TWIP ' VOL. 6. -KO, 830. RACE WAR ^ JREAKSOUT - IN pRIDA Two While Men Killed, Three Wounded, and Uncounted Negroes Dead ahd Injured in Continuing Battle OEDAE KET., Fl«., JUL 5 Wl— Two whlto mea thros wouaded, aa tmdetorml&od Dnmbor of aegroM are dead nnd Injurod. and a scon or nors of nogroos oul 7 today were liarrleoded In a botue at .Bosewood. -ten lalles Hortbiaast ot bere, w ith bt^eds of_»r» 6d 'waiting for dayUgbt to attack tbe stroDg- ?iold. Tbo wlilto men dead arc: Henry An- , < 1 rew8, Bupcrintcnilcnt of tho CunuiuT i Lumber compnny's afiwinill nt Otter Cruck, nnd Boly WHkeraon of 8 umner. - fiboot From Ba^ade.. Tlio entiro county 'fo r (levoral day^ liiui beon scnrchin^; for two negVoon, Q cuu'Of wliom .is to liuvo »»• oniijtcd.a young'whJto womnu at Sum- Jifr'enrly Monday. One nesro wn* shot , . nnd killed Mondny nifjht wIicH lio ml- iiifrtnd to a mob tlmt ho li:id tranM* ported ono of tlio fugitives several 1 HiiJt’* In JjJa irapofi. Reports reccivcdJi Iw Sumucr eixTly Inst ntRl>t tliut tho .t nn.^rooFi wanted woro nt ll^ficwood, ro-’ (i salted in a party of ^^itizcns ffolnK to'S till' iil.n“i> to invcnti;;nti>. They found !ii about 25 ncfp’oos ^tliered in a. house. !n Andrews nnd Wilkernoii stiirttd to on-|t tor Jiiut were hliot death witliniit] wivnxls^K. ThTco oUitrs wero wount\wLi j- Citizens Bidd:e Bailding. ' {< Citizens gathered quiekly :md sur- * TniindiiiK lliu.plncc be^'nii to puur n linii j >>f tend into it. V. lint thu cosiiuItlcB I ' of the iieKrocs . nmountijd to In n o ti' 1 nown definitely; . but it is bclic^vcd * many of tho bullets found mnrks. From lill over thn territory today armed men wero inakinfr tbdr way to- ward nosowood to prevent furtlicr ' trouiile nnd ncRTo quarters *t soverai ' towns wero nndor heavy Runrd. At flumner a .cordon surrounded the negro ' district and no oiw' vms pirmiltud to ' go upon tlio stroot. Tho samo proeau- ’ ttoa was taken nt Bronson, tho county * sent of this, 3>s1t county., ' Citlcens ci this p'laee apjiealed ta ' eberiff B*|n«er of Ataehaa eounty^at , -• •••■Oalne^lle,-shortly aftermidnight, t<r ■ RO to Rose.w«>oa,,wUh.aa,nuujymen.»» ' ho conW gather. Tho-result was that nrmed parties from aolncsvlllo bcj»u tr. lehve.thero’in groups by automobiles ' for the' 40 mile rtui through tho coun- try. Sheriff Rnnmey nlao was prepar- ing to leavo with deputies, a proooduro iinuiuaMn Floridn. Enter State of Bloge. Tlie situation nt 2:30 o’clock this mornlnc liad resolved its'.'if into a Htiito of sioRC. TIjo negroes were in tho liiiufte, apparently well supplied w ith ntms and • ammunition, nnd btight inonnlight mado nny ono of tho be- sieging force an excellent target if h« ventured within range. Tho benelponi had taken their stand, at a safe •dis- tance nnd wore awaiting daylight for onother movo. SHIPPING BILL REMAINS SIDETRACKED IN SENATE Denlocrata PenV EeptibUcan Obarges of riUhMterr'ApproprlaUona and Tarm Credit* Take Precedence WASITINOTON, Jnn. 4 0P>—Repub. llran ehnrgea of o filibuster ngainst tho ndmlnlntrntion shippinfT bill wore roiiewed In the sennte today by ro- piiblirnn lenders nnd denied from' tho democrntie side. No progress wns mndo on tho bill i^ii^h is to bo again Ij^ osido tempornrily tomorrow to way for nnotlicr apntoprlation bill nn«' Inter for fnrnyeredl'.» leglslntion. Senators \fntson of Indlnnn nnd f^moot of Utah mndo the filihastering charges which were denied by ^ p n - lor Hnrrlson. democrat, Mississippi. Iri order, be said, to test his deelaratinn Ihnt democratic opponent# of tho nd* ministration bill had determined It should not eomo to a vote beforo con- gress adjourns, Senator Watson sub- mitted two proposals to fix dates for a Vote, ono, two weeks nnd nnothor six woeks benco. Beilator Harrison said .^ tw o wooks was loo short a timo for . debate, nnd Senator King, democrat, Utah, objected to tho six weeks’ pro-; posat. . , Denying tho flllbuatcrlng chnrgo Senator Hnrrlson declored, nnJ Senator Watson agrcfldr-that tho dooiocrats had pooporated in experidlting tho nnnufi' npproprintlons to a stage Of completion unprecedenlcd. j ^ W. J. BEYAN SEES BBOTHBB /* INATTOTmATEO OOVEBNOS LINCOLN, Neb., Jan., 4 (40—With -his brother, W,llllnm Jennings Bryan In attondnncc, Charles W. Brj-an, dom- ficmt. wns todar Inaugtirated governor ; pf Nebraska at a .iaint scs«lon of thi* two houses of tho legislature. IIo sue- ceeiis Rntfiicl H. McKelvio, repHblienn. iln-his Innncuml nddroi*, Governor Bryan finnounecd h lj plans for a r«j’ organization of tho stato KovernniPDt^ rn tE DAMAQES RENO PAPBIL ^ .HFNO. N'ev.. .Tan. •! riro enrlv toniplit dnninfod hrnvily the publish- ing plant of the Nevada fitnte Joiirnnl. The loss was estimated nt $2*>,000. The flnmoo Rtnrled in tho basemrnt of the bulldinfT. ^ The .Tonrnni 'wiU'Tift wiWlnVed in the nomSng in the jilant of tho Bono Even teg Oasettfl company. TJBB ONLY A8SG St FA \Civil War Brothers j Believed Dead For ^ I 57 Years, Reunited ' " Bounion BeBolts From Visit of Indianan, to Oraud Army Veter^na’ Home in Florida i MELBOUBNB, ,Fla., Jan. 4, OP) * —A fifty-seven year »ejVi»Uo“ botwoen brothers, "who thought caeh other dead, was ended when 5 R. W. West-of Melbourne grcetDd A- J. West, now a rosldont of In- ] diana, whom ho had not seen'since tho close ''of tho civil wor, during J which both fought side by side. TboTeunton resulted from a visit .A. J. -West xaado tp'a colony of , 0. A. B. veterans near Bt. Cloud, which his' brother frequently visit- ed and(.whoro the story of tho sop- -urntlon was known. Jliey enlisted In tho army in 1802 from Bavonwood, West Vlr* Rlnln, nnd served Sn Co. A, lltU West Virginia infantry. A. J. -West in now 87, and his brother 82. A sister la Totas, nearly nine- ty years old, is oxpoctod horo to join them in a family reunion. r North Idaho Man ' ' Slated for the Post ' , of'Bank Examiner] ^ _____ Governor Moore A flm ita E. W. \\ Porter is Probable Sue- t co88or to Pralick I- - _____ I* BOISE, Idaho, Jan- I.— (SjH-i-inl fo ' il Tho News.)-K. W. I’ortor, forni:.‘r J.Latnli county sennlor and raihior of ' oitiio bank nt JuUaeUn, will probably lie l-Isoleotod lo sucfccd John G. I^nlicl^ nf o'S t. Mnrie.H, as comtniHJiioiier of finiiiu-o dliM id ex-officio b:ial: <-x;imim'T o f tlie *.!nlate of Idaho, nci-Drelini; to liiforiiiri- i-|tlnn which came out hern toi'ay- tj • Tlie rcMlgniitlim of-.Mr. PfflHelt was L u ’.'Vi'n to former Oovon«c.r |<luring thu latter part <if his iidinlniH' I tratioii nn«1 then to (lovernor Charles m 'C. Moore. In liin letter a.ikiii;^ to lie ‘ irellevcil, Mr. FriiUck'stafed lio. wii.s re ,^imaining iu offiro nt a finnn^al Hocri- j fire nnd i^qiicKted imiiiodiate aci^n f.n bis r«>»lRnnlit)n. _Tho appointment of Mr. I’orter,* If it ^ takes flaco Friilny, ns predicted, will ,j. bo tho first•pemianont designation of a ,j stato comniihsloner made by Governor Moore. Frank A- Jeter, secn-tary of .Q state, is tho only other appointment nnnounecd, and his scloctlon :vb eom- j. mlsslonvr of Inw enforcement to sue _y cecd Robert O. Jones, Is mctoly tom- according to tho governor’s J* M r.,Porter is In Boise aad haa beon it. In e. 0iuultdtion wiUt^-Goversor Moore, m dtnring th e ^ y . When asked, tb& ehief exeontivo stated thnt tho northern Idaho man would-probably bo nojued. . - ' ~ A «• B R A N N O f i ACCEPTS PdST ^ «l MONTANA UNIVERSITY ' well Known Edacat^ Beslgns i'res- I, dency of Beloit College to Betorn a to Weatem Butittmon til BELOIT, Wis., Jan. I OP)—Or. Mel ht vin A. Brannon, preHident of- Beloit IQ. college sinco 1017,, today aiyiounccd hlx h<) resignation to hrcome clmncellor of in Montana stato university Janiiar>- l.’i. I5. Collogo tnistees w ill act on tho res- or icnation nt n meeting In Chicago Jnnii- nry 10. President Brannon j’cstcrday announced successful completion of the $110,000 endowment fund camiiaifjn for Beloit. ^ . ■p Dr. Brannon cnmo to Beloit in 1017 from North Dakota, ond during his administration the student enrollment htis increased from .^80 to moro than “ d 700. In his five years resiilonco here, threo new deparements have beon ndd- Cl’ to tho. curriculum of Bclo't college. >b- President Brnnnon hns heen active in lat Tnuniripal nffiilrs hei??, liavlng- breii TO f'rcsldent of tho Unlolt Chamber of ro- Commoreo fo r two vears. ho _:.j ____ - -_____________________ do --------------------------------, CZAR’S CROWN JE 1 IN AMERICAN Iri , _____ ion 'fi Gems, Hidden in Coffin cn ;g: Ship from Vladivostok, Gel Ayvay from Conspirators, !id treasury Officials Are'Told for at, *■0- CIIICAOO, Jan. 4, M>>—Four or five mlUlon doUftTS’ •wotlh ot the crown tor jewejs of tho Russian ctars are bur- lad Ird ill tho' grave of James Jones, an American soamsn, in the national *com- ctery at Cypress HlHs,.Brooklyn, ac- cording to o- copyrighted story pub- liihed today by tho Chicago ' Dallj Nows. ran jowols, tho News says, wort DDi- amuRttlod - into ihe country by a baoj nor of Now Yo'rk tnon who obtained then thi* in Vladivostok .in 1020. En ronte tc >uc« Amerlcn, ono of tho conspiratera, tbt :nn. story goes, dceided to doubtoeross hli nor follows, and hid tho jewels, in sovoi packages, in thoilinlng of tho eoffli of Jones, n measmnn who had diet aboard shipJ , ^ m. ^ Burial Defeats Bclioni® , • The body was buried, tho atory sayi before ho bad ri elianeo to ro'eove Too packets, nnd as tho' eemotory. l the "iidcr guard of Botdicrs, thoy n ^ pre sdmably hidden in tho grave. tho Tho Kewa Mvs WlUiatn B. William ren of tho Ncy^^ork office of the dc partment of jnatlco, and customs ol -J ’.r'/x . ., _ : lOCIATED PRESS NEW .LLS Twm PiOM, .IDAHO. yaiD i MAY BE CANADIAN ~ I ENVOY TO U. S. . [ -------------------- --------------------------------- I SIB LOMEB OOtTIN, minister of jus- ti;e In Canada, according to latest reporu, wlU be tbe first csoadian . minister plenipotentiary in Wash ingtos. 2iiinEiN ; sP iiijsiisfER „ All-Day Search' Fails, to Dis- ^ ; , cover Body of, Aay of Vic- * ; tims of Bridge Collapse' i (. KI:LS0, W.-isli., Jan. -J, — The | • toll of tho Cowlitz river bridge dis- , iistiT nf yi'stcrday had reached the to- > till of 20 jHissiHg pernons t'onigUt. All ' I' worn believed certainly to—have per- " iHjicd. AS ’Iicn Hearchera ceaHcd their . Jiibors'for tlio dny nt dark not ono of j I- tlic IiodioK huld beneath tho surface 'of " tho stream or caught in tho bridge 1 wrcckngo had been recovered. To fthla 1 !l 4otai of tho misalng wero to. bo added ' a the names of C. 0. McDonald, of Van* coiivor, Wn.h„ and Harry Kltk of 'I lCel"«, who died ttwlay o f their in- juries after being rescued. Pragging tho a«vlftly flowing waters of tho flooded Cowlitz and. chocking lists o f raisslng. persons, searchers . worked all day trying to determine- accurately tho toll ef.llfo taken when tho aaapplog of a cable of U(0 ^ brtiTte %eHinilt^eK' .J precipitated the span lafo the river. * Oasoolty LKtt indeflnlU Officials admitted thero waa no -way o f telling how mnny, poraons on the Y|hridgo nt tho fimo- of tho collapso went to tluslr deaths In tho icy cut- JJ, rent and wero carried into tho broad ^ (.-ohimbia, about two miles below this Stories of harrow escapes and hcroio . rCHCuea accumulated during the day. Many who .were thrown into tho iiv- jj, rr told of their batllea for life,, and others related how thoy had snatched persons from death. Boats patrolled tho river bolow tho collapsed apnn, dragging for bodies, ly Cranes worked nt tho inaaa of he wreckago which strotehcd across tho or channel marking whoro the old bridge - . had stood. 17 Several automobiloa wero, oxtricntod ils from tho mass, lifted by" tho 'cranes nt nnd placed upon boats. Engineer Investl^ting Id- C. p'. Andrew, stato bridge engi- ne. iiecr, todny began an Investigation of In tho 'caueo of tho^ collapse of tho bridge, though ho eaya the bridgo la ^Continued on 'P_jigo Eight) EWELS BELIEVED I SEAMAN ’S GRAVE flcia irw lll ask Judge Hand for an or- der to opoa tho grave'. igj FodonU officials, jtho atory contin- ues, have beon-. working oiu the case *Sj for two years. Thoy eventually un- .ij earthed records which fitted In with '•U. nnonymous tips received by tho do- pnrtmont and by the former Imperiol Russian ombaasador}- tolling of Hie 1^0 smuggling plot. These records show wn Ihat tho shipping board steamor Edol- lyn, at that time In tbo army trans* port sorvide; sailed from Now York January 17, 1020, ^nd reached Vladl- >“ • vostok May 2i). leaving Juno 1 for ae- New York by why of Gibraltar. A nb- abort dlstauco out of Gibraltar, Jonoa died and his body was emblaoied and .... brought to this country, oTontually be ing buried September 23, 1020, In the oro Brooklyn eomotory. A ll thesck, detalli iod correspond to tbo confession furnish icm ed hi tho anonyipous letters whlcb to purported to eomo frotn two mem the bors.of tho baild who were double hla croMQd. von ^ Deaertlona Dovetail Becord [fed “ ^*0 show that 'threi njcnibers of tho transport's crow do acrtcd nt Yokohama. .The letters snii members of tho band who had shlppci lys, In tho crow to rcnch Siberia nud ge ivcr tho jowcla wero forced to desert shli -. la and procccd by another route bocausi pre* tbo transpprt' had beon delayeS am would uot roach tho Siberian port li ama tliao for them to keep their appoint do- ment with tho persons who had th of. gems in their poisossloo. VSPAPER IN TW IN DAIL DAY MOBNIKO, JA17UABY 6. 1023. AlliedlUnii^F Washington ' GRismes iin:puiN TO mmm United States WIH Not Press Proposal for- international Comjnission, But Will Await Word from France ' '' WASraNGTOHr-Jan. ‘i. OP)— Tho dissolutiOQ at Paris of tbe conference of allied leaders was regarded here as bringing thp rep- arations crlals toiw ds the pouit touched lipon by S a la r y Hughes In bis rocont New Haven sik^ecn. But altbouJih the allied statOsa{.m have failed to agree among them‘s -Bolvos, there still stands before ' them on alternative to attempt forclfalo collection In Qermony, pointed out by Mr. Hughes. Thero wna no word avallablo in of- ficial quarters today to Indicate that any .further Initlatlvo was to bo ox- |iei'te<l at this lime from tho Wash- iiiKlmi government. Tlio onfv aiitliorir-ed Cduiiiieut nn j the Kituatiiui wna a Htutenient at the' stiito dc]ii)rtiiient, that Mr. Hughes’ , Miiggi-Mtion was put forward to “ leave , severnl 'doors open'’ to_ the premiers ill tbe event of an omcrijoucy. Acceptance Up to France J*re»umably word w ill romc from I'ari.s if thi' rreiich government «eO!i . hope iu tbe American suggcHtion that not aluiie the ({uestion of the aniouut . ' Oermiiny cau poy, but also'thu moth- 1 od of i>aymcnt. bo referred for advla- [ ory reconinicnilatlons to -an inlernn* tioniil cnmmiHalou o^ financial author- ities unhampered by political coucorna or obligatioiiH. .M r. IIugheK already has indicated that American' finan- ciers woulil sctvo on such a commls-. * Hlon with tho sanction of-the govern-1 I ment if they wero invited. | ! COMMUNISTIC'MOVEMENT S- .y - « .:# p W 8WEB-4e-<B18H Free State Ooniu] in K«w Tocfc Oom- noulcates Threatening Telephone f Messagee to Department of Jtutlce ! NKW YORK, Jan. 4, Strange • telephone ntcssaKcs glvlnj? information, 1 it wua aald, of np “ Irish communist H movement'' in Now York, wero re- ceived today by. Lindsay Crawford, e Irish free atato consul, nnd commu- •, nlcnted by him to thp department of . justice. Mr. Crawford has boon be- il alegod In his offices for moro than j a week by Irish ropublic ajTupnthlz- cts. 0 Oppoaents of tbo froo atato bogan calling Conaul Crawford by telophooo t today after police had prohibited tho 0 congregating In tho narrow hallways 0 loading to thb coasulato of ellh'or -^cc stato or republican sympathizors. d Crnwford was understood to havo IS told tho department of justice ugeuts sent to interview him, that an Irish republican leader with a reputation for coQimuniatio activities In Germany I- aftor tho‘war, was enlisting men in if Now York for an organization to work 0 against freo state irregulars. ' CUTTER MAKES READY TO = TAKE BERGiDOLL INnTOW American Coast Guard "Vessel Prepares to Intercept German Boat Believed ’ to be Carrying Draft Evader E WILXnNGTOK, N. C, Jan. 4 UP)- Tlio coaat guard cutter Modoc is an chored o ff Carolina ahipyard awnllina duwn lo put to aea to intercept "u r- Oerman ship” oa whid» Grover Clove land Bcrgdoll, alleged draft ovader, U Q. reported to be enroute to thlu port, it was officially announced. Aboard thi n. Modoo is J. C. Mepkins, Jr., of tho de partment of juatlco. ii TRAIN WRECK KILLS FOUF lie ______ iw Borllugton Freigbtf 'OoUlde Sead-os Both E i^e s and More Tbaa Doiu >■' cars Go Into Oltcb rk I ____ _ il- LACLEDE, Mo-, Jnn. i Fon or petnons wori) instantly killed tonigh A when two Chlmgo, Burlington an< oa Quincy freight trnini collided head-on nd four miles west of here. -The deni )0- nre: IJ. N. 'Barclay, CO, lirookfieh! ho Mo„ engineer, and Noah Wilaoi: Ub Brookfield, Mo., flri'man on train Nc ill. f(3, nnd B. F. Enlman, Sr>, engineei eh *'0d B. W.'Birmingham bmkcman, o: m. trnin No. 72. I q. ■Clyde Mollnp, a brakeman, wan aer ouslv injured. More than a dozen froiphl care b( sido both engines,-wero thrown Int ro^ iho ditch by tho crash. Responsibilit }o-1 for tho nccldent has not yot bee lid'! placed. )0d —— — ;et BANDITS VISIT BY APPODTTMBN >lp LOS ANOELIS, .'nn. 4 M>)—T l.n ISO I bandits who cnmo to his'home by n] nd j.olntment to lUaruBs oil burner^i whir In lie uranufnctureii, ralib6d C. A Ilamm' nt* of dlamontls vaUj'tfd At $30,000 fonlgh tbe npcording to Hammol’a report to tl pollco. ' 4 . . ' ........... lALLS COUNTY j V N\ ^ails at Conferei Wer Looms gs French Troops at Mayence Are Held W ith ^ Barracks Afithorities Invoke Moaaores , tJfinal in ^m e of Crisis wben j Oonferenoo Ends PARIS, Jan. 4 0 ^ — Measures such as aro usual in tht* time of crisis were takon by the I'rench^ military authorUU^s a t Mayv'wce nit soon ai the nuws>of tho bSrak- down iu the preiiiu'n*' eonferencu j| in I’aris be-vimo known, sajo a di"- i>ntch to tho Journal from May- ence.- Tho dispatch adds that headquar- tern 'Scut orders f^'r all of tho tnioph to remain In barraekJi, /oady fo r nJi-'OVcntualUien, und thnt tli^O ' men on leavo of abneiico were re- called. BflBI»W lLL yPFOLHEJeillG Proposal for Representation on j Reparations Commission is Discussed at White ^louse, ' m 'Tl : WASHINGTON, Jnn. 4, (/P;—The lirlvp for official American roprosen* tl: tation on tho reparations commission ^v waa formally launched in tho senarto today with tho admlnlHtrulion’s nttl- jn tude'tindiacloaed but with a declara- s'l tion of war from tho republican “ ir- pi reconeilnbles.'’ tl: A fte r a conforonco today botweon th Senator Lodge of Massachuaotta, re- F publican leader, and President Ilard- ingvand Oeorgo Uarvoy, American am*l bassador to Great Britain, and anj hour’s dobato In tho senate, n special meeting, of the'senato foreign relations oommiltoe wns called • for'loiilorrow by Ji Senator Lodgo to ■lake up tho bill of “ .Bonntor Robinson, democrat, Arkansas, •jwhlch would authorize tho i^esident to * [appoint American representative# on " the commlsaioiL . q H^bes* Opinion ^ngbt o detMm^*^A^oww^T^«ol?re^^ . bo followed with tho reaolutlen, the r , importance of which, Senator Lodgo a f told tho -sonato, wns fully realized i , in view of tho broak today In I’aris n ) on tho reparations question. ' Booator t Lodgo haa.not yet eonferred on tho {; I question with Secretary Hughes o f -T . tho stato dopariment, but it it expect- t ed that tho committee w ill arrange I ’ to obtain Mr. Hughes' opinion on tho I ( Bobinaon bill and also obtain InfBT- { . mation of tho admfniatrntion’s poui-t „ tlon, with tofcrcaco to reparatlot^s and. other queaVIons involved. I I Senator Robinson spoke at aome * Q length In support of his measure, ^ °i (Continued on Pago Eight) ! a I " c* 1 "■ J Th« Day in i Washington n ___ y (By Tb« Associated Press) k Tbe Capper farm credits blU was favorably reported by tbe sen- ate banking committee Bubston* tioUy as drawn. V The house ^ s d ic i^ committee discussed the Eeller Impeachment chsrgea against AUomey-Qeneral w Daugherty, but failed to take* fin- | kl action. &e-appolntment of Wl P. G. Harding as governor of tbe feder- ' g al reserve system appeared nnllke- > ly as It become known that Jte planned to enter prlTite bosineM. The bouse passed tbe socond de- »** )flclency appropriation bill, carry* " ing »7C,S1C,674, much of It for re- >■ ' fnxtd ot internal revenne taxes U* legally collected. Oral aqgument In tbe appeal or p foreign and American shipping companies from the lower cottrt decision wtUcb npbeld tbe Dadga^ ert 7 miing waa began la tlie preme court. Tbe federal coal cosunlstlen m ,ir a telegram to represenUtivee of , ht coal operators and miners conrer> - (111 ring In Cblcjlgo - nrged. conttnna. >n. tion tm til APrU 1. 1024, of the a<l present scale In the erent Id, Of failore to reach aay other ^n, agreement. Coincident wltb tbe arzlTai ber« « oa of tbe British debt commission, confidence «aa expressed at the ri. treasory that an early agreeisent' would be reached On the tnndutg >e Of Great Britaln’a debt to 'Um ito - United States vltbont radically ity chAttglng tlie debt fandlng law. llPresident TTnrdtng, AmbaModor Harvey, who Is borne froxil jjij. don, and Senator I^dgo o f a brief - conference, discussed the -Boblnson resolution proposing American rep- 1 ^) reaentatlon on tbe -reparat^ons- commission, senator L o ^ Uter l,t. cKUlBg a meeting of the aeoate the foreisn relations V c< 9flmitteo for_ consideration of - the proppui. . EWS PBIOB'KCTB CBNTtL ence Breakup; IS A l t e r n a t iv e iBBITiMDr :U [IN n BNBEMTIB II Italy’s Vote for French Plan Turns-'Scale; Poincare Ae- cepts Responsibility «f Vic- tory in Sober Mood ' PABIS, Jan. 4 Of)—The alll- anca between France. Oreat B rlt- .ain. Italy and Btiolam feU apart today o m tbe treatment of Ger- man reparations. The Latin pow- ers, rrance,-Xtaly and Belgium, re- I gronped together on ' t ^ t snbject, wbUe EMJand, al- though separating frori^them. cc I pecta to cooperate espedaU; w ith France, en tbe other Qnestic^ Tho ieinforcnto nf Ih. promlcm, I which baa boon io progress here sinco ^ January 2, eydod with frioadly words, ^ ZtiUy ram s Scale. Premier Uusaollal tnrned the scalo - idwlslvely arnlnat the Br/tish plan. . Tlio Italian delegates hml roaorvod ° their fmnl declarndon until todny, nn l • thia tnorning it appcnrcd that they , were inclined to support Mr. Bonnr ^ I^ w H proposal with slight modlfioH- lioMH. A teleCTnai rccclved from Romo '• jnat before tli^ conforonco opened In- i' slracU'd them to vote for tho French '• plan'.ns ngainst the Britiih, In ca*e thov should find It melesa to pu»l. a tholr own plan. This strongthnnej I- Franco and Belgium and Oreat Britain etood alone. ^ i Poincare in Sober Mood, il M. Poincare Is not elated tonlcht B ovor his success; ho Is described os la y sober., mood, wnsclons of groat anxie- ,f tlos and dlfflcultlea ahead. He will woeeod warily and w ill report to tho Fronoh parliament on its reasssmbliSR next Thursday. In tbo meaaHme, the Mpanitlons commission w ill meet on Tuesday to pass upon coal deliveries rtqneet for ^ t t -y f " the «mmlaIon"be£ure pultuiff ' plan into oxocnUon. M. Po'hcare, in 50 npplving tho plan in tho ahsenro of 'd Brltlah support, mny, it fs said iu is aemi-officlnl rJrelea, find it necessary Jr to support tho customs officers-and 10 guhrds by a snmll military forco in tho if-Ruhr. jH o %vill atlll Insist, hftwover, t- that ^lifwo solduirs >vill bo so limited JO thnt anch action could not poWMy be 10 Interpreted OK m ilitary occupntlon; It- i-roperly ‘ speaking. "J Broak Up Bring* Sadness. I Tho final quarter hour of the con- ference was nuirkod by great conrtesy. Each -of tho dcJcgntos soeinod con- ' ccrned thnt nothing in manner or word should detract from the gravity of tbo /■ moment. There u^e TariotJs indications o f' sadness on the part of tbe p i^ mlers. and ambanadors over the- dlssolntlon of the alliaoce which carried their countries: through the war and <ip toxbis time in deaUog _ w ith what have been found to b« indlaoluble problema of piace. A l- lusions'were made privately te the ' contrast between this sltnatton and the wholehearted dor* Ing'the war. Tho rllmax In the. conforenco caioo ' when Mr. Bonar Law'^eturncd to the couforenct* room after tolcphoniag to Loil<lon. M. Poincaro, during the {British premlor’a absence, had oxam- ined tho British momerandum drawn op In reply to his speooh' of yesterday, and ,tho French premier immediately took' tho floor and addrosacd U r. Bc-aar I aw. father feelingly.- He paid tribute to ' > tho cordial spirit in whUh tho B rit-' isb premier had conducted the nego-' tiations. To his great regret, ho ^ n d nothing in the monorandum ^ ie h made it possible for him to ehange his . attitude. Consequently,-bo «nald«r«d there was no reason fo r coatinuing^ the, conference. ' * ' ^ Brlitth Bee Bright mk t M r. Boaar la w thereupon airose aad h read a short- note wbieh he bad pre- 1 . pared dariaff the reoess. U . Polneore also road his elosiag remarks. Borne pleasantries passed] among -the dele ^ ptce to tho e fl^ thtit the partial f » break among the prloaipal alUea meant > ' that there would be no more' confcr- ^ rnoes fo r the time l<elng. « Tbo BrltUb tee in the.-frleaAly -naa* jk It ner in which the eoaf^renee broke u p ^ T and the mutnbl exorestions. of go^c/^- w ill a. sign that H. Poincare h a s ^ ‘ 7 intention for the preseBt, at le k ^ of ^ ’ departing from a polley of ce«iratlo» ;i ^ at Laosanne refrardlng th ft'^ ^ S a s t, * The B ^lsh delegatt* . .. yesterday over t b l ^ . t h e / s i h i - V atlon, being appi^K^rtre that the ' a w Preneh might.wiihdM|w their eapport. ^flDTB 0A50LDIB riip a BAir.TOANiaSOO, J a i « (» —The'i* nf ftiUfoinlo jfi 'T aanotlBe«ivtdttlg>t that a rednetlon..of:!- ; os two cents a ]pubh in the price of 9- oline «ffltf:by it throogh^lts scrTie#.al*?ii u- ilons would be made toAaanw W fomla,. Oregon, Washlnlttoa,;. te Alaska and HlwalL The e e u ^ y -iliB j^ ar anaoaneod a redoeUon of t w T a o t e ^ gallon in tbe priee 6l.^UitQUt«i' . ' 3


  • TWIP' VOL. 6. -KO, 830.


    IN pRIDATwo While Men Killed, Three

    Wounded, and Uncounted Negroes Dead ahd Injured in Continuing Battle

    OEDAE K E T ., Fl«., JUL 5 W l—Two w h lto m ea throswouaded, aa tmdetorml&od Dnmbor o f aegroM are dead nnd Injurod. and a scon or no rs o f nogroos o u l7 today were liarrleoded In a botue a t .Bosewood. -ten lalles Hortbiaast o t bere, w ith b t ^ e d s o f_ » r» 6d 'w a iting fo rdayUgbt to a ttack tbe stroDg- ?iold.Tbo w lilto men dead arc: Henry An- ,

    s1t county., '

    Citlcens c i th is p'laee apjiealed ta ' e b e r iff B*|n«er o f Ataehaa eounty^a t ,

    - • •••■O alne^lle,-shortly a fte rm id n ig h t, toa,,wUh.aa,nuujymen.»» ' ho conW gather. Tho-result was tha t nrmed parties from aolncsvlllo bcj»u tr. lehve.thero’in groups by automobiles

    ' fo r the' 40 m ile rtu i through tho country . S h e riff Rnnmey nlao was preparing to leavo w ith deputies, a proooduro iinu iuaM n Floridn.

    E nter State o f Bloge.Tlie situation n t 2:30 o ’clock this

    mornlnc liad resolved its'.'if into a Htiito o f sioRC. TIjo negroes were in tho liiiufte, apparently well supplied w ith ntms and • ammunition, nnd b tigh t inonnlight mado nny ono of tho besieging force an excellent target i f h« ventured w ith in range. Tho benelponi had taken the ir stand, at a safe •distance nnd wore awaiting daylight fo r onother movo.


    Denlocrata PenV EeptibUcan Obarges o f riU hM te rr'A pp rop rlaU on a and Tarm Credit* Take Precedence

    WASITINOTON, Jnn. 4 0P>—Repub. llran ehnrgea o f o filibuster ngainst tho ndmlnlntrntion shippinfT b ill wore roiiewed In the sennte today by ro- piib lirnn lenders nnd denied from' tho democrntie side. No progress wns mndo on tho b ill i^ i i^ h is to bo again I j ^ osido tem pornrily tomorrow to way fo r nnotlicr apntoprlation b ill nn«' Inter fo r fnrnyeredl'.» leglslntion.

    Senators \fn tson of Indlnnn nnd f^moot o f U tah mndo the filihastering charges which were denied by ^ p n - lo r Hnrrlson. democrat, Mississippi. Ir i order, be said, to test his deelaratinn Ihnt democratic opponent# of tho nd* m inistration b i l l had determined It should not eomo to a vote beforo congress adjourns, Senator Watson subm itted two proposals to f ix dates fo r a Vote, ono, two weeks nnd nnothor six woeks benco. Beilator Harrison said

    . ^ t w o wooks was loo short a timo fo r . debate, nnd Senator K ing, democrat,

    Utah, objected to tho six weeks’ pro-; posat. . ,

    Denying tho flllbuatcrlng chnrgo Senator Hnrrlson declored, nnJ Senator Watson agrcfldr-that tho dooiocrats had pooporated in experidlting tho nnnufi' npproprintlons to a stage Of completion unprecedenlcd. j ^


    LINCO LN, Neb., Jan., 4 (40— W ith -h is brother, W,llllnm Jennings Bryan

    In attondnncc, Charles W. Brj-an, dom- ficmt. wns toda r Inaugtirated governor

    ; p f Nebraska at a .iaint scs«lon o f thi* two houses o f tho legislature. IIo sue- ceeiis Rntfiicl H. McKelvio, repHblienn.

    iln -h is Innncuml nddroi*, Governor Bryan finnounecd h l j plans fo r a r«j’ organization o f tho stato KovernniPDt^

    r n t E DAMAQES RENO PAPBIL ^.HFNO. N'ev.. .Tan. •! r i r o enrlv

    ton ip lit dnninfod h rnv ily the publishing plant o f the Nevada fitnte Joiirnnl. The loss was estimated nt $2*>,000. The flnmoo Rtnrled in tho basemrnt o f the bulldinfT. ^

    The .Tonrnni 'wiU'Tift wiWlnVed in the nomSng in the jilan t o f tho Bono Even teg Oasettfl company.


    St FA\C iv il W a r B ro th e rs j

    B e lieved Dead F o r ^ I 57 Years, R e u n ite d '

    " B ou n ion BeBolts F ro m V is i t o f Ind ia na n , to O raud A rm y V e te r^ n a ’ Home in F lo r id a

    i MELBOUBNB, ,Fla., Jan. 4, OP)* —A fifty-seven year »ejVi»Uo“

    botwoen brothers, "who thought caeh other dead, was ended when

    5 R. W. W est-of Melbourne grcetDd A- J. West, now a rosldont o f In-

    ] diana, whom ho had not seen'since tho close ''of tho c iv il wor, during

    J which both fought side by side. TboTeunton resulted from a v is it

    .A . J . -West xaado tp 'a colony o f , 0 . A. B . veterans near Bt. Cloud,

    which his' brother frequently v is it ed and(.whoro the story o f tho sop- -urntlon was known.

    J lie y enlisted In tho arm y in 1802 from Bavonwood, West V lr* Rlnln, nnd served Sn Co. A , l l t U ■ West V irg in ia in fan try . A . J. -West in now 87, and his brother 82. A sister la Totas, nearly ninety years old, is oxpoctod horo to jo in them in a fam ily reunion.

    r N o r th Idaho M a n ' ' S la te d fo r the P o s t ' ,

    o f 'B a n k E xa m in e r]^ _____

    G ove rn o r M oore A f lm ita E . W .\\ P o r te r is P robable Sue- t co88o r to P ra lic kI- - ■ _____I* BO IS E , Idaho, Jan- I.— (SjH-i-in l fo ' i l Tho N e w s . ) - K . W . I ’o rto r, forn i:.‘r J .L a tn l i cou n ty sennlor and r a ih io r o f ' o i t i i o b a n k n t JuUaeUn, w i ll p ro b a b ly lie l-Iso leo to d lo sucfccd John G. I^ n l ic l^ n f o 'S t . Mnrie.H, as comtniHJiioiier o f fin iiiu -o d liM id e x -o ff ic io b:ia l: >—Four or five

    mlUlon doUftTS’ •wotlh o t the crown to r jewejs o f tho Russian ctars are bur- lad Ird i l l tho' grave o f James Jones, an

    American soamsn, in the national *com- ctery a t Cypress H lH s,.B rooklyn, according to o- copyrighted s tory pub- liihed today by tho Chicago ' D a llj Nows.

    ran jowols, tho News says, wortDDi- amuRttlod - in to ihe country by a baoj nor o f Now Yo'rk tnon who obtained then thi* in V ladivostok .in 1020. En ronte tc >uc« Amerlcn, ono o f tho conspiratera, tbt :nn. story goes, dceided to doubtoeross hli nor follows, and hid tho jewels, in sovoi

    packages, in th o ilin ln g o f tho eo ffli o f Jones, n measmnn who had diet aboard shipJ ,

    ^ m. ̂ B u ria l Defeats Bclioni® , •The body was buried, tho atory sayi

    before ho bad ri elianeo to ro'eove Too packets, nnd as tho' eemotory. l the " iidc r guard o f Botdicrs, thoy n ^ pre

    ■ sdmably hidden in tho grave. tho Tho Kewa M vs WlUiatn B. W illiam ren o f tho N c y ^ ^ o rk office o f the dc

    partment o f jnatlco, and customs ol

    - J ’ . r ' / x . . , _ :

    lO C IA T E D PR ESS N E W

    .LLST w m P iO M , .ID AH O . y a iD


    [ -------------------- ---------------------------------


    S IB LOMEB OOtTIN, m inister o f jus- t i;e In Canada, according to latest reporu, wlU be tbe f ir s t csoadian

    . m inister plenipotentiary in Wash ingtos.

    2iiinEiN ; sPiiijsiisfER„ All-Day Search' Fails, to Dis- ̂; , cover Body of, Aay of Vic- * ; tims of Bridge Collapse' i(. K I:LS0, W.-isli., Jan. -J, — The | • to ll o f tho Cowlitz rive r bridge dis- ,

    iistiT n f yi'stcrday had reached the to- > t i l l o f 20 jHissiHg pernons t'onigUt. A ll '

    I' worn believed certainly to—have per- " iHjicd. AS’Iicn Hearchera ceaHcd the ir . J iibors'for tlio dny n t dark not ono o f j I- tlic IiodioK huld beneath tho surface 'o f " tho stream or caught in tho bridge 1

    wrcckngo had been recovered. To fthla 1 !l 4otai o f tho misalng wero to. bo added ' a the names of C. 0 . McDonald, o f Van*

    coiivor, W n.h„ and H arry K l tk o f 'I lCel"«, who died ttwlay o f the ir in-

    juries a fte r being rescued.Pragging tho a«vlftly flow ing waters

    o f tho flooded Cowlitz and. chocking lists o f raisslng. persons, searchers

    . worked all day try in g to determine- accurately tho to ll e f . l l fo taken when tho aaapplog o f a cable o f U(0 ^ brtiTte % e H in i l t ^ e K '

    .J precipitated the span la fo the river.* Oasoolty LKtt in d e fln lU O fficia ls admitted thero waa no -way

    o f te lling how mnny, poraons on the Y |h ridg o n t tho fimo- o f tho collapso

    went to tluslr deaths In tho icy cut- JJ, rent and wero carried in to tho broad ^ (.-ohimbia, about two miles below this

    Stories of harrow escapes and hcroio . rCHCuea accumulated during the day.

    Many who .were thrown in to tho iiv - jj, r r to ld o f the ir batllea fo r life ,, and

    others related how thoy had snatched persons from death.

    Boats patrolled tho rive r bolow tho collapsed apnn, dragging fo r bodies,

    ly Cranes worked n t tho inaaa o f he wreckago which strotehcd across tho or channel marking whoro the old bridge - . had stood.17 Several automobiloa wero, oxtricntod ils from tho mass, lifte d b y " tho 'cranes nt nnd placed upon boats.

    Engineer In v e s tl^ t in g Id- C. p'. Andrew, stato bridge engine. iiecr, todny began an Investigation o f In tho 'caueo o f tho^ collapse o f tho

    bridge, though ho eaya the bridgo la

    ^Continued on 'P_jigo E ight)


    f lc ia i r w l l l ask Judge Hand fo r an or- der to opoa tho grave'.

    ig j FodonU officials, jtho atory continues, have beon-. working o iu the case

    *Sj fo r two years. Thoy eventually un- . i j earthed records which f it te d In w ith '•U. nnonymous tips received by tho do-

    pnrtmont and by the former Imperiol Russian ombaasador}- to lling o f Hie

    1^0 smuggling plot. These records show wn Ih a t tho shipping board steamor Edol-

    lyn, a t that time In tbo army trans* port sorvide; sailed from Now Y ork January 17, 1020, ^nd reached Vlad l-

    >“ • vostok May 2i). leaving Juno 1 fo r ae- New York by why o f G ibraltar. A nb- abort dlstauco out o f G ibraltar, Jonoa

    died and his body was emblaoied and .... brought to this country, oTontually be

    ing buried September 23, 1020, In the oro Brooklyn eomotory. A ll thesck, detalli iod correspond to tbo confession furnish icm ed hi tho anonyipous letters whlcb

    to purported to eomo fro tn two mem the b o rs .o f tho baild who were double hla croMQd.von ^ Deaertlona Dovetail Becord [fed “ ^*0 show tha t 'threi

    njcnibers o f tho transport's crow do acrtcd n t Yokohama. .The letters snii members o f tho band who had shlppci

    lys, In tho crow to rcnch Siberia nud ge ivcr tho jowcla wero forced to desert shli -. la and procccd by another route bocausi pre* tbo transpprt' had beon delayeS am

    would uot roach tho Siberian port li ama tliao fo r them to keep the ir appoint do- ment w ith tho persons who had th of. gems in their poisossloo.


    DAILD A Y MOBNIKO, JA17UABY 6 . 1023.

    A l l ie d lU n i i^ F W ashington '

    GRismesiin:puiN TO mmm

    United States WIH Not Press Proposal for- international Comjnission, But Will Await Word from France ' ''W ASraN G TO H r-Jan. ‘ i . OP)—

    Tho dissolutiOQ a t Paris o f tbe conference o f allied leaders was regarded here as bringing thp reparations crlals to iw d s the pouit touched lipon by S a l a r y Hughes In bis rocont New Haven sik^ecn.B u t altbouJih the allied statOsa{.m have failed to agree among them‘s -Bolvos, there s t i l l stands before

    ' them on alternative to attempt forclfalo collection In Qermony, pointed out by M r. Hughes.Thero wna no word avallablo in o f

    fic ia l quarters today to Indicate that any .further In itla tlvo was to bo ox- |iei'te■' cars Go In to O ltcbrk I ____ _i l- LACLEDE, Mo-, Jnn. i Fon or petnons wori) instantly k illed tonigh A when two Chlmgo, Burlington an< oa Quincy fre igh t trn in i collided head-on nd four miles west o f here. -The deni )0- nre: IJ. N. 'Barclay, CO, lirookfieh! ho M o„ engineer, and Noah Wilaoi: Ub Brookfie ld, Mo., flri'm an on tra in Nc ill. f(3, nnd B. F. Enlman, Sr>, engineei eh *'0d B. W .'B irm ingham bmkcman, o: m. trn in No. 72.I q. ■ Clyde Mollnp, a brakeman, wan aer

    ouslv injured. •More than a dozen fro ip h l care b(

    sido both engines,-wero thrown In t ro^ iho ditch by tho crash. Responsibilit }o-1 fo r tho nccldent has not yo t bee lid '! placed.)0d —— —;et B A N D ITS V IS IT B Y APPODTTMBN >lp LOS A N O E LIS , .'nn. 4 M>)—T l.n ISO I bandits who cnmo to his'home by n] nd j.olntment to lUaruBs o il burner^i whir In lie uranufnctureii, ra lib6d C. A Ilamm'

    nt* o f dlamontls vaUj'tfd At $30,000 fonlgh tbe npcording to Hammol’a report to t l


    ' 4 . . ' ...........

    lA LLS C O U N TY

    j V N \^ails a t Conferei W e r Loom s gsF re n ch T roops a t

    M ayence A re H e ld W it h ^ B a rra cks

    A f i t h o r i t ie s In v o k e M o a a o re s , tJ f in a l in ^ m e o f C r is is w b e n j O o n fe re n o o E n d s

    PARIS, Jan. 4 0 ^ —Measures such as aro usual in tht* time of crisis were takon by the I'rench^ m ilita ry authorUU^s a t Mayv'wce nit soon a i the nuws>of tho bSrak- down iu the preiiiu'n*' eonferencu j | in I ’aris be-vimo known, sajo a di"- i>ntch to tho Journal from May- ence.-

    Tho dispatch adds that headquar- tern 'Scut orders f^'r a ll o f tho tnioph to remain In barraekJi, /oady fo r nJi-'OVcntualUien, und thnt tlî O' men on leavo o f abneiico were recalled.


    Proposal for Representation on j Reparations Commission is Discussed at White ^louse,

    ' “ m 'Tl: WASHINGTON, Jnn. 4, (/P;—The lirlvp fo r o ffic ia l American roprosen* tl: ta tion on tho reparations commission v̂ waa form ally launched in tho senarto today w ith tho admlnlHtrulion’s n ttl- jn tude'tindiacloaed but w ith a declara- s'l tion o f war from tho republican “ ir- pi reconeilnbles.'’ tl:

    A fte r a conforonco today botweon th Senator Lodge o f Massachuaotta, re- F publican leader, and President Ila rd - ingvand Oeorgo Uarvoy, American am*l bassador to Great B rita in , and anj hour’s dobato In tho senate, n special meeting, o f the'senato foreign relations oommiltoe wns called • fo r 'lo iilo rro w by Ji Senator Lodgo to ■lake up tho b ill o f “ .Bonntor Robinson, democrat, Arkansas,

    •jwhlch would authorize tho i^esident to * [appoint American representative# on " the commlsaioiL . q

    H ^b e s* Opinion ^ n g b t o

    d e t M m ^ * ^ A ^ o w w ^ T ^ « o l ? r e ^ ^ . bo followed w ith tho reaolutlen, the r , importance o f which, Senator Lodgo a f to ld tho -sonato, wns fu lly realized i

    , in view o f tho broak today In I ’aris n ) on tho reparations question. ' Booator t

    Lodgo haa.no t yet eonferred on tho {; I question w ith Secretary Hughes o f -T . tho stato dopariment, but i t i t expect- t

    ed tha t tho committee w ill arrange I ’ to obtain M r. Hughes' opinion on tho I ( Bobinaon b ill and also obtain InfBT- { . mation o f tho admfniatrntion’s poui-t „ tlon, w ith tofcrcaco to reparatlot^s

    and. other queaVIons involved. II Senator Robinson spoke a t aome *

    Q length In support o f his measure, ^

    ° i (Continued on Pago E igh t) !a I "c* ■ 1 "■

    J T h « D ay in i W a sh in g to nn ___y (B y Tb« Associated Press) k Tbe Capper fa rm credits blU

    was favorably reported b y tbe senate banking committee Bubston* tioUy as drawn.

    VThe house ^ s d ic i ^ committee discussed the E eller Impeachment chsrgea against AUomey-Qeneral w Daugherty, but fa iled to take* fin - | k l action.&e-appolntment o f W l P. G.

    Harding as governor o f tbe feder- ' g a l reserve system appeared nnllke- >

    ly as I t become known th a t Jte „ planned to enter p r lT ite bosineM.

    The bouse passed tbe socond de- »** )flclency appropriation b ill, carry*" ing »7C,S1C,674, much o f I t fo r re- >■' fnxtd o t internal revenne taxes U*

    legally collected.Oral aqgument In tbe appeal or

    p foreign and American shipping companies from the lower cottrt decision wtUcb npbeld tbe Dadga^ e rt7 m iin g waa began la tlie

    “ preme court.Tbe federal coal cosunlstlen m

    , ir a telegram to represenUtivee o f , h t coal operators and miners conrer> - (111 r in g In Cblcjlgo - nrged. conttnna.>n. tio n tm til APrU 1. 1024, o f the avill bo so lim ited JO thn t anch action could not poW My be 10 Interpreted OK m ilita ry occupntlon;It- i-ro p e rly ‘ speaking.

    " J Broak Up B ring* Sadness.I Tho fina l quarter hour o f the con- ference was nuirkod by great conrtesy.Each -o f tho dcJcgntos soeinod con-

    ' ccrned thnt nothing in manner or word should detract from the gravity o f tbo /■ moment. ■

    — There u^e TariotJs indications o f ' sadness on the pa rt o f tbe p i^ mlers. and ambanadors over the - dlssolntlon o f the alliaoce which carried the ir countries: through the w ar and tho cordial sp ir it in whUh tho B r i t - '

    isb premier had conducted the nego-' tiations. To his great regret, ho ^ n d noth ing in the monorandum ^ ie h made i t possible fo r him to ehange his

    . a ttitude . Consequently,-bo «nald«r«d there was no reason fo r coatinuing^ the, conference. ' * '

    ^ B r lit th Bee B righ t m kt M r. Boaar la w thereupon airose aad h read a short- note wbieh he bad pre- 1. pared dariaff the reoess. U . Polneore ■

    also road his elosiag remarks. Borne pleasantries passed] among -th e dele

    ^ p tc e to tho e f l ^ th tit the pa rtia l f » break among the prloaipal alUea meant > ' tha t there would be no more' confcr- ^ rnoes fo r the time lt tha t a rednetlon..of:!- ;

    os two cents a ]pubh in the price o f 9- oline «ffltf:by i t throogh^lts sc rT ie# .a l*? ii u - ilons would be made toAaanw W fom la,. Oregon, Washlnlttoa,;. te Alaska and H lw a lL The e e u ^ y - i l iB j ^ ar anaoaneod a redoeUon o f t w T a o t e ^

    ■ gallon in tbe priee 6l.^U itQ Ut«i' . ' 3

  • I r»o * T W ll

    f I E F FOPENillF

    I K i p C l! S ta le ' T r o o p s t V ^ u a r d M o re '

    h o i^ e P a r is h C o u r t House

    I ? W h e re S la te W i l l Seek

    f F a c ts in M a s k e d IVIob A c t io r

    BASTKOP, Ln„ J n n f i W )-T h . • . opoa hcorini; in tlio Uorohvn^t kidnap

    ' iiif ; asd m tirdor cmnofp bojfiiiii n t theI partflh court houso tomorrow morulnf

    ' nt 10 oVJo«k<l^ n a l prepomllonB wero complotcil

    . Ly the »ti\tc tortivy In llio piMcciUnRi .1 by w h lfii QU e ffo rt \ r i l l lio inadu ti

    Jnilict tLoso persons It.elioved rcspOnsl bio fo r t)id mnaknil nn

    A squadron o f ntatL* fov.alry wa moved todny from Mor. KouRr to Ila«

    ; j trop, Icavinjf Iho rymaindor n f th '■ 1 ftt M\-r Rt^UEfi n rnmpnii;'■ • o f ia fn iitry in cncampcd. Tho niountpi

    aoldicra nro cxpootuJ fo liL' imed ii ‘ ■. corvin;: Huliiioonn" aad mnkiitg nrrcntf

    ' TIO w indilio it o f tho rohd^ -TC(|ulrci • 1 ‘ Xho UHO o f mieh troo jK i t was statcJ

    ; Wholi’aalo Hiihjtni'nfsB wrro in pr.'i : ^ piiration today for tlio siimmonliiK (’

    -KHTiMsr* fo r tho liparini:. In ndilUioi• to thoso (lummoncd, all piTsons ar

    ‘i.J \ j'fiv iloppd to ouli’ r tho oourt of Jii"tico and n.->k to bo p o n iiilti’d lo tcs t ifv . I t woji bclii'V.'d Ihcro woiihl b moVo tlmn tOO witncHHOR. Tlio wU ncfim-s w ill be oxnmiiicci by thu d iifr i- nttomev hut not crotm I'xamiacii am

    L j tlio tpn'tSmoDV taken .down in nhorl band. The boftriniri w ill be beforo Hi

    : ■ d is tric t judpo. A t the coiif.lm.ion th i utate, i f i t ihinki* the ovlilenco jm itl

    flos, w ill ftsk fo r a (^rand. jurj* to rr y tu rn IndlHmetvtB.

    . .. g of t o gr1.; ^ TUU l» the t l i ln l U«ii* in I'le IiIMdt «lJuBB have biv’

    invoked.■'1 J. T. n iirne tt, former deputy Bhorifi

    flanked by nomc o f Loulalnna's fine* leRal talent, w il l moot tho chart;

    . ■ ncninfit him o f murder w ith an effoi ; to provo, nn a lib i. Ho expects to prov

    ho wn* TtoTkini; n t tho Kowlhcm Cm - : bon plant. aL UUs timo tho kidnnpin

    ocrurrod. Tho tiiankoepor by whom h was to prove this, howovpr, wn< ki<

    ;uaped iM t F riday night and has dioaj Voared.


    M in e rs R e je c t A l l P ro p o s a ls o

    W o r k in g ' R u le s a n d W a g e

    S u b m it te d b y O p e ra to rs

    onrOAOO, Jon. \ CpiTatorr ' t / proposal o f d U tric t or croup sottlemcnl

    to ■aprce, tho conferMcc w ill bo n ^ numed tomorrow n t lo a. in., probnhl

    tho last day o f the sessoin; no n*nrc th o b jc ft o f the mretlng than when I

    , ojx’ nofl In.Cleveland In October, 102‘ I , TJio proponal mado by tho opemtoi : tha t’ caeh d is tric t bcAmado n sppnm't I , wiiffc bcaIo making body wSlh tho pri> . . Uego o f frrouplnj; w ith ony other dii

    t r Ic t or dJslriets ns m ight ho agree , upon, waa rcjccled in eommitfee h

    tho miners qn tho ground tha t th is nm • te r hnd heeti fought out and settle In the strike.' A s in illa r resnlotion cn: ry ing w ilh It a rb ltr.itlon nnd ft slldirt

    J. ae;ile, wns rc.iected by Iho miner rc} rM ontatlvcs o f the o rg a n iza tion '"w

    Pn. m ltto o when I t met hero December ! j V. V Inora place tho blnmo fo r failur / m yreoeb as andenttandiog to tho d >, vvrgljaftc o t opinions among tho oiVn

    tors.XP>pcMtors derlnro they nro he- i ita n t ib o u t oBtnrint^ any agreement

    • B ^ la r ^ O th 8 o ld central competltlv . . f ie ld b e « H t« ^ ^ ^ 'fe d o ra l IndlctmeDt

    ObAmberlalB'a Oongli fiamedy.ThU ia a pleasant, snfo itnd rollabli

    modfrlno fo r coughn and eolds. I t ba been In use fo r niauy years and la hoU In Ugh esteem- in those household'

    V where ila good qufilltle!* nro heal ft Utiukvq. h in a favorite w iln mother- ij- o f young children, ns i t contains nn J . opium or olhcr harmful dru[;!Jpetion.i to llio inter they roacA>Hng the rc.jueHt that thi

    dologatiiin bo received. Tlio rosoIiUioii nlRo reminded tho presidonl.lhal be Tt lu'ully ha,Defense Witnesses in Herri' ■ Murder Trial Lay Blame fo

    Trouble at Door of Victimlargo ----------f^ort MAHIOX, Ills., Jnn. 4 t/P)—Deela >rovo Ing that tho firs t shots firod in tli Car- l l iT r in riots wor Colonel Jacob KujHwrl.

    Cofouol Iliis ton ron firificd .tho repor i'’„ , / t t i a t (ho uegdtlatii'us wvtlj C«loncl Rmv . , port ha.i liroknri down. IIo asserted h ̂ wnubl. rotaiii his pnrt ownership Imlof

    iii'le jy , although his «to-k in fo r «;il , to “ any ropntab!u^)cnion.’ ' He' dii

    iilod that th.- deal failo.l over tho pu' Ij' “ cli/iso prico, ro|.)—a'ii« Ar>o> ;oV' Navy, football gamo w ill bo played a k-or- tho I*’olo (Jrounds, kcimc o f tlio Nn ■a." tional league baseball club, Novembc

    I’ J, SoiTutary Ti.Tii.-v frs. Ooorgo Kasloy was hostess nt i deliglitfut lunoheon al tho Hi»tol Rog

    ,1 crsou Thursday. Covers wero laid fo twenly.aix, tho lablo having f o r ^ cen torpkce ti idlver rv’Y®W"’'o banket fille i

    ■'}.•’ w ilh nvl carnntioin. S ilvor candle "*■“ MirkiT Wi’yp at einie'r cud o f ihc tal>!

    hobllng llghto il rod—e'nndluH and rei ■ nut cups addoil to the color schenu

    Follouiai: liiuchcon tho guests motorci (to tho Kaslev home on t ig h t li avpnir north,, whore’ bri.lge waa enjoyed, Mr?

    o>,- ! vonard winning tho Cnvor f»a t high score nml Mm. E. S. Lam ed th

    '«ri- consolation.

    an- Tlio Morniniyiido dub mot Wcdne* ic j dny afternoon .-U the Uamc o f Mrs. 8 . t int. I,e'c''e. Mra. Orrin Fuller and Mrs. not Rudolph were guests o f tho r lub nni

    ten members were present. .\n Intei osting proKrnni on llook Reviown-wa given, nfter which delicious refresh ments were served bv. Mrs. Loecc an Mrs. Fuller.

    ' i r »frs. J. 11. P^mnaway nnd Mrs. Ros Allen onferotaied the’ country W6pi

    [_ an's club al tho homo o f tho former o Wednesday afternonn. Mr^T. Jost^

    itS ) M'alkington L’avo an interostine pnpO on early polities in Idaho, and Mrs. I J. M iller read a paper on Idaho hiwi

    tUo 'Twctvty-onp members and tw o gncM o il' present and. refreshments wl*r the »«vod. ........... .............

    I?n« The IHchland View club met wit Mrs. C lifford Day Wednesday afloi

    -__lnoon. Tho usual business mooting wii .n ihe ld , folliMwid by refreahmonlH jy y l

    Horinl hour. Sixteen mcmben wotp I ^ . [nttondnnro. .The next meeting w ill \ iHr-' Fuller on -lani, id 'a ry 17.

    A number o f T 'v in Falls young p«. i i ' i . P*« joined in honoring Mias I?inbel »

    ' more .and Carl Hamilton nt a f^nc in ' party given fo r them at the homo (

    , Miss Hollnntl a t Buiil oa Tiics

  • k '

    TV. , . .

    ' These P ricea P re va il. • /

    H u mPongee

    A, v«ty ipecU l o tfe rlag o f z i l a ^ aH-iUk.poagc«. A pongee w ithoat fU llhg. WUl launder

    ^ aad wear- well. Amorleaa made bot from experience i t wear* better than the . other ■ kind- Yard______0 * 7 C

    [ ‘ ‘D e r r y ix M ’ P n t- i t ^ r i i . C lo th s ^ .

    W ithout doubt th e ' v e r j flaest pure Ir ish table linen gold in Amoriea, today. Every piece euarantoed.. "We have 10 cloths la values to $19.50. To make

    • room fo r now stocks wo offer

    S o _ .$ 1 0 .0 0

    KOTjBX 'Tho prico o f Itotox bae ndvnncc to 05c. Wo havo. a supply n t th old price. Kotez is tho boat ean tary napkin. CTO:. Bor o f 12 _________________0 0 (

    AET PAOKAaESEvery a rt packngo in stock goes o

    • aalo Rt a l>lc roSucUon. Thee , packnscB contain ehildron'a clothci

    ccnter/i, towels, ctc. A llixiindo xvJt floBs iucluticd ................. 1-3 LES

    -CEOOHET THREADSFor tho duration o f this sale w sbnll Holl IJoynl Socipty croclic tlironilA in n il nizca nnil n il color oXcopfGO white, O C y

    , 3 . balls fo r •........... ..............^ 0 1

    « ; CHILDEEN'S GOWNSOtio could iio t ninIo:irB. - .Ma ^ ' floece ribbed cotton in thn t «oc . gray .color. Q Q ,

    Special .......................... ...... « /0<

    K N IT BLOOMEESFor ^rlS . I n either floah color ' black. F u ll made, in sixes up 12. A t thia prleo you ^ lou ld c jv

    S . ____ 25R em ova l P r ic e d

    W e cannot mantlon a ll o f t l r . fo r th is remoyal ereoit. They ■¥!]

    SATEEN APEONSSome-of the Bcaaon’s very aewc modclB in black saUjcn, aproi Q uality i f excellent, style now. 0

    SOEUB BEUSH '• A good, strong, «turdy scrub brui

    Ono tha t should last fo r yea Kegular 40c. Just ono p K doscn o f th e m -------------------

    ONE LO T OP A LU M IN U li TliiB ia a lig h t weight alumlm

    bought to re ta il n t B9c. Just few WinBWt,.yieWl.o* and pte®oivi


    You mny havo thoflo ffood U inoi ynrns in gormnntown, a ilk mix

    ' .otherfl tha t sell ,up to G5c .w—U -_______ _ _ ^ C

    ' - HUOK TOWELI A good large huck towol, 30 Inc

    • 5 lone, h a lf a»/wldo. .Soils te ^ la •:ror 35c. O f

    ■ , Good buy a t — -----------.1 • ' ■

    W I N F A L L S T ? A l L Y N E

    xU A l l M on th

    d r e d s i

    r - Ider

    R e ite ra tin g o u r a J- t io f i o n ly b ra n d new,

    special o ffe r in g s . In__1 cost; The l is t in c lu d i

    a t p ra c t ic a lly no p ro ! We, do n o t l ik e to

    .».t they shou ld be, b u t i cce a g re a t m a n y stocks, S! m erchandise.I '" F o lk s /w e fe e l t iu IU re a l barga ins. W 6 ll,



    8 c __________________________

    ur O ffe rin“ »h ONE EAOK OP WAISTSiESS

    Wo hovo put out about 00 wnlBts on A rack in tlio. center o f tho

    we Htore. On this rack nro waiatB in icbel vnluo to $7.iiO. Georgettes, crepo

    ,io chines, taffctns, (J Q Q K ctc. Choico .................... V

    i CHILDEEN’S COATSilono (^ 'ihU o i'o conls in ages up to 10 , p years. AU wool conts, fu lly lined.

    Now iB tho timo ,to buy a good y c wnnn coat for tlio styles w ill bo

    good fo r next seaaon and priccs w ill not bo leu .. m -| A A A

    1 of Values to $15 .............t D X U * U U)wel-»dct. 6 a TH E O B ^v C A big assortment o f bath robes fox

    women nnd childcen. A ll made oi tha t good warm Bcncoa flannel.

    * N icely trimmed. Good serviceableKarmontB,..-._25 PEE CENT LEBfl

    0 0 OmOHAM DBESSES 'For children,' in ages from 2 to. 0.

    tow- Tho niaterlalB are o f good wash aped ginghamB. Bloomer Btylca and

    cm- ploln sk irt styles. 'VbI uob to 91.83. Q /» ( '̂ould not bo mado Q f i p v C at homo so choap .............. I / O C

    w ear and H o s ie ry Sectione SO stap lO 'ttik t wo can roconunead that , department.

    S ILK AND WOOL HOSEnock, In two colon only. L ig h t gray BcIIb and camel. Hose o f finest quality licht, silk and wool tha t sells fo r $2.25.

    3 9 .........$ 1 .6 9A LL WOOL HOSE

    hose. For those who woar oxfords and ovan wool hoao this is yotir chnncc. Ono Very fino quality a ll wool hoso in

    ; 9 c L-gular $2.50 ........ . . , $ 1 . 2 9SCHOOL HOSE

    thoio T ills is the regular prico o f thia leavy hose. B ut they aro wonderful hose food fo r wear so we call your attention

    I8C iTlarand brown ...........29CMISSES’ HOSE

    or or Mlflscs'. hoBO in flneat quality met ip to cerizcd ribbed. B lack and brown c jv i r Have tha t wide r ib ^ th n t tho

    1 5 c ‘C i « o o c . . _________ . . . .5 0 c

    t j ’ re v a il in N e a rly A l l Sections; the ta in js tb a t v e haTa''ip«claUy priced w ill b« found a ll over tbe ito r* .

    OOESETSewcst You w ill fin d a table o f W amer'i

    corBcts In a mimbor o f styles. .T^on has boon aa advance la theso eor

    . 9 5 _______ „ . , . '9 8 c

    - . MYSTIC M ITbrush, ijtjo women who have.usod. mystl years, .n ilts in * the ir kitchpn work wil

    know whnt a good Q . vnluo this is ________ i______0 1

    ™ L IO kT GLOBES^st'**a- standard qua lity lights. Yo

    ™»y have your choioe o f 25, 40 o

    AET MODELSInorra I f you s till hnvo n g if t or two t alx or make ^ h y not buy a hnnd.,mad

    a rt modol. Wo are Boiling thei l O U out n t 60 P B B OENT OP

    K N IT PETTICOATSinches • TblB is a very excepllonnl offe ^ la r ly ia|f. A good warm petticoat t

    2 0 c .... 6 9 (

    ' . -a : ^ ‘ '

    E W S , T W I N F A L I . S , I D A

    S e m o i? (s ta tem en t o f a fe w days

    sp ick an d span mercnari In m any instances b r ig h i des some th in g s b o u gh t c o f i t . . - .to p re d ic t h ig h e r p rices f i th e f ’O ct rem a ins th a t hi

    t, an d we recom m end 'ihar

    'la i we have a reaso tl t o r i I, we in te n d to f A l f i l l y o i

    A O o a o \^

    ngs F ro m the 13 The Beady-to-Wear section bos

    store week. Tbo unosual offe :ho bought Tory libera lly. There aiin , .

    •po ------- -------------------------------------------------

    ̂ A b o u t 15 t

    S ■^ , I f yon eomo in tig h t now you mny CCS $10.00 dresscH, They ure reinarkab‘ lA to dresses 3 times thi.s price. Bizv

    Somo tha t could bp used fo r cvcni Four'ta ffe tas amoug'thom. Cliolco

    fo r - ;

    bio A CleanupEvery coat in stock goes on sale at n il o f tb ls sc ftaon -ud 'an ny o f then special priccs tha t prevailed n ^ th e

    ■ tcx garments. Wo havo d l v i c ^ t l Each group contains coats B c lIiV ^ /i

    Ic $15.00 $25.00n R em oval Sales in th tlat AU cottons are listed fo r IncrO:

    fin d .valoes btee tba t warrant y o u

    ; CALICO AND L A Wny OiIdB and ends o f calico and nolid ity ' colored Inwna Ideal fo r aprons. 25. children’s dreflses, etc. T ill thoy

    9 ; " a ^ d ? f o r ..............25cEVEEFAST SU ITIN a

    Tho price hns advanced on Ever- ec, fast suiting. Wo should bo selling in i l now. fo r 4Dc. A ? ? /*

    iQ A ll thia month -------- - ^ X t lC

    27 in c h : o u t in oVory fine heavy quality o f outing flannel. Ideal fo r. gowns, sleepers, ctc. Outing w ill bo 1 7 J L p

    ?®® higher next Bcason .... ...... J L l 2 ^ionI CHALLIES *'C 30 inch chnlllcs of good quality.

    A b ig na&oTtmcnt of paUcinn. Do- nlrablo fo r q u ilt cov- ^

    ler* orlngB, drapes, ote....... ..

    S R em oval Sales i \C Shoe

    ■ One always finds sboes fo r lew lower than over. Tben, too, experl

    BBOWN K IDced Brown k id shoo fo r women or

    growing girls. Good quality I ttowb k id . Has m ilita ry heel. A good

    :t^pHr..:!._......_..$3.95SPOKT OXFOEDS

    •Of. These two aro new arrivalB. Here ) • oro tho newest sport, oxfords, in

    d iffe ren t le a tt^ r w ith patent trim. Low nnd (g J Q f f m ilita ry heels __________

    Btio BEOWN CALFwlU Brown ca lf ahoo, welt sole. Selby 2 /s nmko. A shoo tha t was mado to 51^ retail over $10.00. • M ilita ry heel.

    turl,........:..._.....-.-$6.95JTou SCOTCH GEAIN* ” Ju*t a few palTB ot th\B good look 1 1 1 tn n ''8cotch grain oxford w it i

    . low heal. Bold rcgu- (P O Q E la rly fo r $0.05 ......... , . . . 0 0 . 3 2

    , d y An s h in elado ' week only wo shall offe:hem downstairs store DynnnhlmOPP in a ll o f tho - J A -

    colors fo r ____ -T*___x.....

    BUFPEES 'ffer* For shining Bhoes. A good stroni

    f o r ’ ono, mo.do by fihlnola people. Ba

    9c' ..-1̂ ____15(

    AHO , F R ID A Y M O R N IL

    rgains a l Sal» ago th a t we in te n d to t indise, we c a ll y o u r atteh> t i c lean stocks a re o f fere, a t spec ia l reductions and

    ^or we believe thatj^m ost h igher p rices w i l l p re v a il i t yo u Cover y o u r needs

    ■this.sale and we know t m r expecta tio its . W a tch

    ^ Tojm im

    R eady-to-W earu boon ono o f the busy spots la our ferlogs ^bavo brought crowds and thoy are aUU lots o f good things to bo had.

    o f tho^e $10 essesly B till obtain ono o / tlieso reinnrknblc ible fo r tlic quality nnd Htyle Is equal zcB up to •!-. I ’oirot tw ill aiid'.^orgk- Fnr the H ttlo to ti..^ Horo Is a boptItJi thn t they can wear in tho wet and|K slush w ithout . C O / I Q' v fear. . Speclnl ----------------

    BEOWN CALF SHOEfor. W 'ith”low heel. A very good schoAino shoe fo r tho larger girjs. Ono thn tI _ • w il l wear nnd give Q KlO service. A ll bUcb .......

    S H IN O L A ''ing A ll th is month you may hare S h i ias nola In nny o f tbo colors, bad ic

    ic ' _______;..,8c

    . c '' . .

    SfG, JA N U A R Y 5,-1923 .

    < _____ • -y .

    A M o n th

    AtOul eta k e in to ou r new loca- i t io n to th is l is t o f very id a t cost and less than i then passed on to you

    t- p rices are as h ig h ias I th is com ing season on

    p a r t ic u la r ly on stap le^

    th a t y o u are expecting 1 «8 th is m onth.


    ^ t t

    •S ectionONE RACK OP SWEATEES ^On nnotlii-r rack we linvo placed n - lii-; iiHsortnioal of ulip-on sweaters, f ull wool lu ilt yiirnK, tlm t have 1 Iioi'n si-lling up to $5,95. Thcso nro sd liiig rijilit. (g -| n c out l it ................... ........ . iD J L ^V O

    ‘'b i fE LOT OF WASHWA^e^S .

    For Uio Xmns frn'j(?..wc hnd a very i iip c iu l o ffcrln i; nf Wftsh waists in ] iiid iv iilun l lioxcs n t $2.i)5. Ther#

    . arc just a fi'w o f them le ft so will

    .............$1.95. ,— WAISTS OF THE BETTEB i

    K IN D 1l^vrry wnlst in stock got* on snlc.W. Bet o f 0 _____............. ....... t K ) C

    L . D. S . OAEMENTSTho p tlc a on all cotton gaisaeata

    i- has gono up. . "Wo s ti l l ba t* a good in stock of-approved'garn«“ ta -a t Iho

    c X ?8c'• i- . ■

    I .

    • . ■ ' .fSOtSB-

    t f t o f Specia l B a rg a im -

    IT BigEm broideries,

    On a Uble in tbe eenter Uslawe have put oot about 1,000 yards o f embrolderlea in all widths. The re ta il price o£ most of them averages ,up to 15e.Vou mny. have anyquantity o f them. Yard-_ O C

    O n e ^ e t o f S to rm Serges

    About 150 yards o f storm serge in light blue, dark blue, gray,

    C and dark Broeii. Tho today's reta il is 41 and up to $1.80. Ideal for ch ltiircn ’B dresses, coats, ote.Iho entiro lot, C Q r t to clean u f , yard ______0 %lC

    UM BEELLAS jWe o lfc r n good sturdy umbrella covered In Oxcellont quality black twhl. Well mado nnd has attrae-' tivo fancy handle. m -| neg. $2,W. Choice— .... tO X .O a /

    GLOVES .Wo offer Van Raalto'sucile finish ghjvi's, short, In gro j^ tan or bcav- -

    - er. An excellent glove fo r a ll pur- poBc. Loolcaliko Icalhcr ....................... O i / C


    K box fu ll of leather gloves and mitteni^ to r boys nnd girls. These nre a ll wool lined iin il w ill k ro jj the

    “ ..........._,„98c,E IB B O N S

    Wo have a hlg a^Rortmcnt o f rib- hfjuH selling fo r'-29c. You may |inve your eholco o f any o f them.Fino fn r h a ir bows.•1 ynrda fo r _____ _______d X . U U

    O N E L O T o i - H A N D B A G SOno o f tlio tables In center aisle conlhins nn nBsortmont o f leather nnd be.ided hand hags, In values

    ' to . $10.00. You mny havo yourgH»— -----OENT OFT.

    FABEIS W AISTSJust about 12 o f' them. Values to •$1.G0. Wo want to dean them up ̂so hero goea a t way K A / s less than cost.- EM h —__9 U C

    th e D o w n s ta irs S to reI a busy plaoo w ltb tbeso special of*


    Just 0 of them. F u ll comfort size.F illed with cotton. Covered w ltk challio. Sold regularly f w $4.60.

    ____________ $ ^ 9 5 ■POLAE W HITE

    A largo 8 or., bar o f whlto laundry soap, mnde b y tho_ Palm Olive people. Wo can rocommend i t fo r i t Is a repeater. */% A 25 bnrB fo r ' ...................d l . U U

    LU X -This week you may hnvo Lux nt a special p rico tha t is about cost.A ll you want a t thia - ' O Q /» prico. 3 fo r ____________ .u O C

    T O IL E T P A P E E1000 nhrct rolls o f fino qua lity tis sue. Sells o n lin a r lly 3 rolls fo r GOc.You mny have 2 rolls 0 0 . « this week ut ...... ...........Z O C

    PILLOWSIlogular #3.50, fu l l sized pillows, covered w ith excellent tic k in g and

    ’ • fille d with sanitary feathenC Sale

    ; ..... ....... _.$2-.65'W OO L BLANKET

    ’ A fu l l 60x80 gray blanket, gua r-- ; anteod to bo a ll wool. Jnst tho

    th ing for.Bheep ou tfits , A Ketc. 0 pounds ......... .L . d O s a f 9

    r . DHJNEE PLATESi O f that same good- w hite ware.[ Measure 9 inehea This is. less than ' wholesale. P le a * fo r aU. ■ .

    .Sot o f 6 ' - - . ________________I D C

    a FEUIT8I- These sn a il f r u it dishes are very / t practical. That same good whlto, ‘ ^ , aorviceahlo .dlancr ware. '

    REMNANTS T,t A table o f remnants m arked 'a t « 1-2 the regular price o f the' {p)ods.

    A whole new assorbnent ju s t p u t'^ OQt Yoa w il l fiBd real vslne*. j

    . E i O E O Q S ' ., Large Tig nigs in th ( d ifferent

    colors. JCxflO. Sell regularly fo r $2.50. Thoro are jast 10 rugs, ‘Yon *

    C -____$L95; .. ;■W OOL'BATTS

    ta Wo offer a S pbaad a ll wool>d at less than today's wholealoV10 Thero Is no better b a it 'to be t i i f l ; ' ■ '

    j :'

  • ^ . . T W IN F .

    A■ ji

    $5.dS.DRESSESTo buy a s ilk ombroiderod or

    ibr&ldod And ovci^ y u o trimmod dress a t tUla prico is tho result

    ^ ' 3f oor January CIcaraseo Sale.

    DRESSES $1̂■ T ills lo t contains silk and woolcd

    op to $4D.CU aod affords you a i mdt^ablo saving.

    B E A D A BO U T T H IS OOib'astunn, B o liv iii nnd satia lined; t

    ' vy; i l l i i Cmbroidorod slcovo; t 172.00 coot. J^ow __________ tOtJ

    H E E E IS A NO THER OUOlack Dolivia, fu r collitr and euf:

    ' aov4)lty tasslu; trimmed (I)

    T W IN ^ F A L IS , ID A H O , ]

    1i t s , d r e s s e s , w a i s t s ,

    , c o r s e t s , c o r s e l e t t e s

    c h i l d r e n ’ s w e a r a n d

    5S a n d a p r o n s , b a t h - ,

    v e a r .

    10ne-H alf |f 25 S u its in -0 it lie 'r p la in o r . J L ■ R egard less o f ^ ^

    3i f o r $ 9.95e C o a t s i n d i f f e r e n t , e d t h r o u g h o u t , a n d

    C l e a r a n c e S a l e h a s

    ' n t o —

    rC h o ic e -$ 9 .9 595COATS DPlu8|»...CoaU w i l l o ffe r a raro ' This Jo . You know our w in te r baa ih lffon,


    Pirige” -OKo r Less Dresses iu this

    fo r the ir former j > I ^ ^ 'T W ^ J L oa Iiigb and somo

    ito rk .

    ....... . . . . $ 3 9 * 4 5 00SSE1cor? QK

    ______ 0 ^ 4 * v t l values, t liu t w illB T W EAVB W IT H VELV E T OOESETS 1

    k cans fo r •_____________ _________________

    . P u re Cocoa ^•uro Cocoa, In bu lk, 24 per cont ‘-'ut M; >uttcrfot. 1 0 /» wlicaU. ?ound .......... ....... ............. X V V Per p(

    C o rn F la ke sKellogR'a Corn Flakes. Q _ Fancy j or. pnekago .— .•—....— 4 pout

    S w eet C ornExtra quality Iow a pock Sweet Fancy

    ______ __ 25c r'/o/.10 cons to' a customer. . (8 li

    S y ru p 1?uro F lorida Cai»o Syrup fo r Box si able or baking. fl»-| A A Per Jollon cona ____ .;------« D X * v l / pound,

    I d a h o D^ V p i o d a i e -

    ♦♦AFTE,R A L

    F R ID A Y M O R N IN G ,

    R\^ S]

    / y # / b 1 block ouy . ^ s j r / / 1 Bilk; a J



    i i T i

    ' ' o brown,ai, ! I t y o f # • Clearance

    — ----------- - S — U • 38 inch :

    ■ -$9.95 i «--7tauco 8 al()RESSES. in;;:;:

    vnluea, IJot ' 'o i drcssea consists o f grounds;

    tn ffo tas, brown jersoys, Solo pric » and 'a torm oorges. . - r .......

    -- ^ Incb I

    lE'SSES $24.75- , 'Is lo t ciuinot bo described

    prico Is more thnn doublo v *.0 o f tho finest \fo have in I A

    S T S ^ O E L E S S "3f 17 corsota, «5.00 to *7.00 Q1 (luring th is aulu null fo r ^

    1 0 P E E O E N T O F F -----------corset in stock tha t is not ^

    It salo. less 10 F E & OENT. ' ^

    OATS .Mett '5I dandy coata a t ^28.^5 and tho bes

    $32.50 and. up to »30.00. ing this Sale you can buv

    _______ __ _____ 110.05n'n

    ~ values

    L e s sn C afnp ’a Soups I rii'nncy

    .... lOc ^

    C ii t M a c a ro n i MMacaroni, mado from Durum Men's

    pound -------------7-̂ C ‘ " " ’J• , for a

    R icey J«p niee. O f ;urida ‘ fo r _________ _ I----------

    T o m a t o e s ■ this lovy solid pack U tah Toma- conio it2 1-S Jb. can.- 2 5 c

    Six cans to a customer) Take y

    P ic n ic H a m s u e n ’i 1augar cured Picnic Hama. wool ca

    ■j U Mado iiI..................;___ XDC Values

    ^ H e G r e e t

    f f iP A R T M I.f

    L L T H E BEST

    ̂ ̂ ̂ ■ , ' r ' I '■A N U A R Y 5 , 192S -

    3F T i r c , . . / iI J U I V O t e c r i t

    w o rd S> black duehesa aatin, inn ly ; a heavy lustrous b lack l l 8 H f n € \

    '‘ " T " - i o p r o m t s --------- ------------------

    1 black >11 iMk ta ffo ta . < l t V C r j in . and »bok a t thia 11.05 j n g h n r ,

    T ill' Clearanco 6a1o prico _

    ...... — s is s1 corduroys,, in gold, roao, ( t s l c f 01navy, gray and blue; you10 quality wo carry. Clear-"' ' - - • -

    ■”ra ........ _._...89c- _____;nch o il s ilk crope do cbincii,, whlto, navy, block, yellow, ■ una b luo ... (P -I 0 0:a Bale, per yord..

    aoe d o e s n o t a l lo w ) m e n t io n a n y m o re 3000 ynrdo <

    p r io o s , b u t ' e v e r y tin. Ilne>t o f sH k th r p n g h o u t

    e n t i r e s to c k i s r e , m 5 “ i i '^ euatom or; j

    Eusxlapara crcpo. in black » bluo. A apodal valoo a t ^A.t th is Cleat. fiJO Q QIc, per yard’ ____per yard ..

    1 figured foulards. $2.25 gi,.o-i^o1« navy and black back-

    ........bl.^y P"'“klmona silk, n u t tc r lly and 42 and *5*j esisns. $1.10 values. Salo brands. So )w, C O /»w I F v cnso, oltbor

    iNUARY CLEAl S A L E P R USuite and Oven

    extra well nindo, now fa l l atylo aults. st o f shodes; and good matoHols, good Un ncludcd In th is lo t you w il l fi^id student: mode in tho now atylo belted backa, In

    lotcrlnl* worn Oils sensonj __up to $30.00 ..... — ................— •—

    pcciul lo t o f Hurt, Schaffner & M a n , .U i >a Park Suits go inrcot Clearanco Sale o t ............. ................ -

    ono knows theso makes and knowa them can buy. I f you are th ink ing o f b u y l^

    I inspect tho values, a» th is f eal saving to you --------------- ------------------- r "

    [en’s Suits $1S wool mixed suit, block and whlto, broi in conser^-ntlvo models, in sizes from 30 i

    well tailored and w ill give good service, 'j » good knock-about auit, d o n 't fa ll to soo :d in thia lo t wo havo a fow corduroy suiU oik style. Values up to $20.00 ---------------

    3t o f men's overcoats, $8.50— Just th in k o iw price; wo only have a lim ited number oi in medium weights, p la in backs, and a g . Thoy aro from broken lines; worth almoi J asking. - ' your pick a t —........................ —........

    Suits In Mlchocls-Storns, and other f irs t ashmcrcs and-worsteds; bro"wns, greys and in conservative and aport models.I uj> to $40.00. SalQ p rico ..................

    ^ S t o r ]. P r o g r e i

    P L A C E T O T

    i lr ^ t announcem ent is enaui o f tbe ta lk in g . W e w a n t f l le on th e T w in F a lls tra c t.I Sale a nd o n ly use i t w he i^ itent tr ie s neve r to d isappoii tise to you: a deep o b liga tio ] we are now p re p a re d to c l

    i r y heavy reduc tions , to g e t ave ever b ro u g h t to T w in Fi y , Jan. 6 th , an d closes Satb lis ad.— i t w i l l p a y you, then fo r the goods a t the rem an

    Idaho Depg.

    r D G M I________ _

    ■do o f iln o bleachcd mua- icst quality you could otter than best braada worlh 22c y a rd ;^ lim lt

    ■; yard . m e

    hoa\ 7 whlto outing f l a M ^ L im ited amount

    ....... ..... .....:....i4c_rbedsprcad. 25 o f them In 't^ ls lot. .X *2.25-

    ............. :.......:$1.79pillow cases; eovcral well known

    Sol'd up to 7Jc cacb. A bont 250 pa ir in Y tu r choico o f any - 9 Q < 3 ^

    thor size, o o c U ----- ........ • ; , - ...............

    GRANGE[CES 1rcoats , /jWs. ' These aro mode £ dlinings and trimmings. a m

    icn ts ' suits in sizes 30 , in tho popular colors' .

    „j„,;...S19.95 ,. W i j l l• Uirsch, W ickw ire '' apd ' '

    ....._$39;95om to bo the best tha t I » | |y ing a auit i t w il l pay I l l l i

    A . . $39.95 [ J B

    1 3 .9 5 Wbrown and gray mix-30 to 42.- These suits I ^ H

    I f you are looking soo thcso values. In-

    !!!“:... $13.95 |H 4

    k o f buylog a coot »t ;r o f these coats. Thoy a good quality, o f ma- Imost twice tho amount .

    . . . . . . .^ ^ ^ $ 8 .5 0 /

    closs'makes, and other good shadow. '

    ..... ,....J27.95

    U E l t d .'e s s lv e .

    T k A D E 3 \" ' 4

  • > * ° T W IN FWEWS j

    ' ' Uaif«il «veTr mornlnjt ucopt Uoi^Ur

    • ‘ rw ln FnU» Now* PublUhlwt Co.. InC.P (Establlahad l>0«)

    Bntnr«d tui aecODd c lou mad m a iu r ft AprO 9. 1S18, ftt (bft^poatoKlca mt T v ia n VftUi, Idaho. und«r Oi« ftcl of M«rch 1.

    ^ ItTt.

    SUOSCRIPTtON RATCaOne year......... ............... ....... •H'2S .■ mckntha........ ....................................| t .U .• m onlha................. ........................|l-UI month...............................................• .*0

    UEMbiSR OP ASSOCIATBD PBE8 S Tbo ABftoclftiod'Ptm* U MOlUflreiy^fta-

    Otlod lo tho tiM for ropuWlcftUop o f ftll y« aewa diapfttchu crodlted to IC, or cot ^s i ' T S j r s s r ■ is &rith ia or republlcaiton of «»eUl dta? _ p«(chea heroin aro olao roaenrra

    (J^ ro^ns Aaaocta^ed Pr«M= w : ^ = s = ^ = s = 3 s s s = ^ = ^ = » ^

    C O tm iW O T H E COST. ' u

    Ono point BhohW bo tliorouRhly un- •flomtootl in conne \bn w ith tho cobim,^. lu tf oleclion upon th ^ formation o f 1ho p_ American I'a llii irViffnUon i lU t r lc l / t l tum ciy, Uiat oiico in, withdrawal w tu |^^ be ini]>OHKlblu im tll nudi time na dblit^ntlon o f t!ie |iinv d ln lric i nre uat- UflcHl in fu ll.

    I f tho , projHJfiyd diolcict in voto'J ̂bondn isBUi'd by U nre an obligation t l o f vuch comtionont |iu'rt u iit i l paid. Any ]. Idea that, i f dlHfiiitinficd w ith the out-' eonio, thin or any o the r, iirojccl may *' w ithdraw from tho d ls tr ir t ahould not. auiI miiBt not, bo cntcrtainc'd HCrl- „ ooaly. . • ' f l

    The niiiin |>c>int in tho wbi^lo nui'.tor •pprarH tn !•

  • k '■ ' ' iJ W IN l

    ■THE-MSHKETSS------- :— ;--------. --------- -̂----- hei


    • ■ ^ WOC n dan F lock to 8«Ul]i« Sido m wa««t

    P it ; F o ra ta S o ld a n A n B « p o rM i im io td to t lib

    - ........- , hu- OniCAaO , Jim. 4 C » -M iji|: iv la g i U.B

    (tvor the hronkdovrn o f tho ropam ^os tin eoBfenneo a t Farb had aa ovldjHit 6 t< h«fiiti>h ia flaoae» t ^ a y on thv ^hea t ao'

    ^ tnorkot hero. F r le u elonod uasottlod. sm . T-8 to 81-4o.net lower, w ith May thi

    tU 8 1 -4 to .1.183-4, and Jul> $ m 0 5 -l xhi . to I.IOT-R. Com to ' 1 1 -Rc, Dll

    cats 1-4 to 1 7-8e, twd p ro riilcns-7 to o f . 20 .to 22c, no

    Tratlew flo«ked to the it-lirnff (ildc^^nii throngbonl thb day In the wheat pU. pli Foroiffn boldcra. tn particular Tvcrc saii) o f to be nnloailing, and th is clrcumttanco; 00, tofrother w ith tinstcodincM of forolKii po

    . exchanges and w ith a auccualim of OLi- turb inrf rc i* ) f t i reptfrdiniJ tho Paris up:

    “ oonforeneo, kept most buyers wary, the. tic bulk o f pnrchaainjf hoinff apparently to oil oven np «pcn aeeourrts that showed a' all p ro flt. Rc

    B iff receipt# o f wheat a t primary Mi I- points^ about threo times (ui largo as oil

    . ft' y^ar iiffo, tended fa rthe r to dl"conr- va RRO bulls and t-ndy; itiediuiii nml rom- op mon wcnlc to 10c lower; hulkfed Steen. *7.25 lo 9; top $!(•; l.olonnu S4 hulls «.1 to 4 ;:ve n l top' $10..̂ 0 : to p ) fnfectllng steers $7.00; all other daBses n<stendy; Itr

    Sheep—R cfclptn tlOOfl- Im h s most mt1\ ' steac lower; feeders afendy.

    OniOAQO UVESTOOK. hoCHICAGO, Jnn. {.— (United Stnles .t

    Department o f A trrlc iiltiire) OP)—(Tat* ge Oo—ncfc ip ts 14,00ft; beef Btrors rlonod TV activo; larcoly steady; spot.< o f f on fle

    X lower {jmdefl; tofV' matnred steers Th T Ill.C O ; best yearlintrs. $10.2.'>; two hcnd VI

    ehoieo^j'cnrlines #12; h u lk beef steers 17. I 8.C0 to 10; 'Sie-stoek imevenly we»ik to 2.'>c lower;* hulls steady to strong; vcnl calves mostly 23c lower; medium l l f ^ t calvoe ronecllnR moro dbwnturn ̂

    _in Instancoa; ■'Stockers and feeders . > b o iii. stendy; birfk Iwef cown $1.50 to

    hulk beef heifers $.-;C0 to 7; bulk canners and cuttcn. $:« to 3.75;ImU desirable heavy bolopna bulW ,, M.50 to 4.75; hulk stockers nnd feed- " m $0 to 7. 2^

    IIoK»—necelpts C2,(W0; market n to l.'io lower closo o f f^ w s t ; bu'k ISO to ^ IP/) poiind nverntf'e, «.G0 to 8.05; top JS.70-, bulk-S25 to ^00 pound hutdiers

    to fi.nO; few luto $S.-tO: pneklnc sows mostly $7.r)0 to ft; desirable light nclpht piRS montly ^7.20 to S;1 eft over . '

    I *Uberi\l a t noon.Sheep—RceelDts 12.000; f.nt Inmbs

    Btrontr to 25o hlchcr; other olasies Rer.- ornlly steady -to strnnR; top $15.2.",to f ltv bulrhers, ♦IS.IO In parkr-nt;.-milk 7 : fn t wooled lambs $Ul'IO to l.'i; rhoire nn pouTid.fed yearlinir weltiers $13. " top foedTnR lambs $11.7.'); others $M.5» to 14.00>' rhoico liRht ewes up to $3.75; heavy fa t ewes $0 to 7; Moxicnn 02 , pound aged wethers $H.75.


    ----------- onNowg from Parla w ipes Out Day’s .

    E a rly Qains and 8«7eral Active is- mi Btios Drop from Ono to T h rn Folnta

    B ov’s to ta l sales, 1,270,11^ sharfls.Twcntv Industrinl.'. a\'?Y

    uct loss .65. I llc h , 102C, lU.Wa-, low, tu78.59. • Tl

    Twenty ra ils avcraRed 85 03; net loss li '“ 0; J ligh, 1022, On.y.1 ; low, 7:i.i:i. he

    NEW YORK, Jan ‘ 4 OP)-Stock

    ^ I CSKTMNVS EHOCMtl ■ Vr '

    lovie n 's chvckba N«t> "TOt k\(,) 1

    y \ \T'- swes N luowlitw\ c o o w - I ^ \.vo^ 're M t:

    \ I A GV.UTVOX OF \ V tV.T MEs€ -

    r F A L L S D A IL Y N E W S .'pricea pttr«u* 4 »tt «v w d u r iL f f r iluoat o f today's Msaioa and then yiola- * ed m ateria lly in tho fin a l hour on 0 * — heavy selllog movomoat which followed aaaQuaconicat o f a brcakyp o f tho nl- 1 Ilod premiers’ conforcnco on reparli- tions. A number o f tho early RuIns wero w iped'out and several active U- Go sues clwod «no to th»eo poiuta bolow j yoatcrdoy'a fin a l .'quotations.

    Speculators fo r tho deoMno offered a j liberal BUppl/ o f stocks n t thn openlntf, 1 bu t thcw wtTO woU nbsorbod and tbo niorkot appeared to bo turning npward under the Icodership o f United States - Steel wliliih touched 108 3-4, but re- , actcd a t tEo close to 104 3-4 fo r ^ small not loss. Bomo o f the buylnR o f ,

    ; th is BtMk, approximately 135,000: shares o f which cJuingod hands durineon\nl»vo nnd PwMmnn * rompanies w e re 'lio tli enr. 20;U t. aeo. A . liriid ley. ‘ A-7w AN TKI>—A ll kinds o f freaii veget 2*̂ ibh ’9 and fru it and poultry. Ilighc.it _ 'aah price. Phoue 132.5W. I'ubhe Market. ^ co

    U'A.NTEU—5(1 Sloeh hugs, GO U> KHl. I l l poua.M. 11. P. Lalt^l. I'l.one 50.S,l»O ,

    WANTED—To buv aecond hand fnr- S2 iilture, wagon and harness. Call K,2 ~ :I-c(.nd so-ith. Phone. JCHW.

    WA.NT to hear from owner huviui; farm Un sale; givo particulars and low L'st price. ■ John J. Black, Chippewa 1 hVills, Wisconsin. t l“ \\ AN I’ llt)— L’o«ltrv ^ Im

    ____ !■;\'A,NTl';i>— lOUO men to have .Neulm —

    .alf-soles seweil on; O'c a pair, gua« •inteed. Peter’s Khoij Shop _______

    WA>iTKl>—By lady, work .by hour.i>Vonn 2WR. ____________

    w AN'lt^U u hutitt tfood horses to u i* ..t‘urr. TMione r.l7R:t._____________ . j,.,

    Wa N T B D -» a a ll loaa on Twin Fel residence property. Address S., g^ Nows______________________________ , _ .

    m is c e l l a n e o u s

    ^ hs\vra«y Ikiad nf hair g..o,!s tuade. ifa ir gno.is for sale. .Mrs. Prank Stevens, 121.’. —K lf( ir avenue east.____________________ =

    aK.\VliNG— Phone 518.12.________________HOME BXCHANOE—Wo buy, set

    snd «xduu>ge second hood articles of ''< su klaAs. 207 abosbone St. 8 . “

    f'UH BEWi.NU I'done COb-W. iS TElla Csmeron. 832 N. Mala.____________

    tJloMiCieu (Ulvecttsmg u . itie cti«a(' ^ pst thing you con buy—measured b» th^ prnfltn It wav bring you._______ *

    >n, \oj;ttthcr w ith nU coula th^yt havo At ier.nieil or mny necnie, to 'tb e highest lid tlcr for cjiah. law fu l money o f thoJiiited Statea. - wi

    Dated this 27tb dny o f December, th1922. ^ ^

    B. R. SHERMAN, fr,Sheriff. Co

    By IlO N N IE IIE R R IM A N . Deputy,


    riie Salt Lake Har.lware Company, a if , CoTporaliou, P liiin tr f f ,

    VB.7. T. Clawson and Mrs. .1̂ T . Clawson,, Defendjints,

    Hy virtuo o f nn execution issued out i f the D is tric t Courl o f the Kl.-veuth k , lu d ir ia l D is lr if t in aud fo r tho Cotinlv ;>f Twin Kails, dated the 2nd ilav .If November, 1022, wherein the Salt Lal.e llanlwnro Company, a corporation, a.s :)la ia tiff, recoVi;red judgment against f. T. Clawson nnd Mrs. J. T. Clawson, J i lefemKiits, on tho 10th day o f Apri., 1!)22, fo r the-Burn o f $5;’ S..59, together .U >vith interest thereon a t tho rato of »even per rent per annum from tho said lo th day o f A p ril, l ‘i22. I hnvo levied upon all till) righ t, t itle , interest and c-laim o f said defendants, J. T . Clawson and Mrs. J. T. Clawson, of. In and to S: the following (te icribcd real estate, to- ,n w it: CI

    Lo t Ot\o (1^. Section Two (2 ). Town- 1. ship Eleven ( I I ) . So;ith, Rango Twenty y (20), B. B. M-, Tw in Falls County u Idnho; I » t Four C'l) o f Block Forty- „ f ix (46). C ity h f T w in Fnlls, nnd l / ) t Threo (3) o f B lock Threo (3) o f Jenci' n|

    ! Y A ^ D G O O D L U

    /^tVLO - \ /( TWS '- i ”/ * hire owes; bred fo r February Ininbing. — 'hono 501 6r 1231. 11. O. Brawn.“ f u r SALJJ—A l Varney’a,, IU7 Muln coat, ahow eoaes, wall cases, w lr j — J hairs and tables. Soda fountain, cook lovo and small ico box. Qcrc■ fc\>K, ttAL,S"-^Splendid d rn ll mare f " " nd four-yenr-old; nono better. Bar- ;aln. See owter, 503 Fourth street r ' ’ *. prtlT. Also f irs t cuttlag hay." i- 'O lt SALi^;— Ueagan a octavo xylo- ihono io case; f irs t class condition.;ost $1Q0; f ir s t $00 tokea j t . Address ^ ». O, Box 15, Rupert, Idnho.

    l-’c ji i H A L liT — ll'-eoiujuu Uurroiighs ~ d iliug mnchino w ith stand. Cost $:i00 ew. W ill sacrifice fo r loss than one half.

    f i r s t . clUHs condition. Terms i f —r- leccBsary. Address- L. E. Fletcher, 211 1. Mnin St.. 1‘ocatdlo.

    FOR SALE— Pure ithude Is and lle.l ockrcla nnd pullets • l*hono C50-R.». ()■ Box 7fi4. _______________________ “ O-

    r u t t SALJv— 45iu;cJc«, irioyoe*. i»r"> r ad occeksorie*:' Werae^’s Repair Brop ? i i 24 Second f t . XL - ' O. 1

    H E LP W ANTED .

    "W A N 'TE D —W^nmn"^ o P g ir l” fo r" 'j^ i. A b i ral house work. W ill pay !*-l 0 da j n o . 'hono .322111, Huhj. ^

    \VA.\T ivl>—U irl attending school l i nj a irk fo r room and hoard. SiiiiiH wagok • . j.-■hone 251)W.__________________________ j —jAU TO MEN WANTED AT ONCE-- f.

    'ig I’ny jobs'Opened lo trained men T ilasy to learn. .Jobs furnishea to ears oom nud board whllo learning. B if llustrated book on auto opportunities' __ xpla\ns everything. «enl free }x>m , " aid. W jite todny Depf. 117 Natlona ; kufoiuotwe, 811 S. Figueroa, Loa A i' W i:

    W ANTED—Girl for gencraJ 'p *~ hojisework. Mu»l he exp'jrlon-ed ; Good pny. Call ot 200 E lffh tb .ovr. 1 J;


    ——-------- ---------------------------------- aE.XPEJUKNCED i0>i'T I

    60 'tx.MM .VjAN y vwfc.'tc

    S - > '1 6 ^?PWC>«. S I 'a



    UST- A N D W O R TH IT i . .(nd constitute tha best meani ion ot residents ol South Idast


    " " ^ L eI s i lo t Blast range,"«i03 . only been' used three inontliB. W in tmde fo r cow or hocse. ca ll 132 end south. Phono liQlW. ̂ WANTED—To irado acres well! ocate.L near Hollister for houae and; •

    lo t in Tvfln Pnlla. Address L. M.. eono f News._______________ \ 2 /

    TO TRADE— Have a man's bicrel& 'Would liko to trade H for a s a ^ e r one. Call 721-J or 1237 6th A ve. B. ' ~FO R E .\(JU AN U h— NeLra«lc}r"4iKH' 'ncro well improved groin :md stoen farm, freo and dean, lo trade fo r im proved Irrigated farm, Rupert to Buhl DeBcribo your offering fu lly ond ad-»re«s_nox^42jL Rupert. Idaho_________


    L O S ^ \ ' ^ t e "setter, black and" ta i siiots.nnd freckle face, female. N o tify II. Areaiix or Phone IjijiW .__________

    --PROFESSIONAL a t t o W e y s '

    s . j . HORNIBROOK, Lawyer. Rooafi, Bank & Trust Ulds< I ’ liono «B3.

    HO^OdlN, STEPHAN ft NORTH, A t- tomeys^ 1:10 Shohhone Kjw tr- '

    a p rD A V IS , Attorney, tjrp li-um bURT O. D; H a il— .New urpheum Hldg.J o h n W. OUAUAM—Lawyer, Bun's i

    T f^st llu ild ing. Phone P3.‘)-R.AB iiK R B .~ W IL S O N -^ iwyer. iiO M BR 0 ." M ILLS — HoyJ huildin'y * b W E E L E Y ^ SW £ELBY — Attornev.

    at Inw. I ’ructtcc ia all ro\in».‘ Twi»- Falls. Idnlio.J. H . WISE—la w y o r. < ifnee— Roon,.

    «; and over T 'vin Falla Bank *TruKt f-Q.. Twin F.UIb. Idaho. .


    W IN D O W ^LA S S — Wiu’d slnelda, cab'-net » iirk . Moon '3 shop. Phong ';.


    P. *M c R "o B E R T 8 -G o 7 .^P iie B 'Ccuital L ife . F irn National Baas building. Room 0 ,

    a iW E REPAIEINO t w i n ' TALL& s h o e " nEPATRrKn .

    Shop. 132 ShOBhone Wefl. Shoes r«- paired while you wait nt pre-waj priccs. nnd o il ^ o tk guaranteed. ̂

    T E A N ffi’ER ̂ “OROZffiR" TRANBTER^O^O. Phonc~34l

    Crating, Btorago and Liberty coal. M cnTo h o LS t r a n s f e r « STOEXtU '

    ni.rl.ngp hniiled da llr. phono gfiO

    Tracey, husband nnd w ife ; aud Tw'ta Falls National Bank, n corjroration, do- fcmlaats; on fho 2‘Jnd day T f Decem- ' ber, 1022, wWch said decree was on tho anifl-22nd-day o f December, 1022, recotdmTSn Judgment Book Eight o f aaid -D istrict Court, nt page 1(31, 1 aa commanded to aell all tlm t certain lot» piece or jw rre l o r in a d situated in tho County o f Tw in I ’alls, Stale o f Idolio, . and bounded and descriliecj ;is follows, low it:

    Lot Twouty oai- o f D eU iig A (i'lit'0 “ to -Twin Falls, exci.|.t Lula f lV T h re e (3), and Twelve (12) of Tracey’s Subdivision o f said hot Tweuty-ouu (21). nnd premises hereby ordered to be sold being othenviac described .-is followa;1/ots Two (2), Four (1), F i\* ‘ S it (0 ), Scxen (7 ), EigUt (8 ), Sine («),Ten (10), aud Eleven (11) o f Tracny'S' Subdivision o f Lot T^-eiitv-onc ( 21) of Delving Addition fo Twin Falh, to gether w ith a ll and singulur the- tenements, heredilameats and appurtcn- nnces thereuato belonging, and the

    . rents, issiie.d nml profits thereof.Public notico is hrrdn* given, thai

    cn tho 20th dny o f .ranuary, 11I21, at tho hour o f 2 o ’dock p. m. (Mouutaia time) o f Baid4day, at the r.asi front door o f the court boiis.- o f the County o f Twin F iills , Stale o f Idaho, I w ill,In obcdiencc to said Onler o f Salo arid Decree o f Foredosun! sell the above do- scribed property to satisfy p l it ln t if f ’a decree-with Inten’st tliereon, together w ith all conts that have aecninl or nj^iy accruo to the highest" bitblcr (or cash, law fu l money o f tho United states.

    Doted' th is 2Blh day o f Deccmbei,1022.

    E R. SHERMAN,Sheriff,

    By BO N N IE H EBR IM AN , Deputy.

    V\J£ \AKVE ^ r,M5

    ■ . >j'tM - v u ; ’a t

    U O O KIN 6 K.'T '̂TCU vMKS

    M O O 'TV\ J •46- N O ^ V (

    -W E <, \AJKSHVH(i

  • ■“ “ * , T W IN I

    PRESiTPAOT!) s Oil m w m ' IN UST D R i i

    o<— L

    Points of Interest jn Regard to American Falls Project to be «; Outlined at Series of Pub-'rinr>i|iiil xpoakor in a ' i rumbor o f puliHr mretlnKn uphciluled i

    •by tmj Riipporting ori;aniint!on. Mr Banki «pciilt« nt tlio Htat thi-atro a t l j , K im bertv on Prlciny nfternoon, Hahir-’ | iflay at the Hulil ClitniilitT o f Cnrumorru momn, Mohdny nt M lcr a l 'i p. in. -it I tho Tniincr thcritri'. Iq.

    Banlcs to Speak. ' |The nrganizatlon plniiH fo r holdhit;

    njoi'tiHKH iirnctic iilly every day im tll the date o f eli-t-tlon, with tho exception . o f next Tiic»diiy, when the cannl lionrd ii elc"tion i i to be hold. Sorernl o f tho 1; nif4-tinj;H w ill he hi'hl horo w ith M r. tl r:inl(M und Ideal Hi>enkcrn ro.iect rcporlc l ' to be practically unnntmniisly in favor o f the propect, as c.Tprcs«cil by senti [ii ment n t tho annual utockhobkTH’ nieot- \ Ing at .leroitie this week, tliu p lan , 1 would lie ilefeateil only by n hi’avy \ oppOHidon on tho Twin F a ll" tract, i t I ia belioved. t

    P ick OandldAtM. ‘The North Bide "(tockliolders have J

    already named their randidate4 ' Bocond avonur iBorth.—adv. i

    118 K i mIU — =rr- Oo XOO I



    P A L L S D A IL Y N B W S .'

    T o ta l ' Assessm ent f o r 1 92 2 p is S lig h t ly H ig h e r Than ' P rev ionB Y e a r ^

    ' TIu) to ta l tax asscfsment o f the itftt(> F against fTwia Palls county"for 1022, is v $174,880,53, aa inoreaso o f IUH5.28 over I

    , tho assessment o f «174,0M.S5 fo r 1U2I, o oocordlng to to ta ls given out by F. C. d Lynch, deputy auditor. '

    I Increases t^ie lds2 assessment ^ ngainst tho county are os follows: Gen*' 1

    {.o ra l stato-tax, $0,335.07; public build t j ln g tax, IGC4.70 pnd predatory animal a

    >' tax, 1200.83. Total increases nmount p To>10,20L2.'S. Soereoses - oeeurred l o p sevon cases and totaled t0,305.&7, T)‘e t

    ‘ coiuparativo assessments fo r tho tw o . n years aro as follows:

    •I ' ■ ■ ■I General stato tax"....:_.1....... - . r . . . .I Oonoral Interest and sinking ta x —.7..• I Fublia build ing tax ............. ......... ..........—i.B tn to highway tax .............. .................—1 Stato highway redemption, 2nd Issitf....— I State Itigh im y redemption, 3rd itsuo...-.— I. Stato UighwnV redemption, -ith issue....^— ' Predatory animal tax ..;..v....... ........... ., 'Shoop inspection tax .... ......... :--------- ---I : Albion Normal improvement tax ........ .—i{ In addition to the.se nssensinonts bt>‘ ; ■ i tween $2n,(V)0 and ♦2.'.,000 is returned I to the state unuiuilly from court canes,I Inheritance t/aen, jiool hull licenncs 'and motor vehicle taxes and fiueH, Mr. ̂Lynch Uivtimatod.

    I JAPANESE ARE GUESTS = ] AT BAPTIST BUNGALOWjorloQtalB o f C ity and Famtilea £n t«r- ̂

    tained a t Oliurcb Social £ v« n t; Bpir*I t o f FeUowfthlp PterallB ' ; -

    - : — I. The Japoneae o f tho e lty woro enter- ^

    : mined \vediieB(iiiy uftornoon by tho I liaptiHt c’hurch w itli a Bocial a f fa ir a*.. the lljip tiH t bungalow. The soclnl not .■ only brought together the .lapnneiie ̂’ fuinilieH fo r a giiod time, but nlso ® , ■ broucht othor iminilierH o f the cliiirch '* ',;iu t(i Boeial fellowHliip ..^);llh tliem.I j Tlio nfternoon wnji spent in playing ; gamcH nud uocial fellowHhIp in gen- I > eral. A t Iho cIoho dainty re fre flim m ti c I were serveiL The giieHtu were Mr. nml i

    , .Mrn. Tom Koto, Mr. and Mra. M. line- ‘ hiyn, Mrs. Hen GiUlu, Mrs. .M. M itiin l,

    1 and Mrs. T. Kato and famllieH and liku ] iWatnnabo., . .

    i ' ' T h e liOHteifien were MrH. Im W ynr, , 3 Mr«. N. IJeatty, Mrs. George-Wlley,. Mrs, Ile n rv Nunemaker and M r. and 1 Mr«. W. \ i . Tolliver.

    : SIX NAMED ON DEBATE ■ ;| TEAM OF HIGH ^CHO.frLD JndffOa SAlftct Btndenta from rs^ ld o t • ; E l< h t OandidatM to Bepreaont TwId ‘I ra ils in Spring 8ckedui« 'I. — <» Tho fin a l tryou t fo r tho h igh school• debuting team, held at the high school• Thursday evening? resulting tho selec-

    tion o f Edmund’ Boecher, W alter Hoft- eJicr, A lfred Ueam, John M cM artin, '

    T A rth u r Poavey and Mnrshall Sommer- , ‘ v llle , to rep^sont tho Tw in Falls

    school in tlio Interscholastio d c b a t^ ^ next spring.

    0 E igh t eandldate took part llT" thef fin a l tr ro u t and I'lid i debated oii ; ^'uU her sldo o f tho ()ueHtinn o f the can- ' r lce lln lln n o f the allied debt. Tho judgesII i v.'ero M. C. M itehell, nu}K‘nntendent; ; f I A. 1-’. Karne«, high s-hool princ^iml, and ,ll I nioy>».‘ Vniiglin, .......her o f the fneulty. ;I- ____________ - -ll .— :---------- ;-------- '7--------- -------- ----------

    ■ }3)eaihs |I,

    ,l - Mrs. J. A. Sarrls.r Mra. J . A . Harris, aged .'■5 years,1 a resident o f tho Eden d is tric t, died. I-1 WedncHdny morning nt u Ibdging houso n j hero whero sho had been fo r somo y weeks under medlcul attention fo r n t lingering ailment that caused. her

    death. Her husband aud other ment- l,er» o f tho fam ily wero w ith her when ' Hho expired. Tho body was taken tc» the 1’. J. Qrossman undertaking cHtab-

    ‘ lishmenL Arrangementii feer fu n e n l Horvieea have not been completed.

    AMNODMOEMBKTSy . ' '1- Tlie Past Matrons elub w ill meet Pn- ). dny evening a t the home o f Mrs. J. n 0. Barkley, 403 Third .aveuuo north. .

    d l>aii .McCopk circle No, 3, Ladies ofi« tho 0 . A. H., w ill meet Saturday after-1- lioon n t 2 o 'clock at the Odd Fellows y hall fo r regular business and the in-e Btallatlon o f officer*. _ \is ■ —

    ■ N O TIO aI have moved my law o ffico from thn

    ff Ooldeo'' Rule building. Am now lo- I. cated in tho New Orphoura building,

    — adv. 0 . C. H ALL.

    >r For sale^ fo r painting, kalfOmlnla«I* sad paper honglsff, Fhoae 6 . We bavf ir wall paper and point fo r every purpos*

    Hocn'B Bbop.—̂ v .

    J K t s » ^ o r co o i

    , T W IN F A L L S . IB A H Q ,:


    Prominent Olab Wotaan Is Oliosaa to ' SaccMd Mrs; 0 . L . DftLong u Mrasl* >&9xxt a t Bnd o f o rg a n it^ lo o ’s Y e a ^

    V r t . Barton B. U o rw .w a s elected 1 . president fo r the eomio? year of- tho Wom8a''« A u x ilia ry o f the Araericai»"'| , ZrfSion la Tw in Falls, a t a meeting'*^ o f the orjnw lzatlon ’a uem ben W edncs-f day evening. Mrs. Leo F . Braekeu w at elected vlee president; Mrs. Kylo, •Waite, sec»eU ry..aa lJIrfc Orl* Crydor,’ treaw rer. As tbo prtneipal o ffice r o f. tbe orgaaisatlon here, U r t . Morse w ill aneeeed Mtv. Carl L . DeLong, retiring tu president M ra.. U o n e Is a fonnor in president o f tbe Twentieth Century » elab and Is prominent la a ffa irs o f

    ^w om o^^ clubs ia tho aUta.

    i m y- io ii: >2 '___________ |117,738J6f *l08,-i02.2r.— 8. 77M0 fl,WO.OH___________ fl,68«.88 • i),024.12 I___________ 20,430.441 20,570-13 ,**.*------------------ 5,873.44 0,S71.tS___________ 1.17A5 1,314.2:1------------------ Z , m M . . . C.S71.1H n>___________ 1,413.^8 l,212.fjf I Vi------------ -̂---- 018.31 1.231.8D__________ - ------ -̂-----■ 4,100.I*P ,M. _____________________________________ d(■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !o‘

    I P e r ^ y o i L d l 1 1Vlalta D«ight«p—J. J>. 0 'N c ilM )f

    Boiso visited a daughter hero last week.t n:

    DlTorco Orantod—Rcba K. Riigg wji'i granted a dlvorco from Kaymond P.

    . Ilugff in d is tric t ^court Thursday.

    Ooodlng G ir l V is its—Mias H n rr lu t to \ j Erownlowe o f Qoodiog is npcn'Ung *i i,i two weeks’ v is it w ith friends In th.i" ‘ y- ::

    End V is it in U tah—M r . -• nnd Mro., Claude Brown havo roturaed after , spending tho Itblidavs iu various points-., , In Utah. . ' - 0

    K tb . Eoborta v iw iln g —Mrs. Ocorge i„ ' Roberts o f Pocatello is v is iting her par- y, I ents, i l r . and M;r8. A. E. neiidersoii,I liv in g ucar here.

    r W ill A ttend Show—I t B. Brosinrd ' leaves Monday fo r Burley to p:irti. i. j{

    pato in the 'Idaho Stato Seed ntiuw, u ' which begins Tuesday morning. . .

    ̂ Leavo on Bnaloeas—Frank h. Sleph-I nn and Turher K . Hackman went to; Burley Thursday to argue tho* divorce case jof Mattdo K. Smith against John v O. Bmith. il

    . • I- Leave fo r W u b ln g to n -M r. nnd .Mreclor, on ni> Inspection o f local roum- t ing houses und hotels Thursday. Two v

    , places remain to be In.ipccted* Friday.■ [li

    . Physician Locates Here—T»r. I,. H. h ‘j Lehrbach o f Chicago, who re^-ently nr ib

    rived here fo r tho purpose o f lorntlng, I oxpocts to bo located in tho Smith-’ > Bice building soon, i t w.is annonncel a

    5; Thursday. l i r . Lehrbach, who has just finished post-graduale work iu Chi';iigo. F

    ‘ w ill lim it his practice to disease* of women, goltro and .'urgery.

    A T T H E HO TELSR 00ER 80N —J. a. Morgan nud wife,

    A. V. Wilson, Salt Lake; Sam Eslinger, (Jlilcago; J. Joseph, Cleveland; F. C. McGowan, Oeorgo W. Hoover, C. L.

    1, aims and w ife. R. I t Smith, Pom- 1d te ilo ; O. D. Holler, Gooding;. R; K. 'i0 Brannon and w ife. Buhl; Mrs. J. A. I0 Higgins, Roseworth; C. J. M iller, Can- " a tle fo rtl; Porman Itirn*, C. A. Howard *■ r and w ife . Tw in Palls; T. H . IJoyl, I i- Greeley, Colo. In ' ■______ __id P E R R IN B -F rn n k J. Rogers, A lli- r 1- ance; Garland B iffle , New Y o 'k ; H. I t ‘1 Sessions, G. P. Harvey. Miss P. I la r - i '

    vey, J. U. Riy the Dattcd, Stato j weather burtau - ere, wer?: T l

    High. Low. tagl l c a g o --------------------— > 30 . heti;idmonton -----------------------—^ , R b-enla v r e ____________________16 12CaliapeU ------------------------- U2 20.tiles C i t y ------------ ------ „ „ 1 8 1 8 ^ "lew Y ork -------------- ------------ 28I t P a u l---------- ------------------ 24 £1la lt Lake •------- ^ ________40 • 30 f f j?an D ie g o ------------------------ i W 44> e a ttlo -------- ------------------i t

    Pwia P a l la ____ __________ 36 '80. — ■ - mad

    Idaho .'forecaat—Friday: Baia ormow. coai

    ______ • p:Thursday'a temporMurea in Twin bold

    F'alla fe ll aevortil degreea below the toxeeorda o f aoveral p reen ing daya and mat nsro n ra e ticn llj equal to those of^ tu rd a y . H igh tomperature waa 3ii a nlegrees, low waa 20 degrees and tha " r ivemge waa 31 degrees, four^Jlegrees lower thaa tho averago o f Wednesday*' . J

    The chango in th e . weather began nom ibout 4 o ’clock Thursday morning, ageivhen a m lxturo o f rain) and sleet began neyfalling. A lig h t snow/ followed which thototaled nearly an Inch/ Tho total pre 6rd<:lp lta tloa w'oa .08 incaes. slot

    20'MJSSING “'‘j------- — Mr.

    (Ooatianed from Pag* Oaa) .

    inder tho ju risd iction o f tho cfeunty, ip t tho atate. j

    “ Tho brldg