Loddon Valley Link 201507 - July 2015


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Loddon Valley Link, Church and Village Magazine for Sherfield on Loddon, Stratfield Saye, Hartley Wespall and Stratfield Turgis. and Bramley. July 2015

Transcript of Loddon Valley Link 201507 - July 2015

  • July 2015

    Issue 4


    The Loddon Valley Link Church and Village Magazine

    for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye,

    Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis and Bramley

  • Page 2


  • Welcome to the July edition of Loddon Valley Link.

    Look out for the double page article on MESSY church in this months edition and Sherfield Fete pictures.

    As ever, we are looking for photos, especially for the cover. But please remember that photos for the cover need to be portrait size that is like this.

    We will be running a competition for photos for the Link at the Sherfield Show in September, with the winners to be shown in the October edition. We would also like to receive more articles to make the Link an even more interesting read, so if you have a club meeting to report on or an activity or cultural event you would like to write about let us know.

    Please send in your submissions to: [email protected].

    You might be interested to know that we have now gone professional for exactly four years. The last DIY magazine was June 2011. We now have a full colour magazine on the www and available by email, among other things. Circulation has now reached 2,140 so wide coverage is certain.


    Church Services P 4

    Church Opening P6

    Gardening Club P 9

    Pastoral Letter P 11

    Embroiderers Guild P 15

    Bramley School P 17

    Sherfield Fete Pictures P 22/23

    Prayers P 25

    Loddon Players P 26

    Messy Church P 30/31

    Village Hall P 33

    Sherfield Park P 35

    NWR P 39

    Sherfield Parish Council P 41

    WI P 48/49 Useful Numbers P 57

    Link Committee P58

    Page 3


    Editor - Brian Archer

  • Page 4

    *Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically.

    Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families.

    Sunday 2nd August Trinity 9

    10.00am Holy Communion St Leonards Sherfield

    10.00am Family Service St Marys Stratfield Saye*

    6.30pm Evensong & Holy Communion St Marys Hartley Wespall

    Sunday 19th July Trinity 7

    10.00am Holy Communion & Sunday Club St Leonards Sherfield

    6.30pm Songs of Praise St Marys Hartley Wespall

    Sunday 26th July Trinity 8

    10.00am Family Service St Leonards Sherfield

    Sunday 12th July Trinity 6

    10.00am Morning Worship & Sunday Club St Leonards Sherfield

    Sunday 5th July Trinity 5

    10.00am Holy Communion St Leonards Sherfield

    10.00am Family Service St Marys Stratfield Saye*

    6.30pm Evensong & Holy Communion St Marys Hartley Wespall

    Friday 4.15pm Messy Church St Leonards Sherfield

    Church Services

    July 2015

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    BREACH LANE CHAPEL Sherfield on Loddon Geoff Belsham 01256 882534 / 07519 708416 Transport is available for all events at the chapel

    July 2015 Services and Events

    Catholic Services St Bedes and Holy Ghost Churches,


    Parish Office Tues to Friday

    9.30 am-1.00 pm Tel.465214. Sunday Mass 9.00 am, 11.00 am

    and 6.30 pm

    St Leonards Open Days

    Everyone is welcome to visit for reflection, prayer, or to view with a

    wedding in mind. The church is open in July on the 4th, 18th and

    25th from 10am until 4pm.

    Thursday 2nd 7.45pm House Group & Bible Study at 9 Coopers

    Lane, Bramley

    Friday 3rd 10.30am Open Morning at the Chapel

    Sunday 5th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen

    Tuesday 7th 7.30pm Annual Church Business Meeting at

    Frimley Road

    Friday 10h 10.30am Open Morning at the Chapel

    Sunday 12th 10.30am Family Worship led by Graham Locke

    Friday 17th 10.30am Open Morning at the Chapel

    Saturday 18th 2.30pm Saturday Fellowship (DCF)

    Sunday 19th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen

    Tuesday 21st 2pm Church Walk starting at Scats Store in

    Wildmoor Lane (prior booking required)



    2.30pm Midweek Fellowship at Chapel led by

    Geoff Belsham

    Friday 24th 10.30am Open Morning at the Chapel

    Sunday 26th 10.30am Family Worship led by Steve Smith

    Friday 31st 10.30am Open Morning at the Chapel

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    St Leonards Church, Sherfield are holding their popular

    Christmas Tree Festival on 27th, 28th & 29th November.

    The theme this year


    Be creative and decorate your tree to depict a pantomime of your choice.

    Entries are welcome from all organisations,

    groups and individuals.

    A full programme of events will include Music, Christmas Cracker making.

    .Christmas Wreath making, crafts and much more.

    Come and join in the fun.

    More details from Jane & Dan Farrow.

    Tel 01256882680

    email [email protected]

    Summer Celebrations The sun is out and families and friends of The Priory Primary School intend to capture the moment! We are

    delighted to announce we will be holding a Celebration of Summer event

    on Saturday 11th July from 2pm until 9pm. The day will host fun, laughter

    and creativity! We would like to invite all of our local community to come

    along and enjoy the occasion.

    There will be a bouncy castle, 5 aside football tournament, bake off, craft

    zone, play zone and a whole host of stalls to keep everyone entertained!

    This year, along with our normal entry by donation system, we are

    offering a Golden Ticket in advance of the event, which means that

    children can experience a lot of the fun within an inclusive ticket price.

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    Sherfield and District

    Gardening Club

    For your Diary

    Were having a month off in August but our talk in September will be given by Stephen Austin on the Beth Chatto Gardens.

    Stephen obtained a

    National Diploma in Horticulture at Writtle College in Essex

    before going on to gain experience as a

    Seasonal Gardener at the the Beth Chatto


    The gardens were

    developed in the 1960s from an overgrown wasteland with poor gravel soil and boggy hollows.

    They now span five acres and include dry, sun baked gravel, woodland, shady, heavy clay and alpine planting areas.

    After leaving the Beth Chatto Gardens Stephen worked as a Plant Area Manager at Hillier Garden Centre and then moved to his

    current role as Product Manager at Hillier Nurseries in Hampshire.

    Finally, we would like to pass on our thanks to The Sherfield

    Shop, Bramley Bakery, Sherdons Estate Agents and Indhurst Landscapes for kindly sponsoring our stall at the fete.

    Anyone interested in gardening will be most welcome to join us at the Sherfield Village Hall at 7:45pm.

    For arrangements contact Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

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    Miles Elliott



    Phone/Fax: 01256 882224 Mobile:07810573479E-mail: [email protected]

    Servicing Repairs Tuning

    Adjustment Sharpening

    Turgis Green

    Spring is on its way

  • Page 11

    Pastoral Letter

    This month sees me delivering a seminar to young, would-be senior international leaders on the subject of Career Journeys and its made me think about how others might describe their path. Are you a natural and enthusiastic planner? Would you say that your life/work history has

    come about as a result of detailed planning? Or maybe its been more about going with the flow or even what some call happen chance?

    Of course, Ive thought about my own journey too of the last 30+ years eek! Where did that time fly away to? With the benefit of hindsight I can see all those factors at work certainly some planning, but also seizing opportunities that have come my way and needing to respond to challenges that I certainly didnt choose, including redundancy last September from a role I thought Id occupy until my retirement from full-time work.

    As Christians we believe that God has a big hand in what happens to us

    throughout our lives, even though He also gives us free will to make our own choices and for sure, Ive made some wrong ones of those... One of the most often quoted passages in the Old Testament, quoting

    Jeremiah the prophet, speaking Gods words to those in exile: For I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you and not to harm

    you, plans to give you a hope and a future. So, is all we need to do is to sit back and wait for Gods plans to be revealed? For those who believe this, all we need to do is to ask and wait... And therein lies the challenge. Patience, listening attentively and waiting on Gods timing - rather than our own - is not easy in a fast-moving world where we are

    used to instant answers.

    If youve been reading the Loddon Link for a while youll know that the

    churches of the Benefice have been waiting to hear the news of the

    appointment of our new priest in charge. It will soon be 2 years since

    Bob Politt retired and probably all of us have had moments of doubting

    that God was hearing our heartfelt prayers. However, as already noted,

    this is about Gods timing and not ours. However, at last, we hear that

    an appointment has been offered we await details of a name and

    starting date, but can now look forward with joy and excitement to

    welcoming our new leader to the Benefice and to the village before too

    long. Praise be to God!

    Karen West

  • Page 12

    Friday 10th July 2015

    ** To be held at St Leonards Church **

    A Tour of the Church, followed by a picnic!

    4.15pm - 5.30pm

    It is essential that you book (and please advise of any food aller-gies). For more information and to book, please contact :

    Amanda Prince 01256 880733 [email protected]

    Or on Facebook : Messy Church-Sherfield On Loddon

    Parish Registers


    Isaac Stewart 07.06.15 Sherfield


    Christopher Dobbie 02.05.15 Sherfield

    & Georgina Nowrotek

    Craig Sawyer 23.05.15 Sherfield

    & Samantha Thorne

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  • This picture is Sheenas embroidery!

    Page 15

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    Goddards Lane, Sherfield-on-Loddon, HOOK, Hants. RG27 0EZ

    The Garage at Sherfield www.thegarageatsherfield.co.uk


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  • Page 17

    Effort and progress at Bramley School Every week we celebrate as a school community. Our Friday morning collective worship is open to all. Across this school year the celebration

    has been led by the school captains. It is one of the best times of the week as I am privileged to shake the hand of every child who is celebrated by staff.

    Across the year, there have been so many different specific reasons for a nomination. Yet one overriding theme is that of effort. Effort and the

    inevitable outcome: progress. One of my favourite comments is to ask a child who has improved their reading whether they read more as a result of getting better at reading through time and effort. Their response is

    always to say yes. I then ask if, as a result of reading more, they get better at reading. Their response is always to say yes. And so the cycle

    of improvement plays out. A school must be a community full of hope. Celebration assembly is the school going to the well, hearing about the brilliance that surrounds us

    and refilling our collective reservoirs of hope. In hope we have the strength to apply ourselves and keep going when things get tough. As we all know, learning to read is one of the best examples where grit and

    perseverance are essential to success. For Max, Charlie, Megan and Madeleine, their service as school captains

    this year has been full of hope. Their leadership of worship in particular has left me full of hope for their futures and the futures of every child at Bramley. For all that they have offered and achieved this year, I am

    personally very grateful and full of admiration for them. As many of you may know, May also marks the date of national tests for

    year 6 and year 2. For year 6 in particular, this is a challenging experience. As a result of the fantastic hard work of children, staff and families we are all hopeful of collective success. Whatever the outcomes

    (predictions suggest some of the best ever), I am certain that as we move toward the end of the summer term and take the year 6 to St James' Church for the thanksgiving service, they will all be very ready to

    move on and make a brilliant impression, wherever they go. Andy Higgs

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    Reported by Ilene Iles The first week in June was a momentous time for the WI both locally and nationally. On Tuesday

    2nd June the Queen granted the WI a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and our representative was Doris LEnfant. Her report (on pages 48 and 49) appears in this edition.

    On Wednesday 3rd, Glenda Holder, our other President opened our monthly meeting and the usual reports were given and other business

    matters dealt with. Following the business, we were given a talk by Gill Southwell entitled From the New Forest to Salt Lake City about her great grandparents in 1853 and their journey to Salt Lake City to join

    the Mormons. This was illustrated by slides. Glenda gave the vote of thanks and we enjoyed our customary tea.

    On Thursday 4th Glenda attended the WI Centenary AGM in the Royal Albert Hall as our Delegate and 55 WI Members from our own Branch and other local WIs gathered in Sherfield Village Hall to watch the streaming of the broadcast of this wonderful occasion. In closing this report, on behalf of all those that were present, I would like to thank, Alan Ball most sincerely for making this streaming possible and for

    giving us a memorable day. NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY 1ST JULY 2015 IN SHERFIELD VILLAGE

    HALL AT 2 P.M. SUMMER GARDEN PARTY (with competitions prettily decorated hat, best single bloom in a vase, flower arrangement in a wine glass and quizzes).

    Horticultural & Handicraft classes stay much the same.

    Please look out for this years Schedule & Entry Forms on:


    Also find copies in The Shop and House Twenty8

    Sherfield Show - Sunday 6 Sept. 2015

    Flowers, Produce, Crafts

    Art & Photography

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    Sherfield Fte 2015 took place on Saturday 13th June. A damp

    start and low cloud eventually cleared to a fine and sunny

    afternoon. Over 2,500 people visited, and everyone seems to

    have had a good time, which makes all the hard work feel

    worthwhile. When weve done the books well update with

    details of how much was raised for our charities and good causes,

    including Headway and our own Village Hall. Next years fte will

    take place on the 11th June, 2016. See you there!


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    Independent family Funeral Director

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  • Page 25


    As we come to the end of the school year and anticipate summer holidays

    TEXT FOR THE MONTH: Mark 1 : 35-37 The NIV Bible

    Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: "Everyone is looking for you!"

    Prayer for the Month.

    Lord Jesus, you recognised the need to step back from the business and demands which people made on you. As we come to a time of holidays help us to realise that we too, need to use our time wisely as you did. Help

    us to take time to reflect on our lives and on our relationships with those around us. Teach us to make time and space for you, to take the oppor-

    tunity presented by a break from our normal routine to pause and ponder and to reflect on your goodness.

    Help us to grow closer to you and to welcome you into the turmoil of our

    lives with all its noise and confusion, demands and responsibilities. Help us to realise our need to share our lives with you, confident that you are

    always with us and that you care for us and want us to turn to you and acknowledge you as our Lord and Saviour.

    In Jesus name we pray. Amen

    Prayer Points for July

    Pray for safe journeys for all who are travelling over the next months

    Pray for the children in our villages that they may be safe throughout

    the summer. Give thanks for the success of all the village events of the last month.

    Pray for all the very many Scripture Union and other Christian camps for children organised all over the country. May those who attend feel the touch of your Holy Spirit.

    Pray for an end to the continuous violence in the Middle East. Pray especially for those who feel the need to flee from the countries they

    live in at present and give them safe journeys as they cross the Mediterranean sea and grant them solutions for their futures as immigrants to new countries.

  • Page 26


    Unfortunately our speaker for this month PCSO Nathaniel Johnson was

    unable to attend the meeting so we decided to have a few games of

    bingo which everyone enjoyed and it helps to keep our brains active.

    Next month is our outing which is a mystery tour and a stop for

    afternoon tea. This is on the 6th July and Jean Berntsen our

    chairperson reminded everyone of the pick up times for the coach. The

    meeting ended with tea and a raffle.

    We are always looking for new members and we meet on the 1st

    Monday of each month from 1-30pm-3-45pm. in the village hall. If you

    would like further information contact Jean Berntsen on 01256882798

    or May MacQueen on 01256886177.


    Can it really be 10 years? Yes, this year Loddon Players are proud to celebrate ten years of bringing (we

    hope) enjoyable theatre to the village. Loddon Players grew out of an idea from Gill Fearons daughter.

    Weve performed a variety of plays and this November we bring you

    Tiptoe Through The Tombstones a glorious spoof. The scene is Monument House and the fog rolls in on the gloomy mansion and in the cobwebby corridors things and people are seldom what they seem. With poison in every decanter and disappearances into secret passageways, the scene is set for an evening of mystery and mayhem.

    Join us, please, on 26, 27 and 28 November. Put those dates in your diary, please, we would hate you to miss it!

    Chris Horton, Chairman, Loddon Players.

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    A BIG THANK YOU from


    We would warmly like to thank the many volunteers who helped to make our fete such an enjoyable day.

    We hope you felt there was something

    for everyone!

  • Page 29


  • Messy church is a fun and exciting way for children to explore God and the bible. My daughters particularly enjoy the singing and craft activities and have formed a lovely bond with the church Rosy Staines

    Messy Church is great fun for my two girls (age 2 and 3 1/2). There is a good mix of craft, play and singing, beginning with worship in a child friendly format, encouraging them to sit and pay attention. They both enjoy sitting with all the other children to eat the tea at the end of the session Liz Blencowe

    It was our familys first time at Messy Church. Messy Church is a fun and creative way to bring worship and families together. From arts and crafts to singing and prayer a fun time is had by all. We had an amazing time meeting new people and are already looking forward to next Messy Church in June Caroline Monaghan

    Page 30

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    Messy church is a fun and exciting way for children to explore God and the bible. My daughters particularly enjoy the singing and craft activities and have formed a lovely bond with the church Rosy Staines

    Messy Church is great fun for my two girls (age 2 and 3 1/2). There is a good mix of craft, play and singing, beginning with worship in a child friendly format, encouraging them to sit and pay attention. They both enjoy sitting with all the other children to eat the tea at the end of the session Liz Blencowe

    My first visit to such a modern and lovely building....how pleasing to see so many children and also parents, participating and enjoying the teaching. Such a good start for all the children, learning to be part of our Christian family Peter Chessell

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    Village Hall Matters

    Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Reg. Charity No. 272385 Tel: 01256 883624 Email: [email protected]


    As many of you will already be aware, Loraine Smith, our Hall Manager,

    passed away unexpectedly on 10th June. The committee would like to

    pay tribute to the significant contribution she made to the management of

    the Hall in recent years. We will all miss her presence, advice and cheerful

    disposition. Our thoughts are with her family at this sad time.


    The Village Hall Management Committee and the Village Fete Committee

    send their sincere thanks to everyone who supported this years Sherfield

    Village Fete stallholders, helpers, sponsors and visitors. You all made it

    a great success again this year and the weather was kind to us! A

    selection of photos will be posted on the fete website:


    This year, Headway, the brain injury association, was chosen as our main

    charity. Some of the proceeds will also be donated to help support

    Sherfield Village Hall, and other local causes. A percentage of the

    proceeds from this years Fete has been put aside for distribution locally.

    If you would like to apply on behalf of your club, group or charity please

    email [email protected] with a brief explanation of

    why extra funding is needed and how it would be used to benefit the local

    community. Closing date for applications is 31st August.


    Sat 4th July Basingstoke Concert Band (Summer Concert)

    Sun 19th July Antiques Fair

    For more information on activities, events & booking the hall, visit:


    At the heart of our community for over 100 years

  • Page 34


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    Hard work from Sherfield Park Community Association trustees has helped to keep Sherfield Park just a little bit safer. They sought and

    coordinated generous grants from the British Heart Society, Hampshire County Council and our own Sherfield on Loddon Parish Council to

    acquire a Nation of Lifesavers Community Defibrillator. The defibrillator can save a life when seconds count. Look for it outside our Community Centre during Sherfest.

    The annual general meeting of the SPCA held at the end of May was particularly well attended by Sherfield park residents. At the AGM a new Chairman, Mr Steve Levin, and committee were elected to serve.

    During the Q&A session, County Councillor Elaine Still was asked for an update on several issues of great interest to local residents:

    Access Road through Sherfield Park to Cufaude Lane. This route, which will link the A33 through Sherfield Park to a Cufaude Lane, is being planned by Croudace Homes Ltd

    with a targeted start date towards the end of July. However, it is understood that this forecast start date is

    dependent on the resolution of an ongoing issue with a utility company regarding an electricity diversion on part of the route.

    Future access routes for the Razors Farm development are off Crockford Lane. The current farm access across the bridge

    will be for pedestrians and cyclists only. Access for construction vehicles will use the planned

    development access points. All traffic will be required to use

    Crockford Lane directly from the A33 to avoid smaller railway bridges.

    No construction traffic will be allowed to use the Sherfield Park


    And a little reminder, all residents of Sherfield Park are welcomed to

    attend our committee meetings on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Sherfield Park Community Centre.

    Updates on these and other topics will feature in the Loddon Valley Link as they progress.

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    For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480

    www. wellington-riding.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]


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    Our June meeting was a talk by Jacqui Morris of AbFab Yoga. Jacqui runs classes locally at

    Sherfield Park, Bramley and Sherborne St John. As it was a lovely warm evening, we sat in the beautiful garden of Winton

    Cottage sipping ros wine. After doing a simple exercise in meditation, she started by telling us about the history of yoga, a discipline written in ancient texts over 2,000 years ago and translated from the Sanskrit by

    Patanjali. It means joining and bringing together or to unite.

    Yoga consists of body positions called asanas which are often named after

    animals, such as the dog, cat, fish, cobra and eagle. In addition to asanas, there are breathing techniques known as pranayama which combine with stretching and meditation to concentrate the mind and

    senses. Jacqui stressed that yoga is not a religion, but a philosophy and way of living. It is practised by many Hindus, but it is also very popular

    with other religions such as Christianity and Buddhism. It spread to the West in the 1930s as people wanted to know more about it and eventually the medical profession became interested in its healing powers, especially

    to help combat stress and bad backs.

    We then went on to hear about the chakras, a series of energy centres

    which run parallel to the spine on the front of our bodies. There are seven in total going from the top of the head to the groin area and it is important for wellbeing to keep these balanced. We finished by

    experimenting with chakra dowsing. Some of us laid down on yoga mats on the grass while a crystal on a chain was suspended over the chakras. The movement of the crystal indicated the balance of the energy in the

    chakras. Jacqui explained that electro-magnetic based energy flows through the body and corresponds with the concept of acupuncture, now

    commonly used in traditional medicine.

    As we lay on the grass with people gathered round to watch, we did wonder what the pilot of the passing Chinook would have thought if he

    looked downwards! It was a very interesting evening which we all enjoyed and was rounded off with coffee, fresh mint tea (grown in the

    garden) and chocolate cake.

    Our next meeting is a discussion/talk about household items and clothing named after people, e.g. Wellington boots!

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    Lions loose in Basingstoke

    The Lions Clubs of Basingstoke, Hook & Odiham and Loddon Valley have organised a fun day at Queen

    Annes Walk, Festival Place, Basingstoke on Saturday 1st August 2015. They will be showing how their clubs serve both their

    local communities worldwide and encouraging anyone who is interested to visit their local Lions Club. Each Club is refreshingly different, and all are very welcoming.

    Throughout the day, Lenny (the Basingstoke Lion) and his Tamer will prowl the Malls, handing out tickets to be swopped at their stand for competition entry forms.

    The variety of competitions including King of the Jungle Quiz, Find the Lions, Colour Me Gorgeous colouring competition and a raffle will ensure

    fun for all the family. Prizes include 50 cash, a Lion cake, a giant box of Lion Bars and a pair of concert tickets. All are free to enter so come along and join in!

    The local Lions Club members on the Festival Place stand will give out - while available so hurry! - fun lion masks for accompanied children, thus

    sending them home as 'little lions' and with a long lasting reminder of the local - two-legged variety! Parents and adults can discover information about the work of Lions clubs in the community, as well as Lions


    Being a Lion is worthwhile, giving a sense of self worth which also fun.

    While each Club serves its local community in its own particular way including health and youth initiatives, the impact across the world is enormous e.g. immunisation programmes, diabetes education, action against preventable blindness, eye banks, eye camps and disaster relief. The list goes on and on.

    For more information contact:

    Ann Vicars [email protected] 01256 781927 (Home) 07808 574809 (Mobile)

    To find out more see the Lions in Festival Place on 1st August, phone 0845 8334341 or visit www.basingstokelions.org.uk

  • Page 41

    Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council

    Meeting dates The next Full Parish Council meeting dates are 8th July

    and 12th August at 7.30pm in the Liddell Hall Clerk Vacancy

    The Parish Council has appointed a new Clerk the Parish Council starting on1st July 2015

    Captain J Aidan Liddell VC commemorations As part of the country wide WW1 commemorations, the DCLG is

    presenting a memorial stone to each of the villages with which those military personnel decorated with the VC were associated. Although

    Captain Liddell was not born locally, he lived most of his life in the Manor House which has now become Sherfield School. The Parish Council has setup a working group to organise an event on 31st July

    marking the commemoration in conjunction with BDBC, the school and the regiment/squadron with which he served we will need helpers on the day anyone interested in supporting or participating please contact Alan Ball on 883838

    Vacancy for a Parish Councillor Due to the resignation of Cllr James Read a vacancy has arisen for a Parish Councillor representing the Taylors Farm ward. Any Expressions

    of interest in this vacancy should be directed to the Parish Clerk

    Neighbourhood Plan The Parish Council has applied to change the area covered by the neighbourhood plan to match the new parish Boundary coming into

    effect on 1st April 2016, details of the new area to be found on the website and notice board.

    Karen Ross - Clerk to the Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon, PO Box 6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZ Telephone: 01256 842662

    Email: [email protected] Web: www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk

  • Page 42

    Wills Garden Services Tel: 07951917943/01256 881354

    Email: [email protected]

    A complete range of garden

    services: Garden clearance,

    Mowing, Hedgetrimming, Paving,

    Pruning, Fencing, Turfing, Tree



    EasyFundRaising for the Loddon Valley Link

    Easyfundraising is the easiest way to help raise money for the Loddon Valley Link. If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, M&S, Argos, etc., then we need you to sign up for free to raise money while you shop. You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/loddonvalleylink for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. Check it out.

  • Page 43

    A Stitched up Success!

    Loddon Quilters held their show in Sherfield Village Hall in May. It was a

    resounding success with over 100 quilts being exhibited from 60 members all

    made within the last 2 years.

    The 2014 quilt challenge was the focus for the event showing the use of irregular

    blocks and traditional skills . There was a continuous flow of visitors all day many

    marvelling at our local talent. Some quilts and cushions were on sale as requested from the last show and there was a

    'handicraft' tombola and raffle .

    The day was complemented by the busy

    cafe serving coffee, lunch and tea providing a much needed space for chatting of friends and quilt enthusiasts alike. Entry to the event was by donation and over 1700

    was raised for our choice charities this year St. Michael's Hospice and the Alzheimer's Society. www.loddonquilters.org Joan Bond

    Home-Start North West Hampshire has worked in Basingstoke & Deane for 9 years and offers support to families who have at least one child under five years of age

    Children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play the key role in giving their children a good start in life and helping them

    achieve their full potential.

    Home-visiting volunteers support families for a couple of hours each

    week. We need volunteers to: Visit local families, who for many reasons, are struggling to cope with the demands on them. Volunteers will undergo an eight week preparation course. Our next

    Volunteer Preparation Course will run on Wednesdays from 7th October - 25th November 2015 (9.30am - 2.30pm).Venue to be confirmed

    Contact us: 01256 405988 Email: [email protected]

  • Page 44

    A huge thank you to those who have sponsored an event at Sherfest: right on the line, Inchcape Toyota, Basingstoke & Roots Gardens & Maintenance. Wed also like to thank the companies who have offered hugely discounted items: Bounce4Fun (who, as al-ways, do us a great deal!) JV Photobooth Hire for their Charity rates and Magical Moments for Snow White! A big thank you also to everyone who has donat-ed or offered a raffle prize too!


    Email: [email protected]


    This is the 3rd annual Sherfest, an outdoor community festival in Sherfield Park! With live music from local talented musicians, bar with real and ale and cider, BBQ & Hog Roast, childrens play area and games, Photobooth and more, there is something for every-one!! Its a perfect way to spend a day out with family and friends, chill out, kick back and enjoy the delights on offer!

    Sherfield Park Community Association is a registered charity and Sherfest is their biggest fundraiser, so please do come along and show your support!! Every-one is welcome!!

  • Page 45


    12pm Official opening by Miss Basingstoke 2015. Bar, BBQ, Bucking Bronco,

    Inflatables, Tea & Cake stall, Children's play area and games, Face Painting

    12.30pm LIVE MUSIC

    1pm Children's Fancy Dress Competition (All American theme, any age)

    2pm Live music from THE RAG & MOAN MEN, Hog Roast, Photobooth, Ice Cream Van, stalls

    2.30pm Cheerleading display from BASINGSTOKE WOLVERINES

    3pm Guest appearances from Mickey & Minnie Mouse and Snow White

    4pm Live Music from MACKENZIE BURKE

    4.30pm Baseball, games & races with SHERFIELD PARK RUNNERS

    5.30pm Live Music from LOS DOS AMIGOS

    6pm Raffle announcement

    7pm Live Music from WILL PURDUE AND FRIENDS

    8pm END

    Dont forget you can bring gazebos (designated area only) picnic blankets & camp chairs and make a day of it!

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  • Page 47

    Neighbourhood Plan News

    The Parish Council has applied to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) for a re-designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area in the light of

    the Governance Review which will create a new parish of Sherfield Park from April 2016.

    Neighbourhood Plan Housing Survey

    The Neighbourhood Plan Working Party is making good progress but still

    needs to collect information about our current and future housing needs. An independent housing survey has been commissioned and will be carried out by Action Hampshire (a Winchester-based charity) which is an

    approved partner of BDBC.

    Those households within the re-designated Sherfield Neighbourhood Plan

    Area will receive a questionnaire from Action Hampshire which will be delivered during July.

    This information will form a key element in producing a successful Neighbourhood Plan so we would be grateful if you would take time to complete this survey.

    John Darker, Chairman SoL Neighbourhood Plan Working Party.

  • Page 48

    Celebrating 100 Years of the

    Woman's Institute

    Sherfield -on -Loddon W.I. was formed

    in 1923

    2015 sees the W.I. Celebrating it's Centenary. The institution

    was started during the Great War to raise morale and war productivity, especially in rural areas. As part of the centenary celebrations Her Majesty the Queen gave permission for a garden

    party to be held at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 2nd June. One person from each WI was invited to this special occasion

    which was hosted by the Duchess of Cornwall. Our local branches were represented by Doris L'Enfant from Sherfield; Wendy Gosden from Bramley Lite and Anita Gardner from


    On arrival at Buckingham Palace we all queued (8000 of us) to

    get through the three different gates. These queues caused a bit of attraction with several members of the public asking what

    the occasion was and "why are there no men?". Policemen were joining in the fun by being in photos or even acting as camera men. Once we had shown our ID's and given in our invitations

    we were so. In the grounds and into the garden.

    Our timetable for the afternoon was as follows:

    2.00p.m. Gates Open

    2.30p.m. Tea is served in the Main Tea Tent

    3.00p.m. The National Anthem announces the arrival of the Duchess if Cornwall; Countess if Wessex; Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Alexandra.

    4.30p.m. The Royal party depart

    5.00 p.m. The National Anthem followed by departure.

  • Page 49

    We had a limited view if the Royal Party coming down the steps

    into the garden but during the 'walk abouts' we had a good view of them and their

    outfits. We were not allowed to take

    photographs , so whilst not being a fashion journalist, here's a

    brief summary of the outfits:

    The Duchess of Cornwall wore a navy- blue dress with white

    polka dots with a matching navy-blue

    coat, and white with navy trim hat.

    Countess of Wessex wore a short black jacket over a pale pink

    and black patterned dress with a hat of the

    same two colours.

    Duchess of Gloucester

    wore a matching dress, coat and hat in powder blue. Princess Alexandra wore a two piece tael suit, the long jacket being heavily embroidered.

    This was complimented by a straw hat which had muted coloured flowers at the base of the crown.

    We all enjoyed a lovely, lovely day which will long be remembered. We felt so privileged to be there, and whilst we

    couldn't take photo's at the palace, this one, taken before we set off for home, will show you how stylish we looked!

    Doris L'Enfant

  • Loraine Smith

    11th December 1948 - 10th June 2015

    It is with great sadness we report that Loraine Smith passed away suddenly

    whilst on holiday in Dawlish with husband Colin in their beloved motorhome.

    Loraine and Colin have lived in the village for over 30 years and Loraine has

    been a stalwart of village life all that time. Over the years she has been a

    Parish Councillor, on the Village Hall Leisure Committee, a child minder,

    made the giant jigsaw puzzle of the Village Hall to raise funds, appeared in

    pantomimes, and, in recent years was the Manager of the Village Hall. She

    even took on the challenging task of washing the kit for the Sherfield Senior

    Football Team - which took some doing! But Loraine had a secret flaw -

    she had a weakness for chocolate cakes and would sneak downstairs in the

    middle of the night, every night, to raid the fridge for them. She will be

    remembered with great affection by all her friends in the village.

    Our thoughts and sympathy go to her family: husband Colin, sons Paul and

    Dale and their wives, and grandchildren Rosie, Belle and Tod.

    Page 50

    Thanks to Michael Webster of Hartley Wespall for this photograph from Mill Lane. We want to see more of your local photos



    Twenty four hour service.

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    Page 51

    Happy Faces Play group

    Sherfield-on-Loddon Bring your happy face to our

    happy place

    A small, friendly playgroup for children aged 2 years 6 months to

    school age

    Flexible Sessions

    including all day

    Further information:

    01256 880903

    Prospectus/application form:

    07791 141176

    [email protected] www.happy-faces-playgroup.co.uk

    Est. 1982. Charity No. 1029688

  • Page 52



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    Serving the local community for 30 years

    Telephone: 01256 882309

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  • www.Loddonvalleylink.org.uk

    If you would like to advertise here contact the Advertising Manager for

    details of rates:

    [email protected]

    Tel: 01256 880559

    Page 53

  • Page 54












    All parishioners are invited to attend the unveiling of the Memorial

    Stone which will be situated close to the Millennium Stone, opposite the Four Horseshoes. Please be in place by 10.45am at the very latest. The road will be closed between the Village Hall entrance and

    the Bramley Road crossroads from 10.0am to 12.30pm.

    Many other distinguished guests are expected including our MP Ranil

    Jayawardena, a representative from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Squadron Standard and personnel from 7 Squadron, Royal Air Force, Odiham.

    The Memorial Stone is presented to Sherfield on Loddon because, although Captain Liddell was born in Northumberland, Sherfield

    Manor (now Sherfield School) became the Liddell family home for many years.

    At the outbreak of WW1, Aidan Liddell joined the Argyll & Sutherland

    Highlanders and served in France where he was awarded the Military Cross. In 1915 he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps and served as a pilot with 7 Squadron at St Omer, France flying RE5 aircraft.

    It was here on 31st July 1915 whilst flying on a reconnaissance mission that Captain Liddell received very serious injuries from an

    enemy aircraft attack which resulted in his subsequent death on 31st August 1915. He was awarded the Victoria Cross because, in spite of his terrible injuries, he safely landed his badly damaged aircraft at a

    friendly airfield thus saving the aircraft and the life of his Observer/Gunner.

    Page 55

  • SM


    L A







    Page 56

    HOUSE CLEANING BY MARIA. Reliable and affordable service. Friendly, experienced lady who cleans every corner. Ironing also available. References. Tel 07933 316989. [email protected]

    LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free estimate ring Ian 01256 882132 or 07876021772

    SEWING, EXPERIENCED AND CONVENIENT. Di is now back in the conservatory, Sherfield Garden Centre. Bespoke dressmaking, clothing alterations, repairs, curtains & blinds and soft furnishings. 07796 045944.

    PC SUPORT. For technical help with PCs, Macs, tablets, internet, wi-fi: repairs, upgrades and installation: Call Ian on 07977 143310.

    LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER. Self assessment tax returns, arrears, claims, payroll, self-employed, VAT returns. Initial consultation free. Call 07920112533 or e-mail [email protected]

    DICKINSONS GARDEN AND TREE MAINTENANCE. Qualified tree surgeon and general garden maintenance - mowing the lawn, hedge cutting, weeding borders and soft landscaping. please contact Graeme on 07955310046 /01256880504 [email protected]

    DOMICILIARY CARER. Female aged 49. CRB certified/Carer P.L. Insurance. Patient and kind, offering personal care / companionship to the elderly in their home and respite care. Based south of Reading. Will travel within 10 mile radius. References available.. Michelle 07776 255688

    CAMBRIDGE WEIGHT PLAN - Summer's coming so want to lose weight for that bikini? Friendly one-to-one advice and flexible hours to suit. Contact: Jane Wilson 07753 148931 or 01256 880509 Email [email protected]

    EXPERIENCED CLEANING SUPERVISOR 8.25 - 9.00 (part-time cleaners 7.25 - 8.00). Required for domestic chores. Own transport preferred. Day-time hours to suit. Call House Proud on 07957 860885

    INSIDE/OUT Property maintenance, carpentry, decorating, locks fitted, garden maintenance. Tel 01256 882696 or 07713 470223. E-mail [email protected]

    MOBILE HAIRDRESSER: professional friendly service, fully qualified and experienced, offering all hair services, ring Paula on 07842988115 or 01256 884147 for prices and appointments.


  • 882605 882426 882337 882534 465214

    882334 882414 881973 882798 882798 880903 882426 882350 882534 882106 07554 775429 101 880075 882210 882687 882344 882605 882341 880075 881021 01189332 379 01189332106 882351 842662 883551 880852 882605 882453 882410 TBC 0794 021 2441 883838

    USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS The dialling code is 01256, unless otherwise stated.

    Allotments Basingstoke Gazette Brownies St. Leonards Church Breach Lane Chapel Catholic Church Clift Surgery Patient Group Cricket Club (Sherfield) Cricket Club (ST & HW) Evergreens Football (Junior) Happy Faces Playgroup Loddon Players Loddon Quilters Loddon Valley Link Lunch Club. NWR Police - local beat officer Police - report an incident Poppies Post Office Rainbows Sherfield. Community Care Grp Sherfield Fete Sherfield Dist. Gardening Club Sherfield Show Short Mat Bowls Stratfield Saye Parish Council Stratfield Saye Village Hall Stratfield Turgis Parish Meeting Sherfield Parish Council Toddler Group 0-5s Tree Warden. Village Green Volunteers Whist Drive Womens Institute Sherfield Village Hall Caretaker/Bookings Management Committee Fund Raising Committee

    Bruce Batting Chris Horton Sue Handasyde-Dick See inside back page Geoff Belsham Fr. Chris Rutledge John Darker Andy Stevens Paul Baldwin Jean Berntsen Fred Berntsen Peggy Hutchins Chris Horton Jacky Morgan (See back pages ) Helen Belsham Gill Fearon PC James Rickaby Police Control Room Natalie Larner Pam Luck Doreen Tosswill Bruce Batting Linda Syckelmoore Natalie Larner Norman Stanley Penny Mayo Linda Bishop Sheila Campbell (Chair) Karen Ross (Clerk) Judith Sullivan Jane Jordan Bruce Batting Virgilius Vickers Val Denny TBC Ivan Gosden Alan Ball

    Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information.

    Page 57

  • Loddon Valley Link Management

    Editor for the August edition Brian Archer Please submit copy no later than 16th of the month

    Email: [email protected]

    Advertising enquiries to Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 [email protected]

    Deadline for ads. for next edition is 10th of the month

    Committee: Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson 01256 882379 ([email protected]) Treasurer: Pip Iles 01256 880559 Secretary: Ilene Iles 01256 880559 ([email protected]) Rev. Sammie Armstrong. 01189816593 ([email protected]) Dr. John Williams 01256 882705 ([email protected]) Eileen Leivesley 01256 882938 ([email protected]) Germano Giugovaz 01189 332166 Claire Osborne 01256 324458 ([email protected]) Simon Boase 01256 881250 ([email protected]) Brian Archer 01256 882099 ([email protected]) Jane Abrams 01256 881188 ([email protected])

    Church Officers Priest in Charge: Vacancy Assistant Priest: Rev. Sammie Armstrong 01189 816593 ([email protected]) Curate (priest responsible for Bramley & Little London: Rev. John Lenton 01256 880570 Licensed Reader: Richard Elphick 01256 882860 Licensed Reader: Dr. John Williams 01256 882705 Licensed Reader: Andrew Doggart 01256 880092 Church Admin: Lisa Goodall 01256 882788 ([email protected])


    Churchwarden: Peter Gould 01256 882538 Churchwarden: Richard Elphick 01256 882860 Treasurer: Dan Farrow 01256 882680

    Organist: Mike Abrams 01256 881188 Organist: Brian Archer 01256 882099

    ST. MARYS CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE Churchwarden: Dr. John Williams 01256 882705 Treasurer: Charles Atkinson 01256 882459 Organist: Dr. Gill Williams 01256 882705

    ST. MARYS CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL Churchwarden: Pip Iles 01256 880559 Treasurer: Michael Webster 01256 882413 Organist: Dr. Gill Williams 01256 82705 Organist: Andrew Doggart 01256 880092

    MESSY CHURCH, SHERFIELD PARK Leader: Carol Armstrong 01189 816593

    Page 58

    Please note: the Loddon Valley Link Management Committee cannot be held responsible for the reliability or quality

    of any goods, work or services in this publication.

    ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads are 5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words, space

    permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display Ads, please see the website or contact the treasurer below.

  • Page 59
