
By: Stacey By: Stacey



Transcript of Lingkungan

Page 1: Lingkungan

By: StaceyBy: Stacey

Page 2: Lingkungan

lingkungan ancaman yang lingkungan ancaman yang menghadap ke planitmenghadap ke planit

Uang kembalian iklim, global warming Uang kembalian iklim, global warming is the greatest ancaman to the Earth is the greatest ancaman to the Earth as it is Menghancurkan our glaciers, as it is Menghancurkan our glaciers, causing droughts, polluting our air causing droughts, polluting our air

and causing a hole in the ozone and causing a hole in the ozone layer, people are causing this layer, people are causing this


Page 3: Lingkungan

Australia’s Industri pertanian is at threat due to Australia’s Industri pertanian is at threat due to global warming as the drought is killing cropsglobal warming as the drought is killing crops..

As a result of penggundulan hutan di Australia the As a result of penggundulan hutan di Australia the salinity of the soil increases and the saline water salinity of the soil increases and the saline water

draining from, where these forests have been cut, draining from, where these forests have been cut, can affect downstream or down slope water can affect downstream or down slope water

quality.quality.Penggundulan hutan and Masa kekeringan sangatPenggundulan hutan and Masa kekeringan sangat

conditions leaves farmland dry and barren.conditions leaves farmland dry and barren.Overgrazing and over fishing is also threatening Overgrazing and over fishing is also threatening Australia’s environment, leaving Spesies berbeda Australia’s environment, leaving Spesies berbeda

ikan di Australiaikan di Australia at low low levels.Also via perkenalan spesies eksotiksuch as; Feral Also via perkenalan spesies eksotiksuch as; Feral kucing, rubah dan kelincikucing, rubah dan kelinci have caused Kepunahanhave caused Kepunahan

or reduction of Spesies asli Australias. or reduction of Spesies asli Australias.

lingkungan ancaman yang lingkungan ancaman yang menghadap Australiamenghadap Australia

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lingkungan ancaman yang lingkungan ancaman yang menghadap Indonesia menghadap Indonesia

There are many There are many lingkungan ancaman that face lingkungan ancaman that face Indonesia; Indonesia; Penggundulan hutan, pencemaran, Penggundulan hutan, pencemaran, menangkap terlalu banyak ikan and wild life trading menangkap terlalu banyak ikan and wild life trading to namm a few. Also as these natural resources run to namm a few. Also as these natural resources run out bagaimanapun juga the biggest threat to out bagaimanapun juga the biggest threat to Indonesia is penggundulan hutan. Indonesia is penggundulan hutan.

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Penggundulan hutan di Penggundulan hutan di Indonesia Sebab dan efekIndonesia Sebab dan efek

From 20000-2005 it was estimated that 1,87 million From 20000-2005 it was estimated that 1,87 million hectares of forest was binasa. Penggundulan hutan hectares of forest was binasa. Penggundulan hutan

Indonesia sudah menyebabkan spesies yang Indonesia sudah menyebabkan spesies yang dibahayakan untuk kehilangan habitat mereka dan dibahayakan untuk kehilangan habitat mereka dan

kehilangan income for locals and their governments. kehilangan income for locals and their governments. Akibatnya baik orang maupun binatang menderita. Akibatnya baik orang maupun binatang menderita.

Sebab bagi ini adalah permintaan global untuk Sebab bagi ini adalah permintaan global untuk bubur kayu dan minyak sawit. bubur kayu dan minyak sawit.

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Kebakaran hutanKebakaran hutan

Api kebakaran hutan di Indonesia mempunyai dampak lingkungan berarti. Forest fires are

reoccurring in Indonesia, because of this it effects peoples haelth (as the fires release toxic gases like carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), nitrogen

dioxide (NO2), hydrocarbons, aldehydes, particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and as these

gases cause respiratory infections that make locals sick), their livelihood, agriculture, increases

green house gas emissions, effects tourism and transportation and especially effects the animals that use these forests as their habitats. There are

direct and indirect causes of these fires, direct cause may be when a farmer sees burning off as the cheapest way of clearing land for agricultural


Page 7: Lingkungan

Perkebuan kelapa sawit Perkebuan kelapa sawit

Fact: Palm oil is used in about 50% of all packaged food

products in supermarkets today

Reduction of the forests for palm oil means reduction of endangered

species such as the Sumatran rhino and tiger and orangutans. The global

production of palm oil is about 35 million metric tones!

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Binatang lair yang Binatang lair yang terancam punahterancam punah

Malaysian and Sumatran tigers, Malaysian, Sumatran, Borneo Asian elephants,

Malaysian, Sumatran & Borneo rhino, Sumatran & Borneo orangutans, tapir,

and the Malaysian & Borneo sun bear are all the animals that are affected by the

global demand for palm oil. Their habitats are being destroyed and they

are loosing their homes and food source. They are all threatened with extinction.