Love and Strategies

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Transcript of Love and Strategies

  • 7/31/2019 Love and Strategies


    Beep, beep beep, beep

    Takumi almost jumped out of bed when he heard his alarm and groggily looked for his cellphone

    to turn the annoying noise off. Reaching for the drawers beside the bed, he almost toppled Gii

    who was now half-rising from the bed as well with eyes still closed. "Ugh! What's that noise?" a

    startled Gii mumbled sleepily and turned to his side with a pillow covering his ears. "Shut it off,love."

    Beep, beep beep beep "Yes, just a moment, Gii." Eyes still blurry from sleep, Takumimanaged to grab his phone and shut the alarm off. It's 4:30 a.m. Sighing, he mentally fought with

    the sleep still lingering in his system. Gotta go, now. Just when he was about to get up, strong

    arms encircled his waist and pulled him. He slumped back on Gii. "Ohayo gozaimasu! Going

    now, love?" the blonde asked. "It's still early." Takumi turned around; he smiled and caressed

    Gii's face lovingly. "Ohayo Gii, I have to. We can't risk getting caught now, do we? I have to get

    back to my room before anyone wakes up to see me leaving your room or we'll get expelled."

    His eyes turned sad and Gii saw a flicker of fear beneath them. Understanding dawned on him.

    "Is that the main reason Takumi?" Gii asked gently, propping on his elbows as he tried to sit up.

    "Gii" Cupping his lover's face with both hands, he tilted it up so they were looking in each

    other's eyes. "I love you, Takumi. I promised to never hurt you again, and I promise I will never

    let anyone hurt you."

    "I love you too, Gii. And thank you." the brunette smiled warmly, the fear and sadness in his

    eyes vanished, replaced by affection and love towards his lover. Gii smiled and leaned in to plant

    a chaste kiss in Takumi's cheek then proceeded with a not-so-chaste one on his lips. W-w-ait, I

    have to go. Takumi closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Gii's neck, pulling him closer.

    Gii slanted his mouth over Takumi's and gently nibbled on his lower lip, coaxing them to open.

    Takumi obliged. He felt Gii's tongue flick on his lip first before sliding inside his mouth.I- wehave to stop. He welcomed him with his own, swirling around a few times before Gii sucked his

    tongue. He moaned in the kiss. Ohh no. Gii leaned onto Takumi even more, pushing him back on

    the bed. The sun will be up soon. Takumi opened his eyes then hesitantly pushed Gii back and sat

    up. "Gii" he doesn't know what else to say, he just looked at him pleadingly. The blonde justsmiled reassuringly and nodded like he knows what Takumi wants to say but cannot. At that, the

    brunette breathed a sigh of relief and gave his lover a quick hug then got up and started to pick

    his clothes from the floor and dress up as he goes.

    Gii chuckled to himself when he noticed that while Takumi was walking from the bed out to the

    receiving area of Gii's room, a vital piece of his clothing would be easily picked up. At the foot

    of the bed(on the side where Takumi slept) were his socks and underwear, on the other side(Gii's

    side and the one near the partition to his bed and receiving area) were his jeans, on the bookshelf

    that serves as the partition was his navy blue t-shirt, on the table in the receiving area lay his

    cream-colored sweater and hanging on the sofa's armchair was his blue jacket. Everything clearly

    shows where they started last night and where they ended up. Takumi heard his throaty chuckle

    and looked at him over his shoulder. They seem to be thinking of the same thing because

    Takumi's face is a light hue of red. "Gii, I'm going now."

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    He nodded, "Okay love, take care. I'll see you later." "Oh and thank Misu for me, again." He

    added with a wink. Takumi rushed to the door but not quick enough for Gii saw his flushed face

    and embarrassed smile before he reached the door. He almost laughed out loud, his Takumi is

    really adorable. And he has never been this happy his entire life. Takumi completed him. He felt

    his heart swell with pride knowing that it is he whom Takumi loves; it is to him that Takumi

    gave his everything. It is with that knowledge that he swore to take extra good care of hisbeloved. It may be too early but he has been making plans for their future. Yes, theirs. Because

    he can never see his future without Takumi. We'll be together, forever. With a contented smile,

    he sank back onto the bed and slept the remaining hours.

    Takumi scurried past the school lawn and hurriedly walked on the pathway leading to the school

    administration building. He has to meet Gii in the library at 3 p.m and it's now 12 minutes past

    the time. Geez, how can I be so careless? Sleeping soundly in the greenhouse and almost forgot

    the time. They both know they don't have the luxury of time together when they're in school.

    They have to put up a faade of "just friends" so they can't be caught getting all lovey-dovey

    with each other. That's why they make sure to make most of the time when they're alone. And

    hanging out in the library is one of those times. Just basking in the silence of the room, readingwhatever piece of literature they can get a hold of, sitting across or beside each other, stealing

    occasional glances, a brush of fingers here and there, sometimes holding each other's hands tight

    when no one is looking, smiling in each other's eyes while "discussing" their opinions on the

    books they're reading. Their "discussion" mostly consists of I-love-you's and I-love-you-too's in

    hushed tones. Those were precious moments to them.

    Just as he was about to reach the wide-open double doors, a shout calling out his name stopped

    him in his tracks. "Hayama-san, wait up please! Hayama-san!" He turned around to see

    Shingyouji Kanemitsu, a close friend of his, and the boyfriend of his roommate Misu Arata,

    running towards him waving his hands frantically for him to wait up. "Yes Shingyouji-kun?

    What is it?" Please, I'm quite in a hurry.

    "We have to go to the function room, Hayama-san. Head Teacher said all students must gather

    there now. I heard the Director and President's daughter is visiting the school and Head Teacher

    wants everyone to welcome her." Shingyouji took a long deep breath. My, he's out of breath.

    "Eh? The School Director and President's daughter?" Takumi is amazed. "Well, I would like to

    see her." He smiled. "But I need to go somewhere first, then I'll be in the function room after.

    See you later, Shingyouji-kun," He waved at his friend who waved back and run towards the

    function room in the far left corner of the administration building, opposite to the direction

    Takumi ran off to. "See you, Hayama-san!"

    Takumi is halfway down the hall to the library when he saw Gii walking towards him. He smiled

    nervously when the blonde-haired guy is a few feet from him. "Gii, I'm sorry. I'm late because I

    fell asleep. I tried to get here as fast as I can, then-" "It's alright, Takumi." Gii cut him off with a

    smile and a light caress on his cheeks. "I'm late, too. On the way here, I was called in the Head

    Teacher's office together with the other dorm heads and the student council. We were informed

    that the school has an important visitor and so we had to sit down for an impromptu meeting.

    We've just finished actually."

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    "So it's true. The School Director's daughter is here? Shingyouji-kun informed me a few minutes

    ago." the black-haired boy asked. Gii nodded. "Hai, she will be arriving. We don't know her

    agenda yet and how long she will be staying. But we've already made accommodations for her."

    They started walking back to the lobby where some freshmen and sophomores are gathering up

    (presumably to wait for friends or classmates). Takumi gave a good distance between Gii and

    himself so as to not attract attention from the other students. Gii couldn't help but shake his headwith Takumi's gesture but decided to keep quiet. They have talked about this; they have agreed

    to do this for Takumi's safety. So they walked on in companionable silence. He saw Misu and

    Shingyouji in the door of the function room, ushering the students quietly inside. Misu looked up

    and saw them nearing, he smiled at Takumi and nodded to Gii then resumed his responsibility.

    Shingyouji yelped happily, "Hayama-san! You're just in time. Let's get inside. Hello,Gii-senpai!"

    "Giiiiiii-!" a shrill voice sounded from the doorway. Takumi turned to look at a slender figure of

    a redhead walking purposely towards them, towards Gii, almost running. Gii was shocked to see

    the woman; it was evident in his face as he gaped at the person coming to him. Before he can

    speak, two arms clasped at his neck and pulled him into a firm kiss. Everyone gasped. Gii


    Takumi froze.

    Gii was startled for a moment, and then snapped back to reality. He disentangled himself from

    the tight embrace of the woman and pulled away. Keeping the redhead at arm's length, he

    glanced at Takumi who was still too frozen to speak or move. "Y-Yuki, what do you think you're

    doing?" he can't help the snap in his voice.I'm in big trouble because of what you did. How am I

    supposed to explain this to Takumi?

    The woman smiled, "But I always greet you this way, Gii. Or have you forgotten already?"

    Another collective gasp. Gii had to keep himself from strangling the little devil. He saw from his

    peripheral vision in front that Misu and Shingyouji has moved to stand beside Takumi, who

    seemed to be turned to stone at the moment, face turning paler by the minute. He sighed, silently

    praying that his lover would give him a chance to explain later. "I know Yuki, but we're not kids

    or teenagers anymore. We're grown-ups now and that is considered inappropriate behavior.

    Especially doing it in front of my friends and the whole school."And in front of my beloved,


    Yuki gasped and turned around to look at their audience, wide-eyed. "Oh my goodness!" she

    exclaimed then turned apologetically to Gii. "Gomen ni, Gii. I was just too happy to see you that

    I forgot where we are." Turning to their spectators, she bowed low "Gomenasai minna-san,

    please excuse my rude manners. And please don't consider this as inappropriate behavior against

    Saki-san. I take full responsibility for my actions. I'm so sorry." The crowd murmured inaudibly,

    some even gave the woman glares before proceeding inside the function room.

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    Takumi almost jumped up out of his trance when he felt a hand on his left shoulder. He turned to

    see Shingyouji looking at him with a worried face. He forced a smile and nodded, answering his

    friend's silent question. At his right side, he heard a throat being cleared, "Saki- " It's Misu. It

    was then he turned to look at Gii and the woman moving near them. Wow, she's very pretty. He

    can't help admiring the lady. She's got the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, it's a deep blue,

    so deep that he thinks it's actually lavender. And her fiery hair stands out the most. They lookgood together, red and blonde, they complement each other perfectly . He bit his lip and looked

    down. It hurts, his heart. And he felt like choking the pain out, to make the stabbing hurt stop.

    Was it just early this morning when he's the one kissing Gii? And then now- now- thisAahh!

    This is too painful, this silent suffering. He took short steady breaths to calm himself and

    mentally holding the tears that are threatening to pour out.Breathe in, breathe out. Yes, calm

    down. He looked up.

    Gii held Takumi's gaze when the latter looked at them. It's not what you're thinking. Please. I'll

    explain later. Trust me. Please. I love you. "Guys, let me introduce my childhood friend,

    Yamamoto Miyuki or Yuki-chan. She is Director Yamamoto's daughter." He turned to Yuki.

    "And these are my friends here in Shidou, Yuki. This is Misu Arata, he is a member of ourstudent council so if you have any inquiries or need any help you can seek him out. " he pointed

    at Misu who in turn, nodded his acknowledgement. He then directed his face to Shingyouji.

    "This is our kouhai, Shingyouji Kanemitsu." Shingyouji offered a small smile to Yuki. He took

    Takumi's arm and led him forward. "And this is my very special friend, Hayama Takumi." He

    finished with a smile.

    Eh? Takumi was shocked.Did Gii just say "very special" with emphasis? Miyuki might get the

    wrong idea, well, the right idea I mean. But this would mean trouble for us. He tensed. "Nice to

    meet you, Miyuki-san." He bowed low and greeted with a small voice. He was expecting his

    greetings to be ignored and was about to turn around to avoid the upcoming questions when he

    felt his shoulders being grabbed and Yuki tackled him into a tight hug. "Eh?" he's too stunned to


    Yuki giddily embraced Takumi and gave both his cheeks a peck. "Nice meeting you too,

    Takumi-kun. Oh no, scratch that, I am so happy to meet you." She smiled sweetly. "You're so

    cute, and so adorable. I like you; you are now officially my best friend. Well, aside from Gii, of

    course." She blabbers excitedly. Takumi just stood there, staring at her blankly. Gii was about to

    pull him out of Yuki's embrace when the Head Teacher came rushing into them. "So here you

    are, Miyuki-sama. Please, we are about to start the program. If you may please come with me?"

    She let Takumi go and after a last warm smile to them, she went with the Head Teacher inside

    but not before leaving Gii a message "Oh Gii, I need to talk to you about something. It's

    important. Meet me after the program, okay?"

    "She's weird!" Takumi, Misu and Shingyouji chorused. Gii nodded in affirmative. "That she is."

    I wonder why she just suddenly hugged Takumi? Talking of his lover, he turned to him. "She's

    just a good friend, nothing more, nothing less. She's half-Japanese and half-American. That

    explains why she looks so foreign and her, ummm, you know, rather odd behavior of greeting

    people." He paused. "So that-uhuurrmm- kiss was nothing to me and meant nothing to her."

    Takumi smiled at him lovingly. He breathed a sigh of relief. Oh thank God!

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    "That went pretty well." Misu commented after the program. He's in the student council room

    with Gii and Yuki. "After the act she pulled through before it, I mean." He smirked at Gii, who

    grimaced. Yuki laughed heartily at Gii's reaction. "Come on Gii, get over it already. I already

    apologized. Besides, there was no real harm done, right?" she winked mischievously. Gii almostrolled his eyes. She's sharp. She knows it now. Oh well, I did give away something . Before the

    blonde could answer, they heard the door slam shut after Shouzo Akaike, Gii's best friend.

    "Akaike-kun! Oh my, I've missed you!" Yuki bolted up from her seat towards the newcomer.

    Before she could reach him, however, she was yanked back with Akaike holding both her

    shoulders at arm's length. "Hey!"

    "It's nice to see you again, too, Miyuki-chan." Akaike replied, looking at her with mild

    annoyance and warmth. "But I don't think physical display of affection is necessary." The

    redhead stuck out her tongue at him which made the three guys laugh. "You're still such a brat.

    Grow up already." the newcomer teased her.

    "I am a grown-up!" she pouted childishly. "You wouldn't understand why I'm acting like this."

    She sat back down in front of Gii and Akaike settled himself on the chair beside Misu. "Then,

    would you care to explain why you are?" Gii asked. She sighed. "Did you know I don't have any

    close friends?" The three looked at her with wondering expression 'Really?'"True we've known

    each other since we were young, Gii and then later you bring Akaike-kun along when we meet.

    But it doesn't really mean we're close, right? And then we don't always get to see each other

    often because we both travel back and forth to the US and here. Sometimes I feel like living in

    the airport already because it seems I spent more time there than in our home." she chuckled at

    her own joke.

    The three smiled, encouraging her to go on. "And you know how it is in our home, right? I neverget to see my parents often and the only time they talk to me is when they would ask me to do

    something or when they heard some rumors about me. Especially Father. He sometimes even

    forget what my real name is, can you believe it?" Yuki smiled bitterly. "That's why I act like that.

    Because it makes me happy. You're the only friends I have; that's just my way of cherishing

    you." Gii sighed. "Well, it's clear now. I really consider you a good friend, Yuki, you know that.

    So I guess, it can't be helped then. Do what makes you happy. But please, just not with the

    kissing thing? It's really-" he looked at Akaike and Misu for he seemed at loss for the right word.

    "Embarrassing?"-Akaike. "Awkward?"- Misu.

    He nodded. "Yeah, like both." Yuki laughed, "Ah! I'm really sorry. That's not gonna happen

    again. Promise." Gii then turned serious. "So what was it you want to talk to me about? You said

    it's important." He saw Yuki stiffen and turned a little pale. "Well? What is it?"

    "Father sent me." she started. "Are you aware that our fathers are merging a very huge contract

    to further expand their companies' reach of industries?" Gii thought for a moment. "I think I

    heard Father thinking about it last time I'm home. So it's official now?"

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    Yuki nodded, all serious. "Yes, it is. And my Father laid down everything he has."

    "What do you mean?"

    "He wants everything to be perfect for this merger. So he propositioned to your father a sort of

    bound allegiance, as he likes to call it. They arranged for us to get married after you graduate."She stood up. "We're engaged."

    Gii was super shocked. "WHA-AT?"


    Takumi wandered in the halls searching for his friend Shingyouji. Where is he? He said we'll gomeet with Gii and Misu together but he's nowhere to be found. The teen sighed.Maybe he can't

    wait to see Misu again that he decided to go ahead. Deciding, he about-turned and walked

    towards the student council room. As he neared it, he heard several voices talking.

    "Well, it's clear now. I really consider you a good friend, Yuki, you know that. So I guess, it can't

    be helped then. Do what makes you happy. But please, just not with the kissing thing? It's really-

    " He knows that voice very well. It's Gii. He opened the door a little and took a peek inside. He

    saw Gii, Akaike-kun, Misu-kun and Yuki-chan.

    "Embarrassing?"-Akaike. "Awkward?"- Misu.

    "Yeah, like both."- Gii.

    "Ah! I'm really sorry. That's not gonna happen again. Promise."- Yuki. Oh it's about earlier. He

    shook his head, trying to erase the memory from his mind.

    "So what was it you want to talk to me about? You said it's important." "Well? What is it?"- Gii.

    "Father sent me. Are you aware that our fathers are merging a very huge contract to further

    expand their companies' reach of industries?"- Yuki. So this is a business visit.

    "I think I heard Father thinking about it last time I'm home. So it's official now?"- Gii.

    "Yes, it is. And my Father laid down everything he has."- Yuki.

    "What do you mean?"- Gii. Takumi strained to hear more. He slowly opened the door wide, not

    wanting to make any noise and slowly stepped inside.

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    "He wants everything to be perfect for this merger. So he propositioned to your father a sort of

    bound allegiance, as he likes to call it. They arranged for us to get married after you graduate."-

    Yuki. WHAT? Takumi felt his limbs go limp. Shaking, he held onto the door for dear life.

    "We're engaged."- Yuki.

    Everything went hazy then eventually turned black.


    There was a loud noise in the door. "Takumi!" Gii rushed to his lover's form crumpled on the

    floor, the others trailing behind him. He held the boy's head up gently in his left arm before

    gathering him up, carrying him bridal-style.My God! He heard Yuki. This is too much for him.

    He turned to his friends. Akaike is shaking his head, concern visible in his face as he held the

    door open for Gii. Yuki had her hand covering her mouth, eyes wide that started to glisten with

    tears starting to come out. "Im sorry." she mumbled. Misu stood behind her, worried about his

    roommate and supporting the shaking Yuki.

    "We'll talk about this arrangement later. Right now, Takumi is my most important priority.

    Please excuse me." He walked out of the room, carrying the brunette downstairs to the infirmary,

    mindless of the curious stares and murmurs of students he passed along the way. 'Love, please

    hang on.' He whispered in Takumi's ear. 'This changes nothing between us. Do trust me, Takumi.

    We'll work things out. I love you.' He felt his eyes sting with threatening tears.Damn. He won't

    lose Takumi like this.No, I won't allow it.


    He pressed his lips together, gripping the papers he's holding tightly he felt it crumble in hishands.Damn you, Hayama Takumi! I hate you so much! His eyes narrowed as his gaze followed

    Saki Giichi's figure hurriedly walking down the corridor, carrying the unconscious lad. I am

    better than you, way way better. You're just a good-for-nothing trash. How dare you steal my

    most important possession! He had to think of a way to get rid of him. As he can see, Gii

    undoubtedly will not let Takumi go, pretty obvious with the way he possessively holds the other

    guy and the loving gaze he only bestowed on him. So it has to be Hayama.

    He stopped. Running after Gii are his friends Akaike, Misu and Miyuki. His eyes focused on the

    redhead.Ah, the bitch! Another rival. And a strong one. He knows how powerful her family is in

    the business world. So he'll be having a hard time competing with her.But she won't be staying

    here for long, will she? I heard she always travels back and forth . He smirked. He has the upperhand on her, he's got the time and opportunity to get Gii.After I take care of that Hayama, of



    They sat quietly in the infirmary, each silently offering prayers and support to the unconscious

    Takumi. He lay on the bed, breathing barely audible, pale as paper. The doctor had already

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    checked him for any injuries and thankfully, found none. So now, they are just waiting for him to

    regain consciousness. Gii is sitting in a chair he hoisted beside the bed, holding Takumi's cold

    hands and rubbing them as if to transfer his own heat and ease the icy feel, eyes never leaving his

    lover's face. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around. "We have to go, Gii." Akaike

    said. "We still have to finalize our preparations discussed in the meeting. You don't need to go.

    Misu and I will cover for you." Misu nodded his agreement "Yeah." He smiled slightly andnodded, "Thank you." The guys just nodded then left the room.

    Yuki had been quietly sitting across the room the whole time. When the two guys left, she

    walked closer. Moving ever so slowly, she sat at the foot of the bed, "I'm really sorry, Gii-" she

    started. The blonde slowly turned to her. "It's alright." She shook her head, "It's my fault. It's

    because I carelessly said those things. But honestly, I never intended for him to know. I was

    hoping to tell you about it first so we can discuss what we have to do." Now she got Gii's

    attention. "What do you mean? You can't be seriously thinking of following that damn

    arrangement! No, Yuki, I'm sorry."

    "I'm not marrying you either." She cut him. He looked at her disbelievingly. "Oh I like you, that'strue. You're my very first friend. I hold you very dear to me. But I'm not in love with you, idiot.

    I'm not marrying anyone whom I'm not in love with, even if he is a very good man." She snorted

    at him. "And I sure won't marry someone who's in love with someone else. I'm not a

    relationship-breaker nor do I plan to become one." This time, Gii can't help the smile tugging at

    the corners of his lips. This girl surely is a feisty one.

    Imploring dark blue eyes looked at him. "I need your help, Gii." His jaws almost dropped to the

    floor. If there is one thing he surely knows about Yuki, it's that she never asks for anyone's help.

    Ever. "YOU." He pointed at her, "Need. My. Help?" "As embarrassing as it may be, but yes."

    Yuki confirmed, serious. This means she's really desperate and had no other options . "Actually,

    this is more of a give-and-take kind of thing. You help me, I help you."

    Gii raised an eyebrow, "Last time I checked, I don't have any problem that would make me need

    you to help me." The problem with the freshmen started quite big but the tide is now rather calm.

    Besides, he has trusted friends looking out for Takumi, aside from him. And it's just a little less

    than two months before graduation. Yuki responded with a laugh, "You have one, my dear. You

    just don't know it yet. Do you really think your little 'faade' fools everyone?" The blonde

    straightened, eyes narrowing.No, it can't be! His hands tightenedthe hold on Takumi's hands


    "You have a rather obsessive psycho stalking you, my dear friend." She informed him. He

    gasped, wide-eyed. "He will do anything to get you. And you know what that means." She

    gestured at the sleeping boy. Gii looked at his beloved. "If anyone dares to hurt Takumi, I will

    kill him." He clenched his jaw in anger but his eyes shadowed fear.

    With a reassuring caress on the blonde-haired guy's hair, Yuki debated, "That's not necessary.

    We can get rid of him without you getting into jail. Let me help."

    "Who is he?" Gii inquired.

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    "You'll know when the time comes."

    "Yuki, I need to know who he is so I can plan to make sure of Takumi's safety and to warn my

    friends. I'm not risking anyone. If it's me that psycho wants, I'll get him myself." He is now

    nervously furious.

    Yuki tried to calm him down, "Gii, it's not that easy. That's why I told you to let me help. With

    your current state and considering your feelings involved, you can't win against him. You might

    end up hurting both yourself and Takumi. I'm the only one who can stand against this person. If

    you really want your boyfriend safe, there's only one thing you can do."

    "And what is that?"

    "Act." She folded her arms around her chest. "Act normal. Don't let him notice that you are on

    your guard." She put a hand up when Gii was about to reply. "I won't let Takumi get hurt, Gii.

    He is my best friend now. I understand how you feel, really, I do. But if you don't trust me now,

    you may get into a bigger trouble. One that may require you to be away from him for a longtime. Do you want that?"

    He shook his head violently. The redhead sighed, "That's what I thought."

    "So what do we do now?" Gii asked, looking at her.

    She glanced at the bed. "Just stay calm. I'll take care of it, trust me. As I've said, you help me. I

    help you." Another glance at the bed.

    Gii took a deep breath, silently pondering her words and finally nodded, then asked "So what

    help are you asking from me?"

    The redhead smiled angelically, "I want you to break our engagement." And winked at the now-

    awake Takumi.

    Flames. Fiery. That was the very first thing he saw after opening his eyes. And the flames have a

    face. With deep blue eyes. He shook his head.No, flames don't have faces nor does it have any

    eyes. He must be hallucinating. Then one of the eyes closed in gesture of a wink. Eh?

    "Takumi!" he was shaken out of shock when a pair of strong arms wrapped around him. He

    welcomed the all-too familiar warmth and breathes in the all-too familiar scent of "Gii?" He's

    still kinda dizzy but tried to focus on the other's face. A very worried Gii is hovering on him.

    "Takumi, thank God you're awake now! How are you feeling? Are you feeling hurt somewhere?

    Your head? Back? Legs? Tell me." He tried shaking his head but the dizziness grew. "I'm fine,

    Gii. But your questions are spinning my head off. I'm starting to feel nauseous."

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    "Sorry, love. Here let me help you up." The blonde propped one of the pillows on the headrest

    and helped Takumi to sit up and rest his back against the headrest and the wall. Takumi took a

    deep breath. That felt better. Feeling someone's eyes on him, he blinked and turned his gaze

    behind Gii. The flames, it's actually Yuki, is smiling on him. "I'm so glad you're fine now,

    Takumi." She tried to hold his hands but since Gii is on the way and she can't reach him, patted

    his knees instead. "The doctor said you were so stressed and lacking sleep so your body'sresistance grew weak. And after the shock you went through earlier, that must have been the last

    straw. I just want you to know that I really am sorry for troubling you." She bowed down in

    apology. "You two need to talk. I'll leave you alone now." She said before Takumi can give her a

    response and went out, quietly closing the door behind her.

    Gii sat beside him and he felt his hand at the back of his head, pulling him closer. He closed his

    eyes when he felt the other plant a kiss on his forehead. "Takumi, will you let me explain,

    please?" He opened his eyes and looked up at his lover's face, just inches away from him. Love,

    hope, uncertainty and fear are clear in those eyes. He nodded. Only that action and all

    uncertainty and fear disappeared from his eyes. "Thank you, love."

    "You heard about our father's arrangement." He started, looking for a reaction from the black-

    haired boy. When he nodded, he continued "Even though they arranged it doesn't mean Yuki and

    I also want it. Or if we agree to it." He cupped his lover's face with both hands and looked at him

    directly in the eyes. "I only want you, Takumi. I only need you. And though I know I keep telling

    you this but I still will, just to prove my point. I only love you. I will only love you." He waited,

    wanting his message to be absorbed by the boy in his arms. Just then, tears flowed freely from

    Takumi's eyes. Yes, message clearly got across.

    Still sobbing, Takumi brought both his hands around Gii's neck and pressed their foreheads

    together "I love you too, Gii. I will only love you too. I want to help. But this is between you and

    your family. I'm afraid if I step in, I might bring in more trouble for you, for us. So I will help inthe only way I can, I will stay beside you no matter what." Gii smiled at him affectionately,

    "That's all the help I need, love." Softly, gently, their lips met.


    The silence is deafening and downright uncomfortable. Takumi is sitting on the infirmary bed

    and Yuki is sitting in a chair across him. Gii had to leave earlier because of his responsibilities

    but promised to come back and accompany Takumi back in his dorm room. Yuki opted to stay

    behind and keep him company. But now that they're alone, both don't know how to open a




    That broke the ice. They both laughed. "You first, Yuki-chan. I actually don't know what to say

    to you." Takumi smiled sheepishly. "Nee Takumi, can I sit beside you?" Yuki gestured towards

    him, and after a nod of confirmation from the brunette, sat on the bed. "First off, I want to

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    apologize for my behavior earlier. You know, the big hug and kiss thing with Gii. And also for

    my big mouth carelessly announcing our engagement. I'm really sorry." she can't look at him in

    the eyes.

    "It's alright now, Yuki-chan." Takumi reached out and patted her hands, reassuring. "Gii already

    explained the situation to me. And I don't dislike you nor hate you. I don't know why but I justcan't bring myself to dislike you." With that, she raised her head and looked at him, smiling a bit.

    "That means you like me? Kyaa! Me too, I like you, too! When I said you're my best friend, I

    really mean it." "Oh, and just so you know, I don't want to be engaged to Gii. It was just my

    stupid father's stupid idea in the first place." She added, rolling her eyes.

    Takumi thoughtfully burrowed his eyebrows, "Yes, I heard from Gii. And you also asked him to

    break your engagement." The redhead nodded. "That's right! At least he can talk to his father

    about it and I know Saki-san will listen to his son. Unlike my father, Saki-san is more of a 'father

    mind' than a 'businessman mind' if you know what I mean" When the black-haired boy finally

    processed what he's been told, he gasped "You mean your father is forcing you into this

    engagement? Like some business deal?"

    "Exactly! All he thinks about is business. If he sees a deal that would benefit him, he will do

    anything to get it. Even if it means throwing in her daughter as bait for the big fish." Yuki said

    disgustedly. She doesn't look hurt at all. It's like she's been used to the treatment that it's just

    normal for her. It was Takumi who felt sad for his new friend. And yes, he feels for her. Because,

    even though in different circumstances, but both of them shares the same sentiment: lack of

    parental love.But at least I have Gii. How about her? Does she have someone she can share her

    burden with?

    As though sensing his sympathy for her, Yuki shook her head. "It's not that bad, really. I've

    grown accustomed to it ever since I was a child. If truth be told, this whole engagement andmarriage thing is my first time going against my father." She shot him a rather amused smile.

    "For the first time, I felt I am actually a living person." Takumi cleared his throat, trying not to

    distract the girl but he just can't contain his curiosity. When she stopped talking and prodded

    him, he decided to just go ahead. "Well, ummmm, why did you decide to go against him then?"

    "Because it's just bloody ridiculous! I know it is pretty normal in our families to get in arranged

    marriages. But I don't want the kind of life my parents have. They don't love each other. They

    don't even like each other. It's an unhealthy and unhappy life." The redhead blurted out. "You

    know what? Gii is actually the fourth guy my father set me up with." Wide-eyed Takumi gasped,

    "Eh?" That many? Yuki laughed heartily, "Yes. As I've told you. My father will do anything for

    his business that he will jump at any opportunity given to him. Lucky for me, I managed to evade

    the first three. They all declined to marry me."

    "What did you do, Yuki-chan?" the brunette is astounded. The girl scooted closer to him and

    propped her feet on the chair beside the bed (the one Gii sat on earlier). "Well, the first one is an

    heir to a fashion design business. Pardon me; I don't recall their names now. Not that it matters

    anyway. Okay, so when I heard he's into fashion I agreed to meet him, I mean like a date. He's

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    not actually good-looking but he sure knows how to dress up. Then when he saw me, he ran out

    of the hotel. Hahaha!" "Why?" a very confused Takumi asked.

    "Because I'm a fashion disaster that night. I wore a puff-sleeved orange blouse and long

    checkered skirt with a neon green bandana wrapped around the waist and knee-high boots. No,

    don't imagine it, it's terrible." But she was struggling not to laugh. Takumi, on the other hand, islaughing softly. "Alright, the second one is the son of a shipping magnate. Very, very

    intellectual, glasses and all. I heard he is a master chess champion. So when we met, I challenged

    him. I recall he really is a very good player. Unfortunately, it was his confidence that made him

    lose. So he declined the engagement afterwards. The third one was the hardest. He was very

    cunning. No doubt really, since they own a big advertising company. I even threatened him just

    to drop the engagement but he won't deter. So we agreed on the outcome of our challenge. We

    had to compete in a car race. Mind you, I don't even know how to drive."

    The black-haired lad leaned closer to her, full attention. "So how did you win?" Of course she

    won, right? Because if she lost, she won't be here now and her father won't have arranged her

    marriage with Gii.

    "I cheated." With a tilt of her head, she admitted proudly. Bewildered, Takumi thought he heard

    her wrong. "What do you mean, you cheated?" Yuki nodded, "Yes I did. I asked help from an

    acquaintance of mine, who happens to be a cross-country racer. So it was him driving the whole

    time. I was in the backseat trying to hold on to my stomach's contents. Well, in the end, we won,

    I mean I won. The agreement is to do what the winner wants. So I asked him to break our

    engagement and asked for his car as a bonus. That was, of course, given to my helper as a thank-

    you gift."

    "I can't believe it!" Takumi exclaimed, "You're- I don't know- I mean, you're so clever. To think

    of all those plans- you're a genius!" The comment earned a playful chuckle from the redhead."Not really. It's just a matter of strategic planning. Anyway, enough of me." She turned to him. "I

    am more curious as to how your relationship with Gii started." Her teasing tone made Takumi

    flushed. "Err I don't know"

    Now she pats the boy's hands reassuringly, "Come on, you don't have to be shy with me.

    Besides, you don't have to be ashamed of your love. Even though I'm a girl, but I'm not against

    it. And I'm open-minded with these things." With that, the brunette slowly and awkwardly started

    to recount their love story. By the time he finished, Yuki is sniffing rather loud and a little

    unladylike, her handkerchief alternately pressing beneath her eyes and the bridge of her nose.

    "That was so lovely! I've never seen or heard such a sweet and pure love as what you have. You

    guys are just so perfect for each other."

    Takumi smiled, "I feel the same way too."


    The week had passed by calmly. It's been three days since Yamamoto Miyuki came to Shidou to

    observe and learn how the school is being managed (this is the alibi she gave the Head Teacher)

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    and by now, she quickly became a normal sight in the school grounds. She can always be seen

    with Gii or Akaike and sometimes she's seen joining the guy's group of friends; namely, Gii,

    Takumi, Akaike, Misu and Shingyouji. Never did anyone notice how her keen eyes would

    wander and meticulously search every spot in the school buildings and grounds. And how she

    assesses everyone. They only think of her as a weird but pleasantly nice Director's daughter.

    Fragile. Totally harmless.

    "TAKUMI!" The said boy turned to see who was calling him rather loud, when he suddenly felt

    heavy. A body was strewn against him, almost tackling his lithe form to the ground. Uh, he

    doesn't need to guess. "Yuki-chan, ohayo gozaimasu." He managed to mumble a greeting.

    "Ohayo, Takumi." The always-cheery redhead replied. "Where are you going? Can I come with

    you? I don't have anything particular to do anyway."

    Takumi turned his head towards his destination. "Sure, I'm going to the greenhouse over there."

    Side by side, they walked to the greenhouse. When they got there, they sat on a bench. "So

    Takumi, how is everything with you and Gii?" Yuki asked. The brunette looked at her first

    before responding, "We're good. Gii had requested to go home for two days. He said he will talkto his father about your arrangement." He sighed. "I'm going to miss him."

    "I know." Yuki felt sad for him. "I'm sorry, Takumi. But after this, everything will be alright and

    back to how it was. So can you keep up until all of this is finished?" Takumi nodded in

    affirmative. "He will be leaving tomorrow, Saturday. He'll be back on Monday."

    "I see."By this time, 'he' already knew about it. No doubt he will strike when Gii is not around.

    "Yuki-chan, can I ask you something?" the boy asked after a moment's hesitation. "What is it?"

    Takumi seemed to ponder his question in his mind for a bit, carefully picking the right word to

    use. "I know I already asked why you went against your father's idea of setting you up withanyone he likes and you said that you don't want to live a life like what your parents have." "Yes,

    that's right."

    That was his cue to continue. "I also recall you saying that your parents don't love each other.

    And they don't even like each other." A nod from the redhead was his answer. "This is a little bit

    personal and I may be out of line, but am I safe to assume that the real reason you don't want an

    arranged marriage for you is because you don't want to marry someone you don't love?" The girl

    nodded. "You're right, Takumi. I told Gii the same thing. I won't marry him because I don't love

    him. And second, he already has you."

    "Yuki-chan, have you been in love?"

    Taken aback by surprise with the question and the straightforward way Takumi asked it, Yuki sat

    speechless, for a minute or so, then slowly a mysterious bitter smile formed in her lips. "I am."