Locating Extranets Palma 04 09

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  • 8/7/2019 Locating Extranets Palma 04 09


    Effective Intelligence Gathering using the

    I.B.O methodology, Questioneering methods

    and the JBEngine

    BeefCAMPus - Practical Commercialization Workshop

    Part II - The Extranets and how to find them

    04/20/2009 04/23/2009

    Palma de Mallorca Spain

    Presented by: Jacob Bar

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    Around 150 billion pages in different formats,

    located in millions of web sites available on the net.

    The information sources on the Internet andhow are they organized

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    Example of a page in htmlformat

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    The source code of the page we saw in htmllanguage

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    The information sources on the Internet andhow are they organized

    Examples :

    In addition the net contains information files originallycoming from other sources (we will only mention thosesources because of time shortage) , from which onecan locate usable information

    Around 10 billion letters in news-groups data bases

    Around 25 billion messages coming from 300,000email newsletters (mailing lists)

    Around 800 million weblogs

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    The information sources on the Internet andhow are they organized

    Around 500 million FAQ documents

    Around 1 billion game files, software and utilitiescoming from FTP sites

    The numbers quoted in the workshop are true asof today

    Important comment:

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    The computer owners who are connected to the Internet come from:

    The information sources on the Internet andhow are they organized

    Various organizations

    Private and public companies

    Universities & research institutes

    Government institutions

    Personal web pages

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    How is the information organized on the internet?

    For simplicity one can divided the information on thecomputers connected to the net into 2 types :

    A collection of150 billion htmlfiles and documentsaccumulated on the web and linked together inhypertext connections, of which 50 billion are

    indexed by all the available search engines).

    Around 6,000 billion Information recordsand files located inside around a millionstructured databases, these databases arecalled Extranet /Deep Web/Invisible web.

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    Internet versus Extrant - tip of the iceberg.

    Most people conduct searches in only 1% of the available information on the Internet.

    Internet: 50 Billion web pages

    Extranets: Around 6,000 billion information

    records and files located inside millions of

    structured databases

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    How is the information organized on the Internet?


    Data Base

    Accumulateddocuments inhypertextlinking


    Data Base


    Data Base

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    The access of the universal searchengines to most of the extranets is

    blocked by the extranets.

    Therefore using the universal searchengines like Google, AltaVista, MSNetc. to search for information in thoseextranets is impossible.

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    The universal search engine allows usto find only the extranets homepages

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    Examples for extranet databases

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    The Australian Manufacturers Extranet



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    Search results for laser technologies/products.The following records are not indexed by the bigsearch engines.

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    The European Patents Extranet (over 4 million patents)



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    Search results for voip patents. None of thesepatents are indexed (yet) by the big searchengines.


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    An example for an Extranet database specializing in information onexhibitions and conventions worldwide.


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    The canadian company capabilities Extranet.

    A database of 50,000 Canadian businesses


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    The homepage of the Europages extranet


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    The extranet data bases contain most of theknowledge and information created world-wide in the past 35 years and the one

    produced everyday (totally around 6,000billion information records)

    Most of the people search the internet,

    that holds only50 billion (indexed)information records it means they searchat only0.8% of the information available.

    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics

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    The knowledge stored in those data basescovers almost every subject one can thinkof, such as information on companies,products, people, economics, technology,science, military and defense, computers etc.

    In fact its much easier to state what

    you can not find rather what you canfind inside the extranet databases.

    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics

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    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics


    hey specialize usuallyin a specific type ofinformation

    For information about the influence of drinkingcoffee on heart beat rate it is recommended touse the Pubmed a specialized medical extranet,instead of using one of the famous search

    engines like google altavista etc.

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    A search on the influence of caffeine on the heart beat in theextranet that specializes in cardiology

    heart and caffeine

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    Two relevant articles were found in the database outof dozens of articles in the cardiology database.

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    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics

    of the extraneteconomic interestsDue to theowners, the information located on the extranet isreliable, organized, checked and up to date (most ofthe times) as oppose to the information located onthe internet which is not subjugated to any kind ofinspection, creating a situation where virtuallyeverybody can publish what they want.

    In order to locate specialized, reliable and checkedyoumovefrom one place at a singleinformation

    must look for it on specialized extranet

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    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics

    withhas its own search engineEveryExtranetits own specific search rules.

    The access to those Extranets and usagedemand authorization (including access key)accepted free of charge in exchange for pre-

    .or for feessubscription

    Every extranet is structured and containsseveral search fields.

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    Structured databases (Extranets) characteristics

    The files containing the information on theextranet databases are not in htmlformat.

    Part of those Extranets are closed for public

    usage since their origin is a closed organization(private, military etc.).

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    Below are several examples of specializedextranet databases

    Journals & Magazines

    Yellow-pages and White pages

    Electronic Newspapers

    Databases of academic libraries world-wide

    Patents & Trademarks

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    Below are several examples of specializedextranet databases

    Databases containing e-mail addresses of net users

    Companies and organizations directories

    Standards and regulations databases

    Product catalogs

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    Locating extranets is not an easy task

    it requires specialty

    Unfortunately most of the Internet searchersdo not know what is the difference betweenthe internet and the extranet. Therefore donot know how and where to find them.

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    Lets say that we would like to search for oil in this room

    Even ifyou use the most advanced drilling equipmentin the world and the worlds best oilfinders are at ourdisposal, the probability offinding oilis nearlyzero.

    On the other hand, if we travel to Kuwait and usethere simple digging tools, like a shovel- we will havewith a high probability and without much effortfrom our part, a flowing oil-well.

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    The conclusion:

    Even if we use the best search engine that existsalong with the best expert in findinginformation and the best (most accurate)


    If we are not in the right place (in Kuwait), wewont be able to find the information we are

    looking for.

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    Locating extranets

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    Locating extranets

    Locating extranets is not an easy task and it requiresspecialty, it can be done by the following methods :

    3. Using guides for specialized search engines

    2. Using data bases of extranet data bases existingon the net

    1. Using sophisticated search engines like Google

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    Locating extranets

    1. Usingsophisticatedsearchengines like Google

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    specialized search engines

    medical search engines

    legal search engines"

    business search engines"

    Locating extranets

    Google. Using sophisticated search engines like1

    Several generic formulas for locating extranet databases :

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    french search engines

    cardiology search engine OR engines

    mba search engine OR engines"

    chemistry search engines"

    Locating extranets

    Google. Using sophisticated search engines like1

    Several generic formulas for locating extranet databases :

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    people search engines

    journals search engines

    "tradeshow database"

    "company profile OR information search"

    Locating extranets

    Google. Using sophisticated search engines like1

    Several generic formulas for locating extranet databases :

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    company profile" "advanced search

    "company directory "advanced search

    "french companies" advanced search

    Locating extranets

    Google. Using sophisticated search engines like1

    Several generic formulas for locating extranet databases :

    "company database" "advanced search"

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    deep OR invisible web directory or database



    Locating extranets


    2. Using databases ofExtranets available on the net


    deep OR invisible web advanced search

    Query samples: companies, country, articles etc.

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    intitle: search engine OR engines directory or database



    Locating extranets


    3. Using guides for specialized search engines

    Query samples: companies, country, articles etc.

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    Questions ?

    dd l k h

  • 8/7/2019 Locating Extranets Palma 04 09


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