Lighting plan A2


Transcript of Lighting plan A2

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High key lighting and low key lighting

Both High Key image and Low Key image make an intensive use of contrast, but in a very different way. When approaching a shoot of a dramatic portrait, the decision of making it a High Key, Low Key or “just” a regular image has great impact about the mood that this picture will convey. While High Key images are considered happy and will show your subject as a tooth-paste poster; Low Key portraits are dramatic and convey a lot of atmosphere and tension. 

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I have you used both low key and high key lighting in my Final Film

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High key lighting This is the starting of my final film and I have used High key lighting in it because I had to show that the agent is trapped in a deserted area. The source of light was the sun that’s why this scene was shot this scene in High key lighting.

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Low key lighting In the second scene of my movie I have used low key lighting to show that the character is not in a good mood and his face expressions tells the audience that he is worried about something that’s the reason I have used low key lighting because darkness represent sadness and tension. The source of light in this scene was a bulb and moon light.

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In this scene again I have used low key lighting so that I could create a suspense in the scene and also show that they are in tension that’s why no songs are being played and lights are dim.

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In this scene I have used artificial lighting the source of lighting is only one bulb and moon light. Low key lighting is used to create suspense and thriller in the scene. The lighting also shows that the character is in bad mood and also shows that the he is about to kill him.

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In this scene I have again used low key lighting as the genre of my movie is action and thriller most of the scene contain low key lighting. The light shows that the character are in tension. The main reason of using low key lighting in this scene is that they both are entering in a house where the agent is trapped so that’s why they sneak in quietly without being spotted by the enemy usually these scenes are done at night and under low key lighting.

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Again I have used low key lighting in this scene because the protagonist is about to eliminate this guard and darkness shows that something is going to happen. In this scene the source of light is the street light.