Leatherback sea turles english class 8th grade

ENGLISH CLASS 8 TH GRADE Take a dive with the Leatherback Sea Turtle – e largest and only turle that has been around since the time of the dinosaurs!

Transcript of Leatherback sea turles english class 8th grade

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Take a dive with the Leatherback Sea Turtle – the largest and only turle that has been around since the time of the dinosaurs!

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FINAL TEST Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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When did dinosaurs walk the earth? Today we will be reading about an endangered species – the Leatherback Turtle – that has been around since the time of the dinosaurs.

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What do we know about turtles?

What are their characteristics?

Let’s talk about turtles and endangered animals

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To preview, look at the title, section heads, photographs, illustrations, and graphic aids.

Then use prior knowledge to make predictions and create questions about the text.

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Write down

1. Topics the feature will discuss.

2. What you already know about Sea Turtles.

3. Make a prediction about what you will learn.

4. Write down a question that you would like to have answered by your reading.

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Leatherbacks are huge! At 6 feet long, 4 feet wide, and over 1,000 pounds, they are the largest turtles in the world. Leatherbacks have soft "leathery" shells instead of hard, bony ones.

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Leatherbacks are strong swimmers. They spend most of their time in the ocean. They use their front flippers as paddles and their back ones to steer.

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Leatherbacks eat jellyfish and other soft-bodied animals. A floating plastic bag looks just like a jellyfish, but it will choke a sea turtle.

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NESTINGThe female leatherback comes ashore to nest. She crawls up at night, digs a hole in the sand, and lays 80 to 100 eggs. Shortly after, she returns to the sea.

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While the turtles are on land, scientists measure their shells. They also count eggs, record the nest temperatures, and attach radio transmitters to track where the turtles go.

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EGGSThe eggs look like billiard balls. Their shells are soft and leathery. Scientists move nests that are too close to the water to safer areas or to hatcheries.

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The eggs hatch in about two months. Scientists can tell if the hatchlings will be male or female by the temperature of the nest. Colder temperatures produce males. Warmer temperatures produce females.

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Hatchlings wait until night to leave the nest. Predators, like sea gulls, would eat them during the day. Then the babies head for the water. When they get there, they ride out to sea.

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1. Are turtles' shells their only defense mechanism?

2. Why do sea turtles bury their eggs in the ground or sand?

3. How do sea turtles breathe under water?

4. What is the main cause of death of leatherback turtles?

5. Why are the sea turtles called leatherbacks?

6. Why do the nesting females return to the water, leaving their eggs on the beach?


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1. Are turtles' shells their only defense mechanism?

Answer:A leatherback turtle is very large, so its size also provides some protection. It can also change direction very quickly in the water, so it can avoid predators that way, too.

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2. Why do sea turtles bury their eggs in the ground or sand?

Answer:Turtles must lay their eggs on land, and they are safest if buried away from predators. The sand or earth provides an insulated and stable environment for eggs to incubate.

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3. How do sea turtles breathe under water?

Answer:The turtles come up to the surface of the water to breathe. They take several quick breaths before they dive again.

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4. What is the main cause of death of leatherback turtles?

Answer:The main reason the species is close to extinction is human activity, such as beachside development, discarding of debris into the ocean, poaching of eggs, and capture by fishing vessels.

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5. Why are the sea turtles called leatherbacks?

Answer:The appearance of the turtle's shell is what gives it the name 'leatherbacks.' The shell looks like leather. It is actually a layer of thin, tough, rubbery skin. The leatherback is the only turtle without a hard shell.

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6. Why do the nesting females return to the water, leaving their eggs on the beach?

Answer:Water is the natural habitat of leatherbacks. The nesting females are not able to stay on land for long. They will overheat. They can stay on land up to about four hours.