Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the...

Letno Annual poro~ilo Report 2000

Transcript of Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the...

Page 1: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred






Page 2: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred
Page 3: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Radioaktivnost je v ~lovekovem okolju prisotna povsod. Tudi vse kamnine

vsebujejo sledi radioaktivnih elementov. Najpomembnej{i radioaktivni elementi

v zemeljski skorji so uran, torij in kalij. Tipi~ni radioaktivni minerali so minerali

urana in torija, predvsem uranovi minerali pa so zanimivi in privla~ni zaradi

intenzivne obarvanosti, pestrosti kristalnih oblik in mo~ne fluorescence.

Radioactivity is found everywhere in the human environment. Even crockery

contains radioactive elements. The most important radioactive elements in the

earth’s crust are uranium, thorite and potassium. Typical radioactive minerals are

uranium and thorite minerals. Uranium minerals are particularly interesting

and attractive due to their intensive colouration, variegated

crystal forms and strong fluorescence.

Page 4: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Zalo`nik / Publisher


Parmova 53

1000 Ljubljana

Besedilo / Text


Lektoriranje / Language check

A3- Agencija za prevajanje d.o.o.

Alan McConnell - Duff

Oblikovanje / Design & layout

Branka Smodi{

Tisk / Printed by

Present d.o.o.

Ljubljana, oktober 2001 / Ljubljana, october 2001

Natisnjeno v 600 izvodih / Print-run 600 copies

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 5: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Uvodna beseda05


Od primernih obmo~ij do kon~ne lokacije08

From Suitable Areas to the Final Location

Vrednotenje naravnega potenciala 09

Assessing the Natural Predispositions

Izgradnja odlagali{~a kot del prostorskega plana Slovenije 10

Repository Development as a Part of National Physical Planning Process

Izdelava ocene lastnosti odlagali{~a 11

Preparation of the Performance Assessment for the Repository

Centralno skladi{~e radioaktivnih odpadkov v Brinju 14

Central Storage for Radioactive Waste in Brinje

Javna slu`ba za ravnanje z RAO 15

Public Service for Radioactive Waste Management

Skladi{~e obnavljamo in posodabljamo17

The Storage is being Renewed and Modernised

Nadzor sevanja19

Radiation Protection

Povezovanja s tujino21

International Relations

Sodelovanje z Evropsko unijo22

Co-operation with the European Union

Sodelovanje z Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo 23

Co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency

Dvostransko sodelovanje 24

Bilateral Co-operation



03Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

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S sodelovanjem javnosti do lokacije25

Gaining a Repository Site with Public Co-operation

Komunikacija - temelj sodelovanja z javnostjo 26

Communication - a Basis for Co-operation with the Public

Informacijski center o radioaktivnih odpadkih27

Visitors Information Centre on Radioactive Waste

Javnomnenjska raziskava28

Public Opinion Survey


Raopis - Radwaste News

Razstava radioaktivnih mineralov30

Exhibition on Radioactive Minerals

Zagotavljanje kakovosti delovanja ARAO31

Assuring Quality in our Work

Koli~ina radioaktivnih odpadkov v Sloveniji32

Amount of Radioactive Waste in Slovenia

Nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki iz jedrske elektrarne Kr{ko33

Low and Intermediate Level Waste from NPP Kr{ko

Nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki iz drugih dejavnosti 39

Low and Intermediate Level Waste Deriving from Small Producers

Izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo42

Spent Fuel

Izpopolnjevanja, konference, strokovna posvetovanja44

Professional Improvement, Conferences, Expert Deliberations

Predavanja, referati, prispevki50

Lectures, Papers, Other Contributions

Finan~no poro~ilo54

Financial Statement

Osnovni podatki o ARAO56

About ARAO

Kratice in okraj{ave58

Abbrevations and Short Forms

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 7: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Preteklo leto si bomo v na{i agenciji zapomnili vsaj po treh obse`nih

projektih: sanaciji zasilnega skladi{~a v Zavratcu, prenovi skladi{~a RAO

v Brinju in projektu vrednotenja prostora za odlagali{~e NSRAO.

Zavratec je dokon~no saniran, problem, ki je buril javnost ve~ desetletij, je za

vselej odstranjen. Po uspe{no izvedenih sanacijskih delih konec leta 1999 smo

marca lani dekontaminirali {e skladi{~ni objekt in s tem zaklju~ili projekt, ki je

bil tudi za nas velik izziv. Izku{nje, ki smo si jih pridobili pri tem, in vezi, ki

smo jih v tem ~asu navezali z Zavrat~ani, pa bodo ostale.

Last year will be remembered at our agency for at least three extensive projects:

the remediation of provisional storage in Zavratec, refurbishment of interim

storage in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW.

Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred up the public for

several decades has been eliminated once and for all. After having successfully

carried out the remediation at the end of 1999, in March last year the

project was finally completed with decontamination of the storage facility.

The project posed a big challenge for all involved and the experience

gained during the project and the bonds made with the villagers

of Zavratec will remain.

05Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Uvodna beseda


Page 8: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Another area of our activity last year involved the storage of radioactive waste in

Brinje. This storage needs to be refurbished and modernised, therefore the plan for

reconstruction and modernisation was prepared. Besides the renewal of the building

itself, the plan also includes the repacking and re-arrangement of the waste already

stored and proposes solutions for treatment and conditioning of the waste. We

also prepared a safety report for the storage including procedures and instructions

for managing the waste. We set up our own radiation protection service.

Regular radiological monitoring of the storage shows that the storage has

no impact on the environment.

Drugo podro~je, ki nas je lani mo~no zaposlovalo, je bilo skladi{~e za

radioaktivne odpadke v Brinju. Skladi{~e je potrebno obnove in posodobitve,

zato smo lani pripravili na~rt sanacije in modernizacije. Na~rt poleg obnove

objekta vklju~uje tudi prepakiranje in preureditev `e uskladi{~enih odpadkov

in nakazuje tudi mo`nosti za obdelavo in pripravo odpadkov. Za skladi{~e,

ki je po na{i zakonodaji jedrski objekt, smo lani pripravili tudi varnostno

poro~ilo, ki ga skladi{~e doslej ni imelo. Kot del varnostnega poro~ila smo

izdelali tudi vrsto postopkov za ravnanje z odpadki. Uspe{no smo zastavili

tudi delo lastne radiolo{ke slu`be, ki je z rednim nadzorom sevanja

pokazala, da skladi{~e nima radiolo{kega vpliva na okolico.

Page 9: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

07Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Regarding the site selection for a repository of LILW, after extensive preparations

the area survey project finally started. Its main objective is to show the natural

predispositions for LILW disposal. As a final result, expected in 2001, potentially

suitable areas for LILW disposal will be defined. Narrowing down suitable areas

to suitable sites will then be performed in co-operation

with local communities.

To make this phase possible, it is important that the public is well informed about

our work and the management of radioactive waste in general. At our agency we do

our best to make all information easily accessible. In the annual report, you can find

a number of our activities that aim to inform the public. Most of these activities are

being performed for years now. But there are also some new ones like the exhibition

of radioactive minerals we put on this year in Tr`i~. As you can see, pictures of

those radioactive minerals have also been used to illustrate

annual report.

Dr. Irena Mele

Pri izboru lokacije za odlagali{~e je po obse`nih pripravah kon~no stekel

projekt vrednotenja slovenskega prostora, ki bo pokazal, kak{ne so pri nas

naravne danosti za odlaganje nizko in srednje radioaktivnih odpadkov.

Kon~ni rezultat tega projekta, ki bo znan v letu 2001, bo nabor potencialnih

obmo~ij za odlaganje. Iskanje primernih lokacij bo potem potekalo na teh

obmo~jih v sodelovanju z lokalnimi skupnostmi.

Da bi ta faza lahko stekla, pa se seveda v ARAO ves ~as trudimo, da bi javnost

z na{im delom in z ravnanjem z radioaktivnimi odpadki ~im bolje seznanili.

V letnem poro~ilu boste zasledili vrsto dejavnosti, s katerimi `elimo

problematiko pribli`ati javnosti. Ve~ina teh dejavnosti je `e rednih, saj jih

izvajamo `e ve~ let. So pa tudi nove, sve`e, kot na primer razstava

radioaktivnih mineralov, s katero smo se letos izredno uspe{no

predstavili v Tr`i~u. S slikami radioaktivnih mineralov smo zato

letos popestrili tudi na{e letno poro~ilo.

Page 10: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Primarni uranovi minerali

Ponavadi so ~rni ali temno rjavi, te`ki in imajo svetle~

ali smolnat sijaj.

Uranium primary minerals

They are usually heavy, of black or dark brown colour

with a submetalic or pitchy luster.

U-smola UO2, Jachimov, ^e{ka

Pitchblende, Jachimov, Czech Republic

Izku{nje v svetu in doma nam ka`ejo, da je najzahtevnej{i del pri

na~rtovanju odlagali{~a radioaktivnih odpadkov pridobitev lokacije. Prav

zato veliko pozornost posve~amo postopku izbora lokacije za odlagali{~e.

V tem postopku poleg poudarjanja pomena dru`bene sprejemljivosti

odlagali{~a, ki je vse bolj pomemben pri ume{~anju tak{nih objektov v

okolje, sku{amo ~im bolje ovrednotiti tudi naravni potencial za odlaganje

NSRAO v Sloveniji. To bomo izpeljali s projektom vrednotenja prostora

celotnega slovenskega ozemlja.

Foreign and domestic experience in radioactive waste disposal planning

shows that the selection of the site for the disposal is the most demanding

and sensitive part of the whole planning process. That is why we are

devoting so much attention to the site selection process. The social factor

is becoming a key issue in this process and requires a lot of attention,

nevertheless the identification of natural predisposition for the low and

intermediate level waste (LILW) disposal remains an important part of the

site selection process. On Slovenian territory this will be done by an

area survey which is to be concluded shortly.

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


From Suitable Areas

to the Final Location

Od primernih obmo~ij

do kon~ne lokacije

Page 11: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Na osnovi digitalnih prostorskih podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili in zagotovili

v preteklih letih, smo v letu 2000 za~eli obse`en projekt vrednotenja

slovenskega prostora. V tej fazi vrednotenje poteka na osnovi meril prve

skupine, ki pogojujejo varnost odlagali{~a NSRAO. Ker ocenjujemo predvsem

naravne danosti, vrednotenje temelji predvsem na geolo{kih, seizmi~nih in

hidrogeolo{kih lastnostih ozemlja. S projektom bo tako ovrednoten naravni

potencial oziroma izhodi{~na potencialna obmo~ja za odlaganje NSRAO.

Preliminarni rezultati ka`ejo, da se perspektivna obmo~ja nahajajo skoraj na

polovici celotnega ozemlja Slovenije. Zgolj primerjalno v okviru projekta

simuliramo tudi vplive meril druge skupine (vplivi na posamezne okoljske

sestavine, ekonomski vidiki ...) na ta izhodi{~na obmo~ja. Ti vidiki bodo

predmet nadaljnjih projektov, ko bomo posku{ali v sodelovanju z lokalnimi

skupnostmi in z nadaljnjim vrednotenjem znotraj teh obmo~ij zo`iti slednje

do posameznih primernih lokacij. Kon~ni rezultati tega

projekta bodo znani v drugi polovici leta 2001.

This year we have started with an extensive project of area survey

based on the digital spatial data provided by our former projects. Now,

in the early stage of the survey the assessment is being performed by the

first group of the recommendations, which directly influence the repository

safety. In this phase we are assessing the natural predisposition for LILW

disposal regarding geological, seismic, tectonic and hydrogeological

properties of the land. With this assessment the natural predisposition

for LILW disposal and the areas potentially suitable for LILW disposal

will be defined. The preliminary results show that almost half of

Slovenian territory is suitable for disposal of such waste.

Within this project we are also performing a simulation of the impact of

the second group of recommendations (potential environmental impact,

economical impact) on the areas identified as suitable. The importance

and the best way of considering these factors will be the main subject

of further projects, with the aim of narrowing down the suitable areas

to the final site. This will be done with further assessment within the

identified areas, and after the co-operation with local communities has

been established. The final results of the natural predisposition

assessment for LILW disposal are expected in mid. 2001.

Vrednotenje naravnega potenciala

Assessing the Natural Predispositions


Page 12: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Vzporedno s projektom opredeljevanja izhodi{~nih potencialnih obmo~ij smo

nadaljevali tudi s pripravo gradiva za vklju~itev odlaganja NSRAO in samega

odlagali{~a kot objekta dr`avnega pomena v prostorski plan. Razli~ne

mo`nosti, kako umestiti odlagali{~e NSRAO v prostor, so bile obdelane in

analizirane s prostorsko-planerskega vidika. Pripravljen je bil predlog zasnove

dejavnosti odlaganja radioaktivnih odpadkov v prostoru, ki pa bo moral

biti v naslednjem letu dopolnjen {e s kartografskim prikazom.

Parallel with the project of identification of potentially suitable areas for LILW

disposal we have proceeded with the activities for including the LILW repository

in the physical plan. As a facility of national importance, the repository has to

be included in the physical plan at state level. Several different alternatives for

the LILW repository planning process were analysed from the land-use point

of view. The proposal of spatial development of LILW disposal activity was

prepared. Next year the proposal will also be supplemented by

a cartographic presentation.

Izgradnja odlagali{~a

kot del prostorskega plana Slovenije

Repository Development as a Part of

the National Physical Planning Process

Uraninit UO2, Jachimov, ^e{ka

Uraninite, Jachimov, Czech Republic

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 13: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Naravne danosti lokacije skupaj z odlagalnim sistemom, ki ga tvorijo

radioaktivni odpadki, odlo`eni v betonske module in zapolnjeni z ustreznim

polnilom, moramo oceniti tudi z varnostnega vidika. Za varnostno oceno je

treba najprej izdelati oceno lastnosti odlagali{~a. To pomeni, da pripravimo

model delovanja in obna{anja odlagali{~a in njegove okolice za dalj{e

~asovno obdobje. Pri tem upo{tevamo vse mo`ne procese, dogodke in

stanja, ki bodo potekali znotraj odlagali{~a ter med

odlagali{~em in njegovim okoljem.


Skladno z zahtevo, da se vsi posegi pri ume{~anju v prostor vrednotijo tudi z

vidika vpliva na regionalni razvoj, smo analizirali tudi vpliv odlagali{~a NSRAO

na regionalni in lokalni razvoj. Naloga je bila osredoto~ena predvsem na

metodolo{ke osnove in zasnovo modelov, ki naj bi slu`ili presoji dejanskih

lokacij. Predstavljeni so bili zasnova modela regionalnega oziroma lokalnega

razvoja in rezultati poskusnih iteracij na treh testnih lokacijah.

Because a LILW repository is a project with large and important spatial

consequences we have also analysed the impacts it may have on regional and

urban development. The conceptual and formal models for assessing these kind

of impacts have been developed and represented together with the results for

initial iterations of the model for three »blind« sites. Based on these results,

guidelines for regional and urban development impact assessment of

alternative sites in the further site selection process were proposed.

Natural predispositions together with the repository system - which consists

of radioactive waste, placed in concrete modules and filled with a suitable

filling - have to be assessed from the safety aspect. For a safety assessment,

a performance assessment for the repository is the first step. For this we need

to prepare a model of operation of the repository and the behaviour of the

repository and its surroundings. In this model all the possible features, events

and processes going on inside the repository and between the repository

and its surroundings have to be accounted for.

Izdelava ocene lastnosti odlagali{~a

Preparation of the Performance

Assessment for the Repository

Page 14: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Pri pripravi ocene lastnosti smo upo{tevali, da v Sloveniji lokacija za

odlagali{~e {e ni znana in da je {e vedno odprta mo`nost izgradnje tako

povr{inskega kot podzemnega odlagali{~a za nizko in srednje radioaktivne

odpadke. Kot izhodi{~e pa smo privzeli, da bo odlagali{~e namenjeno le

kratko`ivim NSRAO in da je potrebno pri ocenjevanju lastnosti odlagali{~a

upo{tevati normalni razvoj dogodkov in nekatere najbolj izpostavljene

alternativne scenarije, ki se lahko v ve~ sto letih dogodijo

v odlagali{~u in njegovi okolici.

Davidit (Ce,La) (Y,U,Fe2+) (Ti,Fe3+)20 (O,OH)38, Iveland, Norve{ka

Davidite, Iveland, Norway

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Na podlagi izku{enj, pridobljenih pri sodelovanju v mednarodnem projektu

ISAM (Improvement of safety assessment methodology for near surface LILW

repository) o izbolj{anju metodologije varnostnih ocen, ki ga od leta 1997 vodi

MAAE, smo usmerili delo pri izdelavi ocene lastnosti generi~nega odlagali{~a

NSRAO predvsem v dve podro~ji: na pripravo vsebinskih okvirov za

izdelavo ocene lastnosti in izdelavo konceptualnih modelov.

We also had to take into consideration the fact that the repository site is

still not known and that the decision on whether to build a surface or an

underground repository has not yet been made. As the starting point we

assumed that the repository would be intended only for short-lived LIL waste.

Second, we considered a normal evolution scenario and some of the most

exposed alternative evolution scenarios which might occur in the repository

and its surroundings in the next couple of hundred years.

Based on the experience gained by participating in the international project

ISAM (Improvement on safety assessment methodology for near surface LILW

repository) carried out by IAEA since 1997, we have directed our efforts

towards two goals: 1. framing the contents of the performance

assessment, and 2. preparation of conceptual models.

Page 15: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred


Therefore we have first defined the extent to which the assessment can be done

without the location being known. On the basis of foreign experience, we have

adopted the period during which the government must exercise control over the

repository. This is a key period, since it establishes the time after which the

repository is no longer considered to be a nuclear facility. We have also established

the maximum permissible dose equivalent per person in the repository

surrounding. Special attention was devoted to confidence building in the

PA/SA process, which must be transparent, repeatable and traceable. Therefore

we started preparing working procedures for the assessment, all of which

are part of a quality assurance system.

The second goal was to prepare the conceptual models, i.e. detailed simulations

of the processes taking place inside the particular part of the repository system.

Modelling of the whole system was divided into two subsystems: near

field, which comprises the activities in the repository itself, and far field or

geosphere which comprises the events taking place from the close repository

surroundings to the biosphere. Based on this model, calculations were

performed and the preliminary performance assessment

of the repository was prepared.

Tako smo najprej dolo~ili obseg ocenjevanja lastnosti odlagalnega

sistema v fazi, ko {e ni znane lokacije. Na podlagi tujih izku{enj smo

privzeli obdobje, v katerem mora dr`ava poskrbeti za nadzor odlagali{~a.

To obdobje je klju~no, saj dolo~a ~as, ko odlagali{~e nizko in srednje

radioaktivnih odpadkov preneha obratovati kot jedrski objekt. Prav tako

smo dolo~ili maksimalno dovoljeno dozo sevanja na prebivalca v okolici

odlagali{~a. Posebno pozornost smo namenili poglavju pridobivanja in

zagotavljanja zaupanja v postopek ocene lastnosti, ki mora biti

transparenten, ponovljiv in sledljiv. Zato smo za~eli pripravljati

delovna navodila in postopke za oceno lastnosti, ki bodo

zdru`eni v sistemu zagotavljanja kakovosti.

Drugo podro~je dela pa je bilo usmerjeno v izdelavo konceptualnih

modelov, torej podrobnej{ih simulacij procesov znotraj posameznih

delov odlagalnega sistema. Modeliranje je bilo razdeljeno na neposredno

bli`ino odlagali{~a (near field), ki podaja dogajanje v odlagali{~u,

ter geosfero (far field), ki podaja dogajanje od neposredne okolice

odlagali{~a do stika z biosfero. Na podlagi modelov so bili izvedeni

izra~uni in izdelana preliminarna ocena lastnosti odlagali{~a

za nizko in srednje radioaktivne odpadke.

Page 16: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Coffinit U (SiO4)1-x(OH)4, Anaconda mine, New Mexico, ZDA

Coffinite, Anaconda mine, New Mexico, USA

Centralno skladi{~e

radioaktivnih odpadkov v Brinju

Centralno skladi{~e radioaktivnih odpadkov v Brinju je namenjeno nizko

in srednje radioaktivnim odpadkom, ki nastajajo v industriji, medicini in

raziskovalni dejavnosti. Skladi{~e obratuje od leta 1986. Od leta 1999

skladi{~e upravlja Agencija za radioaktivne odpadke.

The Central Storage for Radioactive Waste in Brinje is designed for low

and intermediate level waste from industry, medicine and research.

The storage has been in operation since 1986 and since 1999 it is

being managed and operated by the Agency for Radwaste


Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Central Storage for Radioactive

Waste in Brinje

Page 17: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Trenutno je skladi{~e v fazi obnovitvenih in posodobitvenih del. V tem

~asu sprejema odpadke le v nujnih primerih. Letos je bilo zato v skladi{~e

sprejetih le 3 m3 nizko radioaktivnih odpadkov, ki so nastali pri

dekontaminaciji zasilnega skladi{~a RAO v Zavratcu. Dekontaminacija

skladi{~nega prostora je bila zadnja faza sanacije zasilnega skladi{~a v

Zavratcu, kjer so bili od leta 1961 shranjeni nizko radioaktivni odpadki, ki so

nastali pri nesre~i z radijevo ampulo na Onkolo{kem in{titutu. Sanacija

zasilnega skladi{~a je bila zaklju~ena decembra 1999, dekontaminacija

skladi{~nega prostora pa je potekala v marcu 2000.

Izdelali smo shemo delovanja javne slu`be ravnanja z radioaktivnimi odpadki

malih povzro~iteljev. Shema celovito obravnava vse dejavnosti v zvezi z

ravnanjem z radioaktivnimi odpadki od transporta, prevzema, obdelave,

skladi{~enja in radiolo{ke za{~ite do ravnanja v primeru izrednih dogodkov.

Pripravili smo vrsto sistemskih postopkov in delovnih navodil, ki dolo~ajo

ravnanje z odpadki. Pripravljen je bil tudi predlog kriterijev za ugotavljanje

sprejemljivosti radioaktivnih odpadkov za skladi{~enje, ki vsebuje tudi

navodila proizvajalcem, kaj storiti v primeru, ko odpadek kriterijem ne ustreza.


At the time being the storage facility is in the course of refurbishment

and modernisation, therefore the waste can be accepted only in

emergency. In the year 2000 only 3 m3 of low level radioactive waste

was accepted in the storage. This was the waste produced in

decontamination of the provisional storage in Zavratec where, from 1961,

low level radioactive waste resulting from the radiological accident with

the radium-containing ampoule at the Oncological Institute was stored.

Remediation of the provisional storage was concluded in December

1999, and the storage area was decontaminated in March 2000.

ARAO has prepared a general operation scheme of the public service for

management of the waste originating from »small producers«. It includes

all activities for waste management, including transport, acceptance,

treatment, storage, radiation protection and

measures in emergency situation.

We have also prepared several procedures and working instructions for

managing the waste. A procedure for waste acceptance criteria, which

provides the assessment of acceptability of waste for the storage facility

has also been prepared. It also includes the instructions for the

producers whose waste does not meet these criteria.

Javna slu`ba za ravnanje z RAO

Public Service for Radioactive

Waste Management

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Sekundarni uranovi minerali

Kadar so primarni uranovi minerali izpostavljeni preperevanju na povr{ju ali blizu njega,

se v~asih spremenijo v sekundarne uranove minerale. Te se pojavljajo v svetlo rumeni,

oran`ni ali zeleni barvi in kombinaciji teh barv, kot prstaste ali pra{nate prevleke ali

v obliki igli~astih, plo{~astih kristalov steklastega do bisernega sijaja.

Uranium secondary minerals

When uranium primary minerals are exposed to weathering on the surface or near the

surface, they sometimes transform into uranium secondary minerals. These occur in

light yellow, orange or green colour and in combination of these colours, in form

of crusts, earthly masses or tabular crystals of vitreous to pearly lustre with a

flat, needlelike shape.

Torbernit Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2. 10 (12-8) H2O, Bois Noirs, Francija

Torbernite, Bois Noirs, France

Doslej je skladi{~enje radioaktivnih odpadkov malih proizvajalcev financirala

dr`ava. Po zgledu razvitih in okoljsko osve{~enih dr`av pa tudi za to podro~je

uvajamo na~elo »povzro~itelj pla~a«, kar pomeni, da bodo stro{ke skladi{~enja

in obdelave radioaktivnih odpadkov krili povzro~itelji odpadkov sami. V ta

namen smo letos izdelali predlog cenika, kjer je podan na~in oblikovanja cen

glede na tip odpadkov. Cene naj bi pokrivale stro{ke delovanja javne slu`be,

ker pa je v Sloveniji v prihodnje pri~akovati razmeroma malo tovrstnih

odpadkov, pla~ila uporabnikov javne slu`be ne bodo

zadostovala za kritje vseh stro{kov.

In the past the government financed the storage of radioactive waste from

the »small producers«. Now the »polluter pays« principle, which is already

adopted by more developed and environmentally conscious countries, is

being introduced also in Slovenia. This means that the costs of storing and

conditioning of waste will be paid by the producers. For this purpose we

have prepared a proposal on how to charge the producers. Waste type is

one of the main factors in forming the costs of storing. In principle the

price should cover all the expenses of the public service, but for covering

all the costs it is expected that the payments from the waste producers

would not be sufficient because in Slovenia the amount of the radioactive

waste from »small producers« is getting smaller and smaller.

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


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Podroben pregled skladi{~a, ki smo ga opravili leta 1999, je pokazal, da je

skladi{~e potrebno obnove. Za u~inkovito in nemoteno izvajanje javne slu`be

je nujna tudi posodobitev skladi{~a. V ta namen smo letos izdelali na~rt

sanacije in posodobitve. Na~rt poleg obnove in posodobitve samega

skladi{~nega objekta vklju~uje tudi ureditev odpadkov, ki se v skladi{~u

`e nahajajo, poenotenje embala`e skladi{~enih odpadkov in zmanj{anje

njihovega volumna. V okviru tega na~rta smo predvideli tudi manj{i pomo`ni

objekt tik ob skladi{~u, ki bo razbremenil obstoje~e pomo`ne prostore v

skladi{~u, katerih povr{ina je zelo majhna.

Skladno z na~rtom sanacije in posodobitve smo letos z obnovitvenimi deli `e

odpravili manj{e pomanjkljivosti na objektu in izbolj{ali sistem fizi~nega

varovanja skladi{~a. Za druge posege v objekt pripravljamo

projektno dokumentacijo.

A detailed survey of the storage performed in 1999 showed that for

the efficient and undisturbed implementation of the public service it

is necessary to renew and modernise the storage. This year we have

prepared the project for the refurbishment and modernisation of the

storage. Beside the refurbishment and modernisation of the storage

itself, the project also includes the proposal for the rearrangement,

repackaging and reduction of the volume of the already stored waste.

For this purpose we have planned a smaller auxiliary building next

to the storage, which would relieve the existing auxiliary

rooms in the storage.

In accordance with the project for the refurbishment and modernisation

we have already removed certain deficiencies on the building and

improved the system of the physical protection of the storage. For all the

other interventions the project documentation is being prepared.

Skladi{~e obnavljamo in posodabljamo

The Storage is being Renewed

and Modernised

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As a basis for project documentation we have prepared the Safety report for the

storage. This kind of document is necessary for every nuclear facility and it

evaluates the relevant present characteristics of the facility, such as site, state

of the facility, technical characteristics, stored waste and procedures going

on in the storage, such as internal transport, acceptance of the waste and the

waste management. An important part of the Safety report is safety analysis,

which foresees the possible impacts on the environment during normal

operation of the storage and in case of incidents and accidents. Based on the

results of the safety analysis, the conditions and limitations for the operation

are determined in order to guarantee the maximal possible safety of the facility.

The safety report for the storage states that there are no radiological

impacts on the environment and on people.

Kot osnovo za to smo izdelali tudi varnostno poro~ilo za skladi{~e. To je

dokument, ki ga zahteva vsak jedrski objekt in s stali{~a varnosti vrednoti

trenutne zna~ilnosti objekta, kot so na primer lokacija, stanje objekta,

tehni~ne zna~ilnosti in uskladi{~eni odpadki, ter dejavnosti v objektu, na

primer notranji transport, sprejem in prevzem odpadkov, ravnanje z odpadki.

Pomemben del varnostnega poro~ila je varnostna analiza, ki predvideva

morebitne vplive na okolje v normalnih pogojih obratovanja ter vplive v

primeru nezgode oziroma nesre~e. Na osnovi rezultatov varnostne analize

so opredeljeni tudi pogoji za obratovanje in omejitve obratovanja, da bi

zagotovili kar najve~jo varnost objekta. Varnostno poro~ilo za skladi{~e

v Brinju ugotavlja, da skladi{~e nima radiolo{kih

vplivov na okolje in ljudi.

Autonit Ca (UO2)2 (PO4)2 10-12H2O, Francija

Autunite, France

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Annual Report


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V skladu z varnostnimi standardi je potrebno v vsakem skladi{~u

radioaktivnih odpadkov izvajati nadzor sevanja. V letu 2000 je ARAO

vzpostavila lastno radiolo{ko slu`bo, ki opravlja radiolo{ki nadzor nad

delavci in obiskovalci skladi{~a v Brinju, nadzor nad notranjostjo skladi{~a

in nad njegovim okoljem. Za izvajanje radiolo{ke slu`be so bila

pripravljena delovna navodila in postopki.

Radiolo{ki nadzor okolja obsega tako meritve izpustov radioaktivnih snovi iz

skladi{~a (emisije) kot meritve radioaktivnosti okolja v bli`nji okolici skladi{~a

(imisije). Rezultati radiolo{kega nadzora okolja ka`ejo, da je radiolo{ka

obremenitev okolja zaradi skladi{~a zanemarljiva in zato je tudi radiolo{ki

vpliv na ljudi, ki `ivijo v bli`ini, zanemarljiv.

In accordance with the safety standards, radiological measurements have

to be performed in every storage for radioactive waste.

In the year 2000, ARAO established its own radiation protection

service that provides basic radiation protection of workers and visitors and

performs radiological monitoring of the storage. For performing the radiation

protection service the working procedures and instructions have been prepared.



Nadzor sevanja

Radiological monitoring of the environment comprises measurements of

emissions and immissions. Radioactivity measurements in the environment

show that the radiological impact on the environment and on the local

population is negligible.

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Metaautonit Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 . 8H2O, Novy Foitov, ^e{ka

Meta-autunite, Novy Foitov, Czech Republic

Emisije radona / Radon Emission 2,2-2,5 GBq/leto / 2.2-2.5 GBq/year

Povpre~na koncentracija Rn v skladi{~u /6300 Bq/m3 / 6300 Bq/m3

Average concentration of radon in the storage

Teko~inski izpusti / Liquid Effluents / /

Preglednica 1: Emisijske vrednosti za Centralno skladi{~e RAO v Brinju

Table 1: Basic data on emissions from the Central storage in Brinje

The radon concentrations in the surrounding area were estimated on the basis of

measured emissions and the dispersion model. The concentration measurements

of radionuclides in the soil only indicate the presence of Cs-137

(Chernobyl contamination) and normal concentrations of

natural radionuclides (K-40, Uranium and Thorium series).

Koncentracije radona v okolici skladi{~a so bile ocenjene na osnovi merjenja

emisij in disperzijskega modela. Tla v okolici skladi{~a ne ka`ejo prisotnosti

drugih radionuklidov razen ~ernobilskega kontaminanta Cs-137 in naravnih

radionuklidov K-40, U-Ra in Th razpadne vrste.

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Annual Report


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International Relations

International co-operation, exchange of opinions and establishing links with

similar foreign organisations for radwaste management is an important part

of activities of the ARAO. We have been co-operating with the International

Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) for years now. Slovenia, as a candidate for

the EU, has also numerous contacts with the EU states and

the European commission.

Povezovanja s tujino

Mednarodno sodelovanje, izmenjava mnenj in povezovanje s sorodnimi tujimi

organizacijami za ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki je pomemben del dejavnosti

ARAO. Z Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo (MAAE) sodelujemo `e dolga

leta. Kot kandidatka za vstop v Evropsko unijo (EU) Slovenija tudi na podro~ju

ravnanja z radioaktivnimi odpadki vzpostavlja {tevilne stike z dr`avami Evropske

unije in z Evropsko komisijo (EC).

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ARAO je ~lanica Kluba agencij, ki zdru`uje organizacije iz EU in dr`av

kandidatk, ki skrbijo za ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki. Letos je

organizacijo enega od rednih sre~anj teh organizacij prevzela tudi ARAO.

Tako je 29. sre~anje Kluba agencij potekalo junija 2000 v Ljubljani.

Osrednja tema tega sre~anja je bila ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki

malih proizvajalcev. Poleg predstavitev in izmenjave mnenj pa je

bil za udele`ence sre~anja organiziran tudi ogled

jedrske elektrarne Kr{ko.

ARAO is a member of the Club of Agencies, in which the

organisations for radwaste management from EU countries and EU

candidates are associated. This year the 29th meeting of the Club of

Agencies was organised by ARAO, therefore the meeting in June took

place in Ljubljana. The main topic of the meeting was the management

of radioactive waste of small producers. Beside the presentations and

exchanges of opinion among the representatives of the participating

countries, a tour to the NPP Kr{ko

was also organised.

Co-operation with the European Union

Metatorbernit Cu (UO2)2 (PO4)2 . 8H2O, [panija

Metatorbernite, Spain

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Sodelovanje z Evropsko unijo

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The international programme ISAM (Improvement of Safety Assessment

Methodology for Near- Surface Disposal), which is performed under the

supervision of IAEA, was also continued in the year 2000. This year our

participation was concentrated mainly on education. We participated in

a workshop on safety assessment methodologies called Safety Regional

Training Course on Safety Assessment Methodologies for Near Surface

Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities, and a seminar on response in case

of a radiological accident (IAEA Regional Training-the-Trainers Workshop

in Practical Response to a Radiological Emergency).

Mednarodni program ISAM (Improvement of Safety Assessment

Methodology for Near-Surface Disposal), ki poteka pod okriljem MAAE,

se je nadaljeval tudi v letu 2000. Na{e sodelovanje v tem programu je

bilo lani omejeno predvsem na izobra`evanje. Udele`ili smo se delavnice

o metodologiji izdelave varnostne ocene za povr{inska odlagali{~a

(Safety Regional Training Course on Safety Assessment Methodologies

for Near Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities) in seminarja na

temo ravnanja ob radiolo{kih nesre~ah (IAEA Regional

Training-the-Trainers Workshop in Practical Response

to a Radiological Emergency).

Sodelovali smo tudi pri izvedbi projekta »Management of Spent Sealed

Sources in Central and Eastern Europe«, ki ga je za EC izvedlo podjetje AEA

Technology Nuclear Engineering iz Velike Britanije. ARAO je za ta projekt

pripravila celovit pregled zakonsko opredeljenih zahtev in njihovo izvajanje

v praksi na podro~jih proizvodnje, nabave, uporabe, transporta,

skladi{~enja in odlaganja zaprtih virov v Sloveniji.

As a local partner we have also been participating in the execution of the

project »Management of Spent Sealed Sources in Central and Eastern

Europe« which was organised by the EC and conducted by AEA Technology

Nuclear Engineering from Great Britain. For this project ARAO prepared

a complete overview of the legally set requirements and their execution

in practice for the production, acquisition, use, transportation,

storing and disposal of sealed sources in Slovenia.

Co-operation with the

International Atomic Energy Agency


Sodelovanje z Mednarodno agencijo

za atomsko energijo

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S {pansko organizacijo za ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki ENRESA in

agencijo iz Belgije NIRAS/ONDRAF smo podpisali sporazum o sodelovanju

na podro~ju razvoja, raziskav in tehnolo{kih re{itev ravnanja z

radioaktivnimi odpadki. Sporazum vklju~uje tudi izmenjavo informacij

in medsebojno obve{~anje o aktualnih temah.

Redne stike vzdr`ujemo tudi z belgijsko raziskovalno ustanovo SCK-CEN.

Dobro sodelovanje smo vzpostavili predvsem na podro~ju ocene

lastnosti odlagali{~a.

We have signed an agreement of co-operation in development, research

and technological solutions for radioactive waste management with the

Spanish organisation for radwaste management ENRESA and the Belgian

kindred agency NIRAS/ONDRAF. The agreement also includes the

exchange of information and reciprocal informing about current topics.

We also maintain regular contacts with the Belgian research institution

SCK-CEN. With them we have established especially good co-operation

in the field of performance assessment for a repository.

Bilateral Co-operation

Metaautonit Ca (UO2)2(PO4)2 . 8H2O, Francija

Meta-autunite, France

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Dvostransko sodelovanje

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Osnovni cilj komunikacijskih dejavnosti ARAO je pribli`ati tematiko

radioaktivnih odpadkov javnosti in pove~ati sprejemljivost javnosti za

odlaganje radioaktivnih odpadkov.

ARAO je v svoji strategiji izgradnje odlagali{~a NSRAO predvidela tak

postopek iskanja lokacije odlagali{~a, ki bo javnosti omogo~il sodelovanje

v izboru lokacije. Z javnostjo smo predvideli sodelovanje na dva na~ina:

pogajanja z lokalnimi skupnostmi in vklju~evanje javnosti v izbor

lokacije prek obse`nega, dvostranskega programa komuniciranja.

The main goal of the communication activities of ARAO is to keep the

public better informed on the issue of radioactive waste and to enhance

public acceptance of the repository for radioactive waste.

In its strategy for the construction of the LILW repository, ARAO plans a site

selection procedure for the LILW repository, which will enable the public to

participate in the selection process. The co-operation with the public is

planned in two ways: negotiations with the local communities and

incorporating the public in the site selection through an extensive,

bilateral programme of communicating.

Gaining a Repository Site

with Public Co-operation


S sodelovanjem

javnosti do lokacije

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Kuprosklodovskit (H3O)2Cu¡UO2/SiO4¿2 . 2H2O, Misonai, Zaire

Cuprosklodowskite, Misonai, Zaire

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Za izvedbo komuniciranja z javnostmi pri izboru lokacije smo izdelali program

komunikacijskih dejavnosti v podporo izboru lokacije NSRAO. Program

izhaja iz teoreti~nih predpostavk komuniciranja z razli~nimi javnostmi, analiz

preteklega neuspelega postopka izbora lokacije, upo{teva pa tudi rezultate

raziskav javnega mnenja. V njem so opredeljeni osnovni cilji komuniciranja

in dolo~ene klju~ne komunikacijske skupine. V okviru komunikacijskih

dejavnosti pri izboru lokacije za odlagali{~e smo v letu 2000 pripravili tudi

osnovne pogoje za vpeljavo mediatorja, to je posameznika, ki bo v pomo~

pri vodenju pogajanj z lokalnimi skupnostmi.

For efficient communication with the public during the site selection

process we have formed a communication activities programme in

support of the site selection for a LILW repository. The programme is

based upon the theoretical suppositions of communicating with various

publics, analyses of the former unsuccessful site selection process, and

also the results from the public opinion polls. The programme also

comprises the main communication goals and target communication

groups. In the year 2000 we also initiated the activities for introducing

the mediator, an individual who will help with the communications

and negotiations with the local communities.

Communication - a Basis for

Co-operation with the Public

Komunikacija - temelj

sodelovanja z javnostjo

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Informacijski center o radioaktivnih odpadkih deluje v okviru Izobra`evalnega

centra za jedrsko tehnologijo In{tituta Jo`ef Stefan v Brinju. Namenjen je

predvsem {olajo~i se mladini, ki jo s plakati, eksponati in poskusi sku{a

seznaniti in ji pribli`ati tematiko radioaktivnosti in radioaktivnih odpadkov.

Prikaz radioaktivnosti in ravnanja z radioaktivnimi odpadki je bil leta 1999

temeljito prenovljen in dopolnjen z novimi razstavnimi eksponati, letos pa je

bila izdelana {e zgo{~enka z naslovom Radioaktivni odpadki, od kod in kam?,

ki je namenjena predvsem {olski mladini. Zgo{~enka prikazuje in razlaga

osnovne pojme, povezane z radioaktivnostjo, vire radioaktivnih odpadkov

in na~ela varnega ravnanja z radioaktivnimi odpadki.

Obiskovalcem so v centru na voljo tudi publikacije ARAO o radioaktivnih

odpadkih (zgibanke, knjige, zgo{~enka).

The visitors information centre operates within the Educational Centre for

Nuclear Technology of the Jo`ef Stefan Institute in Brinje. The information

centre with its placards, exhibitions and experiments is designed mostly for

the school children. Its purpose is to inform and familiarise the children

with the topic of radioactivity and radioactive waste.

In 1999 the exhibition on radioactivity and managing radioactive waste was

thoroughly renewed and complemented with new exhibitions, and this year

we also made a CD titled “Radioactive waste, where from and where to?” also

designed for school children. The CD shows and explains the basic notions,

in connection with radioactivity, the sources of radioactive waste and the

principles of safe radioactive waste management.

In the information centre the visitors can also receive ARAO publications

about radioactive waste (books, booklets, CD).

Visitors Information Centre

on Radioactive Waste


Informacijski center o

radioaktivnih odpadkih

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Vsako leto izdelamo raziskavo javnega mnenja, s pomo~jo katere sku{amo

ugotoviti, kako se spreminja mnenje razli~nih javnosti o temah, povezanih

z radioaktivnimi odpadki. Vsako leto izvajamo raziskavo na splo{ni javnosti,

med novinarji, politiki in okoljevarstvenimi organizacijami, poleg tega

pa {e na izbrani specifi~ni javnosti.

Every year we conduct a public opinion survey, through which we try to

establish the changes in the opinions of various publics about topics in

connection with radioactive waste. Each year the survey is conducted among

the general public, the journalists, politicians, environmental organisations

and also, every year on a different specific public.

Public Opinion Survey

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


sploh se ne strinjam / I totally disagree

niti se strinjam niti se ne strinjam / I neither agree nor disagree

popolnoma se strinjam / I completely agree

trend ( strinjam se) / trend ( I agree)

ne strinjam se / I disagree

strinjam se / I agree

trend (popolnoma se strinjam) / trend ( I completely agree)

Slika 1: Zato ker v Sloveniji proizvajamo radioaktivne odpadke,

nujno potrebujemo tudi primerno odlagali{~e zanje.

Figure 1: Because in Slovenia we produce radioactive waste, we

necessarily need an adequate repository for that waste.

Javnomnenjska raziskava

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29Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Raopis - Radwaste News

In ARAO we also try to inform the public through Raopis, a newspaper that

we have been publishing for several years now. Every edition of Raopis is

dedicated to a specific topic, which refers to the current work of ARAO. This

year we have published the 10th edition of Raopis, in which we discuss the

remediation of radiologically contaminated buildings and the environment.

In this edition we explain the concept of remediation in case of a radiological

contamination and present several different approaches to the remedial

activities. As examples of remediation of the contaminated area after a

radiological accident, we report on the accidents in Chernobyl and Goiânia,

while the remediation of the provisional storage in Zavratec and the removal

of the consequences of mining in @irovski vrh are given

as examples of remedial activities in Slovenia.

V ARAO sku{amo informirati javnosti tudi preko Raopisa, ~asopisa, ki ga

izdajamo `e ve~ let. Vsaka {tevilka Raopisa je posve~ena specifi~ni temi,

ki se navezuje na aktualno delo ARAO. Letos smo tako izdali 10. {tevilko, v

kateri obravnavamo sanacije radiolo{ko kontaminiranih objektov in okolja.

V njej pojasnjujemo pojem sanacije v primeru radiolo{ke kontaminiranosti

in podajamo nekaj mo`nih na~inov izvedbe sanacijskih del. Kot primer

sanacije kontaminiranega podro~ja po radiolo{ki nesre~i v svetovnem

merilu sta v ~asopisu obravnavani nesre~i v ^ernobilu in Goiânii, kot primera

sanacije radiolo{ko kontaminiranih podro~ij v Sloveniji pa sta obravnavani

sanacija zasilnega skladi{~a v Zavratcu in odpravljanje posledic

rudarjenja na @irovskem vrhu.


Each year the interviewees agree more that in Slovenia we need a

repository for radioactive waste, and the share of those who agree with

this to a lesser extent is decreasing. In this year’s survey the share

of the latter is the smallest (15.6%).

Anketiranci se vsako leto bolj strinjajo, da v Sloveniji potrebujemo

odlagali{~e za radioaktivne odpadke, upada pa dele` tistih, ki se s tem malo

manj strinjajo. V leto{nji raziskavi je dele` slednjih najni`ji (15,6 %).

Page 32: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

To acquaint the public with the topic of radioactivity we have prepared

a contribution on radioactive minerals for the international exhibition of

minerals and fossils in Tr`i~. We have prepared a placard and a booklet

with basic information on radioactive minerals with recommendations on

how to handle those minerals. The visitors were shown a collection of

radioactive minerals, and they could also see how the radioactivity

measures are conducted.

Every day of the exhibition we also gave a lecture about natural

radioactivity, radioactive minerals and radioactivity measuring.

The exhibit aroused great interest among the viewers and it also

received a reward for the best presentation of minerals.

Da bi pribli`ali tematiko radioaktivnosti tudi {ir{i javnosti, smo se s

prispevkom o radioaktivnih mineralih udele`ili razstave mineralov in

fosilov v Tr`i~u. Za razstavo smo pripravili plakat in zgibanko z

osnovnimi informacijami o radioaktivnih mineralih in o priporo~ilih,

kako z njimi ravnati. Obiskovalci so si v vitrinah lahko ogledali zbirko

radioaktivnih mineralov, pripravili pa smo jim tudi prikaz izvajanja

meritev radioaktivnosti. Vsak dan smo izvedli tudi predavanje o naravni

radioaktivnosti, radioaktivnih mineralih in merjenju radioaktivnosti.

Razstava je pri obiskovalcih zbudila veliko zanimanja, dobila pa

je tudi priznanje za najbolj{o predstavitev mineralov.

Razstava radioaktivnih mineralov

Exhibition on Radioactive Minerals

Uranocircit Ba¡UO2/PO4¿2 . 10 - 12H2O, Bergen, Nem~ija

Uranocircite, Bergen, Germany

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 33: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Zagotavljanje kakovosti je pri ravnanju z radioaktivnimi odpadki

pomembna komponenta. Po izdelavi priro~nika kakovosti smo v leto{njem

letu sistem zagotavljanja kakovosti `e vpeljali pri izvajanju projektov.

Za skladi{~e radioaktivnih odpadkov smo za~eli pripravljati poseben

program za ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki.

Quality assurance plays an important role in radioactive waste

management. This year, after publishing the quality assurance manual,

we have already incorporated the quality assurance system in the project

execution. For the radioactive waste storage we have started to prepare

a specific radioactive waste management programme.


Assuring Quality

in our Work


kakovosti delovanja ARAO

Page 34: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Radioactive waste in Slovenia is mainly produced by the Nuclear

Power Plant Kr{ko. It originates also from applications of the

radioactive materials in medicine, industry and research. In this

particular year most of the radioactive waste was generated by the

replacement of steam generators in the NPP Kr{ko.

Spent nuclear fuel originates from NPP Kr{ko and in small

quantities also from the research reactor TRIGA.

V Sloveniji nastajajo radioaktivni odpadki pri obratovanju jedrske

elektrarne Kr{ko in pri uporabi radioaktivnih snovi v medicini, industriji

in raziskovalni dejavnosti. V tem letu je najve~ radioaktivnih odpadkov

nastalo pri menjavi uparjalnikov v jedrski elektrarni Kr{ko.

Izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo nastaja v NEK, v manj{ih koli~inah

pa tudi v raziskovalnem reaktorju TRIGA.

α-uranotil (Uranofan) Cu(UO2)2Si2O7 - 6H2O, Bancroff, Kanada

α-Uranotile (Uranophane), Bancroff, Canada

Koli~ina radioaktivnih

odpadkov v Sloveniji

Amount of Radioactive Waste

in Slovenia

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 35: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

V letu 2000 je bil opravljen remont jedrske elektrarne Kr{ko, pri ~emer so

izvedli tudi menjavo uparjalnikov. Stari uparjalniki so bili prepeljani v

posebno ve~namensko zgradbo, kjer so bili uskladi{~eni. Ob tem

obse`nem remontu je nastalo 229 standardnih sodov trdnih RAO.

Med rednim delovanjem NEK pa nastajajo trdni, teko~i in plinasti NSRAO.

Ker morajo biti radioaktivni odpadki skladi{~eni v trdni obliki, je treba

teko~e in plinaste NSRAO pred skladi{~enjem primerno obdelati. Pri tem so

postopki obdelave izvedeni tako, da se kar najbolj zmanj{a volumen teh



In the year 2000 the renovation of the NPP took place. During this

renovation the steam generators were replaced. The old steam

generators were transported into a multipurpose building on the

premises of the NPP, where they are now being stored. In the

course of this extensive renovation 229 standard drums

of solid waste were produced.

In the course of the regular operation of the NPP Kr{ko solid, liquid

and gaseous radioactive waste is produced. Before storing, the waste is

treated and conditioned according to its initial state. These procedures

are performed in such a way as to reduce the volume

of the waste to a minimum.

Nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki

iz jedrske elektrarne Kr{ko

Low and Intermediate Level

Waste from NPP Kr{ko

Page 36: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

In the liquid radioactive waste treatment process, evaporator bottoms and

spent ion exchange resins are produced. With a special system for drying the

waste1 in the drums, the water is entirely separated from the waste, which

results in a reduction of the waste volume. This year 7 TTC2 were stored, which

hold 21 standard drums of dried spent ion exchange resins (standard drums

marked PR and BR) and dried evaporator bottoms (standard drums marked DC).

Pri obdelavi teko~ih radioaktivnih odpadkov nastajajo radioaktivne go{~e in

izrabljeni ionski izmenjevalci. S posebnim sistemom za su{enje odpadkov v

sodih1 v celoti odstranijo vodo iz tovrstnih odpadkov in s tem bistveno

zmanj{ajo njihovo prostornino. Letos je bilo tako uskladi{~enih 7 cevastih

sodov vrste TTC2 (cevasti sodi z oznako TI), ki vsebujejo 21 standardnih

sodov posu{enih izrabljenih ionskih izmenjevalcev (standardni sodi z oznako

PR in BR) in posu{enih go{~ izparilnika (standardni sodi z oznako DC).

1 IDDS - In Drum Drying System je sistem su{enja v sodu, kjer nastajata dve vrsti

izrabljenih posu{enih ionskih izmenjevalcev (standardni sodi z oznako PR in BR) in

posu{ena go{~a izparilnika (standardni sodi z oznako DC).

2 TTC - Tube Type Container (cevasti povr{nik). V NEK sta dve vrsti povr{nikov TTC, in

sicer povr{nika z oznako ST in TI.

1 IDDS - In Drum Drying System is a system of drying in the drum, where two types

of dried spent ion exchange resin and also dried evaporator bottoms are produced.

2 TTC - Tube Type Container (tube overpack).

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report



Pri nekaterih radioaktivnih mineralih, ko jih obsevamo z ultravijoli~no svetlobo, lahko

opazujemo zelo intenzivno fluorescenco.


When some radioactive minerals are exposed to ultraviolet light intensive

fluorescence can be observed.

Uranocircit Ba¡UO2/PO4¿2 . 10 - 12 H2O, pod UV svetlobo, Bergen, Nem~ija

Uranocircite, exposed to UV light, Bergen, Germany

Page 37: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred


Za obdelavo plinastih radioaktivnih odpadkov uporabljajo posebne filtre, ki

zadr`ijo radioaktivne delce v zraku. Ko filtri niso ve~ uporabni, postanejo

radioaktiven odpadek. V letu 2000 je bilo tako uskladi{~enih 7 standardnih

sodov, ki vsebujejo radioaktivne filtre (standardni sodi z oznako F).

Trdne radioaktivne odpadke, ki nastajajo pri rednih vzdr`evalnih delih in

~i{~enju, delimo na stisljive (standardni sodi z oznako CW) in ostale

(standardni sodi z oznako O) odpadke.

Stisljivi odpadki, ki vsebujejo polietilen, lateks, bomba`, viskozo, papir ipd.,

so tudi gorljivi, zato lahko s se`igom in dodatnim stiskanjem njihov volumen

zmanj{amo. Za NEK ta postopek izvaja Studsvik.

Ostali trdni odpadki, ki vsebujejo PVC, plastiko, izolacijo, les, beton, steklo in

kovino, so negorljivi in nestisljivi odpadki, zato njihove prostornine

ne moremo zmanj{ati.

For the treatment of gaseous radioactive waste special filters are used, which

trap the radioactive particles. When the filters can no longer be used they

become radioactive wastes. In the year 2000 7 standard drums containing

such radioactive filters were stored (standard drums denoted F).

The solid radioactive wastes, which are produced during maintenance and

cleaning work, are divided into compressible waste (standard drums marked

CW) and other waste (standard drums marked O).

Compressible wastes consisting of polyethylene, latex, cotton, viscose, paper

etc. are also combustible, so we can reduce their volume by incineration and

compression. For NPP Kr{ko this procedure is performed in Studsvik.

Other solid wastes, that contain PVC, plastic, isolation materials, wood,

concrete, glass and metal, are not combustible and compressible, so

their volume can not be reduced.

Page 38: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

PR - Posu{eni primarni ionski izmenjevalci (IDDS) / PR - Dried primary ion exchange resins

DC - Posu{ena go{~a izparilnika (IDDS) / DC - Dried evaporation bottoms

BR - Posu{eni ionski izmenjevalci (IDDS) / BR - Dried ion exchange resins

F - Filtri / F - Filters

SR - Ionski izmenjevalci / SR - Spent resins of ion exchangers

O - Drugi odpadki / O - Other waste

EB - Go{~a izparilnika / EB - Evaporation bottoms

CW - Stisljivi odpadki / CW - Compressible waste

Figure 2 shows the production of radioactive waste over time. This year,

319 standard drums (67m3) of RAW was produced, and of this more than 90%

of the waste was solid waste. In the future the NPP Kr{ko will try to reduce

the yearly production of waste to less than 30m3.

Slika 2 prikazuje proizvodnjo radioaktivnih odpadkov po posameznih letih.

V zadnjem letu je bilo proizvedenih 319 standardnih sodov RAO, kar zna{a

67 m3 RAO. Od tega jih je ve~ kot 90 % `e prvotno trdnih odpadkov.

V NEK bodo posku{ali v prihodnjih letih zmanj{ati proizvodnjo

na manj kot 30 m3 letno.


ilo s



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Slika 2: Letna proizvodnja nizko in srednje radioaktivnih odpadkov ter dele`i

po posameznih vrstah odpadkov v jedrski elektrarni v Kr{kem

Figure 2: The production of low and intermediate level radioactive

waste in the storage of NPP Kr{ko

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 39: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Figure 3 shows the increase in the amount of waste in the NPP Kr{ko storage.

As is evident from the graph, the compression and incineration of combustible

waste contributed significantly to the volume reduction of the stored RAW.

The volume reduction is also the reason why the volume of produced waste

differs from the volume of the stored waste.

By the end of the year 2000, there were 2158 m3 of RAW stored

in the LILW storage of the NPP Kr{ko. The storage is now filled up to 93%.

Slika 3 prikazuje pove~evanje koli~ine odpadkov v skladi{~u NEK. Kot je

razvidno z grafa, je zmanj{evanje prostornine s stiskanjem in se`igom gorljivih

odpadkov ob~utno pripomoglo k zmanj{anju prostornine uskladi{~enih RAO,

zato se skupna koli~ina proizvedenih RAO razlikuje od koli~ine

dejansko uskladi{~enih odpadkov.

V skladi{~u NSRAO v NEK je bilo do konca leta 2000 shranjenih 2158 m3

odpadkov. Tako se je zasedenost skladi{~a pove~ala na 93 %.

Prvo stiskanje odpadkov / First compaction campaign

Drugo Stiskanje odpadkov / Second compaction campaign

Se`ig RAO / Waste incineraton

Kapaciteta skladi{~a je 2300 m3 / The Storage capacity is 2300 m3


Slika 3: Koli~ine NSRAO v skladi{~u NEK

Figure 3: Low and intermediate level waste volume in the NPP Kr{ko storage facility

37Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

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Preglednica 2: Koli~ine NSRAO v skladi{~u NEK konec leta 2000

Table 2: The quantities of LILW in the NPP Kr{ko

at the end of the year 2000

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


In the storage the waste is stored in three types of drums: standard 210 l

drums, 320 l overpacks and 864 l tube type containers (TTC). The total activity

of the stored LILW in the NPP Kr{ko storage facility is 2.927 x 1013 Bq.

Table 2 states the actual quantities of LILW in the NPP Kr{ko storage regarding

the size of drums and type of stored waste at the end of the year 2000.

* Rezultat prvega stiskanja odpadkov v letih 1988 in 1989. / Result of the first waste compaction in 1988-89.

** Rezultat drugega stiskanja odpadkov v letu 1995. / Result of the second waste compaction in 1995.

*** Se`ig RAO v Studsviku. / Incineration of LILW in Studsvik.

Odpadki so v skladi{~u shranjeni v treh vrstah sodov: v standardnih

210-litrskih sodih, 320-litrskih sodih in sodih povr{nikih (TTC) s prostornino

864 l. Skupna aktivnost NSRAO v skladi{~u NEK je 2,927 x 1013 Bq.

Iz preglednice 2 je razvidno dejansko stanje v skladi{~u glede na velikost

soda in vrsto odpadka.

[tevilo Prostornina (m3)

Tip odpadka / Waste type Number Volume (m3)

EB - go{~e izparilnika (210 l) / EB - Evaporation bottoms (210 l) 251 52,71 / 52.71

CW - stisljivi odpadki (210 l) / CW - Compressible waste (210 l) 483 101,43 / 101.43

F - filtri (210 l) / F - Filters (210 l) 105 21,83 / 21.83

O - drugi odpadki (210 l) / O - Others incompressible wastes (210 l) 438 91,90 / 91.90

SR - Izrabljeni ionski izmenjevalci (210 l) / SR - Spent resins (210 l) 689 144,69 / 144.69

SC* - stisnjeni odpadki v povr{nikih (320L) / 617 197,44 / 197.44

SC* - compacted waste in overpacs (320L)

ST** - superkompaktirani odpadki v TTC (864L) / 1765 1524,96 / 1524.96

ST** - supercompacted waste in TTC (864L)

TI - sodi iz IDDS prelo`eni v TTC kontejnerje (864 l) / 18 15,64 / 15.64

TI - Drums from IDDS shifted to TTC-s (864 l)

A*** - pepel in filtrski prah (210 l) / A*** - Ash and filter dust (210 l) 33 6,93 / 6.93

Skupaj / Total 4399 2157,60 / 2157.60

Page 41: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Small producers are medical, research institutions and industrial

enterprises who use radioactive elements in their work and therefore

produce radioactive waste.

Since 1986 the radioactive waste deriving from small producers has been

stored in the Central storage for radioactive waste in Brinje. The stored

waste is classified according to the type of packaging in three categories:

waste, packed in drums, special waste and sealed sources. Drums

contain mostly contaminated cleaning material, paper, plastic items,

glass and material with induced radioactivity because of neutron

exposure at the TRIGA reactor. Different contaminated or activated metal

tubes and metal pieces that are too big to fit into the drum are stored as

special bulky items. Disused sealed ionising sources, stored in original

shielded containers, are stored separately.

39Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki nastajajo poleg pri obratovanju

jedrske elektrarne Kr{ko tudi pri uporabi radioaktivnih snovi v medicini,

industriji in v raziskovalnih dejavnostih. Podjetjem, ki te odpadke

proizvajajo, pa pravimo mali proizvajalci.

Od leta 1986 se radioaktivni odpadki malih proizvajalcev shranjujejo v

Centralnem skladi{~u RAO v Brinju. Odpadke v skladi{~u razvr{~amo glede

na tip embala`e v tri skupine: odpadki, pakirani v sode, posebni odpadki in

zaprti viri. V sodih se nahaja predvsem kontaminiran ~istilni material, papir,

plasti~ni predmeti, steklovina in material z aktivirano radioaktivnostjo

zaradi obsevanja v raziskovalnem reaktorju. Razli~ne kontaminirane

kovinske cevi in kovinske kose, ki so preveliki, da bi jih hranili v sodih,

hranimo kot posebne odpadke. Lo~eno hranimo tudi zaprte izrabljene vire,

obi~ajno zapakirane v originalnih za{~itnih kontejnerjih.

Nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki

iz drugih dejavnosti

Low and Intermediate Level

Waste Deriving from Small Producers

Page 42: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Preglednica 3: {tevilo uskladi{~enih virov konec leta 2000

Table 3: Quantities of waste stored in the Central Interim Storage in Brinje at

the end of the year 2000

[tevilo novo Skupno {tevilo Skupna ocenjena

uskladi{~enih RAO ob koncu Glavni izotopi aktivnost ob koncu

Vrsta odpadka RAO leta 2000 Main leta 2000 (GBq)

Waste type Stored in 2000 Total number radionuclides Estimated activity


Sod / Drums 13 253 Co-60, Cs-137, 3 - 20Ra-226, uran/Uranium,


Posebni odpadki / Special bulky items 0 141 Co-60 2900

Zaprti viri / Disused sealed sources 0 346 Co-60, Cs-137, 560Kr-85, Sr-90

*Nedolo~eni viri / *Undefined sources 34

Skupaj / Total 13 774 3500~

Table 3 presents the quantities of LILW stored in Central storage

in Brinje at the end of the year 2000.

In this year 13 drums were transported and stored

in the storage.

Preglednica 3 prikazuje stanje v Centralnem skladi{~u v Brinju

ob koncu leta 2000.

V skladi{~e je bilo do konca leta 2000 v interventnih prevzemih prepeljanih

13 sodov iz Zavratca.

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


* Nedolo~eni viri so tisti viri, ki niso nosili nobene oznake predhodnega upravljalca in jih tudi

ni mogo~e najti v stari evidenci. Odpadke bomo po natan~nem pregledu naknadno razvrstili.

* Undefined sources are those that were found during the inventorying of the storage

and which did not have any labelling, and also were not found in the database of the

previous operator of the storage. The items will be classified after

detailed examination.

Page 43: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Ob koncu leta 2000 je v skladi{~u 774 kosov RAO s skupno prostornino

od 60 do 70 m3. Ker je bila izkori{~enost prostora `e pri prevzemu skladi{~a

slaba, so trenutni pogoji za sprejem RAO v skladi{~e slabi. V prihodnje zato

na~rtujemo izbolj{anje izkori{~enosti skladi{~nih prostorov s poenotenjem

embala`e odpadkov in bolj optimalno razporeditvijo sodov.

Skupna aktivnost radioaktivnih virov v skladi{~u je ocenjena na 3500 GBq.

K celotni aktivnosti skladi{~a najbolj prispeva izrabljen teleterapevtski

vir Co-60 s trenutno ocenjeno aktivnostjo okrog 2900 GBq.

Poleg uskladi{~enih virov v Centralnem skladi{~u v Brinju so viri shranjeni

tudi pri malih proizvajalcih. Tak{nih za~asnih hramb je v Sloveniji 40. V njih

naj bi bilo po dostopnih podatkih shranjeno 150 do 200 izrabljenih virov.

At the end of the year 2000 there were 774 items of RAW stored in the

storage facility with a total volume of approximately 60 - 70m3. Because the

storage utilisation was low even before ARAO took over the management

of the storage, the current possibilities for accepting the waste are still not

satisfactory. In the future we plan to optimise the utilisation of the storage

facility by repackaging and rearranging the waste in the optimal way.

The total activity of the waste inventory is estimated at 3500 GBq. The major

contribution to the total activity comes from a disused teletherapeutic source

Co-60, with the present activity around 2900 GBq.

Apart from the waste stored in the Central storage in Brinje there are also

some radioactive sources temporarily stored on the site at the users’

facilities. At present there are 40 such »temporary storages«

containing 150 to 200 spent sources.

41Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

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Zmogljivost bazena za izrabljeno gorivo / Spent fuel pool capacity

Izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo (IJG) v obliki izrabljenih gorivnih sve`njev se nahaja

le v bazenu za IJG v jedrski elektrarni Kr{ko. Konec leta 2000 je bilo v bazenu

594 izrabljenih gorivnih sve`njev. Nara{~anje koli~in goriva v tem bazenu

skozi ~as prikazuje slika 4.

Spent fuel elements are stored only in the spent fuel pool at NPP Kr{ko.

At the end of the year 2000 there were 594 spent fuel elements in the pool.

The increasing quantities of spent fuel in the pool

are shown in the figure 4.


jedrsko gorivo

Spent Fuel

Slika 4: Koli~ine izrabljenega goriva v NEK

Figure 4: Quantities of spent fuel in NPP Kr{ko

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report



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43Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Every year 33 fuel elements on average are replaced in the reactor core.

The capacity of the pool is 828 fuel elements. Taking into account that the pool

must always have free space for 121 fuel elements in case of emergency, the

pool capacity will be fully exhausted in three years’ time. The plans for

enlargement of pool capacities are already in full progress.

Fuel elements are also used for operation of the TRIGA research reactor in

Brinje, but at present the spent fuel pool is empty. In 1999 all spent fuel

elements were transported back to the USA, the country of their origin.

Na leto zamenjajo v sredici reaktorja v povpre~ju 33 gorivnih sve`njev.

Sedanja zmogljivost bazena je 828 gorivnih sve`njev. Ob upo{tevanju,

da mora biti v bazenu stalno prostih 121 mest za izpraznitev sredice

v izrednih razmerah, bodo obstoje~e zmogljivost bazena zapolnjene

predvidoma v naslednjih treh letih. Na~rti za pove~anje

zmogljivosti bazena so v pripravi.

Tudi za delovanje raziskovalnega reaktorja TRIGA v Brinju se

v sredici reaktorja uporabljajo gorivni elementi, vendar pa v bazenu

v reaktorskem centru trenutno ni izrabljenega goriva. Leta 1999 so vse

izrabljene gorivne elemente prepeljali nazaj v ZDA,

kjer je bilo gorivo tudi izdelano.

Page 46: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Sabugalit H Al (UO2)4 (PO4)4 . 16H2O, pod UV svetlobo, Jachimov, ^e{ka

Sabugalite, exposed to UV light, Jachimov, Czech Republic

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Irena Mele and Nadja @eleznik

Participation in PIME conference,

Ljubljana, February 13 to 16, 2000

Marija Fabjan

Symposium on radwaste management »HLW,

LLW; Mixed Wastes and Environmental

Restoration - Working Towards a Cleaner


Tucson, USA, February 27 to March 2, 2000

Irena Mele

Participation in a round table on international

repositories within an International Conference

»The Safety of Radioactive Waste


Cordoba, Spain, March 12 to 19, 2000

Irena Mele in Nadja @eleznik

Udele`ba na kongresu PIME,

13. do 16. 2. 2000, Ljubljana

Marija Fabjan

Simpozij o ravnanju z RAO »HLW, LLW; Mixed

Wastes and Environmental Restoration -

Working Towards a Cleaner Environment«,

27. 2. do 2. 3. 2000, Tucson, ZDA

Irena Mele

Sodelovanje na okrogli mizi na temo

mednarodnih odlagali{~ na mednarodni

konferenci »The Safety of Radioactive

Waste Management«,

12. do 19. 3. 2000, Córdoba, [panija

Professional Improvement,

Conferences, Expert


Izpopolnjevanja, konference,



Page 47: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred


Bojan Hertl

Te~aj »Notranja presoja sistema kakovosti«,

22. do 24. 3. 2000, Ljubljana

Bojan Hertl

Te~aj »Notranja presoja sistema ravnanja

z okoljem«, opravljen izpit notranjega


12. in 13. 4. 2000, Ljubljana

Bojan Hertl

Strokovno posvetovanje »Za{~ita okolja in

ekolo{ke nesre~e«,

10. do 12. 5. 2000, Maribor

Nadja @eleznik

Technical Committee to Prepare a Safety

Report on Waste Acceptance Requirements for

Near-Surface Disposal for Radioactive Waste,

organizator MAAE,

8. do 12. 5. 2000, Dunaj, Avstrija

Irena Mele

3. sre~anje predstavnikov organizacij za

ravnanje z RAO iz dr`av kandidatk

za ~lanstvo v EU,

16. 5. 2000, Bruselj, Belgija

Irena Mele

Udele`ba na prvem sre~anju skupine za

ravnanje z odpadki (Waste Management

Subgroup) v okviru Evropskega zdru`enja za

jedrsko energijo (EAES),

22. 5. 2000, Pariz, Francija

Bojan Hertl

Training course on the internal judgement of

the quality assurance system,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 22 to 24, 2000

Bojan Hertl

Training course on the internal judgement

of environment management system, he

also passed the test for an internal

quality assessor,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 12 to 13, 2000

Bojan Hertl

Workshop on environment protection and

ecological accidents,

Maribor, Slovenia, May 10 to 12, 2000

Nadja @eleznik

»Technical Committee to Prepare a Safety

Report on Waste Acceptance Requirements for

Near-Surface Disposal for Radioactive Waste«,

organised by International Atomic Energy

Agency (IAEA),

Vienna, Austria, May 8 to 12, 2000

Irena Mele

The 3rd meeting of radioactive waste

management representatives from

EU applicant countries,

Brussels, Belgium, May 16, 2000

Irena Mele

Participation at the first meeting of the Waste

Management Subgroup within the European

Atomic Energy Society (EAES),

Paris, France, May 22, 2000

Page 48: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

Udele`ba na 29. sre~anju Kluba agencij, ki ga

je organizirala ARAO,

13. do 15. 6. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik

Konferenca dru{tva jedrskih strokovnjakov

Hrva{ke »Nuclear Options in Countries with

Small Nuclear Grids«;

Irena Mele je sodelovala na okrogli mizi

»Regional Co-operation and Regional Facilities«,

19. do 22. 6. 2000, Dubrovnik, Hrva{ka

Peter Tom{e

Delavnica NEA/OECD in EC »Gas Generation,

Accumulation and Migration in Underground

Repository System for Radioactive Waste:

Safety Relevant Issues«,

26. do 28. 6. 2000, Reims, Francija;

v sklopu delavnice tudi ogled pripravljalnih

del in raziskav na lokaciji, namenjeni izgradnji

podzemnega laboratorija za karakterizacijo

primernosti geolo{ke formacije

za odlaganje VRAO,

29. 6. 2000, Bure, Francija

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

Participation in the 29th meeting of the Club

of Agencies, which was organised by ARAO,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13 to 15 2000

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik

Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Energy

Society »Nuclear Options in Countries with

Small Nuclear Grids«,

Irena Mele participated in the round table

»Regional Co-operation and Regional


Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 19 to 22, 2000

Peter Tom{e

Workshop of NEA/OECD and EC »Gas

Generation, Accumulation and Migration in

Underground Repository System for

Radioactive Waste: Safety Relevant Issues«

Reims, France, June 26 to 28, 2000;

within the workshop also a visit to preparatory

and research works on a site for an

underground laboratory for characterisation

of a suitable geological formation for high

level waste disposal,

Bure, France, June 29, 2000

Metaautonit Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 . 8H2O, pod UV svetlobo, Novy Foitov, ^e{ka

Meta-autunite, exposed to UV light, Novy Foitov, Czech Republic

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 49: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Nadja @eleznik

Udele`ba na mednarodni poletni {oli BEST,

12. 7. 2000, Ljubljana

Nadja @eleznik, Peter Tom{e

Delavnica »PA/SA-Modelling of LILW


21. do 31. 8. 2000, Mol, Belgija

Bojan Hertl

Seminar »Regional Workshop on

Decommissioning Process: Regulatory,

Technical and Managerial Aspects«,

4. do 8. 9. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele

Udele`ba na mednarodi konferenci »DISTEC -

International Conference on Radioactive Waste

Disposal« kot ~lanica strokovnega odbora,

4. do 6. 9. 2000, Berlin, Nem~ija

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

Mednarodna konferenca jedrskih

strokovnjakov »International Conference of

Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000«;

Irena Mele je bila ~lanica programskega

odbora in predsedovala sekciji na temo

ravnanja z odpadki,

11. do 14. 9. 2000, Bled

Marija Fabjan

Seminar »Demonstration on Predisposal

Waste Management Methods and

Procedures«, organizator MAAE,

4. do 15. 9. 2000, Carigrad, Tur~ija

Nadja @eleznik

Lecturing at an international summer school


Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 12, 2000

Nadja @eleznik, Peter Tom{e

Workshop »PA/SA-Modelling of LILW


Mol, Belgium, August 21 to 31, 2000

Bojan Hertl

Seminar »Regional Workshop on

Decommissioning Process: Regulatory,

Technical and Managerial Aspects«,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 4 to 8, 2000

Irena Mele

Participation in an international conference

»DISTEC- International Conference on

Radioactive Waste Disposal« as a member of

the scientific committee,

Berlin, Germany, September 4 to 6, 2000

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

»International Conference of Nuclear Energy in

Central Europe 2000«, organised by the

Slovenian Nuclear Society;

Irena Mele co-chaired the section on the topic

of radwaste management and was also a

member of the programme committee,

Bled, Slovenia, September 11 to 14, 2000

Marija Fabjan

Seminar »Demonstration on Predisposal

Waste Management Methods and Procedures«

organised by IAEA,

Istambul, Turkey, September 4 to 15, 2000


Page 50: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Sabina Hajri~

Seminar »Public Procurement«

Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15, 2000

Peter Tom{e

Seminar: »5th international deliberation on

tunnel and underground premises construction«,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 21 to 22, 2000

Irena Mele

Scientific forum within the General Conference

of the International Atomic Energy Agency


Vienna, Austria, September 19 to 20, 2000

Nadja @eleznik

International conference ISAM (Improvement

of Performance Assessment Methodology for

Near-Surface LILW Repository),

Vienna, Austria, September 25 to 30, 2000

Irena Mele

Meeting of the Pangea Resources

International organisation,

Baden, Switzerland, September 25, 2000

Sabina Hajri~

Seminar »Javna naro~ila«,

15. 9. 2000, Ljubljana

Peter Tom{e

Seminar »5. Mednarodno posvetovanje o

gradnji tunelov in podzemnih prostorov«,

21. in 22. 9. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele

Znanstveni forum v okviru generalne

konference Mednarodne agencije za atomsko

energijo (MAAE),

19. in 20. 9. 2000, Dunaj, Avstrija

Nadja @eleznik

Mednarodna konferenca ISAM (Improvement

of Performance Assessment Methodology for

Near-Surface LILW Repository),

25. do 30. 9. 2000, Dunaj, Avstrija

Irena Mele

Sestanek organizacije Pangea Resources


25. 9. 2000, Baden, [vica

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Torijevi minerali

^rni, temno rjavi in tudi rumeno-oran`ni in temno zeleni, masivni in zrnati, tudi kristalnih oblik, s

smolnatim in steklastim sijajem.

Thorite minerals

Black, dark brown and also yellowish-orange and dark green colour, massive

with irregular grains and resinous, vitreous lustre.

Thorianit (Th,U)O2, Fort Dauphin, Madagaskar

Thorianite, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar

Page 51: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Peter Tom{e

Izobra`evanje »Vrednotenje in modeliranje v


28. in 29. 9. 2000, Ljubljana

Sabina Hajri~

Seminar »Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov 2000«,

12. do 14. 10. 2000, Portoro`

Irena Mele

30. sre~anje Kluba agencij,

21. do 24. 10. 2000, Vlissingen, Nizozemska

Peter Tom{e

Izobra`evanje »Metodologija izdelave

varnostne ocene za povr{inska odlagali{~a«,

organizator MAAE,

12. do 25. 11. 2000, Madrid, [panija

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Marija Fabjan, Peter Tom{e

Redno letno sre~anje ARAO s hrva{ko agencijo

za ravnanje s posebnimi odpadki (APO),

6. 11. 2000, Zagreb, Hrva{ka

Bojan Hertl

Seminar »IAEA Regional Training-the-Trainers

Workshop in Practical Response to a

Radiological Emergency«, organizator MAAE,

14. in 23. 11. 2000, Ljubljana

Sabina Hajri~

Seminar »Javna naro~ila malih vrednosti«,

13. 12. 2000, Ljubljana

Peter Tom{e

Training course on assessing and modelling in


Ljubljana, September 28 to 29, 2000

Sabina Hajri~

Days of Slovene Lawyers,

Portoro`, Slovenia, October 12 to 14, 2000

Irena Mele

30th meeting of the Club of Agencies,

Vlissingen, Netherlands, October 21 to 24, 2000

Peter Tom{e

Training course »Methodology of the

Performance Assessment Composition for

Surface Repositories« organised by IAEA,

Madrid, Spain, November 12 to 25, 2000

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Marija Fabjan, Peter Tom{e

Regular annual meeting between ARAO and

Croatian Agency for Hazardous Waste (APO),

Zagreb, Croatia, November 6, 2000

Bojan Hertl

Seminar »IAEA Regional Training-the-Trainers

Workshop in Practical Response to a

Radiological Emergency« organised by IAEA,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 14 to 23, 2000

Sabina Hajri~

Seminar »Public Procurement of Small


Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 13, 2000


Page 52: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Irena Mele in Nadja @eleznik

poster »Repository Site Selection -

Communication with Public«,

Kongres PIME,

13. do 16. 2. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele

poro~ilo »Radioactive waste management

in Slovenia«,

»Spent fuel and low and intermediate level

waste management strategies«,

3. sre~anje predstavnikov organizacij za

ravnanje z RAO iz dr`av kandidatk

za ~lanstvo v EU,

16. 5. 2000, Bruselj, Belgija

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik

»Repository Site Selection - Communication

with Public«,

PIME conference,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 13 to 16, 2000

Irena Mele

Report on »Radioactive waste management

in Slovenia«,

»Spent fuel and low

and intermediate level waste

management strategies«,

3rd meeting of the

representatives of the organisations for

radwaste management from states candidates

for membership in EU,

Brussels, Belgium, May 16, 2000

Lectures, Papers,

other Contributions

Monazit (Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4, Rusija

Monazite, Russia

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report



referati, prispevki

Page 53: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Irena Mele

»Current Status Report on Waste

Management in Slovenia«,

29. sre~anje Kluba agencij,

13. do 15. 6. 2000, Ljubljana

Nadja @eleznik in Matja` Stepi{nik

»Radioactive Waste from

Small Producers«,

29. sre~anje Kluba agencij,

13. do 15. 6. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

poster »Final Remediation of Provisional

Storage near Zavratec«,

konferenca dru{tva jedrskih strokovnjakov

Hrva{ke »Nuclear Options in Countries

with Small Nuclear Grids«,

19. do 22. 6. 2000, Dubrovnik, Hrva{ka

Nadja @eleznik

predavanje na temo ravnanja z RAO

in organizacija ogleda Centralnega

skladi{~a v Brinju,

Mednarodna poletna {ola BEST,

12. 7. 2000, Ljubljana

Irena Mele,

»Current Status Report on Waste Management

in Slovenia«,

29th meeting of the Club of Agencies,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13 to 15, 2000

Nadja @eleznik, Matja` Stepi{nik

»Radioactive Waste from Small Producers«,

29th meeting of the Club of Agencies,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13 to 15, 2000

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

»Final Remediation of Provisional Storage

near Zavratec«,

conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society

»Nuclear Options in Countries with Small

Nuclear Grids«,

Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 19 to 22, 2000

Nadja @eleznik

lecture on radwaste management and

organisation of the visit to the Central

storage in Brinje,

International summer school BEST,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 12, 2000


Page 54: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Umbozerit Na3Sr4Th¡Si8(O,OH4)24¿, Karnasurt, Rusija

Umbozerite, Karnasurt, Russia

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Nadja @eleznik, Marko Poli~

»Acceptability of LILW Repository«,

mednarodna konferenca jedrskih

strokovnjakov »International Conference of

Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000«,

11. do 14. 9. 2000, Bled

Matja` Stepi{nik, Nadja @eleznik,

Irena Mele

»Final Remediation of the Provisional

Storage near Zavratec - Separation of Waste,

Decontamination and Radiological


mednarodna konferenca jedrskih

strokovnjakov »International Conference of

Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000«,

11. do 14. 9. 2000, Bled

Nadja @eleznik, Marko Poli~

»Acceptability of LILW Repository«,

international nuclear experts’ conference

»International Conference of Nuclear

Energy in Central Europe 2000«,

Bled, Slovenia, September 11 to 14, 2000

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Matja` Stepi{nik

»Final Remediation of the Provisional

Storage near Zavratec- Separation of Waste,

Decontamination and Radiological


international nuclear

experts’ conference »International

Conference of Nuclear Energy in

Central Europe 2000«,

Bled, Slovenia, September 11 to 14, 2000

Page 55: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred


Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Andrej Stritar, Oton Gortnar

»Multimedia Presentation of Radwaste


mednarodna konferenca jedrskih

strokovnjakov »International Conference

of Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000«,

11. do 14. 9. 2000, Bled

Jakob Likar, Klementina Hrast,

Peter Tom{e

»Idejna zasnova podzemnega odlagali{~a

nizko in srednje radioaktivnih odpadkov«,

5. Mednarodno posvetovanje o gradnji

tunelov in podzemnih prostorov,

21. in 22. 9. 2000, Ljubljana

Nadja @eleznik

»Safety assessment activities in Slovenia«,

Mednarodna konferenca ISAM (Improvement

of Performance Assessment Methodology for

Near-Surface LILW Repository),

25. do 30. 9. 2000, Dunaj, Avstrija

Irena Mele, Nadja @eleznik,

Andrej Stritar, Oton Gortnar,

»Multimedia Presentation of Radwaste


international nuclear experts’ conference

»International Conference of Nuclear Energy

in Central Europe 2000«,

Bled, Slovenia, September 11 to 14, 2000

Jakob Likar, Klementina Hrast,

Peter Tom{e

paper on an underground LILW

repository concept,

5th International deliberation on tunnel and

underground premises construction,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 21 to 22, 2000

Nadja @eleznik,

»Safety assessment activities in Slovenia«,

International conference ISAM (Improvement

of Performance Assessment Methodology for

Near-Surface LILW Repository),

Vienna, Austria, September 25 to 30, 2000

Page 56: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

2000 1999

v 000 SIT % v 000 SIT %

in 000 SIT % in 000 SIT %

Sredstva / Assets 77.874 100 80.738 100

Dolgoro~na sredstva in sredstva v upravljanju /36.765 47 14.337 18

Fixed assets

Opredmetena osnovna sredstva / 24.727 32 14.237 18

Equipment and other tangible fixed assets

Neopredmetena dolgoro~na sredstva / 12.038 15 0.100 0

Intangible fixed assets

Kratkoro~na sredstva razen zalog in aktivne41.109 53 66.401 82

~asovne razmejitve / Current assets

Kratkoro~ne terjatve in finan~ne nalo`be / 1.279 2 7.676 10

Accounts receivable and short-term investments

Denarna sredstva / Cash 39.830 51 58.725 72

2000 1999

v 000 SIT % v 000 SIT %

in 000 SIT % in 000 SIT %

Obveznosti do virov sredstev / Liabilities 77.874 100 80.738 100

Kratkoro~ne obveznosti in pasivne ~asovne

razmejitve / Short-term liabilities and accruals 4.997 8 58.894 7 and deffered revenues

Kratkoro~ne obveznosti / 4.975 7 12.980 18

Short-term operating liabilities

Pasivne ~asovne razmejitve56.683 85 45.914 64

Accruals and deffered revenues

Lastni viri in dolgoro~ne obveznosti53.777 21.844

Equity and long-term liabilities

Dolgoro~ne rezervacije / Long-term provisions 8.000 11 8.000 11

Splo{ni sklad / Contingency - open end fund 32.383 8.450

Obveznosti za sredstva prejeta v upravljanje /5.874 4.938

Other liabilities

Ugotovljeni poslovni izid / Financial result 7.520 0.411



Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report




Bilanca stanja za leti 2000 in 1999

Balance sheet for 2000 and 1999

Page 57: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

2000 1999

v 000 SIT v 000 SIT

in 000 SIT in 000 SIT

Prihodki / Income 168.485 171.678

Donacija* / Budgetary funds** 165.183 170.341

Drugi prihodki / Other income 3.302 1.337

2000 1999

v 000 SIT v 000 SIT

in 000 SIT in 000 SIT

Odhodki / Expenses 160.965 171.660

Stro{ki materiala in drugih storitev79.247 109.249

Costs of material and outside services

Stro{ki dela / Costs of labor 58.241 58.275

Stro{ki za osnovna sredstva / Cost of fixed assets 23.477 4.136

2000 1999

Prese`ek odhodkov nad prihodki /7.520 18.0

Excess (of revenue over expenditure)

55Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Izkaz uspeha

Income Statement

** In 2000 the Agency for radwaste management received 150.950 mio SIT from the state

budget and 14.233 mio SIT from the Fund for the decommissioning of the NPP Kr{ko

and the disposal of radioactive waste from NPP Kr{ko.

* ARAO je v letu 2000 prejela iz dr`avnega prora~una 150.950 mio SIT

in iz Sklada za financiranje razgradnje NEK in odlaganje odpadkov

iz NEK 14.233 mio SIT.

Page 58: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Ustanovitelj / Founder

Republika Slovenija / Republic of Slovenia

Upravni odbor / Management board

Upravni odbor {teje pet ~lanov: od teh je tri imenoval ustanovitelj, enega je imenovala

Nuklearna elektrarna Kr{ko, enega pa so izvolili zaposleni ARAO.

The management board consists of five members: three are appointed by the

founder, one is appointed by NPP Kr{ko and one by ARAO.

Predsednik / President

Ivo Novak, univ. dipl. in`., Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo

Namestnik predsednika / Vice-president

Bla` Tominec, univ. dipl. in`., Ministrstvo za {olstvo, {port in znanost

^lani / Members

mag. Miroslav Gregori~, Uprava za jedrsko varnost

Marija Fabjan, univ. dipl. kem., ARAO

Stane Ro`man, univ. dipl. in`., Nuklearna elektrarna Kr{ko


podatki o ARAO

About Arao

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report


Page 59: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

Na{ naslov / Our address


Parmova 53

SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Tel.: +386 (0) 1 236 32 00

Fax: +386 (0) 1 236 32 30

E-po{ta: ime.priimekÐgov.si / E-mail: name.surnameÐgov.si


Direktorica / Director

dr. Irena Mele, v agenciji od 1. 2. 1994

Zaposleni / Personnel

Tja{a Lu~i~, gimnazijska maturantka, v agenciji od 1. 3. 1993

Matja` Stepi{nik, univ. dipl. fiz., v agenciji od 1. 11. 1994

mag. Nadja @eleznik, v agenciji od 15. 11. 1995

Peter Tom{e, univ. dipl. geolog, v agenciji od 1. 11. 1996

Marija Fabjan, univ. dipl. kem., v agenciji od 1. 1. 1998

Sabina Hajri~, univ. dipl. iur., v agenciji od 3. 10. 1998

mag. Bojan Hertl, v agenciji od 31. 10. 1998

Mihael Lukanovi~, v agenciji od 1. 12. 1999

Boris Okorn, v agenciji od 15. 12. 1999

Gregor Ro`man, univ. dipl. kem., v agenciji od 1. 9. 2000

Miha Kveder, univ. dipl. fiz., v agenciji od 1. 9. 2000

Simona Knez, univ. dipl. ekon., v agenciji od 15. 10. 2000

dr. Metka Kralj, v agenciji od 1. 11. 2000

57Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report

Page 60: Letno Annual poro~ilo Report - ARAO agencija za ... in Brinje and the project of area survey for the disposal of LILW. Zavratec is finally remediated. The problem that had stirred

ARAO Agencija za radioaktivne odpadke

MAAE Mednarodna agencija za atomsko energijo

NSRAO nizko in srednje radioaktivni odpadki

RAO radioaktivni odpadki

NEK Nuklearna elektrarna Kr{ko

JEK jedrska elektrarna Kr{ko

ARAO Agency for Radwaste Management

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

NPP nuclear power plant

LILW low and intermediate level waste

LIL low and intermediate level

RAW radioactive waste

Kratice in


Abbrevations and

Short Forms

Letno poro~ilo

Annual Report