technologies, and transit operation

    strategies. This increases the need of dynamic transit analysis evaluation tools whichrepresent timetables, operation strategies, real-time information, passenger adaptive

    choices, and traffic dynamics. In order to simulate the interaction on a detailed scale,

    the private transport simulation model Mezzo was developed by (Burghout W. , 2004),

    and forms the framework for the private transport model BusMezzo. The developed

    microscopic transit model BusMezzo by (Oded & Tomer, 2008) is an extension and

    fully integrated in the framework of the mesoscopic traffic simulation model Mezzo. It

    allows taking a dynamic perspective while comparing various scenarios of complex

    interaction of system components (Centre for Traffic Research, 2013).

    This chapter presents the principal model structure of Mezzo followed by theframework of BusMezzo. The chapter concentrates on the explanation of BusMezzo

    and responds to additional objects, simulation flow, implemented models, and the

    dynamic path choice models. The latter describes in detail the choice-set generation

    process followed by the path choice decision process, as well as the evaluation of

    alternative paths and the actual path decision. The chapter closes with a description of

    real-time information. The explanations and sketches in chapter4 are taken from

    (Burghout W. , 2004) and (Cats O. , 2011).

    4.1 Mezzo

    Most of the existing transit models are time-based assignment models. The core of the

    simulation is the progress from one to the next time step while each equally scaled time

    step calculates the changes and updates the network status. In contrast, Mezzo is an

    event-based traffic simulation tool which progresses from one to the next event. The

    model specifies which changes are classified as events and orders them into an event

    list. Events are called as they appear in the event stack (Oded & Tomer, 2008).

    Vehicles are simulated individually, but lanes are not explicitly presented. The link

    structure is divided into a running and a queuing part. The running part is not affected

    by the downstream capacity limit and describes the earliest link exit time. The travel

    time on the link depends on the ratio between loads and link capacity. The queuing part

    imitates the delay process if capacity is exceeded and characterizes the process of

    vehicles queuing in a single lane waiting to exit the link. Queue servers determine the

    capacity limitation on turning movements. Turning movements are modeled

    stochastically to regulate delays. Vehicles are randomly generated following a negative

    exponential distribution by time-dependent OD-pair flow matrices according to a pre-

    specified vehicle mix. The route choice follows a multinomial Logit model and might be

    influenced by the information degree provided to the vehicle.

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    4.2 BusMezzo

    By extending the model Mezzo to simulate the interaction between private and public

    transport, the modularized object-orientated framework helps to implement the dynamic

    transit operation and assignment model BusMezzo.

    4.2.1 Object Framework

    Additional classes like bus types, bus vehicles, bus lines, bus routes, bus trips and bus

    stops are implemented and define the characteristics of the objects shown inFigure 8.

    The subclass vehicle type inherits its characteristics from the object bus type and on

    the other hand the object bus vehicle is described by the bus type, bus route, and bus

    trip. Each bus trip is assigned to a bus line and a bus route. The bus route is specified

    with an ID and an ordered sequence of links. Bus lines initialize the subclass of the

    object actions, which defines general procedures in the simulation, determine the

    scheduled trips, and the list of stops. The deposited timetable is used as a reference

    point for each bus trip to adjust the actual travel time to the timetable with the help of

    holding strategies to absorb delays. Stops are allocated to links with the characteristic

    assumptions about the spatial position, dwell time, and waiting time of individual

    travelers represented by an agent. Each time a bus arrives, the dwell time function

    calculates the time the bus needs to spend in the station until all agents are alighted

    and have boarded the vehicle, and summarizes the waiting time of agents which are

    forced to wait because of denied boarding.

    Figure 8 Object-oriented framework for the public transport model BusMezzo

    according to (Oded & Tomer, 2008).

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    4.2.2 Simulation Flow

    At the beginning of the simulation all objects are initialized. By initializing the objects,

    some of them register an event and save them in the event stack. Most of the events

    result in a new sequence of results. Aside from the introduced objects, it is necessaryto implement several new event types to properly represent the transit simulation

    model BusMezzo. A general overview of the simulation flow is given in Figure 9.

    When the simulation starts, BusMezzo reads the bus line list and generates individual

    trips with the corresponding objects bus lines, bus routes and bus types, and registers

    the events in the event stack. If the vehicle has not been introduced to the system yet

    (first trip on its trip chain), it generates a bus vehicle object and assigns it to the

    required bus type. After that, the vehicle enters the first link on the line route. Once a

    bus enters a link as sequence of its trip, it checks whether there is a stop and if the bus

    services it. If no stop is located on the link, BusMezzo calculates the link travel timedepending on the current traffic conditions. In this case, there is no difference between

    vehicles in Mezzo and busses in BusMezzo, because both objects are running on the

    same network and are treated as agents with different attributes (e.g. seat capacity,

    length). If a stop is on the link, BusMezzo calculates the travel time to the stop, and

    books an event for entering the stop. When the bus enters the stop the dwell time is

    calculated and the model checks if the bus is subjected to any control strategies (e.g.

    coordination of the departure time to a predefined timetable).

    The implementation of holding control strategies in the main loop requires additionalsteps to execute the control logic and to determine the appropriate action. For

    example, if a bus enters a stop, and holding strategies are activated, the control

    strategy checks for how long the bus needs to be held in the station to minimize

    accumulated delays according to the timetable and the actual temporal position of the


    The outputs of the queries determine if the process books an event for the stop exit

    time. Exiting a stop is similar to entering a link, the model checks if there are any

    further stops downstream on the link, calculates the travel time for the link section

    based on the traffic conditions and the loop starts over. By reaching the end of its routeBusMezzo checks if any additional trips are assigned to the vehicle. If yes, then the trip

    process is activated and progressed through the system (trip chaining). If this is the last

    trip of the line, the vehicle terminates.

    On the output level, the simulation lists the collected data on stop level for each

    individual traveler or bus. The main outputs of BusMezzo are line ID, trip ID, vehicle ID,

    stop ID, traveler ID, early and late arrivals, dwell times, boarding and alighting

    passengers, occupancy, denied boardings, selected paths, and travel times between

    stops. On a larger scale of aggregation, e.g. at trip level, line or OD-stop level, itpresents a summarized list of the chosen paths or line loads.

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    Figure 9 Flowchart of the transit simulation process according to (Oded & Tomer,


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    Number of Replications

    BusMezzo, according to its definition, is a stochastic simulation-based transit

    assignment model. Therefore, it is necessary to run several simulations in order to find

    a meaningful average and to evaluate each execution. Each run of a simulation is asingle shot of the current situation, also called within-day learning. That means that

    there is no interdisciplinary exchange between the simulations. In fact, no learning

    process takes place as it is performed in a day-to-day learning process. At the current

    state, this feature is under development by (Gkioulou, 2013). This would also enable

    access to simulate travelers behavior by shifting from overcrowded to less crowded

    vehicles depending on travelers practical experience.

    To receive statistically verified results, several simulations are needed. To quantify the

    number of simulations, the following formula can be used (Dowling, Skabardonis, &

    Vassili, 2004).


    number of required simulations mean value on the base of initial simulations

    standard deviation on the base of

    initial simulations

    indicates the student distribution table level of significance allowable error term to estimateAs measurement for the service quality in the analysis of chapter6,the average travel

    time is used. To estimate the expected number of required simulations, ten were

    calculated and used as a mean base with an allowable error of five percent and a

    significance level of . Each result set represents at least the average of tenreplications even if the required calculated number of simulations is below ten. Due to

    the simple structure of the example network and the elimination of the stochasticinfluence (see analysis of chapter6), ten simulations are adequate. If the exact number

    of simulations is not mentioned, the results are calculated as an average of ten


    4.2.3 Implemented Models

    BusMezzo requires a detailed representation of its basic attributes to describe the main

    elements such as travelers arrival and alighting process, dwell time, travel time, and

    trip chaining.

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    Travelers arrival and alighting process

    Depending on the line frequency, passengers arrive randomly or coordinate their

    departure time to the arrival at the stop to minimize the start waiting time. The line

    characteristic strongly depends on the spatial situation where the line runs. Often, thefrequency in urban areas is higher than in rural areas. Therefore, one can say that

    people in cities with a dense transit infrastructure network normally do not coordinate

    the arrival time to the stop. This is in contrast to rural areas where the start waiting time

    could grow largely by missing a connection. In between these characteristic areas or

    even within a city, there is a large variety of these assumptions. Investigations in the

    1980s e.g. by (Abkowitz & Tozzi, 1987) showed that the threshold between

    coordination and random arrival to board a line is estimated to the dimension of ten

    minutes headway.

    BusMezzo is continuously developed to simulate the impact of Stockholms busnetwork and to analyze the network structure. The frequency in the capital of Sweden

    is relatively high in the inner city and decreases the further the lines go outside to

    sparsely populated areas. Although there are discrepancies in the literature, most

    research indicates a Poison distribution to describe the right skewed arrival process

    (Fu & Yang, 2002), (Dessouky M. , Hall, Zhang, & Singh, 2003) and a Binomial

    distribution for travelers alighting process (Morgen, 2002), (Liu & Wirasinghe, 2001).

    This assumption is also adopted in BusMezzo.

    Dwell Time

    The implemented travel time calculation consists of two parts. One is the riding time

    between stops, which depends on the vehicle density and the dwell time. The dwell

    time describes the process at the stop from the start of opening the doors, travelers

    boarding and alighting until the transit vehicle closes the door and leaves the stop to

    enter the link again. The dwell time function implemented in BusMezzo is based on the

    Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (Kittelson & Associates, KFH Group,

    Parsons Brinkkerhoff Quade & Douglass, & Hunter-Zawarski, 2003). This approach

    distinguishes between boarding and alighting separately for each door. The door with

    the longest service time is crucial for the dwell time. If the bus stop is placed in-lane oruses a bus bay, the delay time is captured by the used function because more time is

    needed to re-join the traffic flow. The dwell time function is given by:

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    is the dwell time for line at stopon trip is the required service time for the front respectively rear door. Itdepends on the total number of travelers boarding and alightingand the crowding level on the bus indicates if the bus top is in-lane or a bus bay describes the physical space at the bus stop (e.g. 20 meters) are parameters to specify the dwell time function describes the error term for unpredictable events

    To support the implemented holding strategies, the departure time is given by the

    following formula for line

    at stop

    on trip



    Departure Time Actual Arrival Time Dwell Time Departure Time as results of the holding strategyTravel Time

    The driving time between stops is the major part of a transit trip. Levinson (Levinson,

    1983) estimated in his research that 9 to 26 percent of the total travel time is

    contributed to dwell time and 12 to 26 percent of the time is spend in traffic delays. The

    variables affecting the riding time in urban busses are subjected to deceleration and

    acceleration processes due to the high density of stops every few hundred meters.

    Depending on the independency of the public transport system (bus on links floating

    with PrT vs. trains on independent rail tracks) the travel time reliability increases while

    the service variability decreases. According to several researchers, the travel time ofbusses and the arrival process tends to follow a right skewed distribution (Strathman,

    et al., 1999), (Dessouky M. , Hall, Nowroozi, & Maurikas, 1999). BusMezzo keeps the

    flexibility according to the estimated distribution and provides several functions like

    normal, lognormal, Gumbel and gamma distribution to describe the travel time

    variability with its characteristic runs.

    Trip chaining

    Besides the published timetables which show the service frequency to public transport

    users, an additional schedule exists. It is known as a driving roster and is used by the

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    operating company to manage the fleet and driver coordination. Each transit vehicle

    and driver needs to fulfill a certain workload within a working period. From the time a

    transit vehicle leaves the depot until it returns for servicing, it makes several trips.

    Therefore, it is required to simulate trip chains. Mezzo usually generates and eliminates

    vehicles between OD-pairs. But transit vehicles have different characteristics thanprivate vehicles. That is why busses should only be eliminated when they reach the

    destination of their last trip. If busses would not be affected by unreliability and were

    always on time, trip chains would be unnecessary. Since traffic is subjected to

    stochastic processes, the feature of trip chains is needed to simulate the propagation of

    delays and layover times adequately. Layover times have the goal to buffer delay to

    avoid delay propagations along the route. Layover times may be spread along the line,

    at the end of the line or a combination of the two (TCRP, 2003). Alternatively, these

    recovery times are necessary for servicing (e.g. refuel) and breaks for drivers. Thus,

    there is always some recovery time needed. The actual departure time of a trip from

    the origin bus stop (dispatching time) is calculated as the maximum between the

    schedule departure time and the arrival time of the bus from the previous trip at the

    origin stop of the following trip plus a minimum recovery time plus a lognormal

    distributed error term describing the stochastic departure delays. The actual

    dispatching time is given by:


    Actual Departure Time for trip by bus Schedule Departure Time for trip by bus describes the arrival time of bus from the previous trip minimum recovery time presents the stochastic error term of the recovery time.The following chapter describes the demand side of the model, specifies the generation

    procedure of travelers and the dynamic path choice model.

    4.2.4 Dynamic Path Choice Model

    The transit path choice model approach in BusMezzo is a two stage choice process

    shown in Figure 10. The first stage is determined by the base of the deterministic

    network configuration (timetable and walking distances), the static path set for each

    given OD-pair and uses it as input for the dynamic path choice model. Each generated

    agent takes successive decisions along its path which is triggered by events. Each

    alternative is evaluated by agents preferences and expectations. The expectations

    depend on prior knowledge and the accessibility to real-time information. Agents

    choice execution relies on capacity restriction.

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    The separation allows determining a general set of paths as a pre-assignment step and

    hence this step needs to be executed only once. It optimizes the performance in terms

    of computing time, but it is no essential requirement for the principle work flow of the

    model. Therefore, this step could be implemented either statically or dynamically.

    Figure 10 Two-Stage Modeling Approach according to (Cats O. , 2011) Choice-Set-Generation

    The spatial choice-set generation is the basis for the dynamic path choice model. In

    terms of route choice, the path choice is not trivial and aims to find all reasonable paths

    for given OD-pairs. Because the path set is used as input for the path choice, the

    model needs to also find paths for OD-pairs with no demand since they might become

    attractive alternatives under some circumstances during the dynamic assignment. The

    elimination process of paths is an optimization problem between dismissing irrelevant

    paths and keeping the majority of the travelers used paths. By referring to the

    elimination criterion of the schedule-based assignment model in chapter5,both models

    face the same problem in this step of the assignment but the number of paths in

    VISUM will be the same or even more likely smaller compared to BusMezzo. The

    filtering rules in BusMezzo are looser than in VISUM, because agents are facing the

    decision of alternative connections dynamically. Note that the path set in VISUM is a

    subset of BusMezzos path set. The principles in this assignment step are the same for

    both models. Figure 11 shows a general overview of the choice-set generationprocess. The dashed line in the figure marks the steps until the models assume the

    same approaches. After this, different settings regarding the strictness of the filtering

    process can be applied.

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    Figure 11 Flowchart of the Choice-Set-Generation Model according to (Cats O. ,2011)

    Path Generator