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  • 1User Manual for Memoir '44 Editor v1.0

    Introduction - 2Already a Veteran? Jump right in! 2Installing the Memoir 44 Editor 2

    Minimum Configuration 2

    Acquiring and Downloadingthe Memoir 44 Editor 2

    Activation 2Download 3

    Windows Installation 3Mac OS X Installation 3

    i. the map view - 4Getting Started on a new Scenario 4The Game Tray Basics 4Selecting Pieces on the Map 4Manipulating Game Pieces:Moving, Rotating, Duplicating,Deleting, Copying, Undoing, etc. 5Zoomin and Zoomout 5A note about Badges and Figure Count Markers 6The Game Tray Advanced 6

    Preset tabs and subtabs 6Filters 6Locked Mode 6Moving, Resizing and Hiding 6Labels 7Validation 7

    Ii. the battle info view - 7Board Settings 7

    The Breakthrough Format 7

    Expansions Needed 8Days of Wonder Online 8

    Finding a Scenario ID 8Battle Information 8

    Game Information 8

    III. the description view - 9Using Multiple Languages 9

    IV. Printing andThe Print review View - 10

    Print Preview 10Saving Ink 10

    V. Saving your Scenario - 11Saving to Disk 11Saving to Days of Wonder Online 11Publishing to the Memoir 44 Community 11Your Memoir 44 User Pages 11A Legal Note about Publishing Content 11

    VI. Opening a Scenario - 12Opening from Disk 12Opening from Days of Wonder Online 12

    VII. Advanced Topics - 12Preferences 12

    Interface Panel 12Printing 12

    Automatic Upgrades 12Translating a Scenario 12Tips for Designing Great Scenarios 13

    VIII. Quick Reference Sheet - 14

    Days of Wonder, Days of Wonder Online, Memoir 44 and Memoir 44 Editor are trademarks or registered trademarks of Days of Wonder, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright 2009 Days of Wonder, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Table of content

  • 2Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    Welcome to the Memoir 44 Editor! In the pages thatfollow, you will learn how to design and publish your ownhomegrown scenarios for Memoir 44, Days of Wondersbest-selling board game of World War II.

    This manual assumes that you are already familiar with thebasic rules and concepts of Memoir 44. If not, we inviteyou to first consult the rules booklet that came with yourboard game. In order to use the Memoir 44 Editor, you arealso required to have a Days of Wonder Online account. Ifyou dont already have an account, opening one is a simpleprocess described on www.daysofwonder.com/signup

    Once that is done, you will need to purchase the Memoir 44Editor. This is described in greater detail in the next chapter.

    Already a Veteran? Jump right in!If you are already familiar with the original Web-basedMemoir 44 Editor, here is a roadmap to get started quickly:

    Read the next section for instructions on how todownload and install the Memoir 44 Editor on yourcomputer.

    Then go directly to the last page of this manual. Thereyou will find a Quick Reference Sheet that highlightsall the key features of this new version of the software.

    Once youve played with it a bit, maybe creating a newscenario or two, we invite you to take the time tocarefully read the Advanced Topics chapter. You mayfind some useful tidbits there to help you perfect yourmastery of the Memoir 44 Editor.

    Installing the Memoir 44 EditorMinimum ConfigurationTo run the Memoir 44 Editor, you need a computer withthe following minimum configuration:

    PC Windows Me, 2000, XP or Vista requirements:

    Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500MHzor greater)

    256 MB RAM (Recommended: 512 MB RAM orgreater)

    90 MB hard drive space

    Macintosh requirements:

    Mac OS X 10.4 and later Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 or PowerPC

    G3, G4, or G5 processor

    512 MB RAM (Recommended: 1 GB RAM or greater) 90 MB hard drive space

    Acquiring and Downloading the Memoir 44 EditorThe copy of the Memoir 44 Editor you acquire must belinked to your Days of Wonder Online account. If you arereading this documentation, there is a good chance that youalready have a Days of Wonder Online account, and thatyou were able to purchase and download the application. Inthis case, skip to the next section. Otherwise please read on...

    ActivationYou need to have a Days of Wonder Online account inwhich the Memoir 44 Editor is marked as activated. Thislink between the application you purchased and your ownDays of Wonder Online account is the key that will let youdownload and unlock the application. This Online accountis also the one under which any Memoir 44 scenarios youchoose to publish online will appear in the Scenarios fromthe Front section of the Memoir 44 Web site.

    Veteran users of the previous web-based version of theMemoir 44 Editor are automatically given the opportunityto acquire this activation when they convert theiraccount.

    New users - and veteran users who chose not to acquirethe Memoir 44 Editor right away, when going through theconversion process - can purchase the Memoir 44 Editordirectly from the Days of Wonder web store.

    To check whether you already own the software (hence theright to download and use the Memoir 44 Editor) is verysimple:

    Go to the Days of Wonder web site onwww.daysofwonder.com

    Log in with your Login Name and password.

    Click on My Account (upper right corner), then onSee all your Online features.

    The list of all Online Features you have purchased willappear. If the Memoir 44 Editor is not listed there,look for it in the Available Online Features in thelower part of the page, and click on the correspondingGo! button. You will immediately be redirected tothe Memoir 44 Editor product page in the Web Store.

    Then follow the standard web store purchasingprocess: add the Memoir 44 Editor to your cart andcheck-out. The activation for this software willautomatically be linked to your account at the end ofthe checkout process.


  • 3Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    DownloadOnce you have completed your purchase, the activation thatwas linked to your account as part of this process will letyou download the Memoir 44 Editor as many times as youmay need - you will never have to worry about backups orchanging computers! Whenever you need a new download,simply log in under your account name, and download anyof the software you already purchased. This will again bedone from the My Online Features page:

    Go to the Days of Wonder web site onwww.daysofwonder.com

    Log in with your Login Name and password.

    Click on My Account (upper right corner), then onSee all your Online features.

    The Memoir 44 Editor will appear in the list of youractive Online Features. Simply click on the Downloadlink.

    Windows InstallationDownload the M44_Editor.msi file onto your desktop

    or in a place where you will find it.

    Double-click on it. This will launch the installer:

    Follow the installation steps.

    After the installation is complete, you may delete theM44_Editor.msi file.

    To launch the Memoir 44 Editor, double-click on theshortcut icon that was created on your desktop, or open theStart menu and choose All Programs -> Memoir 44 Editor:

    Mac OS X Installation Download the M44_Editor.dmg file on your desktop

    or in a place where you will find it.

    Double-click on it. After accepting the LicenseAgreement, it will add a new M44 Editor disk icon andopen a new window:

    Copy the Editor in your Applications folder by simplydragging the Memoir 44 Editor icon onto theApplications icon from left to right:

    This completes the installation. You can unmount the M44Editor disk icon by ejecting it, and then delete theM44_Editor.dmg file.To launch the Memoir 44 Editor, open your Applicationsfolder and double-click on the Memoir 44 Editor icon.

  • 4Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    The Memoir 44 Editors window is divided in 4 distinctparts:

    The Toolbar: contains some convenient and frequentlyaccessed buttons and pop-up menus.

    The Tabs: show various views and information panelsof your scenario. By default, the Map view is selected.

    The Map View: this is where all the visual activityhappens. You may add hexes and other game pieces,move them around, duplicate them, etc. just like theirreal-world equivalent.

    The Game Tray: this toolbox at the bottom of thewindow contains all the game pieces you may want touse to design your scenario. There are various tabs andfilters to let you organize and find various game piecesefficiently, regardless of the complexity of the scenarioyou may wish to design.

    Getting Started on a new ScenarioUsually, when you create a new scenario, you will firststart by setting up some general scenario-wide settings,such as the boards background (Countryside, Winter,Beach or Desert), the boards format (Standard, Overlord,or Breakthrough), and the expansions that may be neededfor this scenario.

    These parameters are also covered in greater detail in theBattle Info tab, but these pop-up menus give you quickaccess to these key settings.

    The Game Tray BasicsPlacing a game piece on the Map is very easy. Simplydrag-and-drop a piece from the Game Tray onto theposition where you wish to place it on the Map.

    Selecting Pieces on the MapAs with any drawing software, the notion of selection isimportant in the Memoir 44 Editor. As such, the Editorhas a very standard behavior that you should familiarizeyourself with.

    To select a game piece or element, justclick on it. This element will become shaded andoutlined in red.

    I. the map viewThe Toolbar

    The Tabs

    The Game Tray

    The MapView

  • 5Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    Multiple pieces can be selected at once, in a process calleda Multiple Selection. You may find this useful to movethings around as a group, such as when moving a wholeforest of woods hexagons or a unit along with itsunderlying terrain and obstacle together, etc.

    To add elements to a set of pieces already selected,simply hold the Shift key down and click on theelements you wish to add,

    or use the Control key instead ( key on Mac) to addor remove elements from the current selection,

    or draw a selection rectangle (Marquee) by draggingthe tip of your computer mouse around the elementsyou wish to select. This is a convenient way to selectmultiple pieces that are on a same hex, such as aTerrain piece and the Unit that may be on it.

    To select all of the game pieces on the map, use the SelectAll item in the Edit menu.To deselect everything, use Deselect from the Edit menu,or press the Esc key, or click on an empty background hexon the map.

    Manipulating Game Pieces: Moving, Rotating, Duplicating, Deleting, Copying, Undoing, etc.Once a game piece or multiple elements are selected, youcan do any of the following with them:

    Moving pieces: simply click, then drag-and-drop thepiece(s) you want to move to their new position.

    Rotating a piece: often, you will want to rotate aterrain piece that you just placed on the Map (rivers,roads, etc.). There are several quick ways to do it.

    Click on the rotation buttons in theToolbar

    From the Edit menu, choose Rotate Clockwiseor Rotate Counter Clockwise.

    From the Contextual menu (right-click), chooseRotate Clockwise or Rotate Counter Clockwise.

    Or use the keyboard shortcuts of these menuitems: Ctrl-R and Ctrl-Shift-R.

    Duplicating pieces: hold the Alt key down and drag-and-drop the piece you want to duplicate. It works ona multiple selection too! Use this to quickly duplicateentire sets of terrain pieces or army groups or both.Alternatively, you may also use Copy / Paste asdescribed below.

    Deleting pieces: select the piece(s) you want to delete,and press the Delete key on your keyboard or selectClear from the Edit menu.

    Cutting, Copying and Pasting: the Memoir 44Editor works in a very standard manner. Select one ormore pieces, and use Cut or Copy from the Edit menu.To indicate where you want to paste your elements,click on an element or on an empty hexagon on themap. The copied elements will be placed there, withthe game piece you selected last positioned where youjust clicked and all the other game pieces kept in thesame relative position to that piece as they were inyour original selection. Note that if there already weresome game pieces in place in the hexes on which youare pasting into, some of these elements may bereplaced as a result of your Paste, depending on thepieces type. For example, if you copied some militaryunits and pasted them on top of already existing terrainpieces, the existing terrain pieces will remain, but anyformer units that may have been on them will bereplaced by the new units you just pasted.

    Undoing: in case of a mistake, you can always undoyour last action, using Undo from the Edit menu.Note that the Memoir 44 Editor supports multiplelevels of undo. As with all other menu actions, thisfunction can be accessed via a shortcut (Control-Z or-Z, in this case).

    Zoomin and ZoomoutZooming in is convenient when you need to focus in on aspecific area where there are lots of elements or gamepieces stacked upon, or close to, each other.

    To zoom-in, select Zoom in from the View menu. To zoom-out, use Zoom out from the View menu.

    The zoom is centered on the middle of your currentwindows view. You will find the Ctrl + and Ctrl -keyboard shortcuts very convenient to work quickly.

    There are also preset zoom levels that you can use fromyour keyboard. Try Ctrl-1 to Ctrl-9 ( 1 to 9 on theMac) to experiment with the various levels.

    By default, the Memoir 44 Editor fits the map to thewindow size. Zooming in or out disables this feature. If youwant to go back to this automatic mode, use Scale to fitfrom the View menu (or Ctrl-0).

  • A note about Badges and Figure Count MarkersOne important difference between the Memoir 44 Editorand the old web-based Editor is the way badges and figuremarkers are used. In the old Editor, they were independentpieces that were put or removed on the board. In theMemoir 44 Editor, badges and markers can only existattached to a unit. As a result, clicking on the unit alwaysselects any Badge or Figure Marker associated with it atthe same time.

    For the same reason, Badges and Figurine Markers do notappear in the Game Tray.

    To assign a Badge to a unit, select the unit. Then choosethe badge you wish to use from the Badge pop-up menu inthe toolbar. Or use the Badge sub-menu from the Editmenu. Or use the Contextual menu (right-click), andchoose the badge from the Badge sub menu.You will notice that the list of badges available varies withthe type of unit you selected. So for example, you will notbe able to assign a Special Unit Badge to a regular unit -since only Special Forces units can receive this badge.

    Figure Count Markers (a little yellow disk that indicatesthe number of figures in a unit, when this number differsfrom the norm: 1, 2, 3 or 4) are used the very same way.Select the unit you wish to assign a Marker to, then usethe Figures sub-menu from the Edit menu, the toolbar, orthe Contextual menu to pick the Figure Count Marker ofyour choice.

    The Game Tray AdvancedThe Game Tray provides a number of advanced features tohelp you deal with the ever-increasing number of gamepieces that exist in Memoir 44 and its many expansions.This is particularly useful when designing a scenario thatrelies on a number of expansions.

    Preset tabs and subtabsThe Memoir 44 Editor offers a preset list of categoriesthat group elements in a logical manner. For example,clicking on the Terrain tab shows sub tabs (Vegetation,Elevation, Town & Village, etc.). Click on the sub tabs tobrowse through the various elements.

    Note that sometimes, an element will appear in severalcategories. For example, a Road over a Hill terrain willappear in the Road and the Elevation categories, since youmight logically expect it to appear in either of these twocategories.

    FiltersThe default tab named All works a bit differently. It showsall the Terrain pieces available for the base game andexpansions currently selected, and gives you a series ofpop-up menus just below the tab bar, that lets you filterout the elements according to your own logical criteria.You may combine several of these pop-up menu filterstogether; for example, choosing Winter and Artificial toshow all man-made elements in a winter environment:winter village, winter bunker, etc.

    Locked ModeSometimes, you may need to repeatedly place the samegame piece on the map over and over again. For example,a Woods piece to build a forest.

    The first solution is to place a Woods piece on the map, thenhold down the Alt key, to duplicate the Woods several times.

    The second solution is to lock your choice of a Woodspiece in the Game Tray by double-clicking on it there.Once this is done, this game piece will remain selected asyour piece of choice in the Game Tray. Then clickrepeatedly on the map to place this piece multiple times.

    To exit the locked mode, simply select any other gamepiece in the Game Tray; or drag and drop a different typeof game piece from the Game Tray; or press the Escapekey on the keyboard.

    This feature was designed with users of the old web-basededitor in mind, since this is how that older version worked.It is a nice productivity trick, for people reluctant to usethe Alt-key duplication method outlined earlier.

    Moving, Resizing and HidingDepending on your screen size and map layout, you maywant to have the Game Tray appear on the left side of yourMap view, rather than below it. To do so, select Picker Leftfrom the View menu. To put the Game Tray back at thebottom, select Picker Bottom from the same menu.If you like one location better than the other, you canpermanently set it using the Preferences. See the Preferenceschapter for more details.

    The Game Tray also contains a control handle that lets youresize it. This control handle is located at the center of thegray bar that separates the Game Tray from the Map view.

    6Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

  • To resize the Tray, click and drag on this handle.

    To completely hide the Tray, click once on the handle.To make it appear, click on the handle again.

    LabelsYou may want to add text labels to some of the items in theMap view: village names, etc. To do so, click on thehexagon (or terrain piece) you wish to name. Then click onthe Label tab in the Picker. In the text box, type your text.It will appear immediately on the map.

    Note that the shorter your label, the better it will look onthe map. Labels are good for showing the names ofhistorical landmarks or key units. They should not be usedto indicate Special rules or other in-game effects. Thesebelong to the Special Rules description.

    ValidationWhen you are you happy with your design, it is a goodidea to validate your scenario to make sure it can be played

    with the base game(s) and expansion(s) you think itrequires. Depending on the expansions you selected, fewor more game pieces of each type may be available. TheMemoir 44 Editor knows what content is available in theMemoir 44 base game and in each expansion. It alsoknows about double-sided terrain game pieces. Therefore,it will be able to tell you if your scenario might be easy toset-up, difficult or simply impossible.

    Click on the Validation tab in the Tray. The list of thepieces with their count will be displayed.

    Next to the Check Again button, the scenario difficulty willbe indicated. If your scenario is fine, it will show Easy.

    If there are complicated constraints, your scenario will berated as Difficult. This means that the players will have tocarefully look at the game pieces they have and place themin the right order. You may want to simplify your scenarioa bit; or be ready to have the players who wish to play itspend a bit of time figuring out the proper way to set it up.

    If your scenario is rated as Impossible, the pieces whoseappearances in your scenario make it impossible to set upwill be indicated in the list. You need to adjust your design,or players will not be able to play your scenario with thesingle set of the base game and expansion(s) you selected.

    If you make a change to your scenario with the Validationtab still open, click on the Check Again button to validateyour change.

    7Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    ii. the battle info view

    The Battle Info tab at the top of the window lets youdisplay the Battle Info view. This view displays in detailmany of the key parameters of your scenario.

    It is very important to set and define these carefully, asplayers will often use this information as their mainsearch criteria when looking for new scenarios to playfrom among the thousands of Scenarios from the Front available to them!

    Board SettingsThis panel contains the same information as the pop-upmenus of same name in the Toolbar. You can define theboard background (Countryside, Winter, Beach or Desert)and format (Standard, Overlord or Breakthrough).

    The Breakthrough FormatThe Breakthrough format introduces a new dimension toplaying Memoir 44 scenarios. It was first introduced as apaper product in Breakthrough to Gembloux, a bonus mapthat came with the Memoir 44 Campaign bag. It featuresa 13 x 17 hexes board that accommodates engagementsover a deeper battlefront.

  • Expansions NeededThis panel displays the same list of Memoir 44 expansionsthat can also be found in the Toolbar.

    Note the Extra Base Game item, which lets you indicatewhen users should own two copies of the base game toplay your scenario. When selected, as should often be thecase for scenarios in the Overlord format, this optionensures that the Scenario validation correctly reflects aplayers ownership of two base game sets.

    Days of Wonder OnlineThe Days of Wonder Online panel covers technical butimportant parameters to keep in mind for online publishingpurposes.

    Status: by default, your scenarios are always marked asPrivate. In your Days of Wonder Online area on ourweb site, there are two lists of scenarios. The Missionsin Progress list your private scenarios - those that youfeel are not ready for public consumption yet, or thatyou wish to keep private. And the MissionsAccomplished list that shows all of the scenarios thatyou chose to make Public. They will appear in theScenarios from the Front list on our web site, andevery one will be able to see and play them.

    Scenario ID: each scenario stored in the Days ofWonder Online area is assigned a unique databaseidentifier.When you create a new scenario, this ID is blank, untilyou save your scenario to the Days of Wonder Onlinearea. When you save it, a new unique ID is assigned toit; this unique id# will remain associated with thisscenario for its entire life.

    Original Scenario #: sometimes, you may wish tocreate a scenario that is a variant of an existing scenario.For example, the version of Pegasus Bridge that canbe found in the Air Pack expansion is a variant of thesame scenario from the base game (ID#2). To mark yourscenario as a Variant of another one, you must enter theid number of the scenario to which it is a variant. So inour example, the Air Pack version would indicate 2 inthis field.

    Finding a Scenario IDThere is a simple trick to find the database ID of a scenariothat was published by someone else:

    Go to the Memoir 44 web site on www.memoir44.com

    Go to the list that contains this scenario (OfficialScenarios or Scenarios from the Front).

    Click on the scenario name. This goes to the scenarioview page.

    Look at the address bar of your Web browser. It willend by something like ?id=. The number shownafter the id= is the Scenario ID.

    Battle InformationThis panel contains some important historical informationabout your scenario.

    Front: the Theater of Operations on which your scenarioplays out.

    Operation: many of the most known WWII operationsare listed here. If the operation you are looking for isnot there, click on the Suggest an Operation to DoWbutton. This will open the list of operations in a newwindow. At the bottom of the list, there is a form tosubmit a new name. The Days of Wonder staff reviewsthe submissions on a regular basis to accept or rejectthem.Note that your operation should be listed in the originallanguage of the army that planned it (ie Unternehmen if it was a German operation,etc.). For more details on how to properly submit a newOperation, please first read the permanent thread titled Important - Naming conventions for M44 scenariotitles in the Memoir 44 forum discussion

    Start and End Date: select the battle date. If the EndDate is identical to the Start Date, check the Same asStart Date check box.

    Type: indicate if your scenario is Historical or Fictional.

    Game InformationThis panel focuses on the game parameters of yourscenario.

    Starting Player: select who will start the game. UseSpecial if the starting player follows a special ruleexplained in the description text.

    Side: For each player, choose the side between Axisand Allies, and the Nation.

    Command Cards: enter the number of commandcards for each player.

    Victory Medals: enter the number of victory medalsneeded for each player to win the game. Most of thetime, these two values are identical in Memoir 44scenarios.

    8Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

  • Describing your scenario correctly is a very important partof the design process, and one that should not be neglected:Not only does it show your love and care of history, it alsohelps fellow players find critical information at a glancewhen they are looking for a new scenario to play.Memoir 44 players are history fans, and therefore oftenpay close attention to the research and text behind eachscenario. A scenario with a well-written, clear andengaging description is often the sign of a well-designedscenario. (The opposite may be even more true - if anAuthor didnt bother to describe his own scenariocorrectly, it is doubtful that he spent the time required todesign and play-test it adequately either!)

    Name: may be the most important part, because it willattract the players attention in the list. Do not makeit too long. Think of it as a movie title. Capitalize itproperly to make it easy to read (no ALL CAPSplease!). Also please make sure that you read andunderstood the permanent forum thread titledImportant - Naming conventions for M44 scenariotitles already referred to above.

    Subtitle: this text will appear under the scenario namein the printout.

    Historical Background: write the short story of thebattle.

    Briefing: this is a text version of the game parametersthat you entered in the Battle Info tab. Indicate thenumber of Command Cards for each player and whostarts first.

    Conditions of Victory: enter the number of medalsrequired to win the game and any relevant Victoryconditions such as permanent and temporary medalobjectives, etc.

    Special Rules: write any rules that are not part of thestandard set of rules. We strongly recommend that youfollow the same Special Rules convention firstintroduced in the Memoir 44 Air Pack, thereby referringsystematically to Summary cards when using a SpecialRules not unique to your scenario. This will greatly helpother players, especially those who might not be readingyour own native language, understand what you meant,as Summary cards use the same reference numberregardless of which language they were written in. It alsohelps save space, and ensure consistency acrossscenarios. If you do not own the Air Pack, you may stillaccess all of the Summary cards published to date byconsulting the Memoir 44 Cards compendium atwww.memoir44.com/cards-compendium/

    Bibliography: players always appreciate referencesto relevant books and web pages. If they like yourscenario, they may want to learn more about itsbackground story.

    Using Multiple LanguagesThe Editor supports multiple languages for your scenariosdescription. By default, the language for each scenariodescription is the same one your Editor is set on (i.e.English or French, depending on your Preferences).

    But you can also easily add a new description in any of thefollowing languages, in addition to English and French:Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian,Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

    To add a description in a new language other than thedefault one, click on the Language Splitter icon visible onthe left of your Description panel. The Language Panelwill appear:

    9Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    III. the description view

  • To add a new language to your scenario description,click the + button. A choice of the supportedlanguages will appear. Choose the language you wantto add and confirm. This language will now appear inthe Language Panel to the left.

    To switch from one language to another, click on it inthe Language Panel. The description frame for theselected language will automatically appear, with acopy of the scenario description in your defaultlanguage (English or French) already copied in.Simply replace it with a translation of similar lengthand youre done.

    To remove a description in a given language, select it inthe Language Panel and click the - button. Note thatthis will delete any translation you might have made.

    Whenever you write or translate a description, please makesure that it is set to appear under the proper Language label

    (i.e. make sure your translation into Polish is the Polishdescription, not the English one). This is critical becausethis information is relied upon by the filters our playersuse to find new fan-made scenarios to their taste, andplayers who dont read Italian would not want it to appearin a list of English scenarios. If you happen to have alreadycreated scenarios in a language that wasnt supported inprior versions of the Editor, please make sure to revisethose and move your descriptions to the correct languagetab. It will make them that much more accessible anduseful to the players community.

    For each language supported, we recommend that you usethe built-in spell checker before saving your final text. Touse the spell checker, right-click in your text. Words withpotential spelling mistakes will appear underlined in red.Please take the time to correct them, for everyonesenjoyment.

    Being able to print your scenarios in a professional lookingformat is one of the key benefits of the Editor - anotherbeing able to publish and share your scenarios online withfriends and the community of Memoir 44 players. Theprint function features high-resolution graphics, giving yousharp and detailed printouts.

    Print PreviewAlways check your scenario using the Print Preview tab.Make sure that all your text is displayed - if it is too long,cropping may occur. You can also zoom in using the samecommands and View menu as in the View map to focus onspecific areas.

    Once you are happy with how your scenario looks, use thePrint function in the File menu to print your scenario. ThePage Setup and Print commands work in the same standardway as your other computer applications.

    Saving InkIf you want to save printer ink (for example if you areusing an inkjet printer), it is a good idea to turn thebackground off. To do so, open the Preferences dialog, andun-check the Print Background check box.

    10Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    IV. Printing and The Print Preview View

  • Saving to DiskAs with any standard application, you can (and should)save your work on your computers hard disk. Simplychoose Save from the File menu. Use Save As... if youwant to save your scenario under a different file name.

    Scenario files are saved with the M44 suffix attached totheir file name.

    Saving to Days of Wonder OnlineYou can also save your scenarios to your Days of WonderOnline area. This is a private storage space that is reservedfor you on the Days of Wonder servers. This space can beused to keep a backup copy of your favorite scenarios. Itis also used to publish your scenario to the Memoir 44community.

    If your scenario was already saved online, a confirmationdialog will appear asking you if you wish to replace theold version already stored online. If you want to preservethe old version, click on the Create New button. This willsave your scenario under a new ID, leaving the previousversion intact.

    Publishing to the Memoir 44 CommunityBy default, your scenario is Private. This means that whenyou save it to Days of Wonder Online, it will be stored inyour Missions in Progress list, and remain hidden fromthe other Memoir 44 players.

    If you want to share your scenario with others, change itsStatus in the Battle Info tab to Public. Then save yourscenario to Days of Wonder Online again. This time, yourscenario will appear in the Missions Accomplished listof your area.

    All Public scenarios are visible to the entire Memoir 44community in the Scenarios from the Front web page, onwww.daysofwonder.com/memoir44/content/scenariofans/

    Other players will be able to view, print, and play yourscenario. They will also be able to enter an After ActionReport of the battle, sharing their blow-by-blow account oftheir victory (or defeat!) with others, and will be offered achance to rate your scenario, letting others know how greatit was! Make sure to review these comments. There is nogreater reward for your hard work than seeing other playersdescriptions of the enjoyment they received playing yourscenarios.

    Your Memoir 44 User PagesAny scenario you choose to make Public will also appearin your Memoir 44 User Page. Creating scenariosautomatically builds your personal User Page on the Daysof Wonder web site. Your User Page is a web pagereserved for you, on our servers, where you can addstories, articles, post images, etc.

    If you havent already familiarized yourself with it, makesure you check out this powerful feature. To do so, go tothe Days of Wonder web site at www.daysofwonder.com and click on User Pages in the top menu bar.

    A Legal Note about Publishing ContentBefore you publish a scenario to the community, you mustkeep in mind the various copyright and legal constraintsthat this implies. These are described in detail in the End-User License Agreement that you accepted when you firstinstalled this software. It can also be found on the Days ofWonder web site at www.daysofwonder.com/about/terms

    Although this will read to many as boring legalese, werecommend that you spend some time reading it,especially the sections related to content created andpublished by our users. Most of it is common sense, likethe fact that we reserve our right to remove any contentthat might be considered offensive or inappropriate, in thebest interest of the community - remember there areyounger players out there. Likewise, we may decide at oursole discretion to revoke the access or activation rights ofany abusive user, without compensation. So please useyour common sense.

    11Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    V. Saving your Scenario

  • Opening from DiskAs in any standard application, you open a scenario fileby using the Open item in the File menu. Memoir 44Editor files have the M44 suffix attached to their filename.

    Opening from Days of Wonder OnlineScenarios can also be opened directly from your own Daysof Wonder Online area, for example to update one.To do so, select the Open from Days of Wonder Onlineitem from the File menu. If you are not logged in yet, youwill be asked to enter your Login Name and yourpassword. Then a new window will open, showing the listof your private (Missions in Progress) and public(Missions Accomplished) scenarios.

    To open a scenario, click on its name or on the littlepencil icon next to it. The scenario will be downloadedin a few seconds, and opened in a new window. Onceyou are done with your changes, dont forget to save itback to your online area. For more details, see theSaving to Days of Wonder Online section above.

    You can also duplicate or delete a scenario from thiswindow. This is convenient for managing your scenarios.

    To duplicate a scenario, click on the Duplicateicon

    To delete a scenario, click on the Trash icon. A confirmation message will appear to help youmake sure you are deleting the right scenario. Keep inmind that deleting an online scenario completelyremoves it from our servers, with no ways to get itback! Therefore it is a good idea to keep backups offiles stored on your computer hard drive.

    12Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    VI. Opening a Scenario

    PreferencesThe Preferences dialog allows you to set a few defaultsettings of the application.

    Interface Panel Language: by default, the Memoir 44 Editor uses the

    language of your operating system the first time youlaunch it. If you want to switch to another language,choose it in the pop-up menu and restart the application.

    Game Tray Position: depending on your screenlayout, you may want to always set the Game Tray atthe same place. For more details, read the Moving,

    Resizing and Hiding paragraph in the The GameTray - Advanced section.

    PrintingIf you want to save printer ink (for example if you are usingan inkjet printer), it is a good idea to turn the backgroundoff. For more details, refer to the Printing and The PrintPreview View chapter.

    Automatic UpgradesIf you already installed the Memoir 44 Editor on yourcomputer, it will be upgraded automatically when a newversion is available from Days of Wonder. This is checkedonce a day. You can also manually check for updates bychoosing Check for Updates from the Help menu. Minorupdates, including bug fixes, will usually be provided freeto existing users, while major revisions includingsubstantial new features may require a fee.

    Translating a ScenarioTranslating a scenario is usually teamwork. The scenariodesigner works in his native language, then asks a friendto translate in the other language. This can be achieved byexchanging the texts by e-mail. If your friend also has theMemoir 44 Editor, it is more convenient to exchange theM44 file itself.

    VII. Advanced Topics

  • Send the M44 file to your friend by e-mail.

    Your friend then enters the description in the corre-sponding language, and saves the scenario on disk. Seethe Using Multiple Languages paragraph in the Description section for details.

    Then he sends the update M44 file back to you, so youcan review his work and publish the scenario online.

    Tips for Designing Great ScenariosAll scenario designers will tell you: designing a Memoir 44scenario is more work than you may think at first sight. Butit is also more fun! Here are a few tips:

    Start from an historical event. There are a lot ofresources in books and on the Web: stories, maps,photographs, etc. These are great sources of inspiration.

    Study the geographical layout of the battlefield. Hereagain, there are now great web sites that show you aerialpictures and roadmaps of the area you are interested in.Decide at which scale your scenario will take place.

    Choose which expansions players will need. Dependingon the type of terrain and troops, you may need someexpansions beyond the base game. Be reasonable inyour needs, because not every player will own all of theMemoir 44 expansions published to date.

    Decide the balance of each army. Choose roughly howmany units and which type of units each army willhave. A well-balanced scenario is always nice, but thehistorical back-story may make you decide otherwise.

    Decide the complexity level of your scenario. Usingspecial troops and special terrains will make a scenariomore complex, and thus limit its audience to a hard-coreset of players. Make sure you write down any specialrules you may need, and please make sure to useexisting Special rules whenever possible, rather thandevising your own just for the sake of doing so. Thealready mentioned Memoir 44 Cards Compendiumdatabase should be systematically consulted beforedoing so.

    Design a first version of your scenario using theMemoir 44 Editor.

    Watch the number of units on each side. Eachside cannot exceed 10 infantry units (12 for theJapanese), 8 tank units (4 for the Japanese), and3 artillery units.

    Do not use too many terrain tiles just for thesake of it. This increases the set-up time andcomplexity.

    Keep special rules to a minimum. Too manymight jeopardize the accessibility and playabilityof your scenario.

    Deploy your units across the entire field, unlessyou have a very good reason not to do so. Ifyour whole army is deployed on the center andthe left flank, remember that all right flankcards will become useless, at least for the firstfew turns, for instance.

    Print your scenario.

    Play-test, play-test and play-test again. This is the mostimportant point: play your scenario as many times aspossible and watch your friends play it! Often you willlearn as much if not more from watching others playit than playing it yourself. Richard Borg himself,Memoir 44 game designer, watches many moregames than he plays to design his masterpieces. Writedown the number of medals won on each side andmake some stats. Listen to the comments of yourfriends and other players. If you absolutely have tointroduce your own Special Rules, make sure theywork fine without raising too many questions orcausing unintended side effects.

    Publish and bask in the glory of the great witnesses tohistory! Once you feel good about your scenario, goahead and publish it by making it Public. The mostrecently published scenarios appear first in theScenario of the Front web page, so other players willsee it right away. Read the first few After ActionReports and the first Ratings, to make sure thateverything works smoothly.

    Consider translating your scenario. There are otherMemoir 44 fans out there who will be happy to writeyou a French translation. This will increase youraudience.

    13Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

  • Placing Pieces on the Map Drag-and-drop a piece from the Game

    Tray onto the Map.

    Placing a Piece Multiple Times Double-click on the piece from the

    Game Tray. This locks the piece.

    Click repeatedly on the map where youwant to place it.

    Doing anything else (moving, etc.) orpressing the Esc key will unlock theGame Tray.

    Rotating Pieces(Rivers, Bunkers, Sandbags, etc.) Make sure your piece is selected, and

    click on the Rotation buttons in theToolbar.

    Or use Rotate Clockwise and RotateCounter-Clockwise from the Edit menuor the Contextual menu (right click).

    Moving PiecesDrag-and-drop the piece(s) you want to


    Duplicating Pieces Hold the Alt key down and drag-and-

    drop the piece you want to duplicate.Works on multiple selections too.

    Alternatively, use Copy / Paste.

    Deleting Pieces Select the piece(s), and press the Delete


    Or use Clear from the Edit menu.

    Advanced Piece Picking In the Game Tray, use the pop-up filters

    in the All tab.

    Zoomin, Zoomout Use Zoom-in and Zoom-out from the

    View menu, Or use Ctrl + and Ctrl - ( + and -

    on Mac),

    Or use the Ctrl ( on Mac) 0 to 9shortcuts.

    Multiple SelectionHold the Shift key down and click on the

    pieces you want to add to the selection,

    Or use the Ctrl key instead ( on Mac)to add or remove elements from thecurrent selection,

    Or draw a selection rectangle (Marquee)around the pieces you want to select(convenient to select multiple pieces onthe same hex, like a Terrain piece and theUnit on it).

    Adding a text label on the map Select the hexagon where you want to

    place your label.

    In the Game Tray, click on the Labeltab, and type your text.

    Adding a Special Forces Badgeto a Unit Select the unit.

    In the Toolbar, choose the badge in theBadge pop-up menu.

    Changing the Number of Figures Select the unit.

    In the Toolbar, choose the number inthe Figures pop-up menu.

    Contextual MenuDoing a right-click, the Contextual menu

    will give you options that are relevant tothe current selection.

    Changing the ScenarioParameters From the Toolbar, change the board

    settings and the expansions needed byusing the Board Background, BoardFormat, and Expansions Needed pop-up menus. This will update the list ofelements available from the Map GameTray.

    For more advanced settings, use theBattle Info tab at the top.

    Opening or Saving as a Document The Editor supports standard Open /

    Save from / to disk.

    Opening or Saving Online Choose Open from Days of Wonder

    Online from the File menu to downloada scenario from your private online area.

    Use Save to Days of Wonder Online tosave your scenario to your online area.To publish your scenario to the Scenariosfrom the Front web page, mark yourscenario as Public in the Battle Info priorsaving it online.

    14Memoir '44 Editorv1.0 Manual

    VIII. Quick Reference Sheet

    The ToolbarThe Tabs

    A selectedterrain

    The GameTray

    The MapView