Linda Strubbe: Teaching Inquiry in Nigeria: the West African Summer School for Young Astronomers

Domingos Barbosa (IT), Isabel da Rocha (ESMAE-IPP), Melissa Fontoura

Transcript of Linda Strubbe: Teaching Inquiry in Nigeria: the West African Summer School for Young Astronomers

Domingos Barbosa (IT), Isabel da Rocha (ESMAE-IPP), Melissa Fontoura

The Music of the Spheres : Harmonia Cósmica -

Sound: acoustic pressure waves !

Sound: cosmic pressure waves !

Inosphere : Planet-Star interactions!

Inosphere : Planet-Star interactions!

Plasma Waves !

Inosphere : Planet-Star interactions!

Expanding Cosmic Fluid: Universe Infancy

Acoustic waves

Sounds : the fabric of music

The Well-Tempered Clavier

The Well-Tempered electronics!

Sounds : the fabric of music

The Golden Record Laurie Spiegel The Well-Tempered electronics!

Sounds : the fabric of music

An excellent educational material!