Magneticlevitationtrain2 150401075745 Conversion Gate01 (1)

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Transcript of Magneticlevitationtrain2 150401075745 Conversion Gate01 (1)

  • 8/16/2019 Magneticlevitationtrain2 150401075745 Conversion Gate01 (1)


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    Seminar Report

    Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

    Of the degree of

    Bachelor of Technology




    $ROLL NO% &'()*+(,-



    Submitted in

    Department ! Me"#ani"a$ En%ineerin%


    TRIVANDRUM '())*+

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    .hi/ i/ to 0ertif# that the report wor1 entitled ,MAGNETIC LEVITATION TRAIN- /ubmittedin partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of "a0helor of .e0hnolog# in“MECHANICAL EN INEERIN !2 i/ a bonafide /eminar wor1 0arried out b# Mr . VISHNUVIJAYAN under m# /uper3i/ion and guidan0e4

    5ate% &67+,7'+&6 Mr4 ANAN5 A484

    Me0hani0al Engineering 5epartment

    .rinit# 0ollege of Engineering



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    AC9NO:LE5 E

    E3er# /eminar big or /mall i/ /u00e//ful largel# due to the effort of a number of wonderful people who ha3e alwa#/ gi3en their 3aluable ad3i0e or lent a helping hand4 I /in0erel# appre0iatethe in/piration; /upport and guidan0e of all tho/e people who ha3e been in/trumental in ma1ingthi/ proAN5R?M for their huge 0o7operation and3aluable /ugge/tion from time to time during m# entire /eminar wor14 I al/o e=tend m# gratitudeto all member/ of the department without who/e /upport at 3ariou/ /tage/ thi/ report will not bemateriali@ed4

    La/t but not the lea/t I wi/h to than1/ m# friend/ of "4 .e0h4 6 th /eme/ter and /enior/ who helpedme dire0tl# or indire0tl# in the /u00e//ful 0ompletion of thi/ wor14

    5ate% &67+(7'+&6 VISHNU VIJAYAN

    la0e% .RI>AN5R?M

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    A STRACTMagneti0 Le3itation i/ a te0hnolog# that ha/ been e=perimented with inten/el# o3er the pa/t0ouple de0ade/4 It wa/nBt until the la/t ten #ear/ when /0ienti/t/ began to de3elop /#/tem/ thatwould u/e magneti0 le3itation a/ a mean/ of tran/port4 .hi/ paper outline/ the method/ behindmagneti0 le3itation2 a/ well a/ the te0hnologie/ implemented u/ing the le3itation4 .heimplementation of a large7/0ale tran/portation /#/tem u/ing magneti0 le3itation ha/ huge /o0iala/ well a/ e0onomi0al effe0t/4 .he/e a/pe0t/ are loo1ed at in a number of /ituation/ to /ee if theeffort in produ0ing a /#/tem u/ing magnet/ i/ worth the time and eff4

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    /0 LIST O& &IGURE0/

    &i%ure N ./

    &4 ermanent magnet/'4 Ele0tromagneti0 magnet/)4 Ele0trod#nami0/ magnet/(4 Le3itation pro0e//,4 ropul/ion pro0e//64 Stabilit# pro0e//4 uidan0e pro0e//

    D4 E3a0uated .ube/

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    Some for0e/ in thi/ world are almo/t in3i/ible to the na1ed e#e and mo/t people

    throughout the world do not e3en 1now the# e=i/t4 On one /ide #ou 0ould /a# that /omeof the/e for0e/ are ab/tra0t feeling/ in/ide of a human being that ha3e been gi3en name/

    from man4 .he/e for0e/ 0ould be thing/ li1e emotion2 guilt2 and e3en e0/ta/#4 On the

    other /ide #ou ha3e /olid 0on0rete prin0iple/ of how the world wor1/4 .he/e too ha3e

    been gi3en name/ b# man2 but the/e prin0iple/ are not ab/tra0t and ha3e /olid ground in

    /0ien0e4 .he/e different prin0iple/ are thing/ li1e gra3it#2 ele0tri0it#2 and magneti/m4

    Magneti/m ha/ been a part of the earth /in0e the beginning whether people reali@e it or

    not4 It i/ due to the magneti/m of the earth that the world /pin/ and thu/ 0reate/ thing/

    li1e gra3it#4 .he magneti/m i/ 0reated b# the pro0e//e/ within the 0ore of the earth4 .he

    earthB/ iron7ore 0ore ha/ a natural /pinning motion to it in/ide whi0h 0reate/ a natural

    magneti0 for0e that i/ held 0on/tant o3er the earth4 .hi/ 0reate/ magneti0 for0e/ that turn

    the earth into a large bar magnet4 .he 0reation of North and South pole/ on the earth are

    due to thi/ field4

    rom thi/ magneti0 field2 we /ee thing/ /u0h a/ the aurora boreali/4 .hi/ i/ a /mall

    ele0tromagneti0 /torm in the atmo/phere whi0h 0reate/ a di/pla# for all to /ee4 Not onl#

    doe/ magneti/m pro3ide u/ with ama@ing natural di/pla#/2 but it al/o pro3ide/ for u/

    ama@ing appli0ation/ to /o0iet#4 One of the/e appli0ation/ i/ magneti0 le3itation4

    Magneti0 le3itation u/e/ the 0on0ept of a magnet/ natural repul/ion to pole/ of the /ame

    1ind4 .hi/ repul/ion ha/ been harne//ed and 0ontrolled in an en3ironment to help 0reate

    a /#/tem of tran/portation that i/ both e0onomi0all# /ound and fa/ter than mo/t method/

    of tran/portation at thi/ point4

    In &*6, the 5epartment of Commer0e e/tabli/hed the High Speed round

    .ran/portation A0t4 Mo/t earl# wor1 on de3eloping Magle3 te0hnolog# wa/ de3elopedduring thi/ time4 .he earlie/t wor1 wa/ 0arried out b# the "roo1ha3en National

    Laborator#2 Ma//a0hu/ett/ In/titute of .e0hnolog#2 ord2 Stanford Re/ear0h In/titute2

    Rohr Indu/trie/2 "oeing Aero/pa0e Co42 and the arrett Corporation4 In the ?nited

    State/2 though2 the wor1 ended in &* , with the termination of ederal unding for high7

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    2.*.23 1ermanent Ma%net40/

    .he fir/t t#pe of le3itation i/ the implementation through permanent magnet/4 .he/e

    magnet/ are made of a material that 0reate/ a north and a /outh pole on them4.he formal definition of a permanent magnet i/ “a material that retain/ it/ magneti0

    propertie/ after and e=ternal magneti0 field i/ remo3ed4! i .he whole idea behind

    permanent magnet/ i/ that li1e end/ will repel and oppo/ite end/ will attra0t4 ermanent

    magnet/ require 3er# little if an# maintenan0e4 .he/e magnet/ do not require 0r#ogen/ or

    a large power /uppl# for operation4 .he magneti0 field i/ mea/ured 3erti0all# within the

    bore of the magnet4 .he main di/ad3antage/ of a permanent magnet are the 0o/t of themagnet it/elf when put into large /0ale /#/tem/4 Another di/ad3antage i/ the 3ar#ing

    0hange/ in the magneti0 field4 .he abilit# to 0ontrol a 0on/tant magneti0 for0e from a

    permanent magnet i/ an on7going problem in the appli0ation of the/e t#pe/ of magnet/4 4

    5ifferent appli0ation/ that u/e the/e t#pe/ of magnet/ 0an be found in a number of

    different area/4 E=ample/ of the/e appli0ation/ are 0ompa//e/2 5C motor dri3e/2 0lo01/2

    hearing aid/2 mi0rophone/2 /peedometer/2 and man# more 4

    igure &% ermanent magnet

    2.*.* E$e"tr ma%neti" t5pe0/

    .he ba/i0 idea behind an ele0tromagnet i/ e=tremel# /imple4 "# running ele0tri0

    0urrent through a wire2 #ou 0an 0reate a magneti0 field4 :hen thi/ wire i/ 0oiled around

    a magneti0 material $i4e4 metal-2 a 0urrent i/ pa//ed through thi/ wire4 In doing thi/2 the

    ele0tri0 0urrent will magneti@e the metalli0 0ore4 "# u/ing thi/ /imple prin0iple2 #ou 0an

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    0reate all /ort/ of thing/ in0luding motor/2 /olenoid/2 head/ for hard di/1/2 /pea1er/2 and

    /o on4 An ele0tromagnet i/ one that u/e/ the /ame t#pe of prin0iple/ a/ the permanent

    magnet but onl# on a temporar# /0ale4 .hi/ mean/ that onl# when the 0urrent i/ flowing

    i/ there going to be an indu0ed magnet4 .hi/ t#pe of magnet i/ an impro3ement to the

    permanent magnet be0au/e it allow/ /omebod# to /ele0t when and for how long the

    magneti0 field la/t/4 It al/o gi3e/ a per/on 0ontrol o3er how /trong the magnet will be

    depending on the amount of 0urrent that i/ pa//ed through the wire4

    igure 'Ele0tromagneti0 magnet/

    2.*.6 E$e"tr d5nami"4 t5pe0/

    .he idea/ pre/ented behind /uper0ondu0ti3e magnet/ are the /ame prin0iple/ that are at

    wor1 in an MRI4 Super0ondu0ti3e magnet/ are the mo/t 0ommon of all the magnet/2 and are

    /ometime/ 0alled 0r# magnet/4 .he idea behind the /uper0ondu0ting magnet/ i/ that there i/ a

    material whi0h pre/ent/ no ele0tri0al re/i/ti3it# to ele0tri0al 0urrent4 On0e a 0urrent ha/ been fed

    into the 0oil/ of thi/ material2 it will indefinitel# flow without requiring the input of an#

    additional 0urrent4 .he wa# that a material i/ able to ha3e /u0h a low re/i/ti3it# to 0urrent i/ that

    it i/ brought to 3er# low temperature/4 .he temperature/ that are 0ommonl# found in

    /uper0ondu0ting magnet/ are around 7',D oC4 .hi/ i/ done b# immer/ing the 0oil/ that are

    holding the 0urrent into liquid Helium; thi/ al/o help/ in maintaining a homogenou/ magneti0

    field o3er time4 .he ad3antage to the /uper0ondu0ting magnet i/ that the# donBt require 0on/tant

    power from a /our0e to 1eep up the 3alue of the 0urrent in the 0oil/4 Although a di/ad3antage i/

    that the# require an e=pen/i3e 0r#ogen /u0h a/ helium to operate 0orre0tl#4 .he magneti0 field i/

    in the dire0tion of the long a=i/ of the 0#linder or bore of the magnet4 Sin0e the re/i/tan0e in the

    0oil/ 0an 0au/e the 0urrent to de0a#2 0r#ogen/ redu0e the re/i/tan0e to almo/t @ero2 whi0h will

    help maintain a homogenou/ magneti0 field o3er time4

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    igure )Ele0trod#nami0/ magnet

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    *.2 Le9itati n0/Support ele0tromagnet/ built into the under0arriage and along the entire length of the

    train pull it up to the guide wa# ele0tromagnet/2 whi0h are 0alled ferromagneti0 rea0tion rail/4

    .he guidan0e magnet/ pla0ed on ea0h /ide of the train 1eep it 0entred along the tra01 and guide

    the train along4 All the ele0tromagnet/ are 0ontrolled ele0troni0all# in a pre0i/e manner4 It

    en/ure/ the train i/ alwa#/ le3itated at a di/tan0e of D to &+ mm from the guide wa# e3en when it

    i/nFt mo3ing4 .hi/ le3itation /#/tem i/ powered b# on7board batterie/2 whi0h are 0harged up b#

    the linear generator when the train tra3el/4 .he generator 0on/i/t/ of additional 0able winding/

    integrated in the le3itation ele0tromagnet/4 .he indu0ed 0urrent of the generator during dri3ing

    u/e/ the

    ropul/ion magneti0 fieldF/ harmoni0 wa3e/2 whi0h are due to the /ide effe0t/ of the groo3e/ of

    the long /tator /o the 0harging up pro0e// doe/ not 0on/ume the u/eful propul/ion magneti0 field4

    .he train 0an rel# on thi/ batter# power for up to one hour without an e=ternal power /our0e4 .he

    le3itation /#/tem i/ independent from the propul/ion /#/tem 4

    igure (% Le3itation

    *.* 1r pu$4i n0/

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    .he /#n0hronou/ long /tator linear motor of the Magle3 /#/tem i/ u/ed both for

    propul/ion and bra1ing4 It i/ fun0tioning li1e a rotating ele0tri0 motor who/e /tator i/ 0ut open

    and /tret0hed along under the guide wa#4 In/ide the motor winding/2 alternating 0urrent i/

    generating a magneti0 tra3eling field whi0h mo3e/ the 3ehi0le without 0onta0t4 .he /upport

    magnet/ in the 3ehi0le fun0tion a/ the e=0itation portion $rotor-4

    ropul/ion /#/tem in the guide wa# i/ a0ti3ated onl# in the /e0tion where the 3ehi0le a0tuall#

    run/4 .he /peed 0an be 0ontinuou/l# regulated b# 3ar#ing the frequen0# of the alternating

    0urrent4 If the dire0tion of the tra3eling field i/ re3er/ed2 the motor be0ome/ a generator whi0h

    brea1/ the 3ehi0le without an# 0onta0t4 .he bra1ing energ# 0an be re7u/ed and fed ba01 into the

    ele0tri0al networ14 .he three7pha/e winded /tator generate/ an ele0tromagneti0 tra3elling field

    and mo3e/ the train when it i/ /upplied with an alternating 0urrent4 .he ele0tromagneti0 field

    from the /upport ele0tromagnet/ $rotor- pull/ it along4 .he magneti0 field dire0tion and /peed of the /tator and the rotor are /#n0hroni@ed4 .he Magle3F/ /peed 0an 3ar# from /tand/till to full

    operating /peed b# /impl# ad

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    *.6 Stabi$it50/

    or /u00e//ful le3itation and 0ontrol of all 6 a=e/ $degree/ of freedom; ) tran/lational and )

    rotational- a 0ombination of permanent magnet/ and ele0tromagnet/ or diamagnet/ or /uper0ondu0tor/ a/

    well a/ attra0ti3e and repul/i3e field/ 0an be u/ed4 rom Earn/ hawB/ theorem at lea/t one /table a=i/ mu/t

    be pre/ent for the /#/tem to le3itate /u00e//full#2 but the other a=e/ 0an be /tabili@ed u/ing

    ferromagneti/m4 Stati0 /tabilit# mean/ that an# /mall di/pla0ement awa# from a /table equilibrium 0au/e/

    a net for0e to pu/h it ba01 to the equilibrium point4 Earn/ hawB/ theorem pro3ed 0on0lu/i3el# that it i/ not

    po//ible to le3itate /tabl# u/ing onl# /tati02 ma0ro/0opi02 paramagneti0 field/4 .he for0e/ a0ting on an#

    paramagneti0 ob

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    igure 6 %Stabilit#

    *.: Guidan"e0/

    Ele0troni0all# 0ontrolled /upport magnet/ lo0ated on both /ide/ along the entire length of

    the 3ehi0le pull the 3ehi0le up to the ferromagneti0 /tator pa01/ mounted to the under/ide of theguide wa#4 uidan0e magnet/ lo0ated on both /ide/ along the entire length of the 3ehi0le 1eep

    the 3ehi0le laterall# on the tra014 Ele0troni0 /#/tem/ guarantee that the 0learan0e remain/

    0on/tant $nominall# &+ mm-4 .o ho3er2 the Magle3 require/ le// power than it/ air 0onditioning

    equipment4 .he le3itation /#/tem i/ /upplied from on7board batterie/ and thu/ independent of the

    propul/ion /#/tem4 .he 3ehi0le i/ 0apable of ho3ering up to one hour without e=ternal energ#4

    :hile tra3elling2 the on7board batterie/ are re0harged b# linear generator/ integrated into the

    /upport magnet/4

    .he Magle3 ho3er/ o3er a double tra01 guide wa#4 It 0an be mounted either at grade or ele3ated

    on /lim 0olumn/ and 0on/i/t/ of indi3idual /teel or 0on0rete beam/ up to 6' m in length4

    uidan0e or /teering refer/ to the /ideward for0e/ that are required to ma1e the 3ehi0le follow

    the guide wa#4 .he ne0e//ar# for0e/ are /upplied in an e=a0tl# analogou/ fa/hion to the

    /u/pen/ion for0e/2 either attra0ti3e or repul/i3e4 .he /ame magnet/ on board the 3ehi0le2 whi0h

    /uppl# lift2 0an be u/ed 0on0urrentl# for guidan0e or /eparate guidan0e magnet/ 0an be u/ed4

    .he# u/e Null lu= /#/tem/2 al/o 1nown a/ Null Current /#/tem/2 thi/ u/e a 0oil whi0h i/ wound

    /o that it enter/ two oppo/ing2 alternating field/4 :hen the 3ehi0le i/ in the /traight ahead

    po/ition2 no 0urrent flow/2 but if it mo3e/ off7line thi/ 0reate/ a 0hanging flu= that generate/ a

    field that pu/he/ it ba01 into line4

    igure % uidan0e

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    6.2 E9a"uated Tube

    Some /#/tem/ $notabl# the Swi// metro /#/tem- propo/e the u/e of >i0torian/ magle3

    train te0hnolog# u/ed in e3a0uated $airle//- tube/2 whi0h remo3e/ air drag 4 .hi/ ha/ the potential

    to in0rea/e /peed and effi0ien0# greatl#2 a/ mo/t of the energ# for 0on3entional magle3 train/ i/

    lo/t to aerod#nami0 drag4

    One potential ri/1 for pa//enger/ of train/ operating in e3a0uated tube/ i/ that the# 0ould

    be e=po/ed to the ri/1 of 0abin depre//uri@ation unle// tunnel /afet# monitoring /#/tem/ 0an

    depre//uri@e the tube in the e3ent of a train malfun0tion or a00ident though /in0e train/ are li1el#

    to operate at or near the EarthF/ /urfa0e2 emergen0# re/toration of ambient pre//ure /hould be

    /traightforward4 .he RAN5 Corporation ha/ depi0ted a 3a0uum tube train that 0ould2 in theor#2

    0ro// the Atlanti0 or the ?SA in J'& minute/

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    igure DE3a0uated tube6.* Ener%5 S ur"e0/

    Energ# for magle3 train/ i/ u/ed to a00elerate the train4 Energ# ma# be regained when the

    train /low/ down 3ia regenerati3e bra1ing K4 It al/o le3itate/ and /tabili@e/ the trainF/ mo3ement4

    Mo/t of the energ# i/ needed to o3er0ome K air drag K4 Some energ# i/ u/ed for air 0onditioning2

    heating2 lighting and other mi/0ellan#4

    At low /peed/ the per0entage of power $energ# per time- u/ed for le3itation 0an be/ignifi0ant 0on/uming up to &, more power than a /ubwa# or light rail /er3i0e4 or /hortdi/tan0e/ the energ# u/ed for a00eleration might be 0on/iderable4

    .he power u/ed to o3er0ome air drag in0rea/e/ with the 0ube of the 3elo0it# and hen0edominate/ at high /peed4 .he energ# needed per mile in0rea/e/ b# the /quare of the 3elo0it# and

    the time de0rea/e/ linearl#4- or e=ample2 two and half time/ a/ mu0h power i/ needed to tra3elat (++ 1m h than )++ 1m h4

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    Magle3 tran/port i/ non70onta0t and ele0tri0 powered4 It relie/ le// or not at all on the

    wheel/2 bearing/ and a=le/ 0ommon to wheeled rail /#/tem/4

    Speed0 / Magle3 allow/ higher top /peed/ than 0on3entional rail2 but e=perimental

    wheel7ba/ed high7/peed train/ ha3e demon/trated /imilar /peed/4

    Maintenan"e % 7 Magle3 train/ 0urrentl# in operation ha3e demon/trated the need for

    minimal guide wa# maintenan0e4 >ehi0le maintenan0e i/ al/o minimal $ba/ed on hour/ of operation2 rather than on /peed or di/tan0e tra3eled-4 .raditional rail i/ /ub are able to run2 albeit at redu0ed /peed/2 on e=i/ting rail infra/tru0ture2 thu/ redu0ing

    e=penditure where new infra/tru0ture would be parti0ularl# e=pen/i3e $/u0h a/ the final

    approa0he/ to 0it# terminal/-2 or on e=ten/ion/ where traffi0 doe/ not

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    re/i/tan0e 2 lea3ing onl# air re/i/tan0e and ele0tromagneti0 drag 2 potentiall# impro3ing power

    effi0ien0#4 Some /#/tem/ howe3er /u0h a/ the Central 8apan Railwa# Compan# SC Magle3 u/e

    rubber tire/ at low /peed/2 redu0ing effi0ien0# gain/4

    7ei%#t % 7 .he ele0tromagnet/ in man# EMS and E5S de/ign/ require between & and '1ilowatt/ per ton4 .he u/e of /uper0ondu0tor magnet/ 0an redu0e the ele0tromagnet/F energ#

    0on/umption4 A ,+7ton .ranB/ rapid magle3 3ehi0le 0an lift an additional '+ ton/2 for a total of +

    ton/2 whi0h 0on/ume/ +7&(+ 1:4 Mo/t energ# u/e for the .RI i/ for propul/ion and o3er0oming

    air re/i/tan0e at /peed/ o3er &++ mph4

    7ei%#t $ adin% % 7 High /peed rail require/ more /upport and 0on/tru0tion for it/

    0on0entrated wheel loading4 Magle3 0ar/ are lighter and di/tribute weight more e3enl#4

    N i4e % 7 "e0au/e the ma

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    :.*0/C mpari4 n

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    .he Shanghai magle3 demon/tration line 0o/t ?S &4' billion to build4 .hi/ total in0lude/ 0apital

    0o/t/ /u0h a/ right7of7wa# 0learing2 e=ten/i3e pile dri3ing2 on7/ite guide wa# manufa0turing2 in7

    /itu pier 0on/tru0tion at ', metre inter3al/2 a maintenan0e fa0ilit# and 3ehi0le #ard2 /e3eral/wit0he/2 two /tation/2 operation/ and 0ontrol /#/tem/2 power feed /#/tem2 0able/ and in3erter/2

    and operational training4 Rider/hip i/ not a primar# fo0u/ of thi/ demon/tration line2 /in0e the

    Long #ang Road /tation i/ on the ea/tern out/1irt/ of Shanghai4 On0e the line i/ e=tended to

    South Shanghai .rain /tation and Hongqiao Airport /tation2 rider/hip wa/ e=pe0ted to 0o3er

    operation and maintenan0e 0o/t/ and generate /ignifi0ant net re3enue4

    .he South Shanghai e=ten/ion wa/ e=pe0ted to 0o/t appro=imatel# ?S &D million per 1ilometre4

    In '++6 the erman go3ernment in3e/ted &', million in guide wa# 0o/t redu0tion de3elopment

    that produ0ed an all70on0rete modular de/ign that i/ fa/ter to build and i/ )+ le// 0o/tl#4 Other

    new 0on/tru0tion te0hnique/ were al/o de3eloped that put magle3 at or below pri0e parit# with

    new high7/peed rail 0on/tru0tion4

    .he ?nited State/ ederal Railroad Admini/tration2 in a '++, report to Congre//2 e/timated 0o/t

    per mile of between ,+m and &++m

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    :ith that we 0ome to the 0ore i//ue2 the pro/ and 0on/ of the Magle3 .rain S#/tem that

    need to be ta1en into 0on/ideration in order to determine whether it i/ reall# fea/ible when it

    0ome/ to the ?nited State/4 "a/i0all#2 the pra0ti0e tra01/ are alread# in pla0e in different part/ of

    the world; the ?S in no e=0eption4 More importantl#2 the Magle3 .rain S#/tem ha/ alread# ta/ted

    /u00e// in 3ariou/ 0ountrie/2 in0luding 8apan and China4 On the ba/i/ of the performan0e of

    e=i/ting magle3/2 whi0h in0lude the one/ that are in /er3i0e a/ well a/ the one/ whi0h are being

    te/ted2 we were able to 0ome up with the following ad3antage/ and di/ad3antage/ of the /#/tem4


    .he foremo/t ad3antage of magle3 train/ i/ the fa0t that it doe/nFt ha3e mo3ing part/ a/

    0on3entional train/ do2 and therefore2 the wear and tear of part/ i/ minimal2 and that redu0e/ themaintenan0e 0o/t b# a /ignifi0ant e=tent4 More importantl#2 there i/ no ph#/i0al 0onta0t between

    the train and tra012 /o there i/ no rolling re/i/tan0e4 :hile ele0tromagneti0 drag and air fri0tion

    do e=i/t2 that doe/nFt hinder their abilit# to 0lo01 a /peed in e=0e// of '++ mph4

    Ab/en0e of wheel/ al/o 0ome/ a/ a boon2 a/ #ou donFt ha3e to deal with deafening noi/e that i/

    li1el# to 0ome with them Magle3/ al/o boa/t of being en3ironment friendl#2 a/ the# donFt re/ort

    to internal 0ombu/tion engine/4 .he/e train/ are weather proof2 whi0h mean/ rain2 /now2 or

    /e3ere 0old donFt reall# hamper their performan0e4 E=pert/ are of the opinion that the/e train/ are

    a lot /afe than their 0on3entional 0ounterpart/ a/ the# are equipped with /tate7of7the7art /afet#

    /#/tem/2 whi0h 0an 1eep thing/ in 0ontrol e3en when the train i/ 0rui/ing at a high /peed4


    while the ad3antage/ of Magle3 .rain S#/tem ma# /eem quite promi/ing in them/el3e/2

    the# are not enough to o3er/hadow the bigge/t problem with the magle3 train/% the high 0o/t

    in0urred on the initial /etup4 :hile the fa/t 0on3entional train/ that ha3e been introdu0ed of late2

    wor1 fine on tra01/ whi0h were meant for /low train/2 magle3 train/ require an all new /et up

    right from the /0rat0h4 A/ the pre/ent railwa# infra/tru0ture i/ of no u/e for magle3/2 it will either

    ha3e to be repla0ed with the Magle3 S#/tem or an entirel# new /et up will ha3e to be

    0reatedPboth of whi0h will 0o/t a de0ent amount in term/ of initial in3e/tment4 E3en though

    ine=pen/i3e a/ 0ompared to E5S2 it i/ /till e=pen/i3e 0ompared to other mode/4

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    P a g e | 23

    If the ad3antage/ and di/ad3antage/ of the/e train/ are pitted again/t ea0h other2 it 0an be

    a bit diffi0ult to 0ome to a 0on0rete 0on0lu/ion4 :hile the high 0o/t of initial /et up i/ /omething

    that a de3eloped nation li1e the ?nited State/ wonFt ha3e to worr# about2 the fa0t that the entire

    infra/tru0ture ha/ to be repla0ed with a new one will be /omething that will ha3e the e=pert/ in a

    0at0h7'' /ituation4 "ut ob3iou/l#2 we will ha3e to do awa# with their di/ad3antage/ if we are to

    in3e/t in magle3 train/4 If the 0ommer0ial /u00e// of the Shanghai magle3 train i/ to be ta1en

    into 0on/ideration2 the/e train/ 0an be /urel# 0on/idered the tran/port /#/tem of the future4

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    P a g e | 24


    A3/8apan ha/ a demon/tration line in Qamana/hi prefe0ture where te/t train SC Magle3 ML +&

    rea0hed ,D& 1m h $)6& mph-2 /lightl# fa/ter than an# wheeled train/4 .he/e train/ u/e

    /uper0ondu0ting magnet/ whi0h allow for a larger gap2 and repul/i3e attra0ti3e 7t#pe ele0trod#nami0/

    /u/pen/ion $E5S-4 In 0ompari/on .ranB/ rapid u/e/ 0on3entional ele0tromagnet/ and attra0ti3e 7

    t#pe ele0tromagneti0 /u/pen/ion $EMS-4

    On &,th No3ember '+&(2 .he Central 8apan Railwa# Compan# ran eight da#/ of te/ting for the

    e=perimental magle3 Shin1an/en train on it/ te/t tra01 in Qamana/hi refe0ture4 One hundred

    pa//enger/ 0o3ered a ('4D 1m $' 7mile- route between the 0itie/ of ?enohara and uefu1i2

    rea0hing /peed/ of up to ,++ 1m h $)&& mph-

    3 -San Diego, USA

    eneral Atomi0/ ha/ a &'+7metre te/t fa0ilit# in San 5iego that i/ u/ed to te/t ?nion a0ifi0F/ D 1m

    $,4+ mi- freight /huttle in Lo/ Angele/4 .he te0hnolog# i/ Kpa//i3eK $or KpermanentK-2 u/ing permanent

    magnet/ in a halfba01 arra# for lift and requiring no ele0tromagnet/ for either le3itation or propul/ion4

    eneral Atomi0/ re0ei3ed ?S *+ million in re/ear0h funding from the federal go3ernment4 .he# are al/o

    0on/idering their te0hnolog# for high7/peed pa//enger /er3i0e/4

    C3 7Southwest Jiao tong University, China

    On )& 5e0ember '+++2 the fir/t 0rewed high7temperature /uper0ondu0ting magle3 wa/ te/ted

    /u00e//full# at Southwe/t 8iao tong ?ni3er/it# 2 Chengdu2 China4 .hi/ /#/tem i/ ba/ed on the

    prin0iple that bul1 high7temperature /uper0ondu0tor/ 0an be le3itated /tabl# abo3e or below a

    permanent magnet4 .he load wa/ o3er ,)+ 1g $&2& + lb4- and the le3itation gap o3er '+ mm

    $+4 * in-4 .he /#/tem u/e/ liquid nitrogen to 0ool the /uper0ondu0tor 4

    1RO1OSED 0/1 Australia-


    A magle3 route wa/ propo/ed between S#dne# and :ollongong4 .he propo/al 0ame to

    prominen0e in the mid7&**+/4 .he S#dne# :ollongong 0ommuter 0orridor i/ the large/t in

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    P a g e | 25

    Au/tralia2 with upward/ of '+2+++ people 0ommuting ea0h da#4 Current train/ u/e the Illawarra

    line2 between the 0liff fa0e of the Illawarra e/0arpment and the a0ifi0 O0ean2 with tra3el time/

    about two hour/4 .he propo/al would 0ut tra3el time/ to '+ minute/4

    '- Melbourne7

    In late '++D2 a propo/al wa/ put forward to the o3ernment of >i0toria to build a pri3atel#

    funded and operated magle3 line to /er3i0e the reater Melbourne metropolitan area in re/pon/e

    to the Erdington .ran/port Report that did not in3e/tigate abo3e7ground tran/port option/4 .he

    magle3 would /er3i0e a population of o3er ( millionand the propo/al wa/ 0oa/ted at an D billion4

    Howe3er de/pite road 0onge/tion and Au/traliaF/ highe/t road /pa0e per 0apita2 the go3ernment

    di/mi//ed the propo/al in fa3or of road e=pan/ion in0luding an A D4, billion road tunnel2

    6 billion e=ten/ion of the Ea/t lin1 to the :e/tern Ring Road and a ++ million ran1/ton"#pa//4

    )- Ital#7

    A fir/t propo/al wa/ formali@ed on April '++D2 in "re/0ia 2 b#

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    P a g e | 26


    Magle3 .ran/port Offer/ Man# Ma

  • 8/16/2019 Magneticlevitationtrain2 150401075745 Conversion Gate01 (1)


    P a g e | 27

    /0 RE&ERENCES0/

    &- "4 Ning2 .4 .ang2 H4 5ong2 54 :en2 54 Liu2 S4 ao2 and 84 :ang2 “An introdu0tion to

    parallel 0ontrol and management for high7/peed railwa# /#/tem/2! IEEE .ran/4 Intell4

    .ran/p4 S#/t42 3ol4 &'2 no4 (2 pp4 &( ) &(D)2 5e04 '+&&'- R4S4He2V454Vhong2"4Ai2845ing2Q4Qang2andA4 4Moli/0h2“Short7term fading

    beha3iour in high7/peed railwa# 0utting /0enario% Mea/urement/2 anal#/i/2 and

    /tati/ti0al model/2! IEEE .ran/4 Antenna/ ropag42 3ol4 6&2 no4 (2 pp4 ''+* ''''2

    Apr4 '+&))- S4 Ate32 4 Miller2 and 4 apani1olopoulo/2 “Clu/tering of 3ehi0le tra

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