Magazinecontents courteeners

House style- fonts/colours/layout The colours are quite bold which makes the headings stand out as they are in red. The colour scheme of this contents page would have been the same as the font cover of the magazine. Q seems to carry on the colour scheme onto the contents page where in this case they have used three colours: Red, White and black. These colours are very common against indie/rock contents page I’ve previously researched. This may be because the colour red represents anger, death and passion as rock music is often played in this manner which could be sterotyped as being typical indie/rock genre. Keeping the same colours carries on a repetitive pattern. The layout is quite structured making it look quite simplistic which is a Target audience and need The target audience for this magazine would be either indie fans or young adults, as the indie genre such as courteeners seems to be more popular for older teenagers because for one their fashion sense as it is quite dark and simplistic. They could also be seen as role models for a younger demographic, as they are very successful and feature in well-known magazine such as ‘Q Magazine’. The lead singer, Liam James Fray, is wearing dark sunglasses and is standing with his hands in his pockets. This represents his lifestyle as being quite laid back and un- caring about what people think about what Imagery-Photographs One of the main features to a contents page is the large image. These are used to draw the reader’s attention. Underneath the image it has a brief description of what they are representing. Fans would easily recognise the image and would grab their attention. A contents paged is used to make it easier for readers to find the page they are looking for, for example after seeing the The Guttenberg design principle In the optical area there are the title as this is the area that you are drawn to straight away and by the main title being in this area it is clear what page you are on without struggling to find it. The main features are also in this area to show where everything is in the magazine and also a small amount of information about each article. The most useful and most important information is in this area. In the terminal area there is a review and information about Nick Cave. In the strong fellow area there is a large image of the Courteeners which would attract fans to the articles and this is also where the date is Design Balance The design of this contents page is simple and is not cluttered up with lots of images and features which makes the ones that are there stand out. The page only features one image which may represent the main article of the magazine. The features list is spilt into different sections which has a title for each. Each feature has a Contents Page Analysis

Transcript of Magazinecontents courteeners

Page 1: Magazinecontents courteeners

House style- fonts/colours/layout

The colours are quite bold which makes the headings stand out as they are in red. The colour scheme of this contents page would have been the same as the font cover of the magazine. Q seems to carry on the colour scheme onto the contents page where in this case they have used three colours: Red, White and black. These colours are very common against indie/rock contents page I’ve previously researched. This may be because the colour red represents anger, death and passion as rock music is often played in this manner which could be sterotyped as being typical indie/rock genre. Keeping the same colours carries on a repetitive pattern. The layout is quite structured making it look quite simplistic which is a common thing for indie/rock magazines, this makes it easier for older audiences wanting to read the magazine to find the right article. All of the models are men which shows that the magazine has a under-representation of women. This could be in order to attract a female gaze for the magazine or a lack of women in the indie/rock music industry.

Target audience and need

The target audience for this magazine would be either indie fans or young adults, as the indie genre such as courteeners seems to be more popular for older teenagers because for one their fashion sense as it is quite dark and simplistic. They could also be seen as role models for a younger demographic, as they are very successful and feature in well-known magazine such as ‘Q Magazine’. The lead singer, Liam James Fray, is wearing dark sunglasses and is standing with his hands in his pockets. This represents his lifestyle as being quite laid back and un-caring about what people think about what the is wearing, which could mirror the lifestyle of the magazine’s readers.


One of the main features to a contents page is the large image. These are used to draw the reader’s attention. Underneath the image it has a brief description of what they are representing. Fans would easily recognise the image and would grab their attention. A contents paged is used to make it easier for readers to find the page they are looking for, for example after seeing the image of the band they can quickly look at the page number and view the article.

The Guttenberg design principle

In the optical area there are the title as this is the area that you are drawn to straight away and by the main title being in this area it is clear what page you are on without struggling to find it. The main features are also in this area to show where everything is in the magazine and also a small amount of information about each article. The most useful and most important information is in this area. In the terminal area there is a review and information about Nick Cave. In the strong fellow area there is a large image of the Courteeners which would attract fans to the articles and this is also where the date is to show how recently the magazine was published this is important on the magazine because in the music industry gossip can change quickly such as bands can break up and music changes quickly. In the weak fellow area there is the general knowledge to give you extra information about what the magazine contains.

Design Balance

The design of this contents page is simple and is not cluttered up with lots of images and features which makes the ones that are there stand out. The page only features one image which may represent the main article of the magazine. The features list is spilt into different sections which has a title for each. Each feature has a brief description below it to give the reader an inside to the magazine before seeing the full page. This makes it easier for the reader to find exactly what they are looking for.

Contents Page Analysis