Lenny's Red Letter Day -...

7/14/15 1 Lenny’s Red Letter Day By: Bernard Ashley 2.5.A.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. “Lenny’s Red Letter Day” is an example of Realistic Fiction . Figurative language can be found not only in poems but in short stories, as well. Often times when an author uses figurative language, what they are saying doesn’t necessarily match what they mean to say... Let’s Recap

Transcript of Lenny's Red Letter Day -...



Lenny’s Red Letter Day By: Bernard Ashley

2.5.A.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

¡ “Lenny’s Red Letter Day” is an example of Realistic Fiction.

¡ Figurative language can be found not only in poems but in short stories, as well.

¡ Often times when an author uses figurative language, what they are saying doesn’t necessarily match what they mean to say...

Let’s Recap



Explicit vs. Implicit

¡ What is inferred about the quote taken from the text. What is the author trying to say? What does that mean?

¡ Take for example this statement: “When I heard the news, my heart sank like a bag of rocks.” Do you think the author would have meant this literally? Can a heart really become so heavy that it sinks? Of course not, so there is a difference between what the author explicitly stated and what they implicitly stated, or implied.

¡ Taken word for word, directly from the text and is in quotations.

Implicit Explicit

In Small Groups ¡ You are going to re-read “Lenny’s Red Letter Day,” to

gain deeper understanding of what the author was trying to convey.

¡ As you read, you will be taking post-it notes, and marking examples in the text where Prakash showed concern for others (O) and where he showed concern for himself (H).

¡ After you have finished reading, compare your notes with your small group. Remember to add EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT to support your thinking.

Post It #1: Prakash showed

concern for OTHERS (O)

Post It #2: Prakash showed

concern for HIMSELF (H)



Lenny’s Red Letter Day By: Bernard Ashley

2.5.B.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as similes.


¡ Taken word for word, directly from the text and is in quotations.

¡ “When I heard the news, my heart sank like a bag of rocks.”

¡ What is inferred about the quote taken from the text.

¡ What is the author trying to say? What does that mean?





Lenny’s First Day Back

¡ Explicit: Page 92 “He didn’t come to school for a long time after that. But when he did, my heart sank into my boots. He came straight across the playground… he came straight for me.”

¡ Implicit: What is the author trying to say here? How did seeing Lenny make Prakash feel?

Lenny’s House

¡ Explicit: Page 89 “’LENNY!’ she shouted. ‘COME HERE!’ Lenny came slinking down the passage, like one of those scared animals in a circus. He kept his eyes on her hands, once he’s seen who it was at the door.”

¡ Implicit: What is the author trying to say here?







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