Lets Think Through Maths! Activity 10 Money-Go-Round.

‘Let’s Think Through Maths!’ Activity 10 Money-Go-Round

Transcript of Lets Think Through Maths! Activity 10 Money-Go-Round.

‘Let’s Think Through Maths!’ Activity 10


Aims• Pupils develop their understanding of the use of money.

•Pupils enhance their thinking ability within the reasoning strand of conservation.

•Pupils investigate ways of recording.

N.B. on slide 9 amounts have been omitted for editing by teachers, dependant on ability of the class.

Episode 1: Class modelling of the Money-Go-Round, with

visible collections.

Has anyone been shopping recently? What did you take with you?

What happens to your money when you buy something?

What happens when the shopper runs out money?

What does the shopkeeper do with his/her money at the end of the day?

Suppose you has 80p in your purse, and you buy something for 70p.

How much do you have now?

Where has your money gone?

If you want to buy something else you might need more money.

Where do people get money when they run out?

What do shopkeepers do with their money at the end of the day?

Shopper Shop Bank

Start 15p 15p 15p

Shopper’s throw

Shop’s Throw

Bank’s Throw

15p - 3p = 12p

15p + 3p =18p


12p 18p – 5p = 13p

15p + 5p =20p

12p + 6p =18p

13p 20p – 6p = 14p

Let’s play Money-Go-Round together to learn how the game works.

How much money is there at the end?

What do you notice?

Shopper Shop Bank

Start 15p 15p 15p

Shopper’s throw

Shop’s Throw

Bank’s Throw

15p - 3p = 12p

15p + 3p =18p


12p 18p – 5p = 13p

15p + 5p =20p

12p + 6p =18p

13p 20p – 6p = 14p

How do the bank, the shop and the shopper know how much money they now have?

How much money was there at the beginning?

What have we learnt so far?

What is important to remember?








Episode 2: The Money-Go-Round with hidden collections

We are going to try out this game in groups.

Two people are shoppers, two work in the shop and the other two work in the bank.

You each have pots for your money.

Each pair will have __p, with __p in total.

Use the sheet to record how the money changes hands.

Game Rules!

1. First shoppers throw a dice. Give this amount of money to the shopkeeper.

2. Shopkeepers now put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

3. Now it’s shopkeepers turn to roll. Give the amount rolled to the bank.

4. Bankers put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

5. Finally it’s the bankers turn to roll. Give this amount to the shopper.

6. Shoppers put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

Check how much money you have in your pot. Does it match what you have on your sheet?

Now the three pairs put your money together and count up the total amount.

Is it the same amount that you started with?

Was it easy to keep track of the money?

Which way seemed to help

us best?

Are there other ways?








Episode 3: Independent group modelling with record keeping.

Now each of your groups are going to play the game on your own!

Follow the rules as we did before, with everyone recording after each roll.

Game Rules!

1. First shoppers throw a dice. Give this amount of money to the shopkeeper.

2. Shopkeepers now put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

3. Now it’s shopkeepers turn to roll. Give the amount rolled to the bank.

4. Bankers put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

5. Finally it’s the bankers turn to roll. Give this amount to the shopper.

6. Shoppers put the money in your pot.

EVERYONE: Write on the sheet how much money you have in your pot.

At the end of your game which pair in your group has the most money?

Is this the same for all the groups?

Did you have any problems when playing the game?

How useful was the record sheet in reminding you of what happened?

Who can explain what we have


Do you have any questions to

help understand?



Counted out




