Lending Methodology

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  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Microfinance Lending


    Microfinance Study, Part 2


  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Lending Products Summary

    Lending products are characterized by

    Loan amounts

    Loan terms Collateral requirements (or substitutes)

    Interest rates/fees

    Compulsory savings/group contribution


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    Loan Amounts

    Client cash patterns

    Regular (deli, grocery store, utility)

    Irregular (high-ticket items) Seasonal (harvest)

    Emergency (illness)

    Loan amount dependent on

    Loan purpose

    Client debt capacity

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    Loan Term: Why does it matter?

    If loan term is longer than business


    Some cases, cannot access loans untilexisting loan is repaid

    Tempting to spend early cash flows

    Note: 12-month loans in busy urban markets = low

    repayment rates

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    Loan Term: Why does it matter?

    If loan term is shorter than business


    If no savings to begin with, may not be able togenerate enough cash flow to cover loan


    SO goal is to adjust term structure to

    business cycles (debt-servicing capacity ofclients)

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    Loan Term: Why does it matter?

    Prepayment clients repay loans early

    The good:

    Reduce both security risk and temptation to spend

    excess amounts of cash

    Reduce burden of loan installments later in loan


    Increase speed with which MFI can revolve loan


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    Loan Term: Why does it matter?


    And the bad:

    Difficult to monitor, disrupting MFI cash flows

    Less interest for MFI (unless loan is immediately


    Indicate borrowers are receiving loans from other

    lenders with better service, lower rates or more

    appropriate terms.

    Solution: shorten loan-term of those who

    prepay often

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    Loan Use

    Working capital loans Current (

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    Loan Collateral: Substitutes

    Group Guarantees

    Implicit: other group members are unable to

    access a loan if all members are not current in

    their loan payments

    Actual: group members are liable if other

    group members default on their loans

    Group guarantee funds Group discretion vs. MFI discretion

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    Loan Collateral: Substitutes

    Character-based lending

    Frequent business visits

    Risk of public embarrassment Risk of jail/legal action

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    Alternatives to Collateral

    Compulsory Savings

    Independent vs. group savings funds

    Not available for withdrawal while loan isoutstanding (for MFI use caution)

    Opportunity Cost = return on savings return

    from business investment

    Asset-building, not just alternative to collateral Prompt payment incentive Bank Rakyat


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    Alternatives to Collateral

    Pledging assets based on personal value

    Pledge assets whose value is less than the

    loan amount (to MFI) what is valuable to the


    Personal Guarantees

    Enlist cosigners to guarantee loans

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    Loan Pricing

    Borrowers are empirically not price

    sensitive because of limited access to


    Balance between repayment and MFI


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    Loan Pricing: Four Main MFI Costs

    Financing costs

    Operating costs

    Loan loss provision Cost of capital

  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Loan Pricing: Four Main MFI Costs

    Financing costs

    Operating costs

    Loan loss provision Cost of capital

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    Loan Pricing: Financing Costs

    Outside financing

    Grant or loan?

    Compulsory savings financing Interest rate?

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    Loan Pricing: Financing Costs


    1,000 loan portfolio

    400 funded by internal savings @ 5% 600 funded by outside sources @ 10%

    Take arithmetic mean of the rates and you


    [(400)(5%) + 600(10%)] / 1000 =

    8% cost of funds

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    Loan Pricing: Financing Costs


    1,000 loan portfolio

    700 funded by internal savings @ 5% 300 funded by outside sources @ 10%

    Take arithmetic mean of the rates and you


    Note: if inside sources = grants, then MFIs have incentives to decrease internal funding sources

    [(700)(5%) + 300(10%)] / 1000 =

    6.5% cost of funds

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    Loan Pricing: Operating Costs

    Salaries, rent, travel and transportation,

    administration, depreciation, etc.

    Vary between 12% and 30% ofoutstanding loans

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    Loan Pricing

    Loan Loss Provisions

    Dependent on quality of portfolio (metrics)

    Capital costs Depend on market rate of interest and local

    inflation rate

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    Interest Rates: Declining Balance


    Calculate interest as % of amount outstanding

    over loan term

    Interest charged on amount that borrower still owes

    Givenpresent value of loan amount, calculatethepayments going forwardgiven that interest

    rates are calculated fromprevious balance

    What would monthly payments have to be?

    An example

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    Interest Rates: Declining Balance


    Loan amount: 1,000

    Loan term: 12 months

    Interest rate: 20 percent Whats the payment per month? You can

    use financial calculator (see article) or

    Use the annuity formula!

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    Interest Rates: Declining Balance


    PV: Present Value of Annuity = 1,000

    r: Interest rate = 20% per year, 1.67% a month

    n: Loan term = 12 months

    A: Cash flows (our monthly payments)

    Solving for A, we get 92.63 as monthly payment

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    Interest Rates: Declining Balance

    Method A simpler example

    n = 2 months; r = 20% per 2 months, 10% per month; Loan amount = 100

    Month Payments






    (Rate * Previous





    Principal)0 - - - 100

    1 X X Interest =

    X 10

    10%*100 = 10 100 (X 10)

    = 110-X

    2 X X Interest =

    X (10%)*(110-X)

    (10%)*(110-X) 110 X [X


    Since sum of principal = loan amount, set X 10 + [X 10%*(110-X)] = 100

    and you get a payment (X) of$57.62. This is what the annuity formula does!

    Try it with the annuity formula on the previous slide!

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    Interest Rates: Flat Method

    Interest is always calculatedon the initial

    (total) loan amount

    To calculate interest payment: Rate * Loan Amount

    (Dont forget to standardize to same term i.e., per

    month or per year)

    This results in much higherinterest ratesgiven the same nominal(as opposed to real)


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    Interest Rates

    Flat rate charges more than decliningbalance, so some firms may adjust theirinterest calculation method rather than

    their nominal rate Customers still know how much theyre

    paying by virtue of payments!

    (Reduces transparency) When evaluating MFIs, rate calculation

    methods are important!

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    Interest Rates:

    How do you set sustainable rates?

    One method to set a sustainable interest

    rate (for mature MFIs):

    R = AE + CF + LL + K1 - LL - II

    R=Annualized effective yield

    And the following expressed as percentages of average outstanding loan

    portfolio (LP):

    AE=Administrative expenses

    CF= Cost of funds

    L = Loan losses

    K= Desired capitalization rate

    II= Investment income

  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Interest Rates:

    How do you set sustainable rates? AE: All annual recurrent costs

    Salaries, benefits, rent, utilities, and depreciation, necessarydonated assistance

    Range between 10% and 25%

    LL: Annual loss due to defaulted loans Good MFIs run around 1% - 2%

    CF: Actual cost of funds of MFI when it funds its portfoliowith savings and commercial debt Can use estimation method (financial assets times higher of the

    rate that local banks charge medium-quality commercialborrowers or the inflation rate projected for the planning period)

    Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) = uses CAPM, will gointo this in more detail later

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    Interest Rates:

    How do you set sustainable rates?

    Capitalization (K): represents net realprofit theMFI would like to achieve, as % of loan portfolio 5% to 15% of average loan portfolio is suggested

    Investment Income (II): Income expected to begenerated by financial assets, excluding the loanportfolio

    These sum to high rates, but micro-

    entrepreneurs will generally provide higherreturns than their wealthier counterparts whoalready have access to capital

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    Fees and Service Charges

    Often a replacement for higher nominal

    rates, and is generally

    Calculated on initial loan amount

    Collected up front

    Greater effect than nominal interest rate hike if

    method is declining balance method

    Because payment is up frontand is not calculatedwith the declining balance method!

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    Fees and Service Charges

    An example n = 2 months; Loan amount = 100

    Scenario 1 Service fee = 3%; r = 20% per 2 months, 10% monthly; payment = 57.62

    (check with yourA

    PV formula!) Declining balance interest = payment*n Principal = 57.62*2 100 = 15.24

    Service fee payment = 100*3% = 3

    Total charge over principal= 18.24

    Scenario 2

    Service fee = 8%; r = 25% per 2 months, 12.5% monthly; payment = 59.56(check with yourAPV formula!)

    Declining balance interest = 59.56*2 100 = 19.12

    Service fee = 8

    Total charge over principal= 27.12

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    Cross-Subsidization of Loans

    Grameen Bank

    8% rates on housing loans are subsidized by

    20% rate for general loans

    Housing loans have eligibility criteria (must

    have received at least 2 general loans, must

    have an excellent repayment record, must

    have utilized loans for the purpose specifiedon application)

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    Cross-Subsidization of Loans

    Unit Desa system in Bank Rakyat


    Higher return on average assets than bank as


    Indirectly, high rates on poor loans subsidize

    low rates to wealthy

    Lower transaction costs for wealthier clients whopay lower rates on bigger loans

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    Calculating Effective Rates

    The effective rate of interest refers to theinclusion of all direct financial costs of a loan inone interest rate

    What does thatmean? The rate should incorporate interest, fees, the interest

    calculation method, other loan requirements, cost offorced savings

    Does notinclude transaction costs, such as costs on

    borrower related to opening an account,transportation, child-care, etc., since these vary byregion

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    Calculating Effective Rates:

    Included Variables Nominal interest rate (r)

    Method of interest calculation

    Payment of interest at the beginning of the loan or overthe term of the loan

    Service fees either up front or over the term of the loan

    Contribution to guarantee, insurance or group fund

    Compulsory savings or compensating balances

    Payment frequency

    Loan term

    Loan amount

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    Calculating Effective Rates

    Aside: does the effective rate change if

    loan amount increases?

    It does if variables are not given aspercent of


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    Calculating Effective Rates:

    Estimation Method

    Does notaccount for time value of money

    and payment frequency

    Increase in loan term and decrease in

    payment frequency distorts value of effective

    rate (because of time value of money)

    Not recommended

  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Calculating Effective Rates:

    Estimation Method

    Can be used to determine effect of interest

    rate calculation method, loan term and

    loan fee

    Effective Rate =Average principal amount outstanding

    Amount paid in interest and fees a

    Average principal

    amount outstanding Number of payments

    Sum of principal amounts outstanding


    Note: Increasing nominal rates, decreasing loan terms, or increasing fees

    increases the effective rate

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    Calculating Effective Rates:

    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

    IRR must be used to incorporate all

    financial costs of a loan

    The specific interest rate by which the

    sequence of installments must be discounted

    to obtain an amount equal to the initial credit


    Rememberpresent value = 1/(1+i)n

    ?Time value of money? IRR!

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    IRR: Three Steps

    Determine the actual cash flows

    Determine the effective rate for the period

    (computed via calculator) Multiply or compound the IRR by the

    number of periods to determine the annual


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    IRR: Parameters and Inputs

    PV= present value, or the net amount of cash disbursedto the borrower at the beginning of the loan

    i= interest rate, which must be expressed in same timeunits as n below

    n = loan term, which must equal the number of paymentsto be made

    PMT=payment made each period

    FV= future value, or the amount remaining after the

    repayment schedule is completed (zero except for loanswith compulsory savings that are returned to theborrower)

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    IRR: How to calculate

    If PMTs are always the same (which is

    never the case), you can use annuity

    formula we saw earlier

    Otherwise, we can model this in Excel

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    Excel Model: Base Case

    Base Case

    er ear

    er o

    ( o s)

    O s a d Bala ce - E-

    a e s

    r c al


    a e

    o r c al

  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Excel Model: Alternative 1Alternative 1: Flat Interest


    i er ear

    i 1 er ont

    1 ont

    t tandin alance 1

    a ent

    rinci al

    ntere t

    a ent

    o rinci al 1

    Effective Rate Calculation

    PV 1000

    n 4

    Effective Annual Rate 56.3% per year

    Effective Monthly Rate 4.7% per month

    0 1 2 3 4 (months)

    Outstanding Balance 1000 766.9247 522.9125 267.45 -3.41901E-06

    Payments 280 280 280 280

    Principal 233.0753 244.0123 255.4625 267.4499833

    Interest 46.92472 35.98773 24.53752 12.55001673

    Payment = 280

    Sum of Principal = 1000

    The rest are done the same way, except that the payment value keeps changing due to change in cash f lows!

  • 8/8/2019 Lending Methodology


    Excel Models

    Try the other alternatives at home, they all

    basicallywork like the first alternative!

    Alternatives 5 and 6 incorporate compulsory

    savings, meaning we need to calculate future

    value of those savings at the end of the loan


    If savings are not held by theM

    FI, then theamounts should not enter into our


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    Effective Cost vs. Effective Yield

    Yield refers to the revenue earned by the

    lender on the portfolio outstanding,

    including interest revenue and fees

    Used to determine if enough revenue will be

    generated to cover all costs

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    Effective Cost vs. Effective Yield

    Two main differences

    Components that are not held by (and therefore do

    not result in revenue to) the lender are notincluded in

    yield, but included in costs Return to lender computed based on average

    portfolio outstanding, not on borrowers initial loan


    If all components of loan are both costs to borrower

    and revenue for lender, then only difference is


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    Compounding vs. Multiplying

    Cost to the borrower

    This cost is compoundedby the number of

    payment periods in the year because

    IRR is amount borrowerforgoes by repaying

    loan in installments (principal amount

    available declines with each installment)

    Return earned per period if the borrowercould reinvest would compoundover time

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    Compounding vs. Multiplying

    Yield to the lender

    Per period rate is multiplied

    Assume revenue generated is used to cover

    expenses and is not reinvested therefore,

    average portfolio outstanding does not


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    Annualizing IRR

    Compounding: (1 + IRR/100)a 1

    Where a = number of periods in one year

    Use forborrowercost

    Multiplying: IRR * a

    Where a = number of periods in one year

    Use forlender (MFI) yield

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    Lending in Context (Bastelaer)

    MFIs have leveraged current social

    structures termed social capital to

    increase repayment rates and returns

    Rotating Savings and Credit Associations


    Group contribution to fund, distribute funds to one

    individual, re-fund, repeat, dismantle when finished


    Trade credit (supplier to buyer relationships)

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Mobile banks (collectors and lendors)

    Up to 100% rates on postponed payments

    15% monthly interest (+4 extra days of


    Savings and lending associations


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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Group lending

    Loan disbursed to borrowers in group; peer

    pressure is basic guarantee for loan


    Developed by Grameen Bank

    Group Solidarity lending

    Loan disbursed to groups rather thanindividuals

    Developed by ACCION International

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Group lending

    Loan disbursed to borrowers in group; peer

    pressure is basic guarantee for loan


    Developed by Grameen Bank;

    Group Solidarity lending

    Loan disbursed to groups rather thanindividuals

    Developed by ACCION International

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Rural community banks

    Saving/lending institutions run by local

    community committees

    Secure financial services; build group

    solidarity; facilitate savings

    Developed by Foundation for International

    Community Assistance (FINCA) Number of members varies between 30 and


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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Self-financing village banks

    Rural community manages village bank,

    which serves the entire village, not just its


    Developed by the International Centre for

    Research and Development in mid-1980s

    Goal is to self-sustain on savings

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Credit unions/lending and savings


    Began operating in developing countries in


    Provide savings and loan facilities for


    Act as intermediaries in money transfersbetween urban and rural areas and between

    savers and lenders

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Transformation lending

    Targets micro-enterprises with intention of

    growing sales and revenues and number of

    people employed

    Often transfers funds from banks to micro-

    enterprises to transform into small businesses

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    Lending Schemes Around the

    World (as related to Lebanon ~2001)

    Commercial and development banks(downscaling)

    Development banks: publicly owned

    institutions established to provide financialservices to specific strategic sectors (i.e.agriculture/industry) sometimes at subsidizedrates

    Commercial banks: private institutions thatprovide services to high-income clients thatrun service-oriented businesses

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    Mozambique ~1997: Loan Term


    Range from 10%-60% (nominal)

    Commercial rates: 20%-30%

    Discount rate: 12.95% (32% in 1996)