Love With a Tempting Stranger

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Transcript of Love With a Tempting Stranger

  • 8/17/2019 Love With a Tempting Stranger


     Special  VALENTINE 




    ’S  Story  -

    An Exclusive Short Story By Francis Ray 

  • 8/17/2019 Love With a Tempting Stranger




    Copyright © 2012 by Francis Ray. 






    All  rights  reserved. No part of   this  story may be 

    used  or  reproduced  in  any  manner  whatsoever 

    without written permission except  in  the case of  

    brief  quotations








    For More Information: 

    St. Martin's Press 

    175 Fifth Avenue 

    New York, NY 10010 


  • 8/17/2019 Love With a Tempting Stranger



    Randolph Jacobs had a problem. It didn’t sit well with him that he couldn’t solve it on his


    He wasn’t a man to ask for help, especially for something so personal. However, this

    time he had no choice but to bow to the superior knowledge of Ruth Grayson. Despite her

    children’s steadfast determination to remain single, she’d managed to place in their path the

    one person they each couldn’t resist. Now, all five of her children were happily married - 

     just as she’d planned, and not just to anyone. Each person she’d selected was widely

    respected and successful, while Randolph continued to flounder at

    trying to marry off his oldest and only son, Clay.

    There was still time for Clarissa, his youngest child and only daughter. She was only

    twenty-seven. Clay, on the other hand, was coming up hard on thirty nine.

    Randolph’s son needed to be married, and bouncing babies on his knee. Instead, he

    showed no interest in the women Randolph put in his path. It was darn frustrating to a man

    who had carved out a place for himself and his family with grit and determination to admit

    he’d failed.

    So, here he sat at some fancy charity event to see the woman Ruth said was perfect for

    Clay. Arms folded, eyes narrowed, Randolph stared at Amy Evans on the portable stage of

    the Peabody Hotel in the River Market District of Little Rock, Arkansas.

    “You sure she’d the one?” Randolph asked, his gaze fixed on the laughing young

    woman in a blue evening gown. At least she was tall. Clay was six-three. “She’s a looker I

    grant you, but Clay is picky.”

    “So were my children,” Ruth answered, her gaze on the stage as well. “She’s the one for



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      “How can you be so sure?” Unfolding his arms, Randolph braced them on the table.

    “Ruth has an uncanny instinct about these things,” Felicia Grayson said.

    Randolph looked at Ruth’s sister-in-law Felicia sitting next to Ruth. Felicia’s dark eyes

    twinkled as much as the silver gown she wore. When’d he finally made the call to Ruth and

    asked for help, she’d indicated that Felicia had helped Ruth marry off her reluctant children,

    and some of their friends.

    “Amy was one of the women that Luke thought I wanted for him.” Ruth smiled. “Of

    course she wasn’t, but he didn’t find that out until later.”

    Luke was Ruth’s oldest and an ex FBI agent. If Ruth had been able to pull one over on

    a smart man like Luke, Randolph just might be a grandfather before he was ninety.

    “Amy’s mother , as you know, is a member of my sorority,” Ruth continued. “I’ve known

     Amy all of her life, just as I’ve known Clay. Of course, the sparks weren’t there between

     Amy and Luke, but at least she didn’t annoy him as many of the other women did. She’s

    intelligent and has a level head on her beautiful shoulders. It takes nerve to give up a

    successful career and follow your dream.”

    “Or stupidity.” Randolph snorted.

    “Isn’t that what many called you when practically started from nothing, yet always

    maintained that one day you’d own one of the biggest ranches in Oklahoma?” Ruth asked

    mildly, sipping her spring water. “Irene’s parents tried their best to keep you two apart.”

    “Didn’t do them any good,” Randolph said with satisfaction, his mouth curving into a

    real smile at the mention of his late wife. Irene and Ruth had been sorority sisters and close

    friends. “She was some kind of woman. I still miss her.” His wife had been gone fifteen

    years. The ache had dulled, but there weren’t many days that he didn’t think about her.

    They’d had a good life.


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      Randolph turned to Ruth. She’d lost her husband when her children were small. “I

    guess you know what I’m talking about.”

    Ruth nodded. “I do. Vincent was the love of my life. I wanted that same kind of great

    love for my children, just as you want it for Clay and Clarissa.”

    “Amy is approaching the podium,” Felicia said. “Randolph, you better make up your


    “She’s a city girl. You said she can’t even ride a horse,” Randolph pointed out, his worry

    evident. Clay might be rich, but he worked as hard as any hand on the Double J. He’d want

    a wife he could share the day with.

    “Then Clay will have a wonderful time teaching her.” Ruth placed her glass aside.

    “Blade and Sierra’s romance started when he had the winning bid at a charity auction.

    Now, they’re blissfully happy. I couldn’t ask for a better man for Sierra or a better a son-in-


    Sierra was Ruth’s youngest and as independent and smart as her four brothers. Blade

    Navarone, a billionaire, had a reputation for being hard, and as scary as his body guard , 

    Rio. Now, Blade happily divided his time between Santa Fe, where Sierra’s mother and

    brothers and their wives lived, and his international real-estate holdings.

    “Do I hear another bid?” asked the woman at the podium. Amy stood next to her.

    Randolph’s hand shot up in the air. “Five thousand dollars,” he shouted. Amy gasped

    and palmed her face. At least he’d made her happy.

    “Do I hear five-thousand- one hundred dollar?” asked the auctioneer.

    Randolph glanced at Ruth when no one topped his bid. There was no turning back now.

    “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”

    “Sold to number 48.”

    Randolph shook his graying head.  “If Clay finds out, he’ll never speak to me again.”


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      “Only until he looks into the eyes of the woman he loves, and then he’ll thank you,” Ruth

    came to her feet. So did Randolph and Felicia. “I told my brother I’d have Felicia back

    before midnight.”

    He’d heard the Grayson couples and their cousins, the Falcons, made it a practice never

    to sleep apart. “A car is waiting to take you back to the airport.” He hugged both women.

    “Thank you. I think. I better put this plan in motion like you told me I’m going to write out

    that check and meet my future daughter-in-law.”

    “This is your big break, Amy Evans. Painting Randolph Jacobs’ portrait is going to take

    you out of the starving artist category and put a steak on your table.”

     Amy smiled at her own predictions. Talking to herself was something she did to help

    her stay awake on long drives. So far on the four-hour drive from Little Rock to outside of

    Tulsa, Oklahoma, it was working because she wasn’t sleepy. But she had to admit that she

    was too excited to be sleepy.

    Randolph Jacobs, oil and cattle baron, was the high bidder at the charity auction where

    she’d donated a portrait. Saying he was too busy to stay in Little Rock, he’d invited her to

    the ranch he owned with his son, Clay, and commissioned a second and third portrait of his

    son and daughter.

    That night, as soon as the news circulated about Clay’s portrait, women became

    friendlier toward Amy. From their envious comments, she learned Clay liked ranching more

    than the boardroom, something that apparently didn’t please his powerful father. Besides

    being one of the most eligible bachelors in Oklahoma, Clay was reported to be drop-dead

    gorgeous and his own man.

    The prospect of painting an eligible bachelor didn’t appeal to her half as much as being

    able to prove to her parents that she hadn’t been crazy when she quit her successful job as

    a commercial artist six months ago to go after her dream of doing portraits.


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      Glancing down at the seat beside her, she smiled at the tin of sugar cookies her mother

    had insisted she take on the trip. Her parents and two older brothers might think she had

    lost her mind, but she didn’t doubt their love and support.

    “That’s my turn off.” Flicking on the signal, she turned onto the paved road. Two miles

    further would be the entrance to the Double J ranch, and four miles after that was the ranch


    “None too soon either. It will be dark in an hour,” she told herself, driving over the cattle

    guard and through a black wrought iron gate ten-feet-high with a two-foot J on either side.

    Randolph Jacobs was a bit overpowering, but she’d liked him when they met after the

    auction. His son was reportedly just as forceful.

    “Handsome, forceful, rich, and if he’s sensitive and has a sense of humor, he might be

    my Prince Charming.” She sighed. That wasn’t likely.

     Amy was definitely in the frog-kissing stage and hadn’t progressed much past kissing.

    Perhaps her art courses were to blame. It took more than a good looking backside or a

    handsome face to move her.

    She had recently celebrated – well, as much as a single woman could with no prospects

    - her twenty-seventh birthday and began to wonder if she’d ever find the right man for her.

    Valentine’s Day was a week away. Odds were she’d spend it with her girlfriends or

    watching a movie on TV.

    The sobering thought had barely materialized before the engine light flashed red. Panic

    seized her. Her hands clutched the steering wheel. She barely managed to get the car off

    the road before the engine died. Flicking the ignition elicited no response. Leaning back in

    her seat, she closed her eyes.

    “Why me? Why now?”


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      Aware an answer wasn’t forthcoming; she got out of the car. She could sketch any car to

    the smallest detail, but she knew absolutely nothing about under the hood. Her father was

    a firm believer in taking the car regularly to the dealer for maintenance and service. Amy

    wished she had been as diligent. Her four year old Lexus, bought when she had a steady

    paycheck, hadn’t been serviced in over six months.

     A foot from the hood, gray tendrils of smoke greeted her. Afraid the car might catch on

    fire, she stumbled back and bit her lower lip. The dry winds picked up, swirling the wide

    skirt of her mint green dress around her legs.

    “Randolph Jacobs will shoot me if my car starts a grass fire.”

    “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

     Amy whirled around at the masculine drawl and froze. Not ten feet away sat a handsome

    stranger atop a stallion. A Stetson as black as his horse was kicked back on his forehead.

    His muscular arms in a blue chambray shirt were crossed over each other and rested atop

    the saddle horn. The reins dangled from the long elegant fingers on his right hand.  Her

    gaze jerked back up to his face. A teasing smile hitched one corner of his sensuous mouth.

    Eyes the color of rich Swiss chocolate and twice as sinfully tempting stared back at her with

    open appreciation.

    He was pure male. Lethal and sensual. A man worthy of any woman’s most erotic

    fantasy, including Amy’s. For the first time in her career as an artist, she felt the need to do

    something in clay. Canvas would not be strong enough to capture this man’s true essence.

    Her gaze touched the sensuous curve of his lips again, and her thoughts went in another

    direction. Would they be hot and demanding against a woman’s, or restrained and soft?

    Unexpectedly, she experienced a vague sense of disappointment that she would never



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      “Are you all right?” he asked, but he was already throwing one long leg encased in

    form-fitting jeans over the horse’s rump and dismounting. His walk, like his voice, was

    smooth and graceful.

    “Miss?” His calloused hand gently palmed her forehead. For a strange moment, she

    wanted to lean into the strength and tenderness she felt. That thought snapped her out of

    her stupor. She stepped away. What was wrong with her? She had been around men all

    her life and not once had she felt the vaguest tug of sexual attraction.

    “I’m all right,” she finally managed. “I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t expect anyone.”

    He smiled again. Her stomach did a little jitterbug. “That’s all right. I didn’t expect to

    see a woman as beautiful as you while riding the range.”

    She was used to men flirting, but somehow this man’s words weren’t so easily

    dismissed. “Do you work for the Jacobs?” she asked, knowing the hopefulness was

    mirrored in her eyes and discernible in her voice.

    “You might say that. I’m Clay Jacobs.”

     Amy was unable to keep the delighted smile from her face. “Then I guess we’ll be seeing

    a great deal of each other. I’m Amy Evans.” She extended her hand.

    Removing his glove, his large hand closed over her smaller one. Tiny shivers raced up

    her arm.

    “Is that all my name means to you?”

    Disappointment took the smile from her face. This beautiful man was a snob.

    “Should it mean more?” she asked coldly, hoping her eyes were just as cool.

    “No, it shouldn’t, but when people learn who I am, dollar signs usually pop into their


    “That must be some feat. Sorry to disappoint you, but I only see a man.”


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      Unexpectedly, he smiled, a flash of white in his handsome face. “That’s what I call

    putting me in my place. I didn’t think I read you wrong. You’re very different from other

    women. I’m going to enjoy getting to know you better.”

    “You’re taking a great deal for granted.”

    “No. I simply looked at the hunger in your eyes when you looked at my mouth, a hunger

    I know was in mine, and knew we weren’t going to stop at a simply friendship. Or are you

    going to deny the attraction?” he challenged.

    Why Clay had such a strong effect on her, she didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to lie.

    “No, I’m not. But although I may find you attractive, it doesn’t mean I have to act on it.”

    His eyes darkened, promised. “Sometimes we aren’t given a choice. Come on, let’s see

    about your car.”

    The car. She had forgotten all about it. His hand touched her bare arm. She shivered,

    wanted to step closer. Aware he had felt her response, she stepped away from him.

    “Maybe we should wait. It’s still smoking. It might be dangerous.”

    “I never touch anything unless I’m sure I can handle it.” His hand lifted to graze his

    fingers across her lips. She gasped, her hand touching where his fingers had been.

    “Smooth and as soft as velvet and I bet sweeter than honey. Go sit in the car.”

     Amy fled. Her emotions were too unstable to question him ordering her around. She’d

    never met a man who called to her on so many levels.

    “Amy, I think you might have transmission problems,” he said after a few minutes. The

    hood slammed. “Come on, you’ll ride back with me.”

     Amy was slow to get out of the car. She was deathly afraid of horses. One had thrown

    her as a child, not once but twice. “I’ll wait here.”

    “You’re coming with me. It will be dark before I could get to the ranch and drive back

    here. I’m not leaving you.” There was no give in his voice or his face.


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      Amy shook her head then ran her fingers through her short black curls. “I’m afraid of

    horses,” she confessed and waited for the jeer, but it never came.

    Stepping closer, his knuckles grazed her cheeks in a reassuring gesture. I’d never let

    anything happen to you,” he promised. “Just close those beautiful brown eyes of yours.

    When you open them, you’ll be in the saddle.”

    She stared at him then closed her eyes, accepting the cool authoritative ring of his voice.

    Somehow she knew she could trust Clay. She heard him mount his horse and started to

    speak.  “When—" Her words ended in a gasp as his strong hands closed around her waist.

    She felt herself being lifted onto his lap. She clutched the arm around her waist and held on,

    turning toward him. Her breast nudged his chest.

    She jumped. Her eyes flew open. He gasped.

    “This may have been a bad idea, but it feels too good to put you back down. The saddle

    is too big for you. I’ll feel better holding you than you trying to hold onto me. Now close

    your eyes, honey, and hang on.”

    She did. The horse took off and so did her body. Her nose pressed against the muscular

    warmth of his chest, she inhaled his spicy cologne, felt the strength of his body. Her nipples

    hardened. Embarrassed, she tried to pull away. His arm tightened.

    “Easy, honey. Just keep those eyes closed and think of something good.”

    "That’s the problem.”

     A full second passed before his rich, deep laughter filled the air. His lips pressed

    against her hair. “I think I found the last honest woman and the most sensuous one in the


    Biting her lower lips to keep from saying anything else incriminating, she held on, hoping

    for a quick end to the sweet torture. Her body felt alive in places she didn’t want to think

    about, but she couldn’t help thinking how much more alive they’d feel if Clay touched them.


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      “We’re here.” He lifted her off the horse then dismounted, wrapping the reins around a

    post by the corner of the magnificent two-story home. His arm around her waist, he

    continued toward the wide front porch. “You fit perfectly in my arms.”

    She gulped. “Thank you.” Still unsure of how to handle her uncharacteristic reactions

    and behavior, she tried to bring the conversation back to a less personal level. “Thank you

    again for helping me. I hope it wasn’t too much of a problem.”

    He flashed her a smile. “Holding you in my arms could never be a problem.”

     Amy stopped and stared at him. No man had ever spoken to her the sensual way he did.

    “Why are you saying those things?”

    Clay’s gaze held her. “Because I feel them.”

    “But...but we just met.”

    His hands rested gently on her shoulders. “I feel like I’ve known you, as if I’ve waited all

    of my life for you to appear. If you don’t feel the same way, tell me to back off and I will.

    Otherwise I’m going to do everything in my power to make you mine in every sense of the

    word as soon as possible.”

    Her mouth dried. She shivered despite the warm temperature. Forceful with a capital F.

    But he wasn’t going to push her. However, from the steady gaze he wasn’t going to let her

    hide from their mutual attraction. Her trembling hand tunneled though her tousled curls.

    “Clay, I…I never felt this way I admit, but I honestly don’t know if what you want is what’s

    best for me.”

    “You will. Now come inside the house and rest.” Curving his hand around her

    shoulders, he started for the house with a red tile roof. “I’ll send someone for your luggage

    and have your car towed into the dealership in Tulsa.”

    She stopped in front of the massive front door. “Do you tell everyone what to do or is it

     just me?”


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      Straightening from reaching for the door knob, he paused. “I guess I’m programmed to

    make decisions for those things I care about. If you want other arrangements made for your

    car, just tell me. But, since you’re here at the request of my father, the bill will be taken care

    of by the Double J.”

    Somehow his sincere words made her feel childish, especially since he was doing exactly

    what she wanted done. “Thank you. The dealership will be fine, but I’ll pay for the repairs.”

    “We’ll see.” Clay opened the front door. “Mildred,” he called. “Ms. Evans is here.”

    Stepping into the cool interior of the spacious home, Amy was immediately taken by the

    warmth and charm. The front room and those beyond were light and airy with generous use

    of blue and cream.

    “Yes, Clay.”

    “Mildred, this is Ms. Evans, the artist father told us about.”

    “Hello, Mildred.”

    “Welcome, Ms. Evans.”

    “If you need anything else ask Mildred. Without her, I don’t know what we’d do,” Clay

    said fondly.

    Mildred’s dark eyes beamed. “Clay can be a charmer at times. Even a woman of my

    age is susceptible.”

    “Some women are ageless.”

    Mildred glowed. “I’ll show you to your room. Where is your luggage?”

    “In her car.” Clay held out his hand to Amy. “I’ll need your keys.”

     Amy handed them over, trying to figure out if the teasing Clay did with Mildred was the

    same kind he did with her. Was it some kind of game with him?

    “Amy, are you all right?” Clay asked, his brow furrowed.

    She tried to smile and failed. “Yes. Is your father still due in tomorrow morning?”


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      His frown didn’t clear. “Yes.”

    “Excellent. See that the car is towed on a flatbed.” Deliberately she turned away from

    the hardening glint in Clay’s eyes that previously held teasing and warmth. “Mildred, if you

    don’t mind, I’d like to see my room now please.”

    The warmth in Mildred’s eyes vanished. “This way.”

     Accepting her disapproval, Amy followed. Being aware that Clay watched her as she

    left the room didn’t help. She had treated him like a servant but, at the time, it had been the

    only way she could think of to put some space between them. She wasn’t going to be like

    so many of her friends, analyzing a man’s every word, worried when he didn’t call, or crying

    if he did and broke a date. Her career was all she wanted and needed.

    Requesting dinner in her room, she kept to herself and repeated over and over that

    what she had done was for the best. Yet it didn’t make her feel better. To protect her own

    feelings, she had needlessly hurt another person who had been kind to her .  She went to

    sleep determined that the next day she’d find Clay and apologize.

    The next morning at breakfast she didn’t see Clay. His father flew in about ten, stated

    he was too busy to stop for a sitting then told her to start on Clay. Two hours later, Mr.

    Jacobs took off from a private landing strip on the property for Tulsa to visit the corporate

    headquarters of Jacobs Oil Company.

     Afterwards, Amy wandered around the house feeling lost and lonely and confused.

    She skipped lunch and decided on a swim in the heated pool instead. After several laps,

    she got out and reached for the towel. Feeling she was being watched, she glanced up.

    Clay, his face emotionless, stood less than ten feet away by the back door of the house.

    “You have a phone call,” he said and reentered the house.

    Sadness and regret washed over Amy at his coldness. This was her fault. Pulling on a

    cover-up, she went to answer the phone. Moments later her mother’s cheerful voice made


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    tears prick her eyes. She refused to let them fall. As soon as she finished talking with her

    mother, she was going to find Clay and apologize and hope he accepted.

    Ten minutes later, she said goodbye to her mother and went to her room to shower

    and change. Downstairs, she found Mildred in the kitchen and asked where she could find


    “In his office,” Mildred said and went back to icing a chocolate cake.

     Amy didn’t move. She owed Mildred an apology as well. “I’m sorry for the way I

    behaved when we first met. When I find Clay, I’m going to apologize to him as well. I was

    rude to him in front of you for reasons I prefer to share only with him. That’s not who I am.

    I’m sorry.”

    Mildred glanced up. She studied Amy for a long time. “Clay didn’t eat lunch either.

    When you two finish talking, I expect both of you for lunch.”

     Amy was forgiven. Impulsively, she hugged Mildred. “Thank you. I’ll do my best.”

    Leaving the kitchen, she knocked on Clay’s office door.

    “Come in.”

    Swallowing nervously, she slowly opened the door. He sat behind a massive desk in

    front of a bank of windows. Sun poured over his wide shoulders, clearly showing his

    disapproving face, his lips pressed together in annoyance.


    That one clipped word almost made her run. Instead, she stiffened her shoulders and

    didn’t stop until she was in front of his neat desk. “I just apologized to Mildred. I owe you

    one as well. I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday. You were talking to Mildred the way

    you talked to me and I didn’t know if what you said to me was what you actually felt or

    harmless flirtation. I still don’t. All I know is that I don’t want you to look at me as if I don’t



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      His expression didn’t change.

    Her heart sank. “Mildred said you hadn’t eaten and she wanted us to come to lunch.

    She’s worried about you. I’ll stay in my room so you can eat without having to worry if I’ll

    show up.”

    Somehow she made her feet move toward the door. A hand slammed against it just

    as she reached for the knob. “Please,” she whispered, she didn’t want him to see her tears.

    “I don’t know whether to turn you over my knee for thinking I could be so callous or to

    kiss you until you can’t think.” Strong arms turned her. “I thought you felt as much as I do.

    I want you, Amy, but you have to be woman enough to trust me.” Black eyes stared into

    hers. They were no longer cold, but hot and demanding. “I don’t want to go through

    another tortuous night like last night.”

    “Neither do I,” she managed to say, her tension and fear gone. He was right. If she

    wanted him, and she did, she had to trust him, trust her feelings. It was scary, but she was

    willing to take the risk.

    Clay pulled her into his arms, his lips were a wild, searing brand of possession that

    burned and savored, making her strain closer. Hot and demanding, the kiss sent her world

    spinning out of control until only the man holding her mattered.

    “Mercy, honey. I knew we’d burn together.” His hand tenderly brushed her face. “I

    have to fly into Tulsa for a board meeting. I should have left with Dad, but I wasn’t up to it.”

    “Because of me?” she ventured.

    “No woman ever affected me the way you have.” His forehead touched hers. “I couldn’t

    figure out why you had changed.”

    “I’m sorry. My insecurities got in the way because no man has ever made me feel the

    things you do.” Her fingertips brushed across his lower lip. “You made me ache.”


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      His mouth took hers again, his tongue tangled with hers in mutual need and desire.

    When he lifted his head, both were breathing hard. “Let’s go eat lunch. If I know Mildred,

    she’s worried about both of us.”

    She happily followed him into the kitchen. Lunch was parmesan-pecan fried chicken,

    baked beans and potato salad. Amy relished each bite because Clay was with her,

    laughing and talking as if they had known each other for years. She talked about her family

    and her dreams and he did the same. Both of them were following their own path instead of

    the one their family thought they should follow. Both had kissed a few frogs.

    Clay glanced at his watch then reached for her hand. “I don’t want to go.”

    “I wish you could stay, but you said the meeting is important,” Amy reminded him.

    Clay grunted. “Clarissa loves running the oil company with Dad. I’d rather be here, but

    that hasn’t stopped him from insisting I attend the board meetings. If I don’t go, I won’t be

    able to live with him for weeks.”

     Any smiled. “No matter how old we are, we still love and respect our parents and want

    their approval.”

    “Yeah,” Clay agreed. “He can fire my temper faster than anyone, but I think the world

    of him – at least when he’d not trying to get me to run Jacobs Oil Company.”

    “Then go so you can hurry back.”

    He stood and pulled her to her feet. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. This will have to hold

    me until then.” His lips brushed against hers, teasing, tasting until she opened for him.

    Much too soon he lifted his head. “I better go while I can. The second I return, I will find


    “I’ll be waiting.”


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      Clay left through the back door of the kitchen. He’d already told her that he was flying

    the helicopter to Tulsa. He also used the chopper to check on the ranch and cattle. His

    father preferred the small jet for business trips.

    Going upstairs, she got out her sketch pad. Clay’s handsome face formed, his

    features taunt, his eyes alive with passion. Her hand continued to sketch and her own face

    appeared, her lips swollen from the passionate claiming of her mouth, her eyes hungry for


    The phone rang on the bedside table. She jumped guiltily. After the third ring and it

    wasn’t answered, she figured Mildred was busy and picked up the receiver. “The Double J.”

    “If the meeting runs late, how would you like to meet me in Tulsa for dinner?” Clay

    asked. “You can fly back with me in the morning.”

     Amy’s hand flexed on the phone. Did he mean for them to spend the night together?

    “I want you, but I’ll make room reservations for you. The company has suites for all of

    us,” he said into the lengthening silence.

    “I think I’d like a room.” He could just as easily spend the night with her in her room,

    but in her mind it didn’t seem like a foregone conclusion.

    “Consider it done. I’ll have one of the ranch hands drive you up if it looks like we won’t

    finish things today. Bye, honey. Either way, we’re seeing each other tonight.”

    “Bye, Clay.” Amy hung up the phone then stared down at the picture of them on the

    sketch pad. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to say no if Clay kissed her the way he had


    Ten minutes after eight that night Amy entered the lobby of the Doubletree Hotel in

    downtown Tulsa with her overnight case. Clay had called around six, asking her to come.

    She’d immediately said yes. However, doubts began to plague her almost immediately.


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    She’d been a nervous wreck on the drive from the Double J, but seeing Clay waiting for her,

    all of her fears fell away. He started for her, his pleasure obvious in his handsome face.

    “You look beautiful,” he said, curving his arms around her waist and taking the case .

    She felt beautiful, and so glad she’d packed a stylish black dress with capped sleeves

    for her trip to the Double J. “Thank you. You’re not bad yourself.”

    Clay laughed, a rich sound that made her entire body tingle. He spoke to a nearby

    bellman. “Please see that this is placed in Ms. Evan’s suite.

    The man accepted the case and the discreet tip. “Yes, sir.”

    “Come on, let’s go in to dinner,” Clay said, leading her toward a restaurant in the corner

    of the immense lobby.

    In a matter of minutes they were seated, their wine and entrée selected. It was easy

    to tell Clay had dined there often, and just as easy to see he was respected and liked.

    Several of the staff called him by name as they passed. It spoke well of him.

    “How did the meeting go?” she asked, sipping her wine.

    “Don’t ask,” he muttered. “Dad is pushing me to let the foreman run the ranch. He

    wants me to move to Tulsa to help him and Clarissa run Jacobs Oil Company. It’s not

    happening. The ranch is where I belong.”

    Placing her glass on the table, her hand covered his. “Somehow you’ll make him


    “You wanna buy me a drink, cowboy?”

     Amy jerked her head around to see a stunning young woman in a beautifully cream

    silk suit with crocheted cuffs. On her feet were five-inch ivory sandals with silver metal trim.

    She was a knock-out from head to toe.

    Laughing, Clay stood and pulled the woman into his arms. Fighting jealously, and

    trying to remember she might not have known Clay long, but he’d given her no reason to


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    think he was playing her, Amy relaxed back in her seat. Why invite her if he had another


    “Amy, this is Clarissa, my baby sister,” Clay introduced.

    Clarissa smiled and extended her hand. Amy noted the long, elegant fingers. “For a

    moment, you looked as if you wanted to strangle me. What changed your mind?”

    Clay stunned expression fastened on Amy. “What?”

     Amy smiled and shook the other woman’s hand. Another surprise was the strong grip.

    “I remembered to trust Clay. He has no reason to lie to me.”

    “It usually takes a much longer acquaintance to form an opinion.” Amy glanced behind

    her to a tall, broad-shouldered man with a wicked scar on the left side of his face.

    “Although you can often tell a man’s worth after a few moments.”

    “Give it a rest, Rissa.” The well-dressed man stepped forward. “Hi, Clay.” He turned

    smoothly to Amy. “You must be the reason Clay kept looking at his watch during the

    meeting. Ethan Matthews.”

     Amy accepted Ethan’s hands, and returned the smile that invited you to smile back,

    drawing you to him and making you forgot about the scar. He would be devastating to a

    woman’s peace of mind. “Amy Evans.”

    “Turn off the charm, Ethan,” Clay said.

    “I was just being friendly,” Ethan told Clay and winked at Amy.

    “That’s about all he can do,” Clarissa said, with a hint of annoyance. “I wish Rio had

    taken the job.”

    Ethan’s eye went cold. “I don’t think you want to hear my opinion on that.”

    “For once you’re right.” Clarissa hugged Clay. “Take care. I’m meeting friends for

    dinner. In the morning, I’m taking the private jet. I want to be in on the final negotiations

    for that property in East Texas.”


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      “Safe travel.” Clay looked at Ethan. “Stay safe.”

    Ethan nodded, but didn’t say anything.

     Amy wondered what was going on between them. “Goodbye. It was nice meeting

    you. When you get back, Clarissa, we need to set up a time I can do your portrait.”

    The young woman wrinkled her nose. “We’ll see. Goodbye.”

     Amy watched Clay’s sister walk briskly from the lobby. Somehow Ethan remained two

    steps behind her without appearing to rush.

    Clay stared after them then took his seat. The frown on his face didn’t clear.

    “Is everything all right?” Amy asked.

    Clay leaned closer. “All I can say is that Ethan is Clarissa’s bodyguard. She’s not too

    happy about it and, unfortunately, takes it out on Ethan. But it’s Ethan or I tell Dad. If I do,

    Dad will put an end to her traveling and moving around so freely. She’d do anything to

    prevent that.”

     Amy wanted to pry, but understood. “He looked like he could take care of any


    “He can. He’s an ex SEAL. Clarissa likes to push boundaries and be independent.

    Ethan will protect her, even from herself. Luke Grayson, a friend of the family, helped me

    find Ethan.” Clay picked up Amy’s hand. “Enough of that. Did you miss me?”

    Realizing he wanted to change the subject, she said, “I was miserable.”

    “So was I. Later we’ll show each other how much.”

    Dinner was wonderful. They’d laughed and talked. At times it seems as if they were the

    only two people in the crowded restaurant. Afterwards he walked her to her room. He

    opened the door and handed her the key. She frowned at him.

    “I’ve been thinking that maybe I’m rushing you.” Lifting his Stetson, Clay ran his hand

    over his head. “I’m trying to make sure you have no regrets afterwards.”


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      Amy clutched the key in her hand and spoke from her heart. “I’ve never wanted like

    this. I want to be with you, but I’m also scared.”

    He hugged her. “Honey, I understand and I’ll try to be patient. I want you to be as sure

    as I am.”

    His cell phone rang. Muttering, he answered. “Yes, Dad. “ Clay massaged the bridge

    of his nose. “I’m on my way up now.” He replaced the cell phone in the breast pocket of his

     jacket. “The thermostat is broken in Dad’s room so he’s spending the night with me. The

    hotel is booked. If I don’t go up, he’ll know why.”

     Amy blushed.

    Clay palmed her face. “How could a woman who blushes set my body on fire?” As if he

    didn’t expect an answer, he kissed her gently on the lips. “Breakfast at eight then we’ll fly

    back to the ranch together. Sleep tight and think of me.”

     Amy walked into her room and closed the door behind her. Clay was making her care

    more each time they were together. She was falling in love for the first time in her life. It

    was scary and exhilarating and she couldn’t wait to see where it led.

    The next morning Amy wasn’t smiling when Clay met her at breakfast only to tell her that

    his father had called an unscheduled meeting. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be. A car

    would take her back to the ranch. After a quick kiss, he was gone.

    Miserable, Amy checked out of the hotel. Arriving back at the ranch house, she set up

    her easel in the well-lit front room and began sketching with charcoal on the canvas. She

    wanted Clay’s full length to show the strength and determination in his gorgeous face and

    muscled body. Darkness descended before she was ready to stop.

    “Is this how you see us?”


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      She swung around. Clay had the sketch of them she’d drawn the day before in his

    hand. She felt as if he had looked at her most intimate thoughts. She wanted to shy away

    from his question, but couldn’t. Love meant trust. “Yes.”

    He held out his other hand. “Come here.”

    She didn’t hesitate to place her hand in his. He didn’t stop until they were in his

    bedroom and the door closed. “Say the word and it stops here,” Clay said.

    “I won’t turn my back on what we have. You’re my fantasy, my reality, everything I

    ever wanted or hoped for,” she said, her voice sure and strong.

     A loving tenderness filled his eyes that humbled her. “Amy.” He breathed her name in

    reverence, his hands going to the buttons of her blouse, his lips to hers.

    Her shaky hands had only undone two buttons of his shirt when he drew her blouse off.

    Her bra followed. His head bent, his teeth raked back and forth across the taut nipple. She

    trembled, her hands drew him closer.

    His head lifted. His eyes seared her. “I think we better undress faster.” Stepping back,

    he picked her up and carried her to his bed. Her shorts and panties slid down her legs.

    Warm lips grazed the inside of her inner thigh. Need pooled in the center of her being.

    Standing, he quickly stripped off his clothes. She watched, entranced. Never had she

    seen anything more beautiful. Muscles roped his arms and thighs. He was all male and

    soon he would make her his. Her mouth dried. It was time to tell him.

    “Clay, I’ve never done this before.”

    “I know,” he said gently. Lying down, he drew her into his arms. “How could you when

    you were born to be mine alone? It gives me a wild kind of exhilaration to know that no

    other man has touched you or will touch you the way I’m going to.”

    Their lips met and the passion that had sprung to life the instant they met, flashed red-

    hot. His masterful hands were everywhere, softly caressing, reassuring. His tongue


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    soothed and teased, excited and calmed. Shivering with the pleasure he was giving her,

    she twisted wildly on the bed.

    “I want you now, Clay.”

    “I can’t wait any longer either.”

    Gently, he parted her legs and began to ease into her quivering warmth. She tensed,

    his lips brushed against hers, laced his hands with hers. He went deeper, joining their

    bodies, making them one. Her legs locked around his waist, her arms around his neck.

    He began to move, the strokes becoming faster. Her body moved with his. She lost

    touch with everything but the man loving her so completely. Pleasure spiraled through her.

    She screamed his name seconds before he shouted hers.

     A long time later she opened her eyes. Clay was propped on one elbow, stroking her

    cheek. Possessiveness shown in his eyes. Her hand lifted to his face. He kissed each

    finger, then lay down and pulled her into his arms.

    “I knew it would be fire and magic.”

    “It was unbelievable,” she said, a bit drowsy.

    He kissed her hair. “And it’s only the beginning.”

    Something was wrong, but she was too sleepy to think of what it was. She snuggled

    closer to Clay’s warmth and drifted off to sleep. The next morning Clay woke her up with a

    kiss and they made love again. It was more powerful than the first time.

    Later, standing in the shower alone, Amy realized what was wrong. Clay had said

    nothing about love or commitment, but neither had she. She loved Clay. Her initial

    fascination had evolved into love. Dressed, she went downstairs, sure he felt the same

    way. In time he’d tell her he loved her.

    However, a week later, Clay had yet to confess his love. Amy tried not to worry and

     just enjoy being with Clay as he taught her about the ranch and how to please him. While


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    Clay was gone each day, she worked on his portrait. His father hadn’t returned to the ranch

    so, when Mildred went home after preparing dinner, Amy and Clay had the house to

    themselves. They always ended up in his bed.

    He was always attentive and affectionate toward her. She couldn’t have asked for a

    more considerate lover in bed or out, but she wanted more. She wanted his love. With

    Valentine’s Day approaching, she began to hope that he was just waiting to tell her on that

    special day.

    She woke up on Valentine’s Day to find a single long-stemmed red rose on her pillow.

    Smiling, she held the lush bud to her nose. Today he’d tell her he loved her. Getting out of

    bed, she headed to the shower. Clay always left at dawn and returned around eight for


    Dressed in a pretty floral print dress and sandals, she started downstairs. Angry voices

    stopped her on the landing.

    “Dad, I can’t believe you and Ruth Grayson tried to trap me into marriage.”

    “Now, Clay,” his father said. “You weren’t supposed to hear that conversation with


    “I got that,” Clay yelled. “I told you long ago to stop pushing women in front of me. I’ll

    pick my own woman to marry, when and if I was ready.”

    “Well you’re dragging your feet and you’re not getting any younger,” his father came

    back. “You should be thanking us. I hear you rush back to the ranch house every night.

    You don’t even play poker with the boys anymore. You’re even teaching her how to ride.”

    “You spied on us!” Clay yelled.

    “I asked,” his father clarified. “And stayed in Tulsa so you and Amy could have the

    house to yourselves. You should thank me.”


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      “Thank you for messing with my life? Never. Did she know?” Clay asked. “Was she in

    on this?”

    “No, son. She didn’t know and you can’t turn your back on what you have because

    you’re angry at me,” his father told him.

    “You didn’t leave me much choice, did you?”

    Her stomach churning, Amy somehow got her feet to move back up the stairs.

    Seconds later, she heard the front door slam. She flinched. Tears rolled down her cheek.

    He’d never forgive her. With Luke Grayson it had been a game, a bit of fun. He had no

    more wanted her than she had wanted him. She’d love Clay forever and, because he

    thought he’d been tricked, he’d never return her love.

    Wiping away the tears, she quickly packed. She had to be out of there before Clay

    returned. There was no way she could face him again.

    In less than five minutes, she stood in front of Mr. Jacobs’s study. She wasn’t looking

    forward to facing him either. She didn’t have a choice. Her knuckled rapped on the door.

    The door jerked open. Surprise widened Mr. Jacobs eyes, so much like Clay that

     Amy had to fight to keep from crying.

    “Ms. Evans, are you all right?”

    She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I heard your conversation with Clay. I don’t

    want to be here when he returns.”

    Remorse and regret washed over the older man’s face. He reached for her then drew

    his hand back. “I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know. I just wanted…. Clay blows up and then

    he’ll calm down.”

    She shook her head. “I want to go home. My car is at the dealership in Tulsa. Can

    someone drive me into town to see if it’s ready? If not, I’ll rent a car.”


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      “I’ll take you myself.” He picked up her luggage. “I know I have no right, but I’m hoping

    you’ll forgive me.”

     Amy brushed the tears from her eyes. “If he really cared, he’d see past his anger.

    That’s not your fault.” She sniffed. “I didn’t finish his portrait. I’ll refund your money.”

    “Don’t you worry about that or my portrait,” Mr. Jacobs said. “Why don’t you stay and

    talk to Clay when he gets back?”

    “No. It’s over,” she said. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

    “All right.  I’ll just tell Mildred where we’re going and we’ll be on our way.”

     Amy nodded them waited for Mr. Jacobs to return. Outside, he helped her into his

    Cadillac truck and placed her luggage in the back. Her hands clenched in her lap, she

    stared out the window on the drive, wondering if her heart would even heal. She had

    gambled and lost.

    “We’re here. You stay here. I’ll go see if your car is ready,” Mr. Jacobs said and got

    out of the truck.

    “Thank you,” she murmured and stared down at her clenched hands.

    Her door jerked open. She stared into Clay’s angry face. “Why are you leaving me?”

    Her heart clenched. Somehow she got the words through the constriction in her throat.

    “Stop pretending you care. I heard you and your father arguing. You don’t want me.”

    He paced away then back. “I admit, I was steamed for the stunt Ruth and Dad pulled,

    then I came back to the house because I forgot my hat and Mildred told me you were

    leaving and not coming back.” His eyes closed then opened. “I never felt so alone or

    scared.” Closing the passenger door he came around and got inside the cab with her. “I

    realized you have my heart. Without you, I’m only half alive. I flew the chopper up here to

    stop you from leaving me.”

    She could hardly take it all in. “What about your father and Ruth?”


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      He palmed her face. “I’ll thank them until the day I die. You’re the one for me. I love


    Tears filled her eyes. Panicked, Clay kissed her. “Please don’t cry. Don’t leave me.

    I’ll make it up to you for every tear you shed.”

    Her hands covered his. “I love you, Clay with all of my heart and soul.”

    “Then you’ll marry me?”

    Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. “Yes.”

    He kissed her then helped her out of the truck. Amy noted the truck was parked at the

    edge of the parking lot. His father stood several feet away. Clay didn’t stop until he stood

    in front of him. “Get Ruth on the phone.”

    Since Amy was grinning, his father quickly complied, then handed Clay the phone.

    “You picked another winner and I’ll thank you forever. You’re sitting with family at the

    wedding. Goodbye, Amy and I have to go pick out her ring.” He handed the phone back to

    his father then gave him a one-armed hug. “Thanks.”

    Mr. Jacobs hugged Amy. “I’m sorry for the tears.”

    She hugged him back. “Since they led to the happiest day of my life with the man I love,

    they were worth it.”

    “See you later, Dad. Amy and I are going to celebrate our engagement. Don’t wait up

    for us.”

    Grinning, Randolph watched his son and future daughter-in-law walk away with their

    arms around the other. Ruth had certainly called it. Arms cross, his thoughts turned to

    Clarissa. Maybe, just maybe, Ruth had a man in mind for her.

    The End


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    I hope you enjoyed Amy and Clay’s Valentine’s Day story. It’s my special gift to my

    readers. If you’re new to reading Francis Ray, I cordially invite you to visit my web site

    at If Ruth intrigued you and you’d like to read how she selected

    the perfect soul mate for her children, you can find the answers in the Graysons of New

    Mexico series:




    More on the Grayson and their friends and family can be found in the Grayson Friends



    Brand New 2012 Grayson Friends Spin-Off Series – THE KISS TRILOGY 

     A SEDUCTIVE KISS –January 31, 2012

    WITH JUST ONE KISS – February 28, 2012

     A DANGEROUS KISS – June 26, 2012.

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