Linkare company profile 2013




Transcript of Linkare company profile 2013

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· IT ConsulTIng· CenTres of exCellenCe· soluTIons DelIvery· sTaffIng servICes

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our mission is to innovate and excel in the creation of products and services, adopting emerging Java technologies and solutions, that are adjusted to our customers’ needs and contribute to modernization and increase competitiveness.

our MIssIon

” Linkare has consistently proved its strong commitment to becoming one of the leading Portuguese IT solution and service providers in EU’s competitive procurement framework. All the major stakeholders in Brussels are currently acquainted with its capabilities and competences, from European Commission officers to a large group of the main players in this field, and that fact is a clear indication that they are on the right path to success.”Gonçalo Mello Economic Counsellor at the Embassy of Portugal in Brussels & AICEP Portugal Global • Trade & Investment Agency’s Brussels Managing Director

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Paulo Zenida Partner, Chief Operating OfficerSenior Java consultant and architect, responsible for solutions delivery

José Pedro Pereira Partner, Chief Technology OfficerSenior Java consultant and architect, responsible for IT strategy and consulting services

Paulo Ribeiro Partner, Chief Executive Officerresponsible for Customer Care and Business Development

Francisco Sanches Partner, Chief Financial Officerresponsible for finance and administration, legal affairs and labour relations

who we arefounded in 2004, we are an IT company specialising in the provision of Java services and solutions for both the private and the public sector.

“Java Excellence”is our motto and drives us towards the development of a professional and trustworthy relationship with our customers.

since 2010 we have extended our activities worldwide from our home country, Portugal, to other european and also african countries.


In 2012

nuMBEr OF countRieS with active PRoJectS

% caPital owned By LinkarE EMPLOyEEs

yEars OF PRoven exPeRienceand exPeRtiSe

% oF SaleS coMinG FRoM inteRnational PRoJectS

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our founDaTIons

STRATEGY FOR SUCCESSOur proven expertise, excellence and innovation are guaranteed by a skilled and specialized team, embracing 4 critical success factors:

Talented Skilled ProfessionalsRigorous recruitment process with focus on high technical skills, proper academic background and professional approach.

eCademyMentoring and training, as well as individual/collective knowledge sharing and professional certifications by internationally recognised partners and software vendors.

Facing Innovation TogetherAdopting emerging solutions and technologies, in partnership with our customers and universities and applying them creatively to the solutions development and services.

Java Excellence Specialized services in Java technologies, geared to customers’ needs.

” Our collaboration with Linkare was flawless. The level of consultancy provided exceeded our expectations, which resulted in a very fruitful collaboration and a happy customer. Linkare is a reliable partner and is very committed.”Koert van espen,Managing Partner, Apogado

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faCIng InnovaTIon TogeTher

our TeaMour team is composed of talented software architects, consultants, developers/analysts, testers and system administrators who are results-oriented, responsible, capable of integrating both internal and external teams (partners/clients) and always willing to share knowledge and experiences with other team members.

6.7avEragE yEars OF ExPEriEnCE




analysT PrograMMers



ConsulTanTs anD arChITeCTs




sysTeMs anD DB aDMInIsTraTors


analysT PrograMMers



no Degree

5%MasTers Degree

BaChelor Degree(3-5 yEars)





7%BusIness aPPs DeveloPer


weB DeveloPer

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e-lab & Technical university of lisbon



e-u IsCTe - university Institute of lisbon



Portuguese social security, Institute of Informatics

european Commission (Apogado)


10 20


nokia siemens network (randstad Technologies)



Lisbon regional Health authority



e-u Polytechnic Institutes of Tomar & Coimbra


where we are


International Organizations Proven experience providing IT services to international organizations, from consulting to staffing: directorates-General of the European Commission, European Parliament, European Agencies and others.

Public sector broad experience with project development and service provision to public administration - namely social security, justice, health, education, agriculture and municipalities.

Education and health Education is where we took our first steps through the development of e-learning, on-line academic service platforms and web portals. In the health sector we have experience with on-demand projects at regional and national level.

Private sector Translating our Java expertise into our customers’ results, in several private spheres: telecoms & media, financial services, utilities, manufacturing, retail and others.

” We are very pleased with the professionalism, performance and Java skills of Linkare’s consultants working for CGI’s projects at European Organizations.”Ben vicca,Vice President Business Development & sales, Cgi Belgium

” Linkare is a partner that matches our requirements mainly by sharing identical values in terms of business action. This partnership has helped us provide common successful answers.”Pedro Mota, Director, randstad Technologies

” We were highly impressed by the technical knowledge of the staff and the reactivity of the management.”Stefan Geier, Co-Directeur, infeurope

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unitel, angola (Logica Portugal)european Parliament (Logica Luxemburgo)european Patent office (infeurope)



national Communications institute of Mozambique (MzBusiness)







faCIng InnovaTIon TogeTher



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whaT we Do



These services are provided by deeply knowledgeable, highly qualified, well trained and prolific consultants equipped with valuable reference assets (code snippets and examples, case-studies, technical recipes, proofs-of-concept, frameworks, reference architectures, best practices).

.: Security, Cryptography, digital Signature and Encryptionsecurity specs (Jaas, JasPIC, JaCC, saMl, xaCMl, oauth, openID, PKCs*), libraries (Zas, apache shiro, Deltaspike - CoDI, Picketlink & PicketBox) and products (Cas, eJBCa, opensso, IDM), cryptography standards implementations (Jre, BouncyCastle, JCe and Jsse, openssl), identity smart cards signature, authentication and encryption, from and within Java technology as well as integration with other languages/platforms.

.: Java EnterpriseTo the boundaries of Java enterprise standards and specs, proprietary or open source alike. servlet, Jsf and eJB in multi-modular web or enterprise, CDI extensions, rMI/IIoP/ws/resT interceptors and handlers, JTa transactions control and coordination, Jre performance tuning for enterprise solutions, to JMx monitoring and control, osgI modules and JPa/JDBC/nosQl/BigData technologies. Deep understanding of specs and concrete implementations gruesome details.

.: Application lifecycle ManagementContinuous integration and delivery, build & test automation, releases provisioning & dependency management, knowledge management, tasks & configuration management with cross-traceability, code review, inspection and conformity: from process definition to legacy upgrade and migration to solution rollout.

IT COnSuLTInG AnD CEnTrES OF ExCELLEnCEour highly resourceful and technically advanced consultants,working alongside our customers, are able to drive a strong momentum on any project or team.

Consultants with extensive experience and knowledge of Java technology, together with experts from our Centres of excellence, can provide you with high-value services over the 4 ds life-cycle (Discovery, Design, Development and Delivery).

These services can be provided both on a fixed-price or Time & Materials basis, on-site or off-site (nearshore or offshore depending on your location).





.: Advisingapplications and systems architecture, user experience (ux) and layout design, Proofs-of-concept, assessments and open source software.

.: Training on demandDesign and delivery of Java training courses and mentoring programmes, adapted to customers’ needs.

.: Software quality Assurance, Audit & Testingover requirements, architectures, methodologies and processes.Code review and best practices compliance.functional, stress, load and integration testing.Performance, availability, scalability, fault-tolerance and resilience analysis.

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SOLuTIOnSDELivEryour team’s expertise and experience, timely communication, access to continuous integration tools, code quality assurance and world competitive prices make us stand out in the marketplace and mean we are the best choice for your euroshore or offshore (depending on your location) Java Software Factory.

Custom software developmentweb applications


Intranet and extranet

Mobile and desktop applications

” Linkare demonstrates a deep knowledge in emerging market solutions and technological trends concerning ICT, with a permanent awareness of the application of best practices, as well as the research and selection of the most adequate methodologies and tools that bring more efficiency and productivity to the development process.”Paulo antunes, Development unit Manager, Architecture and Development Department, Institute of Informatics, Portuguese social security

Systems integrationservice oriented architecture, enterprise service Bus, enterprise application Integration.

Maintenance and supportBased on ITsM/ITIl best practices:

- Java applications maintenance (corrective, bug fixing, evolutive, platform upgrades and configuration)

- Infrastructure maintenance (setup, configuration and monitoring)

- 2nd level support for customers’ IT staff

Open Source Softwarealongside with our experience in proprietary software we have a large expertise with the Java open source software, namely, the development, integration and migration.

faCIng InnovaTIon TogeTher

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STAffInG sErviCEswe have proven experience in the provision of high-skilled Java professionals, with a focus on proper academic background, personal approach and commitment to your projects, tasks and goals.

all our professionals are on our payroll, having succeeded in a rigorous recruitment process. This process is continuously improved to achieve quality and time-to-market best practices.

In tandem with this, we continue to invest in training, mentoring and in our knowledge-sharing network, to the benefit of all our professionals and customers.

Java profilesConsultant, technology expert, software & system architect, analyst-programmer, test designer, tester, quality assurance engineer, systems and database administrators, etc.

High adequacyour focus on Java technology, our ability to understand your requirements, the rigorous recruitment process and the continuous investment in our people, all improve the integration process and the adequacy to the “job”, avoiding future needs for replacements.

over 95% total adequacy


DELivErySTAffInG sErviCEs+ +

TEChnOLOGy LanDsCaPECombining solutions and technology expertise to speed up systems development, cut IT budgets and improve roI.

soa and BPM

Content & DocumentManagement

eTl and BI

web services


web development

Mobile & Desktop apps

Persistence and DB

Cloud computing (Paas)

app & web servers

Testing & Monitoring

software lifecycle Management


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Developed in a partnership with the Technical university of lisbon, the e-lab allows the creation of remote laboratories, either at the client’s or at linkare’s facilities (as a service). It is compatible with any operating system and able to integrate with any hardware used to robotize and monitor the lab’s experiments.


accessing a real experiment via the Internet or a local network, the user can remotely control the parameters for that experiment and receive its data in real time.

The user can share data with others, talk in a chat room and watch the experiment being performed via live video feed.

The control and remote access to the experiments allows to safely perform experiments that may involve dangerous materials.

e-lab allows the creation and sharing of scientific and pedagogical multimedia contents that are truly interactive at all levels of education.

e-lab allows integrated access, in one unique application, to different experiments available in one or several laboratories located in universities, museums or science promotion centres.


we have been creating a bundle of web applications to provide private and public organizations with the capacity to acquire knowledge about their human assets and improve performance, decision-making processes and human resources management.It is fully developed in emerging Java technologies and provides secure enterprise integration capabilities, being easily extended and integrated with other systems (lDaP, sso, erPs, open social ...). It also provides a responsive mobile interface based on hTMl5 and Css3 and it is Cloud may choose use it via software as a service (in our secure, hosted cloud) or install it in your own server or private cloud.


no more excel timesheets! Clockare allows users to record expenses and timesheet entries on their tasks, projects (billable/non-billable), activities, vacation or time off. Track your projects and activities budget, effort and cost. Print or export real-time reports easily.supports multi-currency, calendar, company and language.

It is a Decision support system in human resources, for instance in recruiting, training, team & project management or performance evaluation. for individuals, it provides a common location where their professional career can be managed in an easy and intuitive fashion.


” The challenges imposed by the development of this application, completely out of the ordinary software production, clearly demonstrate the potential of Linkare’s professionals. I more than recommend their work; visit their work at”horácio Fernandes, Professor at Technical university of Lisbon, lead of e-lab


faCIng InnovaTIon TogeTher

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