LMAtech2014 - Client Service Technologies



New technologies that improve client service and deepen relationships This panel will provide an overview of innovative technologies that are redefining the way lawyers work and how lawyers are hired. From managing talent acquisition to client collaboration, find out what is being funded from Silicon Valley, what lawyers are using, and the demands clients bring to the table

Transcript of LMAtech2014 - Client Service Technologies

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Yael Citro, Founder & General CounselLawPal, Inc.

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F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N , P L E A S E C O N TA C T M O N I C A P H I L L I P S , 4 1 5 - 8 5 7 - 1 4 3 8 , M O N I C A . P H I L L I P S @ S PA R K P LU G L A B S . C O 2

Jennifer Bertoglio, Founder & CEOWorkSprint

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Monica Phillips, PresidentSpark Plug Labs

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F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N , P L E A S E C O N TA C T M O N I C A P H I L L I P S , 4 1 5 - 8 5 7 - 1 4 3 8 , M O N I C A . P H I L L I P S @ S PA R K P LU G L A B S . C O 3

Jessica Tipton, Senior CounselForgeRock

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Are Law Firms Focused on an Amazing User Experience?

Language of Silicon Valley companies:• User Experience (UX) – quality of the user’s interactions

with and user’s behaviors, attitudes & emotions about the product or service.

• Example Elements of Exemplary User Experience in Tech:– A Must Have– Meets Customer’s Exact Needs– No fuss or bother– Simple– Clear message with minimal text– Joy to use– Goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want– Visually impactful– Seamless merger of other disciplines

(c) 2014 WorkSprint, Inc.4

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“Some executives seem to think that this is simple: we just keep everything for seven years. The fact is, this is an urban myth – seven years is the one period you almost never see in the IRS regulations.”

- John Montana, Global Records Retention Expert

Legal Hold Automation

© 2014 BlackStone Discovery


• Automated Legal Hold Platform in the Cloud

• In House legal departments can create and track custodial and non-custodial holds

• Automated Hold Legal Acknowledgements

• Set Automated Acknowledgement and Hold Reminders (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly)

• Customized Training for Corporate Legal Departments.

• Live Metrics on all Corporate Holds (per matter or global)

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© 2014 BlackStone Discovery


“It [Data Map] is an invaluable tool for educating both inside and outside counsel and provides significant advantages for managing the e-discovery process”

- iNews: UC Berkeley IT News

Simplifying E-Discovery Management

• The Data Map is a simple tool to collect and maintain essential data to assist with IT and legal coordination.

• Benefits:• Efficient document collection and review in

litigation• Faster and more accurate litigation holds• Enhanced management of data security, backup,

and record retention policies• Greater preparation for Meet-and-Confer• Avoid sanctions for lost data. A data map

showing retention policies will Aid in preserving and maintaining potentially responsive data.

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© 2014 H5 7

Electronic information has changed the legal and

regulatory playing field forever. It now takes a team with

the proper expertise, tools, and technology to meet

demands that could previously be fulfilled by just a few.

That’s where H5 comes in.

“ ”

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© 2014 H5 8

Collaboration: A close partnership with case teams, in-house or

outside, to quickly find the information needed to support litigation,

investigations, and information governance.

Expertise: The right expertise and the proper tools in a proven process

to help counsel achieve their discovery or investigatory goals quickly—and defensibly.

Technology: H5’s proprietary search technology in the hands of our

experts, to provide the ultimate flexibility in adapting the solution to the

case team’s challenge.

The Winning H5 Combination

Linguists Attorneys StatisticiansComputer Scientists Researchers Project Managers

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Real-time, automated budget tracking enables early corrective actions to prevent surprises.

Time allocation management ensures team efforts mirror overall project objectives.

Team performance trend visualization verifies continuous process improvement efforts.

Detailed team metrics test performance against projections.

4. Quality & Productivity Metrics

Risk Mitigation Cost Control

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Matter-specific sub-sites allow communication and documentation of detailed case information.

Announcements keep the team apprised of important changes.

Project-related information and reference documents are centrally-managed and continuously updated.

Each project team can leverage – and contribute to – LawyerLink’s client-specific institutional knowledge.

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Review process definitions are updated in real-time, with changes promulgated to each team member.

Hyperlinked content enables intuitive drill down to pertinent information.

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BILLING – Simple Legal (billing tool to track spending)

COLLABORATION – LawPal, Contatta, Trello, Skype

E-DISCOVERY – H5 (Lexis search meets e-discovery)

SOCIAL - LinkedIn

DOC SHARING – Box, Evernote, Docusign

DOC REVIEW – WorkSprint (temp staffing in cloud)

ACCESS – Mint (picture of things)

C L I E N T S E RV I C E T E C H N O L O GY PA N E L | L M A T E C H N O L O GY C O N F E R E N C E | O C T O B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 4

F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N , P L E A S E C O N TA C T M O N I C A P H I L L I P S , 4 1 5 - 8 5 7 - 1 4 3 8 , M O N I C A . P H I L L I P S @ S PA R K P LU G L A B S . C O 12

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How do we bring these solutions together?

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Task Management


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*Clients don’t know what they need until you provide it.

*Clients want all the tools to integrate together.

*Make adoption easy for maximum usage.

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F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N , P L E A S E C O N TA C T M O N I C A P H I L L I P S , 4 1 5 - 8 5 7 - 1 4 3 8 , M O N I C A . P H I L L I P S @ S PA R K P LU G L A B S . C O 15

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*Less is more.

*Clients expect transparency and expect their documents to be available.

*Visibility takes away the fire drill.

*They don’t want to chase you down for their data or pay you to find it.

C L I E N T S E RV I C E T E C H N O L O GY PA N E L | L M A T E C H N O L O GY C O N F E R E N C E | O C T O B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 4

F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N , P L E A S E C O N TA C T M O N I C A P H I L L I P S , 4 1 5 - 8 5 7 - 1 4 3 8 , M O N I C A . P H I L L I P S @ S PA R K P LU G L A B S . C O 16