List of Organ is at Ions That Have Signed the Declaration-2

List of organisations that have signed the Declaration "System Change - Not Climate Change" Organisation Country 1 ACCISOL ( Ac ci ón po r un a c iud ad aní a So li da ri a ) Spa in 2Acenda Allocale Capriaszo Switzerland 3 ACF france 4 Advocates f or Environmental Human Rights USA 5 AE FJN - Afri ca - Eur o pe Fa it h & Just ic e N et wor k Bel gi um 6 Afric an Union African Diaspora Switzerland Switzer land 7 Afrika Kontakt Danmark 8 AGROFAST FOOD Ecuador 9 AITEC France 10 Akel Cyprus 11 Akis phokas cyprus 12 Alaska Community Action on T oxics USA 13 Alternativa Verda Catalonia, Spain 14 Amelia's Magazine UK 15 Amis de la Terre France France 16 Amne sty Inter natio nal Germany 17A mnesty International civilian Austria 18 Anti Debt Coalition Indonesia 19 Aranya Agricultural Alterantives, Andhrapradesh, India 20 Aranya Agricultural Alternatives Adilabad, Medak districtd, Andhra Pradesh, India 21 ARCI ITAL Y 22 Ark Valley Permaculture USA 23 As ia Pac ic In d ige n ous Yo u th Net wor k, AP I YN Ph il ipp ine s 24 Asia Pacic Research Network Asia Region 25 Asian neighborhood Design USA 26 Association Co. Vie.Nat France 27 ASSOCIA TION DES JEUNES POUR LA PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT (AJPE) TCHAD TCHAD 28 Association Marocaine pour Ecotourisme et Protection de la Nature MOROCCO 29 Association NEPAD Centrafrique Central African Republic 30 Associazione Agenda 21 Locale Capriasca Switzerland 31 A TT AC Austria Austria 32 A TT AC Danmark Danmark 33 A TT AC Finland Finland 34 A TT AC France France 35 A TT AC Italia Italy 36 A TT AC Japan Japan 37 A TT AC Pologne Pologne 38 A TT AC SPAIN SP AIN 39 aac sud luberon France 40 A TT AC Sweden Sweden 41 A TT AC Togo TOGO 42 A TT AC Vlaanderen Belgium 43 Austrian Social Forum (ASF ) Austria 44 A YICC-A frican y outh initiative on clima te chang e Ghana Ghana 45 B ali Chapter of WALHI Indonesia 46 Bangladesh As s oc ia ti on fo r S o ci al Ad va nc em e nt B an gl ad es h 47 baounty time france 48 Belarusian Party of Greens Belarus 49 Bharatiya Krishak Samaj India 50 Biowatch South Africa 51 Bluepeace Maldives 52 Broeikasgasten The Netherlands 53 California Student Sustainability Coalition USA 54 CANADIAN UNION OF POST AL WORKERS CANADA 55 Canadians for Action on Climate Change Canada 56 Capodistrias-Spinelli-Europe Initiative Finland 57 Carbon Tax Center USA 58 CCFD terre solidaire France France 59 ccreed (citizens' alliance in reforms for equitable and ecient development Pakistan 60 cea messina onlus italy 61 CED/FoE Cameroon Cameroon 62 CENS AT Agua Viva , F riends of th e E a r th Co lo mb i a C ol omb ia 63Center for a World in Balance Belgium 64 Ce nt er for E nc ou n te rs a nd Ac tive No n- Vi olen ce A us tr ia 65 Center for Multidusciplinary Studies on Health and Philippines

Transcript of List of Organ is at Ions That Have Signed the Declaration-2

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

Organisation Country1 AC CI SO L ( Ac ci ón p or u na c iud ad aní a S oli da ri a) Sp ain

2 Acenda Allocale Capriaszo Switzerland3 ACF france4 Advocates for Environmental Human Rights USA5 A EFJ N - Afr ic a- Eur op e Fa it h & Jus ti ce Ne two rk Be lg iu m6 Afric an Union African Diaspora Switzerland Switzer land

7 Afrika Kontakt Danmark8 AGROFAST FOOD Ecuador9 AITEC France

10 Akel Cyprus11 Akis phokas cyprus

12 Alaska Community Action on Toxics USA13 Alternativa Verda Catalonia, Spain14 Amelia's Magazine UK15 Amis de la Terre France France16 Amnesty International Germany17 A mnesty International civilian Austria18 Anti Debt Coalition Indonesia19 Aranya Agricultural Alterantives, Andhrapradesh, India

20 Aranya Agricultural AlternativesAdilabad, Medak districtd,Andhra Pradesh, India

21 ARCI ITALY22 Ark Valley Permaculture USA2 3 A si a Pa cifi c In dig en ous Yo ut h Ne two rk ,A PI YN P hi lip pin es24 A sia Pacific Research Network Asia Region25 Asian neighborhood Design USA26 Association Co.Vie.Nat France


28Association Marocaine pour Ecotourisme et Protectionde la Nature MOROCCO

29 Association NEPAD Centrafrique Central African Republic30 Associazione Agenda 21 Locale Capriasca Switzerland31 ATTAC Austria Austria

32 ATTAC Danmark Danmark33 ATTAC Finland Finland

34 ATTAC France France35 ATTAC Italia Italy36 ATTAC Japan Japan37 ATTAC Pologne Pologne38 ATTAC SPAIN SPAIN39 aac sud luberon France40 ATTAC Sweden Sweden41 ATTAC Togo TOGO

42 ATTAC Vlaanderen Belgium43 Austrian Social Forum (ASF ) Austria44 AYICC-African youth initiative on climate change Ghana Ghana45 Bali Chapter of WALHI Indonesia46 Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement Bangladesh47 baounty time france48 Belarusian Party of Greens Belarus

49 Bharatiya Krishak Samaj India50 Biowatch South Africa51 Bluepeace Maldives

52 Broeikasgasten The Netherlands53 California Student Sustainability Coalition USA54 CANADIAN UNION OF POSTAL WORKERS CANADA55 Canadians for Action on Climate Change Canada56 Capodistrias-Spinelli-Europe Initiative Finland57 Carbon Tax Center USA58 CCFD terre solidaire France France

59ccreed (citizens' alliance in reforms for equitable andefficient development Pakistan

60 cea messina onlus italy61 CED/FoE Cameroon Cameroon

62 CENSAT Agua Viva, Friends of the Earth Colombia Colombia

63 Center for a World in Balance Belgium64 C ent er for E nc ou nt er s a nd Ac tive No n- Vi ole nc e A us tr ia65 Center for Multidusciplinary Studies on Health and Philippines

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

66 Centre for Civil Society Environmental Justice Project, South Africa


68 Cesta FOE El Salvador El Salvador69 CIPSI ITALIA70 Citizens Climate Lobby USA71 Clean New York United States

72 Climate Crisis Coaliton USA73 Coastal Development Partnership (CDP) Bangladesh74 Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers The Netherlands75 Confederación Intersindical (STES.i) Spain76 Conseil de la Jeunesse de la Communauté Francaise, Belgium77 Consejo de Naciones Originarias de Cuxcatan El Salvador, Central America78 Consejo Nacional de los ayllus, Markas del Qollasuyo- Bolivia79 Consejo Regional Indigno Cauca - CRIC Colombia80 consorzio mediterraneo italy81 Coordinamdento dei comitati contro le autostrade Cr- Cremona (ITALY)

82 cordillera peoples alliance Philippines


84 Cornucopia Slovenia85 Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) Europe

86 Council of canadians Canada87 Council of Canadians | London Canada88 CSA-CSI Brasil89 Dalarna Against Rasism Sweden90 Da nis h C omm un is t Pa rt y/ Ko mm un is ti sk Pa rt i Da nma rk91 Danish Cuban Association Denmark

92 Dansk Vegetarforening Denmark93 DasArts Norway94 Decrescita Italia Italy95 desobeir france96 Diakonia Sweden97 Dice Foundation N.E.India98 DIRES Denmark99 Donne per la Pace Italy

100 Down To Earth UK/Indonesia101 Eco Councelling Austria Austria

102 Ecologistas en Acción Spain103 Ecologists Greens Greece

104Econonomic Justice Network of the Fellowship of theChristian Councils in Southern Africa South Africa

105 Ecotribal UK106 ECOYM/PMCC Ethiopia107 Egen Vinding og Daer Danmark108 Emnvir onmental movement of larnaca Cyprus cyp rus109 Enda-Ethiopia Ethiopia110 Enegy & Climate Policy Institute(ECPI) Repulic of Korea111 Engineers without Borders Germany

112 Enhedslisten Denmark113 E nvi ro nm ent al J us ti ce C am pus C li ma te C ha ng e USA114 EQUATIONS India115 EQUATIONS India116 EquityBD Bangladesh117 ESDIHB RDCongo118 ESK Basque Country119 ESORG ISRAEL

120 euromayday europe121 Fairtrade Italy Italy

122 Fairwatch Italy123 Farmer Unions' Confederation of Turkey (Cici-Sen) Turkey124 FASE - Solidarity and Education Brasil125 Federation of Young European Greens Europe (registered in Belgium)126 Feeo Cyprus cyprus127 Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental USA128 Firends of the Earth Scotland Scotland129 First Woman Canada130 Focus on the Global South Thailand, India, Philippines131 Focuspuller italia

132 Folkebevægelsen mod EU Danmark

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

133 Fonden til Fremme af Blivende Økologisk Balance Danmark134 Foreningen Makvärket Danmark135 Föreningen Ordfront Sweden136 Forum maghrebin pour l'environment et le Morocco137 Foundations for Our New Alkebulan/Afrikan Millennium usa138 Frie Bønder- Levende land Denmark139 Friends of Earth Flanders Belgien

140 Friends of Earth Hungary Hungary141 Friends of the Earth Australia Australia142 F riends of the Earth Australia Australia143 Friends of the Earth Spain Spain144 Friends of the Earth, NAT Brazil145 Friends of the Earth-Philippines Philippines146 FSU France147 Fundacion IPADE Spain148 Fundación Numashir Ecuador149 Future Proof Kilkenny IRELAND150 G-1 Billion China151 Gadjah Mada University Indonesia

152 Gadjah Mada University Indonesia153 GARK Sweden154 Ghana Blogging Group Ghana

155 Ghana Youth on Climate Change Ghana156 Global Action Group ( Kuresel Eylem Grubu) Turkey157 Global Climate Campaign England158 GNM Friends of the Earth- Belgium Belgium159 GNYCCC,Abibimman Foundation and AYICC Ghana160 Göteborgs indiekör Sweden161 Grassroots Global Justice Alliance USA

162 Green LeWeekly Australia163 Green Map Indonesia164 Green Party of Turkey Turkey165 Green Students of Gothenburg Sweden166 Greenpeace India India167 Greenwich Environment Forum England168 Grupo de Beflex Burif Argentina169 Grupo de Reflexion Rural Argentina170 HADIS TOGO171 Hemispheric Social Aliance Americas

172 Hyolmo Students' Association of Nepal Nepal173 IBON Europe Belgium174 IBON International Philippines175 Idea Agenzia per il lavoro Italy176 IERPE Belgium177 Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF) India178 INDIES Indonesia179 Indigenous Permaculture de Aztlan U.S.180 Indonesian Civil Society Forum on Climate Justice Indonesia181 INEX Austria

182 Ingen manniska ar illegal Sweden183 INITIATIVES Inc. Philippines

184Institut International d'études et de recherche sur lesBiens communs France- Italie

18 5 in st it ut e fo r e co no mic re se ar ch on inn ova ti on s out h a fr ic a186 Institute of Environment and Water Nairobi, Kenya187 Instituto de Permacultura de El Salvador El Salvador, Central A merica188 Internasjonale Sosialister, Norge Norway189 International Child Solidarity Denmark190 International Indian Treaty Council International191 International Institute for Art, Culture and Democracy India

192 International Institute for Monetary Transformation USA

193International network of ingeneers and scientists forglobal responsibility germany

194 International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development Indonesia

195International Oil Working Group, Canadian Dimension,Ecosocialist International Network, Capitalism Nature Canada

196International Youth and Student Movement for theUnited Nations (ISMUN) Switzerland

197 Internationale Socialister / ISU Denmark198 Internationale Socialister / ISU Denmark

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

199 IPAM France200 Isis International Regional (Philippine based)201 Jaivik Kheti Abhiyan India

202 JATAM Indonesia203 Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Togo204 Jeunes volontaires pour l'environnement RDCongo République Démocratique du205 Jewish vegetarians of North America USA

206 JNM Belgium207 Jubilee South Global South208 Jubileo Sur/Americas Latin America & Carribean209 JustEnvironment USA210 Kartell Agite Germany211 Kenya Debt Relief Network (KENDREN) Kenya

212 Kenya Nile Discourse Forum Kenya213 Klimapiraten Denmark214 Klimapiraten Germany215 Klimataktion Sweden216 KMS Belgium Belgium217 Kreti & Pleti Sweden218 K-værk denmark219 Laboratorio Corsaro Italy

220 Labour,Health and Human Rights DEvelopment Centre Nigeria

221 Land For Peace SA South Africa222 Landsforeningen Økologisk Byggeri Danmark223 Latinamerikagrupperna Sweden224 LEDARS Bangladesh225 Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Philippines

226Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama saKa likas an/Friends of the Earth- Philipp ines Philip pines

227 Legambiente Italia228 LEGAMBIENTE LIGURIA ITALIA229 les alternatifs france230 Les Amis de la Terre - France France231 Les Jeunes Verts France

232 Les Verts Bretagne (Briany Greens) France233 Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal Australia234 Lions bay BC Canada235 LOKOJ INSTITUTE Bangladesh236 loucas de pedra lilas brazil

237Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres/ World March ofWomen/ Marche Mondiale des Femmes international movement

238 McGregor Alternative Technology Centre South Africa239 Medialdea Ata Bello Guevarra & Suarez Law Partnership Philippines240 Mightysociety The Netherlands241 Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner - Friends of The Earth Sweden

242 Miljøpunkt Nørrebro Denmark243 Monneta im Lebensgarten Steyerberg e.V. Germany244 Mouvement Utopia France245 Movement Generation: Justice and Ecology Project USA246 Sweden247 Ñaa te Kuni México

248National Association of Professional Environmentalists(NAPE) - Uganda Uganda

249 National Forum of Forest People & Forest Workers, India250 Nature Palace Foundation Uganda251 Nätverket för Gemensam Välfärd (Network for Common Sweden

252 Navdanya India253 Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agriculrual Movement) Bangladesh254 NC Future now Bulgaria2 55 Netherlands P hilipp ine S olidar itymovement Netherland s256 NeverEndingFood Malawi257 Newtimes Nigeria258 NIGD Finland259 No borders uk260 NOAH, Friends of the Earth Denmark Denmark261 Nolager, Bremen Germany

262 Nordbruk Via Campesina Sweden263 North East Peoples Alliance North East India264 North South XXI Switzerland265 Noya Germany

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

266 NO-YA Cologne Germany267 Okani Cameronn268 Our Street Project UK269 P3 Permaculture Design Canada270 Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research Pakistan271 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Malaysia

272 Pasifika Foundation Hawaii USA

273 Patatopia Academy Belgium / Poland274 People & Planet UK275 Peoples' Movement on Climate Change (PMCC) Philippines276 Permacultura America Latina - PAL USA277 Permaculture Association (Britain) United Kingdom278 Permaculture Institute USA USA279 Permaculture international denmark280 Permakultur Danmark Denmark

281Pesticide Action Network Asia and th Pacific/PeoplesMovement on Climate Change Malaysia

282 Philippine Youth Environmental Network, MRP Green Philippines283 plan3 Art & Innovation Sweden284 Sweden285 Pro Planeta Brazil286 Professors' organisation, Nepal Nepal

287 Progressive Democrats of America USA288 Projecto270 Portugal289 Rådet for Bæredygtig Trafik Denmark290 Rainforest Fund USA291 Real Green Sweden

292 REBRIP, Brazilian Network for the Integration of Brazil293 Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio México294 Red Mexicana de Afectados por la Mineria-REMA Mexico295 Refoundation Communist Party Italy296 RESCOPE PROGRAMME Malawi297 Risør Rødt norway298 River Basin Friends India's North East299 Rødt/The party Red Norway300 ROOTS FOR EQUITY/PMCC PAKISTAN301 Rural Volunteer Centre Assam, India

302 SAL-Svecic Sweden / Peru303 sao francisco site brazil304 SAVE OUR PLANET EARTH(SOPE) Uganda305 SCI Italy France306 SEEDS - social ecology education and demonstration USA307 Servizo Civile Internazionale - Itali Italy308 Share The World's Resources (STWR) UK309 Sierra Club USA310 Siti Maemunah Indonesia311 Skällinge landsbynät Sweden

312 Socia Landscape Project USA313 SolarAid United Kingdom314 Solidarité France315 Solidarity Sweden - Latin America Sweden316 sos rassismus deutschweiz Switzerland317 South Durban Community Environmental Alliance South Africa318 Southport Friends of the Earth England319 Southwest Workers Union USA

320 Spire Norway321 Studenti per brescia Italy

322 Sudanese Environment Conservation Society/ PMCC Sudan323 SUSZLON Foundation India324 Systembolaget Sweden325 Tax Justice Network France326 Terra Commons USA327 The Board of Klimaforum09 Denmark328 The Climate Movement of Denmark Denmark329 The Danish Society for A Living Sea Denmark330 the faerie embassy australia331 The Lia Fund United States

332 The Moving Body Project UK

333 Tibet Third Pole Denmark334 Trade Strategy Group South Africa

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List of organisations that have signed the Declaration

"System Change - Not Climate Change"

335 Transnational Institute International336 Turkish Youth Initiative on Climate change Turkey337 Tuvalu delegation Poland338 UBINIG Bangladesh339 UBINIG Bangladesh340 Ung Vänster, (Falun, Dalarna, Falun, Gävleborg, Sweden341 Uniendo Esfuerzos por una Sociedad Sustentable El Salvador

342 United Network Of International Youth for Development Ghana

343University of Montana Forum For Living withAppropriate Technology (UM FLAT) USA

344 Utrikespolitiska foreningen Uppsala Sweden345 Vänsterpartiet Falun Sweden346 Visions Solidaires TOGO347 WALHI Yogyakarta Indonesia348 War on Want UK

349 WE DEMAND REPARATIONS Campaignunited capitalist prison statesof america

350 West County Toxics Coallition USA351 Western Region Environment Centre Australia

352 WilDCOAST/COSTASALVAjE U.S and Mexico353 Wise Earth Publishers USA354 Women for Peace Germany

355 Women´s Internationel League for Peace and Freedom International

356Women's Initiatives for Society, Culture, andEnvironment, (WISE) Inc Philippines

357World Rainforest Movement / Movimento Mundial porlos Bosques Global

358 World Temperate Rainforest Network USA359 Sweden360 Yellow Dirt Denmark361 Young greens of turkey turkey

362 USA363 Zukunskonvent Germany