Letter to the Government- Shineson

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  • 8/7/2019 Letter to the Government- Shineson


    A letter to the government- A young Indian's reaction to farmer's suicides in India


    I year Aeronautical Engineering,

    Park College of Engineering and Technology,


    I am much elated to write a letter to this government which consists of exalted statesmen,

    eminent lawmakers and efficient officers who are governing my honoured motherland in one way or

    the other. At the same time I am feeling sad about the reason behind writing this letter. Yes, I am

    writing here about the tears of blood falling from the farmers' eyes who are tilling my motherland

    inorder to provide food to the people of this great country.

    Farmers-Once exalted people:

    Man need three essential things: Food, clothing and shelter. Farmers provide the first two

    essentials (i.e., food and clothing). They provide food by cultivating food crops like paddy wheat etc.,

    and clothing by cultivating cash crops like cotton. They were much respected in earlier societies when

    they were landowners.

    They live who live to plough and eat;

    The rest behind them bow and eat

    said the Saint Poet Thiruvalluvar in Thirukural. Thus was the exalted condition of farmers in

    early civilizations, because in most of the early civilizations the farmers were landowners. They earned

    pemanent revenue from their land.

    Feudal system- Declining respects:

    But, in the middle ages most of the European countries and Asian civilizations took a step ahead

    into feudalism. Once independent farmers became slaves called serfs. They became subjects to a

    landlord who owned thousands of acres land. The serfs were under the pay of the landlord. They

    cultivated his land. Vassals or serfs had no respect in the period of Feudalism.

    India experienced a terrific 'Zamindari' system. 'Zamindar' is the name given to the Indian

    landlord. The name 'Zamindar' created terror among his serfs. He owned all the land and paid very little

    to these surfs. Those who dared to protest against the landlord was severely punished.

    Gandhiji's Dream:

    Gandhi dreamed of an agrarian society. He constructed a farm at Phoenix in South Africa, with

    his many friends and their families. His ideas were not completely original nor they were completely

    Indian. He explained that he got those ideas from Ruskin's writings and Tolstoy's writings. He also

    experimented and tried to sow his idea in India. But in an rapidly industrializing world his ideas were

    completely ignored. Even his political disciple Nehru did not seem to support his ideas about an

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    agrarian nation. Nehru led the nation towards rapid industrialisation. He introduced a lot of latest

    technologies in India. Nobody was ready to implement or even experiment with Gandhiji's ideas after

    his era. Though Vinobhaji took some efforts, he got nearly failed.

    A call from the forests- Development of extremism:

    By the time that India was near to independence, the landlords feared that they may lose their

    privileges. So, most of them joined the Congress party with hope that they can enjoy their privileges

    even after independence. In the heavily industrialized areas, communism spread its tough and hard

    roots. These rich and new congressmen had to face the wrath of communism. In the Telengana plateau

    area, people were armed by the communists and took the land and shared among themselves. But the

    Indian government did not supported this actions.

    Most of the youths from an agrarian families lost faith in the government. They took the course

    of arms. They embraced Naxalite and Maoist ideologies. Naxalism spread its heavy roots in West

    Bengal. They tried to induce the people towards revolution so that farmers may became the

    landowners. They are trying to bring out a revolution by both ammunition and ideology. Till now the

    government is struggling at its best to destroy the Naxalites. Nowadays most of the land is owned by

    the farmers. But the Naxalites are on a never ending fight to establish a communist society.

    Everybody knows something or everything of the above said things. The eminent statesmen and

    efficient officers may wonder what is the relation between the above said things and farmers' suicides.

    Yes. There is a relation. The farmers were happy when they owned the land. But when they

    worked for the landlords they were not glad because of the low pay and torture of the landlord. In these

    modern times they own the land. But, still they were not happy. What is the reason? Tracing the reason

    behind this problem is the main purpose of writing this letter.

    General Problems of agriculture:

    Industrialisation and its negative effects:

    Industrialisation and westernisation are the developing trends in modern India. India is basically

    an agricultural country. But the government policy is industrialisation. The accused behind the Bhopal

    tragedy had escaped from the clutches of the Indian law. But in their own country, if such tragedy had

    happened, then their company would be closed down and all their properties would be ceased. But the

    Indian law satisfied with a nominal indemnity to the victims. I like to stress that Development of a

    country will be impossible with indusries upon peoples corpses.

    Is there any relation between Industrialisation and this letter? Yes. Thousands of acres of fertile

    land had been ceased for building up industries. I think that the government should understand that

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    peoples cannot eat silicon chips and computers.

    Reduced cultivation of food crops:

    Now the farmers had gone into the cultivation of cash crops. Because they are meeting losses in

    the cultivation of food crops. The southernmost tip of India, the Kanyakumari district i.e., my native

    district is a best example for this situation. Coconut plantations, banana plantations, paddy cultivations

    are razed up and rubber which is a costly cash crop is now cultivated in these places. Though, this do

    not have any immediate effects, this may lead to food scarcity in the future. Farmers mostly reinstate

    into this course because, they get very less profit if they cultivated food crops. Further they had to toil

    for months to get a good harvest. But when cash crops are cultivated they get much profit. Also the

    cultivation of cash crops won't need much effort.

    Now I feel that I have strong base to go on into my argument.

    Reasons for farmers' suicide:

    1) Frustration:

    Thiruvalluvar said that the world should bow to the farmers. But now the farmers had to beg

    and bow the co-operative banks, state owned banks and private banks to get a loan so as to raise the

    crops. They had to go after that officials and if they are unsuccessful they get frustrated and they can

    find no way for a living.

    2)Immense Debts:

    Since they get frustrated with banks they turn to private money lenders. These shylocks takes

    advantage of the farmer's worse situations and lend money to them at high interest rates. Since the

    farmers were mostly illiterates, the money lenders were preparing shylock bonds and cheating the

    farmers. Then they cease their lands. In some rural parts of India there was a custom of taking up the

    daughters and sisters of the poor farmer to solve their debts. The farmer's losing their self respect will

    have no option than ending their life.

    3)Crop failures:

    Unless the fruitful shower descend

    The ploughmen's sacred toil must end,

    said the saint poet Thiruvalluvar.

    Ya, without rain the crops will fail. As I had spend many years of my life in a village, I can

    easily imagine a dry season in a paddy field. Cracked land, dried up crops, dried wells and such sure

    signs of failure. If the crops failed they had to get loans to buy seed for the next season. This will lead

    to the accumulation of debts, lose of self respect and finally into despair they will end the life.

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    4)Insecticides and their negative effects:

    We are manufacturing insecticides to destroy the crop eating insects, not the farmer's life. The

    insecticides which are used now are having negative effects on crops and they produce harmful

    diseases both to crops and human beings consuming the crops. The diseases they produce on the crops

    may lead to crop failure which in turn lead to the road of death.

    5)Hybridly transferred crops:

    The introduction of PT brinjals became a great issue before sometime. These hybridly

    transferred crops may produce a great effect on the land and its fertility. They had to go after the same

    company again if they liked to cultivate again to get seeds, since the grains produced by the cultivation

    is unworthy to be used as seeds. The land may became unsuitable for other crops. The farmers became

    dependent upon the company and the land becames much cultivated with hybridly transferred crops,

    then the soil will lose all its fertility and will become worthless soil. The farmers who lost the land's

    worhty will go into immense debts due to less harvest and will go into a hellish ordeal.

    6)Land acqusition:

    Nowadays the government is very much involved with the acquisition of lands. Most of the

    fertile lands are ceased up and they are used up for building up roads and industries. Farmers are paid

    up with very less indemnity which is much less when compared to the land's original worth. They will

    have no way to go on with their life further. They will go on into immense debts and go to hell as they

    have no other way.

    7)Floods and other natural calamities:

    The farmers in certain delta areas had to experience floods occasionally. Though these floods

    may bring fertile soil, they have disastrous effects. The crops may be completely destroyed on such

    occasions. Heavy storms and wind may break up banana plantations. Natural calamities destroys the

    cash crops also. The farmers are saved if they had insured their crops. But if they had not done so, then

    they will seek their end by some means.

    8)Real estate mafia:

    Nowadays cities were occupied by real estate mafia who are feeding themselves by occupying

    fertile rural areas near the city. They will sell them for reasonable price and go on becoming rich and

    the farmers will be pushed into poverty and finally will be starved to death.

    Analysing various options:

    1)Returning back to an agrarian society:

    Is it possible? Is returning to the Vedas and the old style agrarian life possible? History had

    taught us that it was impossible.

    We can't hold the past and its glory for all its characteristics.

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    Is Gandhiji's dream of agrarian India possible? No. It is highly impossible.

    The development in science and technology is highly irrversible. We can't leave the industries,

    software businesses and get back to farms and huts. So, we can leave the choice of going back to an

    agrarian society. So what can we do?

    2)Granting concession to the farmers:

    Nowadays, Tamil Nadu Government was granting many concessions for the farmers. They are

    providing free electricity to the farmers. Also, they are providing 2 acres of land to landless farmers.

    But still the farmers' conditions had not improved. Why?

    There was a popular tradition in our country. If 100 paise was allocated on the budget for the

    welfare of the people, then half will go to the black sheep politicians, remaining will go to the pockets

    of officers and officials and people will get a welfare plan of one or two paise.

    If two acres of lands were provided to the farmers, then those who do not have the capability to

    cultivate it will sell it to the real estate businessmen. So I strongly feel that this plans will be of no use.

    Then where is the solution?

    Every problem has a solution, however complex it may be. Then what is the solution to end the

    farmer's misery? It lies in your hands. By saying you, I mean the exalted statesmen, eminent lawmakers

    and efficient officers.

    1)Providing Monetary fund:

    Government must ensure that farmers are getting loan within a short period, so that they can be

    saved from the shylocks. Educational loans should be provided to the farmers at zero interest rate.

    Government should organise a department which is likely to buy products from the farmers at a much

    reasonable price.

    2)Modernizing farming and setting up co-operative farms:

    Co-operative farms must be set up in rural areas. Farmers must be respected as any other

    professional. The government must provide each co-operative farm with necessary farming equipment.

    The government must also provide the farmers with eco friendly insecticides and manures at low cost.

    Government must provide the farmers with seeds with which they can came up with high yield.

    Government must make sure that these co-operative farms had been insured against natural calamities.

    3)Encouraging studies on agriculture:

    The government must set up a Nationwide Agricultural Research foundation. Scholarships must

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    be provided to the students studying agriculture. A great agricultural university with colleges on every

    nook and corner of the state must be set up. A special civil services study termed as Indian Farming

    Service (IFS) must be set up, which will be allocated for the offsprings for the farmers. District

    Farming Office must be set up and it must act independently from the administrative body of the


    4)Reducing land acquisition and settling land disputes:

    Government should not cease the agricultural land for any reasons whatever they may be. If

    there was no other way than the acquisition of fertile land. Then the government must provide

    equivalent fertile land to that private farmer. There was a popular Tamil saying that Varappukkaka

    vakkilidam ponaal vayalayum izhakka vendiyadhu thaan (If you go for the advocate to settle a border

    dispute, then you will lose the whole land). The government must ensure that quick judgement is

    provided in land dispute cases. I hope that setting up co-operative farms can reduce the land disputes

    and acquisitions.

    I am sure that by these simple measures farmers' suicides can be stopped. I hope that the exalted

    statesmen, eminent lawmakers, efficient officers will heed my suggestions. Thank you, Indian

    government for providing freedom of expression to write this letter.

    Let India lead