Learning Analysis 300 2013 Fall

LEARNING ANALYSIS for WMST 300: Portal Course to our Major in WMST This is a synthetic reflection on the course and your place in it. EVERYONE’S DUE Thursday 12 December 2013: learning analysis/8-10 pgs in hard copy, turned in at the last class time! Draft it 3 times! • DUE THURSDAY THE LAST DAY IN CLASS: LOGBOOK 4, LEARNING ANALYSIS IN HARD COPY & ALSO SENT ELECTRONICALLY • Send to [email protected], use filename: yrlastname 300 LEARNING ANALYSIS or LOGBOOK4. Subject header SHOULD BE THE SAME. NOTE: Credit given only after presentation in class. Make plans to be in class, no matter what. NO CREDIT FOR COURSE WITHOUT LOGBOOK 4, carefully and accurately filled in. SUMMARY OF GRADED MATERIALS: everything must be turned in on the last day of classes Logbooks: 4, last one must be turned in to get any credit for the course Prototypes: 3 class posters, 2 website versions • Final Learning Analysis & attendance: with logbooks & prototypes all together: 1/3 grade • Workshop 1: research poster & pics or paper & handout; 2 days attendance: 1/3 grade • Workshop 2: research poster & pics or paper & handout; 2 days attendance: 1/3 grade The learning analysis gives you an opportunity to talk about what the course has meant to you. It includes: (1) your description of the argument or story of the course. Examine the syllabus (course descriptions and requirements, the reading and writing assignments), WWW sites and class website, notes from class, any freewrites, lists and preps for class, imagining this information as elements in an argument about dynamic movements and changes within women’s studies. How have we put together our understandings of how thinking and action interconnect? What are epistemological projects and boundary objects and why do they matter? How do problematization and critique function? How do collectives and coalitions work? What is the argument of the course? What are the parts of this argument, and how do they connect together? You will be trying to imagine how the course was constructed, and why it was put together in this particular way. Pay special attention to titles in our Schedule. Imagine them as titles in a Table of Contents to parts of a book and try to understand the argument of the "book" of the course, similarly to your analysis of scholarly collections for Workshop 2. (2) put yourself into this story. What have we created together, researching and writing and prototyping and workshoping? By using and analyzing social media and games and how feminist projects move around transnationally? How are you a part of the argument of the course as you understand it? What was happening with you at different points in the unfolding and building of this argument? What kind of knowledge did you make yourself in your analysis of readings, in your workshop projects, in your responses to others' work and helping classmates to catch up, in your investigations on the Web and using our class website, and how do the insights you developed connect? Use the lists you did for class and your class notes to remember your thoughts, questions, ideas. How did these change? What changed them? What were your contributions to the class? What effects did you have on the course, on your buddies? How did your responses to other people's work include you in the argument of the class? (3) discuss 4 readings (whole books as well as chapters) and 1 or 2 web sites (in addition to the class website) connecting you to the class. Choose readings that meant a lot to you, and web sites of substance that helped you think and connect. Demonstrate that you've kept up with the reading by showing how widely you've read in the course materials. How do these readings connect to the argument of the class? How did they affect you? What was meaningful and important about them? What did you learn from them? How did they change your relationship to the course, to ideas, issues, politics, feelings? You can talk about how your life was connected to these ideas and feelings. You can suggest relationships with other readings, other courses, other experiences. Be sure to draft at least three times! This is an exercise in synthesizing--putting things together in new relationships, making a whole shape. It requires imagination. Have fun with it. Good luck!


final assignment wmst 300 2013

Transcript of Learning Analysis 300 2013 Fall

LEARNING ANALYSIS for WMST 300: Portal Course to our Major in WMST This is a synthetic reflection on the course and your place in it. EVERYONE’S DUE Thursday 12 December 2013: learning analysis/8-10 pgs in hard copy, turned in at the last class time! Draft it 3 times! • DUE THURSDAY THE LAST DAY IN CLASS: LOGBOOK 4, LEARNING ANALYSIS IN HARD COPY & ALSO SENT ELECTRONICALLY • Send to [email protected], use filename: yrlastname 300 LEARNING ANALYSIS or LOGBOOK4. Subject header SHOULD BE THE SAME. NOTE: Credit given only after presentation in class. Make plans to be in class, no matter what. NO CREDIT FOR COURSE WITHOUT LOGBOOK 4, carefully and accurately filled in. SUMMARY OF GRADED MATERIALS: everything must be turned in on the last day of classes Logbooks: 4, last one must be turned in to get any credit for the course Prototypes: 3 class posters, 2 website versions • Final Learning Analysis & attendance: with logbooks & prototypes all together: 1/3 grade • Workshop 1: research poster & pics or paper & handout; 2 days attendance: 1/3 grade • Workshop 2: research poster & pics or paper & handout; 2 days attendance: 1/3 grade The learning analysis gives you an opportunity to talk about what the course has meant to you. It includes: (1) your description of the argument or story of the course. Examine the syllabus (course descriptions and requirements, the reading and writing assignments), WWW sites and class website, notes from class, any freewrites, lists and preps for class, imagining this information as elements in an argument about dynamic movements and changes within women’s studies. How have we put together our understandings of how thinking and action interconnect? What are epistemological projects and boundary objects and why do they matter? How do problematization and critique function? How do collectives and coalitions work? What is the argument of the course? What are the parts of this argument, and how do they connect together? You will be trying to imagine how the course was constructed, and why it was put together in this particular way. Pay special attention to titles in our Schedule. Imagine them as titles in a Table of Contents to parts of a book and try to understand the argument of the "book" of the course, similarly to your analysis of scholarly collections for Workshop 2. (2) put yourself into this story. What have we created together, researching and writing and prototyping and workshoping? By using and analyzing social media and games and how feminist projects move around transnationally? How are you a part of the argument of the course as you understand it? What was happening with you at different points in the unfolding and building of this argument? What kind of knowledge did you make yourself in your analysis of readings, in your workshop projects, in your responses to others' work and helping classmates to catch up, in your investigations on the Web and using our class website, and how do the insights you developed connect? Use the lists you did for class and your class notes to remember your thoughts, questions, ideas. How did these change? What changed them? What were your contributions to the class? What effects did you have on the course, on your buddies? How did your responses to other people's work include you in the argument of the class? (3) discuss 4 readings (whole books as well as chapters) and 1 or 2 web sites (in addition to the class website) connecting you to the class. Choose readings that meant a lot to you, and web sites of substance that helped you think and connect. Demonstrate that you've kept up with the reading by showing how widely you've read in the course materials. How do these readings connect to the argument of the class? How did they affect you? What was meaningful and important about them? What did you learn from them? How did they change your relationship to the course, to ideas, issues, politics, feelings? You can talk about how your life was connected to these ideas and feelings. You can suggest relationships with other readings, other courses, other experiences. Be sure to draft at least three times! This is an exercise in synthesizing--putting things together in new relationships, making a whole shape. It requires imagination. Have fun with it. Good luck!