Letter for May 22

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Transcript of Letter for May 22

  • 8/8/2019 Letter for May 22


    Agriculture Business CommunityChapters: Perth East, Perth South, Wilmot West

    .Agricultural Business Community of Perth East,Perth South and Wilmot WestC/o 3649 Road 107RR#2Tavistock, OntarioN0B 2R0

    May 22, 2009

    Charles Organ C.E.T.MTO South Western RegionProject ManagerPlanning and Design Section659 Exeter RoadLondon ONN6E 1L3

    Brenda Jamieson, P.Eng., Consultant Project ManagerAECOM300 Water Street,

    Whitby, OntarioL1N 9J2

    Our first brief to the Consultants and MTO was intended to enlighten the planning team on the nature andreality of todays agriculture business within the study area. The business data in that report still stands andis relevant to this stage in the planning process.

    In the Feb. 6th report, we identify serious flaws in the development of the Short List of Corridors and flagrantbiases against the rural community in the weighting of pros and cons for the different options. Furthermore,we identify the neglect of critical items that are almost completely missing in the consultants list of criteriathat are fundamental to the development or upgrading of any highway corridor.

    We are not satisfied with the response the Agriculture Business Community received from AECOM datedApril 22, 2009. There are significant elements NOT addressed.

    We are disappointed the MTO and Consultant refuse to recognize our Recommendation #15 from the Feb. 6 th

    report. We are pleased that the study team has committed to attending our public meeting and we wilforward to you a list of items that must be addressed at that meeting, when we have a hall booked.

    The Agriculture Business Community also wishes to point out that from May to August is a very poor time ofyear for the MTO or the consultants to expect anything from our businesses or members. A 30 day responsetime is NOT adequate. Farmers are working over 100 hours a week, planting this years crop. It is critical toany success they will have later this year. We hope you will take this into consideration for any other PIC,response time or meetings you are planning.

    C / O 3 6 4 9 R O A D 1 0 7 , R . R . # 2 T A V I S T O C K , O N N 0 B 2 R 0

    P H O N E : 5 1 9 - 6 5 5 - 2 6 3 1 E M A I L h w y 7 a n d 8 @ g m a i l . c o m

  • 8/8/2019 Letter for May 22


    2 September 3, 2010

    In response to PIC 2c, the Agriculture Business Community reiterates:

    The work to be approved by MTO in Highway 7&8 corridor planning and developmentneeds to:

    1. Recognize agriculture as a business

    2. Protect prime agricultural land (Canada Land Inventory Class 1, 2 & 3) for thebusiness of agriculture

    3. Minimize the impact on agricultural business enterprises

    4. Assume financial responsibility for all drainage costs of highway development,before and after construction

    5. Acknowledge and protect our rural heritage.

    We believe these principles are still valid and have not been addressed. They need to drive the planningprocess for future highway development within this study area. They represent more than idle words. Theyrepresent this community and our livelihoods.

    Communications Officer per

    Agriculture Business Community of Perth East, Perth South and Wilmot West