LPPS News - lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

N S W D E P A R T M E N T O F E D U C A T I O N Tallong LPPS News Term 2 Week 9 2018 PHONE 4229 2487 EMAIL lindsaypk -[email protected] WEB www.lindsaypk -p.schools.nsw.edu.au TERM TWO 28.06.2018 Principal’s Report Dear Parents & Carers, Staffing Update As Semester 1 draws to a close, I wanted to let you know about a few staffing changes in Term 3. As you know, Mrs Kirkland will be taking maternity leave at the end of this term and we wish her the very best for the safe arrival of her little one. Ms McAlary will be taking the reins in 1/2K and there has been a thorough handover between teachers to ensure continuity of learning for students in this class. Ms Royall will return to us in Term 3, replacing Ms McAlary in her Learning Support and RFF role five days per week. Welcome back Ms Royall! We also welcome Ms Arnold, a School Learning and Support Officer who will be replacing Mrs Kassas who is taking 6 weeks leave from Week 1 to Week 6. Early in Term 3, we will send out information with photos of all the staff at our school and their roles so you can put faces to names and roles. Athletics Carnival Thank you to our whole school community for a wonderful athletics carnival. It was a fine example of the outstanding sportsmanship which typifies our school. Well done to Mr Williams on coordinating the event and to our generous parent volunteers who skilfully negotiated their shifts around important races for their own children. It was great to see so many spectators. And of course, our dedicated LPPS staff who encouraged, supported, modified and challenged kids to achieve their best. Congratulations to those students who are going on to represent the school at district level. We know you will do our school proud. Students representing our school Our school has an excellent record of students representing the school across a range of academic, cultural, creative and sporting endeavours. On Monday I went along to watch Krystal T and Marley L compete for our school in the Multicultural Public Speaking competition at Mount St Thomas PS. They both spoke confidently and I was very impressed with their efforts during the impromptu speech, a very difficult thing to do. I am also very proud that Paige S, as a member of the Southern Stars Performing Company, was chosen to be part of the media launch this week. Our students will be performing in Southern Stars late in Term 3.

Transcript of LPPS News - lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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Term 2 Week 9 2018 PHONE 4229 2487 EMAIL [email protected]

WEB www.lindsaypk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au



Principal’s Report Dear Parents & Carers,

Staffing Update

As Semester 1 draws to a close, I wanted to let you know about a few staffing

changes in Term 3. As you know, Mrs Kirkland will be taking maternity leave at

the end of this term and we wish her the very best for the safe arrival of her little

one. Ms McAlary will be taking the reins in 1/2K and there has been a thorough

handover between teachers to ensure continuity of learning for students in this


Ms Royall will return to us in Term 3, replacing Ms McAlary in her Learning

Support and RFF role five days per week. Welcome back Ms Royall!

We also welcome Ms Arnold, a School Learning and Support Officer who will be

replacing Mrs Kassas who is taking 6 weeks leave from Week 1 to Week 6.

Early in Term 3, we will send out information with photos of all the staff at our

school and their roles so you can put faces to names and roles.

Athletics Carnival

Thank you to our whole school community for a wonderful athletics carnival. It

was a fine example of the outstanding sportsmanship which typifies our school.

Well done to Mr Williams on coordinating the event and to our generous parent

volunteers who skilfully negotiated their shifts around important races for their

own children. It was great to see so many spectators. And of course, our

dedicated LPPS staff who encouraged, supported, modified and challenged kids

to achieve their best. Congratulations to those students who are going on to

represent the school at district level. We know you will do our school proud.

Students representing our school

Our school has an excellent

record of students representing

the school across a range of

academic, cultural, creative

and sporting endeavours. On

Monday I went along to watch

Krystal T and Marley L

compete for our school in the

Multicultural Public Speaking

competition at Mount St

Thomas PS. They both spoke confidently and I was very impressed with their

efforts during the impromptu speech, a very difficult thing to do. I am also very

proud that Paige S, as a member of the Southern Stars Performing Company,

was chosen to be part of the media launch this week. Our students will be

performing in Southern Stars late in Term 3.

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Kind regards,

Jacqui Conway Principal

Kindergarten Enrolment for 2018

Now is the time to let the office know if you have a child starting school in 2019. It is important that we know our Kindergarten enrolment numbers so that we can allocate adequate resources and start to plan our staffing requirements. Please come in to the office and collect an enrolment form or make a phone call and we can post a form to you. If you know someone who has a school-aged child and they do not currently have children at our school, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let them know to get in contact with us as soon as possible.

Semester 1 Reports Students will be bringing their Semester 1 school report home on Friday 29 June. These reports

are a snapshot of how your child has achieved against the learning outcomes taught in Semester 1.

I am very proud of our student’s achievements and I would like to thank the teachers for the time

they have spent ensuring these reports are informative, personalised and focused on future

learning goals. Next week the parent/ teacher interviews are being held in classrooms. The online

booking portal has now closed. If you have not made an appointment, please contact your child’s

teacher directly to arrange a time.


It is a requirement for all schools to monitor school attendance and follow up any unexplained

absences. If your child is away, the easiest way to explain their absence is through a note sent to

the classroom teacher or through eForms on our Skoolbag App. Please do not provide the absence

note through Class Dojo, as this information is not transferred into our attendance database. We do

need the absence explanation in writing, so a phone call to the office is not sufficient. Thank you for

your understanding and cooperation with this.

Newsletter format change

From Week 1 next term, our Tallong newsletter will take a different format to make it easier to

access on your smart phone. We will be using Sway, an Office 365 platform to collaboratively

create and share our fortnightly news to the community. We are hoping to have some new features,

including class showcase. We look forward to sharing the new format with you next term.

Teachers are Learners Too!

This afternoon, teachers will be attending an extended professional learning session at school from

3 – 6pm around Building Blocks in Number. This is one of the additional afternoon sessions that will

go towards offsetting our final Staff Development Day in Term 4. Next Wednesday, I will attend a

Principal Network meeting followed by a Community of Schools meeting. On Thursday Mrs

Cecchele will attend an L3 workshop.

The final day for students this term is Friday 6 July. Students return on Tuesday 24 July. I hope you all have an enjoyable break. See you all in Term 3.

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Did you know that you can make payments to your child’s school online?

What expenses can be paid online?



Sales to Students (eg: Y6 T-shirts)

Student Fees

How? Log onto School site at


Click on “Make a Payment” and follow the prompts to make a payment via Visa or MasterCard.

Please note:

You cannot pay online for School

uniforms or any fundraisers such as

Book Club, Easter Raffle tickets or

any P&C related activities. This

money is banked through the P&C,

not our school banking.

Thank you

C O M I N G E V E N T S Friday 29 June Reports home

Monday 2—6 July Parent/Teacher Interviews

Friday 6 July Last Day Term 2

Monday 23 July Staff return Term 3

Tuesday 24 July Students return Term 3

Wednesday 25 July Maths Olympiad 3

Tuesday 31 July ICAS—English

We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land,

both past, present and future for they hold the

memories, traditions and dreams of Aboriginal


Kindergarten Enrolments

for 2019

Enrolments for 2019 are now open. If you have a child who

will be commencing school in 2019, please collect an

enrolment form from the office, complete and return it as

soon as possible.

If you have neighbours who are also in the same position,

you may either collect an extra form from the office or refer

them to the school.

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Last Wednesday the K-2 students had the opportunity to met Erin and Jax at the Responsible Pet Education Program incursion. Erin taught us about how to be safe around dogs and how to safely approach them when they are with their owners. We also talked about responsible pet ownership, which included how to care for a pet by making sure they have food, water and shelter. We did some singing and role playing, dancing and some of us even got to pat Jax the Doberman.

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On the 22nd

June 2018, the Lindsay Park School Soccer team attended their second knockout game. The game was held at Beaton Park Soccer Field and the opposing team was Keiraville Public. We kicked off at 12 noon with 25 minute halves. During the first half of the game, Keiraville scored the first goal, which made our team very frustrated, however we were determined to change things round. During the second half everything changed. Our heroes, Ty E and Oliver W, scored two goals, but then unfortunately Keiraville scored the next goal. At full time the score was even at 2-2, therefore, we had 10 minutes of extra time. During the first half of extra time neither team scored any goals, but then, our team was so determined to win that our other heroes, Gabriel T-C and Max O, scored 1 goal each in only 5 minutes, resulting in a 4-2 victory for Lindsay Park. Even though not all of us scored, we are all soccer heroes because it’s a team effort. We would also like to thank the parents, for all of their support and for coming to watch our game. A big thank you to Mr Jones for coaching and putting together our team.

Written by Jake U and Jem B

The Lindsay Park Soccer team’s first game was against Figtree Public School a few weeks ago at Figtree High. We started the game tightly, but about ten minutes in to the game, Jake put in a beautiful cross with Tye on the end of it, scoring our first goal. Near the end of the first half, Figtree equalised. Going into the second half (at 1-1) we passed the ball around nicely, we were easily on top, thanks to Theo’s saves. Not far into the second half we once again gained the lead from our striker Max. Shortly after our second goal, we were gifted a free kick just outside the box. Ollie lobbed it over the keeper into the top corner of the goals. At a 3-1 lead, with an assist from halfway by Harrison, Tye put it past the keeper to seal the Victory for L.P.P.S Boys Soccer Team.

Written by Theo, Daniel And Lochie

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On Tuesday the 19th of June two teams from Lindsay Park went to Mount St Thomas Public

School to compete in round 4 of the Premier’s Debating Challenge. These teams consisted of:

Lindsay Park Blue - Joseph B, Ella C ,Maya B and Ruby H and Lindsay Park Red - Charlee P,

Charlotte H, Marley L and Charlotte R! We were given 1 hour to prepare speeches within the

time limit of 2-3 minutes each on a certain topic. The topics were; “That children under 18

should not be allowed to use social media” and “That female and male parents should be

forced to spend equal amounts of time looking after their kids!” Once we prepared our speech

we were asked to go to hall to officially debate where we were joined by an audience of Year 5

and 6 students, teachers and some parents/grandparents! The results of these debates were

that unfortunately L.P.P.S Blue lost but on the brightside, L.P.P.S Red won! After we debated

we got rewarded for our great work with some yummy snacks which we all enjoyed! On behalf

of our debating teams we would like to thank Miss Combe for her guidance and giving us this

opportunity! In conclusion despite the rainy weather we had such a great time debating against

the other school and are excited for future debates around the Illawarra!

By Charlee P and Charlotte H

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Community Notice Board Lindsay Park Public School does not take any liability for these Community Notices. We have no way of checking the bona fides of any

information received. We encourage parents/caregivers to make all necessary checks prior to involving their children in activities listed.

All School route numbers and names will be updated from Monday 2

nd July


The new numbers will ensure that school buses are easily identifiable. All new school bus numbers will start with a capital ‘S’ and be followed by a new 3 digit bus number, e.g.


You can access further information in the following ways:

Ask for the Schedule of School Route Service Changes from the school office.

View the Schedule of school route service changes on the Premier Illawarra website

at www.premierillawarra.com.au

Contact Premier Illawarra on (02) 4271 1322

Contact Transport for NSW directly on 131500

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