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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. OMom la Train's Opera Sous* Block. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXVI. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. NUMBER 50. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gor'l Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ABSOUUTELY PURE FATAL WATEB8P0UT. It Causes Loss of Llfo and Prop- : erty In Texas. lire Rtork. I'ropt and Olhrr Property Swrpt Aw*j-Tlotlmi o r t h r Flood In Indtu Terrilorj-—floud- bnnt at Uayton, O. m Axr imo«ma GAIHKKVII.LK. Tex.. June 12.—News has been received here from Frazler, Orecn county, of destruction of life and property caused by a Urrible wa- terspout. accompanied by a windstorm, which visited that town and vicin- itj Tuesday night. Rain had been ] tailing several daya. and Tuesday nl*ht i about 11 o'clock a waterspout burst | and in a few minutes the streeU were 4 feet deep with water, presentinir Uie appearance of a raging torrent All the business houses were flooded. Men •ecnred bumries and with Rreat difficulty succeeded in hauling the women and children to places of safety. Three per- sons were drowned in Turkey creek- Pomp Poindexter, a young farmer, his ] Bister and a young nan named Ai-1 bright The dwelling house of Capt | Phillips was lifted from iu foundation and carried nearlr a mile, when It was hurled against a tree and wreaked. Phillips and one 1 of hi« danghters caught some floating debris and were washed ashore half a I mile from where the house was demol- ished. Mrs. i'hlllips and her babe caught o plank and were washed Into the branches of a large tree, where they remained till the next day, when they were rescued by parties in a boat A lanro number of houses were blown down and many others . washed away. Dug-outs were filled ! with water and hundreds of people . rendered homeless, and all their live ; stock, crops and other property swept away. A young farmer numcd Bnr- done. whil.- trying to reach the shore in a ferryboat, was thrown from the ; boat and drowned. 8t. Lons, June IS.—A special from Gainesville, Tex., «y»: Near Leon, L , T.,M miles from hen-, on Red river, the dead bodies of a man, woman and , Utile babe were found in a drift, they having been drowned during the late overflow. The bodies have not been identified. William Lynn, a farmer, ! residing »0 milts north of here, 00 nick6ry creek, was drowned in that stream while trying to ford H. The rise in the Red rivor is noprecedanted At Warran's and Sivil's bends, 40 miles northwest of here, the deslrnction is widespread. In these two bends there were 10,000 acres of corn, ' cotton and small grain cultivated by some fifty familiea All these cropt are destroyed, most of the houses swept away and large numbers of cattle, hogs and chickens drowned. At Yellow Banks ferry a >1 r. linrdone was drowned - while tryiue to reach the shoae in an old ferryboat" DAYTO*. O., June la. A cloud burst over Uie city came at 3 o'clock Thurs- day afternoon flooding everything. The lightning struck in many parts of the cjtT. One tenement house on Con' ovar street was blown down, but no casualties are reported. The Miam'. and Erie canal bank broke two miles south of town and is now flooding the garden lands along the river. STARVING TO DEATH. Great KnlTrrlac Amotii Immlrraata la the Arffonfinr RrpabUe. SOCTHAMITOX, J u n e UL—Over 800 families have arrived here by steamers from liuenos Ayrcs. having been forced to leave in conaequence of the stoppage of work there and Uie lack of money. Krarly ail a^e entirely destitute, and the Kouthampton authorities were obliged to piwidr them with food and other necessaries. There are many Irish families among them, who wen in apecial need of relief. Rome of them report a distressing state of affairs in the Argentine republie owing to the recent finan- cial diKturbancea. The foreign popula- tion. large numbers of whom emigrat- ed there on glowing promises of highly- paid labor, are said to be in some cues actually dying of starvation, as they are practtaully shut out from all work and ean earn no money either to sustain themselves or to enable them to leave the count rv. A imnarkable Laadillda. ATCHISON, Kan.. June IS.—The land- slide at Oak Mills, south of here, which has been playing havoc with trafllu on the Missouri Pacific railroad, is a great deal more extensive than was at flint suppos«d, A leu-acre trast of land has slid drwn hilL On the land 1 is a part of a w h e a t field, a farm- ed several hundred troea. The ground seems to be underlaid with soapstone and springs. The Missouri Pacific has had 300 men at work there all week shoveling mud and sand. Out Killed. Two Wounded. Dr.s MOIKEH, Iu., June 16.—A gang of six young toughs went out to the camp- meeting ground on the outaklrts of the city and at midnight got Into a row re- garding a woman. ••Rabe" Jones, aged 80, was shot and will not recover. Fred Kemp hud his head nearly severed from his body by a big knife and Charles Dcrman was seriously cut across the face Awarded •iiB.OOO IMmaK**- BAKEBsrletn. Cal., June lit—Mre. Morgan, of this city, has Just been awarded KU.OOO d a m a g e s from the Houtheru Pacific company. About a year and a half ago she and her S-year- old child were accidentally thnjwn from a car. The child died and Mra. Morgan Injured her shoulder. THE THRONE SHAKEN. tadlcnatlon In England of the Middle Clau Over lh* Bacearat Keandat Loxtwv, June IS.—The fate of Sir William itordon Cumming is sealed, as far as the army is concerned, for the following paragraph Is published In tb« ORicial (iazette; ••WAnOrricK. Jnae IS, int.-Scot* Qnsrds. Ms] unJ Ueot Ool. Sir Wll.ltm Uotdcn Cum- TTLD*, l i a r o n n IK remored from th<- atmy. ner ••)ri>iy bavins no farther ocratloa lor bis BWTlCCit Dsted Jane 10. IBM." The storm rising round the prince of Wales is fast obtaining intensity, en- dangering his chances of succession to the throne, if not the existence of the English monarchy. No class appears to be stirred no deeply as the great middle class, the real strength of the country and hitherto a solid and stolid prop of the monarchy. Wherever the voice beoduies audible its earnest de- nunciations of the prince of Wales are accompanied by regret* at his nearness to the throne. Representative gather- ings of religions bodies—Congrrgation. aL Methodist Raptist. I'nlUirian and Presbyterian—have already recorded their condemnations. Boards of guar- dians are going out of their accustomed paths to discuss motions branding the gambling propensities of the prince of Wales as a disgrace to the country. Keveral liberal societies have adopted protests against his continuance In the army. The agitation has every char- acter of permanence. It has not yet touched more than a fringe of the polit- ical partiea, bnt en* long the glowing fierceness of the popular heat must penetrate to the core of politics, can»- ing party action within and without parliament OHIO PROHIBITIONISTS. A lltato Tlrkel Named and a I'latfoTm Adopted at SpiiDKflrtd. SrnixoriKl.ti, O., June IS.—The pro- hibition state convention adjourned Thursday night after making the fol- lowing nominations: For governor, John J, Ashenhurst, of Canton; for lieutenant governor. W. J. Kirkendall, of Jackson: for snpreme Judge, II. L. Plake, of y tndusky; for andltor, Charles A. Recsei, of Springfield; for member of the I card of public works, T. A. Rodifer, of Bellaire; for dairy and food commissioner, W. F. Brown, of Butler; for state school commissioner. I'rof. E. H Zellers, president of Hiram college. 1 be platform declares m favor of the prohibition of the liquor traffic, retne- dying class evils, opposes alien owner- ship of and further grants of land to corporations. favors government control of railroads and tele- graphs, condemns spernlation la margins and corners, favors gold, silver and paper for a chvnlating medium, woman suffrage, liberal pen- sions, better immigration laws; de- clares that the tariff should be as- sessed on the goods from such conn- tries as tax American product and that the expenses of the government should be paid by an income tax and that all official fees should bo covered into the public treasury and all officials paid salaries. A DOLLAR SHORT. Smalt of tlie Count of tb« Cuh la tb* t'nlted Stat**. Trrasory. WABHTKOTOK, Jnnc 16.—HIE count of the cash in the vaults of the treasury consequent on the recent change In the office of treasurer has so far resulted in the discovery of a discrepancy of one dollar. This Is missing from s bag of silver in a vault containing near- ly 170.000,000. The bag broke open by its own weight and the decay of tie canvas and its contents were scattered among the other bags in the vault It contained 1.000 silver dollars, all but one of which were found and that one will probably turn up before the examination of the vault is concluded. Otherwise ex-Treasurer Huston will have to make it good. Fatal Bleetrlcal Ktorm In New Jerwy. New YOBK, J u n e 18.—Tidings of a severe electrical storm along the New Jersey coast Friday afternoon are re- ceived here. AtCape May electricfluid struck the lighthouse tower, burning a small hole in the dome and passing don-n tethe cottage connected with the tower, destroying a feather l>ed and puln- fnlly burning one foot of the son of the assisUint keeper. At Ilam- mondton Daniel Cross and two of his children were killed by the lightning. He leaves a wife and three children. DRfVEn. CoL, June 18.—The Colorado •onfereucc of the Methodist Episcopal chnrch. In session in this city voted yes- terday to drop from membership In t h e church the em-evangelist. Rev. Sam "Tp-" •WANTID—The uniue of HIIJ- pereon rfilicWd with goitre, or thick neck. Valuable tnfamjalwin free. Aoorf** •with Btamns. F. N. Cook ft Co., ie2 Lake st, devtSaod. Ohks (4Mi} llouorrd by Cbr I'rlntrrm, 1 BOSTON, J u n e 12.—W, B. I'reseott, of Toronto, Can., was elected president of the Internationul Trpogru|iliieal union at Thursday's convention, lie had UK his competitors Marcene Johnson, of Fort Worth. Tex., and S, L. Freeman, ( of Birmingham, Ala. I'reseott won on the second ballot, raoeivlug 94 out of 150 votes. I'reseott Is 3: years old. Is employed on the Toronto News, and is preKldeut of the Printers" union of that sity. W o d d - a F a i r M a t l m . CDICAOO, J u n e 18.—At a meeting in this city of the world's fair directors the treasurer's report showed that up to date the receipts were 81,i}<U,334.01; disbursemenU, 5432,808.0:1: cash on h a n d . S1,33I.»M,W8, The eighteen for- eign diplomats invited to eotne and see what preparations have been made for the fair arrived from Washington yes- terday. Fouud J»enil In a Wait ! WintmM, Man.. Jnne 1«.—Wednes- day at Woodlands. Man., James Tad- gell, a farmer, returned to his homo In the evening and found his sister-in-law, who was keeping house for him, dead in the well. She had been outraged and then shot, presumably by a young , lad of 17 who had lieen working for ; Tadgell and who Is missing. KlK CUTRB of Sralt. NEW YOKK, June 18.—The steamship Lief Ericsson arrived from Pliley land Thursday. Her commander said fl,- 000,000 worth of seals hail been caught ' sa the nortlutra cs&A. sad the Ilchriag , catch was also larger than usual Premature grayneas is overcome by using Hall's Hair Renewer A FATAL PLUNGE. An Excuraion Train in Switzerland Goes Through a Bridge. As a KetnU Hltty Peraont Meet Urath, M a n or Them b/ Urowalag-A Han- drrd or More el the Remaln- Inx Are More or l.r.i Hart. DOWH TO UKATn. OUR BANNER. National Kmblem Will Contain Forty- Foor ••tar. After July 4. WABIIIHOTON. 'uue J8.—Another star ! will glitter In the national ling July 4. ! This Is not because of any recent ad- mission til statehood, for there has been none. But the law requires that the admission of a new state shall be I signalised In the national bannei | from the independence day following the admission. The new star which BlRUS. June 15.—A fearful accident I wl , 1 flnd B p] aCp j u i y 4 this year will Is reported from SwlUerland. A rail- i slaml for Wyoming. That vignron* road bridge across the Moenlchen, a ! y 0nn ^ commonwealth came in after small affluent of the Rhine, at Stein, in , independence day by Just a week or the canton of Basel, not far from tier- ^ Idaho had been more lucky as the many, gave way Sunday under the I preaident had signed the bill admittingiit weight of an excursion train, crowded I the evening of.I uly3,so it has had IU star with throngs of people. ( the T p ur witli the one added for Wy- The long train was crowded I om j nff t he stars will number forty-four, with people on the way to attend , t promts,.,, to l)e several vears before a musical fete. Sixty persons were | M y morp territories are admitted into killed outright while hundreds were ! gtatehood. w> that the emblem is not Injured Two engines and the first c«r llkel . ^ undergo further change for plunged into the river and all the pas-I timr Ui come. In unofflclal sengers in the car were drowned. 1 wo j ^ the , dluis) ,j ou of Wyoming has ears remained suspended from the 1 been recognized by its extra star for bridge. All the trainnmen were kil ed. n , arlv thc year p ^ t the Thirteen cars were saved The musical I o( th e .tars has been according to the fete at Mucnehenstein was abandoned lndltull i fla7 makers. It Is left for the as soon as the news of the accident ar- ; armr emblem to fix the grouping ae- rived. and hundreds of villagers hur- ried to the scene to assist In rescuing the victims. The bridge was an Iron skeleton structure which was con- sidered well built and substantial The army cording to the government's idea. This is done In the order Just Issued by the war department as follows. "The field or union of thf national f.»f Is u«» U the army will, on and after July I l"9l, con - •— ——j - •••• — ——— ——• —— only apparent reason for the collapse flat of forty four atara la -1* row., thr upper of the bridge U that the train left the I ,0 " e r ™ ,r, * h,v ' , hl ,Ur9 - ,h ralU and threw iu entire weight on ^ one side of the bridge. | ETe fl floatin ii)i t h e ^ o { a u . The gorge w M shout SO feet deep ^ of ^ D>tlona| ^rnment and the wster waa deep and swift wll| henceforth conform to thll onier. The engine, and car were en- Thc with ^ lhim forty-four tb*ly submerged ami none of and nith the old grouping will the passenger* or trainmen were BOt ^ ,t once comtemned, for the gov- able to escape. IT., bodies of eniropnt ^ not io th , t e s U ^ these victim, remained a long , 1|e n p n , ire toe In the water before being reached ^ for thf nfw ^ e T wn , ^ ob . but finally the car. which was badly and the old rt duaU , crushed and splintered, was torn apart disappear and the victims penned within released. . ppc». Of the remaining cars all were more ' BASEBALL. or less damaged, the forward one .hTitandta, of Claba for being almost suspended over the tor- . WmIi KDdM Jan , , 3 . rent below, having been thrown off it* th(i fo , lowi U b u u hhown the 3.1. i. •.»»» baseball organluitions in point of games the track. All the others were de- railed and not a passenger escaned without some Injury. At Iftast a hundred were badly hurt and of these several, ills feared, will die. The dead and wounded were taken to Stein. The calamity has stricken the people with horror. Relief trains with surgeons have been sent to thc scene of the accident lost and won this season: SATTOSAI. LCACCe. I AUIBK AS /fA rt ne«. IjtM. C.l Hes. 1*". <~I. KewYorfc.*: IS •afTllorton......tl in SUFFERING WITH RABIES. Dora and rattle la the Vicinity of Dan- Inp, la.. Going Mad. Dusi.Ar. la, June 15.—There is con- siderable excitement s few miles east of Duolap over dogs and cattle going mad. Within ten days paat thirteen cattle have been shot in one neighbor- hood. eight of them from the herd of George Runnella The cattle appear t o b e "dumpish" and then refnse to eat becoming excited and wild, froth- ing at the mouth and atarting at any moving object One man waa chased through the brush and trees for orer a quarter of s mile be- fore he could escape from one of the mad cattle. Mr. Runnells had Chlesyo Botton ....*> si BrooUya. t; t! ClerelaDd-.t.' !l Phllad'bla.Sl it ritwbar'h.ts SI Cincinnati IS K iu. tow i.eAarE. I'rr won. 1*1'. n Wl Hi. Loan .V. t l Stt Ba.limore. SI J) ..WClLclnnali a « 4V Ainl'tlc « so N»l^mtMllle M -B W) W ashl ton 15 n w CSIKS.O n'oi fyitl. Qnlnry «S 10 ,:M Uncoln .... !: 17 Ottamwa . .1 IS .Sit Otaaba ...,SS 18 Ottaaa... 1> IS Ms Milwaukee« *1 Hockfort. IB I I Mm aMKSH tl Jollet 17 IS .tK' KaA's Clty.Si St Cedar R o'iM .411.8100* Clty.Si Davraoon. 14 n .401 Dearer ai « Aurora 11 13 .an St. Paol.. .IS M WO X. W. LLATIL'A WISI OKMS LCAGL'S. Prr Ft iron I**, f t . B'o« Lot (."/ Dayton ... t 0 l.(iaa;0*bkosa...U s Pt. Wayne. S : .7-0 AppletoB...l3 « G'd R'plda S I . Tit Oconto 10 S Peotla ..... I t .frOUrrenBay. 7 4 Terre Hte. O S .00 l~d flu Lac. S 10 Evanarllle. 0 4 .0U Marfoetle. S 18 IU Ui .441 HIS CAREER ENDED. Oaronlmo, the Noted Mrtlran State Rob- ber. Killed. , . Tccson. A. T, June 15.—Deputy eighteen head of cattle In this pasture g^g 0ray arrived here Sstrrrday and whenever there u any sign of the. morTliDi( w i lh the l>odv of the no- dlsease apparent man animal it is shot Mexican suge robber, Ceronl- Abont twenty dogs in the vicinity ^ and L,,,,, hi,, accomplice. They have been killed The symptoms were hMd ^ robWn g stages in southern identical with those of the cattle. A Mton* during the last five years, child of James FanU was given milk ^ hir( . ^ AheT ^ ' lhortly afUrw ' rd them continually. I Viday night Gray affected. The child shows symptoms aTld hu them down iu the of hydrophobia and Is in a critical con- dition. STOLE MILLIONS. mountains near I'antano. They made a fight and (icronimo fired five and Leon thne shots without effect Geronimo was killed and Leon *nr- rendered. Geronimo robb<-d the United States mail and stage fassengers more than a dozen times and has committed many murders. He was captured several times and escaped. Leon, his accomplice, up to six months ago waa Dlseorery oT Another Theft by Pblladrl. pbla'a Ka-Clty Trea.urer. PHn.AnEi.RNIA. June IS. — Another startling discovery of John Bardsley's stealings as city treasurer was made yesterday. The auditing committee, appointed by the mayor, found that la . . . _ addition to his emlirzlement of over ' ^nff $1,900,000 of the state's money Bards-1 ix>at Tbeir Hrada. ley s t o l e S44.V4S8 of school funds paid BAR PBAXCISCO. June 15.—Details of to him by the state treasurer for the the execution of fifteen Chinese at year ended June :i0. 1 Mil. This is a loas Kowlron City, opposite Bong Kong, to the city, which, added to the lost May 11, have been received by-the ty locked up in the two broken steamer Rio de Janeiro. Six of the men were pirates who looted the pas- eenger steamer Xa Moa on the Chinese cocst Thc fifteen doomed men knelt covered | in a row in the public square and the executioner cut off their heads with a It was all done in a few banks, will aggrrifcte a total loss to the city of Sl.OUO.OCrasnd to the state of 81,300.000, in all S'J.jOO.OOO so far as dis- OoBptroller Laoey Eiplaloa. WASIIISGTON, June 15.—Comptroller sword. Laccy in a communication to the secre. , minnles. tary of the treasury explains why the I Keystone national bunk of 1'hiladelphia ' was not dosed sooner and claims there 1 THE MARKETS. NEW Yoaa. June IS. Is no ground for criticising any of his , IJVJtBTOCK-Oattle, fc: e^ ft e 10 actions. He also absolves John Wanna- ! maker from any unjust dealings iu the Bbeeii.. Uoca. FhOVU case. Be says Rfnk Exatoiner Drew's reports did not reflect the true condi- tion of the bank. Had LI red 120 Years. INOIAXAI-OUH. Ind.. June 18. A negro woman 190 years old died here Friday. Her name was Cloe Ouden. She was a native of North Carolina, slave born, and came Into the world in 1771. Her first child, who was born In 1797, was at her bedside when she died. For six years she hud lieen conlined to her bed anil for many years she had hud little use of her laculties. Bar death resulted from debility. One llundreil Mile, of Fire. MO>TI(KAI« Can., June 12.—Advices say that in the Lake St John district POTATOKB"!pri bui In New Rrunswick a belt 40 miles wide ! POKK-Mes. and over 10U miles In length has been swept by forest fires and several small settlements have ueeu wiped out Uuu- dreds of settlers were driven from their homes. VlrOm. of a Thunderbolt. LITTLX EAI.LS, Minn,, June 18.— Fair to Fancy Ulnncaota 1'uteuta WHEAT—No. S Red Voifraded Red CORN-No, * Dagradrd MmetL OATS—Mixed W a c t e n HVE—Weatera PORK—Mr.a, New LAHD-Wef tern Steum BUTTKB-Western Crriunery. CHICAGO. BEKVRB—Btalpplng S l e r n .... Cowa Bteekera Peeden. Bntebera' Stwr. Balls BOOS—Live SHEEP. ... BUTTER—Crraiurrr Good to CUes Dairy BOGB-Kr-Mi BROOM CORN— Hurt Belf worlclng Dam as ed. ur»*. yuur si k «•, a e 1 4 VI • I. 40 4X) 4 V' • & 40 MO «E IS I IT*.'. I (Hit 1 Of,® 1 ish se *1 ssn 01WKC 07* 41 a 4# » a « 11! 00 iaiv M 6 «7H& t SI It S I7H Lightning struck a house near this city Friday. There were six persons in the house at the time. Ole Nysiuem was kstantly killed and two others injurad, but It Is thought not fatally. Tortured and Rubbed. CoXKK A UTVIUJC. I'U., June 18.— Thieves tortured with Ure au old man named "Eli Brooks, living near here, until he gave them over $40,000 iu money, all he had. The Lowall JOURNAL, f l p e r year. fSOO W I L L BE GIVEN For any rase of Rheumatism which can not be cured by Dr. Drummond's Light- ning Retnev. The propi letors do not hide this offer, but print It bold type on all their clrculi.rd, wrappen, printed | matler, and through the columns of newspapers even where. It will work I wonders, one liottle will cure nearHr all 1 oases. If the d r u j TIRI h a s n o t g o t i t , h e | will order it, or it will 1* sent to any | ad drew bv prepaid axpreas on receipt 1 of (irtc' 1 . jo lirumniond Medicine Co., 4b 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wonted. LARO—Steam FLOUR—Bprlm Patents- Winter Paten la Bakers GRAIN—Wb. at No S. Corn, No.« Oat«. No * Rye. No S Uarler. Sa S aample LUMBER— SldlBB Floorliip Ctnuiuon Boards PBaatag Lath. Dry Hblnelea KT u n m CATTLE—Sloer» Texan* and Indlani. HOGS-Fair to Cbolc. Heavy Mlxsd Grades BHEEP OMAHA. CATTLE—Prima Paiiey Huleher's Steen BOOB Mao at 40 1 V) «410 x «o • • 8 !r0 3 •> SiK 3 M A 4 a 1 ro « !» i W « 4 09 a 6 Hi 11 | ITH is a is & IS •3 t-H ft * 5 KW m 611 » 10 10 FT 10 IS 6 ur. ft e iu (. a am i 10 it r.-A 1 !U it 4 m w a set, n as 40U* mv K a ss W ® 71 is 00 ftnuu ssm ftWOU is u> &u so mo) ait00 2 a v to . s 10 a 3 so { 800 4 ro < 440 510 tsso 4 40 4 00 800 SI «> FT 8 45 5 a a 5 n 8 75 4 »I J IU C 4 ». It is conjectured that a specific mat- yet be found for every ill that flesh is heir to. However Ihis may be, certain- ly ihe I»est specific yet found for dis- eases of til" blood I" Aver s Rarsaparilla. and tuoei diseaees originate from ini|mre blood. Ayer's Hair Vigor has long held the lli-t plaoe, an a liuit-dteaainK, in ihe es'iniation of ihe public. lAdiea find that this preparation gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and gentlemen use it to parent baldneys and rurn humors in the sculp. MICHIGAN STATE NKWH. llealtll In ItleblsJil. Reports Ui the state Ismr.I of lli':lUh by M-ventyMinc oliscrvers i:i HIT r.'iit parts of tin stale for the " vlt einlo I June 0 Indicated tlml elioler 1 111 r'nis, Infliimmutloii. of tli>* b r . i ' u nml dysen- tery Increased, and in - IIIIIMIIKIM 1 - nip, cholera infantuin: *;arl't f - v r mid whiaiping eoii.'li deer • t j-.I in a c a of prevalence Dip'itherla was reportw' at tweiily-two pla.-es. sMrljt fi-rer at tweuty-four. typhoid fever at seven and tuea-sles at thirty-two place.s Kolfilers' ami Hsltiirs" Iteuiiliin. The llranch t'omlly Soldiers' and Sailors'association held its nniiual re- union nt Colilwater. BIHUII NN com- rades belnjf pre tent Short talks were made by .MaJ. Turner, Capt '''unpton, Comrnile tliven. \. J. Aldrieh and others. The following were chosen nflleers for the ensuing y.-ur: Presi- dent. I" I) Neivbi-rrv: seiT'tary L. A. Triskett: treasurer, r W. thven The next reunion will lie held in I'oldwater the second week In Inn •. IS'JJ. Ilrath of t'atil. Chrslrr. Captain tleorge M. Chi-ster. one of the best-knonn newspaper men of Mielilgan, died in Detroit aged .11 years. He was connecttnl with the Detroit Free I'ress for many years. His service was. however, interrupt- ed by a gallant career In the army and by professional work In other cities. He returned to Detroit and the Free I'ress iu IMS, and continued in its service until his death. She Robbed by tVbnle.ala. Mary Roldne was arrested at Iron- wood upon suspicion of shoplift! 'tg. and search of her rooms revealed live large trunks filled with dry goods, laces and embroideries, many yards of rugs and carpets stolen from merchants of Iron- wood and Hurley. The value of the plunder Is estimated at over f i.OOO. Miss Bolduc was believed U) have ac- complices. Suicide of an F.*-l bier or Pollee, The body of ex-Cliiof of Folicv Wayne McCrumb was louml on the state fsir grounds at Lansing, i miles fnmi his home. Death resulted from a dose of carbolic acid taken with lulcidal In- tent Recent bnslnewi reverses, coupled with anticipated trouble over the dis- posal of some chattel-mortgaged prop- erti", caused the de d. Dl.appolnled In Ixire. A very sail suicide has ju»t come to light. .Miss Rertha Wilsey, a.Ted 17. of Alamo. Usik morphine and di«l She asked her mother's forgiveness for any- thing she had done, and it i» known she was unhappy over a love affair. No in- quest was held, as the facts were only made known after the funeral. Mlcblcan lll.torlral Koclely. The Michigan IMoncer and Historical society held its seventeenth annual sev sion at Lansing The secretary's report showed a membership of 750, s gain of 14 since last meeting. The receipts were fS.7C2.IS and the disbursements $4,784.23. Fifteen members died during the year. Sbort lial v^w.r liemi. A Norway storekeeper named John Cooncy fell dead in his store. The Michigan Central railroad com- pany is about ti give .lackson the benefit of a belt line. It will be used mostly for freight and connect the vari- ous manufactories. J. A. Morrill's barn in Vale was struck by lightning and burned. A stallion worth H,OOJ was cremated. Rig Rapids has or^anU^d a coal com- p a n y w i t h SJ.OOo.OiHi c a p i t a l to develop coal mines in Kentucky. J. J. Hofmeyer w us struck on the forehead with a U>.II\1 i:I a sawmill at Fillmore snd instaatly killed. Jerry Angell. of t'Blkinsville.-took strychnine for <|uii:in.- and is dead. The property in D.-trait is valued by the assessors a : SI 74.S15.M0. an increase ofSlS.»Jl,740 in a year. Bay City lutnlwrmen shipped 47.014,- 000 feet of lumber. 7,810,000 shingles and 8.618,000 laths during May. John Quick, a fanner residing near Jackson, broke his neck by a fall from a tree. At Bay City K. S. Fitch & Co.'s fer- tilizing works were totally destroyed by fire. Loss, 830,000. I'Mward Kcmp- ler. a fireman, was fatally injured The Hanover women have organi£ed an auxiliary <}. A. R. relief corps, with Mrs. Ells Smead as presiding oftlc-er. John Beal. 7 years old, of Dimondule, tried to catch on behind a wagon, when his foot caught in the wheel and he was so badly injured that he died. Stephen Baldwin, a well-known cltl- ren of Hillsdale, had a fatal stroke of paralysis He had resided in Hillsdale about twelve yearn. William Quick's house iu ilaklaud county. Smiles from Holly, was'burned, with a loss of $1,0 tn Insured for $S00. Mrs. Fred Bishiugcr. of Mount Clem- ens, was found oca I in her house, her clothing having taken fire. Romeo's new roller mill, which will have a capacity of about seventy-five barrels |>er day. will lie iu operation September 1. The schooner Topsy. owned by C O. Marker, of Chicago, was wrecked at Beavers and is a total loss. Charles Seidell, of East Grand Rap- ids who pleaded guilty to bigamy and who bus a record of live living wives and no divorces, was sentcnued to Jackson prioou for three years. Johnny Welch, a 5-year-old Hay City lad, set fire to his clothing while play- ing near a gasoline stove and was fatal- ly burned. M. W. Smith sold the first wool mar- keted iu Marlette this year for twenty- five cents per pound Fire destroyed the Eagle Harbor ho- tel. Frank Bowden's store and dwell- ing. and the re-dihuces of Charles Schwartz and Mrs. Williams. The to- tal loss was 86.000. The Hought-in mining school closed its spring term and annual examina- tions and tJjc students were given a vacation until .Iutie'i'J, when the flrlrf work and summer torm opens. Kuril ten'. A m i e s S a l v e . The Best SALVE in the world f o r - u t s , Bruisea. Soros. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fe- ver Sores. Tetter. C'lianped Hands, Chil- blains. Corns, and all ^km Eruptions, and {HMitively cures Files, or no pay re- quired. It is' guaranteed to •'ive perfect satisfaction, or money refuu.'ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hunt Hunter SICK HEADACHE. I/MIKE'S-RED CLOVER FIU-S CUKE SICK H cud ache, Drspepeia. Indigestion, Con- •tipatioB. 25c. per Box, 5 B-ixes for |1. Sold by all druggists. MRS MILLION'S RIDE. When Mrs Million goes lo ri !<• she trav- els forth in state, Her horses, full of lire and pride, go prancing from the gate; Hut all the beauties of the day she vlewu with languid ere. Her flesh In weakness waste away, her voice is but a sigh. For Mrs Million is in an advanced singe of ciitnrrli. and all the luxuries that wealth can buy fail to give her cuinfort. She envies her rosy waiting- maid, and would give all her riches for lliut young woman's pure breath and blooming health. Now if some true and disinterested friend would advise Mrs Million of the wonderful merits of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy, she would learn that her case is not past help, |500 reward is olfered bv the mamifact- tirers for a case of catairh in the head which they cannot cure. Wanted.—A good appetite. You can have it easy enough by taking Hood's Sarsapanlla It tones the digestion and cures sick headache. THE SPRING MEDICINE. The popularity which Hood's Sarsa- patilla lias gained as a spring medicine in wonderful. It (Hmseases just those elements of healthgivmg, blood-purill- Ing and ep|ietite.restoring which every- I ody seems to need at this season. Do not continue in a dull, tired, unsatis- factory condition when you may be so much benefited by Hood's Satsuparilln. It purifies the blood and makes the weak strung. "ANY PORT IN A STORM." That's a good maxim, but it will not 1 work as a rule in the purchase of a rem edy for Rheumatism. Any of the cheap nostrum" will not effect a cure— ! In fact, none of them will. Don't trifle 1 with life and prolong agony. Get Dr. , Drummond's Lightning Remedy, and a j speedy cure is certain. It costs <-5 a bottle, but one liottle is worth a hun- dred of anything else, and for that reason it is the cheapest when a cure is wanted. Sent to any address by pre- paid expr. ss on receipt of price. Dnim- mond Medicine Co.. 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Our life is made up of mistakes and the greatest one I ever made was in not using Loose's Extract Red Clover long ago. I suffered two years, scarcely knowing a well day, with Rheumatism and Indigestion, had arrived at the con- clusion that I was nothing but a trial to myself and friends. 1 commence"! tak- ing your fluid extract of Ibil Clover, in fact arrived at the point where 1 would take anything anyone I'vommended. Saw your sd ai.d thought I would try a little newspaper recommendation on'tny own hook. Like all other remedies the first bcitle seemed to do me good. But Unlike all other remedies I discovered no bad effects from taking it. I am now on ray thirteenth bottle and though perfectly well, go on the supposition that if a little does me so much good, will keep it up, J. A. EBEL1NG. Lationa, 111. THE FIRST STEP! Perhaps you are ran down, can't eat, can't sleep.'can t think, can't do any- thing to your satisfaction, snd you won- der whst ails you. You should heed the watniug. vou are taking the finrt step to Nervoos Prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy forrest^ringiour MIVOiil system to its normal healthy condition. Surprising malts follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alter- ative. Your appetite returns, go<Kl di- gestion is restored, and Uie liver and kidneys resume healthv action. Try a bottle' Price50c. at Hunter & Son's drug store. A WONDER WORKER. Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of Builington. Ohio, stales that he had been under the care of two prominent pliy eiciaiis, and used their treatment un- t 1 he was not able to get around. They ' pronounced his cave 10 bo Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to | try Dr King's New Discovery lor Con- Mimption. Coughs and Colds and at thai ! time was not ab'e to walk across the 1 street without.restmg He found, before | he had used half of a dollar bottle, that I he was much betu-r; he continued to i use u and is ti-day enjoy ing good health. ; If you have any Throat, Lung or Chest Trouble, trv it. We guarantee satisfuc- j lion Trial bottle free at Hunt d: Hunt- | er's Drug store. HOW TO SUCCEED. This Is the great problem of life which few satisfactorily solve. Some fail lie- cause of poor lieaiih, others want of ; luck, but the majority from defieent 1 grit—want i f nerve, they are nervous II resolute, changeable, easily get the , b,ues and "take the spirit, down to keeji ; ihe spirits up." thus wasting money. J time, opjieininity nnd nerve force. There is noihing like the Restorative Nervine discovered by the great special ^ ist. Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous dis- | eases, as heiduciie. the blues, nervous, liroHtration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. j Vitis dance, fits, and hysteria, i Trial holtli-s snd fine Ixsik ol t(«timon- ials free a t V< iter & Look's. hOWEIX STATE BANK, [Succcssor to Bowne, (.'ombs & Sriker.] LOWELIj. - MICH. Transact a General Hanking Husincss, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Jt is thc aim ami purpose of the management of this Hank lo build up its business by courteous and fair Ircaimenl, and to olfer to its patrons every accommodalion consistent with sound banking. We Solicit Your Business. A. J. BOWNE, DANIEL STRIKKR, M. C, GR1SW0LD, President. Vice President. Cashier. DO YOU WANT BOOTS OR SHOES ? Vou can get them at "The Old Reliable" BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Where you will always find the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN TOWN Comprising everything in the line of footwear. A. J. HOWK & SON. Bank Block, Lowell, Mich. THE DEERING, SOI.D ONLY 15V BROWN & SEHLER, Where Will Also be Found a Full Line of All Kinds of Agricultural Implements. JUST RECEIVED! The Finest Line of Ladies Shoes Ever Offered to the People of Lowell, all of which will be Sold AT PRICES TO SUIT THE BUYER. "WHAT AW ASS AM !J" The ass thought hlmfclf as fine look- ing as his neighbor, Uie horse, until he, one day, saw himself in the looking- glass. when he said "What an ass am 11" Are there not scores of people who cminot see themselve* as others see them? They have bad blood, pim- ples. blotches, eruptions, and other kin- dred disfigurements. All these annoy- ing things could be entirely enilicuted, and the skin restored to '-Illy white- ness." if that world-famod remedy, Dr. I'ierne's Golden Medical Discovery, were given a fair trial. It cures nil humors, from «lie ordi- nary blotch, pimple or ernptlon to the worst scrofula, or thc mo«t inveterate blood-taints, no matter what their na- ture, or whether they be inherited or acquired. The "Ooiden Medical Dis- covert- " is the only blood purillur guaranttcd to do just what it is rec- ommended oi. or money refunded. WORLD'S DIBJ-EKSART KRDICAL A8- BOCUTION. Proprietors, No. 003 Main L'treet, Euflalo, N. Y. The City Boot and Shoe Store Is to the Front with a New and Complete Stock of Spring Styles in BOOTS AND SHOES. Our line is large, our goods arc valuable and up to times in STYLE, QUALITY AND DURABILITY. Customers treated equally well whether they l«-,v o n e pair of Shoes or one half do^en pair. We Exlenil a Cordial Invilaiion To Everyone To call and examine Our Goods ami Prices, even ii they do not wish to buy, for we can then convince you of the Great Bargains We aie Offering. Mens Shoes of ail kinds, from a common Plow Shoe lo a fine CaifDon- goia or Kangaroo at Irom fi.oo to $4,50. Ladies Shoes in Grain, Glove Grain and Kid to a fine Dongola Good- year welts and hand turned at from f 1.00 to ?3.50. E . "ST. First door west of Althen's Clothing Store. We Have Them All, And can give you your choice. THE FINEST LINE OF GASOLINE STOVES Ever shown in Lowell. Come and Sec Them and be Convinced. W. R. BLAISDELL & CO.

Transcript of LOWELL JOURNAL. - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell...

LOWELL JOURNAL. O n e Dol lar a Year . OMom la Train's Opera Sous* Block. T h r e e C e n t s P e r C o p y


Highest o f all in Leavening P o w e r . — U . S. Gor' l Report, Aug . 17, 1889.



I t C a u s e s L o s s o f L l f o a n d P r o p - :

e r t y In T e x a s .

l i r e R t o r k . I ' r o p t a n d O l h r r P r o p e r t y S w r p t A w * j - T l o t l m i o r t h r F l o o d

In I n d t u T e r r i l o r j - — f l o u d -b n n t a t U a y t o n , O .

m Axr i m o « m a GAIHKKVII.LK. T e x . . J u n e 1 2 . — N e w s

h a s been received here f r o m Frazler , Orecn county , of des t ruc t ion of l i fe and proper ty caused by a Ur r ib l e wa-te r spout . accompanied by a winds torm, which visited tha t t o w n and vicin-i t j Tuesday night. Ra in had been ] ta i l ing several daya. and Tuesday n l*h t i abou t 11 o 'c lock a wa te r spou t b u r s t | and in a f e w minutes the s t r e eU were 4 f e e t deep w i t h wate r , present inir Uie appea rance of a raging t o r r e n t All t h e business houses were flooded. Men •ecnred bumries a n d wi th Rreat difficulty succeeded in hau l ing t h e women and children t o p laces of safe ty . T h r e e per-sons were d rowned in T u r k e y c r e e k -P o m p Poindexter , a y o u n g fa rmer , h is ] Bister and a young n a n named Ai-1 b r i g h t T h e dwel l ing house of C a p t | Phi l l ips was l i f t ed f rom i u foundat ion and ca r r i ed n e a r l r a mile, when It w a s hu r l ed aga ins t a t ree and wreaked. Phi l l ips a n d one 1

of hi« d a n g h t e r s c a u g h t some floating debr i s and were washed ashore half a I mile from w h e r e the house was demol-ished. Mrs. i 'hll l ips a n d he r babe caught o p l ank a n d were washed Into the b ranches of a large t r ee , whe re they remained t i l l t h e n e x t day , when they were rescued by par t ies in a b o a t A lanro n u m b e r of houses were b lown down and many o the r s . washed away . Dug-outs were filled ! wi th w a t e r a n d hundreds of people . rendered homeless , and all the i r live ; s tock , crops and o the r p rope r ty s w e p t away. A young f a r m e r numcd Bnr-done. whil.- t ry ing to r each the shore in a f e r ryboa t , was t h r o w n f rom t h e ; boa t and drowned.

8 t . L o n s , J u n e IS.—A special f rom Gainesville, Tex., « y » : N e a r Leon, L , T . , M miles f rom hen-, on Red river, t h e dead bodies of a man , woman and , Uti le babe were f o u n d in a d r i f t , they hav ing been drowned d u r i n g t h e la te overflow. The bodies h a v e no t been identified. William L y n n , a f a rmer , ! residing »0 mi l t s no r th of here, 00 n i c k 6 r y creek, was d rowned in t h a t s t ream whi le t ry ing t o ford H. T h e rise in t h e Red rivor is nop recedan t ed A t W a r r a n ' s and Sivil 's bends, 40 miles n o r t h w e s t of here, t h e desl rnct ion is widespread. In t h e s e two bends t he r e were 10,000 ac res of corn,

' co t ton and smal l g r a i n cult ivated by some fifty fami l iea All these cropt a r e dest royed, mos t of t h e houses swept a w a y a n d la rge n u m b e r s of cat t le , hogs and chickens d rowned . At Yel low B a n k s f e r ry a >1 r . l i n rdone was d rowned

- whi le t r y i u e t o reach t h e shoae in an old fe r ryboat"

DAYTO*. O., J u n e la . A cloud burst over Uie city came a t 3 o 'clock Thurs-day a f te rnoon flooding everything. T h e l igh tn ing s t ruck in many p a r t s of t h e cjtT. One t e n e m e n t house on Con' ovar s t reet was b l o w n down, b u t no casual t ies are repor ted . The Miam'. and Er ie canal b a n k b r o k e t w o miles south of town and is now flooding t h e g a r d e n lands a long t h e river.

S T A R V I N G T O D E A T H .

G r e a t Kn lTr r l ac A m o t i i I m m l r r a a t a l a t h e A r f f o n f i n r R r p a b U e .

SOCTHAMITOX, J u n e UL—Over 800 fami l ies have arr ived h e r e by s teamers f rom l iuenos Ayrcs. hav ing been forced t o leave in conaequence of the s toppage of work t he r e and Uie lack of money. K r a r l y ai l a^e en t i r e ly dest i tute, and t h e Kouthampton au tho r i t i e s were obliged t o p i w i d r them w i t h food a n d other necessaries. T h e r e are m a n y Irish f ami l i e s a m o n g them, w h o w e n in apecial need of rel ief . Rome of them repor t a distressing s t a t e of a f fa i r s in t h e Argent ine republ ie owing t o t h e recent finan-cial diKturbancea. T h e fore ign popula-t ion . large n u m b e r s of whom emigra t -ed t he r e on glowing promises of highly-paid labor, a re said t o be in some c u e s actual ly dy ing of s tarvat ion, as t hey are practtaully s h u t ou t f r o m all w o r k and ean earn no money e i the r t o sus ta in themselves o r to enab le them t o leave the count rv.

A i m n a r k a b l e L a a d i l l d a .

ATCHISON, K a n . . J u n e I S . — T h e l a n d -

sl ide a t Oak Mills, sou th of here, which h a s been playing h a v o c wi th trafllu on t h e Missouri Pac i f i c rai lroad, is a g r e a t deal more ex tens ive t h a n was a t flint suppos«d, A leu-acre t r a s t of land has slid d r w n hilL On t h e land

1 is a pa r t of a w h e a t field, a farm-ed several hundred troea. The

ground seems t o be underlaid with soapstone and springs. The Missouri Pacific has had 300 men a t w o r k there a l l week shoveling mud and sand.

Out K i l l e d . T w o W o u n d e d .

D r . s MOIKEH, I u . , J u n e 1 6 . — A g a n g of

six young toughs w e n t out to t h e camp-mee t ing ground on t h e ou tak l r t s of the city and at midn igh t go t Into a row re-ga rd ing a woman. ••Rabe" Jones , aged 80, was shot and wi l l not recover. Fred K e m p hud his head near ly severed f rom his body by a big kn i fe and Charles Dcrman was ser iously cu t across t h e face

A w a r d e d •iiB.OOO IMmaK**-

BAKEBsrletn. Cal., J u n e lit—Mre. Morgan, of th is c i ty , has Just been awarded KU.OOO d a m a g e s f r o m the Houtheru Pacific company. About a y e a r and a half ago she and he r S-year-old child were accidental ly t h n j w n f rom a car. T h e child died and Mra. Morgan Injured h e r shoulder.

T H E T H R O N E S H A K E N .

t a d l c n a t l o n In E n g l a n d o f t h e M i d d l e C l a u O v e r l h * B a c e a r a t K e a n d a t

Loxtwv, J u n e IS.—The f a t e of Sir Will iam itordon Cumming is sealed, as fa r as the a r m y is concerned, fo r t h e fol lowing p a r a g r a p h Is publ i shed In tb« ORicial ( iazet te;

• • W A n O r r i c K . J n a e IS, i n t . - S c o t * Q n s r d s . Ms] unJ U e o t Ool. Sir Wll.ltm Uotdcn Cum-TTLD*, l i a r o n n IK r e m o r e d f rom th<- a t m y . n e r ••)ri>iy bavins no farther ocratloa lor bis BWTlCCit

• Dsted Jane 10. IBM." T h e s torm ris ing round the pr ince of

Wales is f a s t ob t a in ing in tens i ty , en-danger ing h is chances of succession t o the th rone , if no t t h e ex is tence of t h e Engl i sh monarchy . No c lass a p p e a r s t o be st irred no deeply as the g r e a t middle class, the real s t r eng th of t h e coun t ry and h i t h e r t o a solid and stolid prop of the monarchy . Wherever t h e voice beoduies audible i t s ea rnes t de-nunciat ions of the prince of Wales a r e accompanied by regret* a t h is nea rness to t h e th rone . Represen ta t ive gather-ings of rel igions bodies—Congrrgat ion. aL M e t h o d i s t Raptis t . I 'nlUirian and Presbyter ian—have a l ready recorded their condemnat ions. Boards of guar-d ians a r e going ou t of t he i r accus tomed pa ths to discuss mot ions b r a n d i n g t h e gambl ing propensi t ies of t h e pr ince of Wales as a disgrace t o t h e coun t ry . Keveral l iberal societ ies have adopted pro tes t s aga ins t h is cont inuance In t h e a rmy. T h e ag i ta t ion h a s every char-acter of pe rmanence . I t h a s n o t y e t touched more t han a f r inge of t h e polit-ical part iea, bn t en* l o n g t h e g lowing fierceness of t h e popula r h e a t mus t pene t r a t e t o t h e core of politics, can»-ing pa r ty act ion wi th in and wi thou t p a r l i a m e n t

O H I O P R O H I B I T I O N I S T S .

A l l t a t o T l r k e l N a m e d a n d a I ' l a t f o T m A d o p t e d a t S p i i D K f l r t d .

SrnixoriKl. t i , O., J u n e IS.—The pro-h ib i t ion s t a t e convent ion ad journed T h u r s d a y n igh t a f t e r m a k i n g t h e fol-lowing nominat ions: For governor, J o h n J , Ashenhurs t , of Canton; fo r l i e u t e n a n t governor . W. J . Kirkendal l , of J ackson : fo r snpreme Judge, II. L. P lake , of y t ndusky ; fo r andl tor , Charles A. Recsei , of Springfield; for m e m b e r of the I card of publ ic works, T . A. Rodifer , of Bellaire; f o r da i ry and food commissioner, W. F. Brown, of Bu t l e r ; fo r s t a t e school commissioner. I 'rof. E. H Zellers, president of H i r am college.

1 be p l a t f o r m declares m favor of t h e prohibi t ion of t h e l iquor traffic, retne-dy ing class evils, opposes al ien owner -sh ip of and f u r t h e r g r a n t s of land t o corporat ions. f avors gove rnmen t control of ra i l roads and tele-graphs , condemns spernla t ion la marg ins and corners , favors gold, si lver and pape r fo r a chvn la t i ng medium, woman suf f rage , l ibera l pen-sions, be t t e r immigra t ion l aws ; de-c la res t h a t t h e tar i f f should be as-sessed on t h e goods f rom such conn-t r i e s as t ax American produc t and t h a t t h e expenses of t h e g o v e r n m e n t should be paid by an income t ax and t h a t all official fees should bo covered in to t h e p u b l i c t r easu ry and al l officials paid salaries.


S m a l t of t l i e C o u n t of t b « C u h l a t b * t 'nlted Stat**. Trrasory.

WABHTKOTOK, J n n c 1 6 . — H I E c o u n t of t h e cash in the vau l t s of the t r easu ry consequent on the r ecen t change In the office of t r ea su re r has so f a r resul ted in t h e discovery of a discrepancy of one dol lar . Th i s Is miss ing f rom s bag of si lver in a vau l t con ta in ing near-ly 170.000,000. T h e b a g b roke open by i ts own weight and t h e decay of t i e canvas and its con ten t s were sca t t e red among t h e o the r bags in t h e v a u l t I t contained 1.000 si lver dollars, al l b u t one of which were found a n d t h a t one will p robably t u r n u p be fo re t h e examina t ion of the vau l t is concluded. Otherwise ex-Treasure r Hus ton will have t o m a k e it good.

F a t a l B l e e t r l c a l K t o r m In N e w J e r w y .

N e w YOBK, J u n e 1 8 . — T i d i n g s o f a

severe electrical s to rm a long t h e N e w J e r s e y coast Fr iday a f t e rnoon a r e re-ceived here . A t C a p e May electr icf luid s t ruck t h e l igh thouse tower , b u r n i n g a smal l hole in t h e dome and pass ing don-n t e t h e cot tage connected wi th the tower , des t roy ing a f e a t h e r l>ed and puln-fn l l y b u r n i n g one foo t of the son of t h e assisUint keeper . At I lam-mondton Daniel Cross and t w o of h is chi ldren were killed by t h e l igh tn ing . H e leaves a wi fe and t h r e e chi ldren.

DRfVEn. CoL, J u n e 18.—The Colorado •onfe reucc of t h e Methodis t Episcopal chnrch . In session in t h i s city voted yes-t e rday to drop f r o m membersh ip In t h e church the em-evangelist. Rev. Sam "Tp-"

• W A N T I D — T h e u n i u e of HIIJ- p e r e o n rfilicWd w i t h goi tre , o r th ick neck. Valuab le tn famja lwin f ree . Aoorf** •with Btamns. F . N . Cook ft Co., ie2 Lake s t , d e v t S a o d . O h k s ( 4 M i }

l l o u o r r d by Cbr I ' r l n t r rm, 1 BOSTON, J u n e 12.—W, B. I ' reseott , of

Toronto , Can., was elected president of t h e In te rna t ionul Trpogru | i l i iea l union a t Thu r sday ' s convention, l i e had UK his compet i tors Marcene Johnson , of F o r t Wor th . Tex. , and S, L. F reeman ,

( of Bi rmingham, Ala. I ' reseott won on t h e second bal lot , raoeivlug 94 out of 150 votes. I ' reseot t Is 3 : y e a r s old. Is employed on t h e Toron to News, and is preKldeut of t h e Printers" union of t h a t s i ty .

W o d d - a F a i r M a t l m .

CDICAOO, J u n e 18.—At a m e e t i n g in th is city of the wor ld ' s fa i r d i rec tors t h e t r easure r ' s report showed tha t up to d a t e the receipts were 81,i}<U,334.01; d i sbursemenU, 5432,808.0:1: cash on hand . S1,33I.»M,W8, T h e e ighteen for-eign d ip lomats invited t o eotne and see w h a t p repa ra t ions have been made f o r the f a i r a r r ived f rom Wash ing ton yes-t e rday .

F o u u d J»enil In a W a i t

! W i n t m M , Man.. J n n e 1«.—Wednes-day a t Woodlands. Man. , J a m e s Tad-gell, a f a rmer , r e tu rned t o h is homo In t h e evening and found his sister-in-law, who was keeping house for him, dead in t h e well . She had been ou t raged and t hen shot , p r e sumab ly by a y o u n g

, lad of 17 w h o had lieen w o r k i n g f o r ; Tadge l l and who Is missing.

KlK CUTRB of S r a l t .

N E W YOKK, J u n e 1 8 . — T h e s t e a m s h i p

Lief Ericsson ar r ived f rom Pliley l and Thur sday . Her commander said f l , -000,000 wor th of seals hail been caugh t

' s a t h e nor t lu t ra cs&A. s a d the I l ch r i ag , catch was also l a r g e r t h a n u s u a l

P rema tu re grayneas is overcome by using Hall 's Hai r Renewer


A n E x c u r a i o n T r a i n in S w i t z e r l a n d G o e s T h r o u g h a B r i d g e .

As a K e t n U H l t t y P e r a o n t M e e t U r a t h , M a n o r T h e m b / U r o w a l a g - A H a n -

d r r d o r M o r e e l t h e R e m a l n -Inx A r e M o r e o r l . r . i H a r t .


O U R B A N N E R .

N a t i o n a l K m b l e m W i l l C o n t a i n F o r t y -F o o r • • t a r . A f t e r J u l y 4.

WABIIIHOTON. ' u u e J 8 . — A n o t h e r s t a r

! will g l i t te r In the nat ional ling Ju ly 4. ! T h i s Is not because of any recent ad-

mission til s tatehood, fo r there has been none. But the law requires that t h e admission of a new s ta te shall be

I s ignal ised In the nat ional bannei | f r om the independence day following

t h e admission. The n e w s ta r which B l R U S . J u n e 15.—A fear fu l accident I w l , 1 flnd B p ] a C p j u i y 4 t h i s yea r will

Is r epor t ed from SwlUer land . A rail- i s l a m l f o r Wyoming. T h a t vignron* road br idge across the Moenlchen, a ! y 0 n n ^ commonwea l th came in a f t e r smal l affluent of t h e Rhine, a t Stein, in , independence day by Just a week or t h e can ton of Basel, not fa r f rom tier- ^ Idaho had been more lucky as the many, gave way Sunday under t h e I prea ident had signed t h e bill admitt ingii t we igh t of an excursion t ra in , crowded I the evening of.I u ly3,so it has had IU star w i t h th rongs of people. ( t h e T p u r wi t l i the one added for Wy-

T h e long t ra in was crowded I o m j n f f t h e s t a r s will n u m b e r forty-four, wi th people on t h e way to a t tend , t promts,.,, to l)e several vea rs before a musical fete. Sixty persons were | M y m o r p t e r r i to r ies a r e admit ted into kil led outr ight while h u n d r e d s were ! gtatehood. w> t h a t the emblem is not I n j u r e d T w o eng ines and the first c«r l l k e l . ^ undergo f u r t h e r change for p lunged into t h e r iver and all the pas- I t i m r Ui come. In unofflclal s enger s in the ca r were drowned. 1 wo j ^ t h e , d l u i s ) , j o u o f Wyoming has e a r s remained suspended f rom the 1 been recognized by i ts e x t r a s tar for bridge. All the t r a innmen were kil ed. n , a r l v t h c y e a r p ^ t t h e

Thi r t een cars were s a v e d T h e musical I o ( t h e . t a r s has been according to the f e t e a t Mucnehenste in was abandoned • l n d l t u l l i fla7 makers . I t Is lef t for the as soon as the n e w s of t h e accident ar- ; a r m r emblem to fix the grouping ae-rived. and hundreds of vi l lagers hur -ried to the scene t o assist In rescuing t h e victims. T h e bridge was a n Iron ske le ton s t ruc ture which was con-sidered well bu i l t and s u b s t a n t i a l The

a r m y cording to t h e government ' s idea. This is done In t h e order Just Issued by the w a r depa r tmen t as follows.

" T h e field o r union of thf na t iona l f.»f Is u«» U the a rmy will, on and a f te r J u l y I l"9l, con - •— ——j - •••• — ——— ——• ——

only appa ren t reason fo r t h e collapse flat of forty four atara la -1* row., thr upper of t h e br idge U t h a t the t ra in lef t t h e I , 0 " e r ™ , r , * h , v ' , !« h l , U r 9 - , h • ra lU and t h r e w i u en t i re we igh t on ^ one side of the bridge. | E T e fl floatin ii)i t h e ^ o { a u .

T h e gorge w M shou t SO fee t deep ^ o f ^ D > t l o n a | ^ r n m e n t a n d the w s t e r waa deep and s w i f t w l l | hence fo r th conform to th l l onier. T h e eng ine , and car were en- T h c „ w i t h ^ l h i m for ty-four t b * l y submerged ami none of and n i t h t h e old grouping will t h e passenger* or t r a inmen were B O t ^ , t once comtemned, fo r the gov-a b l e to escape. I T . , bodies of e n i r o p n t ^ n o t i o t h , t e s U ^ t h e s e vic t im, remained a long , 1 | e n p n , i r e

toe In the water before being reached ^ f o r t h f n f w ^ e T w n , ^ o b . b u t f inal ly the car. which was badly a n d t h e o l d rt d u a U , c ru shed and spl in tered , was torn apar t d isappear and the victims penned within released. . p p c » . Of t h e r ema in ing cars all we re more ' B A S E B A L L . or less damaged, the fo rward one . h T i t a n d t a , of Claba for b e i n g almost suspended over the tor- . W m I i K D d M J a n , , 3 . r e n t below, hav ing been th rown off it* t h ( i f o , l o w i U b u u h h o w n t h e

3 . 1 . i . • . » » » basebal l o rganlu i t ions in point of games

t h e t rack. All the others were de-ra i led and not a passenger escaned wi thou t some Injury. At Iftast a hundred were badly hur t and of these several, i l l s feared, will die. T h e dead and wounded were t aken t o Stein. The calamity has str icken the people with horror . Relief t r a ins wi th surgeons have been sent t o thc scene of t h e acc iden t

lost and won this season: SATTOSAI. LCACCe. I AUIBK AS /fA rt

ne«. IjtM. C . l Hes. 1*". <~I. KewYorfc.*: IS •afTllorton......tl in


D o r a a n d r a t t l e l a t h e Vic in i ty of D a n -Inp, l a . . G o i n g M a d .

Dusi .Ar . l a , J u n e 15.—There is con-siderable exc i tement s few miles east of Duolap over dogs and ca t t l e going mad. Within ten days paat th i r teen c a t t l e have been shot in one neighbor-hood. eight of them f rom the herd of George Runne l l a T h e ca t t le appear to b e "dumpish" and then r e fnse to e a t becoming excited and wild, f ro th-ing a t the mou th and a t a r t ing a t any m o v i n g o b j e c t One man waa chased th rough t h e b rush and t r ee s f o r o re r a qua r t e r of s mile be-f o r e he could escape f rom one of t h e mad ca t t le . Mr. Runnel ls h a d

Chlesyo Botton ....*> si B r o o U y a . t ; t! ClerelaDd-.t.' !l Phl lad 'b la .S l i t r i t w b a r ' h . t s SI Cincinnati IS K

i u . t o w i.eAarE. I'rr

won. 1*1'. n

Wl Hi. L o a n .V. t l Stt Ba . l imore . SI J )

. .WClLc lnna l i a «

4V A i n l ' t l c « so N»l^mtMllle M -B W) W ashl ton 15 n


n'oi fyitl. Qnlnry «S 10 ,:M U n c o l n . . . . ! : 17 O t t a m w a . .1 IS .Si t Otaaba . . . ,SS 18 O t t a a a . . . 1> IS Ms M i l w a u k e e « *1 Hockfor t . IB I I Mm a M K S H t l Jo l l e t 17 IS .tK' KaA's Clty.Si St Cedar R o ' iM .411.8100* Clty.Si D a v r a o o n . 14 n .401 D e a r e r a i « Aurora 11 13 . a n S t . P a o l . . .IS M WO


iron I**, f t . B'o« Lot (."/ Dayton ... t 0 l.(iaa;0*bkosa...U s P t . Wayne . S : .7-0 AppletoB.. . l3 « G'd R 'p lda S I . Tit Oconto 10 S P e o t l a . . . . . I t . f r O U r r e n B a y . 7 4 T e r r e H t e . O S . 0 0 l~d flu Lac. S 10 Evanar l l l e . 0 4 .0U M a r f o e t l e . S 18





O a r o n l m o , t h e N o t e d M r t l r a n S t a t e R o b -b e r . K i l l e d .

, . T c c s o n . A. T , J u n e 15.—Deputy eighteen head of cat t le In this pas tu re g ^ g 0 r a y arrived here Sstrrrday a n d whenever there u any sign of t h e . m o r T l i D i ( w i l h the l>odv of the no-dlsease appa ren t m a n animal it is s h o t Mexican s u g e robber , Ceronl-Abont twen ty dogs in the vicinity ^ a n d L, , , , , hi,, accomplice. They have been k i l l e d The symptoms were h M d ^ r o b W n g s tages in southern identical wi th those of t h e catt le. A M t o n * dur ing the last five years, child of J a m e s F a n U was given mi lk ^ h i r ( . ^ A h e T

^ ' l h o r t l y a f U r w ' r d t hem cont inual ly . I Viday n igh t Gray affected. T h e child shows symptoms a T l d h u t hem down iu the of hydrophobia and Is in a critical con-dit ion.


moun ta in s near I 'antano. They made a f ight and ( icronimo fired five and Leon t h n e shots wi thout e f f e c t Geronimo was killed and Leon *nr-rendered. Geronimo robb<-d the United S ta tes mail and s tage f a s senge r s more t h a n a dozen t imes and has commit ted many murders . He was captured several t imes and escaped. Leon, his accomplice, up t o six months ago waa

D l s e o r e r y oT A n o t h e r T h e f t b y P b l l a d r l . pb la ' a Ka-Cl ty T r e a . u r e r .

PHn.AnEi.RNIA. J u n e IS. — Anothe r s t a r t l i ng discovery of J o h n Bardsley 's s teal ings a s city t r ea su re r was made yes terday. The audi t ing commit tee , appointed by the mayor, found t h a t la . . . _ addition to h is e m l i r z l e m e n t of over ' ^ n f f $1,900,000 of t h e s ta te ' s money Bards-1 ix>at Tbeir Hrada. ley stole S44.V4S8 of school f u n d s paid BAR PBAXCISCO. J u n e 15.—Details of t o him by the s ta te t r ea su re r for t h e t h e execut ion of f i f t een Chinese at yea r ended J u n e :i0. 1 Mil. Th i s is a loas Kowl ron City, opposi te Bong Kong, t o the city, which, added t o the lost May 11, have been received b y - t h e

ty locked up in the t w o b roken s t eamer Rio de Jane i ro . Six of the men were pira tes w h o looted the pas-eenger s teamer Xa Moa on the Chinese c o c s t Thc fifteen doomed men k n e l t

covered | in a row in the public square and the execu t ioner cut off the i r heads with a

I t was all done in a few

banks , will aggr r i fc te a to ta l loss t o t h e city of Sl.OUO.OCrasnd to t h e s t a t e of 81,300.000, in al l S'J.jOO.OOO so f a r as dis-

O o B p t r o l l e r L a o e y E i p l a l o a .

WASII ISGTON, J u n e 1 5 . — C o m p t r o l l e r s w o r d .

Laccy in a communicat ion t o the s e c r e . , minnles . t a ry of the t reasury expla ins why t h e I Keystone nat ional bunk of 1 'hi ladelphia ' w a s not d o s e d sooner and claims t he r e 1

T H E M A R K E T S .

NEW Yoaa. June IS. Is no ground for cri t icising any of h is , IJVJtBTOCK-Oattle, fc: e ft e 10 actions. He also absolves J o h n Wanna- ! m a k e r f rom any u n j u s t deal ings iu t h e

Bbeeii.. U o c a .

FhOVU case. Be says R f n k Exato iner Drew's reports did not reflect the t rue condi-t ion of the b a n k .

H a d LI r e d 120 Y e a r s .

INOIAXAI-OUH. I n d . . J u n e 18. A

negro woman 190 years old died h e r e Friday. Her n a m e was Cloe Ouden. She was a native of Nor th Carolina, slave born, and came Into the world in 1771. Her f i rs t child, w h o was born In 1797, was at her bedside when she died. For six yea rs she hud lieen conlined to her bed anil for many years she had hud little use of her laculties. B a r dea th resulted f rom debili ty.

O n e l l u n d r e i l M i l e , of F i re .

MO>TI(KAI« C a n . , J u n e 1 2 . — A d v i c e s

say that in the Lake S t John d is t r ic t POTATOKB"!pri bui In New Rrunswick a belt 40 miles wide ! POKK-Mes. and over 10U miles In length has been s w e p t by fores t fires and several smal l se t t l ements have ueeu wiped o u t Uuu-dreds of se t t l e r s were dr iven f rom the i r homes.

V l r O m . of a T h u n d e r b o l t .

LITTLX EAI.LS, M i n n , , J u n e 1 8 . —

Fair to Fancy Ulnncaota 1'uteuta

WHEAT—No. S Red Voifraded Red

CORN-No, * Dagradrd MmetL

OATS—Mixed Wacten HVE—Weatera PORK—Mr.a, New LAHD-Wef tern Steum BUTTKB-Western Crriunery.

CHICAGO. BEKVRB—Btalpplng S le rn . . . .

Cowa Bteekera Peeden. Bntebera' S twr . Balls

BOOS—Live SHEEP. ... BUTTER—Crraiurrr

Good to CUes Dairy BOGB-Kr-Mi BROOM CORN—

Hurt Belf worlclng Dam as ed.

ur»*. yuur si k «•, a e 1 4 VI • I. 40 4X) 4 V' • & 40 M O « E IS I IT*.'. I (Hit 1 Of,® 1 ish

se *1 ssn 01WKC 07* 41 a 4# » a «

11! 00 iaiv M 6 «7H& t SI

I t S I7H

Ligh tn ing s truck a house nea r th is city Friday. The re were six persons in the house a t the time. Ole Nysiuem was k s t a n t l y killed and two others in jurad, bu t It Is t hough t no t fa ta l ly .

T o r t u r e d a n d R u b b e d .

CoXKK A UTVIUJC. I 'U., J u n e 18 .—

Thieves t o r t u r e d wi th Ure au old man named "Eli Brooks, l iving near here, until he gave them over $40,000 iu money, al l he had.

T h e L o w a l l JOURNAL, f l p e r y e a r .


For any rase of Rheumat ism which can not be cured by Dr. Drummond ' s Light-n ing Retnev. The propi letors do no t hide this offer, but print It bold type on all their clrculi.rd, w r a p p e n , printed

| matler , and through the columns of newspapers e v e n where. I t will work

I wonders, one liottle will cure nearHr all 1 o a s e s . If t h e d r u j TIRI h a s n o t g o t i t , h e | will order it, or it will 1* sent t o a n y | ad drew bv prepaid axpreas on receipt 1 of (irtc'1. j o l i rumniond Medicine Co.,

4b 60 Maiden Lane, New York . Agen t s wonted.

LA RO—Steam FLOUR—Bprlm Patents-

Winter Paten la Bakers

GRAIN—Wb. at No S. Corn, No.« Oat«. No * Rye. No S Uarler. S a S aample

LUMBER— SldlBB Floorliip Ctnuiuon Boards PBaatag Lath. Dry — Hblnelea

KT u n m CATTLE—Sloer»

Texan* and Indlani. HOGS-Fair to Cbolc. Heavy

Mlxsd Grades BHEEP


Paiiey Huleher's Steen


Mao at 40 1 V) « 4 1 0 x «o • • 8 !r0 3 •> SiK 3 M A 4 a 1 ro « !» i W « 4 09

a 6 Hi 11 | ITH is a is

& IS

•3 t-H ft * 5 KW

m 611 » 10 10 FT 10 IS 6 ur. ft e iu (. a am i 10 it r.-A 1 !U it 4 m

w a set, n as 40U* mv K a ss W ® 71

is 00 ftnuu ssm ftWOU is u> & u so mo) a i t 0 0 2 a v to

. s 10 a 3 so

{800 8 » 4 ro

<440 510

t s s o

4 40 4 00 800

SI «> FT 8 45 5 a a 5 n 8 75 4 »I J IU C 4 » .

I t is conjectured t h a t a specific mat-yet be found fo r every ill t h a t flesh is heir to . However Ihis may be, ce r t a in -ly ihe I»est specific yet found for dis-eases of til" blood I" Aver s Rarsaparil la. and tuoei diseaees or ig inate f rom ini |mre blood.

Ayer's Hai r Vigor has long held the lli-t plaoe, an a liuit-dteaainK, in ihe es ' in ia t ion of ihe public. lAdiea find that this preparat ion gives a beautiful gloss to the hair , and gentlemen use it t o p a r e n t baldneys and ru rn humors in the sculp.


l l e a l t l l In I t l e b l s J i l .

Reports Ui the s t a t e Ismr.I of lli':lUh by M-ventyMinc oliscrvers i:i HIT r. ' i it par t s of tin stale fo r the " vlt einlo I J u n e 0 Indicated tlml elioler 1 111 r 'nis , Infliimmutloii. of tli>* br.i 'u nml dysen-t e r y I n c r e a s e d , a n d in - IIIIIMIIKIM 1 - n ip ,

cholera infantuin : * ; a r l ' t f - v r mid whiaiping eoii.'li deer • t j-.I in a c a of prevalence Dip'itherla was reportw' a t twei i ly- two pla.-es. s M r l j t f i-rer a t tweuty-four . typhoid fever a t seven and tuea-sles a t th i r ty - two place.s

Kolfilers' ami Hsltiirs" Iteuiiliin. The l lranch t 'omlly Soldiers' and

Sa i lors ' assoc ia t ion held its nniiual re-u n i o n n t C o l i l w a t e r . BIHUII NN c o m -

rades belnjf pre t e n t Short ta lks were made by .MaJ. Tu rne r , Capt ' ' ' unpton , Comrnile tliven. \ . J . Aldrieh and others. The fo l lowing were chosen nflleers fo r the ensuing y.-ur: Presi-dent. I" I) Neivbi-rrv: se iT ' t a ry L. A. Tr i ske t t : t reasurer , r W. thven The next reunion will lie held in I 'o ldwater the second week In Inn •. IS'JJ.

Ilrath of t'atil. Chrslrr. Captain t leorge M. Chi-ster. one of

t h e be s t -knonn newspaper men of Mielilgan, died in Detroit aged .11 years . He was connecttnl with the Detroi t Free I ' ress for many years. His service was. however, in ter rupt -ed by a ga l lant career In the a rmy and by professional work In o the r cities. He re turned to Detroit and the Free I ' ress iu IMS, and cont inued in its service unti l his dea th .

S h e R o b b e d by t V b n l e . a l a .

Mary Roldne was arres ted a t Iron-wood upon suspicion of shoplif t! 'tg. and search of her rooms revealed live la rge t r u n k s filled wi th dry goods, laces and embroideries, many ya rds of rugs and carpets stolen f rom merchan t s of Iron-wood and Hurley. T h e value of the plunder Is es t imated at over f i.OOO. Miss Bolduc was believed U) have ac-complices.

S u i c i d e of a n F.*-l b i e r o r P o l l e e ,

The body of ex-Cliiof of Folicv Wayne McCrumb was louml on t h e s t a t e f s i r g rounds at Lansing, i mi les f n m i his home. Death resulted f rom a dose of carbolic acid t aken with lulc idal In-t e n t Recent bnslnewi reverses, coupled w i t h ant ic ipated t roub le over the dis-posal of some chat te l -mor tgaged prop-erti", caused the de d.

Dl.appolnled In Ixire. A very sail suicide has ju»t come to

l ight . .Miss Rer tha Wilsey, a.Ted 17. of Alamo. Usik morphine and d i « l She asked he r mother ' s forgiveness fo r any-th ing she had done, and it i» k n o w n she was unhappy over a love affair . No in-ques t was held, as the fac ts were only made known a f t e r the funeral .

Mlcblcan ll l . torlral Koclely. The Michigan IMoncer and Historical

society held i ts seventeenth annua l sev sion a t Lans ing The secre ta ry ' s report showed a membersh ip of 750, s ga in of 14 since last meeting. The receipts were fS.7C2.IS and the d i sbursements $4,784.23. Fi f teen member s died dur ing t h e year .

Sbort lial v^w.r l iemi. A Norway s torekeeper named J o h n

Cooncy fell dead in h is store. The Michigan Central ra i l road com-

pany is about t i give . lackson the benef i t of a bel t line. It will be used most ly for f re igh t and connect t h e vari-ous manufac tor ies .

J . A. Morril l 's b a r n in Vale was s t ruck by l igh tn ing and burned . A stall ion worth H,OOJ was c remated .

Rig Rapids has or^anU^d a coal com-pany with SJ.OOo.OiHi capi ta l to develop coal mines in Kentucky.

J . J . Hofmeyer w us s t ruck on the forehead wi th a U>.II\1 i:I a sawmil l a t Fi l lmore snd ins taa t ly killed.

J e r r y Angell . of t 'Blkinsville.-took s t rychnine fo r <|uii:in.- and is dead.

T h e property in D.-trait is valued by t h e assessors a : SI 74.S15.M0. a n increase ofSlS.»Jl,740 in a year.

Bay City lutnlwrmen shipped 47.014,-000 f e e t of lumber . 7,810,000 sh ingles and 8.618,000 l a t h s dur ing May.

J o h n Quick, a f a n n e r res id ing nea r Jackson, broke his neck by a fal l f r o m a t ree .

At Bay City K. S. Fitch & Co.'s fer-t i l iz ing works were total ly destroyed by fire. Loss, 830,000. I'M ward Kcmp-ler. a fireman, was f a t a l l y i n j u r e d

T h e Hanover women have organi£ed an auxil iary <}. A. R. relief corps, wi th Mrs. El l s Smead as presiding oftlc-er.

J o h n Beal. 7 y e a r s old, of Dimondule, t r ied t o catch on behind a wagon , when his foo t caught in t h e wheel and he was so badly in jured tha t he died.

Stephen Baldwin , a wel l -known cltl-ren of Hillsdale, had a f a t a l s t roke of para lys is He had resided in Hillsdale abou t twelve yearn.

Will iam Quick ' s house iu i laklaud county . Smi le s f r o m Holly, was 'burned , w i t h a loss of $1,0 tn Insured for $S00.

Mrs. Fred Bishiugcr. of Mount Clem-ens, was found oca I in h e r house, he r c lo th ing h a v i n g taken fire.

Romeo's new roller mill, which will have a capaci ty of about seventy-five barre ls |>er day . will lie iu operat ion Sep tember 1.

T h e schooner Topsy. owned by C O. Marker, of Chicago, was wrecked at Beavers and is a total loss.

Charles Seidell, of Eas t Grand Rap-i d s who pleaded guil ty to b igamy and who bus a record of live l iving wives and no divorces, was sentcnued to Jackson prioou for three years .

J o h n n y Welch, a 5-year-old Hay City lad, set fire to his clothing whi le play-ing near a gasoline stove and was fa ta l -ly burned.

M. W. Smi th sold t h e first wool mar-ke ted iu Mar le t te this y e a r fo r twenty-five cents per pound

Fire destroyed the Eagle Harbor ho-tel. F r a n k Bowden ' s s tore a n d dwell-ing. and the re-dihuces of Charles Schwar t z and Mrs. Wil l iams. The to-tal loss was 86.000.

The Hought-in mining school closed i ts spr ing t e r m and annual examina-t ions and tJjc s tudents were given a vacation until .Iutie'i'J, when the flrlrf work and s u m m e r torm opens.

K u r i l t e n ' . A m i e s S a l v e .

T h e B e s t S A L V E in t h e w o r l d f o r - u t s , Bruisea. Soros. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fe-ver Sores. Tet ter . C'lianped Hands , Chil-blains. Corns, and all ^ k m Erupt ions , and {HMitively cures Files, o r no pay re-quired. I t is' guaranteed to •'ive per fec t satisfaction, or money re fuu . ' ed . Pr ice 25 cents per box. For sale by Hunt • Hunte r


I /MIKE'S-RED CLOVER F I U - S CUKE SICK H cud ache, Drspepeia . Indigest ion, Con-•tipatioB. 25c. per Box, 5 B-ixes for | 1 . Sold by all druggists.


When Mrs Million goes lo ri !<• she t r av -els forth in state,

Her horses, ful l of lire and pride, go pranc ing f rom the gate ;

Hut all the beauties of the day she vlewu with languid ere.

Her flesh In weakness waste away, her voice is but a sigh. For Mrs Million is in an advanced

singe of ciitnrrli. and all the luxuries that weal th can buy fail to give her cuinfort . She envies her rosy waiting-maid, and would give all her riches for lliut young woman's pure breath and blooming health. Now if some t rue and disinterested friend would advise Mrs Million of the wonderful meri ts of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy, she would learn that her case is not past help, |500 reward is olfered bv the mamifact-tirers for a case of ca ta i rh in the head which they cannot cure .

Wanted.—A good appetite. You can have it easy enough by taking Hood's Sarsapanl la It tones the digestion and cures sick headache.


The popularity which Hood's Sarsa-patilla lias gained as a spring medicine in wonderful . It (Hmseases just those elements of heal thgivmg, blood-purill-Ing and ep|ieti te.restoring which every-I ody seems to need at this season. Do not cont inue in a dull, tired, unsatis-factory condition when you may be so much benefited by Hood's Satsuparilln. It purifies the blood and makes the weak strung.


That 's a good maxim, but it will not 1 work as a rule in the purchase of a rem

edy for Rheumatism. Any of the cheap nostrum" will not effect a cure—

! In fact , none of them will. Don't trifle 1 with life and prolong agony. Get Dr. , Drummond ' s Lightning Remedy, and a j speedy cure is certain. It costs <-5 a

bottle, bu t one liottle is worth a hun-dred of anything else, and for tha t reason it is the cheapest when a cure is wanted. Sent to any address by pre-paid expr . ss on receipt of price. Dnim-mond Medicine Co.. 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York . Agents wanted.

Our life is made up of mistakes and the greatest one I ever made was in not using Loose's Extract Red Clover long ago . I suffered two years, scarcely knowing a well day, with Rheumat i sm and Indigestion, had arrived at the con-clusion that I was noth ing but a trial to myself and friends. 1 commence"! tak-ing you r fluid extract of Ibil Clover, in fact arrived at the point where 1 would take any th ing anyone I ' vommended . Saw your sd ai.d thought I would t ry a little newspaper recommendation on'tny own hook. Like all o ther remedies the first bci t le seemed to do m e good. But Unlike all other remedies I discovered no bad effects f rom tak ing it. I am now on ray thir teenth bottle and though perfectly well, go on the supposition tha t if a little does me so much good, will keep it up,

J . A. EBEL1NG. Lationa, 111.

T H E FIRST S T E P ! Perhaps you are r an down, can ' t ea t ,

can ' t sleep. 'can t t h ink , can ' t do any-th ing to your satisfaction, snd you won-der w h s t ails you. You should heed t h e wa tn iug . vou are t ak ing the finrt s tep to Nervoos Prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bit ters you will find the exact remedy f o r r e s t ^ r i n g i o u r MIVOiil system t o its normal heal thy condit ion. Surpr is ing m a l t s follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alter-ative. Your appetite r e tu rns , go<Kl di-gestion is restored, and Uie liver and kidneys resume heal thv action. Try a bottle ' Price50c. a t H u n t e r & Son's d r u g store.

A WONDER WORKER. Mr Frank Huf fman , a young man of

Bui l ington. Ohio, stales tha t he had been under the care of two prominent pliy eiciaiis, and used their t r ea tment un-t 1 he was not able to get around. They

' pronounced his cave 10 bo Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to

| t ry Dr King's New Discovery lor Con-Mimption. Coughs and Colds and a t thai

! t ime was not ab 'e to walk across the 1 street without.restmg He found, before | he had used half of a dollar bottle, that I he was much betu-r; he cont inued to i use u and is t i -day enjoy ing good hea l th . ; If you have any Throat , Lung or Chest

Trouble, trv it. W e guaran tee satisfuc-j lion Trial bottle f r ee at Hunt d: H u n t -| er ' s Drug store.


This Is the great problem of life which few satisfactorily solve. Some fail lie-cause of poor l ieaiih, others w a n t of

; luck , but the ma jo r i t y f rom defieent 1 gr i t—want i f nerve, t hey a r e ne rvous

II resolute, changeable, easily get the , b ,ues and " t ake t h e spirit, down to keeji ; ihe spirits up . " thus wasting money. J t ime, opjieininity nnd nerve force.

There is noih ing like the Restorat ive Nervine discovered by the great special

^ ist. Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous dis-| eases, as heiduciie. the blues, nervous,

liroHtration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. j Vitis dance, fits, and hysteria, i Trial holtli-s snd fine Ixsik ol t (« t imon-

ials f ree at V< iter & Look's.

h O W E I X S T A T E B A N K , [ S u c c c s s o r t o B o w n e , ( . ' o m b s & S r i k e r . ]

L O W E L I j . - M I C H . T r a n s a c t a G e n e r a l H a n k i n g Husincss,

INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. J t is t h c a i m ami p u r p o s e of the m a n a g e m e n t of t h i s Hank l o b u i l d

u p i ts b u s i n e s s by c o u r t e o u s a n d fair I r c a i m e n l , a n d to olfer to i ts p a t r o n s e v e r y a c c o m m o d a l i o n c o n s i s t e n t wi th s o u n d b a n k i n g .

We Solicit Y o u r Business. A. J . B O W N E , D A N I E L S T R I K K R , M . C, G R 1 S W 0 L D ,

P r e s i d e n t . V ice P r e s i d e n t . C a s h i e r .

DO YOU WANT BOOTS OR SHOES ? Vou c a n get t h e m at

"The Old Reliable" BOOT AND SHOE STORE,

W h e r e you will a l w a y s find t h e

LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN TOWN C o m p r i s i n g e v e r y t h i n g in t h e l ine of f o o t w e a r .

A. J. HOWK & SON. Bank Block, Lowell, Mich.


BROWN & SEHLER, Where Will Also be Found a Full Line of All

Kinds of Agricultural Implements.

JUST RECEIVED! T h e F i n e s t Line o f Lad ie s S h o e s Ever Of fe red to t h e

P e o p l e of L o w e l l , all of wh ich will b e So ld



The ass thought hlmfclf as fine look-i n g as his neighbor, Uie horse, unti l he, one day, saw himself in the looking-glass. when he said " W h a t an ass am 11"

Are there not scores of people who cminot see themselve* as o thers see t h e m ? They have bad blood, pim-ples. blotches, eruptions, and other kin-dred disfigurements. All these annoy-ing things could be entirely eni l icuted, and the skin restored to ' -I l ly white-ness." if that world-famod remedy, Dr . I 'ierne's Golden Medical Discovery, were given a fair trial.

I t cures nil humors, from «lie ordi-nary blotch, pimple or ernptlon to the worst scrofula, o r thc mo«t inveterate blood-taints, no mat te r wha t the i r na-ture, or whether they be inherited or acquired. The "Ooiden Medical Dis-covert- " is the only blood purillur guaranttcd to do just what i t is rec-ommended oi. o r money refunded.


BOCUTION. P r o p r i e t o r s , N o . 0 0 3 M a i n

L'treet, Euflalo, N . Y .

The City Boot and Shoe Store

Is t o t h e F r o n t w i t h a New a n d C o m p l e t e S t o c k of S p r i n g S t y l e s in

BOOTS AND SHOES. O u r l i ne is l a r g e , ou r g o o d s a r c va luable a n d up t o t i m e s in

STYLE, QUALITY AND DURABILITY. C u s t o m e r s t r e a t e d equa l ly well w h e t h e r t h e y l«-,v o n e pair of S h o e s o r

o n e ha l f do^en pa i r .

We Exlenil a Cordial Invi la i ion To Everyone T o call a n d e x a m i n e O u r G o o d s ami P r i c e s , even ii t h e y d o no t w i s h t o

b u y , f o r w e c a n t h e n c o n v i n c e you of t h e

Great Bargains We aie Offering. M e n s S h o e s of ail k i n d s , f r om a c o m m o n P low S h o e l o a f ine C a i f D o n -

go ia o r K a n g a r o o a t I rom f i . o o t o $4,50.

L a d i e s S h o e s in G r a i n , G l o v e G r a i n a n d K i d t o a fine D o n g o l a G o o d -

y e a r welts a n d h a n d t u r n e d a t f r o m f 1.00 t o ?3 .50 .

E . " S T .

First door west of Althen's Clothing Store.

We Have Them All, A n d c a n g i v e y o u y o u r c h o i c e .


GASOLINE STOVES E v e r s h o w n in L o w e l l .

Come and Sec Them and be Convinced.



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i f i - life

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' w w r ^ W ' . - . ! ^ . - v r - - - — T - ?

•••'' ' • • •••vv" ' • v - 1 ' ••':. "••>•' • ^tqETIS

L O W E L L J O U R N A L * W K D N K S D A V J U N E 1 7 , 1 8 9 1 .

B u s i n e s s C a r d s .

P H Y S I C I A N S .

)!.. W. VOUNtl, r h y i l r U u mid Siir-. • • n n . pWce orer Yrilar A loolt" ««>ro.

0(1. MrDANNKI.I.. M 11.. Pliyrtfi»n »nd 1 , Bnrfxon. (>mc« M Iltldf* 8t. |

MO.UUKKNK M n . r h J ^ r u n . n a r f u r j i (troo. OtflM »l IlMildi-ui*, E. UrldKe 81. |

•nr r. n i t o o K B . I'liytlelmi "iid »»r-W , Ki.un. omw over M, llub?n'. ilor»

Odloc llotirM M to 10 n. m . 1 " 4 "Iiil ' " I1


ALBKUT JAOKBON. Altornn »nd Holld-lor. OrerLoweil N*Uon»l lUnk.


Jo. SCOTT, UnrdaMti. Ki.nh Poor* nnd • UUM. Bullden Hani war* « i> pre laity.

Oppofllo Korrnt Mill..

TOIIM OIIiKS h CO., OrocerlM and ProtU f ) loot. Orock»rT. * c -

CMrCAHTT Wholeaale acd He tall Orooer. . Hank Block


1 , 0 W E L L J O U R N A L rVll.laniD KVIHT WKUKtailAV, kt

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . — » r —

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b B o r l p l l o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .

R A T E S F O R A D V E R T I S I N G .

l-ocal builniwa lUma B centt iwr linn eaoli In-aertlun.

l/.'Kfvl adrrrtlseinvnm at utatute prlc-a. Cardf of Tlianki BO crntu rach, mpiidlfM nf J

the numbrr of Unm. All Itorai Intended lo benefit any oi»'« bull-

neni will be chanced for at adrenlilng ratei. Kewlutloni of condulence, f l.BO. MarrlsKe, deatli and birth notice* free. Cardi In llln-otorj Column, f t per line per

year. Cardi of 1 In. In Directory, IB per year. Ilatee for larger adrertlMmi-nt« made known

nt the ofilce.

Olt. K. I». McOUKKN. Keeldent Veterinary Butveun. Office at Perrln « Ham. Lowell.



C L A P P E R T O N & H 1 N E ,

75 LTO* ST., Co e r r BLOCI,

G R A N D R A P I D S , - M I C H .

s . P . H I C K S .

A t t o r n e y , L o a n * , C o l l e c t l o i i H a n d

I n s u r a n c e .

MONEY tnLOAN on REAL ESTATE SECURITY In aum* of | a » and upward, at current


L O W E L L . ^ M 1 C H -


f i n e S u i t s , O v e r e o a l s a n d TFOUSBFS Klrat Poor W e t ..I K ip re . . Oni« e


Abstracts of Title# Real Estate Uinter City National Hank.

t i l t AND B A P I D S , - M I C I I I O A N .

M i l t o n M . P e r r y ,

A t t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

rrain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich.

Bpoclal altoiit ion g iven to Collection* Conveyancing. UMUIS anil Sale

of Real E a u t e .

F R A N K 0 . A L G E R .

A t t o m o y n t L n w .

C o l l e c t i o n s G i v e n P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n


Onion lilock. — lOWKUl™ MICH

I j u t Wednesday a mob of about two hundred Orand Uaplds street ca r s tr ikers nnd their Hyinpathizers. a t tempted lo blow up ihe Swee t Street wheel pit wilh dyiiainilt), and in ll iai umiiner slop the cable lino froin runn ing , but t h e police got wind of t h e alTair and went on the ground when Ihe mob arrived, but laid

low until they star ted foi the pi t . W h e n the police ordered them to diaperw ihey were met wi th a volley of stones and t-everal idiots and a f t e r a tilurdy light, in which nevcral were badly hurt , the mob ivan braten olf. Thirteen prisoners

were captured by Ihe police and are held for trial, charged w ith conspiracy.

Since then the ixihce have boon busy a n d have now gut HIKUU thir ty under arrest, including the man who bought

the dynamite, nnd he and several o thers have made confesHions laying bare the whole plot. Unti l now the s t r ikers have desciaimrid hav ing taken any pa r t In the i IUIB, but th is t ime among thc thir teen arrested there were three s t i ikers and

HiiiongjjiHothorn arreatfd-a iffr'gesprink-:ere str ikers . From the evidence

obtained there can be no doubt tha t the plot was ha tched by the s l reet-car men who are now out a n d that it was their intent ion to damiige the comitany as much as possible. Their action lias lost them a good many sympath i re r s anil

with the general publitf they are losing ground fast , as is evidenced by the in-creased street car traffic.

[OOPT aiGBt. t m ]

•Y mnKioft HJUtiiAliB.

O H A S . L A . W 5 r B R , raorawroK or

N A T I O N A L H O T E L . Near D . 0. H. A M. Depot,

i ^ o - w - a i i c a i .

Fmt Claaa Board and Roumxat Reanonale Hate*

LlTery a n a Peed BUble In Connection.

i - O W E L L

B u s i n e s s M e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n .

Reeular Meetings First Thursday in gvery month, at B. C. Smith's store.

D . G . L O O K , P r e s .

A T T E N T I O N , C O M K A D E 8 I B} a recent enactini nt

Every Soldier N o w Disabled U entitled lo a Pension of from |fl to | U

per mooUi. and e»cry

S o l d i e r ' s W i d o w

li entitled to a Penilon. I nhall be pleMed to proaecute clalnu. Chance, fixed by law

atllO. No charge unl«M Pen-•ion I* procured.

A L B E R T J A C K S O N ,

Bank n i o r k . — Lowell, Mlrb



( King's Building on the Bridge.

And Pulien's Building.

1 guar*nfe.* firu-clau work, u 1 employ only first-clar* workmen.

H . H . S I L 8 B Y .

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S 1 The unders igned at the request of many

Inval id Soldiers, has qualilled and been admi t t ed to practicc

in t h e

I n t e r i o r D e p a r t m e n t ,

and all the bureaus thereol and i t no»

R e a d ? la P r o s e c u t e C l a i m s , for those that may be entitled to PEN


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

The National TrUmne makes the fol-

lowing causl ic commen t s on GOT, Win-ans' veto of t h e |80,000 appropriation

for the U. A . R. National encampment at Detroit in Augus t :

••The appropria l ion was, contrary to his assertion, for a great public purpose. There can be no grea ter public purjiose than fostering a patriotic spiri t in the people, and no th ing can do more in this direction t h a n properly honor ing the survivoraof the men who sacridioti thcmielves to save the nation. Nor can it lie true, as he asserts, tha t any pro|>o-sition to m a k e such an appropriat ion. If Mibmitled t o the people, would be de feated by a vote of 20 to one. Every (•tale which has beep honoro'! by hold mg a nat ional encampment within its borders has gladly made a similar ap-propnat ion, and th is has been univer-sally approved.

The people of Michigan are certainly no less patriotic than those of her sister na tes , where the great encampment has already lieen held. They were certainly not dur ing t h e war, when one in every eight of the ent i re population of the state went t o the f ron t , and no better men ever shouldered a musket than I hose who came f rom Michigan. They left their dead on the front line of every battle fought for t h e Union.

'•The talk about taxation is cheap demagogy. The population of Mich-igan, according to the last census, was 3,089,792. An appropriation of f-30,000 meant a contr ibut inn per capi ta of 1} cents. For a n average family ol Ave it would Is* 74 cents . Can the governor of Michigan make the country believe that liis enl ightened, progressive and patriotic people would object to sucii an insignificant appropriation ?

" T h e g o v e r n o r s political Uistoiy shows the an imus of the velo. It was certainly to be expected that a man with such a history would veto any bill for the benefit of men who were fighting at the f ront while be was skulking in the Rooky mounta ins to avoid the draf t . "

L . F . S E V E R Y .



Tin, Copper and Granite Ware.

J o b b i n g of al l k i n d s d o n e o n s h o r t

n o l i c c . _ _ _ _ _ _

Ea re Trough, and >'um»c* Work a P pec laity.

W E S T M A I N S T R E E T ,

L o w e l l - - M i c h .

Fred G. Stone, A G E N T .

The street car s t r ike in Grand l iapids

shows to the ih ink iog people a grave danger tha t is threatening our count ry . By re ler ing directly to Ihe Grand Rapids strike we br ing It closer home, but by reference lo the daily j aperc you can

see thai this is a ma t t e r of nat ional im-uortance and the country a t large is having the same experience and s a m e

trouble. Tuesday morning's papers tell ol 1,0'JO men on a s t r ike in Chicago, and ail over the coun t ry the same story is lold, and in a few short days, if they do uot gaiu their ends the men who go out , pea- able, l aw abiding citizens, become rioteis and s tep a t no deed, be i t ever so

un jus t , lo enforce their demands . And it is these ac ts of violence tha t present so serious a pbaze . Do these things not ;)oinl s t iongly towards anarchy? Can we alford to tolerate such a s ta te of a f -fairs? Are they not in direct contradict-ion to the f u n d a m e n t a l principles of ou r g'.ireriihient as enuncia ted in t h e declar-ation of independence, among w h i c h are " l i fe , liberty and the pursui t of hap-piness.?" Do they n o t b y t h e i r a r l m n t r y proceeding! deprive others of their n a t -

ural r ighu? T h a t they have a perfect right to q u i t work and p e n u a d e their comrades to qui t if they In any way feel agrieved no one would gainsay, bu t t h a t they have a r ight lo tell you tha t you must not t a k e t h e j o b tha t they have voluntarily given up, or tha t they have any claim on their fo rmer employers o r a re juktified, in a n y manner , in the ac ts of violence and vandalism we do d e n y ,

and when they stoop to them they for-feit the sym| i a thy and respect of all law abiding cit izens. The str ikers in nearly all cases h a v e grievances ahd sore ones, and t h e proper way of ad ju s t i ng them i» a c o n u n d r u m that has been bother ing Ihe brains of ourdeej iest th inkers for a long t ime a n d its solution seems l o b e as

far away as when it was first t hough t about . Nat ional ism is ga in ing h u of

adherents In these days and if it was a choice between t h e two, Anarchy.or Nat-ionalism, t he r e are very few who would not accept tlie la t ter .


Any person who trespasses on t h e Union Squa re by cutUng grass o r pas -

tur ing stock there, will be prosecuted lo tbe full e x t e n t of the law.



March had neon Mrs. Wuyt In oburoh t h a t forenoon, and boon struck anew wi th her dolloato lovoliness. Could she, with tha t Madonna faco, b o a s tern task-tulstress? With thn rlso of dlffloultlos, his desire to paint the picture Inoroasod. T h a t this unfor tunate chi ld, with the artlst-<oul shining piteous through her big eyes, should BOO the fair oreatlon grow under his hand had becomo a mat-ter of moment. As poor Ilester 'a effort to express aoquleseenco or dissent died In a hysterical gurgle, and a shamed at-t e m p t lo hide her hut faco with her hands , the tondor-hearted fellow arose to tako leave.

" I won't urge my pe t ldon unti l you have bad t ime to th ink I tover. Hut I don ' t withdraw It. May 1 br ing my sis ter over to see you both? She Is fond of pictures, too, and dabbles In water-colors on her own account. Ex-cuse mo—and Thor—for our uninten-t ional ly unceremonious Introduction to your notice, and thank you for a del ight-fu l half-hour, flood a f te rnoonl"

H e t t y looked a f t e r him, as his elastic s t r ide measured oil the orcbard-sloptr— a contradiction of s t rango mortlflcatlon and s t rango del ight warring within hor. I t was as If a young sun-god had paused In t h e entrance of a gruesome cave, and talked familiarly with the prlsor.cis ehalnod to the walls. With all her res-o lu te p'.irr'OlD io oppose the Intimacy which she foresaw niust ar ise from the proposed scheme of picture-making, she could not ignore t h e s t ra in ing of her sp i r i t upon hor bonds.

"Chi" walled Hester, lowering hor bands . " I d idn ' t mean to bo so foollsbl I will bo bravo and sensible, but you know, Hetty, I have never had any t h ing l ike t h i s offered to me before. I t Is l i ke dying with th i r s t with water be-fore one's eyes, to g ive It up. And when ho said: 'Illoasom-tlmo Is short , ' i t rushed over mo tha t I never had any —I can never have any. I am just a wUhenyl, useless, ugly bud t h a t will n e v e r bo a flower."

An agony of sobs followed. "My precious onel" Het ty 's tears

flowed with hers. "Do 1 ever forgot your sorrows? Are you l is tening, dear? If possible you shall have th is ono poor l i t t l e pleasure. You mus t t rus t your mother 's love, and mine, to deny you no th ing wo can r.afely give. If v e m u s t refuse It Is n n l j bear ing a l i t t l e more

T h e going-out of t h e May day was calm as with remembered happiness, b u t the chill that l u rk s In t h e Impoi^ feetly-tempered a i r of t h e new-born season, await ing the dopar turo of the sun. was so pronounced by seven o'cjock t h a t D e f y called upon Homer to build a Are In tho altt lng-room, whore she and Hes te r were s i t t ing. T h o chi ldren wore sent to bed a t e igh t o'clock. Mrs. W a y t was lying down In hor chamber with one of her f r equen t headaches, ra l ly ing her forces aga ins t her husband's r e tu rn from the long walk ho found necessary " to work off tho cumula t ive electricity unexpended by tho day's services."

" I belong to tho per ipatet ic school of philosophy," ho said to a parishioner whom he met two miles from home.

" H e was forging ahead l ike a t ra ined prl ie-f lghtor," reported tho admir ing pewholder to a fr iend. " N o t h i n g of the sent imenta l weakling about him!"

March a n d ' May Gilchris t , pausing npon tho parsonago porch, a t sound of a voice s inging softly and clearly within, saw, p m a naif-drawn sash cur ta in , Het ty rocking back and forth In tho fire-l ight , with Hester In her arms. T h o cripple 's head was thrown back sl ightly, br inging Into relief the smaH, fine-featured face and lustroua eyea. Her weal th of hair waved and gl i t tered with t h e mclion of tho chair l ike spun geld. I t might have been a young mother crooning to her baby In a sort of chant , t h e words of which were dis t inct ly audible to hmtlier and sister , the near-es t window being lowered a few Inches f rom tho top. Hester loved heat and l i g h t as well as a sa lamander , but could no t breathe freely In a closed room. To-n i g h t was ono of he r "bad Umes," and no th ing but Hetty 's s ing ing could win he r a moderate degree of ease.

"Blow wind.."' .ang Hetty. "And waft through all the rooms

The snow llakos of tho cherry bloomsl Blow wind.! and bend within my reach The fiery blossoms of tho pcashl 0. Life and LOTOI O, happy throag Of thonghu whose only speeeb li sosgl 0, heart of msn' canst thou not be Blithe as ihe air Is. and as f r e e r

Mardi moved forward hastUy to r ing t h o belL B e fe l t l i ke an eavesdropping spy upon the unconscious gir ls . With-ou t any knowledge of tho Isolation and mutual dependence of tho two, the visit-ors perceived pathos In t h e scene—In t h e c l inging helplessness of one and tha brooding tendoroeas expressed In t h e close c lasp and bent bead of t h e other.

T h e t i ng ing ceased Ins tant ly a t t b e sound of the gong. " B y George! wha t an alarinl* muttered March, dltcomllted by the clang succeeding h is touch. " A n d I gave It such a genteel pulll"

His a t t i tude was apologetic s t i l l , when Mr. Wayt 's wife 's s i s te r opened the door.

" I seem fated to bo heralded nolsllyP' b e aaid, regretful ly . " I had as l i t t le Idea of the tone of your door-bell as you h a d of tbe power of Thor ' s lung*. Miss Ail ing, let me Introduce my slsterl She gave me no peace unt i l I brought he r to see you."

May extended her hand with unmis-takab le IntcntloD of good fellowship.

" I scolded him for s tea l ing a march npon me this af ternoon while 1. l ike a du t i fu l Christian, was In church," she said. Her smile was her brother's, her b l i the , refined tones hor own. " l iu t I mean to Improve my advantages tho more dil igently on t h a t account-"

Tho genial persiflage had bridged over t h e always-awkwaid t rans i t from front-door to drawing-room when the host is t h o conductor. I t was t h e more embar-rass ing In th is case because tlie two meager ly furnished parlors weiy un-Ughted except as s g l immer from t h e bal l -gas added to tho sense of space a n d emptiness .

"Allow mo!" March wok from Het ty 's flagora the inatch she had l ighted, and reached up to tho chandel ier . The whi te i l lumination flashed upon a pleas-i n g study of an up-lookisg mas ly face, iriUj honest, hazel eyes, drooping mus-tache and teeth t h a t gleamed In the

C o l l a r s , . , -

C u f f s , p e r p a i r

S h i r t s

Leave goods o r orders a t

C , G . S t o n e &L S o n ' s S t o r e .

MILES N E R V E & L I V E R P I L L S . A c t o n a new principle—regulat ing

i the liver, s tomach and bowels th rough 4 0 lh^ nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'

Pilbt, speedily curebi l iousnem, bad taste, , torpid l iver, piles, constipation. Uo-equaled fo r men, women, children. Smal lmt , mildest, sorest! 60 doses, 2 i c u . Samples free, a t Yeitor & Look.


qw our niece is none U/o worse for hor

smile s t t end lng tho quest ion: " I hope your fright?"

" T h a n k youl 1 th ink not . She is r a t h e r nervous than timid, and not ysually afraid of dogs."

" I hope wo can see her to-night?" May took up tbe word "My brother says she Is such a da in ty , br ight l i t t l e c rea tu re tha t I am ImpaUont W ma«* h e r . "

Bet ty ' s eyea glowed with g ra t i toda and surprise. No o the r visitor bad eve r m i n e d t b e afflicted daughte r of t h e >onaa U this tone. T b e t l t q k i S 9 t

d ia l praise kept back no Implicat ion o. p i ty ing patronage. Mr. Wayt ' s wife 's Sister bad knocked about t h e world of ohurohos and par ishes lung enongh to know tha t the per fec t brooding which Ignores deformity wi thout over looking t b e deformed Is the rares t of social g i f t s . In any o the r clscumstancea, tho would have refused s teadfas t ly to sub-jec t Ooater to tbe scrut iny of a s t ranger . As It was, t h e hosltated visibly.

"She It seldom able to reoolve com-pany In the evening. But I will see bow she Is fooling to-night."

She had remarkab le solf-possosslon. as March hod noted olready. She got herself out of tho room without mum-b l e or h a l t She walked well, and with a single eye to her des t ina t ion with no diffident conjec ture t as to how tho moved or looked. March had keen por-cept iont and crit ical notions upon auch points.

"What an Interest ing-looking g i r t , " observed May, in an undortono.

And March, as caut iously—"I hope she will let as see the l i t t le one! She Is t h e Jolllost gr ig you can conoelvo of . " Both tried not to look about them while wait ing for t h e lioelcus' re turn. The place WM forlornly clean, and t h e new carpets gavo for th tho ungoodly smel l of oily wool noth ing but t imo and use can dissipate. P la in t ive efforta to abol-ish t t lffness wore ev ident In chairs grouped In conversational a t t i t udes near tho summer-fronted flrc-place, and a ta-b le pulled well away from the wall, with books and photographs lying about on i t . March could fancy l lo t ty doing those things, then s tanding dlsbeartonod. In tho waste of Moquotto, under the con-sciousness tha t thoro was not one-fifth enough fu rn i tu re for tho vast rooms. A t this point, bo spoke again, subduod-ly:

" W h a t possessed the church to build these desolate ba rns and call them fam-ily parlors?"

May was a par ish worker, and looked he r surprise.

"A j^rsonage must have plenty of parlor room for church soc iab les"

"Then those who use them ought to furnish them. Or. tayl It wouldn' t be amiss to koop them up aa show-placet a re a b r o a d - b y charging a t h l l l i ng ad-mission foe."

Hetty 's roturn saved him from de-served rebuke.

"My niece will bo very happy to see you," tho reported, ra ther formally, her eyas darkl ing Inlo vague trouble or doobt as she said I t On the way across t h e hall t h e added hurr iedly to May: " W e never ovorpersuade her to meet strangers- In this case there was no need."

May's gloved hand sought hers with a swift . Involuntary gesture. I t waa the merest touch tha t emphasized the low '•Thank youl" bu t both s truck s t ra ight homo to Hotty'a heart* T h f March tact waa Inimitable .

Heater lay upon a lounge, propped into a s i t t ing posture with pl l lowa Her hair and draplngs were cunningly dla-posod. A casual eye would not have penetrated tho secret of the withered l imbs and curved spine. A rod spot l ike a rose-leaf rested upon each cheek; hor eyea shone and hqr s i l en t smile re-vealed small, perfect tee th l ike a two-year-old baby ' s She was so winsomp tha t May stooped impulsively to klsa hor as sho would a pret ty child

"I came to tell you how angry wo al l are—my father , motbor and I—with my brother and h is dog for scaring you to-day!" she said, seat ing hursolf on an ot-toman by tbe lounge, and retaining hold of tho woo hand until It ceased to twitch and burn In hers " I did think Thor knew bottert Ills tail commit ted innumerable apologies to mn when I told him I hoped to see you th is even-ing."

March and Hetty, cha t t ing together near the crackl ing wood lire, caughU presently, sentonces relat ive to colors snd pencils and portfolloa, and slaelc •mod their ta lk to listen. May had elicited tho confession tha t Hosier's brush was a solace and tbe only pastime she bad "exoopt reading and Het ty 's music."

" U u t It's on ly t rying with me," ssld •ho tuneless voice. " I have bad no teacher except Het ty ."

"My dear Hester l" cried t h e person named, '^fie candid, and say 'worse than nonaP "

Be t t e r colored vividly a t tb}a s* |-dence tha t he r oonfidinoos to her now friend wereaharod by others , hu t rallied gal lant ly to aupport her aaaertlon-

"She doesn ' t th ink t b e baa any ta len t for drawing, but t h e took lessons tor three months t h a t she migh t teaob me bow to shade and manage perspective, and use water-colors. She and I amuse ourselves with car icatures and al l tha t , and 1 make drawings—very poor ones— to Il lustrate poemt sod stor'.oa, while sho reads to me, and I do a l i t t le—yon can ' t Imagine Ass* l i t t l e and bow badlyl —la color. J u s t bits, you know—gnus and mossy t t loks, snd bramblea running over s tores , and frost-bi t ten l e a v e s -am) such th ings . Het ty Is always on tho lookout for t tudloa for me. I can s o t sit up long enough to under take any th ing more impor tant if I bad tbe akllL And 1 shouldn ' t da re venture to oopy any t h ing really beautiful—such as apple-blossoms," with a short-lived sml |e at March t b a t | e f t a p la i t between he r eyes.

In tercept ing Hetty'# apprehenslyp f iance , he smiled Iq re turn , bu t fqrbore to Introduce tho potltlon loft with tboiR tha t af ternoon May had been s t r ingent on this point.

"Don ' t a l lude to It th is o v e n l n g r s b o enjoined upon him. " N o t h i n g is In worse taste than to use a first call M a lever for selfish ends. I ' l l run |n to-morrow morning, itnd try iny powers qf persuasion. Meantime, ge t yoijroanvM and palette ready."

Bet ty 's sp i r i t s rose when she per-eelved t b s t tho exci t ing topic was avoid-ed. T h e four were Iq the swlqg Qf merry c o n v o ^ when the clock itraelf nine, and, as If be had walled for tbe slgnsl, Mr. Wayt walked In. March, who ta t by Hetty, aaw ber stiffen a j l over, and he r eyrs sink to the (?oof. Hester began to cough Irrepresalbly—» bard, dry back, to qu ie t which Het ty went to get a glass of water. T h e pallor of the pastor 's face had a bi l ious tinge; h is eyet were sunken, b i t whole sp-pearanee haggard and wild Yet h is greet ing to t b e guests was effusive, h is flow of language unabated. Nei ther d tngh le r nor t l t ler- ln- law offered to second him. Hester 's roses faded, tho ever-present fold between ber eyebrows waa almost a aeowl. Be t ty waa coldly Imperturbable , and t h e Gilcbriats soon made s movement to go

Mr. Wayt stepped forward, air l lv, (0 aeoompany them to t h e door, n i t t y fall ing in to the rear and par t ing Irom them with a grave bow upon t h e l b r e s h -a . U a t ' h a Oiulna-moaa.

your ostlmablo pa-it on tho porch, bla . far through t h e

Bight. " A aleitcsl f r i end of mine dubbed Judge Aaron Bol l lngabed. of Chloago, an active elder In b i t oburoh, and h is wife, who was a t rue mother in Israel— 'Aaron and Afr/' 1 a l ready. In tp l r i t , apply the l ike tit lea to Judge and Mra. Gllehrl t t . I t la tuoh spiri ted suppor t as tholrs that upholds the bands of t h a modern Motes aga ins t tho Amaloka of t h e day. T h a n k you for oalllng, and good-night to yq^i bo th . "

C H A P T E R IV. May Qllohrlst bad not overest imated

hs r p e n u a s l v e powers. A call on Mrs. Way t ,undortaken as soon a t tho had teen, from he r watch-window, the tall , black figure of tho c lergyman Issue from bis gate, and take h is way down-town, won bis wife 's sanction to tbe presence of ber s is ter snd d a u g h t e r In the orchard tha ta f to rnoon to watch Miss Qllcbris t ' s b ro ther upon a ske tch be proposed to begin before the apple-blossoms f e l l

" I shall bo the re , of course," tho young diplomatis t ment ioned, ossually. " I am studying a r t In an amateurish way, under my bro ther ' s direotlon. I de&rly enjoy seeing him paint. Bis band Is so firm nnd rapid, and b is eye so truol Your daughte r tells mo she Is fond of drawing March and I would be only loo happy to render any assist-ance In our power to forward her studies in tha t lino."

"My s i t te r has spoken to mo of your kindness, and his," Mrs. Wayt answered, thought fu l ly . "She told me, also, t h a t sho bad referred the quoit ion of ac-cept ing Mr. Gi lchr is t ' s generous prop-osition to mo. Hesitat ion soomt un-gracious, .but my poor child Is vory nr -uitable, and In nerve to unfit to work long a t any thing, t h a t I have doubted the expediency of al lowing her to bo-come Inloret led In he r favori te pursui t to t h e extent necostary for the aoqultl-tlon of any degree of s k i l l "

Nevortboless. May wont home vlotorl-out, and Mra Wayt, d isquiet In oye and soul, sought her s la ter and detailed tho t teps of thc siege and tbo surrender.

"Refusa l n a s Impossible without risk-ing t b e displeasure of Influential par-Isbloners, or exc i t ing suspicions t h a t m i g h t be more h u r t f u l , " she conoludod.

Het ty was c lean ing si lver In the din-ing-room. Over her buff gingham she wore a voluminous bib-apron; house-wifely solicitude Informed hor whole personali ty. Her hair was turned back from her temples, and tho roughened roll showed rust-red l ights In a bar of sunsblno crossed by ber bead as she moved. Tbo l ines of her face had what Boater called " t h e i r forenoon lap," downward Inclination tha t slgnlfiod aa much care as sho could boar. Sho rubbed a tablespoon unt i l she could see each loosened ha i r and drooping l ine In It, before uncloalng her thinned lips to reply Even then , her speech was re-l u c t a n t

" T b e child la youra, Frances — not mine—dearly aa I lovo her. I under-stand as well as you, bow cruol I t sooms to deny her what Is, In Itself, a harmleas pleasuio. Still we have agreed up to this t ime tha t It was Inexpedient to glvo people the run of tbo house, and th is looks l ike 1 s t r a igh t road to tbs t . "

She did not " i .mee up in spi-aklng. or af terwards . Ber accent was nnlmpss-tloned. ber t h o u g h t s spparent ly en-grossed In the business of bringing pol-ish out of tarnish.

" T h e r e are c l roumttancot tha t may al ter cases—and premises," re lumed Mrs. Wayt, doprecatlngly. "1 can not bu t feel t h a t we may begin to argue and de te rmine from a different stand-point. I wish you could be a l i t t le more t angulne , dear . "

"You don ' t wish It more than I do, slsterl l wasn't b u i l t upon the 'Hope on, Hope over' plan. My utmost effort In t h a t direotlon la to make tho boil of What can not be bettered. And t lnce you have said 'Yea' to th l t paint ing scheme we will t h ink only of w h a t . a boom It will bo to Hester. The new oook Is a more Imminent dlfflpulty T h i s house |n large, anil thn solary osoollent. I ailmlt- but It would hsve been wise lo wait iinlll our arrival bo-fore engaging her "

She knew tha t her sister wss as much surprised as herself a t Mr Wayt'sco-n-mlsson lo Mrs. ( . f lebrls t . also, tha t tbo wife would not pli-atl th is ignorance In self-defence.

"Homer, *you and I could have divided tho housework, as wo did |q o ther places," continued Hetty, at-l a c k l n g a r o w of forks, pow that tho tpoons wurodono \v|i|i, "sm) ftp cauld hire a woman by tho day to wash and Iron. Tho cook may just i fy M r s Oil-Christ 's recommendation I da re say abe w i l l On ly - but I'll not u t te r ano ther oroak to-day! Vou are ftp angello opt imist , and 1 am given over to pessimism of the opposite typo. Wn will accept Mary A me, and the rest of the goods tbo Fa i rb l l l gods provide. Including tbo open-air t tudlo. eat, d r ink , and bo morry, and make up our p i | nd t to-morrow we uvn'f die! I'd aeal t h e poyenant with a kiss If I t f o n qu i t e cer tain | h s t I am not sjllcon-f*} i p t o the eyet . "

Mra Wayt bore » pained and heavy h e a r t to the nursery and her mending-basket- She loved l lotty fondly, and with what abundan t reason no one know to well aa tbe heroic wife of a self l tbly-eccentric man She trusted hey alstor'a s t e r l ing sense, snd, In most Instances, was wil l ing (o abide by ber judgment , but tbdfp wore radical dlf fere noes jn l l | e f r v l"** Hpm> per-ta in subjeou- T h o y e n pajna Be t ty took to aver t open dl*-oustlon of what lay l ike a oarklng bl ight upon Ihe apl r l t s of both, caused fr ict ion and rawnoaa. and tbe feigned levity with which she closed the door upon tbe topic would have been Insult from any one elso She had no alter-nat ive but to tu l iml t ; no help but In tbe Refuge of all pure souls, tempted a lmost r u t of measure by tbe t i n t snd

r v e n l l l e s of those de i r e s t to tliepi. Jpon tbo knees of hor heart sh6 be-

sought wisdom snd comfort , and—sweet sa t i re upon tho" pious duty of telf-ex-amlnat ionl—forgl renes i (pp. |ior Iqtojop-ance of others ' foIb|iMl

Baby Annie was building block-houses upon t b " floor, snd filling then) with dsndcl lona Homer had brought a small basketful up fo her ju t t befqro Mrs. iVayt was summoned lohe r visitor,

I ftn4 bad helped tho cbHd erect a oas t je Wbl'O tho mother was boloW." Upon be r entrance, be aim filed out aa tbeep-lahly as If sho had dotected him rifling t h e pockets of hey husband's Sunday pfflthes. They |ny pyer ft cb<lr hf her Work-table. W h l | e nfio prayed. h 0 f

I fingers piled tbe poodle upon a ripped j l in ing and two loose buttons.

"Bee , mamma." pntreated thp l i t t le ' pne. " B o many dapdeylonj! Annjo I m a k e house for dPC papal* f o e ; mother s too pea to kiss nor. a K a r | splashed upon iho mass of wil t ing gold-} en disks pscked Into papa's treasure-' chamber. At tho same age Hosier bad 1 prat t led of ' ' dee papa," And was h u | f a i t h fu l tbaaow wnorovor ho would al-

low be r to follow. Ho had beeu too 1 busy of late years and loo d i s t raught by I various snx le t les to tako much notice of

tbo younger ch i ld ren , bu t be bad made I a pet of Bl t le Hester . He used to caU I he r "Lass ie with glory crowned," as be

twined ind burnished her sunny eur | f j srotrnd his flnsrara. Annie waa a loving > l i t t l e dar)lng, bu t ne i ther to spr ight ly 1 nor so boaot i ful aa be r flrst-born a t t b e

i M M •#«- Sh? wprafclpad he r fa ther .

a n d l e was beginning to rooognlio a .d bo pleasnd by her proforonoo

"Poor Percy!" 'Papa h ick?" asked tho child, s tar t led

by tbo ejaculation. " N o , my dor l lng Papa Is very well.

Mamma It only sorry! sorry! sorry/" " B o r r y ! bo r ryUor ry / Mammoborryl

be r ry ! horryr While she crammed tbo yellow flowers Inlo tbo castle, tho baby made the words Into a song, catching In-tonation and emphasis as they had es-oapod hor mother 's Hps.

Dandelions dying wore as fair to her as dandel ions gotdon-crltp In the meadow-trrass. A dron of blood rod


F f t p QQIQ - S e v e r a l choice farms lo-r o r o a i B . K e c n e i Vorgen-nsa, Bowne and Boston. Alsf sevoml houses and lots in t b e village of Lowell. Can sui t all classes of customors. Fo r f u r t h e r par t iculars Inquire nt t h e office of 8 . P . HIOKH. 8tf ave r West <fe (Jo's d m v xinre

E . R . P O W E R & O O .


G R O C E R I E S ,


ORORATE ORDER.—Stale of Mlchntan.county 1 of Kent.ua At a «e«ilnn of the Probate Court j far said county of Kent, field at the Probate j Ofllce. In the City of Orand Rapid*, oo the I *'h i lay of June. In the year one thousand elsht •undred and ninety one.

Praaent Cynis E. Perkins, Judse of Probate. , lo the Matter of Iho Estate of

81 LAB CHRI8MAN, deoeasnd.

Lena M. Chrlsman havli filed In this Court | administration of

benelf. ber petition prarlnf that the laid eelate may be granted to

It Is Ordered, that MOXOAY, THC 13th DAT o r J i ' t r , 1891.

at ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for hearing said pellUon,

And ll Is Mirthor Ordered, That a copy of this order be published Ihree succeealTe weeks pre-vlou.to said day of hearing. In Ihe l-owaix JOUBXAL, a newspaper printed i said County of Keui.

rprlntedand dmilstlng In

CVRUB E. PERKINS, (A true oopy) J ud«e of Probate.

A DO M I U. MASOX, Reclster. (J7«l

N o t i c e o r x r u s t e e ' a S a l e .

TAKE K b n c E - T h a t as Trustee of Francis Klnjr, agent of ihe Stockholders of the

Lowell national Bank of Lowell, Michigan, I shall lell at public aucUon to tbe higheel bidder respectively (rcaerrlag the right to reject any and all bids) on

TIUHSDAT, TBI Sd DAT o r JOLT, A. D, 18(1, at one o'clock P. M . standard lime, at Uie Orlst and Peed Mill hereinafter described, on the cor-ner of Main ind Hudson streets.In Uie Villace of Lowell, Kent Countr, the following deecrlbed real estate In parcels:

I -Lot number Eight (8) and West two-thirds of lot number Seven (71 of block number Two (HI Richards & Wlckham's Plat of the vlllwo of Lowell, Kent county, Michigan, together with the Steam Klour and Feed Mill known ai the Dotigall Mill, sltnsle Iherwin, Inoludlng the build-lngB,machlnery, engine, bollers,beltlng, tools and all other appurtcnsnces and appliance, belong-ing lo tald mill property. *

II—Also the Eiul half of North-East quarter of Section Nineteen 110), town Hcven if). North Range Nine (9) West, excepting snd renerr-Ing a piece of land Eighty-eight rods North and South by Forty rods East and Weal, out of the North-East corner of said dncrlbed land; Also Including Uie rolloolng lands; commencing at Ihe Soutn-West corner of the foregoing described Eighty acres, thence North on the Half*auarter line Bldy-slx rods, thenoe West Twenty-five rod., thence South Sixty-.Ir rods, thence East Tnenty-flvn rods te place of beginning, the whole of said descrliitlon coveting M>ty.eight and 40.1C0 acres of land, being a part of the McLean farm, so called, in ihe Township et Vergesncs, Kent county, Mich.

Dated LowelL Mich.. May 27, IbO!. LXOXASD H. HDKT, Tru«lee.

PROUATP. ORDER.-State of Michigan, Uoun-1 ty of Kent. as. At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Kent, held at the Pro-bate Office, In the CI'/ of Urand Rapids, on the -TUi day of May In tbe ynar one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.

Present, Cyrus E. Perkins, Judgd of Probale. In the matter of the estate of

CHARLES COMRS, deceased.

on reading and filing the peUtlon, duly verifi-ed, of Wayne Pardee, Administrator of said es-tate prayfr.g this Court for llernsr and aulhorlly to .ell real estate of said decesaed therein de-scribed for Ibe reason, and purposes therein set forth. r

ll Is Ordered, that MOVDAT, rat rora OAT or Jexs, iwi,

at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probate Office, Iw appointed for hearing aald iH*tlilon. and that the* helrt at law of said deceased and all |iersons Interested In said estate appear be-fore said 1:0011, at said Ume and place. Iu show caune whv a license should not lie granted lo .aid Administrator lo sell real estate as prajed for In said petition.

And ll Is Further Ordered, thai a copy of this order be published three successive week, pre-vious to sak1 day of hearing, in the I.OWKIX Jova-XAI, a newspaper printed and drcalatlne In Mid county of Kent.

(A true copy.) CYRUS E PERKINS. A n o u n a MASOX,

Register Judge of Probate.


GUARDIAN'S HALE.-In Uie Matter of the E'tate of

WILLUM UORNBROOK, au Insane person.

Notice Is hereby given that I shall tell at Pub lie Auction, to the hlghesl bidder, on

FalpAV, TMS IfTg OAT Of Jfl-V. A. D IH8I, at two oVIock In the afternoon,at the front do >r of Probsle the OBlue. in Ihe City of Orand Imp-Ids, In Iho County of Kent, Iu th» State of Michigan, pursuwl lo License and Author by granted lo me on the Kill dsy of Apnl. A. 1). 18M, by Ibe Probste Couil of Kent t'oun. ly. Mlrblgan. alt of the light. tiUe, Interest or estate of aald William Bornbrofik, In or to these certain pieces or parcel, of lain) altuated and being In tbe County of Kent. State of Michi-gan, known and d,acrii«d as follows, to wl :

Reglnnlng si a point twenty I wniSli rods West of Bouth-East corner of the Soutb-Wrst qusrter of Section twenty four («), In town six (8), North ol Range nine (8) West, thencu North one hun-•1 rvd and sixty TLFIO) rods; ihence West sixteen (IB) rods; thence South eighty «0) rod.; thence East four i«) rods; thence MUtb clghtv ISOi rod.; thence East Iwplve I IS] rods tuplaceof beginning, containing fourteen t)4l aeies.

Also aa uadirlded one-fourth il |l lolerrst in a parcel of land deunbad a* beginning at a point thirty-four iSllrod. Weal oObePoutb^asl corner of Ihe South-Weal quarter of BacUon twenty -four tSli In aaa*< lown. range and county: thence North eighty (IQi roda: thence West twenty ISO) rods: thence Soil lb eighty 1W1 rods; ' hence East twenty («) roda to place of beginning, containing ten (IB) acres.

Paled, June Sd, A. D. 18tl, AUQUSTUBW. WEEK^B.

4S-U (Juardlan.

M OTICE TO CREDITORS. i s Bute of Michigan, oounty of Kent—aa Nutlue Is helvby givru that by an order of the Prohale court for tbe count) of Kent, made on the SOth day of April A. I). iMI, dz months from that date were allowed for creditors lo pre wnl their elaiins against the estate ol

RACHPI; L«11(AM late of said oounty, dec .,*4, and thsl all creditors of said deoeased are required lo pre-sent their olalms lo said Probate court, at the Probate office, in tbe city of Orand Rapid., for exsmination and allowance, on or befor, Uie 'JOth day of October, next, and that such claims will l« beard beforo said oourt uu Tuesday, the »*n day of October next, at ten o clock in the forenoon of that d i r .

I ^ d . (id BapidOflch^ A p r i m A. D. : » I

<«-«l Judge of Probate.

for sakli I* held at the PioSili Of •rand Rapid., oo Uie «d flee, la" Uie

•ley of June la the year oae thousand eight hundred and ninety one.

Prejeol Cyrus E Psrktos, Judge of Probate. In th« matter oT the estate of

dareassd. WILLIAM CUtRK.

r Ur

Joseph B Veiler, administrator of said ea »te, having reodani to this Court his llual

admin UtralTon account. It la Ordered, that

TauasnAT. TBS TXD DAT OF JOtT, l» l . at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probale Office, be appointed for the examination and al-lowance of said account

And It Is Further Ordered, Thai a copy of thla order be mibllshed three »oc<*.-iuave. een. previ-ous lo « ld day of bearing in Uie l-owsu. /ovax-

(A Uue copy.', Jo ge of I'n IASOX, Register

Prolate •SM


O u r a i m i s t o p l e a s e a n d s a t i s f y .


C l a r k & W i n e g a r , I *



P a r i s G r e e n , ) . , _ , Guaranteed Strictly London Purple, Hure

White Helebore,

One 20 h. p. Boiler. " 19 ** Engine. " Bolter and Savy. " Gauge Lathe. " Breast 11

Rip Saw &, Frame M Cut ofr Saw and

Frame, T w o S a n d o r s

W i t h ShafltDjj , B e l t i n g ar.d T o o l s ,

T o malce m o r e r o o m f o r m y

C o o p e r i n g . *


A T T E N T I O N .

TO WriOM IT MAY CONCERN. H a v i n g b o u g h t a n d r e m o d e l l e d t h e C u m m i n g ' s B u i l d i n g I wish t o in-

f o r m my old F r i e n d s a n d C u s t o m e r s , t h a t I a m n o w r e a d y t o sell t h e m

M e n s , W o m e n s , a n d C h i l d r c n s s h o e s , a t figures to s u i t nil . T h a n k i n g

i h e m for the i r l i b e r a l p a t r o n a g e in t h e p a s t I ask a s h a r e in m y p r e s e n t

o p e n i n g . I a m l o c i t e d two d o o r s e a s t of old N a t i o n a l B a n k .

JOHN ROBERTSON. P . S.—All w h o a r e i n d e b t e d lo t h e firm of R o b e r t s o n & S o n m a y p a y

t h e i r a c c o u n t s a t m y s tore , a n i m m e d i a t e s e t t l e m e n t is d e s i r e d .


WHENT h e H A I R Shows slgna tl failing, begin atonoe lha ate of Ayer^i Iltir Vigor. This prepsratloa strtngthens lbs Mcalp, promotes tbe growth of new hair, ro.toret the nslursl color to gray and faded hair, and renders It soft, pliant, and glosiy.

"We have no heiltallun la pronouncing Ayer't Unlr Vigor unoqualed for dresataf the hair, and wo do this after long experi-ence In its uie. This preparation preserves the hair, cures dandruff and all dlseaset of ths tcalp, makes rough and brllllo hair toft aadpllant, andprcTentsbaldneas. Whlltli is Dot a dye, tho.e who hare used the Vigor say ll will sllinulale the roots snd eoloi^ gltadt of faded, gray, light, and r» . hair, changing the color to

A R i c h B r o w n

t r t r ea black. It will not toll the pillow east nor a po^ct-handkerchlef, and It at-ways agreeable. All the dirty, gummy hair pieparatloni should be displaced at once by Ayer's Hslr Vigor, and tbousandi who go around with hesds looking like tha fretfnl porcupine' should hnrry to the nesresl drug store and purchase a bottle of tho Vigor."— 771/ funnv South. Atlanta, Qa.

"Ayer's Hair Vigor Is exeelleat for the hair. Itstlmulntet tho growth, cures bald, aess, restores tho natural color, ctcaniiet the •ealp, prcvenlii dandruff, and i . a gooddrete lag. We know Hint Ayer'i Hair Vigor differs from most hair tonlci and sltnllar prepara-tlooa, it being perfectly bannIc«a."-kTom BeiuitHpifv;. by Kill a R. I'arkcr,

Ayer's Hair Vigor ra i rAuiu a r

Dr . 9.0. AYETt & CO., Lowell , Masa.

Bold by Druxii.l. and Psrfam.is.

E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 8 8 .

CIIAS, J . Cmixun CBAS A. C x r . r s

Cbas, J. Cburcb s SOD,

B A N K E R S L o w e l l , M i c h .

M 0 N K f ^ 0 , . i s . D . r , T s i , < s : ' s a Estate BecuriUes st Current Rales.

HRAFTS sod Bills of Kxebange. Current U In aU parta of the United States, sold at lowest Rate*.

land, Scotland, Oermaiiy. Denmark. Sweden, and other parts ol Europe.

wiH1*; paid upon flme deposits,

Chas. J. Church 4 Son .

O r r R 0 i j .



A p r i l 2 0 , 1 8 9 1 .


fi 60 11 00 7 10, I) IK

Detroit Lv Milwaukee Jet

I u z Holly I'unud! d w o u o j c i l.o,U

a m io i i to 10 * a)


r.4V o on l) d Hav n ft




2 5 !

a a io i« U JO s M< 10 »• s 4SI 10 ar,

u O w ,1 Rapid.

4 i t II U

i aa is a: Theaccompany ing

offer is m a d e t o give readers an oppor tuni ty of ascer taining the mer-i t s pf H A K I ' E B ' S W E E K I . V ,

a periodical t h a t the public may well be proud of. AM t h e resources

0«ou< Jet

» » . i 4 061 10 I t t t . 10 7 80| II 7 40

Durand Hoilv I'ontlac Milwaukee J d Veirui t Ar.

of a great publishing house, with i t s c o m -inr

tATChair Oar, Uvffet Oar and Slerping Car

plete equ ipmen t of writers. artist>, a n d engravers, a re taxed to p roduce an illus-trated weekly tha t is wi thout a peer.

In its co lumns may be found all t h e salient features of con tempora ry life, de-scribed by t h e best writers of t h c dav. and illustrated by t h e most dUtinjjui ;hsd a r t -ists of ou r t ime.

It appeals t o all classes and caters t o every refined taste, and it is t h e constant aim of t h c publishers to produce a -pe r i -

odical tha t will find a wel-come in every ham3,

Eastward No. IS, has Pullman Blesper. Chlca go-to Detroit. No. 14 has Wagner Chair and Buffet Car. Orand H»«on lo Detroit. Ho. lb baa Chair Car. Orand Uarid. lo Detroit. No. Id hat Wagner Btssser, Orand Rapids to Dstrolt,

Westward No U bat Chair Car. Detroit to Od No. IShts Wagner Parlor Buffet Car,

to Urand Haten. No. 17 ban Pullman Detroit to 01.b-sgo. No 81 ha. Wagner

IQrand lb Detroit to Rapids.

City Office In Uie Orrcery Store of Uie Lowell Orccrry Co.

By wsndiai; t h c sum of t w e n t y - f i v e cents t o ^ BKOTHKKS. N e w Y o r k . N . V.. M e s s r s . H A R P E R M

you will receive t h e four numb^ra "following t h e da te of receipt of remi t tance , which will afford you a n \ o p p o r t u n i t y of iudging of i ts m e n u . Sub-script ion price for one yea r / fou r dollars, postage paid, b i j » c n p t i o is m w b s j t o wi th «">' r \ ' i K .

I.f LowrU.(L.l 11.) l,f KlfiuUU

Dotroti so ixo w orr

Lv I/nrell " Khndale

yr Orand KapWs

Chicago 4 Wtsl Mich. R. R

W h o h a s n o t h a d

Poor Hose? IMO A a ii t r ill io r

m o r e

of this | u orand Rapldt



We ta It •ni, how

innUsad Blrand i: " Muskei m

" Benton Harbor .|.»ii:.li


I,v (irand Raplls /rNewa



aaue uut T,.U are retting w fsyln, a tun Price ft, , K n d W e r v f e g t t i

Mid ngton Mania! Traverse City.

LV Lowell Ardrend llapldt

l.BUOl". t r Detroit

Urand Rapids Ar Lowell

Depot •ticket Office open (or all trains except | &Q • m vest. JHO. W. LOUO, BEN rLETCBE

Timffic Mi i t •«! Trsv. Pass A. 0 . HEYDLAUI .

Local Agant.

k E T B O I T , lo Effect NOT. 80,18(0,

L a u M l n s & N o r t l i e m 11. K . t o n w SAST.

iigOAX s a a r a 1 as r a 7 m " s « " s is 4 » " S OR t SO " 10 85

L O W K L L J O U R N A L : W K D N J f i S D A V , J U N K 1 7 , I b y l .


Snhficrilie now nnd rend tho s tory .

Pure Purls Orecn nt Yeiter A l^ook's.

Old (mpers OT cenU |ier 100, a t this olllre,

Mrs E. Killi an (nee Clara Otles). In in town.

The Ilimu'll Plow is conceded by nil to lie thv lient,

Paris Oreen nnd London Purp le ot Yeiter & look ' s .

Frank Talbot waa in town over Bun-' lay. He is with D, H a n m e r a t Q r a n d Rapldt and reports tha t the i r horses are coming and and will do some good work this season.

Mr nnd Mrs M. C. Oriswold spent Sunday wi lh Mrs Oriswold's parents , Mr nnd Mrs R, E, Co.iit.8, a t Mlddlevll le! Mrs Orltwold will Mis-nd this week there.

. ^ W O V E A r t y j . •

0 1 6 C E N T '

t—ru/m VP* mmstmrnpar*. BOSTON WOVEN H 0 « CO, •aa i 'n . ef RMtr

MHai ta4 PtcUv, 32S Oewwyre SetUat Ml U e j u O f a g i e l e * s t . f a a Iwecbta. Ctl.

P l ^ G K H A M ' S


Por Colds. C-iocka. Hoarse pass. Whoop-lag Cough. C ret: p. Hkoutd be lound ID trtih household. neaAiol. fcfr. OrtUtn. Always rely upon X for ChildreoS Throat aad Lmu T.owbW Oeatalaa DO opiate., thus svoMlnr the dangeroua effect often resulting when cough mlTiure. prraarrd f.,r adulu ar» given lo»-hiO-

U T ' " A M

VM '. 40 1 « « «un 3 41 10 IT 4 30 10 41

r M 11 l« 8 ft) aoo uso] a » 4 » j eao TIB

A a p a tos j

K .Ml: C S | T is!

10 151 » OS1

• I s ,

It «v loaoi 11 so lOu.j i * w • 10 ss|

Mr. Harbster , of Reading, Pa, , spen t j Bnnday with Mr, and Mrs. Or t Hil l . He

Yeiter & I » . i k are l ieadqtuulers for j 1 8 " meiiib^r of the 6 r m f o r wltioh Or t Is 1 pure Paris Ureen. j on the road nnd is looking the coun t ry

I Chancoy B r o w n , n f B u c k River, vn i t ed at F. King's Monday.

Potato hugs paralyg' t l by Paris Oreen f rom Yeiter A Look's.

Mis Bowman, of Colon, has be«*ii vis-iting her son C. H. Elliot.

Miss Mary Keeler, of Orand Rapldt , is vlsltini; nt II. N. Stone's.

Then- is no scliuol in Mi>s Sim W'H room this week owing to her alieeuiv.

Mr* P, L. Vancnnt in t . of St . Johns , is visiiiiijf her f r iend, Mrs il, U. Cole.

Mrs A. It. I loag It vlviting her d a u g h -ter. Mrs W. H . Hall , a t Od. Ledge.

Paris Oreen. London Purple nnd Whitii Holebore ul Yeitor i t Look's.

Winifred Shaw It In Olivet this week ailf t i i l ing co inmencement exen;lses.

Miss Ella Watk ins . of lonin, vimied a t R. W. Ornham's tin* first of the week .

PensIObs have botu graiite.1 to T. W .

Mawm. C. T. Moore mid R. P . Packa rd .

Frank and Dell Tarleton spent Sun-day with the i r mother , Mrs F . D. Tarle*


Mra. Dr. Clark is ipilte teisously siuk, but later reports say t h a t tho is improv-mg.

Misses H a t t i e a n d Anna Otto, of Orand Rapidt, visited Lowell f r iends over Sun-day.

Marcellus Woodard , of Gran t , Ohio, visiied Lowell relatives and f r iends last week.

Mias Lura H a t c h , of Lud ing ton , is visiting relatives and f n e n d t in th is pluce.

Lee Creer lias gone lo Saginaw to live, having obtained a desirable si tuat ion

there .

Mr nnd Mrs Martin Taylor, of Mtmton, are visiting Mr Taylor 's alster, Mrs Jos. Jepson.

Herbert Chapman , of Ionia, is visi t ing Ins mother a n d sister, Mrs. C h a p m a n and Bossle.

Several of Lowell 's young ladies breatled t h e raging flood up Flat River , yesterday.

There are honest democrats, but t hey are not amonir tbe mumliers of oo S t a t e


B o m , to Mr and Mrs Frank R. Eoker, Thursday, J u n e l l l h , a bran new girl . Average weight .

Mrs F r a n k Rhodes, of Cor runna . is visiting her parents , Mr. a n d Mm. J n o . H . Mathewson . '

O. Oherly and family havo moved to l a i n g s b u r g , Mich., where they will e m -Lark in business.

Fishermen can And a full supply of Rods. Reels, Lines, Hooks and Sinkers a t R. D. Stocking's .

Mits Mary Cro t ty leaves t 'Mlay fo r .ier home, Muskegon. She will bu missed very much by some.

Mr J . C. L a m b and Miw Malie La -Ornnge, of Grand Rapids, were a t C. W . Parks ' over Sunday .

V 0B BALE—A new, wide tire, low wheel lumber wagon. Cheapl E n q u i r e a t Bosworth 's Blacksmith Shop.

Hiss Jessie Cuykenda l l , of Ionia , is visiting her cout lns , Nellie and Net t ie MoNaughron a n d Bessie Chapman ,

A. ( ' . HheiniHti a n d ton O e e i g i l e f t I tsl n ignt fo r an extended visit w i t h reln-t ves a t J a v a Village N. Y., and v ich i i ty .

Married—Wednesday. J u n e lOtb, by the Rev. J . L. H o l u m a n , Mr Al l ien Riblile to Mrs Margie Murse, both of Soulli Lowell.

At the Baptist c h u i c h nex t Sui iday evening t h e pantor will preach on l h " ubject . "Prophecy nnd His to ry . " All

a re cordially invited.

U t s Jas . W . Hine, of Detroit , is In town to be present a t the i n t e rmen t of her la ther , Rev. Geo. B a r n n m . Bhe

III spend tho week here.

Thc W . R. C. will glvo an loe Cream social In Pnl len 's Bloro S a t u r d a y a f te r -

noon and evening , J u n e 20tb, fo r t h e benefit o( Mrs S . C h n s m a n .

W . C. Orayes, tbe Detroi t Tribune re-porter who unear thed the Munthe-Doyle bribery, a t Lansing, has been debarred f rom ihe privilege of the floor.

A. M. J o n e s has r e tu rned w i t h h i s family to Lowell l o live and t hey are now occupying the i r coxy house on

Bridge St. Anse it still on the road. '

How does the elKht hour s t r ikes s t r ike t h e farmers ' hired man who works f r o m day l ight 'till dusk , do you wonder a t the farnleni , son leaving tbe old f a r m .

Mrs. Herber t Johnson, of Chicago, 'a a t her sister's, Mrs E. R. Craw. Sho c a m e to a t tend the funera l of her f a t h e r .

over with him.

Boating and Bicycling are the favor -ite amitsemenla now. W e undursuiud tha t a lot of boats will be put on t h e river for rent, and expect the boat f a m -ine will then end.

Mrs Mma Jo'.iet and Mlss-s S m i t h , Morrioe and Perry, teachers in o u r tchnols, drove down to Od. Rapid t last Sa turday . They wore very much pleas-ed wi th the overland t r ip .

LOWELL. J U N E U t h , '81.

Received of F. D. Blocking, agen t of Ohio Fa rmer s Insurance Co., |8O0 in full for my loss by fire May 15th, in L o w e l l . MRS ANN LOUQHLIN.

Mr a n d Mrs Jas. Bunyan a n d A u g u s -tus Barnum, of KendallviUe Ind. , a r e in

town. Thoy came with tho r e m a i n s of Rev. George Barnum, w h o died a t t h e home of h l a d a u g h t e r , Mrs B u n y a n .

The oommencement exercises of tho S t a t e Normal school will be held t h o week of J u n e 19 to 24. This v lemi ty has its quola of s tudenU there a n d propably a number of o\ir people wi l l a t t end .

The nex t meet ing of the Wes t Michi-gan Press Association is held a t Ka la -

mazoo, J u l y 7, 8 and 0. Ka lamazoo la noted fo r her open handed hoepital i ty and will undoubtedly do herself proud on thla occasion.

H o t ? well If summer hasn ' t come w e wonder w h a t you call th is wea ther a n y -way, sp r ing? there 's n c spr ing about It , It s imply bears down like an ice wagon

and is wa r r an t ed to sap t h e vi tal i ty of the s l ronges l In the course of h u m a n events .

An error crept in t ome way . in to t h e

card of t h a n k s published fo r Mr a n d Mrs E. H . Train . I t should have read W . S . Story and Mr and Mrs Levi Fle tcher , in-stead of " M r and Mrs W . S. S tory a n d i l r lasvl Fletchcr" as Mr S tory ' s m o s t

es t imable wife departed th is life several years ago.

J o e McKee returned last Fr iday f rom a five week a proepecting tour t h r o u g h the weal . He yisited New Mexico. Cal-i fnra ta , Idaho , Wash ing ton and Oregon

and was very much pleased wi th t h e c o u n t r y . ' H e will locate in Por t l and , Ore., as he t h inks tha t place will b e t b e metropolla of the west.

Two democrat ic members of the com-mit tee to Investigate the Monthe-Doyle cases have resigned and the th i rd has moved tho discharge of the commi t t ee

and the commit tee was d ischarged. This happened simultaneously with the arrival of the Berneant a t A r m s f rom Ironwood with impor tan t witnesses. I t is easier to drop the m a t t e r than whi tewash iu

Mrs. C. Bu t le rmore d i ed very sudden-ly a t the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs, Alanson Knee, in Keene , Sundav morning. She had been h a v i n g the ( lephtheria , bu t h a d so f a r recovered as lo be u p around t h e house. Las t week blood poisoning set in a a d she passed quickly away. The f u n e r a l was held Sunday evening. Tbe bereaved husband and pa ren t s have t h e s y m p a t h y of a host of f r i ends .

The Electric Light Co. m e t w i t h an accident last Wednesday even ing which resulted m the town being l e f t in da rk -ness for t h a t n igh t . Thn nett l ing of t b e arch caused a break in the feeO water pipe a n d when they st a r ted to get u p hieain t h e water blew uut of t h e boiler. The Co. intend to pu t in another boiler a t onuu so in case a n y acc iden t huppeni. to one ihey will have one in r e s e r t - . The Light ing Co. show commenduble enterprise, in guard ing aga ins t every imssible cont ingency so they can a t al l tunes g ive perfect service.

The new third party formed a t C i n -c inna t i a short t ime ago Is not sa i l ing so readi ly into popular f avo r as was ex-pected by its organizers, in fac t is mee t lug w i t h many a rebuff f r o m those It expected to t i n t enllat under its banner . Of 85 Alliance assemblies in

Kansas t h a t have reported to the S t a t e All iance regarding their act ion on t h e m o v e m e n t , 15 of them have repudiated the thi rd p a n y Idea, while seven c h e r t hold themselves as non commi t t a l a n d

only th ree favor it. J u d i d n g f r o m this showing whon the S ta te Ansembly meets

it wi l l no t endorse the new third pa r ty .

Gov. Winans vetoed t h e appropr ia l ion of $30,000 for the en le r tu inmeut of visit-ing ve terans a t the National E n c a m p -ment , G . A. It., to be held In Detroit in Augus t . L i s t week his veto c a m e u p In the House of Representat ives lo b* acted uiion a n d It was sus ta ined, every d n n o c r a t voting to sustain U If you want to see the verdigris g s l b e r on his

Rev. George B a r n u m . who wss feried o'd bead «he vinegar of any act ion l e n d -ing to benefit the ve l e ran i does t h e


11 0 0 A A 3 M M

13 10 I- M 5 ns " eso - 10 » "

i is l •dim c aa

8 » " » is •• 7 « "

..... . .. . U n a Vou way Deed |l to-olght. Bold by all Drvgglsi ten . H a v e l f o ' c i i l l d r j n .

I to-olght.


PARENTS—Olveyour children a knowledge of Book-keeping. Shorthand, T jpewr i t i ng . TeP«rapby, Ac.

" o t ® m o n e y

Edtu-aU t h u n a t t i c Ur-isd S f p l d a iMicMjin) I l .Mieat Col lege. Ledyard 8 ock. nor. Peai l and Ouswa- . t s . V U t us. Vur catalogue addreaa A. S. ParUh. suoneaenr lo C. Q, Bwensburg. -Oyl.

T H B « 0 O W H I J S T i : i l " B U B B E R CO,

^ bee) Bead w l * a - and pnventa u 3

Call for Ibe -CrtlckesHwO

" a d h e s i v e ; o o u n t e r s . " AT RETAIL BV


I -OWEI.L, - MICH. f - v

You will find old p^pets a t th is tfl. 'ca fo r 35 cents a h u n d r e d .

P^rioe t a r s on all t raJas between Qrand Uaplds and Detroit- Scats O coo la.

y-oo a m. Train f r o m Orand Rapids baa Ki*« Chair Oar to Chicago.

l « p , m. Train f ron fOd . Rapids has Wagner Par'lot Car lo Chlcajo . Beata 40 cents.

11,» p . m Train baa Wagner Palace Sleeping Oar to CnlcajTO.

5-05 D. m. Train f rom Grand Rapldt has Kreo Chair Car to l lanlatee.

OEO. DaHAVEN, OenL P a w . Agent Orand Rapldt .

m r a : o r r r o A x . GHSODS.

A. J. SHELLMANIsctE^pic^oPTrmv

P EN S 1 0 N S M I L D B . B T g V R N S * C O . .

PennaneaUy wealed a t 45 Monroe 8^ , Orand Raplda. Eyea teeted for Spectacles f ree of ooat, w l S Uie Latest Improrod Methods U l a M s la .very style a t modera te pr ices to sui t e^ery

Artificial b a t . Adjusted WUhout Pain. Ea r

i n u n u n c n l a o f E r c i y Deeeriptlon to Benefit Uie Ileal. Bee Sign of Big Spec tac les ,«

F i n e J o b P r i n t i n g of a l l k i n d s a t t h e

JODBNAL Ofllo,*.


The Library will be closed J u n e Win.

All persona are requested lo return the i r books by lliat date .


U b r a i a n .

Married—at the M. E. Parsonage,

J u n e lOtb Ibgl . by Rev. A. T. Lu lher , aiKisled by Rev. J W. Steffe, Mr Willis F. Howk a n d Miss E m m a E. Coonrod,

buth of Luwell .

Dhsl—Iva Barr . wife of E lmer Barr ,

and daug luer of Mr and Mr* Chas. Buckley, aged 17 y e a n , of cuiMumption, a t the home of Thomas Barr, Sa tu rday , J u n e la th . Funera l wa* hel.l f r om ihe residence Monday, and waa largely at-


M r s J . C. Hare left last week for H a n f o r d , where Mr Hsre has been lc-oated for some t ime. Mrs Hare will be missed very much in Methoditt circles, where t h e has been a moat act ive w o r k -er, and by a large circle of f r iends , Lowell's loss is In this instance Hart-ford 's ga in .

Who,weeps with you when y o u are sad, anil laughs u-iib you when you are glnd and smilea a t you when you are mad—the editor. Who has to b t both kind and wi«e and never (hardly ever)

lies, and when he does, creates surprise —the editor. W h o owns a heart as well a» cheek, posested of spiri t proud, ye t

meek, a n d lives on forty cenls a week— the editor.

R e v . U e a r g n H a r n m n .

Rev. George Barnnm, who WBH a res ident of Lowell for two years, unti l the dea th of Mrs Barnum. a t the resi-

dence of the i r d su«h ie r . Mr. E It Craw, in September, lB87,dled a t the reeldenci-of his oldest daughU-r. Mrs Rebecca B. Bunyan . in KendallviUe, Ind., Monday, J u n e 15ih, in the uigbty-IIrsi jt-ar uf hie age. The liody was brought lo I s i^e l l for in te rment nnd the burial was irom the home of Mrs Craw, ibis morning, Rev W, D e P u y . pastor of IheConKi'-ga* lioual chu rch , conduct ing tho services,

Oeoige Barnum was a native of Con-neei l ru t . In which s ta te he was born September 5, 1810, and on September fl, 1K1I. he marr ied Ophelia Smi th in iseihul, where ihey lived unti l they re-moved to Michlgim in IKK. His first pnsuirale was in lieoni, Jackson county ; bin second in F rank l in , Lenawee county , and his third in Medina, tho same county . H e a f t e rwards preached in Somerset and R a n s i m , but a

boarseness, f rom which ho never re-covered, compelled h im to retire f rom the pulpit . H e look part in tho organ-ization of several chnrohes anil was ono of the original members of the Congre-gational Association of Michigan. He was earnest, even v« h 'meni , in exposition of wha t ho regarded as vital t ru th , and

with especial zeal ho labored f o r t h e a b o -lition of slavery and Intemperance.

Tbe end of his life was pamleta snd peaceful . Ton of bis eleven cbildtvn survive him, bu t of these f ive were too fa r d i s t an t lo be present a t the funeral . Mr and M n James R. Bunyan a n d with them Mr A. B a r n u m . accompanied the body f rom KendallviUe, and M n Emma B. Hlne, uf Detroit , a n d Mis Eleanor B. Johliofiu, ot Chicago, also arrived on Tuesday. The sub jec t of Rev. DePuy 's fune ra l address was the bringing back of the body of J a c o b to be buried by t h e side of Leah. Rock of Ages and other appropriate m u n ? was sung by t h e q u a r t e t t , cons l s t l jg of Messra Hicks a n d Winegar and Madams Look and Schneider , w i t h Mra George Winegar a t tho piano.

M e t h o d l t t I t e m s ,

For w a n t of more t ime for prepara-lion the exercises of Chi ldren 's Day were postponed one week, and will oc-cur next Sunday a t 6 o'clock p- m „ s t a n d a r d t ime.

Tho social a t Mrs Peckham ' s was a aucoees.

y m t e a good many sick a m o n g our pe-ple.

Bring many flowen next Sunday a t church and a t evening a commit tee ap-

pointed by the Epwor th League will carry them t o the sick.

L i s t of U n c l a i m e d L e t t e r s ,

Remain ing Iu the Po t t Office a t Lowell, Mich,, for week ending J u n e 13,1801:

OENTB-WUIIam Bc-ckwith, William H. Cudihy , William Cudihy, H. Good win. J a m e s Henry.

HOTEL—Thos. Goodwin, J . J . Taylor. Persona c la iming the above will please

say "A^lverlised" and give da te of this

L i s t . LEONARD H . HUNT, P . M.

C a r d of T h a n k s .

The W . R. C. wish lo extend their thanks to t h e young ladies who acted as decorat ing commit lee , to E . A. Forman,

Geo. P . Taylor and E. S. Burdick for services rendered on Memorial Day.


Pres ' l .

C a r d of T h a n k s .

Ji>seph Wilson Post . No. 87, G. A. R., by a resolution passed, d i t ende r the i r t hanks to the Lowell Cornet Band, the s l n g e n a n d o i h e n for their fine mut ln and other favora Memonnl day . A . H . PECKBAM, BEN. MORSE,

A d j u t a n t Commander .

Milk fever in cows. The only mire p revrn la i ive for ihis most fa ta l d i t eow U BOVINE PANAI EA. P r e p a r e d b y E . b .McQueen, V. s . 19 M.


Physicians m a k e no more fatal mis -t i k e than when thny Inform pat ients that nervous hea r t troubles come from ibo Htoniach are of little consequence. Dr. F rank l in Miles, the noted Indian specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on " H e a r t Disease." which may be had free a t Yeiter & Look's who gua ran tee and reoomuiend Dr. Miles' uneoualed New H e a n Cure, which has t h e largest sale of a n y hea r t lemi'dy in the world. It cures nervous and organic h f a r t disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or tenderness in the side a r m or shoulder, i r regular pnl te , f a i n t -ing, smother ing , dropsy, ctc. His Re t to ra t ive Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.

U f t A f f l ' o N o o t h e r medicine aver n u v u O placed before tho pitbllo

8 a r 8 a p a r i l l a i " i " . " I Q dence to thoroughly as Hood's Sarta-

parllla. From a small beginning this P A n n l l a P m r d l r l n e h " steadily

U 1 1 a 1 and rapidly Increased In T P r t popularity until now li has ths largest • W sale of any prepantlon of Its kind.

I f M A Iff Its success It has won simply • ' because It Is constantly proving | n that it possesses positive merit, and • I does accomplish what it claimed for IL

This merit Is given O i r e n g i n , Hood's Samparllla F o i t N A t M U the fact that ll b c o n o m y , I, prepared by a A M « | P e c u l i a r C o m b i n a t i o n , P r o p o r -M l l Q Uon and Prnensa kno-vn only 10

O l i r a t i v A U o o < , " i Banaparliu, O U r d i l V C and by which Uio fuU P — m e d i c i n a l power of all Uie a O w O l Ingredients used Is retained. | ^ \ ^ \ Thousands olvolunlar)'wllncssus

all over the eounlry testify to O A C A C , , 0 i " ' e r ' u l bencflt derived K J O S C S * from I t If you tuffer from

O n e D o l l a r S L * " - o r affection caused

Be Sure H lmpure t"ood-takB

To Cet80,d Hood's Sartnparllla.

by nil dntgylsls , C. I. HOOD Si CO., Lowell. Uas t , Hood's

work. In the dark days of '01 to '05 he wan down on Vm and ho io t he r e ye t with both feet, and j u d g i n g f rom the overwbelni ing vote by his d u m m y s in the bouhe be it t thorough represenid l ive of his const i tuents . Winans and Fridlender ought tp be a fiopular t icket

fo r the democrats of Michigan In '02.

The funera l of Mrs Iva May Barr oc-cured a t the residence of T . D. Barr . Vlondny, Juno 15. Rev. A. T. L u t h e r preached f ro t: a text found in Rev. 31, 4 A largo company of f r iends had gathered lo sympathize wi th Ihe afllict-ed fami ly and followed the M o v e d form to its laai resting place. Mrs Barr was t h e daughte r of Mr Charles Buck ley. Sho was born In Greenvil le , Nov. 20. 1874, came to Lowell when qui te young and has spent moat of hi r l ife in th is vicini ty. She marr ied Mr E i m . r B i r r J a n . 7. I89I. and removed to his fa ther ' s place a few roiltw west of this vlllago. But her wedded llfo was very brief; disease laid Its fa ta l hand upun her and In spite of the s y m p a t h y a n d help of loving hands she faded a w a y .

Th rough the earnest solici tude of c h n s t Ian fr iends t h e t a w tbo need of a Sav-iour's pardoning love; and she nought and found peace in believing. Her w o r l s

of fa i th and confidence In Chr is t g i v e assurance lo her f r iends vhat she has fallen asleep in Jesua.

For Hale—^ six-barrel pine plstern, in good condit ion. Call ut this odlce.

Lowell & HastlDgs R. R. T I M E T A B L E : IN EFFECT JUNE 7.


SO. 1 «o. 8 SO, 6 loweli . Cv.| C SO A A 11:00 a • ! 4.-00 r 1 PraU W " ! l l « l " 4:10 • M n d a l a , Ar. e a - 11:15 " ; t a o " Elmdale. Lv, C:4S " MAI " 1JH " logan I # :K " 11:40 - 4:4-1 " F t -epor t Ar,! 7:00 " UlrtO " i 4*.,0 " Od. l u p l d t , . . .Ar. 111:10 r a SK) " Laming 6:50 a M; »*» - I 1:18 " Detroi t Ar, 11:15 • ! 8:05 •'110:85 "


so. * JIO. 4 _ so. 0_ Detroit, (via. D., L. 746 A a 1:M r i

ft N.l Lv. Laiidng Ormnd Rapida, Freeport , Logan, Elmdale Ar. Elmdale. Lr . Pra t t Lake Lowell Ar.

110« " 4^0 AMI l:ro r a 7.H)i " : i » j n •• 7:10 " 1 l « * 750 - j 1:15 " 7 JO • , 1:40 " 7:40 " 1:60 " 7 ^ 0 " I SKX) "

8:31 • . « 8:80 8:« e;S0 7:0*) 7:10 7 i »

Tra ins ar r ive and depart f rom Front Street Paaaenger D e p o t

V I C T I M S O F T H E F L A M E S .

T h r e e P e r s o n . , Pa l l i e r , M o t h e r a n d Bon, H o r n e d t o H e a t h in 1 he i r H o m e .

NEW YORK, J u n o 15,—A whole family —father , mother and s o n - w a s awopt out of exlstonco Sunday morn-ing by a lire which complete-ly gut ted the five-story brick a p a r t m e n t house a t the nor theas t cor-ne r of Th i rd avenue and Seventy-fourth s t r e e t T h e victims were Phil ip Brady, a laborer , aged 55 yean . ; Catherine Brady, his wife, aged 40 y e a n , and J o s e p h Brady, the i r son. aged 13 y e a n . The flre s t a r t ed a t half past 5 o'clock In the morning, when everybody In the bnl lding was asleep. T h a t many o the r persons did not lose the i r lives Is owing ent i re ly to t h c active work and heroic conduct of the Hretnen.

I L L I N O I S .

T h e T h l r t y - S e v e n l ' i ( i e n e r a l A s s e m b l y A d j o u r n . Slnu Hie .

SPRiNnriEi.D, 111., .Ittne 13,—The thlp. ty-seventh genera l assembly completed Its l abors yes te rday and ad journed sine die. Then - were 432 bills Introduced In t h e s e n a t e and s.Vl in thc house dur -ing the session. Of these fifty-three honse bills passed and 110 sena te b l l l a

T h e to ta l appropr i a t ions th is sesi lon will. In round figures, be as fol lows: Oeneral 89,780,000 World'a lair 801,000

Total tr,550,000 T h e to ta l of thc las t session waa

abont 52'"0.000 less.

K U M H e r C o m p a n l o o .

D M MOINES, l a . , J u n e 1 2 . — M r a . Mary Harr i ty , a-wtdow aged-ID, w h o had no t thc beat uharactar , died a t tho hos-pi ta l Thur sday f rom wounds inflicted by her male companion Tuesday n i g h t The coupic had been living toge the r for some t ime in a shanty in the southeast -ern p a r t of the city. Tho police are looking for tho man. who has disap-peared, and whose n a m e they wi thhold .

A D D R E S S I N G P A C K A G E S .

A V a l u a b l e Mngget t lnn f r o m an Old Ex* pre.>nii>ii.

In so simple a ma t t e r as m a r k i n g tha dest inat ion of nn express package, it Is possible, accordlni; lo the Express Ga-zette, to commit a costly e r ro r through sheer excess of caution. "Are you go-ing to pay for tha t package a t this end?" was the question asked by on ex-press clerk, says the journa l above mentioned, as ho watched a lady, who, hav ing wrapped up a packago and ad-dressed It on one side, was about lo ad-dress It on the o ther side also. "Yes ," t h e replied. "Do you w a n t to pay twice?" asked the expressman. "You are very liable to lie charged twice for an express package if you mark It on both sides. After it package is paid for In advance, or at tho point of shipment , we m a r k It 'paid" on the side of the ad-dress- When the billing clerk ge ls t h a t package , t h e chances are jus t cvon t h a t ho Is presented with the side which is not marked paid, anil he bills 'collect. ' Never address both s ide ' -of the pack* age. If by tiny means your p a e k a f c ge ts open, the bill accompanying it will tell tho uxpresMtiuu where it goes."

Noticc is hereby Riven tha t ihe pnr t -ner-ship here-to-fore exist ing l v tween Agnes E Pa rks and Floyd J . Moore, under the name of Lowell Oro-cerv Co., has this day lieen dies-ilved by inulunl consent. The busineM will hereaf ter be conducted by Agnes E. Pnrks, who will pay all debts and collect all bills of said firm.

Dated Lowell, Mich., May 22 IHUl. AONKS E . PARKS, FLOYD J - MOORE,

I t is needless to say anylh tn i ; regard-ing the Deerlng, it is the best, a fact conceded by all.

AT J. B. L E E ' S MEAT MARKET On thn Rndte, will always be found the

choicatt cuts of Meat, Flab tnd Poul-try In their teaioDt. at Prices

Always Reasonabto.

J . £ ) . L E E , - Lowell , Mich.

TO YOUNG MOTHERS, who are for the first t ime to undergo wiunan 's s e v e n t trial , we olfer you, not the s tupor causeil by chloraforin, with risk ul dea th f u r y o n n e l f or your dearly loved and lon^e-l-foi otTspring, but

MoihirV Fr iend," a remedy which will, if u-ed as d i rec ted . Invariably alleviate tbe (wins, hiirinrs und n -ks of l a l se , and ufieti entirely do away with ihem Sold by Yeiter & Look.

H o p . Eite i Pain Inilanlly. S l r tng lhm Weak Pir i t .



t P T S r j ae, re Idbler, ken. «r Irrtlalr. Feel* (Md lh. mnra.ni put on and run-. Kin urn.

tl.ni, Kidm-j Hurane... Ilarkseh., SldMehe, Actong Mux-lr.. Sot® Ch. ' l . Inmi-ull ilrvafhinit. s- lallem. t.um

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po H — 1

Goodrich Line for Chicago.

The Magnincent New Fast Steamships

" C I T Y O F R A C I N E " AND

" A l i a n t a " (DCILT EVfllUrLT TOR TIM SO (ml).

Each l.ano ton . Imrihen, with . leeping acconi m<xlatlnnn for .'WO t iaatengen, will leave

(IRANI) HAVEN for C IOAOO daily, except Saturday, st H p. m.

E t l r a S a l i r d a y T r i p , lo C l l t C A O O , c o m -ine i i c lng M . y -M a n d e n d i n g S e p t .

I U , t HI Hi d a y s I n e l u . l r e . Arriving io CHICAOO the following morning

In Ume for the outgoing trains. F A H E . b - r l h i n c l u d e d » 3 . 0 0 I t O U N H T R I P , g o o d fo r S c a . o n A.OO

Returning, leave CHICAOO dally, except Sunday, a t 7 p, m . and a f t e r May 17 at

7 . » p. m arriving at (IRAND HAVEN early next uinming In Ume for

early train East. E x t r a S u n d a y T r i p s t o U R A N D B A V K N ,

c o m m e n o i n g M a y <4 a n d e n d i n g S e p t . 1 3 b o t b d a y s I n c l n s l v e .

THROIIf lH TICKETS to all points s i t CHICAOO can be bad ot all Railroad Ticket Agentn. A. W. GOODRICH. Prna t . . CBICAOO. Q. HURSOV. Oen'l Trafflc M'g'r.. MtLWAUKKX. JNO. W. (ill.I,MAN, S u p ' t , CBICAOO-J NO. SINOLETOS.Oen 1 Pasa Ag'L, CBICAOO.

TO cure Rlliouan^s, Sick I'ctdache, ContU-paUon, Wtlarlt, Liver Complamli, lake

tbo talc and ccnalu remedy, SMITH 'S

BILE BEANS Pao I lie KM A M . Nlse (lOlitllc Ream to the botiie). Tnxi A H K T in : M U S T cnvvKNtrsr.

J E t n l f n l ^ l o S o t - n i l P r i c e of e l t l i r r «l«e. 33e. | i c r B o t t l e .

kissing; . : ' . 1 -u - i -Jr.L'r bKo.l.'niiKln.Son* Joint..Slrsina. Slomu*b WrtklMH ,

• It .udden, . l i . rp or long rto( l i e iM-iy.

J.f,SMITH tC1.S .Ur . . i -niLi:SCANS,-IT.mis MS.

longcndunu i - in or «r«k. •nd all a r . . in . a /

Apply •«* » w i joo'il (eel hspplrr tomorrow. tfr\r propriftnn' Siirmafmn om IK* prmjimr i/---!.. HOP PLASTKIta wlJe*»rywhere.il*p.Hml.r prwa.

H O P PLASTSR C O . , p . o e a i . T o . s . a o a r o * . f Mra. A l l en ' s P a r l t l a n F n o e B l e n c h

M n II.o W.iS. Uu>i» I>«ra. Ix .Ural. I,..Of lh. luil. Kuu... 1* Itmumml

Tai' lUns d-tol <c All f jod, -Wolrtil. iilJ ttuil. S.iwl . ,n In. iVjiirilrl dK>Uf. Fall Iim o4 t a . lull Mi. K. W. AIM. i l . We«d.Av., Uctlsil, MKS. Saldbrdngfati.


The best Ladies fine Dongola

$2.00 Shoe in the market,



T H E S H O B M B N .

Extraordinary Inducements are now being offered to our customers i n all

styles of Spring and Summer Dress Goods of Fine and

Medium qualities and at prices that are veritable

Bargains! I n all kinds of Silks and Grenadines, Summer Woolen Dress

Goods , Ginghams , Challies, Muslins. Satines, l.awns, and a l l

kinds of Wash Goods and

in Patterns that for beauty have never been surpassed . Our

Summer Underwear is finer and better than ever brought t o

this place, in Black and Neutral Tints, i n Silk, I-isle Thread

and Gauze; also Gloves, M i t t s and Hosiery. Our Fast Black

Hose are guaranteed not to crock,

Dry or W e t they retain their color. W e have also a fine assort-

ment of Jackets, Reefers, Wraps and Fichus, and some ve ry

nice Shawls that it w i l l pay you to examine. Our stock o f

Flouncings and Drapery Nets is large and the assor tment is

yet unbroken. We have a f u l l stock of Parasols and Sun

Umbrellas and a t prices that w i l l sell the

Goods. Our stock in all its departmets is full, new and br ight and

we are always glad to show goods . Oh! yes , we have, up-

stairs, a fine lot of Carpets and Curtains, so it w i l l not be ne-

cessary for you to go out of town for t h e s e goods . Give u s

a call.

E. R. Collar.





, r

i * &

% t r





WE HAVE SOLD A BUNCH OF SIDFF SINCE WE OPENED OUR STORE, Mucli more than we expected we would sell, for which we thank our frienda We think it must be because people will not buy old goods when they can get new for less money.

Our New Outing Flannels, Our New Challies, Our New Dress Goods, Our New Curtains, and Our Entire New Stock IS SELLING AND BEtNQ REPLENISHED RAPIDLY.

And Towels! We didn't steal them, but wo are selling them so cheap that some folks think we did. A. W. Weekes.


KIDNEY AND LIVER CORE C r o w n P l a s t e r s a n d Pi l l s .

Tbey BIT thf only finfr Ilomcillcs to nm for thoMliflUclod with Brlghtr Dlwxwo. IJrpr Coni-pUInt and Urinary AITrotlonx. OUy thosr pre-pared In tlw.DRT roKB are tlm orlRina' anil Iho only Kidney an.! Uver Cure Uiat * ill romore ye n t j perfect health.

AIX LADtla I f l

C . B . R . A .

T H E C R A I G M E D I C I N E C O . ,

PAR8IAC, N. J . i c o j d o s e c c m :

So J by Yeiter & Look and Clark & Winegar.

H U M P H R E Y S ' Ua. Hi ai'iiitETK' K f t a n o nri MiMuUflrally and

carefully pri'iian^l pri-MTlpllutK ; usol furmnny

Stan In private iini< ilfx,wiili»U''«v^windf«iroviT ilrtTj«»rau»eJhyU«'i«o|il"'. K>.o •lusluKpe-

clllc w a •pedal cun* (or lh*- dlwa»-* namcl. Thtw Kp<«inr* run* n llhout dnwRlog, pure

In*orrolurlngIho fjUcin. mid nn' In In:- nnd dtvdthonuTfrpl i iu r e m r d l r a o f t h e W o r l d .

uut or rumtri t . not exuo. iturm. " V.^Tcra, ^"nsiitlon. liiB«nimnll"TI .-i'l

kVorniH. Worm hover. XN.'rni i"«dl<- •>« I 'rrlna Collr.orToothUiKOflnfauU l l lar rhen. of Cldldren or Adult'' .. llTaentrry. Orl|ilB*.BIIkiii«CoUc-

. 4'Bolera Morbua. VomlUng.., ( Coniih". Cold. BninchltU .. < Norrnlnln. Ti«itluiclU'. Frnxarho I llradnrbra.Hlcklleailaelie.*crtl((o " yapepiil a.UUIoiuhloni.rli.,,

i r e a a e d o r Pn luf i i l I ' r r l o d a . I'rofut^ I cnoda


K l m i l a l e .

Mnrried, on J u n o lOih, a t CUrltHville, Mr Albert Roiienbiirg nnd Mi^t Clara Cuuficld. They took tho fast train a t E lmdale for O r a n d Rapids, and no d o u b t took in tho bij; show.

C . S. Knt'lifh him boon qui te sick Ihe past week.

Tlio yearly meet ing of thc Dunkard churnh was held here at their churuh on Sunday last.

J o h n Leeve wan relieved of his pocket book while at tho show a t Qd. ItapidH.

Loss $5.00.

Went I .uu «'ll U l l k a .

ed a t his fnlhur'H laat Fr iday night and Sa turday .

Died, J u n e U t h , I89I, Mrl ta r lo Hario, ono of tho old pioneers of Vergonnea nnd Orn t tan , having Bottled on the town line between Urat tnn anil Vergennea in a very ear ly day . At t h a t t imo there were hut few fami l iw nettled in the woodu liore. Their neureat neighlioni were Pe te r Aldrieh, David. Able, and Ira Ford, Alva Andrewt nnd J . H . Wood, all of whom have survived him. Uo died a t the home of C. E. Franciaco, whore ho liaa lieen living for Home t ime past, l i e leaves four daugtitero, two of whom ar« in Dakota, Mrs War ren Ford ami Mrs J o h n Whi te , who were not able to ge t here lo tho funera l , and Mrs

Mr Mclntyre was called to Ontonagon ' Geo. F. Whi te , of Lowell, and' Mrs C . by tlie sickness of his son, w h o was not E Francisco, of d i a l t an . He has been expected to live, but the laat re|Kirt is, feeble for some t ime past, and Inst l i e is a little holler. ThurMlai- he was taken lo his bed a n d

Mr Easlerday was called lo Ohio to ™ l ' n u e d to grow weaker unti l he pass-

Visit his fa ther , who was very ill. n , " p Sunday . , , . . . . mght . Funeral at the church Tuesduy,

Mr Keichain hnd his colt liadly hur t barb wi re

at U o'clock p m.. Elder d r a y olliciai-mg th is week by j u m p i n g on

fence .

1 . an t ing BortolT's brother 's son is south lioaton.

m a k i n g Ihem a visit. j If wha t everybody says iri t rue. Sun-

We hear thai two young ladies ure ! w l w " ^Ot day. visiting nt Mrs J o b Kinyon 's f rom Ohio, j C. ( ' . Winegar espec ta tu put hia

i burn on i ts feel this week.

I hnppreaa' I W b l t r a . I j ( 'roup. Co i r r o a p . Coueli. Dirnrull Iirr.UhlnK I Malt ithenro. Errs' 1 • - n, ]tbj

• e, i..un. ..r lili^llnK - i " ' " ;

( ' a lnrrh , Inllnenia,OddInlheHead .— "Diisb. Vlnlenl COOKII*.

^ 7 r % s V x ; ; ; v r M i K " i i a » i " Plica, BlUldl T a l n r r h , l w iVhooplns I

Jrni'rnlr""— Kidney ileneral llrMin i .Thylcal Wcaklna*

rltlSOIIKC I » f r r ; : r ^ W y r . ^ w . i . ; 7 r . Illnenaea of ihe l leur t . I'nlpllallun

IW4 prnrKUta. or ^nl v««"l«l'l f»"'l' "< I "1" Pi. Ill nftil"Y"' till |«fri|tti fall t'lUO'l III rluUi u«tol4,a>iLU< rata n n r n i i T a - a m . m.. u m i i m m . , M.. \R.i-rt .

S P E C I F I C S .

Young Mothers! We Offer Tou a Jtrmrdy trhlch Inium Stifrly to Life o/Uothrr and Child,

"MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jlobl Conflnrmrnl of Ul Pain, Horror and Diik.

afteru^lngonrbolllonf " l lnther 'a Fr iend" I (nlTrnil hut Utile |>aln.und did U'>i . ii- iii nciiliat weaknr« afti rward usual In audi ••aMa.-Hr*. Ania O.ui, Lamar. SSo .Jaxi. UtU.!;«!.

Sent ly ei|in»«. ebarte* ptapalil. on reeelpi of prlce.ll.Mii. atUbUoxHtiiilotlirramallMl triM.

u i i A u i ' i i x D 11 i:(i r L i ' i o u 1 0 . , A T I . A N T A, ( JA.


Y E I T E R & L O O K .

A 3 D R . S I L L ' S

N T I -

I L I O U S B C O M P O U N D ,

A Hun- Cure for

Torpid Liver and Eidncyc, Elllonintis. Dyipepsit . The Best Bleed InriEer.

r u i O K , $ 1 . 0 0 .

. rna SALK IIY



C a n c c p ^ ' F e m a l e TCeakneaa, I ' l c e r a . T a m o r a . Roren, Al ' .eenacs. I l loud I 'olaanl i iR, h a l t l l l i r i i n i , t ' a l u r r l i , Eryalpelna , I t b o u m u l l a m uml n i l l l loo i l UNIL Kkln Dlnenara . PKICK II . pi r I 'ini II'nlc. or 6 Uotllei for Is. 1 lb can Solid Eiii.ict

Apampblotof Informatlfio andab •iraci .'t Hit lawi.tlKiwinii llnw I

ObUi.i I'aKnU, < .ireni.. T Marks. Copintlm, iml /rr<.

Ada— MUNN & CO. ;iUl i l r o n d n n y .



North Alto.

Rather a warm day Sunday .

Haying in d rawing near nt hand nnd bu t few f a n n e r s a re prepared for the


Lafayotte Hryaul is home f rom L a n -

s ing to remain un t i l a f t e r tho 4tli.

Will Uryant is still holding down the


Newton W a r n e r has moved his house-hold goods into t h e Lowden house and Will Scott has moved in t h e place for-merly occupied by W a r n e r .

Mrs Ann Ford nnd son Norman nnd fami ly , of lyignn, s|iont Sunday wi th

yonr correspondent and wife .

We are informed tha t a wagon maker ie needed quite liadly nt Alio.

Most of the people f rom this locality a re going to take in Freeport the 4th.

Will the Vergennos correaiwndenl please look at the week before last JoUK-N \ l . nnd see whether we called it a party or a dance. W e worn told u par ty and

that is the way the paper stated. PRTBK.

Murar l.ake lllpplea.

School closes next Fr iday, in the Mer-riiiinu Srhool District.

Children 's Day waa obnerved nt West l lowne Sundny morn ing , nt Morse Lake Kiinda) af ternoon and a t Bowne Center Sunday evening. A good p rogramme

wna carried ou t at Morse Lake. There was 1 crowded house.

Recent visitors f rom abroad in this vicinity, were Mr R. Mickey, f rom Chi-cago. at MrsH.P . Curtiss 's. MrsStreeter . f rom ('oopersville, and Mrs Walton, of (irnnil Itnpids, a t the home of their Bis-(or, Mrs Stroeter. of Whitneyvi l ie , and Mrs lioyce a t t h e home of her eon Mor-

gan lioyce.

Peach trees a re many of them well loaded, but cuicul ios ure making great havoc in some orchards.

Cut worms abound yet , nnd hold

miiBs meetings occasionally, W. J o h n -son found lit in one 8|>ot, 27 in another and Si in another . We will now listen to a sung f r o m tlie poet of Elmdale.

n m p e l Cliau

Sunday was decidedly warm.

Rev. H . D, I n m a n , of Rockford, visit-ed his non Charles and family , ol this

place, last Thursday.

The Congregational church observed

Children's Day Sunday .

Blijah Swan bus presented his wife with n f l n o ca r r i age and harness.

Rev. John Lenington conduoUjd quar-terly meeting services a t tho W, M. chuyi.'h Sa turday and Sunday .

U r nnd Mrs Bovec, of Saranac, have been visiting f r iends here, re turning homn to-duy to a t t end the funeral of a g rand dnughter .

Uncle Thomas Evens. By years old,

walked a dis tance of four miles to at-tend quar ter ly meet ing here.

Eh n Swan has a nice new door yard feiicv, which improves the looks of his place very m u c h .

Children's Day at the HoiTatt school house was largely a t tended. The exer-cites were good und thc dicorationu worthy of note . At the c low "f Ihe exercises Mrs E. L. Uray was presented with a beautiful cross of paper llowers, which she prizes very highly.

Mrs McNaughton is building a lino

new house modeled a f t e r tho city style, which is someth ing entirely new in this part of the coun t ry .

CluldrenV Day 1 xorcisos were a g rand success in every par t icular at tho Con-greuaiional church .

A showor of rain would be appreciat-ed in the near fu tu re .

The cu t worm's days are near ly o r e r for IH'Jl.

Did everyliody sell their whea t when It was fl.OO or more.

The Y. P . S. C. E. of tho So. Boston Congregat ional church will give an ico

Forman, who will give you all neceas-ary information deaired. Horses s tand nt the barn of Fo rman and Aldrieh, nor th of Davis House, Lowell. Service fee fo r hortes $99 to Insure a foal. All a c c i d e n u to mures a t their o n e r a , risk.

FOPMAN & A i . n H i c n .

April 18, 1891.

Milk fever in cows. The only sure proxentat ive for this most f a t a j disease 1.1 Bov imt pAKACBA. Prepared by' E. D. McQueen, V . S. -IU (W.


F e w of I h e I n h a b l t a n t a K n o w of Th ide Ki la tenoe .

Although I liave been over thlrt jr-•evon years in Anstral la , nays a wr i t e r In t h e l i r isbane New-Zealander , it waa n o t unt i l e igh teen months ago t h a t I was aware t h a t t he r e was a breed of wild bulTaloe.s in these colonies, and I venture to say t h a t no t ono per eenl . of t h e i nhab i t an t s of Queensland, or even hnlf tha t number , a rc aware of the f a c t Cnrionsly enough. I have two simul-taneous Inquiries about them—one f rom Prof . Wallace, of Ed inburgh , and the o t h e r f rom a gen t leman In Michigan. U. 8. A. I laid myself ont to m a k e fu l l Inquiries on the anbjoot, and it has oc-cur red to me t h a t t h e public will be in-terested to k n o w tho result . Mr. B. II. Pnreel l . who h a s seen several of them In t h e f a r nor th , nnd was present a t the dea th of one. gave me a minute descrip-t ion of them, which tal l ies exactly with w h a t I learned f rom o the r sources. Mr. E Palmer, M. L. A., Informs me t h a t one of tho is lands on the nor thern coast Is ful ly atoeked wi th them, and isolated bul ls f rom t h c herd on the main land oc-

"caslonally find the i r way as f a r east as one of his gulf s tat ions, nnd t h a t sev-e ra l have reached Mr. Harm's Lawn Hill s tat ion. In Dr. Loichhardt 's Jour-nal of h is expedit ion from Moreton bay t o Por t Essington, In 1844-8, ho men-

" t i o n s t h a t Mr. Roper and the black-boys, "Chnriey" and "Brown," r an down and shot one th i r ty mUes f rom

cream nnd strawlierry fest ival a t the P o r t Essington. and t h a t they were said



Wonderful Fleah Produc«r. M a n y h a v e g a i n e d o n e p o u n d

p e r d a y b y i t s u s e . Scott ' f l E m u l s i o n ia n o t a s e c r e t

r e m e d y . I i c o n t a i n a t h e B t imulu t -

gp r o p e r t i e s of t b o Hyj iopl ioB-t e i a n d p u r e N o n r e g i a n C o d • r O i l , t h e p o t e n c y of b o t b

b a i n ? l a r g e l y i n n r e a a e J . I t i s u o o d b y P b y s i o i a n i a l l o i e r t b e w o r l d .

PALATABLE AS MILK . Sold bv an Druggint*.

residence of Mr A. P . Bu r r on Friday evening, J u n o 10. Everybody cordially invited.

The teachers of M. E. Sunday School are hold ing teanhor's meet ings with good succoas.

A Orand Itapids par ty purchased one of Wesley Cilley's llyers recent ly .

Mr a n d Mrs J . F. English went to Muskegon for a visit last Sa turday .

V e r s e n n e a V l t l l o r .

Mrs Nathan lilair. of South-west

Lowell , visited her sister , Mrs P . W .

t o lie ntimerotts there , and we r r called b y the IdacIcK "annbor ro " Ijeielihardt s t a t e s t h a t they " a r e the offspring of t h e stock which had e i ther s t rayed f rom t h e se t t l ement a t Raffles buy or had been l e f t behind when t h a t es tabl ish-m e n t was broken up. They were origi-nally introduced from t h e Malay islands. I was s truck wi th t h c r emarkab le th ickness of the i r sk in (nlmost an inch), and wi th t h c solidity of t he i r bones, which con-tained li t t le mar row, bu t t h a t l i t t le w a s ex t remely savory." Mr. Palmer s t a t e s t h a t t h e bull killed on his r u n weighed nlmost a ton, was ex t remely broad and well developed In t h e f o r e

Fox, also her nephews, Richard and I qunr ters . bu t tnper ing off in the hind-Jobn Fox and families, last week. qua r t e r s .

Mrs Sarah Driscol, of Lowell, visited | ' n , , x l d i p f « t o d ' " ' lu i r i es t o t h e . . . . . | museum, and hero I was most fo r tuna t e

| in ge t t ing Information f rom t h e m a n Mr a n d Mrs Por ter P e r n n , of Lowell, j above all o thers iu Queensland most

visited a t J , W . Walker ' s lost Sa turday . | competen t t o give It—namely, Mr. Hpald-

I'.ev. Mr Rolierts. of Albion, is visit-

ing a t Mrs A. Yerkee ' a n d other old t ime f r iends .

Mr and Mrs Emory Bland ing, of Cor-al, visited a t D. 8. Blanding 's laat week.

Mrs Fbebe Tate, of Lowell, visiied he r old t ime f r iend, Mra F r a n k Fox, last Wednesday .

Mr a n d Mrs L. J . Robinson and Mr and Mrs Frank Alger Sundayed in Orand Rapids with Mr and Mrs Ouy Per ry .

W. L. Mernmun rides ou t in a new top buggy and with a new harness 011

his horse.

Master J i m m y Collins has been p i t -t ing a f rog felon on his r ight hand now for t w o weeks and t h e end is not yet .

Recent company a t J . S. Brande-berry's , near Alton; Mr nnd Mrs Emory l l landing, of Coral, Mrs H i ram Evans

and son Frank, of Clarksvil ie , Mrs Geo. McDowell and d a u g h t e r Susie, of Lowell.

F rank Fox ia mak ing a noticeable im-provement in tho looks of his f a rm by pu t t i ng up three h u n d r e d rods of picket


Cut worms are dis t roying potatoes as well as com. Crosby is plant ing one Held of Ins corn to beans.

We had occasion to ride several miles Ihrough our town last wrek . W e found o r e peach orchard loaded wi th peaohea, not very many apples, a good-ly n u m b e r of cherries, pas ture vory pcor

a n a clover and t imothy very sbor t and thin and corn looking bad.

M O U K A M O K .

A t t e n t i o n F a r m e r a l

And owners of horses who contemp-late breeding, this spring, for roadsters and carr iage horses, wilh chances of ge t t ing 2:30 |K'rformers, Forman and Aldrieh have one ot t h e s trongest b ted staii ions ever b t o u g h l into i f e n t Co. T h a t is, he is the s t rongest bred in trot-t ing blood lines, being f rom producing

families on Iwth sides back to tho Olh generat ion, service feu for sire being

$500, be having 29 2:30 performers and Ori o thers wbohavo t ro t ted f rom 111 to 40, nnd one two-year-old wi lh a record of

Orandroa Clinton, w h o lives witli her 2:40, he has also sired ID sons and 12 son, F. H . Clinton, is quite sick. | ( laughters tha t have produced in 2:30

Our school uni tes with thc River . l i 8 ' . o u r M c U r a , r ' l l " ! 1 ) 6 8 1

school in a p icnic t o be held in Perry 1 , r ^ e n ' ' r . e o r 8 w i K e r t - r u n n ' n B 1 , l i c k

Spencer 's woods J u n e 20. Both schools j th rough the daru of tho very best a n d

close that day . AHA.

A l t o n A t o m s .

Last Sunday was t h e hottest day of the season.

Gotlleb Roth lost his colt last Friday.

Mr and Mrs S a n f o r l , from North Fair-plains, visited a t Geo. Taylor 's laat Sat-urday and Sundny .

R. Huckleber ry is ahearing sheep

now. Mrs Ben Whi le , f rom Smyrna , visited

at Geo. Ford 's last week .

Mrs Fle tcher , f r om Lowell, and her

Hislor Mrs Russell, f r o m Luther , visited their brother Geo. Godfrey , last Sunday and called on other f r iends near Alton.

Mrs Degraw has gone to Beldlng to stay a week o r »o w i t h her son Willie.

J D. Frost, f r om Grand Rapids, visit-

most fashionable s t ra ins of the Hambie Ionian family , such as A lmon t (8!);, and Alexander 's Abdal lah (15;, being s t ra ins wi th which every horseman are famil iar , and aside f rom his Strong breeding be has size and color being dark mahogany bay,

s t and ing 10} hands h igh , and weighing over 1200 pounds. H e is a nice open gal l-ed mover and we th ink is very speedy for a y o u n g and green horse who has never been handled. W e cordially invite all f a n n e r s and others tha t wish to improve the i r stock to come and see our horse befoie breeding elsewhere, and r emem-ber t h a t they a r e elandard bred a n d registered for fou r a n d live generat ions bock, both on t h e sire and dam? side. W e don ' t ask you to lake our word, but will show the registrat ion cerlilicaui f rom headquar ters , wh ich you ought lo d e m a n d of every horseman t h a t tells you be has a s tandard bred horse. For fu r the r par t icu lars enquire a t ' B u s ba rn , where you will find Mr Ed . A.

ing, the tuxldermist cf the museum, w h o sjieiit many months in thc center of t he i r g r e a t h a u n t near Por t Darwin. Mr. Spalding showed me tho heed and horns of one of these buffa loes t h a t made lb, way eas tward In t h e direction of Char ters Towers , and was shot there some two years ago. The horns ure mos t r e m a r k a b l e . Iieing square at t h e bu t t und fou r inches thick. They rise in n semic i rc le b n t Inellne backward , so t h a t tlie animals , whon they charge , which they do furiously, have to pu t thelf heads be tween the i r forelegs. T h e horns are ex t remely coarse, corrugated, a n d of a d i r ty b rown color. Mr. Spald-ing corrobora ted the s t a t emen t s of Messrs. Palmer wid Purcoll as to t h e buffa loes being very numerous—in man}- thousands—at Por t Essington, Ruffles buy und Melville island. A man has been engaged for a number of y e a r s shoot ing them und making a handsome income by sel l ing the hides. On account of thc ex t r eme th ickness of hide t hey re-sist nn ordinary .cartridge, and heavy leaden bul le ts have t o be nsed. They ure w h a t arc famil iar ly known as ••mud" buffalo, having very l i t t le ha i r on the i r Ixidies. which are of a d i r ty reddish-brown color.

I t may not be generally known t h a t a number of T imor ponies were intro-duced a t Po r t Essington with the buffa-loes. These huve also Increased t o a large herd, und Mr. Spalding descr ibes them us exoeedingly handsome l i t t le auimala.

T h r e e W e r e KUIad.

PrmmtiHOK, Pa. , J u n e 18.—A coal t r a in of twenty-f ive cars, whi le coming down a moun ta in on the Pennsy lvan i a & Nor thwes te rn rai lway, go t beyond the control of the t r a inmen and was wrecked. T h e conductor, eng ineer a n d b rukemen were killed.

T h e Fa l l n r e l l acord .

NEW YOBK, J u n e IA—The business fa i lu res occur r ing th roughou t the ooun-t ry d u r i n g the last seven days n u m b e r 244, as compared wi th a to ta l of 847 laat week. Fo r the corresponding week of las t y e a r the tlgurea were 313.

B a n g e d In B a l t i m o r e .

BALTIHOKS, Md., J u n e 13.—WUllsns Blaney was hanged in t h e Jai l-yard here fo r thc murder of hia g r a n d m o t h e r and a u n t in their home in thla c i ty on t h e n igh t of May 8.

Sto le • L a r g e Mom.

NEW YORK, J u n e 12.—Julio Merz-bacher . the Spanish-American a g e n t of the Now York Life Insurance Company, is said to be a de fau l t e r to the e x t e n t of $SIHI,QU0. .

Canada'a New Premier. OTTAWA, O n t , J n n c 15.—Senator Ab-

bott , of Montreal , has been cal led upon by the governor of t h e domin ion t o form a new c a b i n e t

$100 R E G A R D . $100.

T b e r e a d e r s of t h o L O W E M . JOUHNAI . wlU be pleased to learn lha t t he r e is a t least one dreaded disease t h a t scicencn has been able lo cure in ai l i ts siager, and t h a t is Catar rh . Hall" Ca ta r rh Cnre is the only positive c u r e now known to the medical f r a U m i t j . Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional t r e a t m e n t . Hall 's Ca ta r rh Cure Is t aken iniernal ly, noting directly upon the blood a n d mucous surfaces of tbe syslem, thereby destroying the foundat ion of the disease and giving t h e pa t ient s t rength by building u p thc conctituiion nnd assist-ing na tu re in doing i ts work. Tbe pro-prietors have so much fa i th in its c u r a -tive jiowers, t h a t they offer One H u n -dred Dollars f o r a n y case l h a t It fai ls to cure . Send fo r list of testimonials.

Address, F . J . C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, O. W S o l d by Druggists 75c.

F L A Y E D " S T R I P P E R S " O N H I M .

A C a r d S h a r p e r Sudfera ft,r T r y i n g an O ld T r i c k on a New T o r k D r u m m e r .

• " N o , alree," excla imed my f r iend " B u c k , " who Is a t r ave l ing sa lesman for a l a rge Broadway Impor t ing honse, says a w r i t e r In t h e New York Herald, ••yon don ' t o f ten catch us d r n m m e r s asleep. We ' re wide-awake to t h e t r icks of moat all t rades, I can tell yon.

"Tl ie lost time a sha rpe r tried to down me was a t Cleveland, 0 . , a few w e e k s ago. l ie t r ied t o work the •s t r ipper ' racket on mo. I was seated In my room early one evening, when a l i t t le te r r ie r dog ran \n ' hrough tho open door and began Tnlf l lng about . P re t ty soon n well-dressed young fel-low appeared a t the door, and, apolo-gizing fo r tho intrusion, asked If I had aeon a s t ray dog a n y w h e r e around.

•* 'Ah! there yon ato," said be, eapy-Ing the canine, ' a lways r u n n i n g away f rom me inlo o ther people 's rooms, ' he explained. As migh t be expected, one word led to another , alid very soon we were engaged in a genera l conversation. T h e t a l k dr i f ted to ca rds and then the a t r a n g e r produced a pack . He had Just l ea rned a new tr ick which he would show me.

Now take a card and look a t it, ' said he. I did us directed, selecting the ace of clubs. 'Now p a t it back, ' h s

.id, handing :ae the puck. He then reques ted me to shuffle t h e cards well, wh ich 1 d id He then took the pack.

" 'The re is your card , ' he said a t onoe, producing the ace of clnbs. 'Very good,' said I, 'bu t ! don ' t t h ink yon could do It uguin. ' 1 then called h is a t ten t ion to a pielnre in tho room while I hurr iedly examined t h e pack. •No,' said I, ' I don't th ink you could do It aga in ; not for t w e n t y dollars . '

" I ' l l sec you. ' nald he. producing the money. 'All right,' aaid 1, and the be t w a s made. I then selected a card—the aoe of spades. He handed me t h e pack, r eques t ing me t o replace the card and ahufl je them us much ua I pleased.

"Now, I can handle tlie pasteboards mysel f ; while 1 was shuffling I Just fixed the cards on t h e sMnrpcr so t h a t he c o u l d n t tell one card f rom another. 'There , ' said I, hand ing him the p 'ok , 'where ' s my card?'

" H e look the pack wi th a smile of confidence and liegan t o run h is fingeri over the edges. Then he began to look a trifi'.' nervous. 'Come,' said L 'pro-duce t ' 1 card or I t a k e you r money. '

" W t i l , sir, a f t e r he had fuiflbled over tho pack for a few minutes I Just pock-eted his twen ty dollars . 'Now, here , ' 1 said to him, •you've been t ry ing to play •strippers 'on me., haven ' t you?"

" H e never said a word fo r about t w o minutes. He t hen rose to leave t h e room. 'Say, ' said ho as he was abou t to leave, •you're a New York d r u m m e r for another twen ty . ' •I'm not m a k i n g any more beta, ' said I . '1 knew It, ' he remarked as he l e f t the room.

" 'Strippers?' Why, t ha t ' s a pack of oards made sl ightly na r rower on one end than the other. An almost imper-cept ib le difference, y e t enough to be distinguished by the touch. When yon select a curd the sha rpe r hands you the pack so tha t you replace 11 upside down, t h e broad end iiinong t h e narrow ones —sec? He can t hen ' snake ' It out with ' out any trouble. I t 's a neat trick and ha rd t o detect un less you have been In-i t iated.

"Of course 1 knew w h a t be was o p t o when he handed me t h e puck. I put the card In as he wanted it, and then while 1 waa shuffl ing I qu ie t ly turned It a round so tha t t h e e n d s were all alike.

"Did It cast me a n y t h i n g to learn t h a t t r i ck? Well—but I 'm not giving my-self away. I got t w e n t y dol lars out of i t back, a t any r a t e . "


K a t d e a a W h o W e r e Uucpe ra of t h e H a e n d F i r e -if l l o m a .

Ovid tells us t h a t t h e first t emple of Ves ta a t Rome was const ructed of wa t -t led wal ls and roofed wi th t h a t e h U k e t h e primitive hula of t h e inhabl tanto. I t was little o the r t h a n a circular, cov-e red fiiepiaoe, says t h e Cornhill Maga-zine, and waa tended by tbe unmarr ied gtrla of t b e i n f a n t community . I t oerved as t h e publ ic h e a r t h of Borne, and on i t glowed, unext inguished t h roughou t lite yea r , the sacred fire wh ich was supposed t o have been b r o u g h t f rom TVoy, a n d i h e cont inuance of which waa t h o u g h t t o b e Rnked w i t h tho for tunes of t h e ci ty.

T b e n a m e Vesta la believed to be de-rived f rom t h e aame roo t as the Sans-k r i t waa, which m e a n s " t o dwell, t o In-h a b i t , " and shows t h a t she was t h e goddeas of home, a n d home had t b e h e a r t h aa IU focus. A town, a state, is bu t a large family, and w h a t t h c domes-t i c hear th was to t h e honse, t h a t t h e temple of the pe rpe tua l fire became tc t h e d t y . Every t o w n had ita Vesta o r common hear th , ond the colonies de-rived their fire f r o m the mother hear th . Should a vestal maiden allow the sacred flre to become ext inguished sho waa bea ten by the g r a n d pontiff t i l l he r blood flowed, and t h e now flre waa sol-emnly rekindled by r u b b i n g toge ther of dry wood, or by foe using of the sun ' s rays. I t might no t be borrowed. T h e circular fo rm and domed roof of the temples of Vesta were survivals of the prehistoric hub. of t ha aborigines, which were invar iably round.

Coet of Hubmar lno Cable*.

The life of a submar ine telegraph cable Is f rom ten t o twe lve years. If a cable b reaks In deep wa te r a f t e r it la ten years old i t e anno t be l i f ted for re-pairs, as ll will b r eak of ita own w e i g h t On th is account t h e cable companies a r e prepared lo pu t aside a large reserve f u n d In order to bo prepared t o replace the i r cables every ten years . T h e action of t h e s ea l s t h e g r e a t enemy of the submar ine cable; It eate the iron away so com-pletely as to tu rn thu outalde coat ing t o dns t or sediment, whi le the core Is still i n t a c t T h e brenkagu of an ocean oablu is a very costly accident , owing to the difflculties t o be encountered In repair-ing i t I t o f ten becomes neoeasary In case of a break t o c h a r t e r • ship a t five hundred dol lars p e r day fo r several days in sneoussion t r y i n g to flx npon the lo-cation where the cab le has parted. One b reakage in tha Direct Cable Company's l ine a few y e a r s ogo cost t h a t syndicate one hundred and twenty-flve thousand dollars.

N i n e - H o a r D a y f o r P r t a t a r a .

BOSTON, J u n e 1 5 . - T h e Typograph-ical union on Sa tu rday adopted a reso-lu t ion favor ing a n ine-hoar day a f t e r October 1. Tho convent ion ad journed t o mee t in P h i l a d e l p h i a in June , 1888.

M A R R I E D I N F R A N C E .






Always has on hand a fine selection of

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

Fish, Poultry,

and Game IN SEASON.

Ctoice Lard and Tallows, and is m the m a r k e t to buy

G H O I G R S T O C K .



Order* for P w n j t . ra or Bagmire l»ft a t Train's HoUl. Darls H o m e or tbe Btw Bare will

receive prompi attention


Soldier* Disabled Since the War arc Entitled Dependent wldowa and p-vrents now dependent whose sons died f rom elTecta of a r m j aarvloe a r e Included. If vou wish your claim ipoedi l r and sueeeaafally proaecuted. a d d r m

, . , . W"ES WW Ijitc CODimlseloDer of Pensions, WuhlDtfan, D. C.


a T c u n o n a o r r u


YK L I/ I* P I K E EX T R A O T C o . 91 Federal street, Allegheny. Pa.

For sale by all drugglsta.

New Goods! New Goods I WE ARE NOW


M m e . N o r d l r a Wna a M a i n e C t r l X o o w a

a s Miss U l l a n N o r t o n — W r . C o w a r W a s

Alan f r o m M a i n e — S k e t c h of Hla C a r e e r .

B l a P h e n o m e n a l S a s c a s s In Te l ephon] - .

Lilian Norton, tbe famous singer, g randdanghter of Campmeet ing J o h n Allen, was b o m in F a n u i n g l o n , Me, Her fa ther , Edwin Nor ton , waa a proe-perous fa rmer in t h a t town. ' B o t h hor fa ther ' s and mother 's famil ies were ex-cellent singers. Li l ian a t tended tho Conservatory of Music iu Boston tb re-ceive a musical education. Tho excel-lence of her voice introduced he r i n to the conccrts of Oilmore, where she took a prominent p a r t Thus a w a y was opened for her to vis i t Europe and a more complete musical education.

Accompanied by hor mother she w e n t to I ta ly , and waa placcd under t h e dis-cipline of the most accomplished musica l teachers of Europe. Having finished he r course of s tudy a n d become no tab le for her power of song, she rccejv«5d an invi ta t ion with l iberal salary to sing In tbe Royal opera a t S t Peterabnrg. She w e n t w i t h her mother to Bnssia .

The manager of t h e Grand opera of Pa r i s w a s so pleased wi th he r s inging t h a t ho gave her an invi ta t ion to become | t b e p r i m a docna of the highest sea t of 1

song, and by liberal pecuniary r e w a r d s | a n ( j j , a v e jnar i j , . , ! ( ] o w n s o i n c i i n c s t 0 c l o s e , as w e n e e d Ibe r o o m for N e w w n g h t to obtain he r release f rom her G o o d s W c ^ , ) 0 u n d t 0 h a v e o l | r s h a r c o f t r a , ) c a n d w j l | l n a k c i c c s

! money offered. A f t e r she had completed her engagement in tho no r th , sho ac-cepted the over tures m a d e he r i n Par i s j A N D I H E Y M U S T B E S O L I ) . a n d m a d e au engagumunt to sing in the Qrand opera.


During her residence in Italy he r n a m e was changed to Lilia Nordica to sn i t the I tal ian style uf pronoiinciation. f t was d u r i n g her appearance as tho great American singer in the Q r a n d opera t h a t she became acquainted w i t h her second cousin, Freder ick Allen Gower , grandnephow of C a m p m e e t i n g J o h n Allen. He said: " I t was not a case of love a t first s ight , for i t waa foi l seven minutes beforo 1 became enchanted with t h e lovely singer."

The history of t h i s young man is ful ly as romant ic as is Uie success of Mine. Nordica. He waa tho son of the Rev. 11. B. Gower, a Baptist c lergyman, who ! died in Farmington , Me., leaving a , widow and three sons, the eldest 10 and the youngest 0 years old. As t h e fam-ily were loft ip des t i tu te c i rcumstances , Frederick, the second son. waa kindly received and freely supported for a year a t the Abbott f ami ly school. Ho had given proof of his act ivi ty as an infant by leaping f rom hie nurse 's annE, before ho was a mon th old. through an open window without breakiug his neck.

As a scholar he was more noted for j vivacity than quie t s tudy .

A f t e r a year 's so journ a t the family I school Frederick und his brothers , by j •ho energy and nbil i ty of their mother , were gathered in to a family home in j Providence, B. L Tho t w o e lder broth-ers were fitted by their mother to enter Brown univendty, and were supported by her a t college till they gradua ted .

George, t b e eldest brother, become a lawyer, and lias served by repeated elec-tions as clerk of t h e Bhode Island assem-bly.

Frederick entered upon the profession


We Have a Choice Line of Dress Goods C O M E I N A N D S E E T H E M I

O u r C a r p e l S t o c k is F r e s h a n d F u l l a n d the P r i c e s C a n n o t b e B e a t e n . W c h a v e a Few W i n t e r C l o a k s a n d J a c k e t s t o C l o s e a t C o s t .

T h e P l a c e t o f i n d Us is On t h e Dr} G o o d s C o r n e r !

- g n - . A l - K T






AUK. H A U B O N 1 . Y B Y T H E

JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackjon, Mich.-g ' h e manufocturer'a name la printed upou'

t he boaeii. and s tamped 'JUOU liitlde uf c lasp In each walat. They ore the moat p o p u l a r articles of the kind now on the market. You should hare one of th< m.


— A . - T - T - E - I s r - D — —


m m m ^ fjUSiNESS

' f c - ;




r m i e n c K w u i e r r u u p u n m w p r u i r o e m m ' a . 1 I> • I ' M . i i I T • • .

of Journalism, a n d became c i ty ediUw of ^ A C t l i a l 1 ) 1 1 8 1 1 1 6 8 8 > 1 1 0 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 ( 1 a i K l 1 V P e W r i t i n g Tho Providence Jou rna l . Ho wrote to [ J I r>



S c i e n t i f i c , C l a s s i c a l , M u s i c , Civil E n g i n e e r i n g , F ine Art A N D E L O C U T I O N C O U R S E S .

E x p e n s e s l ess

Professor Bell, tho inventor of the tele-phone, to deliver a lecture a t Providence on the now invention. By invilaiion young Gower w e u t to Boston to assist Bell in tho prejiaration of his lecture.


His active aud ingenious intel lect be-came Intensely Interested in the new in-vention. He contr ived to s impli fy the machinery and t o increase tho Intensity of tho magnet ic power, us ing one instead of two batteries, nnd in t roducing cir-cu la r instead of horseshoo magnets , wi th o ther devices now used in t h e Gower-BeU telephone.

Having obtained patents and estab-lished the Bell Telephone enmpauy, Gower wont to Prance and formed a telephony company there, of which he was presidont. w i t h a salary of $55,000. Ho also obtained patents in Germany and England. In England a company was formed, but tho English govern* m e n t took tbo telephone, as they had the telegraph i i n a p a r t of their j)ostoffico ser-vice, purchasing of tho company a mill-ion dollars' w o r t h of telephones fo r the i r use.

A f t e r a brief acquaintance these two American celebrit ies were uni ted io marriage, and Mme. Nordica waa re-leased f rom he r engagement nt the Qrand opera. Sho came wi th her hus-band to America.

Their married l i fe was not a happy one. For sufficient cause Mme. Nordica sued for a separate main tenance , bn t never for a dlvCij'oO.

W c B o a r d a n d R o o m o u r S t u d e n t s for $2,50 p e r week . h e r e t h a n a n y w h e r e else. A d d r e s s

A . E. Y E R E X , Pres.

In progress he l e f t suddenly for Paris , where he had been deeply engaged study-ing on t an invention to employ magnet-ism in tho control Of balloons. Th i s he considered the grea tes t Invention a ' t h e age, both for mi l i ta ry and commercial purposes.

T o test tho efficiency of some of Us plans he undertook in a balloon, alens, t o crosd tho Stral ta of Dover. Since his disappearance f rom tho view of the spec t a l o n who witnessed his ascenaioD he ban never boon seen.—Lewis ton Jour-n a l

Lota of Old Folki at Home. There are now living in one house Just

outside thu vlllago of Et. George a fam-ily of four p e n o n s whose combined ages fool qp 874 y e a n , as follows: Misa Liz-zio Mann, 100; Rober t Ma.in, 00; Dea-con Jo lm Mann, 02; Miss Cut berine Mo-Bean, 92. These four people are in ex-cellent health.—Kennebec Journa l ,

For comfor t , for durabil i ty, for rough roads, The WOLVEIUHE Buggy has no H|UBI. B'-sd what ihe Ex Governor stiys;

- S o m e years ago I purcbuwd t » o single buggies of A r t h u r Wood, of G l a n d 5? R iplds. and lound ilnmi to lie f t r o n g a n d durable. They have been in use e ight

Whi le the sui t was or t en t e a r s a n d have proved sullsfncii-ry in all respects."-. CYlil'8 G. LtJCK If your dealer does nut keep them, wri te 10 Ihe WOOD CARKOSI CO .


T h e fihrlne of Love .

Charlie—Wliat church do you a t tend service at , Fred?

Fred—I-er—I say, Tom, w h a t chnrch Is i t Miss 8 woeio goes tOT—Epoch.

n u n , PIUB, P I L E S

LOOSED R E D CLOVKK P I L E REMEDY. IS apoal l >>j specific for all f o n n s of the dinefise. Blind, Bleeding, I tch ing , Ulcer-a ted and P ro t rud ing Piles .—Price 60c, Sold by al l dugfcista.

W h a t is more appropriate for a Birthday or

wedding present, or for any gift, than a

nice piece ol Jewelry or Rilverware Young man, a present of an engagement ring or any nice

piece of Jewelry will bring joy to the heart of your best girl, or your mother or your sister or some other fellow's sister Father, just remember the partner of your joys and sorrows, by making her a neat little present of a ringfc a gold or silver thimble, a brooch, collar stud, earrings, or anything of that sort and see how much joy it will br ing you both Has the boy got a watch? what do you suppose he would like better, 1 just try him on one. D o you know where.to buy these things and many others, where the best and most complete line ol -Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Hlverware ever brought ?n this , 4 ^ town is kept? Ah Yes! Why of course it is at AV

H , A . S H E R M A N ' S .


Wrlto for our New lllaalrnted CaUtloBne of tnut .

T H E L E F F E L W A T b R W H E E L L E N G I H E C O . S P R I N G F I E L D , 0 . , U . S . A .