lergy oundary Awareness Training for the Transition Team ... · lergy oundary Awareness Training...

First Congregaonal Church Camden, Maine September 2016 Vol. 32, No. 9 Clergy Boundary Awareness Training for the Transion Team, Cabinet, all Board and Commiee members, and staff. Tuesday, September 27, from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. We will gather for a light supper at 5:30 followed by the training 6:00p.m. Rev. Darren Morgan, our Associate Conference Minister, will offer the training that will last two hours. The training is offered for the Transion Team, Cabinet, all Board and Commiee members, and staff. We hope you can aend this very important training! Anyone else interested may also join us. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Opportunies Table so that we might get an idea of numbers for the meal. The training is provided as part of the congregaons discernment process as we prepare to call a new pastor. Here is a descripon of the training: Although clergy in the United Church of Christ are required to aend triennial Boundary Awareness Training in order to maintain ministerial standing, this informaon is not specifically provided to laity. Clergy Boundary Awareness Training for Laity is designed to integrate current clergy boundary awareness informaon, parcularly with regard to the issues of boundaries during pastoral transions, and engage laity in conversaon on clergy boundaries. The goal of this training is to help laity beer understand clergy ethics, parcularly during pastoral transion, and to liſt up other boundary related issues that arise in a congregaonal seng. Equipped with beer understanding of the ethics of ministry, the prayer is that healthy/healthier relaonships will occur not only with the deparng pastor, but also with new pastoral leadership. Please remember to sign up on the Opportunies Table.

Transcript of lergy oundary Awareness Training for the Transition Team ... · lergy oundary Awareness Training...

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First Congregational Church Camden, Maine

September 2016 Vol. 32, No. 9

Clergy Boundary Awareness Training for the Transition Team, Cabinet, all Board and

Committee members, and staff.

Tuesday, September 27, from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. We will gather for a light supper at 5:30 followed by the training 6:00p.m.

Rev. Darren Morgan, our Associate Conference Minister, will offer the training that will last two hours. The training is offered for the Transition Team, Cabinet, all Board and Committee members, and staff. We hope you can attend this very important training! Anyone else interested may also join us. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Opportunities Table so that we might get an idea of numbers for the meal. The training is provided as part of the congregation’s discernment process as we prepare to call a new pastor.

Here is a description of the training: Although clergy in the United Church of Christ are required to attend triennial Boundary Awareness Training in order to maintain ministerial standing, this information is not specifically provided to laity. Clergy Boundary Awareness Training for Laity is designed to integrate current clergy boundary awareness information, particularly with regard to the issues of boundaries during pastoral transitions, and engage laity in conversation on clergy boundaries. The goal of this training is to help laity better understand clergy ethics, particularly during pastoral transition, and to lift up other boundary related issues that arise in a congregational setting. Equipped with better understanding of the ethics of ministry, the prayer is that healthy/healthier relationships will occur not only with the departing pastor, but also with new pastoral leadership.

Please remember to sign up on the Opportunities Table.

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As the Summer season comes to an end and we get ready for Fall, I get the sense that folks are wondering where we are in the discernment and transition process and when the congregation will begin an active search for a new pastor.

This Winter and Spring the Transition Team conducted a total of 9 small group gatherings to gather information and engage with members and friends of the congregation in discussion as to what is of core importance in the life of the church and direction for the church’s ministry and mission. In addition to these small group gatherings, each Board and committee of the church engaged the same questions. Between the small group gatherings and the Board and committee discussions over 80 members and friends of the church have participated! The Transition Team also held a well-attended all-church forum on the congregation’s expectations of a pastor and introduced issues of healthy boundaries. The Transition Team then began to summarize the information gathered in the discussions and to collect demographic and other data for the Local Church Profile. Beginning this Fall, the Transition team will continue work on the Local Church Profile, holding a series of four gatherings of the congregation, focused on four specific questions from the Church Profile regarding congregational ministry and mission. THE FIRST meeting will be held September 25, right after the service. When we have the schedule for the next 3 meetings we’ll let everyone know. The hope is to complete the Church Profile in the late fall, and submit it for congregational discussion and approval. After that, the Cabinet will appoint a Pastoral Search Com-mittee to begin an active search.

While the Transition Team engages in all this, the church’s standing boards and committees have continued work on ongoing organizational issues such as a safe church policy, new by-laws, personnel policy, and developing policies for handling church finances. This fall new by-laws and a safe church policy will be presented to the congregation for approval, and the Trustees are implementing new financial policies and procedures.

From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Deb Jenks

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AND as if this wasn’t a lot, exciting things are happening in our Christian Education program with the Summer of Service program, refurbishing of classrooms and nursery, plans for an additional junior high youth Sunday School class, the introduction of some new lectionary-based curriculum with the idea of connecting the children and youth to the worship life of the congregation, and exploring how we might offer more adult Christian education opportunities. AND this summer a group of members and friends in the church organized a community vigil against intolerance, and are looking to do more. AND exciting and challenging ideas are emerging from the Board of Deacons and the music committee.

All of this is to say that we all have been hard at work! I am in awe of the faithfulness and commitment of church leaders and all who are engaging in the ministry and mission of this congregation. There is a wonderful, excited, and anticipatory spirit in this community and I am so blessed to be a part of it. God is doing wondrous things in this church.

In the midst of it all the question arises, “Well, shouldn’t we wait on some of this until we call a new pastor?” Now you could wait for the new pastor. But why wait? The church never stops engaging in its ministry and mission. One of the gifts of transition time is renewed energy and commitment, and embracing a vision for the church’s future, so that when the church does call a settled pastor, you are calling someone to join with you as a partner in a vibrant community of faith and ministry. So as we enter into the fall season, let’s rejoice in what is happening, eagerly embrace what is to come, and most especially – enjoy one another’s company, as we work together for the glory of God! Blessings, Pastor Deb _______________________________________________________

Sunday School classes will begin

on September 11th.

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Shields Mission Project Committee A Ministry of

The First Congregational Church of Camden

Debbi Hitchings

We all like to think that the wonderful summers months here in Maine are a time to relax, enjoy life and to rejuvenate. Perhaps that is just a dream, or a distant memory of our childhood days, but at least we try! I find, however, that for the folks who come to us at Shields the summer months are not much different than the rest of the year. Yes, at least it is warm, but the inability to access health care, the scourge of addiction, the loss of transportation, the challenge of finding housing or of paying the rent continues on a year round basis. Through concerned health care providers Shields was asked to assist a desperate young woman who has long struggled with domestic violence issues. In her 30's, she is alone with no family support system. Her response to such a dangerous and precarious life has been to seriously consider suicide and to turn to drugs. She has lived in a tent at times and has been in and out of jail. While it would be easy to be judgmental, her life experiences are also well outside of my own. I cannot imagine being faced with so many negative factors in my life and to still be able to put one foot in front of the other. Recently, she reached out for help and spent time at PenBay Medical Center, seeking the support that could help her decrease her dependency and the counsel to assist her in moving forward in her life. She agreed to enter the Aroostook County Mental Health facility and begin a month of intense treatment. Many hands reached out in keep her safe until she could get there- a perfect example of a caring

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community. Shields played its role by paying the facility fees. Prayers for this person, that life can begin again, with an understanding that she is a valued child of God. Homelessness continues throughout the county. It just doesn't seem to get any better over the years. Recently, we assisted a woman, who had been living in her van at Walmart, with campground fees while the Knox County Homeless Coalition folks helped her find more permanent and affordable housing. Others we have assisted have been couch surfing for weeks at a time while they seek something both safe and permanent. Tenting is also a summertime alternative. It is because of your generosity that Shields can continue its mission of assisting those among us who find themselves in financial crisis for any number of reasons, and we are particularly grateful to the family of June Durkee for designating the Shields Mission Project for memorial gifts. (None of our funding comes from the church's budget.) We are a church that is willing to lend a hand even to people we will never meet. Your kindness ensures that our church’s mission of reaching out to the community will continue in the years ahead. Shields Committee: Deb Endl (Chair), Betty Bates, Kate Edge, Julianne Edmondson, Bob Garcia, Doug Linder, Shelley Mills, Roberta Walker, Debbi Hitchings (Administrator) Our mission as an outreach ministry of the church: “To help provide less fortunate citizens of Knox County warmth, shelter, food, clothing, transportation, education, childcare, health care, etc., and to enable them to become more able to live a productive and self-sustaining life.


Sunday, September 18, right after the service, ALL-CHURCH

MEETING to VOTE on the Bylaws and our Safe Church Policy

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From Elizabeth Lally Director of Church School

We have been having a wonderful time this Summer serving God through our Summer of Service. We started off the season working at Terri Mackenzie’s house doing some work in her yard. The children enjoyed working together moving brush and weeding flower beds. We also worked at Vicki Fletcher’s house weeding beds and were rewarded with tasty popsicles after working in the hot July sun. We worked down on Bay View Street sorting items for NuDay Syria and later in the Summer we helped load the first container truck that would be sent from Maine to help that worthy cause. We stopped at PAWS animal shelter and had a great time socializing all of the kitties there, young an old. The residents of Quarry Hill were so grateful by the gift of time that the children gave when we visited them and played games and read them stories. We had a nice lunch together afterwards. And our last service project was collecting wildflowers and handing them out to random members of the community. The faces of those people reflected their sheer delight at the unexpected kind-ness of a stranger. There were little notes tucked into the bouquets that read “You are loved.” We also delivered vases of flowers to our friends at Quarry Hill for their dining tables. We have had a wonderful time this Summer and plan on continuing these efforts throughout the school year.

Church School starts September 11

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Shortly, we begin our regular Sunday school classes and with it comes some new ideas and opportunities for connection. We have a group of six 7th graders who will be working with a rotation of 6 men in our congregation with the Feasting on the Word lectionary curriculum. I have used this curriculum this Summer and Terri Mackenzie piloted its use this past Spring. It is simple and thought provoking and keeps with our lectionary format, making it possible for the children to have discus-sions with their parents based on what they hear in the sermon.

We have also begun talking about the possibility of an adult Sunday school class to be held prior to the worship service (children would meet at the same time). Some of our Sunday school parents have been involved with these types of study groups in the past and greatly benefitted from this more personal connection with other members of the congregation. We will be exploring this idea and hope to begin discussions among others in our church to see who would like to be involved.

And here comes Fall!!! We are hoping to revamp our nursery this Fall with some new inspired pieces that will make our nursery more welcoming and inviting. We will be overhauling our toys and hope to replace them with wooden ones when possible. We have a challenge grant of $400 from an interested congregation member and we are so grateful for that inspiring push to get moving. When we reach our own $400 goal, we will be able to begin purchasing the items that we need to transform the space. Please make checks out to the church with nursery in the memo line or drop the money in the office with Nan.

Thank you in advance for your support! Beryl and Eric Charlton raised us $46 this past Sunday with some vegetables from their garden. A wonderful idea and we thank all of those who purchased their delicious garden bounty. Have an idea, question or comment? Send them along to me at [email protected]

Anne Smart has been hard at work creating beautiful knitted fruits

and veggies for our babies and toddlers in the nursery. Our gracious thanks go out to her for her donation of time and talent!

Be on the lookout for informal talks and information surrounding the

possibility of the addition of adult Sunday school this Fall!

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The Transition Team is restarting after a brief vacation. But even while we were on vacation work was still being done. The church Bylaws have been updated and a Safe Church Policy document was written. Work on our financial controls is also progressing. While these are not directly Transition items they are important for a smooth transition and it’s good to see progress. The Transition Team met recently and reviewed the new UCC Local Church Profile template under the guidance of Pastor Deb. From this the team has decided to launch 4 new meetings following service in late September, October and possibly in early November. We’ll choose 4 questions from the profile template and discuss these with the congregation. Our plan is to facilitate small-group discussions using the Pilgrim Room, the Mayflower Room and possibly the conference room to bring a sense of intimacy to the discussions rather than in one big congregation-wide discussion. This is exciting because while we have heard your opinions and gathered a lot of information, this will be an opportunity to become directly involved in the writing of the profile. We won’t actually write the answers to the questions at these meetings but rather we’ll discuss these questions in detail. Those discussions will lead directly to the written responses to the questions. Then, of course, as the profile is completed it will be made available for multiple reviews. The Team also noted that while writing the profile and launching the search committee are key goals what’s even more inspiring is the energy we all feel in the congregation right now. So many things are being proposed by many different groups from Christian Ed to the Music Committee that it is genuinely exciting. All of that proposed change can be overwhelming at times but we’ll all have a chance to think it all through together. This isn’t the role of the Transition Team but rather we see our activities as a catalyst for the excitement.

Conducting Our Transition

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THE FIRST meeting will be held September 25, right after the service. When we have the schedule for the next 3 meetings we’ll let everyone know. Hope to see you there. In the meantime if you have any questions, comments or opinions we want to hear from you. You can always call me or email me or grab any one of us before or after a service. Faithfully, Greg [email protected] (207) 542-7691


Partners in Health TAG SALE

Saturday, September 24 8:00 to noon Pilgrim Room

If you have new or almost-new items to donate to the sale,

please call Eliza Hazelton, 691-9471

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From Matt Mainster Director of Music

Perhaps I ought to start with my choir and bells rehearsal announcement in case I lose people halfway through! After a much

deserved break in August, choir rehearsals will resume Wednes-day September 7th! Choral Bells will meet at their usual time of 6 p.m., followed by the Sanctuary Choir at 7 p.m. And, as always –– but especially now at the beginning of a new choir season –– ANY new choir members are passionately welcomed! All ages and experience levels! A big thank you goes out to our summer pick up choir, of which many specific members came every week in June and July! It was wonderful continuing to work with our year-long members, and to welcome back summer residents who enjoy singing with us while they are in town. I hope everyone has a wonderful year back in Florida (or whatever warm and sunny region of the country they inhabit in the winter months!), and we look forward to your return next summer! Our August music was brought to you by a variety of wonderful local musicians. We had the lovely soprano offerings of our own Annie Brady to start off the month, followed by some soulful saxophone tunes provided by Mike Fletcher. Then this past week we had the pleasure of welcoming Tom Gray, a local tenor, who was joined by Meg Thomas on violin, and Steve Weston on flute. For the last Sunday in August, Meg Thomas will join us again for selections of Beethoven and Rachmaninoff. Thank you to all of our soloists for adding many a cheerful note to our summer worship services. A few weeks ago the Friends of Music concert series was lucky enough to welcome back Mes Amis, a local gypsy jazz band. I was told from the moment I began at First UCC that they were not to be missed, and now that I've heard them, it makes complete sense. It was the perfect sizzling music for what turned out to be a very warm and humid after

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noon! We hope to have them back with us in the future, but first up

–– don't miss our "Ragtime and Rarities" concert on Sunday, October 9th at 4 p.m. Then the following

Sunday, October 16th at 4 p.m., Meg Thomas from the National Opera House Orchestra in DC will join local cellist, April Reed-Cox, and myself on piano for Smetna's turbulent and triumphant piano trio in G minor. Meg will also perform Beethoven's vivacious violin sonata in G major. The three of us are having a blast

with such terrific music, and we hope to see everyone there! Lastly, I would like to plant a seed in the mind of all music lovers throughout the community ... I am happy to be involved in the

planning of an exciting concert for March 11th, 2017 at the Rockport Opera House. My former college professor of organ

and piano, Dr. Shelly Moorman-Stahlman, will be coming to mid coast Maine to perform Rachmaninoff's beloved second piano con-certo and Beethoven's third piano concerto along with the amazing Maine ProMusica orchestra. Additionally, both Shelly Moorman-Stahlman and MPM conductor, Janna Hymes, will be donating their time to local music students of all instruments by way of a free mas-terclass. All ticket sales from the concert will go to the Shields Mission Project, an outreach program of our church, which for the last 14 years has provided assistance to Knox County residents in financial crisis. However, in order to pay the musicians and cover hall and piano rental fees, I will be spending the next few months fundraising throughout the community to secure the necessary funds. I hope to have more exciting news and information for you as the year progresses, and look forward to making this an event for which the whole community can get passionately involved!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE FANTASTIC CONCERTS! Wishing everyone a happy and colorful fall season!

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Words about the Prayer Chain I've been asked to say a few words about the prayer chain. It really is more of a group as opposed to a chain. That term was used back many years ago when a group of church members gathered togeth-er once a week to pray for people who were ill or having surgery. Or any number of other situations calling for prayer. Out of that group was formed a telephone “chain.” If someone was in need of prayer they could call anyone who was part of the chain, and it would be passed around until it got back to the person who started the prayer. Sometimes we had to have a sense of humor as we might start a prayer for someone who had a chest cold, and by the time it got back to the member who started the prayer the request would be for so and so who had a major heart attack. As time went by, several members got computers, and prayers were passed around via email. The best part of this was that the same prayer would go out to all. There were still some members who were called because they didn't have a computer. Today all of the prayer requests are sent out via email. And several of our prayer chain/group members are not members of our church. We get requests from other churches as well as people who have no affiliation with any church. Those of us in the group take prayer requests very seriously. We feel it is an honor and a privilege to be asked to hold someone in prayer. And confidentiality is no.1 on our list of guidelines. Each person has a different method of praying. I like to name the person or situation, and after centering myself quietly, hold them in my heart. If it's someone I know I can have a mental picture of them being well. I might say “Lord I hold ------up to your healing light. Let him/her feel your love surrounding them.” If prayer is something you might feel called to we would love to invite you to become a member of the group. Below is a list of the current members. Feel free to contact any one of us for more information. To start a prayer you can call anyone on the list or contact Nan, Deb, or Debbi. In Peace, Wendy Wickenden

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Calling All Goddesses! The Women’s Retreat tradition of referring to u as goddesses contin-ues with this invitation to come to the Eighth Annual Women's Retreat. Rest assured no proof is required because WE ARE ALL GODDESSES here! This year's retreat will be held on November 4-6 at Camp Wavus on beautiful Damariscotta Lake. Camp Wavus is the newer girls' camp of the Kieve-Wavus facility and will definitely be an upgrade for us. The dorms are similar, with a lower bunk bed for all. The gathering space is heated, better lit, and includes dining and bathrooms as well as more comfortable seating. The same delicious food and accommodating staff will be waiting to care for us. Once again, we will have a schedule-that-is-not-a-schedule. Our weekend begins Friday with a social time and dinner. After that, our evening gathering will include a short time to remember Cate, followed by some familiar and some new activities. Saturday will be one of those lovely days in your life where you get to choose, all day long. Take a walk, read a book, hang out with friends --old and new-, take a nap, knit in front of the fire, or just be. There will also be craft activities, TED talks with discussion time, and a variety of other possible offerings. Again, you choose what YOU wish or need. After breakfast on Sunday we will once again hold our own worship service with communion. After the service we will pack up and return to our “other” lives, refreshed and renewed. The cost for the weekend is $150, which includes two nights' lodging, five meals plus a Saturday afternoon snack, and basic craft supplies. All are welcome to this retreat! If the cost is not in your budget, please let Debbi Hitchings know because it is our goal to make sure that finances do not prevent you from attending. Debbi's contact info: [email protected] or (207) 236-4821. If you are able to make a contribution over and above the weekend fee to help every-one attend, it will be most appreciated.

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Please let us know that you plan to come by signing the clipboard outside Nan's office. Registration forms are available in the church office in the Women’s Retreat mailbox. Completed form and full fee of $150 are due by October 7. No refunds will be possible after October 14. Note that this year we will not be collecting a deposit at sign up. Contact Jinx Hufnagel ([email protected]) or Donna Crane ([email protected]) if you have registration questions. Your welcome packet will be sent out mid-October. We look forward to spending the weekend with as many of you goddesses as can attend. Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace, Your Retreat Committee

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OUR VOLUNTEERS For every month, in every Beacon, we will be printing the names of

our very wonderful volunteers who have signed up for the tasks below. Check your calendars. If Ushers & Fellowship Team Members are unable to assume the duties on that day, please find a substitute and alert Nan so she can make the correction for the Sunday Bulletin. Many thanks!


Sept 4 Andi Hamalainen Bob Garcia, Kim Young, June Fryer, Betsy Perry

Sunday School Youth

Sept 11 Mimi Edmunds Charlie & Dorothea Graham, Susie Luce, Jean Nolan

Amy Rollins, Jean Silva, Bob Garcia & Kim Young, Linda Strout, Flora Shorey

Sept 18 Ellen Stanclift Jean Forest, Doug Laliberte, Betty & Tony Bates

John & Jinx Hufnagel, Craig & Mary Wells, Jan Kelsey, Anne Smart, Nan Haid

Sept 25


Dave Jackson, Mel-vin Achorn, Scott Achorn, Louie Reg-nier

Dana & Suzanne Southworth, Jean Forest, June Fryer, Gary & Roberta Walker, Loel Kline

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9/03 Olivia Hamalainen Dan Brady 9/04 Ann Bex 9/10 Rebecca Simms Grayson Orne 9/13 Bette McFarland Sadie Mills 9/14 Wyatt Laliberte 9/15 Peg Way Sarah Shepherd 9/16 Doug Linder Maria Loehe 9/18 Renee Hutcheon 9/22 Eliza Edmunds 9/23 Mary Rabaioli Jeff Stanclift Emily Orne 9/24 Pixie Lauer

Cornelia Ostheimer 9/26 Phil Roberts Ruth Lowry 9/28 Chip Laite Peter Orne 9/29 Barbara Lannamann 9/30 Louie Regnier

Blood Drive Monday, September 19

12:30-5:30 In our Pilgrim Room

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From Heavenly Threads Melissa Chapman, & Beth Gerrish Managers

It's the "First Call for Fall" here at Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop— your Outreach Mission. We are putting out lots of fleece, sweaters, jackets and long-sleeved shirts. We always have a nice selection of housewares, kitchen goods, books (!), antiques, clothing for the whole family, games, toys, jewelry, lamps, crafts, remnants, and dare I say... some Christmas items...and MUCH MORE! If you haven't been here in a while, it's time to come on over. The quality and quantity of our goods continue to improve and enlarge. We're open Monday - Saturday, 10 - 4. Donations are welcome anytime during shop hours. Please encourage your friends to donate and shop here. And, if anyone is "downsizing,” please have them send their goodies here! (We should be able to arrange a pick-up if that is helpful.) Thanks to all of our loyal volunteers, donors and shoppers. Happy almost Fall.

P.S. We especially need jewelry donations. Time to clean out

your jewelry boxes. Thanks.

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September Activities

1Thursday, Noon, Prayer Shawl meets 2Friday 3Saturday______________________________________________________ 4SUNDAY, 9:30am, Worship, Communion 5Monday, LABOR DAY —office is closed 6Tuesday 7Wednesday, 9:30am, Staff meeting; 6:00pm, Choral Bells rehearse; 7:00pm, Sanctuary Choir rehearses 8Thursday, Noon, Prayer Shawl meets; 5:15pm, Deacons meet 5:30pm, Trustees meet 9Friday, 9:00am, Outreach Committee meets 10____________________________________________________________ 11 SUNDAY, 9:30am, Worship, Church School Kick-off 12 13Tuesday 14Wednesday, 9:30am, Staff meeting; 6:00pm, Choral Bells rehearse; 6:00, Christian Ed meets; 7:00pm, Sanctuary Choir rehearses 15Thursday, Noon, Prayer Shawl meets 16Friday 17Saturday_____________________________________________________ 18 SUNDAY 9:30am, Worship, 10:30am, All-Church meeting to vote on bylaws and Safe Church Policy 19Monday, 12:30-5:30, Blood Drive 20 Tuesday, 5:30pm, Cabinet meets 21Wednesday, 9:30am, Staff meeting; 6:00pm, Choral Bells rehearse; 7:00pm, Sanctuary Choir rehearses 22Thursday, Noon, Prayer Shawl meets 23Friday 24Saturday, 8-1, Partners in Health yard sale 25SUNDAY 9:30am, Worship, 10:30, Transition Team Forum on question 1 26Monday 27Tuesday, 5:30pm, IMPORTANT Boundaries training 28Wednesday, 9:30am, Staff meeting; 6:00pm, Choral Bells rehearse; 7:00pm, Sanctuary Choir rehearses 29

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