Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li ([email protected])[email protected]...

Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li ([email protected]) Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting Sun Chapter 8 Building and Consuming Services

Transcript of Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li ([email protected])[email protected]...

Page 1: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Lecture Series on Android Programming

Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li ([email protected])Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting Sun

Chapter 8 Building and Consuming


Page 2: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University2


11 HTTP Services

22 Android Services

Page 3: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University3

Consuming HTTP Services

Android applications pull information from various sourcesA common integration strategy is to use HTTPThe Apache HttpClient is a comprehensive HTTP client, HTTP GET and POST

Page 4: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University4

HttpClient for HTTP GET Requests

Pattern for using HttpClient: 1. Create an HttpClient (or get an existing reference).

2. Instantiate a new HTTP method, such as PostMethod or GetMethod .

3. Set HTTP parameter names/values.

4. Execute the HTTP call using the HttpClient.

5. Process the HTTP response.HttpGetDemo.java

Page 5: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University5

Limitations of HttpGet

Pass name/value parameters as part of the request by appending name/value pairs to the URL:

HttpGet request = new HttpGet("http://somehost/WS2/Upload.aspx?one=valueGoesHere");


Length of a URL should be kept below 2,048 characters,use HTTP POST instead.

Page 6: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University6

HttpClient for HTTP POST Requests

Making an HTTP POST call is very similar to making an HTTP GET call.


Page 7: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University7

Multipart Example

To do multipart POST calls, you need to get three additional Apache open source projects: Apache Commons IO, Mime4j, and HttpMime.

Commons IO:http://commons.apache.org/io/

Mime4j: http://james.apache.org/mime4j/

HttpMime: http://hc.apache.org/downloads.cgi (inside of HttpClient)


Page 8: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University8

Dealing with Exceptions

transport exceptionsdetecting transport issues and retrying requests by HttpClient

protocol exceptionsflushed out during development

Timeoutsyou’ll have to deal with

Page 9: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University9

Effective approach

A simple and effective approach to dealing with both types of timeouts—connection timeouts and socket timeouts—is to wrap the execute() method of your HTTP request with a try / catch and then retry if a failure occurs.


Page 10: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University10

Addressing Multithreading Issues

Create one HttpClient for the entire application and all HTTP communicationPay attention to multithreading issues when making simultaneous requests through the same HttpClientHttpClient provides facilities that make this easy—create the DefaultHttpClient using a ThreadSafeClientConnManager

Page 11: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University11

Singleton pattern

A singleton class to service all your HTTP requests with only one HttpClient ClientConnectionManager responsible for managing HTTP connections for the HttpClientThreadSafeClientConnManager to avoid overlap



Page 12: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University12


11 HTTP Services

22 Android Services

Page 13: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University13

Android Services

Android supports two types of services:

Local services, simply support the application that is hosting the service

Remote services, accessible from other applications on the device, defined to clients using Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL).

Page 14: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University14

Understanding Local Services

Started via Context.startService()Stoped viaContext.stopService() or called stopSelf() by itself

Note that when Context.startService() is called and the service has not already been created, the system will instantiate the service and call the service’s onStartCommand() method.


Page 15: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University15

Status Notifications

To create a notification, you must use two classes: Notification and NotificationManager.

Notification, to define the properties of your status notification NotificationManager, an Android system service that executes and manages all status notifications getSystemService() , to retrieve a reference to the NotificationManager notify() , to notify the user

Page 16: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University16

To create a status notification

1. Get a reference to the NotificationManager:


NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns);

Page 17: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University17

To create a status notification

2.Instantiate the Notification:

int icon = R.drawable.notification_icon;

CharSequence tickerText = "Hello";

long when = System.currentTimeMillis();

Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when);

Page 18: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University18

To create a status notification

3.Define the notification's message and PendingIntent:

Context context = getApplicationContext(); CharSequence contentTitle = "My notification"; CharSequence contentText = "Hello World!"; Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MyClass.class); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, contentIntent);

Page 19: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University19

To create a status notification

4.Pass the Notification to the NotificationManager: private static final int HELLO_ID = 1; mNotificationManager.notify(HELLO_ID, notification);

Page 20: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University20

Understanding AIDL Services

To build a service via remote procedure call (RPC)An interface definition language (IDL) to define the interface that will be exposed to clientsAndroid Interface Definition Language (AIDL)

Page 21: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University21

To build a remote service

1. Write an AIDL file that defines your interface to clients. The AIDL file uses Java syntax and has an .aidl extension. Use the same package name inside your AIDL file as t he package for your Android project. 2. Add the AIDL file to your Eclipse project under the src directory. The Android Eclipse plug-in will call t he AIDL compiler to generate a Java interface from the AIDL file (the AIDL compiler is called as part of the build process). 3. Implement a service, and re turn the interface from the onBind() method. 4. Add the service configuration to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Page 22: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University22

Defining a Service Interface in AIDL

package com.androidbook.services.stockquoteservice; interface IStockQuoteService { double getQuote(String ticker); }

When you create the AIDL file, the Android Eclipse plug-in runs the AIDL compiler to process your AIDL fileThe compiler generates a Java interface suitable for RPC communication in your AIDL file— com.androidbook.services.stockquoteservice

Page 23: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University23

Generated classes

The interface we defined in the AIDL file is implemented as an interface in the generated code (that is, there is an interface named IStockQuoteService). A static final abstract class named Stub extends android.os.Binder and implements IStockQuoteService. Note that the class is an abstract class. An inner class named Proxy implements the IStockQuoteService that proxies the Stub class. The AIDL file must reside in the package where the generated files are supposed to be (as specified in the AIDL file’s package declaration).


Page 24: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University24

Implementing an AIDL Interface

The inner class Extending the Stub class called StockQuoteServiceImpl

Serving as the remote-service implementation

Returned from the onBind() method

A service declaration in the AndroidManifest.xml file



Page 25: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University25

Calling Service from a Client

Copy the AIDL file from the service project to the client’sThe AIDL file serves as a contract between the client and the service

Page 26: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University26


private ServiceConnection serConn = new ServiceConnection() {

@Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { Log.v(TAG, "onServiceConnected() called"); stockService = IStockQuoteService.Stub.asInterface(service); callService(); }

@Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { Log.v(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected() called"); stockService = null; } };


Page 27: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University27


When we call the bindService() method, we pass in the reference to this member. When the connection to the service is established, the onServiceConnected() callback is invoked, and we then obtain a reference to the IStockQuoteService using the Stub and enable the Call Service button.

Page 28: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University28


Please notice the onServiceDisconnected() callback. This does not get invoked when we unbind from the service. It is only invoked if the service crashes. If it does, we should not think that we’re still connected, and we might need to reinvoke the bindService() call.

Page 29: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University29

Local service versus an AIDL service

A local service does not support onBind(), returning null Accessible only to the components of the host application You call local services by calling startService().

Page 30: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University30

Local service versus an AIDL service

The service implements the AIDL contract, and clients bind to the AIDL definition. The service implements the contract by returning an implementation of the AIDL interface from the onBind() method. Clients bind to an AIDL service by calling bindService() , and they disconnect from the service by calling unbindService() .

Page 31: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University31

Passing Complex Types to Services

AIDL’s support for nonprimitive types: AIDL supports String and CharSequence. AIDL allows you to pass other AIDL interfaces, but you need to have an import statement for each AIDL interface you reference (even if the referenced AIDL interface is in the same package). AIDL allows you to pass complex types that implement the android.os.Parcelable interface. You need to have an import statement in your AIDL file for these types. AIDL supports java.util.List and java.util.Map , with a few restrictions. The allowable data type s for the items in the collection include Java primitive, String, CharSequence, and android.os.Parcelable . You do not need import statements for List or Map , but you do need them for the Parcelables. Nonprimitive types, other than String, require a direct ional indicator. Directional indicators include in, out , and inout . in means the value is set by the client; out means the value is set by the service; and inout means both the client and service set the value.

Page 32: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University32

Directional indicator

Nonprimitive types, other than String, require a directional indicator. Directional indicators include in, out , and inout . in means the value is set by the client; out means the value is set by the service; and inout means both the client and service set the value.

Page 33: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University33


1. Implement the Parcelable interface. implement writeToParcel() and readFromParcel(). Note that the order in which you write properties must be the same as the order in which you read them.

2. Add a static final property to the class with the name CREATOR .

The property needs to implement the android.os.Parcelable.Creator<T> interface.

3. Provide a constructor for the Parcelable that knows how to create the object from the Parcel. 4. Define a Parcelable class in an .aidl file that matches the .java file containing the complex type .

The AIDL compiler will look for this file when compiling your AIDL files.

Page 34: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University34

Implementing the Parcelable Interface


Person.aidl package com.androidbook.services.stock2;

parcelable Person;


Page 35: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University35

Passing Parcelables to Services

package com.androidbook.services.stock2; import com.androidbook.services.stock2.Person; interface IStockQuoteService { String getQuote(in String ticker,in Person requester); }

Note that we have directional indicators on the parameters because the parameters include nonprimitive types and that we have an import statement for the Person class.

Page 36: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University36

Service implementation


StockQuoteService2 Layout





Page 37: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University37

To implement a client

Copy the Person.java and Person.aidl files to the client project modify main.xml and MainActivity.java

Page 38: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University38


We talked about consuming external HTTP services using the Apache HttpClient. With regard to using the HttpClient, we showed you how to do HTTP GET calls and HTTP POST calls. We also showed you how to do multipart POSTs.We then moved on to the formal Android Services topics.

Page 39: Lecture Series on Android Programming Lecturer: Prof.Luqun Li (liluqun@gmail.com)liluqun@gmail.com Teaching Assistants: Fengyou Sun, Haijun Yang, Ting.

Shanghai Normal University39

Interview Questions

1. Why is it bad practice to call a web service from the main UI thread? 2. Can you bind to a local service?3. What is one reason for giving a notification to the NotificationManager from a service? 4. What are ThreadGroups good for? 5. Can a Parcelable be used to send data to an activity? Why or why not?