Magazine adverts

Magazine adverts for CD albums

Transcript of Magazine adverts

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Magazine adverts for CD albums

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Florence and the Machine CD magazine advert

The layout on this magazine advert shows of the singer posing from the waist up with a necklace which is hooked on to fake lungs which refers to the name of her album. The lungs are being held merely by a sting necklace which connotes that vulnerability the artist might be stating in her songs. The lungs also have been exposed and are shown to be protected by a weak set of skeletons which reinforces her vulnerability. The fact she choose to convey her fragile state through showing weak lungs may show what ever heartache she's having is affecting her everyday. This is because lungs are used everyday to live this is a metaphor that she has a hard time everyday with coping with what she's going through.

The pink flowers in the background connotes a traditional colour for girls which could suggest that girls should be looked after as the colour is very delicate implying that the artist is delicate referring back to the vulnerability of the artist. There is a huge contrast within the colours used in this advert. The black colour has been used a lot throughout as you can see in the background and also the colour on her nails which could connote the sorrow feelings in her songs whereas the pin colour could connote happiness in her songs.

The font used on the advert hasn’t been used in a stylish way as most artists would use but in big bold lettering which could imply her strength towards the vulnerability of herself. Also the colour of the font being white against the black suggest that she could be trying to change and stand out of the crowd.

Florence and the Machine’s likely target would be female listeners between the ages of 15 – 30. This is because the mood of the advert gives of is a emotional type which could relate to most women between that age range who could be going through the same feelings.

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The Killers CD magazine advert

The layout of this advert is more like a cartoon than a photograph. It doesn’t have an image of the band but a drawing which might reflect the artists mood in some ways. The advert shows of a deserted place which has been designed to look like a mosaic image as there are many different size shapes which form the drawing. The deserted place could connote peace and calm which the artist wanted to reflect through this image which could be also related to the songs in the album. However the fact that the image is empty of any life could suggest that there is a mystery behind this album, and that it could be found in the songs.

The colours are very vibrant as they don’t give off a sad mood but a up beat, calm mood. The purple colour connotes a warm and cool effect which has been used for the sky. It could also be seen as a sunset colour so the sky is going down and the mood is coming up making it one of the beautiful moments during the day as the sky has many different colours. The colour also connotes spiritual which could relate to the isolated place as there could be anything within this place.

The darker colours at the bottom contrast to the lighter and more colourful colours within the advert which could imply the mixed emotions of the artist in the songs.

The font is very bold compared to the background colours. The band name The Killers is in the same format design of the whole advert and the colour white gives a strong argument that this album is progressing within the music business as the band have become very popular, so the white has been used to represent their fame however is could also suggest that the white will give a cold mood to the listeners and also white means colourless connoting a gloomy emotion. The title of the album on the other hand is not in the design of the advert which could suggest that this album stands out than the other albums they have produced and also the use of the colour black connotes mystery.

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Her body position in this picture is used to manipulate audiences in buying into her album. One of her hands is hidden behind her back which could suggest she's trying to lure her target market into wondering what she's hiding . They may believe by buying the album they may buy into the secret and discover the unknown.

The main colours used in this CD advert are light pink and blue . Which again shows the constant conflict in gender themes the album is going to portray. A baby pink colour is used to write the artists name on the cover . This connotes to listeners that the album has a girly tone to it yet this contradicts the albums name called “one of the boys” . However the colour of the name of the album is in baby blue which implies masculine , although its light blue so it again finally goes back to a girly theme.

In the image there is a paddling pool with a rubber duck floating in it which can suggest that she is a child still in heart who likes to have fun. This could connote to her childish behavior in the album. The paddling pool could also be seen as a contrast to the white picket fence as it stands for a traditional simple American and a family person whereas the paddling pool stands for a more irresponsible act.

Katy Perry’s likely target audience will range from ages 13-24 years and will be female. This CD advert markets well to this audience because its theme is promdominately a ‘girly’ one . The album is called ‘one of the boys’ which may attract the younger girls in her market segment to buy as at that age girls often have a desire to be involved with boyish activates and sometimes wish to be seen by boys as one of them.

Katy Perry CD magazine advert