Magazine Cover Evaluations



This is my evaluation of different magazine covers.

Transcript of Magazine Cover Evaluations

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Main image-The main image on magazines generally take up most of the page like this one and Jake is looking directly into the camera to connect with the reader an add a personal touch to the magazine for each reader. Also the main image links with the main story line for the magazine. Jake’s face is also very stern and serious, this gives us the feeling that his music isn’t the pop chart usual and his face represents this. The fact that they used Jake Bugg on the front cover instead of other people they have also spoken about shows us that they want him to appeal to a wide audience. Also people may agree with his music choice and what he stands for so automatically want to buy the magazine for that reason. The camera is straight on and eye level with Jake. This adds more connection with the reader as it makes us feel on the same level as him and that we can connect with him. Also his normal clothes make him appear more down to earth like the readers so it appeals more as we feel closer with the artist like he represents us as the public. The drink in Jakes hand stands out a lot as the main story line is about him giving up alcohol. This is a shocking story for him as he is only 18 so it gives a story that you want to read and therefore buy the magazine. Also its another thing that makes him seem down to earth and one with the public as it’s a story about him struggling which many stars wouldn’t put out to the media and therefore it’s a very personal story which the public want.

Magazine name-The Magazine name is NME which is quite informal and abbreviated from New Music Express. By making it shorter and more bold rather than long and formal it makes it appeal to more readers and the target audience also bigger as those who used to buy it still will and now more will too. NME also sounds like ‘enemy’ which represents the style of music they promote and talk about. It also makes the magazine sounds rebellious. The colour red used also backs this up as we associate this with danger. This appeals to the reader also as it stands out from the rest of the magazines on the shelf. The bold yellow colour is also a dangerous colour so it makes the reader feel bolder and want to read on. The price is made very small. This is so readers look at the content first and then have to look closer to find out the price. £2.40 makes this magazine not too expensive but its not cheap.

Button-The bold red circle is a smaller story inside, also it’s a competition to win tickets so the seller wants to make this stand out more by putting it on a red background as this will entice readers if they’re going to be given something in return.

Main story line-Jake Bugg’s music goes well for the target audience of NME as it is quite rebellious and doesn’t go with the flow of society. We can also tell this as the main story says ‘enemy of X-Factor’ which tells us he doesn’t go with the mainstream music. Also making Noel Gallagher in the main story line brings more customers in as he is a well known member of the successful band Oasis. His name is also in a bright yellow which makes it stand out even more.

Tag Line -Using another band on the top tag line entices more people to buy the magazine. Also having it in bold red with a bright yellow strip behind makes it really stand out looking dangerous like the music that Nirvana produce. The people who buy this magazine will also enjoy Nirvana’s music and style so its another connection for them to make. Also the use of the word ‘unseen’ make the magazine unique and better than others in the publics eye as they have something other people don’t.

Colour scheme-The colour of the magazine overall is simple. They have used grey scale for the main photo to portray a message to the reader that it’s not an up to date music taste and not all top 10 pop chart music. It gives individualism. Also, having the main image in grey makes the rest of the story lines stand out a lot more as they look even bolder. The colour choices of red and yellow really stand out together and symbolise boldness. This represents the music that is being promoted by NME, bold and individual. The readers of this magazine will connect with this as they support the music style of rebelling against the norm.

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The tag line along the top promotes the music magazine in a direct way. It attracts all people as they are claiming to be the biggest and best. Also it being in black and white shows that they know they're going to be simply the best there isn't any way around it Also magazine name “Q” is very simple and therefore memorable. Its in bold red which stands out and also it being in a square box shows the magazine is straight edge. The white letter also stands out more on a red background. The letter Q is also a connotation for the old record players as when you used to put the vinyl on you used to have to Q the record on. This appeals to the older generation also as they understand the connection with the music and the magazine name.

The main picture- magazine covers normally have head shots or mid body shots for their front covers. This goes along with that trend giving us the photo to go along with the main story line. The dark hair and make up that Cheryl has going on is to promote a dark and secretive style of music. She is also dressed in dark clothes so it easily relates to rock. It also represents the woman becoming more authoritive and as powerful as men. This links to the reader as the women of the public will support the rise of women's power and like the idea of the challenge. The red lipstick is also very powerful and contrasts with the dark make up and hair and stands out to keep the feminine profile to also appeal to the men. The colour red also goes with the theme of the magazine. The wet hair and pose make her look mysterious and adds a sexy look to the magazine. This appeals to more people.

The different stories in different colours and font sizes shows us there is a lot packed into the magazine. It also shows you variation in the stories. Also the main story line is very shots to capture the readers attention and keep it as they aren't taking too long on it. This helps to get younger people more interested. Also the use of different size of text and different fonts show variety to the reader.

The main tag line is simple and a bold statement. This makes it easy for readers to get an idea of the magazine. Also, the word “Rocks” adds to the colour theme and overall appearance of the magazine in general. Also the slogan used is relevant to Cheryl’s song so readers will make this connection. They have made the words get bigger as they go along, showing how Cheryl is getting bigger as an artist.

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Title- Top of the Pops tells us that the contents is going to be about the music at the top of the charts at the moment. All the latest music, celebrity gossip and everything up to date. This appeals to people who enjoy recent pop music, which is all in the charts. Also the pink glitter title is making the magazine more for females and targeting those young girls who are all into the reading about their favourite celebrities and music idols. The use of the pink, purple and red colours also makes the magazine look softer and automatically younger as those colours are associated with young to teenage girls.

The main photo is a head shot that is quite close up. The text goes over it to pack more detail into the cover and attract more attention without looking chaotic. The photo of Jessie J is quite dark yet her make up is very girly. The jet black hair and dark eyes make her appeal to more than just girls, it makes her a strong female role model. The red lips make her look still very feminine and girly to look pretty which all young girls want to be link. Also her pose is a smile which makes her look very friendly which parents want their children to be reading about so would allow them to buy the magazine.

The main Tag line goes with the main photo. The use of colours makes it stick out and look more exciting. The actual story is a positive one which appeals to the younger generation as they aren't interesting in reading dramatic stories like the older people are, they want to know about the good things going on. And the little button on the other side is in pink to go with the theme. However the pink button isn't the boldest button on there. The red one above the main story line is. This is because they don't need to make it stick out, that's what the main story line does already but making another selling point stick out more attracts the readers to that to give them another reason to read it.

The other stories on the front cover all come with another smaller photo This attracts the attention of the reader to many photos on the front and they are given a lot more choice if they don't like the main story line. Also, the photos are all of other famous females. This is a more appealing to the target audience of girls as they are looking to read about role models and getting the latest trends off the singers. The other way they have attracted the young girls is by putting photos of male singers and talking about their looks, they also put a rhetorical question on the cover underneath. This connects with the reader further and entices them in to buy it. The bar code is at the bottom to avoid it getting in the way and

making it less noticeable by putting it on a white strip at the bottom.