Machines for accounting records



machines for accounting records

Transcript of Machines for accounting records

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1). CALCULATORSThey are useful for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing or doing arithmetical operations. They are cheaply available with latest technology to verify the operation with automatic check and with repeat programme.

There are many types of calculators:a. Printing Calculator - gives the result of addition in printed formb. Rotary Calculator - does all functions of arithmetic.c. Key driven Calculator - is a non resting oned. Electronic Calculator - is the best selling one. It performs operations in thousand part of a second.

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Advantages:minimize errorsensure speed/accuracymental strain is reducedvery handy machinecheapavailable in all models with many

users attachmentits operation is very simplearithmetical operations can be done

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a. Costlyb. utility is limited compare to computersc. complex and complicated issues cannot

be considered by calculators.

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These are like typewriters. They are use for posting of

accounts. With the help of accounting

machine, ledger, journal, invoice, cash book, etc. can be posted. So the matters are recorded in printed form.

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Advantages:a. it works faster than menb. errors in posting minimizec. ledgers are posted and balanced. results are accurate and reliablee. accounting work is done as soon as

postings are over.f. only little training is needed to operate

the machine.g. printed records are readily available.

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Disadvantages:It is costly. The accounting

operations must be voluminous enough to warrant the employment of accounting machines.

Breakdown of power will lead to stoppage of the machine.

It may lead to the problem of unemployment of persons with special knowledge in Accountancy.

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With the help of books, machines, account books and final accounts are prepared.

There is no mistake such as error of omission, commission, etc.

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1). CASH REGISTER◦ It is a device for recording and checking cash

receipts. It is like internal check system. At any time cashier can count the cash in hand and verify it with balance shown by the cash register.

2). COIN COUNTER◦This machine counts the coin. There are many

trays according to the type of coins. There are layers of trays with holes in machines. Each tray is for coins of a particular size. These are used in banks, railways and big shops when there are numerous cash transactions.

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3). CHEQUE PROTECTOR-CHEQUE WRITING MACHINES◦The machines write the amount, does crossing

etc. on the surface of the cheque. It shreds into fibers of the cheque paper, the shreds being form under pressure and then filled with acid proof ink. No alteration can be made. It cannot be erased. It ensures the safety of the cheque.

4). FAKE NOTE DETECTOR◦ It is used to detect good notes from fake currency

notes. The currency notes are put into the machine. with the help of violet rays, it is easy to find out whether a note is fake or original.

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5). CURRENCY SORTING MACHINES◦ Multifunctional parallel-working Desktop Banknote

Processing system for counting and sorting of mixed bundles of notes by currency (including issue) denomination, orientation and suspected counterfeits (option)

6). COIN SORTING MACHINES◦ It is a tabletop coin sorter/counter that can increase

productivity by accurate sorting and counting up to 3000 coins per minute. Offering quiet, high-speed operation, this cost efficient unit increases accountability while maintaining the highest degree of accuracy. Comes in a compact size, easy to use and has a multiple functions, all catering to the needs.

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1). ADDRESSING MACHINEIt is used to print the address on

envelopes, labels, postcards, wage sheet, invoices, notices dividend warrants etc. The machine is used by gas companies, electricity, insurance companies. It is a time saving , labor service device.

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There are three types of addressing machine:

a. Metal plate machine - the addresses are stenciled or embossed on metal process. Envelopes are inserted one by one. The machine is operated with a lever. The required address is printed.

b. Film stencil machine - it uses a film stencil mounted in a cardboard frame. To facilitate reference, the frame has a label, bearing the same information as the stencil.

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c. Spirit master process addressing machine

- addressing machine are also available with user attachments like dating device, numbering device, automatic feed, etc. The machine are easy to operate and can be operated electrically or manually. There is no need for checking the address.◦Spirit masters are made of art paper, and are

typed with chectographic carbon at the back. After they have been prepared, they are mounted in plastic (or) cardboard frames.

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2). LETTER OPENERS◦It is a machine having a revolving knife edge

which can cut open envelope at a great speed.

3). FRANKING MACHINE◦These are used to affix stamps on the

envelops. The machine marks the letter with the required denomination of the postal stamp. It is a time saving device. There is no error in stamping. Obliteration or spoilage of stamp is avoided. It adds to the beauty of the envelop.

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4). PAPER FOLDING MACHINE◦ These are used by large business houses to fold papers,

circulars, documents, etc. It is electrically operated. It can fold up to 20,000 sheets of paper per hour.

5). ENVELOPE-SEALING MACHINE◦ This machine automatically seals the envelope. The

machine glues and pastes the flaps (side edges) of the envelopes. it also works at a great speed.

6). TIME RECORDING CLOCK◦ With the help of this machine, a company can find out

how long a person was in the factory. It is helpful to calculate many matters like idle time, overtime, effective labors hours etc.

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7). CARD PUNCHING MACHINES◦They are used for invoicing, calculating

wages, stock control, budgeting etc. They do separations such as writing, copying, sorting etc. The machine records the information by means of punched holes on the cards. Each hole has a code number indicating the significance of the punch. After punching is over, the cards are mechanically sorted, printed cards are obtained by sensing the holes with electronic device.

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There are many processes made by punched card machines. They are: a. preparing punching documents.b. punching the cardsc. verification of the accuracy of original punchingd. sorting the cards under selected columns by

sensing the position of the holee. interpretation, reading the information

contained in the punched cards and printing them on the face of the card.

f. tabulating-tabulators are important equipment which does tabulation.

g. these are used to supplement the sorting equipment.

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The punched card machine contains different equipments:punching machinepunched cardsverifierreproducing punchessorting machineinterpretercollatorstabulators

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◦a. the machine not only punches information but also analyses them

◦b. they are used in preparation of wage sheet, cost analysis, etc.

◦c. they are useful in stock control, production control, etc.

◦d. these machines are used in libraries, factories, police, research institutions etc.

◦e. data are processed at a greater speed◦ f. there is greater accuracy◦g. all functions like recording, analyzing,

interpretation of data can be done.

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Disadvantages:a. the machine is costlyb. big companies only can use them

to their fullest capacityc. extensive learning must be given

to operator to operate machineryd. it should be installed in a special

placee. there is always problem of

machinemachine becoming out-dated due to rpid change in technology

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It replaced many types of machinery hitherto used in officessuch as calculators, adding machine, punched card machines, etc. Computers combine all facilities of the abovemachineries.

Functions of Computers:a. it receives, records, stores voluminous informationb. it provides quick and ready referencec. it performs all types of arithmetical operationsd. it selects and carries out alternative course of actione. it checks data, the grammatical accuracy, etc. f. it provides an inbuilt mechanism for learning computersg. it analyses, tabulates, interpret datah. now, all forms of computers are available like laptop

which can be carried to any place.

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Given the amount of documentation created in business, a printer is the most necessary piece of equipment needed next to the computer.

The most common printers today are laser printers, inkjet printers and dot-matrix printers.

a. Laser printers- offers the fastest, most efficient way to produce text and images, offering high speed and good resolution at relatively low cost.

b. Inkjet printers- use tiny jets to spray droplets of ink onto the page, and the refinement in the ink compound has made this technology attractive and highly affordable.

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◦c. Dot-matrix printers- are impact printers that use a row of small pins, wires, and hammers that shoot up to make dots on the paper, creating text and graphics. Their most common use is for printing invoices, purchase orders, shipping forms, labels, and other multipart forms. It can print through multipart forms in a single pass, allowing them to produce more pages than even high-speed laser printers.

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Choosing a Printer◦Printers are pretty much a commodity product, so

pricing is very competitive among the major brands.

◦ following points are to be considered before choosing a printer:

1. Printing speed. This is the no. of pages the printers can print out per minute. Speed is determined by the processor in the printer: high-speed printers cost more.

2. Paper tray capacity. A capacity of up to 250 pages in one tray is adequate for some and not for others. Some printers offer more than one tray, which is a valuable feature, if you switch from plain paper to letterhead, and also handle envelopes and documents with the same printer.

3. Black-and-white versus color. Graphic artists and people involve in marketing communications probably have a regular need for color printing.

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◦Is a device that can read text and graphics. A copy of the scanned image is stored on magnetic media as it simultaneously reproduces on a monitor.

◦ Accuracy depends on the quality of document being scanned, so the smart user should review the scanned image for the occasional error resulting from the scanner misreading data.

◦Most scanners come bundled with Optical Character Recognition(OCR) capability that can convert images into computer editable format. Scanners are available at affordable prices for every level of user.

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◦This device contains a large battery and circuitry. The battery in UPS gives enough time to stop working, save our work on a disk, and conduct an orderly shutdown of our system. The cost of UPSs vary from very inexpensive to expensive, depending on our requirements. These devices re now available wherever computer and computer peripherals are sold.

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Some of the well known value added services are:

1. E-mail is becoming necessity for many of today's businesses

2. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a worldwide movement. Is a computer-to-computer exchange of business information. A company can send purchase orders, invoices, confirmations, shipping papers, inquiries, financial reports, and so on directly from its computer to the computer of the trading partner.

The following are just some of the industries using EDI: manufacturers, government offices, healthcare agencies, grocery retailers, transportation branches, publishing companies, and retail businesses.

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3. Fax machines. ◦are installed with telephone connections at both end (sending end and receiving end). The document/paper is inserted into the machine. With the help of telephone connection the information is decoded, carried through, reaches the sender and again encoded into its original form and its copy is produced at the receiving end. All these processes are done within minutes.

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The objectives of mechanization are:◦speed◦reduction in labor cost◦accuracy◦facilitates control◦uniformity◦legibility◦improved efficiency◦pride of work

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4. Telex. ◦It is an improved version of the electro-mechanical teleprinter. Telex machines have to be registered with the public telex exchange operated by Telecommunications Department. Each registered subscriber is given a telex number. Telex machine of each

subscriber is connected with machines of other subscribers through the telex


5. High speed digital duplicators. ◦ This new Risograph offers proprietary technologies to achieve outstanding results with speed and ease.

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6. Cheque encoders *specially designed for high volume cheque processing*Low running cost of operation*Large display for users comfort, online*audit trail printer and full function keyboard

ensures faster and easy operations

7. Table top reader sorter. is an advanced system, created to process several kinds of documents, such as bank cheques,

payment vouchers, postal payment forms, restaurant tickets, coupons etc. It can automatically feed, read, encode, cancel, print, scan, and sort.

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8. Signature imprinting machines is an automatic signature printing machine used for signing cheques, documents etc. It can print signature, logos and dates on continuous stationary thereby saving time and automating the office.

9. Table top cheque scanner is designed for banking documents processing: MICR, OCR, Barcode reading, endorsing, front and rear scanning, on board compression and image transferring to a computer system via Ethernet interface with TCP/IP protocol.

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10. Network document scanner for cheque processing. The scanner can be shared between two tellers. High performance image capture MICR, OCR and Barcode reading, Host transfer by USB, Ethernet TCP/IP and RS-232C interfaces. On board image compression for a faster transmission to the computer system.

11. Digital electronic safe Digital electronics is a field in electronics, typically computers, in which signals are represented by discrete bands of analogue levels. It may also refer to the portion of an electronic circuitry responsible for digital signal conversion. Some of the devices in this field include multiplexers, gates and decoders.

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12. Multitier storage. These systems are highly versatile and modular in nature and can be reconfigured anytime to your changing needs. They offer optimized storage capacity in singletier or multitier formats with capability to customize to your exact needs.

13. Drawing file cabinet. It have been designed specifically to store A1 to A5 sized documents safely and systematically. Drawing File Cabinets for A0 sizes are available on request. Architectural plans, engineering drawings, blueprints, charts, maps, artwork and other large drawings can be easily filed and instantly retrieved.

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14. Vertical drawing storage ◦This system is designed specifically for filing and storing architectural plans, construction drawings, blueprints, engineering drawings, charts, maps, art graphics and other oversized sheets. Vertical drawing storage clamp can hold 1 to 100 sheets of paper, film or laminate without crimping, creasing or slipping.

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Thank You

Prepared by:

Jenny Urbaña