Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different...

Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor

Transcript of Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different...

Page 1: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor

Page 2: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Be aware that there are a range of different

client groups Identify different characteristics of the different

client groups Knowledge of different components in different

foods Identify other factors that will affect food choice

Page 3: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Pregnant women

Infants, babies and toddlers

Primary school children



Older people


Coeliac Disease



Food Intolerance

Page 4: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.
Page 5: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Provide sufficient energy for pregnancy weight gain

(developing baby) Provide all essential nutrients for growth

Lifestyle - Avoid alcohol / smoking due to risk miscarriage /


Regular non-strenuous exercise

400ug/day folic acid until week 12

Adequate fibre to prevent constipation 25-35g/day

Increase fluid intake

Increased Energy – extra 200 calories/day during last 3mnths

Increased Iron intake – form red blood cells, babies iron

store laid down during pregnancy, last for 6mnths after birth

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Essential fatty acid intake – important foetal brain development

Vitamin A – high intake not recommended, avoid liver and other


Vitamin C – increased need, aids in absorption of iron

Vitamin D – increased need to aid calcium absorption, 10ug/day

Adequate Calcium – healthy diet should provide sufficient

calcium for mother and baby

Should avoid soft cheeses, unpasteurised milk, raw eggs,

undercooked chicken, liver products

Good personal / food hygiene important

Special nutritional considerations: teenagers, those with learning

disabilities, ethnic groups

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Breast-feeding is optimum feeding for first 6mnths

Advantages for baby – lower risk of infection, protection

against allergens, provides correct mix and quantity of

nutrients, baby only takes what it needs

Advantages for mother – No preparation needed, help

with weight loss after birth, associated with lower risk of

certain cancers; e.g. breast, ovarian

Vitamin A, C & D and calcium all important for infants

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Some mums choose not to or are unable to breast feed

Bottle fed / infant formula – based on cows milk modified to

mimic the nutrient profile of breast milk

Various products available on market, SMA Gold and Aptamil

Cow’s milk contains more protein, less fat, lactose and

Vitamin A & C

Weaning – transition on to a mixed diet, advised at 6mnths

Suggested introductory foods; pureed cooked vegetables

and pureed fruit

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Children between 1-4yrs have high energy and nutrient needs. Variable appetite relating to fluctuations in growth rate

Important nutrients include; Calcium and Vit. D, Fibre / NSP, Iron and Fluoride

Should avoid high fat, high salt and high sugar food From age 5, children should have a healthy balanced diet

as per Eatwell model Children’s families exert most influence over their eating

and physical activity habits

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Page 11: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Continually growing and developing physically, cognitively and emotionally

Children continue to develop eating and exercise behaviours that affect their current and future states of health

Although family exert most influence, other external influences including; Teachers / Coaches, Friends, Media, Ethnic group / religion, Special requirements. Need for Independence

Iron deficiency problematic – include iron rich foods eg. Meats, fortified breakfast cereals (Vit. C to aid absorption)

Constipation problematic – fibre and fluids encouraged, eg. Fruit and vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals

Calcium requirements should be met due to bone formation; prevention of osteoporosis

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Biological, psychosocial and cognitive changes affect

nutritional status

Rapid growth increases nutrient needs

Need for independence, means take control over their food


Conform to peer pressure

Nutrient deficiencies common / health-compromising eating


Need for calcium and Vitamin D to build bone density; Iron

to prevent iron-deficiency anaemia; Zinc for essential

mineral growth

Watch intake of high salt, high sugar and fatty foods

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Early = 21-39 yrs

Midlife = 40-59 yrs

Old Age = 60+ yrs

Important to develop beneficial nutritional and lifestyle

choices to support physical and mental health and well-being

in old age

Reduce fat intake to 30% or less; limit saturated fats to less

than 10%; limit cholesterol to 300mg/day

Five or more portions of fruit and vegetables daily

Maintain moderate protein intake

Limit salt to less 6g/day (FSA, 2010)

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Limit alcohol intake; 2-3 units/day for women; 3-4units/day

for men, with 2-3 alcohol free days in the week

Vitamin and mineral supplements in excess of RDA not


Balance food intake and physical activity to maintain

normal weight

Main health issues; obesity, inactivity, high cholesterol, high

blood pressure, prevention of diseases eg. CVD, cancer

Younger adults more unhealthy than older adults

Low income = Poorer diet

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Some nutrients are of particular importance in older

people; fibre (constipation), calcium and Vitamin D

(fractures), Vitamin B12 and Iron (anaemia)

Some specific nutrients may be needed in increased

amounts for individuals; e.g. Protein and zinc (wound


Ill health and ageing process impacts on nutrition

Main age-related body changes; decrease in muscle mass,

slower uptake of vitamin A, decline in immune function,

decreased absorption of certain vitamins and minerals

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Number of different types of vegetarian

In general they have a well balanced diet

Suffer from less chronic diseases

Vegetarians are more likely to be ‘health conscious’ and

alter other aspects of their diet and lifestyle

Should be eating; 3 or 4 servings of cereal grains, 4 or 5

servings of fruit and vegetables, 2 or 3 servings pulses,

nuts and seeds, 2 servings of dairy, eggs or soya

products, small amount of vegetable oil

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Page 18: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

Coeliac disease is a reaction to protein in food known as

gluten. Lifelong inflammatory condition of gastro-intestine

tract that affects small intestine; reduces an individual’s

ability to absorb enough nutrients for their needs

250,000 diagnosed with Coeliac disease in UK, however

500,000 undiagnosed (affects 1 in every 100)

Nutritional needs include; gluten-free diet, correct any

nutritional deficiencies caused by poor absorption

Gluten free foods ranges available from supermarkets

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Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the amount of

glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high because the body

cannot use it properly

Type 1 – Insulin dependent; develops if the body is unable

to produce any insulin (treated by insulin injections and diet)

Type 2 – Non-insulin dependent; develops when body can

still produce some insulin, but not enough, or when insulin

that is produced doesn’t work effectively (treated by diet

alone, or diet and tablets)

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Diet for people with diabetes is a balanced healthy diet, the

same kind that is recommended for rest of population

- low in fat, sugar and salt

- plenty of fruit and vegetables

- meals based on starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes,

cereals, pasta and rice

2.8 million people in UK have diabetes

Over ¾ people with diabetes have type 2

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Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become thin and

weak and break easily (frequently goes undiagnosed until a

fracture occurs)

About 3 million people in UK have osteoporosis, and every year

more than 230,000 fractures occur

1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will have a

fracture as a result of the condition

Diagnosis through examination, blood checks, Dexa Scan (x-ray)

Treatment may include calcium and Vitamin D supplements (10

micrograms/day), variety of hormone treatments (HRT / SERMS)

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Causes include:

- Genetic predisposition (parents)

- Age – Bone density is fixed in third decade of life (after that levels deplete)

- Gender - affects Women after menopause (oestrogen levels fall)

- Smoking – Increases risk

- Heavy drinking (more than 3 units daily)

- Low Body Weight (BMI <19)

- Sedentary Lifestyle

Diet: Prevention is better –

- Healthy balanced diet rich in Calcium (green leafy veg. dried fruit, tofu, yoghurt) (3servings per day) and Vitamin D (eggs, milk and oily fish)

- Increase weight-bearing exercises / Maintain a healthy body weight

- Get some Sun! / Quit Smoking / Reduce Alcohol consumption

- Certain foods – (salt, fizzy drinks, caffeine) leech minerals from bones

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Food allergy and food intolerance are both types of food


Food allergy is when body identifies food as foreign substance and

triggers abnormal reaction in immune system

Food intolerance doesn’t involve the immune system and is generally not

life-threatening. But if someone eats a food that they are intolerant to,

this could make them feel ill or affect their long-term health

Signs (FI) include; headache, swelling, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin disorders

FI Caused by; milk, eggs, nuts, fish/shellfish, wheat/flour, chocolate,

artificial colours, pork/bacon, chicken, cheese

Essential to examine the label on any pre-packed food

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Peanuts Nuts Eg. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans,

pistachios and macadamia nuts

Eggs Milk Crustaceans (including prawns, crabs and lobsters)

Fish Sesame seeds Cereals containing gluten (including wheat, rye, barley and oats)

Soya Celery Mustard

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Page 26: Lisa M. Hanna-Trainor. Be aware that there are a range of different client groups Identify different characteristics of the different client groups Knowledge.

You should target your

product to a particular client

group bearing in mind their

specific dietary requirements