9 ГОДИШНИК НА СОФИЙСКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ „СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ’ ФАКУЛТЕТ ПО ХИМИЯ И ФАРМАЦИЯ Том 106, 2014 ANNUAL of SofIA UNIVERSITy “ST. KLIMENT oHRIDSKI” fACULTy of CHEMISTRy AND PHARMACy V OLUME 106, 2014 LITERARy HERITAGE BIBLIoGRAPHy of PRofESSoR D.Sc. VASIL SIMEoNoV DEDICATED TO THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF PROF. VASIL DRAGOMIROV SIMEONOV Vasil Dragomirov Simeonov was born on february 10 th , 1944 in the town of Asenovgrad. He received higher education at the University of Sofia “St. Klim ent okhridski” (1963–1968). He received a PhD in Chemistry in 1980, and D.Sc. in Chemistry in 2000. He was a research associate at the Central Laboratory of Photographic Processes, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1968–1974), Assistant Professor at faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia (1974–1988), Associ ate Professor (1988–2002), Professor of Analytical Chemistry (since 2002). He has been a director of Eco chemistry Master Program, faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University since 2002. He retired on July 1, 2012. Specialized in Austria and Belgium. Professor Simeonov’s scientific interests and teaching are in the field of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and chemometrics: multivariate statistical modeling of environmental systems; risk assessment, ecotoxicity issues, and environmental problem solving by modeling approaches. He is author and coauthor of 250 publications (scientific papers, books, book chapters, popular science books, one patent). Most of his publications are in English, some in Bulgarian, Russian, German and Spanish. They have been broadly cited in literature (over 3000 citations). Impact factor If = 225; hfactor = 16 (SCoPUS). Prof. Simeonov has given over 100 presentations at scientific conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. He has lectured in universities and laboratories in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia and USA. Prof. Simeonov has lectured in two major courses at the faculty of Chemistry and faculty of Biology, Sofia University: “Chemometrics” and “Analytical Chemistry”, as well





Том 106, 2014



Volume 106, 2014



DeDicateD to the 70th anniversary of Prof. vasil Dragomirov simeonov

Vasil Dragomirov Simeonov was born on february 10th, 1944 in the town of Asenovgrad. He received higher education at the University of Sofia “St. Klim­ent okhridski” (1963–1968). He received a PhD in Chemistry in 1980, and D.Sc. in Chemistry in 2000. He was a research associate at the Central Laboratory of Photographic Processes, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1968–1974), Assistant Professor at faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia (1974–1988), Associ­ate Professor (1988–2002), Professor of Analytical Chemistry (since 2002). He has been a director of Eco­chemistry Master Program, faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University since 2002. He retired on July 1, 2012. Specialized in Austria and Belgium.

Professor Simeonov’s scientific interests and teach ing are in the field of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and chemometrics: multivariate statistical modeling of environmental systems; risk assessment, ecotoxicity issues, and environmental problem solving by modeling approaches. He is author and co­author of 250 publications (scientific papers, books, book chapters, popular science books, one patent). Most of his publications are in English, some in Bulgarian, Russian, German and Spanish. They have been broadly cited in literature (over 3000 citations). Impact factor If = 225; h­factor = 16 (SCoPUS). Prof. Simeonov has given over 100 presentations at scientific conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. He has lectured in universities and laboratories in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia and USA.

Prof. Simeonov has lectured in two major courses at the faculty of Chemistry and faculty of Biology, Sofia University: “Chemometrics” and “Analytical Chemistry”, as well


as courses for post graduates such as “Environmental Analytical Chemistry”, “Multivariate Statistical Methods in Chemical Analysis”, “In­Door Pollution”, “Environmental History”, “Sustainable Development”, etc. He has supervised 53 graduate (M.Sc.) theses and 8 Ph.D. students.

Professor Simeonov has been Member (since 1992) and Scientific Secretary (2007–2011) of the Specialized Scientific Council on Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry; Member of the faculty Council and Scientific Council of the faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia (1992−2012). He has performed extensive refereeing for 100 international and foreign journals.

Professor Simeonov has received The fritz­feigl­Prize of the Austrian Chemical Society in 1980 and the “Sign of Honor of the University of Sofia St. Kl. ohridski with a Blue Ribbon” (2012).

Professor Simeonov has established international collaboration with scientists from Austria, Belgium, france, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and USA.

Professor Simeonov was Member of the Editorial Boards of journals Khimiya i Industriya (1995–1997), Ecological Chemistry and Engineering (since 2010), Asian Chemistry Letters (since 2009), International Journal of Physical Studies (since 2007), Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education (since 2009).

Complete bibliography of Professor Vasil D. Simeonov has been compiled and given in chronological order below in this issue. Titles of publications are given in their original language of publication and those published in Cyrillic (Bulgarian, Russian) are also translated in English.


1. Симеонов, В. Mоделното изследване на аналитичния сигнал като средство за анализ на многокомпонентни обекти. Химически факултет, Софийски Университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”, Дисертация за научната степен “Кандидат на химическите науки” („Доктор”) С., 1979, 171 с.

Simeonov, V. Model Investigation of the Analytical Signal as a Tool for Multicomponent Object Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia “St. Kliment ohridski”, Sofia, 1979, pp. 171 (in Bulg.).

2. Симеонов, В. Статистически подходи при изследване на аналитични и екологич ни обекти, Дисертация за научнатa степен “Доктор на химическите науки”. Химически факултет, Софийски Университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”, С., 2000.

Simeonov, V. Statistical Approaches in Studying Analytical and Ecological Objects. D.Sc. Thesis, faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia “St. Kliment ohridski”, Sofia, 2000 (in Bulg.).


3. Симеонов, В. Светлината в полет, Народна младеж, С., 1980, 197 с. Simeonov, V. The Light in Flight, Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, 1980, pp. 197 (in Bulg.).


4. Симеонов, В. Младите в науката, Народна младеж, С., 1981, 134 с. Simeonov, V. The Youngsters in Science, Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, 1981, pp. 134 (in Bulg.). 5. Симеонов, В. Загадките на фотопроцеса, Техника, С., 1983, 127 с. Simeonov, V. The Secrets of the Photographic Process, Technika, Sofia, 1983, pp. 127

(in Bulg.). 6. Христова, Р., В. Симеонов. Потенциометрия, Наука и изкуство, С., 1983, 250 c. Christova, R., V. Simeonov. Potentiometry, Nauka i izkustrvo, Sofia, 1983, pp. 250 (in Bulg.). 7. Симеонов, В. Предизвикателството на горивата, Народна младеж, С., 1984, 105 с. Simeonov, V. The Challenge of the Fuels, Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, 1984, pp. 105 (in Bulg.). 8. Симеонов, В. Фотография без сребро, Техника, С., 1986, 92 с. Simeonov, V. Photography without Silver, Technika, Sofia, 1986, pp. 92 (in Bulg.). 9. Симеонов, В. Художници, картини, наука. Народна младеж, С., 1986, 142 с. Simeonov, V. Painters, Paintings, Science, Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, 1986, pp. 142 (in Bulg.). 10. Симеонов, В. Принципи на обработката на данни от химични анализи, Университетско

изд. “Св. Кл. Охридски”, С., 1987, 247 c. Simeonov, V. Principles of Treatment of Data from Chemical Analyses, St. Kliment ohridski

University Press, Sofia, 1987, pp. 247 (in Bulg.). 11. Симеонов, В. Принципи на обработка на данни от химичните анализи, Второ изд.,

Университетско изд. “Св. Кл. Охридски”, С., 1997, 163 с., ISBN 954­07­0800­1. 1996, Simeonov, V. Principles of Treatment of Data from Chemical Analyses, St. Kliment ohridski

University Press, Sofia, 2nd edition, 1996, pp. 163, ISBN 954­07­0800­1 (in Bulg.). 12. Симеонов, В. Експериментът, Народна младеж, С., 1988, 161 с. Simeonov, V. The Experiment, Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, 1988, pp. 161 (in Bulg.). 13. Симеонов, В. Изборът – университетска химия, Университетско издателство “Св. Кл.

Охридски”, С., 1989, 125 с. Simeonov, V. The Choice – University Chemistry, St. Kliment ohridski University Press, Sofia,

1989, pp. 125 (in Bulg.). 14. Симеонов, В. Свръхматериалите, Университетско издателство “Св. Кл. Охридски”, С.,

1991, 144 с. Simeonov, V. Supermaterials, St. Kliment ohridski University Press, Sofia, 1991, pp. 144

(in Bulg.). 15. Симеонов, В. Cимволите. Университетско издателство “Св. Кл. Охридски”, С., 1992,

277 с.. Simeonov, V. Symbols, St. Kliment ohridski University Press, Sofia, 1992, pp. 277 (in Bulg.). 16. Симеонов, В. Cкандалите в науката, Университетско издателство “Св. Кл. Охридски”,

С., 1992, pp. 177. Simeonov, V. The Scandals in Science, St. Kliment ohridski, University Press, Sofia, 1992,

pp. 177 (in Bulg.). 17. Симеонов, В. Mузите в науката, Университетско издателство “Св. Кл. Охридски”, С.,

1992 186 с. Simeonov, V. The Muses in Science, St. Kliment ohridski University Press, Sofia, 1992, pp.

186 (in Bulg.). 18. Симеонов, В. Информационни аспекти на химичния анализ, Образователни технологии,

С., 1999, 142 с., ISBN 954­9889­01­7. Simeonov, V. Informational Aspects of Chemical Analysis. obrazovatelni Technologii, Sofia,

1999, pp. 142, ISBN 954­9889­01­7 (in Bulg.).


Book chaPters

19. Tsitouridou, R., V. Simeonov. Environmetrics to Assess Monitoring Data Quality: A Case Study of Aerosol and Rainwater Collection. In: Air Pollution New Research, Livengston, J. V. (Ed.), NoVA Science Publishers Inc., N.y., 2007.

20. Simeonov, V. Environmetrics and Sustainable Development. In: Book of Proceedings of Summer School “Chemometric Aspects of Environmental Analysis”, CEEAM, Gdansk, 2005.

21. Simeonov, V. Classification. In: Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Vol. 1, El­Shaarawi, A., W. Piegorsch (Eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2002, pp. 3340–3349.

22. Simeonov, V. Environmetric Strategies to Classify, Interpret and Model Risk Assessment and Quality of Environmental Systems. In: Technological Choices for Sustainability, Sikdar, S., P. Glavic, R. Jain (Eds.), Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 147–164.

23. Caseiro, A., H. Bauer, I. Marr, C. Pio, H. Puxbaum, V. Simeonov. Quantifying Source Con­tribution to Ambient Particulate Matter in Austria with Chemical Mass Balance Modeling. In: NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, Band 8/5, Springer, 2008, p. 711, ISBN 978­1­4020­8452­2.

24. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov. Hasse Diagrams as Exploratory Tool in Environmental Data Mining: A Case Study. In: Multicriteria Ordering and Ranking: Partial Orders, Ambiquities and Applied Issues, owsinski, J., R. Bruggemann (Eds), Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2008, pp. 49–65.

25. Astel A., V. Simeonov. Environmetrics as a Tool for Lake Pollution Assessment. In: Lake Pollution Progress, Miranda, f., L. Bernard (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, N.y., 2009, pp. 13–61, ISBN 978­1­60692­106­7.

26. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov. Chemometrics as a Tool for Treatment Processing of Multiparametric Analytical Data Sets. In: Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments, Namiesnik, J., P. Szefer (Eds.), CRC Press and IWA Publishing, Boca Raton, florida, 2010, Ch. 15, pp. 369–387, ISBN 478­3­4200­8268­5.

27. Цалев, Д., В. Симеонов. Аналитични измервания. В: Метрология и измервателна тех-ника, Радев, Хр. (ред.), Глава 11, Софтрейд, С., 2012, с. 95–348, ISBN 978­954­334­094­1.

Tsalev, D. V. Simeonov. Analytical measurements. In: Metrology and Мeasurement technique, Radev, Ch. (Ed.), Softrade, Sofia, 2012 , Ch. 11, pp. 95–348, ISBN 978­954­334­094­1 (in Bulg.).

28. Симеонов, В. Хемометрия. В: Основи на химичния анализ, (Борисова, Р. (съставител), Водолей, С., 2009, с. 85–95, ISBN 9­789­549­415438.

Simeonov, V. Chemometrics. In: Background of Chemical Analysis (Borisova, R. (Ed.), Vodoley, Sofia, 2009, pp. 85–95, ISBN 9­789­549­415438 (in Bulg.).

29. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov. Hasse Diagram Technique Contributions to Environmental Risk Assessment. In: Multi-indicator Systems and Modelin g in Partial Order. Springer, New york, 2014, pp. 293–313.

scientific PaPers

30. Симеонов В., Б. Медникаров, Й. Малиновски. Материал и метод за директно получаване на фотошаблони. Авторско свидетелство 17215 /17.7.1972 г.

Simeonov, V., B. Mednikarov, J. Ma linowski. Material and method for direct production of photomasks. Bulgarian Patent 17215 /17.7.1972 (in Bulg.).

31. Simeonov, V., J. Malinowski. Speed Increase in Evaporated Silver Bromide Layers by Use of Doping Agents. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 67, 1972–1973, 371–376.


32. Симеонов, В. Планиране на експеримента при изследване сенсибилизацията на сребър­нобромидни слоеве. Год. СУ-ХФ, 67, 1972–1973, 365–369.

Simeonov, V. Experimental Design in Studying of Silver Bromide Layers Sensibilization. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 67, 1972–1973, 365–369 (in Bulg.).

33. Alexandrov. S., Z. Milenova, V. Simeonov. optimized Conditions for Emission Spectral Determination of Mercury Using an Electrode Cell. Год. СУ-ХФ, 70, 1975–1976, 45–49.

34. Simeonov, V., B. Mednikarov and J. Malinowski. New Photographic Material for Micro elec­tronics. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1973–1974, 68, 47–51.

35. Симеонов, В., А. Венедиков. Планиране на експеримента при търсене на сребърно­бромидни слоеве с оптимални фотографски характеристики. Изв. Отд. Хим., БАН, VII, 1974, 5–23.

Simeonov, V. A. Venedikov. Design of experiment in searching of silver bromide layers with optimal photographic characteristics. Commun. Chem. Dept., BAS, VII, 1974, 5–23 (in Bulg.).

36. Даиев, Хр., В. Симеонов. Математично описание на процеса на дезактивиране на теч­ни радиоактивни отпадъци с помощта на сорбенти от тектосиликатен, филосиликатен и смесен тип. Год. СУ-ХФ, 70, 1975–1976, 87–94.

Daiev, H., V. Simeonov. Mathematical Description of the Process of Deactivation of Liquid Radioactive Wastes Using Sorbents of Tectosilicate, Phylosilicate and Mixed Type. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1975–1976, 70, 87–94 (in Bulg.).

37. Почекански, Г., А. Борисова, В. Симеонов. Механично стабилизиране на готово фото­графско изображение върху изпарени слоеве. Год. СУ-ХФ, 69, 1974–1975, 101–103.

Pochekanski, G., A. Borisova, V. Simeonov. Mechanical stabilization of photographic image on evaporated layers. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1974–1975, 69, 101–103 (in Bulg.).

38. Симеонов, В.. Антибиотикът тилозин като мембранен комплексообразувател. Год СУ-ХФ, 69, 1974–1975, 95–100.

Simeonov, V. The Antibiotic Tylosin as Membrane Complexing Agent. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1974–1975, 69, 95–100 (in Bulg.).

39. Симеонов, В., Г. Караджов. Изследване върху условията за нанасяне и обработка на фо­торезистни лакове. Химия и индустрия, 47, 1975, 212–216.

Simeonov, V., G. Karadjov. Study on the Conditions for Applying and Treatment of Photoresists. Chemistry & Industry, 47, 1975, 212–216 (in Bulg).

40. Simeonov, V., I. Asenov, V. Diadov. Rapid Determination of Nitrate Nitrogen in Soils. Talanta, 24, 1977, 199–200.

41. Simeonov, V., I. Asenov, V. Diadov. Accelerated Extraction of Elements from Soils by Ultrasonic Pretreatment. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 285, 1977, 252.

42. Simeonov, V., I. Asenov, V. Diadov. Successive Determination of pH and Ammoniacal Nitrogen in Soil Samples. Anal. Lett., 9, 1976,1025–1029.

43. Puxbaum, H., V. Simeonov. Application of Ion­Selective Electrodes in Air Pollution Control. Hung. Sci. Instr., 41, 1977, 17–21.

44. Puxbaum, H., V. Simeonov, J. Rendl. Potentiometric Determination of Chloride and Bromide in Airborne Dust. Mikrochim. Acta, II, 1977, 325–330.

45. Simeonov, V., H. Puxbaum. A Comparative Study on the Nitrate Determination in Airborne Dust. Mikrochim. Acta, II, 1977, 391–403.

46. Андреев, Г., А. Стоянов, В. Симеонов. Определяне на хлоридни йони в морска вода чрез директна потенциометрия със селективен за хлоридни йони електрод. Год. СУ-ХФ, 71, 1976–1977, 69–72.


Andreev, G., A. Stoyanov, V. Simeonov. Determination of Chlorides in Sea Water by Direct Potentiometry with Chloride Selective Electrode. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1976–1977, 71, 69–72 (in Bulg.).

47. Стоянов, А, Г. Андреев, В. Симеонов. Върху определянето на сулфати в морска вода чрез потенциометрично титруване. Год СУ-ХФ, 71, 1976–1977, 73–76.

A. Stoyanov, G. Andreev, V. Simeonov. Determination of Sulfates in Sea Water by Potentiometric Titration. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 1976–1977, 71, 73–76 (in Bulg).

48. Simeonov, V., H. Malissa. A Model of Direct Potentiometric Determination of Nitrate. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 287, 1977, 37–42.

49. Mednikarov, B., V. Simeonov, J. Malinowski. Photographic Material for Direct Production of Photomasks. Commun. Dept. Chem., Bulg. Acad. Sci., X, 1977, 24–30.

50. Malissa, H., V. Simeonov. Symbolik in der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 289, 1978, 257­263.

51. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev, A. Stoianov. Microdetermination of Nitrate Nitrogen in Lake Waters by Potentiometry with an Ion­Selective Electrode. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 297, 1979, 418.

52. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev, A. Stoyanov. Successive Determination of pH and Ammonia Nitrogen in Seawater. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 32, 1979, 329–332.

53. Malissa, H., V. Simeonov. Remarks on the Comments of G. Kateman on “Symbolism in Analytical Chemistry”. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 296, 1979, 288.

54. Simeonov V. Critical Considerations on the Practical Application of orion Ion­Selective Elec­trodes to Sea and other Natural Water Samples. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 301, 1980, 290–293.

55. Malissa, H., V. Simeonov. Zusammenhang zwischen topologischen Diagrammen und Symbolik in der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 303, 1980, 1–3.

56. Stoyanov A., V. Simeonov, G. Andreev. Comparative Determination of Chlorides in River, Lake and Drinking Water by Potentiometric Methods. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 33, 1980, 219–222.

57. Рождественски А., А. Стоянов, В. Симеонов, Г. Андреев. Върху съдържанието на флуор в черноморските води. Океанология, 6, 1980, 37–41.

Rojdestvenski, A., A. Stoyanov, V. Simeonov, G. Andreev. on the fluorine Content in Black Sea Water. Oceanology, 6, 1980, 37–41 (in Bulg.).

58. Стоянов А., Г. Андреев, В. Симеонов. Потенциометрическое определение аммиака в мор ской воде при помощи йоноселективного электрода. Труды ГОИН, 158, 1981, 83–86.

Stoyanov, A., G. Andreev, V. Simeonov. Potentiometric Determination of Ammonia Using Ion­selective Electrode. Works of GOIN, 158, 1981, 83–86 (in Russian).

59. Рождественски, А., А. Стоянов, В. Симеонов, Г. Андреев Потенциометрическое опре­деление фтора в морской воде. В: Методики анализа морских вод. Труды советско-бол-гарского сотрудничества. Гидрометеоиздат, Л., 1981, 99–101.

Rojdestvesnski, A., A. Stoyanov, V. Simeonov, G. Andreev. In: Methods of Sea Waters Analysis. Works on Soviet–Bulgarian cooperation, Gidrometeoizdat, L., 1981, 99–101 (in Russian).

60. Apostolopoulou, C., A. Voulgaropoulos, V. Simeonov, G. Vasilikiotis. An optimization Study of fluorimetric Determination of Aluminium by 1­Isonicotinil­2­(2­4­Dihydroxy)­Benziliden Hydrazine. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 309, 1981, 365–369.

61. Savov, T., V. Simeonov. A Mathematical Model of Inhibition Studies on Zemac Type Alloy Corrosion in Alkaline Medium. In: Metallic Corrosion, Proceedings, 8th Intern. Congress on Metallic Corrosion, Vol. II, 1981, 1245–1250.

62. Simeonov, V. The Role of the Visual Image in Analytical Chemistry. Trends in Anal. Chem., 1, 1982, XIII.

63. Simeonov, V., A. Voulgaropoulos, C. Apostolopoulou, G. Vasilikiotis. Model for Successive


Determination of Aluminium and fluoride by Combination of fluorimetric and Potentiometric Methods. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 311, 1982, 16–18.

64. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev. factorial Analysis for Studying the Distribution of some Trace Metals in Sea Water. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 312, 1982, 544–545.

65. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. Correlation between Content of Some Elements in Seawater Samples. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 35, 1982, 777–780.

66. Simeonov, V., H. Malissa. The Visual Image as Information Source in Analytical Chemistry. EUROANALYSIS IV, Proceedings, Plenary Lectures, Niinistö, L. (Ed.), Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1982, pp.117–125, ISBN 963 05 3127 5.

67. Simeonov, V., A. Voulgaropoulos, M. Mihail, G. Vasilikiotis. Statistical Estimation for Calibration of a fluoride Selective Electrode at Different Experimental Conditions. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 314, 1983, 414–415.

68. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev. optimized Determination and Distribution Study of Mercury in Sea Water Samples. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 314, 1983, 761–762.

69. Simeonov, V., A. Voulgaropoulos, M. Sofoniou, G. Vasilikiotis. Statistical Limit of Detection of a fluoride Selective Electrode as a function of Different Working Conditions. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 319, 1984, 376–378.

70. Андреев, Г., В. Симеонов. Съдържание и разпределение на някои тежки метали във во­дите на югозападната част на Черно море. Год. СУ-ХФ, 79, 1985, 53–58.

G. Andreev, V. Simeonov. Content and Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in the South­Western Part of Black Sea. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 79, 1985, 53–58 (in Bulg.).

71. Simeonov, V., I. Karadjova, S. Alexandrov. Model for Designed Emission Spectroscopic Determination of Trace Metals in Pure Substances after Coprecipitation with Cadmium Sulphide. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 320, 1985, 330–333.

72. Simeonov, V. Evaluation of Different Instrumental and Chemical Parameters in Analytical Determinations by the Use of Experimental Design Methods. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 322, 1985, 194–197.

73. Diadov, S., V. Simeonov, V. Diadov, J. Gagausov. A Simple Alarm System for the Registration of Toxic Vapours. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 320, 1985, 775.

74. Voulgaropoulos, A., V. Simeonov, M. Sofoniou, P. Kofos. Experimental factors Estimation in Nephelometric Procedures. Mikrochim. Acta, III, 1985, 385–392.

75. Александров, С., Г. Георгиев, В. Симеонов. Химичен контрол на смазочно охлаждащи течности в производствени условия. Машиностроене, 8, 1985, 351–353.

Alexandrov, S., G. Georgiev, V. Simeonov. Chemical Control of Lubricating Liquids in Production Conditions. Mashinostroene, 8, 1985, 351–353 (in Bulg).

76. Александров, С., Г. Георгиев, В. Симеонов. Контрол и анализ на инхибитор за водоох­лаждащи системи ИВС­4 в производствени условия. Машиностроене, 7, 1985, 312–314.

Alexandrov, S., G. Georgiev, V. Simeonov. Control and Analysis of Inhibitors for Water­cooling Systems IVC – 4 in Production Conditions. Mashinostroene, 8, 1985, 312–314 (in Bulg).

77. Simeonov, V. Critical Considerations on the Application of optimization Procedures in Analytical Chemistry. In: COMPANA 85 Proceedings, Jena, 1985, pp. 146–150.

78. Николова, Г., В. Георгиева, В. Симеонов. Сравнителна оценка на пригодността на някои от разпространените методи за определянето на свободни нитратни йони в сухи расти­телни проби. Физиология на растенията, XIII, 1987, 52–61.

Nikolova, G., V. Georgieva, V. Simeonov. Comparative Estimation of the Application of Some Methods for Determination of Nitrates in Dry Plant Samples. Plant Physiology, XIII, 1987, 52–61 (in Bulg).


79. Andreev G., V. Simeonov. Application of Cluster Analysis to the Study of Connection between Sampling Location and Compositions of Sea Water Samples. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 325, 1986, 146­149.

80. Kellner R., f. Kashofer, V. Simeonov. Contribution to the Error Estimation in fTIR­ATR­Absorbance Subtract Experiments on Thin Polymer films. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 325, 1986, 258­262.

81. Voulgaropoulos, A., V. Simeonov, K. fytianos, G. Vasilikiotis. Cluster Analysis Approach to Study Heavy Metal Distribution in Marine organisms. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 325, 1986, 476–477.

82. Simeonov, V., J. Stratis. Classification of Byzantine Glass Samples by the Use of Different Chemical Component features. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 328, 1987, 232–234.

83. Simeonov, V., A. Voulgaropoulos, M. Sofoniou. fast Screening of the Working Condition Effects in Potentiometry with Ion­Selective Electrodes. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 329, 1987, 444–446.

84. Simeonov, V., S. Alexandrov. Philosophical Aspects of Chemometrical Strategy in Analytical Chemistry. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 316, 1987, 314–316.

85. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. occurrence and Distribution of some Elements in Sediments from the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 18, 1988, 221–228.

86. Simeonov, V., D. Themelis, J. Stratis. Designed Study of the Effect of Different Reaction Para­meters on the Catalytic Determination of Iron(III). Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 331, 1988, 39–41.

87. Stratis, J., G. Zachariadis, E. Dimitrakoudi, V. Simeonov. Critical Comparison of Decomposition Procedures for AAS of Prehistorical Ceramics. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 331, 1988, 725–729.

88. Pekov, G., P. Mandjukov, V. Simeonov. An Ideographic Computerized System for the Presentation of Quаlitative Semi­microanalytical Reactions. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 332, 1988, 59–60.

89. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. occurrence and Distribution of some Elements in Sediments from the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 18, 1988, 221–228.

90. Simeonov V., G. Andreev. Interpretation of Black Sea Sediments Analytical Data by the Use of Clustering Approach. Tox. Envir. Chem., 24, 1989, 233–240.

91. Simeonov, V., T. Savov and L. Nanova. Effects of Environmental factors on the Corrosion Resistence of Polymeric coatings. Rev. Iberoam. Corros. Prot. 20 (1), 1989, 40–42.

92. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. Anthropogenic Influence on the Interelemental Correlation in Different Phases of the Marine Environment. Tox. Envir. Chem., 26, 1990, 91–98.

93. Karadjov, M., V. Simeonov. Interpretation of Geochemical Data by the Use of Multivariate Data Analysis. Mikrochim. Acta, III, 1990, 191–199.

94. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. Distribution and Correlation of Elements in Waters, Suspensions, Sediments and Marine organisms from the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 28, 1990, 1–9.

95. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. A Rapid Survey of the Ecological Situation in a Region from the South­Western Part of the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 33, 1991, 239–254.

96. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev. Some Considerations on the Element Relationship in Glacier Snow Samples. Tox. Envir. Chem., 33, 1991, 255–259.

97. Elenkov, N., V. Simeonov. Comparison of Various Electrolysis Cells for Electrosynthesis of Diacetone­2­keto­L­Gluconic Acid by the Use of Cluster Analysis. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 342, 1992, 39–41.

98. Simeonov, V., K. Aljanabi, M. Novkirishka, P. Markov. Evaluation of the Influence of Experimental Parameters on the Photogalvanic Potential of some Photosensitive Chemical Systems. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 343, 1992, 266–268.


99. Mandjukov, P., E. Vassileva, V. Simeonov. Regular Solution Theory in Model Investigation of the Analyte Losses during Preatomization Sample Treatment in Presence of Chemical Modifiers in Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 64, 1992, 2596–2603.

100. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov. Interphase Distribution and Accumulation of Elements in the Marine Environment of the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 36, 1992, 99–104.

101. Евтимова, Б., В. Симеонов. Оптимизиране на спектрофотометричното определяне на мед с ериохромцианин R в присъствие на катионни повърхностноактивни вещества. Год. СУ-ХФ, 80, 1992, 40–46.

Evtimova, B., V. Simeonov. optimization of the Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper with Eriochromcianine R in the Presence of Surfactants. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 80, 1992, 40–46 (in Bulg).

102. Симеонов, В., М. Грасербауер. Избор на класификационни характеристики за спектри на метални бориди при прилагане на методи за разпознаване на образци в масспектро­скопията с вторични йони. Год. СУ-ХФ, 80, 1992, 52–62.

Simeonov, V., M. Grasserbauer. Choice of Classification Parameters for Metal Borides Spectra when Applying Pattern Recognition Methods in Mass­spectrometry with Secondary Ions. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 80, 1992, 52–62 (in Bulg).

103. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev, M. Karadjov. Chemometrical Interpretation of Analytical Data for Vertical Distribution of some Chemical Components in Sea Water. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 345, 1993, 744.

104. Andreev, G., V. Simeonov, S. Stoikov. occurrence and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Benthic organisms from the Black Sea. Tox. Envir. Chem., 45, 1994, 167–171.

105. Simeonov,V., R. Tsitourodou, C. Samara, M. Karadjov, A. Andreev. Chemometrical Approach to Study Rain Composition from the Region of Thessaloniki, Greece. Tox. Envir. Chem., 46, 1994, 97–106.

106. Simeonov, V., J. Stratis. The Analytical Chemistry as an Information Science. In: 15th National Greek Conference in Chemistry, Procedings, Vol. A, Thessaloniki, 1994, 112–117.

107. Stoyanova, K., P. Mandjukov, S. Tsakovski, M. Tcholakova, I. Karadjova, G. Gergov, V. Simeonov. Hydrochemical and Ecological Characteristics of the High Mountain Lakes in Rila and Pirin. In: Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM 2, fascicule 3, Expedition Rila 94. Carbonnel, J. P., J. N. Stamenov (Eds.), Sofia, 1995, pp.75–86, ISBN 954­90025­3­5.

108. Karadjova, I., P. Mandjukov, S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, J. Stratis, G. Zachariadis. Determination of Mercury by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Different Chemical Modifiers or a Slurry Technique. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 10, 1995, 1065–1069.

109. Samara, C., G. Katsoulos, R. Tsitouridou and V. Simeonov. Interpretation of Air Particulate Data from Thessaloniki, Greece using Multivariate Statistics. Tox. Envir. Chem., 52, 1995, 77–84.

110. Stratis, J., R. Tsitouridou, V. Simeonov. Chemometrical Data Treatment to Study Environmental Pollution around Lignite Power Plants. Tox. Envir. Chem., 47, 1995, 71–76.

111. Stratis, J., R. Tsitouridou, V. Simeonov. Chemometrical Classification of Aerosol Analytical Data. Tox. Envir. Chem., 47, 1995, 191–196.

112. Stratis, J., G. Zachariadis, V. Simeonov. Classification of Macedonian Early Bronze Age Ceramics using their Various Chemical and Technological features. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 351, 1995, 697–699.

113. Simeonov, V., E. Adam, S. Tsakovski, P. Mandjukov, J. Stratis. Chemometrical Analysis and Quality Control of Pot Water and its Sources from Athens, Greece. Tox. Envir. Chem., 50, 1995, 57–71.


114. Mandjukov, P., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, J. Stratis. A Solid Solution Theory for Matrix Modification in Electrothermal AAS. Spectrochim. Acta, 50B, 1995, 1733–1749.

115. Stratis, J., V. Simeonov, G. Zachariadis, T. Sawidis, P. Mandjukov, S. Tsakovski. Chemometrical Approaches to Evaluate Analytical Data from Aquatic Macrophytes and Marine Algae. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 355, 1996, 65–70.

116. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov, P. Mandjukov, G. Andreev. Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Heavy Metals Distribution in Benthic organisms. Tox. Envir. Chem., 54, 1996, 39–49.

117. Simeonova, P., S. Tsakovski, P. Mandjukov, V. Simeonov, V. Lovchinov. High­Temperature Superconducting films. A Multivariate Statistical Approach. Mikrochim. Acta, 124, 1996, 151–165.

118. Stratis, J., G. Zachariadis, V. Simeonov, P. Mandjukov, T. Sawidis. Chemometrical Classification of Biomonitoring Analytical Data for Heavy Metals. Part I. Trees (Leaves) as Bioindicators. Tox. Envir. Chem., 54, 1996, 29–37.

119. Botova, B., S. Tsakovski P., I. Karadjova, G. Pekov, P. Mandjukov, V. Simeonov. Hydrochemical and Ecological Characteristics of the High Mountain Lakes in Rila and Pirin during 1995. In: Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM 2, fascicule 4, Expedition Rila 95. Carbonnel, J. P., J. N. Stamenov (Eds.), Sofia, 1996, pp. 94–112, ISBN 954­90025­4­3.

120. Pekov, G., P. Mandjukov, S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Treatment of Rila Lake Waters and Sediments. In: Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM 2, fascicule 7, Symposium Borovets, October 1998. Carbonnel, J. P., J. N. Stamenov (Eds.), Sofia, 1996, pp. 253–258, ISBN 954­9820­01­7.

121. Elenkov, N., S. Tsakovski, G. Spirov, V. Simeonov. Chemometrical Interpretation of Electrochemical oxidation of Calcium Gluconate. Anal. Lab., 6(1), 1997, 9–13.

122. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov, Th. Sawidis, G. Zachariadis, J. Stratis. Chemometrical Classification of Biomonitoring Analytical Data for Heavy Metals. Part II. Mosses as Bioindicators. Tox. Envir. Chem., 69, 1999, 287–294.

123. Stratis, J., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, G. Zachariadis, T. Sawidis. Chemometrical Classification of Biomonitoring Analytical Data for Heavy Metals. Part III. Lichens as Bioindicators. Tox. Envir. Chem., 69, 1999, 295–304.

124. Nikolova Eddins, S., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, D. f. Williams. Evaluation of Bottom Sediment Data from the Winyah Bay Estuarine System. Tox. Envir. Chem., 70, 1999, 461–472.

125. Nikolova Eddins, S., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Application of Multivariate Statistics to Assess Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Dissolved organic Carbon in Winyah Bay, USA. Tox. Envir. Chem., 81, 2001, 17–28.

126. Simeonov,V., H. Puxbaum, S. Tsakovski, C. Sarbu, M. Kalina. Classification and Receptor Modeling of Wet Precipitation Data from Central Austria (1984–1993). Environmetrics, 10, 1999,137–152.

127. Puxbaum, H., V. Simeonov, M. Kalina. Ten years Trends (1984–1993) in the Precipitation Chemistry in Central Austria. Atmos. Environ., 32, 1998, 193–202.

128. Kalina, M., H. Puxbaum, S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Time Trends in the Concentrations of Lead in Wet Precipitation from Rural and Urban Sites in Austria. Chemosphere, 38, 1999, 2509–2515.

129. Tsakovski S., V. Simeonov. Chemometric Study of Atmospheric Wet and Dry Precipitates from an Urban Region. Tox. Envir. Chem., 65, 1998, 203–216.

130. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov and S. Stefanov. Time­series Analysis of Long­term Water Quality Records from yantra River Basin, Bulgaria. Fresenius Envir. Bull., 8, 1999, 28–36.


131. Stefanov, S., V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski. Chemometrical Analysis of Waste Water Monitoring Data from yantra River Basin, Bulgaria. Tox. Envir. Chem., 70, 1999, 473–482.

132. Stanimirova, I., S. Tsakovski and V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Coastal Sediment Data. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 365, 1999, 480–488.

133. Simeonov, V., I. Stanimirova , S. Tsakovski. Multivariate Statistical Interpretation of Coastal Sediment Monitoring Data. Fresenius J.Anal.Chem., 370, 2001, 719–722.

134. Simeonov, V., S. Stefanov, S. Tsakovski. Environmetrical Treatment of Water Quality Survey Data from yantra River, Bulgaria. Mikrochim. Acta, 134 (1–2), 2000, 15–21.

135. Simeonov, V., S. Tsakovski and D.L. Massart. Multivariate Statistical Modeling of Coastal Sediment Data. Tox. Envir. Chem., 72, 1999, 81­92.

136. Simeonov, V., D. L. Massart, G. Andreev, S. Tsakovski. Assessment of Metal Pollution Based on Multivariate Statistical Modeling of “Hot spot” Sediments from the Black Sea, Chemosphere, 41, 2000, 1411–1417.

137. Simeonov, V., P. Barbieri, B. Walczak, D. L. Massart, S. Tsakovski. Environmetric Modeling of a Pot Water Data Set, Tox. Envir. Chem., 79, 2001, 55–72.

138. Simeonov, V., G. Andreev, D. L. Massart, S. Tsakovski. Environmetrical Interpretation of Analytical Data of Marine organisms from the Black Sea, Tox. Envir. Chem., 80, 2001, 53–65.

139. Timofeeva, S., A. Medvedeva, I. Volchatova, V. Simeonov. Chemical Transformation of Lignin in the Process of Microbial Treatment. Tox. Envir. Chem., 71, 1999, 95–103.

140. Simeonov, V., C. Sarbu, D. L. Massart and S. Tsakovski. Danube River Water Data Modeling by Multivariate Data Analysis. Mikrochim. Acta, 137, 2001, 243–248.

141. Arnaudov, M., V. Simeonov, R. Jontchev, S. Tsakovski. Cluster and Principal Components Analysis of the Solvent Effects on the C=o Stretching frequency of Acetophenone. Spectrosc. Lett., 34, 2001, 93–107.

142. Tsakovski, S., H. Puxbaum, V. Simeonov, M. Kalina, H. Löffler, G. Heimburger, P. Biebl, A. Weber, A. Damm. Trend, Seasonality and Multivariate Modelling Study of Wet Precipitation Data from the Austrian Monitoring Network (1990–1997). J. Environ. Monit., 2, 2000, 424–431.

143. Puxbaum, H., V. Simeonov, M. Kalina, S. Tsakovski, H. Löffler, G. Heimburger, P. Biebl, A. Weber, A. Damm. Long­term Assessment of the Wet Precipitation Chemistry in Austria (1984–1999). Chemosphere, 48, 2002, 733–747.

144. Nikolov, N., G. Mihailov, V. Simeonov, G. Mirinchev. Environmetric Study of Seasonal Patterns (1989 – 1998) in the Water Quality of the Struma River Basin, Bulgaria. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 10, 2003, 763–771.

145. Mihailov, G., V. Simeonov, N. Nikolov, G. Mirinchev. Environmetric Study of the Water Quality of the Struma River Basin, Bulgaria. Part I. Water Quality Long­term Trends (1989–1998). Tox. Envir. Chem., 83, 2001, 1–12.

146. Nikolov, N., G. Mihailov, V. Simeonov, G. Mirinchev. Environmetric Study of the Water Quality of the Struma River Basin, Bulgaria. Part II Multivariate Statistical Modeling of the Water Quality Parameters. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 2002, 9, 1531–1539.

147. Mihailov, G., V. Simeonov, N. Nikolov and G. Mirinchev. Environmetric Approaches to Estimate Pollution Impacts on a Coastal Area by Sediment and River Water studies. Water Sci. Technol., 2002, 46, 45–52.

148. Spanos, T., V. Simeonov, G. Andreev. Environmetric Modeling of Emission Sources for Dry and Wet Precipitation from an Urban Area. Talanta, 58, 2002, 367–375.

149. Simeonov, V., J. W. Einax, I. Stanimirova, J. Kraft. Environmetric Modeling and Interpretation of River Water Monitoring Data. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 374, 2002, 898–905.


150. Spanos, T., V. Simeonov, J. Stratis, X. Xatzixristou. Assessment of Water Quality for Human Consumption. Mikrochim. Acta 141, 2003, 35–40.

151. Samara, C., Th. Kouimtzis, R. Tsitoridou, G. Kanias, V. Simeonov. Chemical Mass Balance Source Apportionment of PM10 in an Industrialized Urban Area of Northern Greece. Atmos. Environment, 37, 2003, 41–54.

152. Simeonov, V. Sustainable Development as Multivariate Problem. Clean Technol. Environ. Policy, 5, 2003, 68–69.

153. Simeonov, V. Environmetric Strategies to Classify, Interpret and Model Risk Assessment and Quality of Environmental Systems. Clean Technol. Environ. Policy, 5 (3­4), 2003, 190–199.

154. Simeonov,V., J. Stratis, C. Samara, G. Zachariadis, D. Voutsa, A. Anthemidis, M. Sofoniou, Th. Kouimtzis. Assessment of the Surface Water Quality in Northern Greece. Water Res., 37, 2003, 4119–4124.

155. Simeonova, P., V. Simeonov, G. Andreev. Water Quality Study of the Struma River Basin, Bulgaria. Cent. Eur. J. Chem., 2, 2003, 121–136.

156. Simeonov, V., M. Kalina, S. Tsakovski, H. Puxbaum. Multivariate Statistical Study of Simultaneously Monitored Cloud Water, Aerosol and Rainwater from Different Elevation Levels in an Alpine Valley (Achenkirch, Tyrol, Austria). Talanta, 61, 2003, 519–528.

157. Stanimirova, I., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Assessment of the Atmospheric Pollution in the Industrial Region of Devnia, Bulgaria. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 10, 2003, 381–388.

158. Tsakovski, S., P. Barbieri, H. Bauer, H. Puxbaum, V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Modeling of Urban Aerosol Monitoring Data. In: Proceedings of 3 Int. Conf. Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA’03): Modern Trends and Applications, 23–27.09.2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 283–286.

159. Gergov, G., S. Tsakovski, P. Barbieri, L. Antonov, V. Simeonov. Spectrophotometric Resolution of Ternary Mixture of Paracetamol, Propyphenazone and Caffeine by Multivariate Calibration Techniques. Proceedings of 3 Int. Conf. Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA’03): Modern Trends and Applications, 23–27.09. 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 311–314.

160. Stanimirova, I., M. Daszykowski, D. L. Massart, f. Questier, V. Simeonov, H. Puxabaum. Chemometrical Exploration of the Wet Precipitation Chemistry from the Austrian Monitoring Network (1988–1999). J. Envir. Manag., 74, 2005, 349–363.

161. Stanimirova, I., B. Walczak, D. L. Massart, V. Simeonov. A Comparison between Two Robust PCA Algorithms. Chemom. Intel. Lab. Syst., 71, 2004, 83 –95.

162. Stanimirova, I., B. Walczak, D. L. Massart, V. Simeonov, C. A. Saby, E. Di Crescenzo. STATIS, a 3­way Method for Data Analysis. Application to Environmental Data. Chemom. Intel. Lab. Syst., 73, 2004, 219–233.

163. Spanos, T., V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, D. Thiokas. Chemometric Study of Soil Analysis Data. Cent. Eur. J. Chem., 2, 2004, 402–416.

164. Mihailov G., V. Simeonov, N. Nikolov, G. Mirinchev. Multivariate Statistical Assessment of the Pollution Sources Along the Stream of Kamchia River, Bulgaria. In: “Environmental Protection Technologies for Coastal Areas”. Fourth Black Sea International Conference, June 9–11, 2004, Varna Bulgaria. Book of Proceedings, pp. 68–76.

165. Simeonov, V., J. W. Einax, S. Tsakovski, J. Kraft. Multivariate Statistical Assessment of Polluted Soils. Cent. Eur. J. Chem., 3 (1), 2005, 1–9.

166. Tsakovski, S., P. Barbieri, H. Bauer, H. Puxbaum, V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Modeling of Urban Aerosol Monitoring Data. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 11, 2004, 489–496.

167. Simeonov, V., G. Zachariadis, D. Voutsa, J. Stratis, A. Anthemidis, C. Samara, S. Tsakovski, Th. Kouimtzis, P. Simeonova, G. Andreev. Lake Water Quality Assessment by Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 11, 2004, 471–488.


168. Antonova, D., L. Antonov, V. Petrov, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, S. Bauer, W. flueckiger. Environmetric Assessment of Pollutant Concentrations Effects on forest Ecosystems. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 11, 2004, 439–448.

169. Simeonov, V., S. Tsakovski, T. Lavric, P. Simeonova, H. Puxbaum. Multivariate Statistical Assessment of Air Quality. A Case Study. Microchim. Acta, 148, 2004, 293–298.

170. Simeonov, V., P. Simeonova, R. Tsitouridou. Chemometric Quality Assessment of Surface Waters: Two Case Studies. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 11, 2004, 450–469.

171. Nikolova­Eddins, S., D. f. Williams, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, P. Simeonova. Sources of organic Carbon to Bottom Sediments in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Estuary. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 11, 2004, 1023–1037.

172. Stanimirova I., V. Simeonov. Modeling of Environmental four­way Data from Air Quality Control. Chemom. Intel. Lab. Syst., 77, 2005, 115–121.

173. Mihailov, G., V. Simeonov, N. Nikolov, G. Mirinchev. Multivariate Statistical Assessment of the Pollution Sources along the Stream of Kamchia River, Bulgaria. Water Sci. Technol., 51, 2005, 37–43.

174. Simeonova, P., C. Sarbu, Th. Spanos, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski. An Advanced Multivariate Statistical Approach to Study Costal Sediment Data. Cent. Eur. J. Chem., 4 (1), 2006, 68–80.

175. Simeonova, P., V. Simeonov, L. Lux, I. Dakova, Th. Spanos. Chemometric Evaluation of the Air Quality in an Industrial Region. Case Study Kosice, Slovakia. Chem. Eng. Ecol., 12, 2005, 727 –737.

176. Simeonova, P., V. Lovchinov, V. Simeonov. Environmetrics in Risk Assessment. In: Proceedings of SENS’2006 (Second Scientific Conference with International Participation on Space, Ecology, Nanotechnology, Safety), 14–16 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 499–504.

177. Simeonov,V., S. Tsakovski, P. Simeonova. Air Quality Assessment by Multivariate Statistics. Proceedings of SENS’2006 (Second Scientific Conference with International Participation on Space, Ecology, Nanotechnology, Safety), 14–16 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 646–651, ISBN 13­978­954­9401­12­7.

178. Astel, A., G. Glosinska, T. Sobczynski, L. Boszke, V. Simeonov, J. Siepak. Chemometrics in the Assessment of the Sustainable Development Rule Implementation. Cent. Eur. J. Chem., 4, 2006, 543–564.

179. Simeonova P., D. Simeonov, N. Abadzieva, V. Simeonov. Environmetric Assessment of Monitoring Data Quality: A Case Study of Aerosol and Rainwater Collection. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 98/99, 2006, 245–259.

180. Simeonov, V. How to Balance Environmental Data. Chemometrics. Methods and Applications. Zuba, D., A. Parczewski (Eds.), Institute of forensic Research Publishers, Krakow, 2006, ISBN 83­87425­72­9.

181. Kuczynska, A., L. Wolska, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, S. Zahov, J. Namiesnik. Chemometric Estimation of Natural Water and Sediment Using Toxicity and Physicochemical Parameters. J. Balkan Ecol., 9, 2006, 267–281.

182. Simeonova, P., V. Simeonov. Chemometrics to Evaluate the Quality of Water Sources for Human Consumption. Microchim. Acta, 156, 2007, 315–320.

183. Simeonov, V., L. Wolska, A. Kuczynska, J. Gurwin, S. Tsakovski, M. Protasowicki, J. Namiesnik. Sediment­quality Assessment by Intelligent Data Analysis. Trends Anal. Chem – TrAC, 26, 2007, 323–331.

184. Simeonov, V., L. Wolska, A. Kuczynska, J. Gurwin, S. Tsakovski, J. Namiesnik. Chemometric Estimation of Natural Water Samples Using Toxicity Tests and Physicochemical Parameters. Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 37, 2007, 81–90.


185. Ivanova, B. V. D. Simeonov M. G. Arnaudov, D. L. Tsalev. Linear­Dichroic Infrared Spectroscopy – Validation and Experimental Design of the New orientation Technique of Solid Samples as Suspension in Nematic Liquid Crystal. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 67, 2007, 66–75.

186. Papaioannou, A., V. Simeonov, P. Plageras, E. Dovriki, Th. Spanos. Multivariate Statistical Interpretation of Laboratory Clinical Data. Cent. Eur. J. Med., 2, 2007, 319–334.

187. Simeonova, P., V. Lovchinov, V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Assessment of the Ropotamo River Water Quality. J. Balkan Ecol., 10, 2007, 197–204.

188. Szczepaniak, K., A. Astel, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, M. Biziuk, P. Bode, A. Przyjazny. Comparison of Dry and Living Sphagnum palustre Moss Samples in Determining their Biocumulative Capability as Biomonitoring Tools. J. Environ. Sci. Health., Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 42, 2007, 1101–1115.

189. Simeonova, P., V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Interpretation of Laboratory Clinical Data. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 14, 2007, 159–170.

190. Simeonov. V., Receptor Modeling of Air Contaminants. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 14, 2007, 669–691.191. Astel, S., S. Tsakovski, P. Barbieri, V. Simeonov. Comparison of Self­organizing Maps Clas­

sification Approach with Cluster and Principal Components Analysis for Large Environmental Data Sets. Water Res., 41, 2007, 4566–4578.

192. Simeonova, P., V. Lovchinov, V. Simeonov. Data Interpretation using Multivariate Statistics for an Aerosol Sample Collection from Northern Greece. J. Balkan Ecol., 10, 2007, 299–306.

193. Astel,A., B. Walna, V. Simeonov, I. Kurzyca. Multivariate Statistics as Means of Tracking Atmospheric Pollution Trends in Western Poland. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 43, 2008, 313–328.

194. Astel, A., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, E. Reisenhofer, S. Piselli, P. Barbieri. Multivariate Clas­sifica tion and Modeling in Surface Water Pollution Estimation. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 390, 2008, 1283–1292.

195. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Assessment of Strouma River Water Quality us­ing Correlation Analysis. J. Balkan Ecol., 10, 2007, 421–424.

196. Koleva, B., T. M. Kolev, V. Simeonov, T. Spassov, M. Spiteller. Linearly Polarized IR­Spectroscopy of Partially oriented Solids as a Colloid Suspension in Nematic Host – a Tool for Spectroscopic and Structural Elucidation of the Embedded Chemicals. J. Inclus. Phen. Macrocyc. Chem., 61, 2008, 319–333.

197. Spanos, T., V. Simeonov, P. Simeonova, E. Apostolidou, J. Stratis. Environmetrics to Evaluate Marine Environment Quality. Environ. Monit. Assess., 143, 2008, 215–225.

198. Simeonova, P., V. Simeonov. Statistical Data Pretreatment and Scaling to Assist the Classification of Data from Moss Analysis. Case Study: Urban Environment of City of Gdansk, Poland. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Chim., 100, 2008, 153–176.

199. Caseiro, A., H. Bauer, I. Marr, C. Pio, H. Puxbaum, V. Simeonov. Quantifying Source Contribution to Ambient Particulate Matter in Austria with Chemical Mass Balance Modeling. In: NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application. Band 8/5, Springer, 2008. p. 711, ISBN 978­1­4020­8452­2.

200. Chepanova, L., Z. Aneva, V. Simeonov. Evaluation of Aqua Regia Microwave­Assisted Digestion Procedures for Metal Elements Determination in Environmental Samples by fAAS and ICP­MS. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 15, 2008, 505–519.

201. Nikolov, M., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Correlation Analysis of Clinical Test Data for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 15, 2008, 683–691.

202. Tsakovski, S., B. Kudlak, V. Simeonov, L. Wolska, J. Namiesnik. Ecotoxicity and Chemical Sediment Data Classification by the Use of Self­organizing Maps. Anal. Chim. Acta, 631, 2009, 142–152.


203. Tsakovski, S., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov, M. C. freitas, I. Dionisio, A. M. G. Pacheco. Air­quality Assessment of Pico­Mountain Environment (Azores) by Using Chemometric and Trajectory Analyses. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 281, 2009, 17–22.

204. Nikolov, M., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Chemometrics as an option to Assess Clinical Data from Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients. Cent. Eur. J. Med., 4, 2009, 433–443.

205. Tsakovski, S., B. Kudlak, V. Simeonov, L. Wolska, G. Garcia, M. Dassenakis, J. Namiesnik. N­way Modeling of Sediment Monitoring Data from Mar Menor Lagoon, Spain. Talanta, 80, 2009, 935–941.

206. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Risk Assessment of Strouma River flow Using Extreme Events indicated by Integral Indices. J. Balkan Ecol., 12, 2009, 279–287.

207. Diadovski, I., M. Atanasova, V. Simeonov. Assessment of Climate Impact on the Transboundary Struma River flow in Bulgarian Territory Using Integral Indices. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 16, 2009, 181–200.

208. Tsakovski, S., M. Tobiszewski, V. Simeonov, Z. Polkowska, J. Namiesnik. Chemical Composition of Water from the Roofs in Gdansk, Poland. Envir. Pollut., 158, 2010, 84–91.

209. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Risk Assessment of Climatic Impact on Strouma River in Bulgaria Using Stochastic Integral Approach. J. Balkan Ecol., 12, 2009, 417–427.

210. Diadovski,I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Risk Assessment at the Beginning and the End of Strouma River in Bulgaria Using Integral Indices. Bioautomation, 13, 2009, 239–248.

211. Astel, A., S. Cozzutto, f. Cozzi, G. Adami, P. Barbieri, S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Seasonal Apportionment of the Sources of Ambient Air Particulates in the City of Trieste. Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 41, 2010, 70–89.

212. Astel, A., M. Nikolov, V. Christov, P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Chemometric Assessment of Clinical Data for Diabetes Mellitus 2 Type Patients using Self­organizing Maps. J. Environ. Sci. Health A. 45, 2010, 560–568.

213. Schaefer, K., J. Einax, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski. Geostatistical and Multivariate Statistical Analysis of heavily and Manifoldly Contaminated Soil Samples. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 396, 2010, 2675–2683.

214. Simeonov, V., P. Simeonova, S. Tsakovski, V. Lovchinov. Lake Water Monitoring Data Assessment by Multivariate Statistics. J. Water Resources and Protection, 2, 2010, 354–362.

215. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Risk Assessment of Extreme Events along a River flow. J. Water Resources and Protection, 2, 2010, 455–461.

216. Tobiszewski, M., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, J. Namiesnik. Surface Water Quality Assessment by the Use of Multivariate Statistical Classification and Expert Information. Chemosphere, 80, 2010, 740–746.

217. Astel, A., V. Simeonov, H. Bauer, H. Puxbaum. Multidimensional Modeling of Aerosol Monitoring Data. Envir. Pollut., 158, 2010, 3201–3208.

218. Tsakovski, S., A. Astel, V. Simeonov. Assessment of the Water Quality of a River Catchment by Chemometric Expertise. J. Chemomet., 24, 2010, 694–702.

219. Tsakovski, S., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Classification and Modeling of Different fractions of Aerosol Monitoring Data. J. Environ. Sci. Health A. 46, 2011, 157–169.

220. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Integral Assessment of the Transboundary Mesta River Trophic Pollution in Bulgaria. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 17, 2010, 199–215.

221. Simeonova, P., D. Simeonov, L. Spasov, V. Lovchinov, V. Simeonov. Environmetric Assessment of Pollutant Concentration Effects on forest Ecosystems. Asian Chem. Lett., 14, 2010, 187–192.

222. Astel, A., L. Chepanova, V. Simeonov. Soil Contamination Interpretation by the Use of Monitoring Data Analysis. Water, Air, Soil Pollut., 216, 2011, 375–390.


223. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov. Hasse Diagram Technique as Exploratory Tool in Sediment Pollution Assessment. J. Chemomet., 25, 2011, 254–261.

224. Tsakovski, S., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Sediment Pollution Assessment by Chemometric Methods. Ecol. Chem. Eng. S, 18 (2), 2011, 141–170.

225. Tsakovski, S., V. Simeonov. Classification of Different­Sized Aerosol Monitoring Data. Ecol. Chem. Eng. A, 18 (2), 2011, 275–287.

226. Diadovski, I., M. Atanassova, V. Simeonov. Risk Assessment of Extreme Events along the Transboundary Mesta River in Bulgaria using Integral Indices. Ecol. Chem. Eng. S, 18 (3), 2011, 311–332.

227. Tsakovski, S., P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Statistical Modeling of Air Pollution. J. Environ. Sci. Health A, 47 (1), 2012, 31–43.

228. Tsakovski, B. Kudlak, V. Simeonov, L. Wolska, G. Garcia, J. Namiesnik. Relationship between Heavy Metal Distribution in Sediment Samples and their Ecotoxicity by the Use of the Hasse Diagram Technique. Anal. Chim. Acta, 719, 2012, 16–23.

229. Tobiszewski, M., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, J. Namiesnik. Chlorinated Solvents in a Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment Plant: An Assessment of their Removal Using Self­organizing Maps. Chemosphere, 87, 2012, 962–968.

230. Voyslavov, T., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Soil Contamination Interpretation Using Self­organizing Maps. Global NEST J., 14 (1), 2012, 1–7.

231. Baborowski, M., V. Simeonov, J. Einax. Assessment of Water Quality in the Elbe River at flood Water Conditions Based on Cluster Analysis, Principal Components Analysis, and Source Apportionment. Clean – Soil, Water, Air, 40, 2012, 373–380.

232. Bardarov, V., P. Simeonova, L. Neikova, K. Bardarov, V. Simeonov, S. Tsakovski, K. Kanev. Statsitical Interpretation of Medical Data of Patients with Alcohol Abuse. Cent. Eur. J. Med., 7, 2012, 465–474.

233. Simeonov, V. Environmetrics as a Tool for Sustainability Assessment. Int. J. Technology Management, 60 (1/2), 2012, 83–95.

234. Tomova, R., P. Tzaneva, M. Nikolov, V. Simeonov. Interpretation of Data in Patients with Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Cent. Eur. J. Med., 7, 2012, 720–728.

235. Voyslavov, T., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Surface Quality Water Assessment Using Self­organizing Maps and Hasse Diagram Technique. Chemomet. Intell. Lab. Syst., 118, 2012, 280–286.

236. farmaki, E., N. Thomaidis, V. Simeonov, C. Efstathiou. A Comparative Chemometric Study for Water Quality Expertise of the Athenian Water Reservoirs. Environ. Monit. Assess., 184, 2012, 7635–7652.

237. Simeonov, V. Environmental History of the Twentieth Century. Bulg. J. Chem., 1, 2012, 143–153.

238. Simeonov, V. Environmetrics in Environmental Science. Bulg. J. Chem., 1, 2012, 173–184.239. Симеонов, В.. Екотоксикология. Chemistry: Bulg. J. Sci. Education, 21, 2012, 898–911. Simeonov, V. Ecotoxicology. Chemistry: Bulg. J. Sci. Education, 21, 2012, 898–911 (in Bulg.).240. Voyslavov, T., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov. Hasse Diagram Technique as a Tool for Water

Quality Assessment. Anal. Chim. Acta, 770, 2013, 29–35.241. Tobiszewski, M., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, J. Namiesnik. Application of Multivariate Statis­

tics in Assessment of Green Analytical Chemistry Parameters of Analytical Methodologies. Green Chemistry, 15, 2013, 1615–1623.


242. farmaki, E., N. Thomaidis, V. Simeonov, C. Efstathiou. Comparative Use of Artificial Networks for the Quality Assessment of the Water Reservoirs of Athens. J. Water Supply: Res. & Technol., 62 (5), 2013, 296–308.

243. Narkowicz, S., Z. Polkowska, M. Marc, V. Simeonov, J. Namiesnik. Determination of Thiocyanate (Biomarkers of ETS) and other Inorganic Ions in Human Nasal Discharge Samples Using Ion Chromatography. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 96, 2013, 131–138.

244. Tsitouridou, R., P. Papazova, P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Chemical and Statistical Interpretation of Sized Aerosol Particles Collected at an Urban Site in Thessaloniki, Greece. J. Environ. Sci. Health A. 48, 2013, 1815–1828.

245. Simeonova, P., D. Simeonov, L. Spassov, V. Simeonov. Determination and Statistical Interpretation of Toxic Metals Content in Mollusks and Snails from Black Sea. Bulg. J. Chem., 2, 2013, 105–114.

246. Georgieva­Nikolova, R., Z. Kamenov, M. Slavova, M. Nikolov, V. Simeonov. Multivariate Statistical Interpretation of Clinical Data of Prolactinoma Patients. Ecol. Chem. Eng., 20, 2013, 585–594.

247. Симеонов, В. Екология и цивилизация. Природа – БАН, 1, 2013, 44–52. Simeonov, V. Ecology and Civilization. Priroda (Nature – BAS), 1, 2013, 44–52 (in Bulg.).248. Симеонов, В. Дългата история на отпадъците. Природа – БАН, 2, 2013, 44–48. Simeonov, V. The Long History of Garbage. Priroda (Nature – BAS), 2, 2013, 44–48 (in Bulg.).249. Симеонов, В. Антропосфера и промишлен метаболизъм. Природа – БАН, 4, 2013, 30–35. Simeonov, V. Anthroposphere and Industrial Metabolism. Priroda (Nature – BAS), 4, 2013,

30–35 (in Bulg.).250. Kudlak, B., S. Tsakovski, V. Simeonov, A. Sagajdakow, L. Wolska, J. Namiesnik. Ranking

of Ecotoxisity Tests for Underground Water Assessment Using Hasse Diagram Technique. Chemosphere, 95, 2014, 17–23.

251. Simeonova, P., D. Simeonov, L. Spassov, V. Simeonov. Statistical Assessment of Medical Data by the use of Cluster Analysis. Part I. Classification of Clinical Parameters. Bulg. J. Chem., 2, 2013, 143–151.

252. Papazova, P., T. Voyslavov, P. Simeonova, V. Simeonov. Chemometric Expertise and Pollution Risk Assessment of Soils. Bulg. J. Chem., 3, 2014, 1–8.

253. olkowska, E., B. Kudlak, S. Tsakovski, M. Ruman, V. Simeonov, Z. Polkowska. Assessing of the Water Quality of Klodnica River Catchment Using Self­organizing Maps. Sci. Total Environ., 476–477, 2014, 477–484.

Prof. Dr. Dimiter L. Tsalev, DSc, C.M.Chair of Analytical Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and PharmacyUniversity of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”

1, J. Bourchier Blvd.1164 Sofia