Lilith the Woman of Disobidence

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Transcript of Lilith the Woman of Disobidence

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    With Saddle Talks in todays politics about how women are treated unfairly in Americaon how there make less that men and how women are more likely to be stuck inpoverty and so forth, many have advocated for increasing the minimum wagewhich many will say helps low income single mothers with low wage jobs, but thiscouldn't be further from the truth increasing the minimum wage or giving thegovernment more control over your lifes to set wages won't help nobody but youwill only find yourself in deeper poverty, affliction and out of a job.

    In this E-book which I am marketing directly to women, escepially young women whowant to lead a sucessful life, a happy life, women who want to be truly empoweredand rise up to the middle class or even further, I will be demonstrating how to dothat and how it all starts by having a biblical worldview first and foremost.

    Feminism will not solve your problems, government won't, politicians orwhatever won't but only obeying God, and in this E-Book I hope toenlighten women to show them what is true women empowerment andhow there can truly fight for women's rights and freedom.

    Before I give specifics and solutions allow me to address the problem whichis feminim a system rooted in disobidence and how Lilith, a female demonis behind all of it in my book, before we move ahead into specifics we willexamine who is lilith and why I say she is the demon behind women'ssufferings and the evilness of feminism.

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    Lilith() Lilith is a nightcreature, nighthag or screech owl(Isaiah 34:14)

    She will come and restwhere a doorhas been openedthrough pornography,lust and sexualimmorality (Isaiah34:15 Owls will maketheir nests there, layeggs, and hatchthem.)

    identified as a femaledemon but she is much

    worse Lilith is asuccubus.

    At the roots of Lilith isdisobidence which iskind of similar tofeminism, anddisobidence leads to allkind of problems thatwe see women facingincluding the genderpay gap between malesand females and somuch other ills insociety this womenlilith is a cancer for theworld but escepially forthe Church andChristian girls .

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    In the Alphabet of BenSira (ca 700-1000 CE)onwards, Lilith appearsas Adam's first wife,who was created at thesame time.

    If this is true, then thatmeans when God toldAdam to rule and havedominion she was alsopresent and she wasalso given that powerto rule and havedominion, which is whyas believers we must

    always stay focused onChrist and walk awayfrom Sin have nofellowship with the dark

    • This is where thespirit of Feminism inthe church comesfrom I believe,according to thewritings of writings

    of Rabbi Isaac benJacob ha-Cohen,Lilith left Adam aftershe refused tobecome subservientto him and thenwould not return to

    the Garden of Edenafter she hadcoupled with thearchangel Samael.

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    As we read from thewritings of Rabbi Isaacben Jacob ha-Cohen,Lilith was Adam Firstwife extremely

    disobident left Adamsounds a lot like divorcein society today becauseshe did not want tosubmit unto Adam'sauthrority and she went

    her own way and troublecame her way all becauseof disobidence.

    So from the beginningwe are told how theunion of marriage oneman and one woman isimportant, and how awoman is suppossed tosubmit simply meaning

    let your husband leadyou and the family, lethim protect and providefor his family and runhis householddo not challenge himwomen and everything

    goes well you have tofight Lilith, that spirit ofdisobidence cast it outfrom you.

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    The bible clearly statesunder God's authroritythe husband is to bethe head of the homeand the wife is to followher husbands lead, sothat the two can trulybecome one so thatboth can be under Godpower, wisdom andreign. This also appliesto the church as we are told in the book

    of timothy women arenot to teach but dressmodestly and listen.

    Lilith is of the world,Adam's first wife ofdisobidence, will notbow to authrority andin Romans 13 God tellsus that there negatives

    that come with that.

    Feminism and Lilith donot belong in thechurch, Christianhomes, get rid of allpornographic cds, dvds,

    sexual immorality, evildesires, fantasies anddisobidence, do not letthis woman abuse you.

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    In the Dead Sea Scrolls,among the 19fragments of Isaiahfound at Qumran,the Great IsaiahScroll (1Q1Isa) in34:14 renders thecreature as pluralliliyyot (or liliyyoth)

    Lilith was a goddess ofthe night, knownalso by the Jewishexiles in Babylon.

    In The Greek writingsLilith is described asOnocentaur a wildcollection of beasts, The"wild beasts of theisland and the desert"

    are omitted altogether,and the "crying to hisfellow" is also done bythe daimononokentauros who isLilith

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    Latin Bible

    Isaiah (Isaias Propheta)34.14, Vulgate

    The translation is: "Anddemons shall meetwith monsters, andone hairy one shallcry out to another;there the lamia haslain down and foundrest for herself.

    What we get from allthis versions andtranslation the hebrew,greek and latin is Lilithis an evil demon acollection of wild beastsof the Island and desertwhich come together,looking for rest, for restin those who are incontinous sin, sexualimmorality, perversion,rape, satanic ritiualabuse, pornographywhen one does thisthings it opens a doorfor liliths to come in atorment one's life

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    When Lilith captures you through Feminism orany other deceptive ideologies

    Her house sinks down todeath, And her courseleads to the shades.All who go to her cannot return And find again

    the paths of life. — Proverbs 2:18–19

    Her gates are gates ofdeath, and from theentrance of the houseShe sets out towardsSheol. None of thosewho enter there willever return,And all whopossess her willdescend to the Pit. — 4Q184

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    Truly Empowering Advice toWomen

    Marriage is importantbe united to yourhusband first before youhave children. Do nothave children out of


    Have a career or a jobbut don't be overlyinvested in it, above allbe a wife and a mother

    to your husband'schildren.

    Follow the God's ways,believe on the trulyliberating gospel ofJesus Christ, live it outand share it with ourwomen.

    Don't be all about sex,abortion and thinkthat's women rightsbut be a women ofvalor, a mother, a wife,business owner, anobiedent wife to yourhusband and God.

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    Embrace Your Labor but don't forget yourfirst role is at home being a wife and


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    Embrace Marriage before Children orstarting a family

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


    Embrace Motherhood Being Pro life is better

  • 8/17/2019 Lilith the Woman of Disobidence


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