Let's Talk About Babies June

letter NEWS LET’S TALK ABOUT BABIES Inħarsu t-Tfal fis-Sajf Father’s Day Compeons Upcoming Seminar JUNE Asthma (Part2) Water Play


June E-Newsletter filled with informative acrticles, father's day competitions and more.

Transcript of Let's Talk About Babies June

Page 1: Let's Talk About Babies June

letter NEWS


Inħarsu t-Tfal fis-Sajf

Father’s Day Competitions

Upcoming Seminar


Asthma (Part2)

Water Play

Page 2: Let's Talk About Babies June

Asthma (Part2) by Prof. Victor Grech In our article last week, we discussed the mechanisms whereby wheezing is produced. Wheezing is caused by airway nar-rowing that results in a characteristic wheezy sound when breathing out. In addition, there may be episodes of prolonged coughing and breathlessness which may be precipitated by exercise or laughing. These symptoms are often worse at night. It is estimated that 1-2% of all children suffer from chronic asthma during their childhood. These events may be triggered by allergens such as pollens, animal dander, funghal spores, dust mites, smoke including cigarette smoke, dust and pollutants. However, 15-20% of all children will have transient wheezing, that is, without having chronic asthma. These events are most often caused by common cold viruses.

How do doctors manage wheezing in childhood? Firstly, a diagnosis of wheezing must be made. It is not uncommon for chil-dren to wheeze and have this wheezing missed. Such children end up being treated by a wide variety of cough medicines and antibiotics, to no avail. Once a diagnosis is made, in older children, an independent assessment of severity of wheezing may be made using devices such as peak flow monitors. These are simple devices that measure the highest speed at which the child can blow out. Naturally, the reading is reduced if the airways are tight. Doctors also institute treatment for wheez-ing. This will include advice with regarding to attempt to identify and avoid allergens, and medical therapy proper. Medical therapy is of two types: treatment to terminate a wheezy episode - relievers (bronchodilators) and (perhaps) preventers (anti-inflammatories, usually low dose inhaled steroids). Effective treatment is important as it eliminates symptoms and al-lows children to play and exercise like their peers.

For infants and preschool children who occasionally wheeze, bronchodilator syrups may be effective. For chronic treatment, the most commonly used delivery system is the pressurised metered-dose-inhaler (PMDI). Special adaptors and types of in-haler are available to make it easier to administer such inhaled medications to young children. The best way to administer an inhaler is through a spacer. This slows down the puff of medication and allows it to be inhaled properly. Using an inhaler di-rectly into the mouth means that a very fast jet of gas (propellant) and medication will be flung into the back of the throat where it will not produce any effect (as it has not gone to the lungs) and will produce a bad taste. In children under the age of 6-7 years, a mask is also fitted to the spacer so that the inhaled medicine can be delivered to the lungs not only through the mouthpiece, but also through the nose. Once the puff is administered into the spacer device, it is inhaled by the child through the mouthpiece/mask over the course of several breaths.

Page 3: Let's Talk About Babies June

Asthma (Part2) by Prof. Victor Grech In our article last week, we discussed the mechanisms whereby wheezing is produced. Wheezing is caused by airway nar-rowing that results in a characteristic wheezy sound when breathing out. In addition, there may be episodes of prolonged coughing and breathlessness which may be precipitated by exercise or laughing. These symptoms are often worse at night. It is estimated that 1-2% of all children suffer from chronic asthma during their childhood. These events may be triggered by allergens such as pollens, animal dander, funghal spores, dust mites, smoke including cigarette smoke, dust and pollutants. However, 15-20% of all children will have transient wheezing, that is, without having chronic asthma. These events are most often caused by common cold viruses.

How do doctors manage wheezing in childhood? Firstly, a diagnosis of wheezing must be made. It is not uncommon for chil-dren to wheeze and have this wheezing missed. Such children end up being treated by a wide variety of cough medicines and antibiotics, to no avail. Once a diagnosis is made, in older children, an independent assessment of severity of wheezing may be made using devices such as peak flow monitors. These are simple devices that measure the highest speed at which the child can blow out. Naturally, the reading is reduced if the airways are tight. Doctors also institute treatment for wheez-ing. This will include advice with regarding to attempt to identify and avoid allergens, and medical therapy proper. Medical therapy is of two types: treatment to terminate a wheezy episode - relievers (bronchodilators) and (perhaps) preventers (anti-inflammatories, usually low dose inhaled steroids). Effective treatment is important as it eliminates symptoms and al-lows children to play and exercise like their peers.

For infants and preschool children who occasionally wheeze, bronchodilator syrups may be effective. For chronic treatment, the most commonly used delivery system is the pressurised metered-dose-inhaler (PMDI). Special adaptors and types of in-haler are available to make it easier to administer such inhaled medications to young children. The best way to administer an inhaler is through a spacer. This slows down the puff of medication and allows it to be inhaled properly. Using an inhaler di-rectly into the mouth means that a very fast jet of gas (propellant) and medication will be flung into the back of the throat where it will not produce any effect (as it has not gone to the lungs) and will produce a bad taste. In children under the age of 6-7 years, a mask is also fitted to the spacer so that the inhaled medicine can be delivered to the lungs not only through the mouthpiece, but also through the nose. Once the puff is administered into the spacer device, it is inhaled by the child through the mouthpiece/mask over the course of several breaths.

Page 4: Let's Talk About Babies June
Page 5: Let's Talk About Babies June

A Whale Of A Time

Whoosh of water

Wonderful whale

Whizzing along with

The wake of my boat...

Wet waves weave a whacky tale

Wiggle and waggle of

Wriggly tail

Walloping the water

Whacking the waves

Wee eyes winking at me

Watching the

Winning ways

Weaving wonderful worlds


Wonderful wanderer,



Written by

Tanja Cilia

Page 6: Let's Talk About Babies June

Inharsu t-Tfal fis-Sajf by Dr. Joseph Mizzi Iz-zmien sabih tas-sajf igib mieghu problemi u perikli ghat-tfal, specjalment ix-xemx u l-bahar. Dawn huma ftit hsibijiet kif

nipprotegu ‘l uliedna.

L-Ghawn - It-tfal m’ghandhomx jithallew jghumu minghajr supervizjoni kontinwa tal-genituri jew xi hadd adult. F’Malta gherqu tfal fil-bahar u fil-pools. Ghallem it-tfal jghumu minn kmieni, u tghallem kif taghti l-ewwel ghajnuna (CPR). Ghallimhom ma jaqbzux ghal rashom jekk ma jafux kemm hu fond il-bahar (kien hemm tfal li kissru x-xewka ta’ daharhom, baqghu paralizzati u mietu ghax habtu rashom mal-blat). Thallix lit-tfal f’pools ‘indoors’ ghal hin twil minhabba ir-riha tal-chlorine li tista’ taghmel hsara lill-pulmun. Lahlah lit-tfal bl-ilma helu, u xxotta sewwa bejn is-swaba tas-sieq (minhabba Athelete’s Foot).

Infezzjoni fil-Widna - L-infezzjoni tigri ghax jidhol l-ilma bahar fil-kanal tal-widna. Tghumx f’bahar ikkontaminat. Ear plugs ghal min taqbdu ta’ spiss. L-infezzjoni tista’ titfejjaq b’antibijotiku fil-widna, u paracetamol/ibuprofen ghall-ugigh.

Ix-Xemx - Ir-raggi tax-xemx jistghu jaharqu l-gilda (sunburn) u jaghmlu hsara fit-tul (ixejhu l-gilda u jzidu r-riskju ta’ cancer).

It-tfal zghar huma aktar fil-periklu. Applika sunblock (SPF 50) fuq il-gilda mikxufa; kappell u ilbies; fittex id-dell u tmorrux

il-bahar bejn il-hdax u l-erbgha.

Heat Stroke - Din hi kundizzjoni perikoluza li tigri meta wiehed jezercita ruhu zzejjed (fix-xoghol jew loghob) fis-shana tax-xemx u ghax ma jixrobx bizzejjed. It-temperatura tal-gisem tibda’ toghla u dak li jkun ihossu ghajjien hafna, mitluq, mdardar, ihoss ugigh ta’ zaqq u bughawwieg f’riglejh. Ghall-ewwel ghajnuna: midd il-persuna fid-dell u gholli r-riglejn ‘l fuq; kessah b’xugaman imxarrab bl-ilma u fan, jekk ikun f’sensih, aghtih jixrob ilma frisk jew sport drink. Cempel ghall-ambulanza jekk jibqa’ hazin.

Gidma ta’ Brama - Lahlah il-gerha bl-ilma bahar (mhux bl-ilma helu), u thokkx il-gilda biex ma zzidx l-infjammazzjoni. Jekk ikunu jidhru xi bicciet, nehhihom b’pinzetta. Applika hall abjad b’facecloth fuq il-gerha ghal 15-il minuta. Wara applika sapun tal-lehja u qaxxar il-gilda permezz ta’ card (e.z. karta ta’ l- identità). Ghall-ugigh applika xi haga kiesha ghal madwar 15-il minuta jew hu paracetamol. Jekk in-nefha, l-ugigh u il-hmura jizdiedu, kellem lit-tabib ghax jista’ jkollok bzonn xi steroid cream jew antibi-jotiku.

In-Nemus - Ghall-prevenzjoni, uza insect repellent cream/spray fuq il-gilda; fil-kamra tas-sodda wahhal insect repellant (likwidu, jahdem bl-elettriku – mhux dawk li suppost jahdmu bil-hoss, li m’humiex effettivi). Wahhal insect screens fid-dar u thallix ilma qieghed. F’kaz ta’ gidma, ahsel bl-ilma u s-sapun; tista’ tapplika systral, hydrocortisone jew calamine lotion.

Gawdu kemm tifilhu s-sajf mat-tfal taghkom.

Page 7: Let's Talk About Babies June

Inharsu t-Tfal fis-Sajf by Dr. Joseph Mizzi Iz-zmien sabih tas-sajf igib mieghu problemi u perikli ghat-tfal, specjalment ix-xemx u l-bahar. Dawn huma ftit hsibijiet kif

nipprotegu ‘l uliedna.

L-Ghawn - It-tfal m’ghandhomx jithallew jghumu minghajr supervizjoni kontinwa tal-genituri jew xi hadd adult. F’Malta gherqu tfal fil-bahar u fil-pools. Ghallem it-tfal jghumu minn kmieni, u tghallem kif taghti l-ewwel ghajnuna (CPR). Ghallimhom ma jaqbzux ghal rashom jekk ma jafux kemm hu fond il-bahar (kien hemm tfal li kissru x-xewka ta’ daharhom, baqghu paralizzati u mietu ghax habtu rashom mal-blat). Thallix lit-tfal f’pools ‘indoors’ ghal hin twil minhabba ir-riha tal-chlorine li tista’ taghmel hsara lill-pulmun. Lahlah lit-tfal bl-ilma helu, u xxotta sewwa bejn is-swaba tas-sieq (minhabba Athelete’s Foot).

Infezzjoni fil-Widna - L-infezzjoni tigri ghax jidhol l-ilma bahar fil-kanal tal-widna. Tghumx f’bahar ikkontaminat. Ear plugs ghal min taqbdu ta’ spiss. L-infezzjoni tista’ titfejjaq b’antibijotiku fil-widna, u paracetamol/ibuprofen ghall-ugigh.

Ix-Xemx - Ir-raggi tax-xemx jistghu jaharqu l-gilda (sunburn) u jaghmlu hsara fit-tul (ixejhu l-gilda u jzidu r-riskju ta’ cancer).

It-tfal zghar huma aktar fil-periklu. Applika sunblock (SPF 50) fuq il-gilda mikxufa; kappell u ilbies; fittex id-dell u tmorrux

il-bahar bejn il-hdax u l-erbgha.

Heat Stroke - Din hi kundizzjoni perikoluza li tigri meta wiehed jezercita ruhu zzejjed (fix-xoghol jew loghob) fis-shana tax-xemx u ghax ma jixrobx bizzejjed. It-temperatura tal-gisem tibda’ toghla u dak li jkun ihossu ghajjien hafna, mitluq, mdardar, ihoss ugigh ta’ zaqq u bughawwieg f’riglejh. Ghall-ewwel ghajnuna: midd il-persuna fid-dell u gholli r-riglejn ‘l fuq; kessah b’xugaman imxarrab bl-ilma u fan, jekk ikun f’sensih, aghtih jixrob ilma frisk jew sport drink. Cempel ghall-ambulanza jekk jibqa’ hazin.

Gidma ta’ Brama - Lahlah il-gerha bl-ilma bahar (mhux bl-ilma helu), u thokkx il-gilda biex ma zzidx l-infjammazzjoni. Jekk ikunu jidhru xi bicciet, nehhihom b’pinzetta. Applika hall abjad b’facecloth fuq il-gerha ghal 15-il minuta. Wara applika sapun tal-lehja u qaxxar il-gilda permezz ta’ card (e.z. karta ta’ l- identità). Ghall-ugigh applika xi haga kiesha ghal madwar 15-il minuta jew hu paracetamol. Jekk in-nefha, l-ugigh u il-hmura jizdiedu, kellem lit-tabib ghax jista’ jkollok bzonn xi steroid cream jew antibi-jotiku.

In-Nemus - Ghall-prevenzjoni, uza insect repellent cream/spray fuq il-gilda; fil-kamra tas-sodda wahhal insect repellant (likwidu, jahdem bl-elettriku – mhux dawk li suppost jahdmu bil-hoss, li m’humiex effettivi). Wahhal insect screens fid-dar u thallix ilma qieghed. F’kaz ta’ gidma, ahsel bl-ilma u s-sapun; tista’ tapplika systral, hydrocortisone jew calamine lotion.

Gawdu kemm tifilhu s-sajf mat-tfal taghkom.

Page 8: Let's Talk About Babies June

Water Play

Water-play is more than just fun. If children play and experiment with water, their cognitive development, vocabulary and social skills will all benefit.

Water play has different benefits depending on the child’s age. As they change and grow, children learn new things about wa-ter, and new ways to play in it. Babies feel it on their skin when bathed in the early days, then start to splash and pour.

Nursery and primary schools encourage water-play and experimentation as it’s known to stimulate children’s development. By learning about things 'floating' or 'sinking', children increase their vocabularies whilst also having fun.

Water-Play and Playful Aggression For children of pre-school age and beyond, water-play offers an outlet for playful aggression. By playing, children are practic-ing roles and skills without "real" consequences; it’s risk-taking without the danger. Water is an ideal material for this kind of play: water-pistols, hose-pipes and frying-pan shields are all good tools for children who are still trying out roles and learning about consequences.

Damming Streams and Paddling in Rock Pools As a natural material, water appeals to children of all ages. Play in natural environments is thought to have restorative prop-erties; it alleviates stress and helps to regulate emotions. For this reason, the age-old childhood pastimes of damming streams, turning rockeries into waterfalls, washing dolls’ clothes in a bucket of water, paddling in rock-pools or even just play-ing Pooh sticks are all to be encouraged. This kind of water-fun also seems to help children to play more co-operatively: once building bridges over streams, children tend to forget their differences.

Water-Play Safety Precautions Of course, safety is an issue with water-play, but that shouldn’t stop children from having fun. Some simple precautions will prevent accidents and will enable your children to enjoy the water whilst staying safe.

The Benefits of Water-Play From babyhood, your child will enjoy playing in water when he's bathed. As he grows, he will discover new ways to play with water, learning to tip and pour. As he does so, his vocabulary and understanding of the world will develop. Older children will derive pleasure from playing with others in and around water, damming streams or fishing in rock-pools. Water is the perfect play-thing, offering developmental opportunities to all children regardless of

Page 9: Let's Talk About Babies June

Water Play

Water-play is more than just fun. If children play and experiment with water, their cognitive development, vocabulary and social skills will all benefit.

Water play has different benefits depending on the child’s age. As they change and grow, children learn new things about wa-ter, and new ways to play in it. Babies feel it on their skin when bathed in the early days, then start to splash and pour.

Nursery and primary schools encourage water-play and experimentation as it’s known to stimulate children’s development. By learning about things 'floating' or 'sinking', children increase their vocabularies whilst also having fun.

Water-Play and Playful Aggression For children of pre-school age and beyond, water-play offers an outlet for playful aggression. By playing, children are practic-ing roles and skills without "real" consequences; it’s risk-taking without the danger. Water is an ideal material for this kind of play: water-pistols, hose-pipes and frying-pan shields are all good tools for children who are still trying out roles and learning about consequences.

Damming Streams and Paddling in Rock Pools As a natural material, water appeals to children of all ages. Play in natural environments is thought to have restorative prop-erties; it alleviates stress and helps to regulate emotions. For this reason, the age-old childhood pastimes of damming streams, turning rockeries into waterfalls, washing dolls’ clothes in a bucket of water, paddling in rock-pools or even just play-ing Pooh sticks are all to be encouraged. This kind of water-fun also seems to help children to play more co-operatively: once building bridges over streams, children tend to forget their differences.

Water-Play Safety Precautions Of course, safety is an issue with water-play, but that shouldn’t stop children from having fun. Some simple precautions will prevent accidents and will enable your children to enjoy the water whilst staying safe.

The Benefits of Water-Play From babyhood, your child will enjoy playing in water when he's bathed. As he grows, he will discover new ways to play with water, learning to tip and pour. As he does so, his vocabulary and understanding of the world will develop. Older children will derive pleasure from playing with others in and around water, damming streams or fishing in rock-pools. Water is the perfect play-thing, offering developmental opportunities to all children regardless of

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Page 14: Let's Talk About Babies June

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Page 15: Let's Talk About Babies June



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Page 16: Let's Talk About Babies June

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