Lesson outline 1: Mean, median, mode - WikiEducator · PDF fileModule 6: Unit 4 Measures of...

Module 6: Unit 4 Measures of central tendency 121 4. Give 5 different numbers such that their average is 21. The numbers are: I found these numbers by: 5. A median of a set of scores is the value in the middle when the scores are placed in order. In case there is an even number of scores there is not a single ‘middle score’. In that case you must take the middle two scores and calculate their average. Four students scored the following results for a test: 19, 20, 17, 11. Find the median. Median = This is how I found my answer: 6. a) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the mean changes ALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer) Reason: b) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the median changes ALWAYS /SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer) Reason: c) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the mode changes ALWAYS /SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer) Reason: Lesson outline 1: Mean, median, mode Time: 80 minutes Prerequisite knowledge: Pupils have met mean, median and mode before and know the arithmetic involved in computing these measures of central tendency. Objectives: Pupils should be able to a) find the mean, median and mode of a set of data in context. b) make statements about the effect on mean / median / mode if values are added to the data set (adding zero value, adding two values with equal but opposite deviation from the central measure, adding values equal to the central value). Review of mean, median and mode Exposition - discussion strategy (15 minutes) Teacher presents the question: A test was scored out of 20 (only whole marks were given) and 12 pupils scored: 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

Transcript of Lesson outline 1: Mean, median, mode - WikiEducator · PDF fileModule 6: Unit 4 Measures of...

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4. Give 5 different numbers such that their average is 21.

The numbers are:

I found these numbers by:

5. A median of a set of scores is the value in the middle when the scores areplaced in order. In case there is an even number of scores there is not asingle ‘middle score’. In that case you must take the middle two scoresand calculate their average.

Four students scored the following results for a test: 19, 20, 17, 11. Findthe median.

Median =

This is how I found my answer:

6. a) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the mean changes

ALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer)


b) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the median changes

ALWAYS /SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer)


c) If you add a number to a set of numbers, the mode changes

ALWAYS /SOMETIMES / NEVER (circle the correct answer)


Lesson outline 1: Mean, median, mode

Time: 80 minutes

Prerequisite knowledge: Pupils have met mean, median and mode before andknow the arithmetic involved in computing these measures of centraltendency.

Objectives: Pupils should be able to

a) find the mean, median and mode of a set of data in context.

b) make statements about the effect on mean / median / mode if values areadded to the data set (adding zero value, adding two values with equal butopposite deviation from the central measure, adding values equal to thecentral value).

Review of mean, median and mode

Exposition - discussion strategy (15 minutes)

Teacher presents the question:

A test was scored out of 20 (only whole marks were given) and 12 pupilsscored: 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

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Pupils are asked to compute the mean, median and mode. (Give sufficienttime to pupils to do the working.)

Answers: mean 16.5 / mode 19 / median 17.5

Teacher calls on pupils to explain how they obtained their results.

Expected to result in:

Mean = (sum of all scores) ÷ (number of pupils).

Illustrate the mean as the balancing point:

“Forces” (deviations) at one side balance the “forces” (deviations) at the otherside.

Mode is the score with the highest frequency (the value that is ‘in fashion’,the most popular).

Median is the value in the middle when the scores are placed in order (if oddnumber of observations) OR average of the middle two scores (if evennumber of observations).

Half the number of observations are to the right of the median the other halfto the left.

Questions: Which of these three—mean, median or mode—do you feel canbe used best to represent the set of scores? Justify your answer.

DO NOT ANSWER the question at this stage; only make an inventory of thepupils’ opinions and their reasons, without further comment.

Write the results on the chalkboard:

Best measure to use number ofstudents in favour





Inform pupils that they are going to investigate how mean, mode and medianbehave, so as to make a decision on which measure might be best used in acertain context.

Investigating (40 minutes)

The following are covered in the pupil’s worksheets (Worksheet for pupils ison a following page – seven pages ahead)

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a) Is mean, median, mode necessarily a value belonging to the set and/or avalue that could be taken in reality?

b) The effect on mean, median, mode of adding a zero value to the value set.

c) The effect on mean / median/ mode of adding two values with equal butopposite deviations or unequal deviations from mean, mode, median.

d) The effect on mean / median / mode of adding values equal to mean /median / mode.

Pupils’ activityTeacher gives worksheets to pupils.

In small groups pupils are to answer the questions individually, then nextcompare and discuss the following questions.

A test was scored out of 20 (only whole marks were given) and 12 pupilsscored: 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

Using the above or other pupils’ scores (using real scores obtained by theclass for example) answer the following question:

Q1) Must the mean / median / mode be a score attained by one of the pupilsin the class?Justify your answer. Illustrate with examples and non examples.

Note to the teacher:

(i) meanThe mean represents the scores but need not be one of scores itself, itmight even be a ‘score’ that is impossible ever to get.

(ii) medianThe median will be a score of one of the pupils if number of scores isodd. If the number of scores is even the median will be a scorenobody did get or even nobody ever can get. If the median is half waybetween 16 and 18, then 17 is a possible score although nobody didscore 17; if the median is between 17 and 18 the median is 17.5, ascore nobody can ever get as it is not a whole number.

(iii) modeThe mode is necessarily a score attained by several pupils. If allscores are different there is no mode. If certain scores have the samefrequency a set of scores can have more than one mode (bimodal ,trimodal, etc., distribution).

Q2) Investigate how the mean / median / mode changes when a zero score isadded to the following set of scores.

a) 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.Mean is 16.5; median is 17.5 and mode is 19.

b) 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17, 18 and 11Mean is 16.1; median is 17; mode is 19

c) 0, 19, 20, 17, 11, 0, 19, 19, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.Mean is 14.1; median 17; mode 19

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Make a correct statement:

1. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the mean changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

2. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the median changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

3. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the mode changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

Does the size of the number of observations matter? Are the changes (ifany) the same whether you considered 20 observations or 2000?

(Answer: Mean / mode / median all change sometimes. If a large numberof observations is involved, the change in the mean is very small (the firstdecimal place might not change at all) or when the mean is zero, adding azero will not change the mean. Median changes are likely to be smaller in alarge population than in a smaller, but even there changes are generallysmall. The nature of the observations (do observations have close to thesame frequency) determines whether or not changes in mode occur.)

Q3) A set of scores has a mean of 16.

Without calculating the new mean state how the mean changes if twomore scores are to be taken into account.

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 15 and 17

c) the two scores are 14 and 17

d) the two scores are 12 and 20

e) the two scores are 12 and 19

Make a general statement about when the mean will change and when itwill not change.

(Answer: the mean will not change if two values with equal but oppositedeviations from the mean are added, or if the added value equals themean; otherwise it will change.)

Q4) A set has a median score of 16.

Without calculating the new median state how the median changes if twomore scores are to be taken into account.

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 15 and 17

c) the two scores are 14 and 15

d) the two scores are 8 and 20

e) the two scores are 12 and 19

f) the two scores are 18 and 19

Make a general statement: when will the median change, when will it notchange?

(Answer: median will not change whatever values are added as long asone is to the left and one to the right of the median; if the added values areboth to the right or the left the median might change.)

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Q5) A set has a mode score of 16.

Without calculating the new mode state how the mode changes if twomore scores are to be taken into account.

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 14 and 15

c) the two scores are 18 and 19

Make a general statement: when will the mode change, when will it notchange?

(Answer: No statement can be made as the added values might make thedistribution bimodal or trimodal. For example 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 18 hasmode 16 adding 14 and 18 makes it a bimodal distribution with modes 14and 16. If the original set was 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 18, 18 the adding of 14and 18 makes it a trimodal distribution with modes 14, 16 and 18.)

Q6) A set of scores has a mean of 16. Without calculating the new mean statehow the mean changes if two more scores equal to the mean are added.

Q7) A set of scores has a median of 16. Without calculating the new medianstate how the median changes if two more scores equal to the median areadded.

Q8) A set of scores has a mode of 16. Without calculating the new mode statehow the mode changes if two more scores equal to the mode are added.

Q9) Answer question 6, 7 and 8 if only ONE value equal to mean /median/mode respectively were added.

(Answer Q6/ Q7/ Q8/ NO changes in mean, median and mode; Q9/ onlythe median might change.)

Q10) Write down a data set of the ages of 12 people travelling in a bus with

a) mean 24

b) median 24

c) mode 24

Compare the data sets each member in your group has written down.

Are all the same?

Why are there differences? How can different data sets have the samemean (median / mode)?

Which set is the best? Why?

A baby is born in the bus, making now 21 passengers the last one withage 0.

Each pupil is to compute the change in mean / median / mode of her /hisdata set.

The grand-grand parents (age 90 and 94) of the newborn enter the bus,making up a total of 23 passengers.

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Each pupil is to compute the change in mean / median / mode of her /hisdata set.

The 0 and the 90 / 94 are called outliers—they are ‘far’ from the mean /mode/ median.

Comparing your results how do outliers affect the mean / median / mode?

Make a correct statement:

1. If to a set of ages outliers are added the mean changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

2. If to a set of ages outliers are added the median changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

3. If to a set of ages outliers are added the mode changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

Which of the three measures is most affected? (Answer: In general themean is most affected by outliers as compared to median and mode.)

N.B. The above outlined activity would be more powerful if carried outon a computer using spreadsheets. In the summary the teacher could use acomputer (provided the screen can be projected) to illustrate the effect ofcertain changes on both large and small data sets.

Reporting, summarising of findings, setting assignment (25 minutes)

Groups report / discuss / agree. Teacher summarises in table (outline alreadyon the (back) of board before start of lesson).

a) Mean and median need not be observed values (values included in theobservation set). They might even have a value that can never be anobserved value. The mode (if it exists) always is an observed value.

b) Effect on mean / median / mode if one or two observations are to beincluded.



Adding zero value(s) S S S

Adding two values with equal butopposite deviations N N S

Adding two values with opposite unequaldeviations A N S

Adding two values with deviations bothpositive (negative) A S S

Adding two values equal in value to thecentral measure at the top of each column N N N

Adding one value equal in value to thecentral measure at the top of each column N S N

A indicates will always changeS indicates will sometimes changeN will never change

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c) Effect of the number of observations involved (small sample or largesample)

In the case of a large number of observations, adding of observations (notequal to the central measure) will ALWAYS change the mean—but thechange will be (very) small. Outliers have a great impact on the mean of asmall data set, but very little on a very large data set.

The median and mode are more likely to remain the same in the case oflarge numbers of observations, but can change.

Now come back to the original question:

Questions: Which of these three—mean, median or mode—do you feelcan be used best to represent the set of scores? Justify your answer.

The tabulated answers of the pupils.

Best measure to use number ofstudents in favour





Ask whether or not pupils want to change their previous opinion based onthe increased insight on behaviour of the measures. If a pupil wants tochange he/she is to justify the decision.

The discussion should lead to the decision that the median is mostappropriate: half of the pupils scored below / above 17.5. The mean is lessappropriate as it does not give any information as to how many pupilsscored above / below the average of 16.5 (as mean is affected by outliers).

Pupils’ assignment(or take some questions for discussion in class if time permits)

In each of the following cases decide, giving your reasons, whether the mean,median or mode is the best to represent the data.

1. Mr. Taku wants to stock his shoe shop with shoes for primary schoolchildren. In a nearby primary school he collects the shoe sizes of all the200 pupils (one class group from class 1 to class 7). Will he be interestedin the mean size, median size or modal size?

Answer: mode

2. In a small business 2 cleaners earn P340 each, the 6 persons handling themachinery earn P600 each, the manager earns P1500 and the directorP3500 per month.Which measure—mean, median or mode— bestrepresents these data?

Answer: mode

3. An inspector visits a school and want to get an impression of how wellform 2X is performing. Will she ask the form teacher for mean, median ormode?

Answer: median

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4. A pupil did 4 small projects in mathematics on the topic of numberpatterns during the term scoring (out of 20) in order : 4, 16, 15 and 16.Which represents best the overall attainment level of the pupil on projectwork on number patterns—mean, median or mode?

Answer: median/mode

Discuss: Is using the mean score to represent the work done inmathematics during a term a fair measure for the attainment of the pupil?

5. A house building company wanting to find out what type of houses theyshould build most often in a region carried out a survey in that region tofind out the number of people in a family. Will they use mean, median ormode to decide what type of houses should be build most?

Answer: mode

6. A car battery factory wants to give a guarantee to their customers as to thelifetime of their batteries, i.e., they want to tell the customer if you have aproblem with the battery in the next ??? months we will replace yourbattery with a new one. They checked the ‘lifetime’ of 100 batteries. Willthey use mean, median or mode to decide on the number of months toguarantee their batteries?

Answer: mean

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Worksheet for Pupils


Question 1:

A test was scored out of 20 (only whole marks were given) and 12 pupilsscored: 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

Using the above or other pupils’ scores (using real scores obtained by theclass for example) answer the following question:

Has the mean, median or mode to be a score attained by one of the pupils inthe class?

Justify your answer. Illustrate with examples and non examples.

Question set 2:

Investigate how the mean, median and mode change when a zero score isadded to the following set of scores.

a) 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

b) 19, 20, 17, 11, 19, 19, 15, 8, 15, 20, 17, 18 and 11

c) 0, 19, 20, 17, 11, 0, 19, 19, 8, 15, 20, 17 and 18.

Make a correct statement:

1. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the mean changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

2. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the median changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

3. If to a set of scores a zero score is added the mode changesALWAYS / SOMETIMES / NEVER

Question 3:

A set of scores has a mean of 16. Without calculating the new mean state howthe mean changes if two more scores are to be taken into account.

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 15 and 17

c) the two scores are 14 and 17

d) the two scores are 12 and 20

e) the two scores are 12 and 19

Make a general statement about when the mean will change and when it willnot change.

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Question 4:

A set has a median score of 16. Without calculating the new median statehow the median changes if two more scores are added to the set as follows:

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 15 and 17

c) the two scores are 14 and 15

d) the two scores are 8 and 20

e) the two scores are 12 and 19

f) the two scores are 18 and 19

Make a general statement about when will the median change, and when willit not change.

Question 5:

A set has a mode score of 16. Without calculating the new mode state howthe mode changes if two more scores are added to the set as follows:

a) the two scores are 14 and 18

b) the two scores are 14 and 15

c) the two scores are 18 and 19

Make a general statement about when will the mode change, and when will itnot change.

Question 6:

A set of scores has a mean of 16. Without calculating the new mean, statehow the mean changes if two more scores equal to the mean are added.

Question 7:

A set of scores has a median of 16. Without calculating the new median, statehow the median changes if two more scores equal to the median are added.

Question 8:

A set of scores has a mode of 16. Without calculating the new mode, statehow the mode changes if two more scores equal to the mode are added.

Question 9:

Answer question 6, 7 and 8 if only ONE value equal to mean, median andmode respectively were added.

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Question 10:

Write down a data set of the ages of 12 people travelling in a bus with

a) mean 24

b) median 24

c) mode 24

Compare the data sets each member in your group has written down.Are all the same?

Why are there differences? How can different data sets have the same mean(median / mode)?Which set is the best? Why?

A baby is born in the bus, making now 21 passengers the last one with age 0.Compute the change in mean / median / mode of your data set.

The grand-grand parents (age 90 and 94) of the newborn enter the bus makingup a total of 23 passengers.

Compute the change in mean / median / mode of your data set.

The 0 and the 90 / 94 are called outliers—they are ‘far’ from the mean /mode/ median.

Comparing your results how do outliers affect the mean / median / mode?

Make a correct statement:

1. If to a set of ages outliers are added the mean changes


2. If to a set of ages outliers are added the median changes


3. If to a set of ages outliers are added the mode changes


Which of the three measures is most affected?

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Recording sheet for students

Effect on mean, median and mode if one or two observations are to be added.(Place an A, S, or N in each empty box. A indicates ‘will always change’, Sindicates ‘will sometimes change’, N will ‘never change’.)



Adding zero value(s)

Adding two values with equal but oppositedeviations

Adding two values with opposite unequaldeviations

Adding two values with deviations bothpositive (negative)

Adding two values equal in value to thecentral measure at the top of each column

Adding one value equal in value to thecentral measure at the top of each column


1. If you collect data on the pupils in your class will the data collectedalways have a mode? a median? a mean? Justify your answer, illustratewith examples and non examples.

2. Averages are meant to be representative for the data. List advantages anddisadvantages of the mode, median and mean and find examples whenyou would choose one rather than another.

3. How ‘real’ are averages? Consider the following:“The average number of children in a family is 2.58, so each child in thefamily will always have 1.58 other children to play with.”“If you have no money you join a group of 4 friends who have P2.50each. Now you are a group of 5 and on average each person in the grouphas P2.00. You suddenly have P2.00.”

4. A bar graph illustrates the number of brothers and sisters of a group ofstudents.

From the bar graph find the mean, median and mode. Which of the threemeasures is easiest to find?

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Lesson outline 2: Mean, median, mode

A look at the average wageThe scenario for this lesson idea is a manufacturing and marketing company,in which the notion of “average” wage is considered from different points ofview. The purpose is to show how a selection of the mean, the median, or themode gives different answers to the same question.

MaterialsThe question “A look at average wage” below can either be photocopied orcopied onto the blackboard.

Students are allowed to use a calculator.

Classroom organisationStudents can work individually, in pairs or in small groups.

The following information is to be given to pupils:

Question: “A look at average wage”

The Head of the Union Mr. Motswiri in the Matongo Manufacturing andMarketing Company was negotiating with Ms. Kelebogile Matongo, thepresident of the company. He said, “The cost of living is going up. Ourworkers need more money. No one in our union earns more than P9000.- ayear.”

Ms. Matongo replied, “It’s true that costs are going up. It’s the same forus—we have to pay higher prices for materials, so we get lower profits.Besides, the average salary in our company is over P11000.-. I don’t see howwe can afford a wage increase at this time.”

That night the union official conducted the monthly union meeting. A salesclerk spoke up. “We sales clerks make only P5000.- a year. Most workers inthe union make P7500.- a year. We want our pay increased at least to thatlevel.”

The union official decided to take a careful look at the salary information. Hewent to the salary administration. They told him that they had all the salaryinformation on a spreadsheet in the computer, and printed off this table:

Type of job Number employed Salary Union member

President 1 P125 000 No

Vice president 2 P65 000 No

Plant Manager 3 P27 500 No

Foreman 12 P9 000 Yes

Workman 30 P7 500 Yes

Payroll clerk 3 P6 750 Yes

Secretary 6 P6 000 Yes

Sales Clerk 10 P5 000 Yes

Security officer 5 P4 000 Yes

TOTAL 72 P796 750 -The union official calculated the mean:

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MEAN = P796 750

72 P11 065,97

“Hmmmm,” Mr. Motswiri thought, “Miss Matongo is right, but the meansalary is pulled up by those high executive salaries. It doesn’t give a reallygood picture of the typical worker’s salary.”

Then he thought, “The salary clerk is sort of right. Each of the thirtyworkmen makes P7500.- That is the most common salary—the mode.However, there are thirty-six union members who don’t make P7500.- and ofthose, twenty-four make less.”

Finally, the union head said to himself, “I wonder what the middle salary is?”He thought of the employees as being lined up in order of salary, low to high.The middle salary (it’s called the median) is midway between employee 36and employee 37. He said, “employee 36 and employee 37 each makeP7500.- , so the middle salary is also P7500.-.”


1. If the twenty-four lowest salaried workers were all moved up to P7500.-,what would be

a) the new median?

b) the new mean?

c) the new mode?

2. What salary position do you support, and why?

Activity 1: Presentation of the scenario

Review with students the problem setting and the salary information. Askstudents to identify how the mean, median, and the mode are used in theproblem description. Use question 1 to review one way in which pay raisesmay be distributed.

Answers: a) New median P7 500

b) New mean P11 812.50

c) New mode: P7 500

Pose these questions:

• Which measures of central tendency stayed the same?

• Which measures of central tendency changed? Why?

• If you changed only one or two salaries, which measure of centraltendency will be sure to change? [The mean, since its calculation includesall values.]

• If you changed only one or two salaries, which measure of centraltendency will be most likely to stay the same? [The mode is most likely tostay the same, because it is the most frequently occurring salary, and onlyone or two salaries are being changed.]

• If you change only one or two salaries, how likely is the median tochange? [It depends. If the median is embedded in the middle of several

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salaries that are the same, it won’t change. If the median is close to adifferent level of salary, it is not likely to change.]

Activity 2: Using a Spreadsheet (optional)

Having students enter the employees’ salaries into a spreadsheet on acomputer or demonstrating the use of a spreadsheets to students may clarifythe role of a computer in solving real life problems. Column A could list thenumber of employees of each type, and column B could list the salary of thattype of employee. Display the mean salary for all employees in a cell at thebottom of the spreadsheet labelled “mean salary.” [Define the cell as the totalsalary value (payroll) divided by the total number of employees.] After usingthe spreadsheet to display the new salaries and calculating the new mean foreach situation, pose the following inquiries:

• Predict the mean if the twenty-four lowest paid employees have theirsalaries increased to P7 500. Make the changes in the spreadsheet to findthe actual mean.

• The president gave himself a raise that resulted in increasing the meansalary by P500. Predict what you think his new salary was. Use thespreadsheet to experiment and find the new salary.

• Two new employees were hired by the company: a plant manager and aforeman. Predict whether the mean salary will increase, decrease, or staythe same. Explain your prediction. Check it out with the spreadsheet.

Activity 3: Developing an argument

Use question 2 to initiate a discussion on drawing conclusions from theinformation. Small groups of students can develop position statements andreport back to the class. There is no single correct answer to the discussionquestion. Management would naturally favour the mean; the union leader, themedian; and the lower-paid members the mode.

Evaluation: This problem has more than one reasonable solution. However,many students expect problems in the mathematics class to have only onecorrect solution. Teachers can promote student consideration of multiplesolutions by asking students to write up or present at least two reasonablealternatives. At first, students may simply take ideas from one anotherwithout much reflection, but if the teacher continues to value creative,reasonable alternatives, students will begin to enjoy actively looking formultiple solutions.

Practice task 2

1. Try out the lesson outline 2 in your class: A look at the average wage

2a) Write an evaluative report on the lesson. Questions to consider are: Didpupils meet difficulties? Were pupils well motivated to work on theactivity? Were the objectives achieved? Did you meet some specificdifficulties in preparing the lesson or during the lesson? Was discussionamong pupils enhanced?

b) Present the lesson plan and report to your supervisor.

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Section F: Mean, median and mode for grouped discretedata

A 60 item multiple choice test was tried in a class with 43 pupils. The resultsare represented in the following frequency distribution.

No. of correct answers 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60

Frequency 4 5 11 9 8 6

A mode or median cannot be obtained from this frequency table. You canonly read off the class interval that contains the mode and the class intervalthat contains the median. The class interval with the highest frequency is21 - 30: the modal class. The median is the 22nd observation, i.e., the scoreof the 22nd student; that falls in the class interval 31 - 40.

If the number of data is large but discrete (for example the scores of 2000pupils in an examination marked out of 60) or continuous (the time taken torun 100 m) data is best placed in groups or intervals.

The scores could be grouped in five intervals: 1 - 10, 11 - 20, 21 - 30, 31 - 40,41 - 50, and 51 - 60 as in the distribution table above for 43 students only. Bygrouping data some information is lost. For example in the class1 - 10 there are 4 students, and we no longer can see what their actual scoreswere (did all score 10?).

For calculation purposes the ‘mid-interval value’ (average of lower boundand upper bound value of the interval) is used.

From a grouped frequency table you can find:

– the modal class (the class with the highest frequency)

– the interval in which the median is found

– an estimate of the mean

A calculation of the mean using mid-interval values.

Estimate of the meansum of mid interval value frequency

sum of the frequencies=

×[ ]

ExampleThe table gives the end of year examination mark of 200 students (maximummark was 50) and the calculation to obtain an estimate of the mean.

Mark Frequency Mid-value Mid-value × Frequency

1-10 10 5.5 55

11-20 20 15.5 310

21-30 60 25.5 1530

31-40 90 35.5 3195

41-50 20 45.5 910

TOTAL 200 6000

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An estimate for the mean is 6000200

= 30. The estimated mean is 30.

The modal class is 31 - 40. Most students scored in the range 31 - 40.

The median is the 12(200 + 1) = 100

12 th term, i.e., the average of the 100th

and 101st term. As the actual value of these terms is unknown you can onlygive the interval in which these values are: the interval 31 - 40.

CalculatorYour calculator can help you with these and longer calculations in statistics.Actual procedures vary with the brand of calculator, but if yours has statisticscapability, the general way to use it is as follows. For more details, consultthe instructions that came with the calculator.

1. Place it in Statistics Mode (if it has such a mode).

2. Clear out any previously stored statistical data from the memory registers.

3. Now enter individual data values:

a) for single values… key in each value, followed by a press of the

DATA or ENTER or +∑ key.

b) for grouped values… some calculators allow the entry of grouped databy having separate entry keys for the group frequency (or count) andfor that group’s average value. Consult your documentation.

4. Once all data points have been entered, a press of the X key (orequivalent) will display the mean of all the entered data. In mostcalculators there are other keys for the sample and population standarddeviations.

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Self mark exercise 3

1. The histogram illustrates the mass of fish caught in the Sashe dam oneday.

a) Make the grouped frequency table.b) How many fish were caught in all?c) What is the modal class?d) In what class interval is the median mass?

e) Calculate an estimate for the mean mass of fish caught (use yourfrequency table).

2. The diameters of a batch of oranges were measured and the resultsdisplayed in a histogram.

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a) How many orange had a diameter d cm in the range 8 ≤ d < 9?

b) Make the grouped frequency table corresponding to the histogram.

c) How many oranges in total were measured?

d) What is the modal class interval?

e) Calculate an estimate of the mean length of the diameter of theoranges (use your frequency table).

3. The height of fruit trees was measured one year after planting. The resultis displayed in the histogram below.

As the data, length of the trees, is continuous and taken to the nearest cmthe first class 100 - 109 has as class boundaries 99.5 and 109.5. The classboundaries are taken half-way between the class intervals.

a) How many trees had a height h cm in the range 110 - 119 cm?

b) Make the grouped frequency table corresponding to the histogram.Thefirst class interval is 100 - 109, the second 110 - 119, etc.

c) How many fruit trees in total were measured?

d) What is the modal class interval?

e) Calculate an estimate of the mean height of the fruit trees from thegrouped frequency table.

4. The ages of pupils in Sefhare CJSS were represented in a histogram.Although age can be considered to be continuous, you are 14 from the dayyou turn 14 until the day you turn 15. The class interval has as lowerbound 14 and as upper bound 15.

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a) What are the modal classes? (a bi-modal distribution)

b) How many pupils are in their 16th year?

c) Make a grouped frequency table, first class 11 ≤ age < 12.

d) Calculate an estimate of the mean age of the pupils in the school (usethe frequency table).

5. The number of water pipes of different lengths made in a factory during amonth are shown in the histogram below.

a) How many pipes with length L m, 14 ≤ L < 18 were made?

b) What is the modal class?

c) In which class is the median length of pipe?

d) How many pipes were produced during the month?

e) Make an estimate for the total length of pipe produced.

f) Make an estimate for the mean length of pipe produced.

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6. The histogram illustrates the mass of eggs collected on a poultry farmduring a day.

a) What is the modal class interval?

b) Complete the grouped frequency table

Mass (g) 30 ≤ m < 50


c) Calculate an estimate of the mean mass of an egg.

7. The monthly salary of the workers in a factory are illustrated in thehistogram.

a) In what interval falls the income of most workers?

b) Complete the grouped income table.

Income (P) 250 ≤ I < 500

FrequencyDensity 0.004


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c) In which class is the median monthly income?

d) Calculate an estimate for the mean income.

e) Which of the three averages, modal class, median class or estimatedmean, best represents the data? Justify your choice.

8. The height of pupils in a class was distributed as follows

Height (cm) Frequency

151 -155 4

156 - 160 10

161 - 165 16

166 - 170 22

171 - 175 26

176 - 180 15

181 - 185 2a) Draw a histogram to represent these data.

b) Calculate an estimate of the mean height.

9. The ages of participants in a fund raising walk were distributed asfollows:

Age Frequency10 -14 2815 - 19 6520 - 24 8225 - 34 7635 - 44 5445 - 59 4360 - 74 12

a) Draw a histogram to represent these data.

b) Calculate an estimate of the mean age.

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

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Section G: Estimation of the median, quartiles andpercentiles

Median, quartiles and percentiles can be estimated. Estimations are based onsome assumptions. In this case the assumption is that the data is evenlydistributed over the class interval. There are three methods considered:estimation using the cumulative frequency curve (section G1), estimation byusing linear interpolation (section G2), and estimation of the median using thehistogram (section G3).

Section G1: Estimation of the median, quartiles andpercentiles from cumulative frequency curves

Making a cumulative frequency table and plotting the cumulative frequencycurve:

A factory producing batteries might be interested in what percent of theirbatteries last up to 3 hours, what percent last more than 3.5 hours, etc. Toobtain this information the data from the experiment on the time batterieslasted is to be represented in a cumulative frequency table and curve.

Cumulative frequency table

Battery life time t hours Frequency Cumulative frequency

0 < t < 1 5 5

1 < t < 1.5 12 17

1.5 < t < 2 32 49

2 < t < 2.5 40 89

2.5 < t < 3 16 105

3 < t < 4 9 114

4 < t < 5 6 120


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To plot the cumulative frequency curve the cumulative frequency is plotted atthe end of each class. For example (1, 5), (1.5, 17), (2, 49) are points on thecurve.

Reading from cumulative frequency curves

To obtain an estimate of the median battery life, start at the cumulativefrequency axis at the 60th observation and follow the arrows to reach the timeaxis. (Half of 120, strictly speaking you are to take the average of the 60thand the 61st observation. However for larger number of observation generallyfor the median is just taken as half of the total).

The estimate of the median is 2.1 hours. 50% of the batteries last for morethan 2.1 hours (and 50% last less or equal to 2.1 hours).

Similarly you can read from the cumulative frequency curve the lowerquartile LQ (at 30th observation being one-quarter of 120, giving anestimated 1.8 hours. Check this!) and the upper quartile UQ at 90thobservation, being three-quarters of 120, giving an estimated value of 2.5hours.

The interquartile range is defined as UQ - LQ. In the above example2.5 - 1.8 = 0.7 h. The middle 50% of batteries last between 1.8 h and 2.5 h.

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Self mark exercise 4

1. The cumulative frequency curve gives information on the height of 200students.

a) From the cumulative frequency graph obtain:

(i) an estimate of the median

(ii) an estimate of the lower and upper quartile

b) Calculate an estimate of the interquartile range.

c) Estimate the number of students that are between 126 cm and 136 cmtall.

d) Estimate the number of student taller than 138 cm.

e) Complete the grouped frequency table.

Height (cm) 120-124 125-129

Number of studentsf) Draw a histogram and a frequency polygon to represent the data.

g) The frequency table, histogram, frequency polygon and cumulativefrequency curve all display the same data.

(i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of display?

(ii) When will you use which format?

(iii) Is one of the forms more useful than the others?

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2. The cumulative frequency curve was made by students of Form 5 whokept record of the number of minutes their mathematics teacher came lateto class on the 60 days of a term.

a) From the cumulative frequency graph obtain:

(i) an estimate of the median

(ii) an estimate of the lower and upper quartile

b) Calculate an estimate of the interquartile range.

c) How many times was the teacher between 5 and 10 minutes late?

d) Complete the grouped frequency table.

Number ofminutes late

0 < t < 2 2 < t < 4

Number ofdays

e) Draw a histogram and a frequency polygon to represent the data.

f) Calculate an estimate of the mean number of minutes the teacher islate for class.

3. The table shows the length of time, in minutes, cars stayed in a parking lotin front of an office.

Time t 0< t < 20 20< t < 40 40 < t < 60 60 < t < 90 90 < t < 120

Frequency 12 42 78 22 6

a) Make a cumulative frequency table.

b) Draw a cumulative frequency curve.

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c) Use your curve to obtain an estimate of

(i) the median (ii) the lower quartile (iii) the upper quartile

4. The table shows the times, in minutes, it took for patients to be treated ina clinic.

Time t (min) 0< t < 10 10< t < 20 20 < t < 30 30 < t < 40 40 < t < 50

Frequency 32 60 54 36 18

a) Make a cumulative frequency table.

b) Draw a cumulative frequency curve.

c) Use your curve to obtain an estimate of:

(i) the median (ii) the lower quartile (iii) the upper quartile

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.


Quartiles divided the data into quarters, similarly percentiles divide the datainto hundred parts.

The median is the 50th percentile, the 12

1( )n + th value in the ordered

sequence of the n values.

The lower quartile is the 25th percentile, the 14

1( )n + th value.

The upper quartile is the 75th percentile, the 34

1( )n + th value.

The pth percentile can be estimated from a cumulative frequency curve by

taking (as an approximation) the p

100 of the total number of values: p% × n.

More exact it is the p


1( )+ th value.

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ExampleThe cumulative frequency curve shows the height of 60 bean plants.

Estimate the height of the tallest 10% of plants.

If 10% is taller than h cm, 90% will be below h cm. You are looking for the90th percentile.

90% of (60 + 1) is 55. Following the arrows in the diagram: the 90thpercentile is 16 cm. The tallest 10% of plants is between 16 cm and 20.5 cm.

Section G2: Estimation of median, quartiles andpercentiles by linear interpolation

A multiple choice test was tried with 200 students. The number of correctresponses are tabulated:

Number ofcorrect answers 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50

Number ofstudents 12 43 71 49 25

From this grouped frequency table mean, median and mode cannot becalculated exactly.

You have seen that from the table you can obtain:

(i) an estimate of the mean (assuming all the values in the interval take themid interval value)

(ii) the modal class: 21 - 30 correct answers

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(iii) The interval that contains the median, the 12

200 1( )+ th value, the average

of the 100th and 101st value—both are in the interval with 21 - 30 correct

answers. Generally you just take the 12

× 200 which is the 100th value.

The cumulative frequency curve makes it possible to give an estimate ofthe median.

It is also possible to calculate an estimate of the median from the table byassuming that all the data values in the intervals are evenly (linear)distributed.

The class boundaries for the interval containing the median are 21 and 30(discrete variable).

At the beginning of the interval you have covered already 12 + 43 = 55values. So the interval starts at the point with co-ordinates (21, 55).

By the end of the interval you have covered the 71 values in the interval, soyou end at the 55 + 71 = 126th value. Co-ordinates (30, 126).

Linear interpolation means that you assume these two points to be connectedby a line segment.

You want the value M, corresponding with the 100th value i.e., 45 more thanat the beginning of the interval. As the interval contains 71 values, you have

to go 4571

of the way along the interval (which is 10 long).

So an estimate of the median is 20 + 4571

× 10 = 26 to the nearest whole


The median number of correct questions is 26.

The process of estimation of the median from a grouped frequency table iscalled linear interpolation.

Quartiles and percentiles can be estimated by linear interpolation in a similarway.

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Self mark exercise 5

1. The number of letters in the words in a newspaper article were counted.The result was

Number of letters 1 –3 4 –6 7 – 9 10 – 12 13 - 15

Frequency 57 46 28 6 3

a) Calculate an estimate of the median word length.

b) Calculate an estimate of the lower quartile and upper quartile wordlength.

2. The table gives the heights, to the nearest cm, of boys and girls in a class.



156 -160

161 -165

166 -170

171 -175

176 -180




Girls 3 8 9 16 12 2

Boys 1 2 7 10 14 14 5 5 2

a) Calculate an estimate of the median height of boys and girls.

b) What height is exceeded by 80% of the (i) girls (ii) boys?

3. A multiple choice test was tried with 200 students. The number of correctresponses are tabulated:

Number of Correct answers 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 - 50

Number of students 12 43 71 49 25

a) Calculate an estimate of the number of correct answers of the top 10%of the pupils.

b) Calculate an estimate of the number of correct answers of the bottom10% of the pupils.

4. Use the following raw data of the length (mm) of nails found in packets of‘assorted nails’.

11 48 53 32 28 15 17 45 37 41

55 31 23 36 42 27 19 16 46 39

41 28 43 36 21 51 37 44 33 40

15 38 54 16 46 47 20 18 48 29

31 41 53 18 24 25 20 44 13 45

a) Using the raw data calculate mean and median.

b) Make a grouped frequency table taking class intervals 10 -14,15 - 19, etc. Using the grouped frequency table calculate the estimateof the mean and the median.

c) Make a grouped frequency table taking class intervals 10 - 19,20 -29, etc. Using the grouped frequency table calculate the estimateof the mean and the median.

d) What is the effect of changing class width on the estimate of(i) mean (ii) median?

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

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Section G3: Estimation of the median from a histogram

In a histogram the area is proportional to the frequency. The median is thevalue in the middle and will therefore divide the area under the histogram intotwo equal parts.

For example the histogram illustrates the height of 100 fruit trees 1 year afterbeing planted.

Altogether there are 100 units of area contained in the histogram. We arelooking for a line that will divide the area such that 50 units of area are to theleft of the line and 50 units of area to the right.

The line is to be drawn somewhere in class 119.5-129.5 (containing 30 unitsof area). To the left of this class there are 10 + 20 = 30 units of area. We need20 more units of area to make up the 50.

We need therefore to divide the 30 units of area of the class 119.5-129.5 inthe ratio 20: 10 = 2 : 1.

To divide AB in the ratio 20 : 10 = 2 : 1 you first locate the point P on AD 20unit in vertical direction.

Now AP : PD = 2 : 1.

Draw the diagonal AC. This diagonal meets the line PR at Q. Drop from Q avertical to AB. The foot of this vertical (M) is the estimate for the median.This can be proved as follows using the similar triangles APQ and ACD. Thisimplies AP : AC = PQ : CD = 2 : 3

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But PQ = AM and AB = DC so also AM : AB = 2 : 3 or AM : MB = 2 : 1.

The estimate for the median is therefore read at the point M.

Self mark exercise 6

1. The times (to nearest tenths of a second) taken by pupils to run 50 m istabulated in the following frequency distribution table.

Time(s) Number of pupils

9.0-9.9 1

10.0-10.9 4

11.0-11.9 6

12.0-12.9 7

13.0-13.9 12

14.0-14.9 11

15.0-15.9 6

16.0-16.9 3

a) Calculate an estimate for the median.

b) Represent the data in a histogram.

c) Use your histogram to obtain an estimate of the median.

2. Obtain an estimate for the median

(i) by calculation

(ii) from a cumulative frequency curve

(iii) from a histogram

The time taken by 110 pupils to complete a mathematics assignment (tonearest minute) is represented in the following frequency distributiontable.

Time (min) Number of pupils

5 - 14 10

15 - 24 14

25 - 34 40

35 - 44 31

45 - 54 5

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

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Section H: Estimation of the mode from grouped data

When data has been grouped into classes the class with the highest frequencycan easily be identified: the modal class. An estimate of the mode can bemade from the modal class.

1. Geometrical estimate of the mode from a histogram:

The length of plants (cm) on a plot one month after planting showed thefollowing distribution.

Length 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

Frequency 20 40 80 100 50 20 10 10

Representing the data in a histogram gives the following:

The modal class is 41 -50 cm.

An estimate of the mode can be found from the histogram by drawing thelines as illustrated in the diagram. This gives as estimated mode 43.

2. Estimation of the mode by calculation:

The modal class contains 20 more than the class below and 50 more than theclass above the modal class. We therefore assume that the modal class isdivided by the estimated mode in the ratio 20 : 50 = 2 : 5.

The calculated estimate is therefore 40.5 + 27

10 40 5 267

43 4( ) = + ≈. .

The modal length of the plants is 43.4 cm.

3. Estimate of the mode from the cumulative frequency curve:

As the modal class is the class with the highest frequency on a cumulativefrequency curve the cumulative frequency will increase fastest at the mode(the rate of increase of the cumulative frequency is highest at the mode).Calculus teaches us that in the case of a cumulative frequency type of curve

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the mode must be located at the point of inflexion of the curve (the pointwhere the direction of the curvature changes from concave to convex—or theother way round). Locating as best as possible the point of inflexion on acumulative frequency curve will give an estimate of the mode. The tangent atthe point of inflexion ‘passes through the curve’.

Self mark exercise 7

1. For the calculation you need the modal class and the class below andabove of it. Using the diagram below show that the calculated estimate of

the mode is given by (lower class boundary L) + d

d d1

1 2+

(class width)

2. As calculated estimate of the mode is frequently used:

calculated estimate of mode =3 × calculated estimate of median - 2 × calculated estimate of mean

Investigate the validity of this relation.

3. For the plant height data used above draw a cumulative frequency curveand use it to find an estimate of the mode.

The length of plants (cm) on a plot one month after planting showed thefollowing distribution.

Length 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

Frequency 20 40 80 100 50 20 10 10

Continued on next page

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4. The length cars remained in a parking lot of a supermarket was recordedduring a day to the nearest minute. The results are tabulated below.

Length ofstay (min) 6-25 26-45 46-65 66-85 86-105 106-125 126-145

Frequency 60 70 90 120 80 50 40

a) Represent the data in a histogram.

b) Use the histogram to obtain an estimate for the mode.

c) Calculate an estimate of the mode.

d) Make a cumulative frequency table and draw the cumulativefrequency curve.

e) Use the cumulative frequency curve to obtain an estimate for themode.

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

Section I: Boxplots or box and whisker diagrams

An average summarises all the collected data in a single value (mode, medianor mean). This obviously leads to loss of information as conveyed by theoriginal data. Reducing the data to five numbers chosen from across the rangeof values is more informative. A five number summary gives the minimumand maximum values (the extremities) together with the lower quartile, themedian and the upper quartile. These five values can be illustrated in a boxplot, also called box and whisker plot or diagram.

The stem-leaf diagram illustrated the marks scored in a maths test.

1 67

2 1368

3 1122335589

4 01122345678

5 0012667899

6 234566

7 01379

8 05

9 2

n = 50 1 | 6 represent 16 marks.

To represent this data in a boxplot first find the five measures.

Minimum score 16

Maximum score 92

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Median is mean of 25th and 26th score: 46 47

246 5

+ = . (Q2)

The lower quartile is the median of the lower 25 observation, i.e., the 13thwhich is 35 (Q1).

The upper quartile is the median of the upper 25 observations, i.e., the 38thwhich is 62 (Q3).

Represented in a box plot:

Note that 25% of the pupils scored less than Q1 = 35 (represented by thelower whisker).

50% of the pupils scored between Q1 = 35 and Q3 = 62 (represented by thebox).

25% of the pupils scored more than Q3 = 62 (represented by the upperwhisker).

The diagram also illustrates the lowest (16) and the highest score (92).

The box illustrates that of the middle 50% of the pupils, 255 scored between35 and 46.5 (the lower part of the box) and 25% between 46.5 and 62 (theupper part of the box).

The diagram not only illustrates the measures of central tendency but simplemeasures of the amount of spread (variability) can be obtained from thediagram:

the range (maximum - minimum)

the interquartile range (IQR) Q3 - Q1

semi-interquartile range (semi-IQR)12

(Q3 - Q1)

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Self mark exercise 8

1. On a stretch of road with a 60 km/h limit the following speeds of carswere measured (in km/h).

57 53 53 71 73 54 69 56 58 4956 53 52 82 62 61 60 71 75 6057 61 58 78 64.

a) Represent the data in a stem-leaf plot.

b) Use your stem-leaf plot to obtain the median speed, the upper quartileand the lower quartile speed.

c) Represent the data calculated in a box plot.

d) What does it imply that one whisker is longer than the other?

e) Explain why the median is not in the centre of the box.

f) What percent of the drivers was speeding over the limit?

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

Practice task 3

1. Discuss what you consider the most effective method to facilitate thelearning of data handling. Illustrate with example activities.

2. a) Collect test data on the same topic from two parallel classes.

b) Represent the data in (i) grouped frequency table (ii) histogram (iii)frequency polygon (both sets of data on the same axes) (iv) doublestem-leaf plot.

c) Which of the representations do you feel best represents the data?Justify your choice.

d) Calculate (i) the exact value of the mean (ii) an estimate of the meanfrom the grouped frequency table (iii) the percent error in theestimated value.

e) Which of the three averages, mean, mode or median, best representsthe data? Explain.

f) Represent the data of both classes in a box plot.

g) What conclusions can you safely draw from the data?

3. a) Collect data for your school on the ages of the students by gender.

b) Present your data in two frequency polygons, one for the girls and onefor the boys, using the same axes.

c) Calculate an estimate of the mean age of (i) boys (ii) girls in yourschool.

Continued on next page

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d) Comparing the data for boys and girls comment on any differencesand try to find an explanation for the differences.

4. Obtain the height of all pupils in your class. Investigate the effect ofchoosing different class intervals on the estimated mean height. Comparewith the actual mean obtained from the raw data. What conclusion canyou reach?

SummaryThis unit began with a project-based approach to the teaching of centraltendency. It ended with a number of self-marking exercises to teach you somelesser-known ways of representing quantitative data. It is hoped that you, andeventually your students, will benefit from this practical approach tostatistics. Remember this caution from the Introduction to the unit: no set ofprojects could ever teach your students all, or even most, of the techniques wehave covered. But since your students will benefit more (in later life) from theprojects, a wise teacher omits many techniques of statistics in order to leaveroom for completion of interesting projects.

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Unit 4: Answers to the self mark exercises

Self mark exercise 1

1. Mean height 1.61 cm (2 dp)

2. 11.4 pips (1 dp)

3. Mean 2.75 h, median 2.5 h, mode 2 h

Use mean (majority of pupils 15 spend between 1 – 3 hours) or median(half of the pupils spend less than 2.5 h, half more)

4. Mean 2.6 days, median 2 days, mode 1 day.

Half of the pupils that were absent were absent for one day. Mostcommon is that if a pupil is absent it is just for one day. Mode best to use.

5. Girls: Mean height 160.0 cm (1 dp), Mode trimodal: 153 cm, 154 cm and162 cm, median height 159.5 cm.

Boys: Mean height 165.4 cm, multi modal 162 cm, 165 cm, 166 cm, 168cm, median height 165 cm.

Generally boys are taller than girls (higher mean and median). There is no‘most common’ height (the distributions have no single mode).

6. a) Mean 2.3 persons, mode 1 and median 2

b) A bar or bar line graph would be appropriate (discrete data,ungrouped).

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7. a) Mean mass 30.8 g, mode 30 g, median 31 g

b) Frequency

8. a) Team A: mean 12.86 s, bimodal 13.3 s & 12.8 s, median 12.9 s

Team B: mean 12.91 s, no mode, median 12.7 s

b) Median or mean time for team A (two 1 dp they are the same)

Median for team B 12.7 s.

c) Team B with the lower median, half their runners run below 12.7 s, inteam A this is 12.9 s.

Self mark exercise 2

1a. Mode, giving the ‘most common’ case.

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b & c) Median (half of pupils’ names are longer, half shorter than thatnumber) or mean if there are no outliers.

d) Mode, the most common size will be of interest to traders.

e) Mode, the subject liked by most pupils. Median, mean non existing.

f) None of them might be very useful as most pupils will not have beenabsent. It makes sense to leave out those never absent (say 80%) anduse the mode for those who were absent for one or more days.

g) Mode, giving the most common method. Mean and median nonexisting.

h) Mode is the only average available for this type of data.

2. (i) Mean 1.75, mode 1, median 1

Mode / median as mean is influenced by outlier 6.

(ii) Mean 59.9 % (1 dp), mode 75%, median 68%

Median might be best reflection of pupils attainment. Mean is influencedby outliers. For few data mode does not make much sense.

3. Arrangements Examples

mode<median<mean 1, 1, 4, 6 mode 1<median 2.5<mean 3

mean<median<mode 1, 3, 6, 9, 1 mean 6<median 8<mode 9

mode<mean<median 1, 1, 7, 8, 13 mode 1<mean 6<median 7

median<mean<mode 0, 1, 4, 10, 10 median 4< mean 5<mode 10

median<mode<mean 0, 3, 7, 8, 8, 28 median 7.5<mode 8<mean 9

mean<mode<median -28, -8, -8, -7, -3, 0 mean -9<mode -8<median -7.5

4. Mode

AdvantagesSimple to understandNot affected by extreme values (outliers)Only one that can be used for qualitative dataIs an actual observation data

DisadvantagesCannot be used in calculations or combined with mode of similardistributionsMight not exist or distributions might be multiple modal


AdvantagesIncludes all the values of the distributionAllows use in further calculations (e.g. SD)Allows combining with results from other similar groups

DisadvantagesSensitive to outliers in the distribution. This might give a distortedpicture.

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AdvantagesEasy to understandNot affected by extreme values

DisadvantagesCannot be used in further calculations or combined with median ofsimilar distributions

5. a) If p and q are positive integers:

(p – q)2 ≥ 0

p2 – 2pq + q2 ≥ 0

p2 – 2pq + q2 + 4pq ≥ 4pq

p2 + 2pq + q2 ≥ 4pq

(p + q)2 ≥ 4pq

p + q ≥ 2 √(pq)

p q+2

≥ √(pq)

Arithmetic mean of p and q ≥ Geometric mean of p and q

b) Arithmetic mean A=

p q+2

2A = p + q

Geometric mean = pq G2 = pq

1 1 1H p q

= + 1H

p q

pq= +




p q




Self mark exercise 3

1. a)

Mass(g) 45≤m<50 50≤m<55 55≤m<60 60≤m<65 65≤m<70 70≤m<75

Frequency 4 8 12 16 5 2

b) 47

c) modal class 60 ≤ m < 65

d) Median in class 55 ≤ m < 60

e) Estimate of mean 59.2 g

2. a) 95


Diameter (cm) 5≤d<6 6≤d<7 7≤d<8 8≤d<9 9≤d<10

Frequency 20 50 120 95 15

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c) 3000 oranges d) Modal class 7 ≤ d < 8. e) 7.6 cm

3. a) 20


Height (cm) 100≤h<109 110≤h<119 120≤d<129 130≤d<139 140≤d<149

Frequency 10 20 30 35 5

c) 100 d) 130 ≤ h < 139 e) 125 cm

4. a) 14 ≤ a < 15 and 15 ≤ a < 16

b) 80


Age (years) 11≤a<12 12≤a<13 13≤a<14 14≤a<15 15≤m<16 16≤a<17

Frequency 10 90 100 150 150 80

Age (years) 17≤a<18 18≤a<19

Frequency 40 20

d) 14.8 years

5. a) 24 b) 14 ≤ length < 18


Length (m) 10 ≤ l <12 12≤ l < 13 30≤ l < 14 14≤ l< 18 18 ≤ l < 20

Frequency 8 7 8 24 4Median (26th observation) in class 14 ≤ length < 18

d) 51 e) 743.5 m f) 14.6 m

6. a) Modal class 70 ≤ m < 100


Mass (g) 30 ≤ m <50 50≤ m < 60 60≤ d < 70 70≤ d< 100

Frequency 80 80 70 120

c) 62.1 g

7. a) 250 ≤ I < 500


Income (P) 250 ≤ I <500 500≤ I < 1000 1000≤ d < 2000 2000≤ d< 5000

Frequencydensity 0.3 0.1 0.04 0.004

Frequency 75 50 40 12

c) 500 ≤ I < 1000

d) P947

e) Mode, the salary earned by most people

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8. a)

b) 168.7 cm

9. a) Boundaries of bars 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 75

FrequencyDensity 5.6 13 16.4 7.6 5.4 2.9 0.8

9. b) 30.1 years

Self mark exercise 4

1. a) (i) 133 cm (ii) LQ 129 cm, UQ = 137.5 cm

b) IQR 8.5 cm

c) 120

d) 40

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e) Height 120 – 124 125 – 129 130 – 134 135 – 139 140 – 144Frequency 10 40 70 65 15

f) Frequency polygon

g) (i) & (ii) (listed under advantages)

Frequency table

Advantages: Overview of dataNeeded to draw various graphical representationsCalculations can be based on the tableAllows to obtain mean, median and mode (if grouped estimates ofthese measures can be obtained by linear interpolation procedures)

Disadvantage: Difficult to get an overall idea of the distribution.


Advantages: For display of continuous grouped data (also used fordiscrete grouped data), especially if classes over of unequal width.Graphical estimates of median and mode can be obtained from thehistogram.

Disadvantage: Difficult for pupils: where to take the classboundaries?

Frequency polygon:

Advantages: Gives impression of the distributionUseful for comparison: more than one frequency polygon on the sameaxes (e.g. height of boys and girls).Easy to plot using points with co-ordinates (midpoint of interval,frequency)

Disadvantage: No use for calculation of statistics

Cumulative frequency polygon

Advantage: Useful for obtaining estimates of median, quartiles,percentiles and mode

Disadvantage: Rather time consuming to draw

(iii) All have their specific use depending on what one wants to illustrate /calculate or estimate

2. a) (i) 4.8 minutes (ii) LQ 2.9 minutes, UQ 6.0 minutes

b) 3.1 minutes

c) 25

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Number ofminutes late

0 ≤ t < 2 2 ≤ t < 4 4 ≤ t < 6 6 ≤ t < 8 8 ≤ t < 10 10 ≤ t < 12

Number ofdays

10 14 21 10 3 2


f) 4.6 minutes

3. a)

Time t 0< t ≤ 20 20< t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 60 60 < t ≤ 90 90 < t ≤ 120

CF 12 54 132 154 160


c) (i) 50 (ii) 35 (iii) 58

4. a)

Time t (min) 0< t ≤ 10 10< t ≤ 20 20 < t ≤ 30 30 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 50

CF 32 92 146 182 200

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c) (i) 22 (ii) 13 (iii) 30

Self mark exercise 5

1. a) 4.8

b) LQ 2.8 UQ 7.2

2. a) boys 174,1 cm girls 167.1 cm

b) boys LQ 168.3 cm, UQ 179.6 cm girls LQ 161.6 cm, UQ 171.3

c) (i) 172.2 cm (ii) 180 5 cm

3. a) 43 or more b) less then 13

4. a) Mean 33.6 mm Median 36 mm

4b Class interval Frequency 4c Class interval Frequency

10 ≤ l ≤ 14 2 10 ≤l ≤ 19 10

15 ≤ l ≤ 19 8

20 ≤ l ≤ 24 5 20 ≤ l ≤ 29 10

25 ≤ l ≤ 29 5

30 ≤ l ≤ 34 4 30 ≤ l ≤ 39 10

35 ≤ l ≤ 39 6

40 ≤ l ≤ 44 8 40 ≤ l ≤ 49 15

45 ≤ l ≤ 49 7

50 ≤ l ≤ 54 4 50 ≤ l ≤ 59 5

54 ≤ l ≤ 59 1

b) Mean 34.9 mm. Median 35.7 mm

c) Mean 33.5 mm. Median 35.0 mm

d) In this example both have reduced with increased class width. (It is agood investigation to find out whether or not that is always true!)

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Self mark exercise 6

1. a) 13.53 s.

c) Median in class with boundaries 12.95 – 13.95.

Total area 50 units, to be divided into two.

Left of the class is already 18 units, required 7 more.

Draw accurate diagram in your histogram as illustrated above. Themedian should be close to the calculated value of 13.53.

2. (i) 29.4 minutes

Self mark exercise 7

Hint. The class width is divided in the ratio d1 : d2.

3. Mode 45.

4. a) Use as class boundaries 5.5, 25.5, 45.5, etc. Class width is 20.

Modal class 66 – 85. Use construction as illustrated in question 1.

Estimated mode 74.1.

d, e) Read length on horizontal axis at the point of inflexion as illustratedin question 3.

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Self mark exercise 8

1. a)

4 9

5 2 3 3 3 4

5 6 6 7 7 8 8

6 0 0 1 1 2 4

6 9

7 1 1 3

7 5 8

8 2n = 25 6 | 7 represent 67 km/h

Median 60 km/h, LQ 55 km/h, UQ 70 km/h


d) More drivers had a speed beyond the upper quartile speed than driverwith a speed below the lower quartile speed.

e) The 25% of drivers with speed above the median speed of 60 km/hhad a wider spread (60 to 70 km/h) than the 25% of drivers with aspeed below the median speed (range 55 to 60 km/h).

f) 50%

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion170

Unit 5: Measures of dispersion

Introduction to Unit 5

In the previous unit you learned how to describe data sets using measures ofcentral tendency. However a measure of central tendency cannot describe thedata in sufficient detail. Look at the following two sets of data representingmarks (out of 25) of two pupils on three different tests.

Pupil 1 scored 11, 12, 13 and pupil 2 scored 1, 12, 23. Both pupils have thesame mean (12) and the same median (12), but can we say that theyperformed equally well? Pupil 1’s marks are all very close together, whilethe marks of pupil 2 are widely spread (from 1 to 23). You could say thatpupil 1 is more consistent in performance than pupil 2. It is the range orspread of marks which gives us this information. In this unit you are going tolook at different measures of spread or dispersion.

Purpose of Unit 5

The main aim of this unit is to look at some basic measures of spread: how tocalculate them and how to interpret them. This unit covers range, interquartile range, variance and standard deviation. Box plots—as covered inUnit 4—are a useful graphical aid to visualise spread of data.


When you have completed this unit you should be able to:

• calculate the range and inter quartile range of ungrouped data

• obtain an estimate of the inter quartile range of grouped data

• calculate the standard deviation and variance of ungrouped data

• calculate an estimate of the standard deviation and variance of groupeddata

• use measures of central tendency and of spread to compare sets of similardata


To study this unit will take you about five hours.

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion171

Unit 5: Measures of dispersion

Section A: Interquartile range for ungrouped data

The simplest measure to describe the spread or dispersion of values is therange. The range is the difference between the lowest and the highest values.

The problem with the range is that only two values are used and so it cangive a wrong impression if one (or both) of the values is very high or verylow.

The problem of distortion by extreme values can be overcome by calculatingthe range of the central half (middle 50%) of the values. This is called theinterquartile range.

Example 1

7 students estimated the length of a book to the nearest cm. In order theirestimates were: 25 cm 28 cm 30 cm 31 cm 32 cm 34 cm and 37 cm.

The range is 37 – 25 = 12 cm.

The median is the middle value, 7 1


= 4th value, which is 31 cm.

The lower quartile (LQ), the value 14

away in the list of values, so the value

of the 7 1


= 2nd term, which is 28 cm.

The upper quartile (UQ), the value 34

away in the list of values, this is the


7 1( )+ = 6th term, which is 34 cm.

The interquartile range is (UQ) - (LQ) = 34 - 28 = 6 cm.

Example 2

The estimate of the length of the book by 10 students was in order to thenearest cm: 24 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 36.

The range is 36 – 24 = 12 cm.

As 10 1


= 5.5, the median is the average of the 5th and 6th term in the

ordered sequence. Median is 29 31


= 30 cm.

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As 10 1


= 2.75, the lower quartile is the value of the third term which is

26 cm.

Similarly the upper quartile value is the value of the 8th which is 33.

The interquartile range is 33 - 26 = 7 cm.

Self mark exercise 1

1. During a term a pupil obtained the following percent marks.

Setswana 56 49 63 58 52 50 57 61

English 61 70 53 60 57 52 48 79 65

Science 68 56 58 73 39 47 55 76

Maths 45 46 42 48 40 45 44 41 47

a) Find for each subject the range and interquartile range.

b) In which subject is the pupil most ‘consistent’. Explain.

c) What is the pupil’s ‘best’ subject? Explain.

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

Section B: Interquartile range for grouped data

If the data is grouped, you use either:

(i) a cumulative frequency curve to obtain estimates of the lower and upperquartile (see section G1on the cumulative frequency curve in unit 4)

(ii) linear interpolation to obtain estimates of the lower and upper quartiles(See section G2 on linear interpolation in unit 4)

From these an estimate for the inter quartile range can be obtained.

Self mark exercise 2

1. The height of a group of pupils is distributed as in the table below.

Height (cm) 151-155 156-160 161-165 166-170 171-175

Frequency 6 9 14 23 8

Continued on next page

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion173

a) Make a cumulative frequency table and draw a cumulative frequencycurve of the data.

b) Use the cumulative frequency curve to obtain an estimate for theinterquartile range.

2. A machine is to produce nails of 7 cm length. A sample is taken andmeasured to the nearest 0.1 cm. The results are tabulated:

Length of nail 6.7-6.8 6.8-6.9 6.9-7.0 7.0 - 7.1 7.1-7.2

Frequency 4 11 36 44 5

a) Make a cumulative frequency table and draw a cumulative frequencycurve of the data.

b) Use the cumulative frequency curve to obtain an estimate for theinterquartile range.

3. The ages of people attending a football match were distributed as in thefollowing table.

Age Frequency

5-9 8

10-14 26

15-19 74

20-24 90

25-29 124

30-34 142

35-39 86

40-44 54

45-59 26

60-74 15

a) Make a cumulative frequency table and draw a cumulative frequencycurve of the data.

b) Use the cumulative frequency curve to obtain an estimate for theinterquartile range.

4. Two types of batteries were tested on the number of hours they lasted.

Number of hours 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25

Type A 8 37 43 12

Type B 16 30 32 22

a) Calculate estimates for the quartiles and obtain an estimate for theinterquartile range of each type of battery.

b) Which type would you recommend a school to buy? Justify youranswer.

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion174

Section C: Standard deviation of ungrouped data

There are three commonly used measures of dispersion. You know alreadytwo of them: range and interquartile range.

The disadvantage of both of these measures is that not all data are used. Forthe range you use only the two extreme values: the highest and the lowestand this can be misleading.

Using the interquartile range ignores the top and bottom quarter of thevalues.

A measure of spread using all the data is the standard deviation. It uses thedifferences (deviations) of the data from the mean.

To calculate the standard deviation you calculate

(i) the mean of the data

(ii) the deviations of the data from the mean

(iii) the mean of the squares of the deviations (which is called the variance)

(iv) the square root of the variance which is the standard deviation

Calculation of the standard deviation is best done using a table or anelectronic device (calculator or computer). (Only the electronic method isworth remembering! Do not assess your students on their ability to calculatea standard deviation by hand.)

Disadvantage of using the standard deviation is that it is difficult tounderstand intuitively.


The length of six leaves from a certain tree were measured to the nearest cm.

7 cm, 9 cm, 11 cm, 12 cm, 12 cm, 14 cm.

x x x− x x−( )2

7 -4 16

9 -2 4

11 0 0

12 1 1

12 1 1

15 4 16

x∑ = 66 38


= = =Σ6



x∑ means sum of all the data x. x2∑ means sum all the squares of the

data x.

Variance = s2 = x x


−( )=∑ 2


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The standard deviation is s.d. = 386

= 2.5 cm (1 dp)

A formula for the standard deviation is s.d. = x x


−( )∑ 2

At times the form s.d. = x



− is more convenient to use.

Practice task 1

Derive the form x



− from x x


−( )∑ 2

. Remember that x



Suggested answer at the end of this unit.

Section D: Standard deviation of grouped data

The standard deviation of a set of data occurring with given frequencies canbe found as illustrated in the following example.


A sample of 60 batteries was tested as to how long (in hours) they lasted (thelife span of the battery).

The results are in the table.

Battery life span (h) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Frequency 6 8 10 14 15 5 2

The working can be laid out as follows.

x x2 f fx fx2

12 144 6 72 864

13 169 8 104 1352

14 196 10 140 1960

15 225 14 210 3150

16 256 15 240 3840

17 289 5 85 1445

18 324 2 36 648

∑x= ∑x2= ∑f= ∑fx= ∑fx2=

105 1603 60 887 13259

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The mean is fx


∑∑ = = =887

6014 78. h (2 dp)

The standard deviation s.d. = fx


22 213259

6014 78

∑∑ − = −( . ) = 1.6 h (1 dp)

If the data is grouped or continuous an estimate of the standard deviationcan be computed by assuming that all the data in a particular class intervalhas the value of the mid-point of the class interval. If the mid-interval valueis indicated by m, the relation for mean and standard deviation becomes:






∑∑= = − and s.d.


Self mark exercise 3

1. In a test (maximum marks 50) the distribution of the marks was asfollows.

Marks 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50

Frequency 2 14 22 26 16

a) Copy the table below. Complete the column for the mid-intervalvalues and the other columns.

Marks Frequency fMid-interval

values m m2 fm fm2

1 – 10 2 5.5 30.25 11 60.5

11 – 20 14

21 – 30 22

31 – 40 26

41 – 50 16

Σf = Σfm = Σfm2 =

b) Calculate an estimate of the mean mark and the standard deviation.

c) Explain why mean and standard deviation are estimates and not theexact value.

2. The time spent by customers in a supermarket was measured and thedistribution was as shown:

Time (min) 0 < t ≤ 10 10 < t ≤ 20 20 < t ≤ 30 30 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 50

Frequency 22 86 62 21 9

Calculate an estimate of the mean time spent by customers in thesupermarket, and the standard deviation.

Continued on next page

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion177

3. The height of 12-year-old boys and girls in a school was measured. Theheights were distributed as in the table below.

Height130 < h ≤










Frequencyfor boys 0 2 5 17 24 31 36 28 6 1

Frequencyfor girls 1 6 8 20 32 32 28 18 4 1

a) Using the same axes draw a frequency polygon for the heights of theboys and of the girls.

b) Use the frequency polygon to compare the heights of boys and girls.

c) Calculate an estimate of the mean height and standard deviation forboth boys and girls.

d) Compare the height of boys and girls using your estimated values ofmean and standard deviation.

4. Two novels were compared with each other by counting the number ofwords in the sentences in a section of the novel.

Number of words 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39

Novel A 12 15 10 26 14 8 4

Novel B 8 18 12 31 18 4 2

a) Calculate for each novel an estimate for the mean number of words ina sentence and the standard deviation.

b) Compare the results of a. Which novel do you think is easier to read?Justify your answer.

5. The number of hours spent on sports by two groups of pupils, group Aand group B, are represented in the histograms below.

Which of the data represented in the histograms has a greater standarddeviation? Justify your answer.

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion178

6. Investigate what happens to mean and standard deviation of a set ofdata if

(i) to each value the same number N is added

(ii) each value is multiplied by the same number k

7. a) Find the mean and standard deviation of 12, 15, 16, 14, 17, 13.

Using the result of 5(i) write down the mean and standard deviation of

b) 22, 25, 26, 24, 27, 23

c) 83, 86, 87, 85, 88, 84

d) 8, 11, 12, 10, 13, 9

8. a) Find the mean and standard deviation of 52, 61, 73, 68, 49, 67.Using your result from 5(ii) write down the mean and standarddeviation of

b) 5.2, 6.1, 7.3, 6.8, 4.9, 6.7

c) 26, 30.5, 36.5, 34, 24.5, 33.5

d) 208, 244, 292, 272, 196, 268

Suggested answers are at the end of this unit.

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion179

Practice task 2

1. a) Collect data on the height of the boys and girls in one or two of yourclasses.

b) Calculate mean and standard deviation for boys and girls separatelyfrom the raw data.

c) Make a grouped frequency table separating boys and girls. Use classwidths of 5 cm and 10 cm.

d) Use the grouped frequency tables to calculate an estimate for themean and the standard deviation for boys and girls separately forboth class widths.

e) Calculate an estimate of the interquartile range from both the groupedfrequency tables.

f) Using your calculated data, compare and make some validstatements.

g) Comparing the exact values of mean and standard deviation with theestimated values from the grouped frequency tables (with width 5cm and width 10 cm), which of these three do you consider torepresent the data best?

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion180

Unit 5: Answers to the self mark exercises

Self mark exercise 1


Subject Range IQR

Setswana 63 – 49 = 14 59.5 – 51 = 8.5

English 79 – 48 = 31 67.5 – 52.5 = 15.0

Science 76 – 39 = 37 70.5 – 51 = 19.5

Maths 48 – 40 = 8 46. 5 – 41. 5 = 5.0

b) Mathematics, smallest range and IQR

c) English with median 60%

Self mark exercise 2


Height 151 - 155 156 - 160 161 - 165 166 - 170 171 - 175

Frequency 6 9 14 23 8

CumulativeFrequency 6 15 29 52 60

b) Plot the points (155.5,6), (160.5, 15), (165.5, 29), (170.5, 52), (175.5, 60)

c) IQR ≈ 168.5 – 160.0 = 8.5 cm

2a) Plot (6.85, 4), (6.95, 15), (7.05, 51), (7.15, 95), (7.25, 100)

b) IQR ≈ 7.09 – 6.99 = 0. 1 cm

3a) Plot (10, 8), (15, 34), (20, 108), (25, 198), (30, 322), (35, 464), (40, 550),(45, 604), (60, 630), (75, 645)

b) IQR ≈ 36 – 23 =13 years.

4a) Use linear interpolation for the estimates (to 2 dp)

LQ UQ IQR Median

Type A 12.30 18.49 6.19 15.58

Type B 11.50 19.53 8.03 15.63

b) Type A , smaller IQR and more consistent in performance [as both typeshave the same median (to 1 dp)]

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Module 6: Unit 5 Measures of dispersion181

Practice task 1

( ) ( )x x


x xx x




nx x





nx x




− += − +

= − + = −

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

∑ ∑

2 2 2 2 2

22 2


2 2


Self mark exercise 3

1b) mean 30.5 SD 10.7

c) It is not known how the frequencies are distributed over each interval.Mid interval values were used, i.e., assuming that the mid interval valuehad the indicated frequencies.

2. Mean 20.5 minutes (1 dp) SD 9.7 minutes

3c) Boys Mean 158.6 cm, SD 8.0 cm (1 dp)

Girls Mean 156.0 cm, SD 8.6 cm

d) Boys are on average taller than girls. The heights of the girls have awider spread around their mean than is the case for the boys.

4a) Novel A : Mean number of words per sentence 20.1, SD = 8.3 (1 dp)

Novel B : Mean number of words per sentence 19.9, SD = 7.2 (1 dp)

b) Novel B lower mean and less spread about the mean.

5. Group A, wider spread than group B

6. (i) Mean increases by N, SD remains unchanged.

(ii) Mean and standard deviation change by factor k.

7a) Mean 14. 5, SD 1.7 (1 dp)

b) Mean 14.5 + 10 = 24.5, no change in SD

c) Mean 14. 5 + 71 = 85.5, no change in SD

d) Mean 14.5 – 4 = 10.5, no change in SD

8a) Mean 61.67, SD = 8.67 (2 dp)

b) Mean and SD of 8a divided by 10: Mean 6.17, SD 0.87 (1 dp)

c) Mean and SD of 8a divided by 2: Mean 30.8, SD 4.3 (1 dp)

d) Mean and SD of 8a multiplied by 4: Mean 246.7, SD 34.7 (1 dp)

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Module 6 References182


Cockcroft W. H., Mathematics Counts, 1982, HMSO London

Additional References

In preparing the materials included in this module we have borrowed ideasextensively from other sources and in some cases used activities almostintact as examples of good practice. As we have been using several of theideas, included in this module, in teacher training over the past 5 years theoriginal source of the ideas cannot be traced in some cases. The main sourcesare listed below.

Mathematics Teacher, Journal of the National Council of Teachers ofMathematics

Mathematics in School, Journal of the Association of Teachers ofMathematics

NCTM, Dealing with Data and Change, 1991, ISBN 087 353 3216

NCTM, Data Analysis and Statistics, 1992, ISBN 087 353 3291

Owens, D. T., 1993, Research Ideas for the Classroom,. Middle GradesMathematics, NCTM ISBN 002 895 7954

Further reading

Bank, T. et al. 1999, Mathematics for SEG GCSE Intermediate Tier,Causeway Press Limited, ISBN 187 392 9870.

Maths in Action, 1999, Intermediate 1, Nelson 017 431 4973

Maths in Action, 1999, Intermediate 2, Nelson 017 431 4949

Maths in Action Statistics for Higher Mathematics, Nelson 017 431 4965

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Module 6 Glossary183


Census collection of data on the whole population

Class interval the width of the groups used in grouped frequencytables

Continuous data data that can take any value within a certain range(e.g., height / mass of persons)

Data facts, numbers, measures collected on a population orsample

Descriptive Statistics branch of statistics covering collecting, representingand analysing of data

Discrete data data that can take only specific values (e.g., shoesize) or falls in specific categories (e.g., sex)

Estimation theory theory that describes how the statistics obtained on asample can be used to estimate the parameters of thepopulation

Experimental data data collected using a scientific experimental design,frequently in the form of an experimental group and acontrol group

Frequency table a way of collating the information recorded on a datacollection sheet

Hypothesis a statement which may or may not be true

Inferential Statistics branch of statistics dealing with drawing conclusionsfrom data, testing hypotheses, etc.

Nominal classification into categories using words/descriptions. Non numerical data

Ordinal data data that can be placed in an order, e.g., taste oforanges from very sweet to sour

Parameter a single fact (numerical or nominal) for the wholepopulation

Population the entire collection of objects with at least onesimilar characteristicalso: set of all the possible observations

Qualitative data data which can only be described in words

Quantitative data data that has a numerical value

Questionnaire a set of questions used to collect data in a survey

Random sampling method of obtaining a sample such that each memberof the population has an equal chance of beingincluded

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Module 6 Glossary184

Sample portion of the entire collection of objects of similarcharacteristicsalso: collection of data from a subset of thepopulation

Simulation method of collecting data using random number tomodel a real life situation

Statistics a single fact (numerical or nominal) obtained from asample

Survey method of collecting data using, e.g., questionnaires,interviews, tests, observations, secondary sources

Tally a way of recording each item of data on a datacollection sheet

Variable characteristic that varies over the population