#LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person...


Transcript of #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person...

Page 1: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive
Page 2: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive


#LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros

1. What did you hear that challenged and sparked you?

What in Education Matters Most:

Responsibility resource trust

What are the goals of the education system? Empathy, risk taking, creativity, engagement

Innovation & many ideas:

A good idea is lots of ideas x2

Idea of a week on innovation sparked me

Innovation is focused on process not product ‘spark’


Emotion and empathy

Empathy is the key

Relationships as greatest help to create a learning experience

What are the goals of the education system? Empathy, risk taking, creativity, engagement

Do teachers want to be in their own class?:

Challenged by: “Would you want to spend six hours in your own classroom”?

I rejected technology. This was a ? to my career progress. Some have large company developing

? software.

How to use technology for learning?:

Challenge – use the technology productively

Re: Technology: When something is gained, something is always lost

Challenge: To accept that technology is not necessarily a problem

Do we teach students to seek ANSWERS or to find INSPIRATION?

Embrace technology:

Openness to tech

Embrace technology as part of learning

Exciting ideas about possibilities in technology in spite of tensions with ideas of what’s

appropriate in school

Untapped potential

Excitement of tech

Innovation and tech as a tool to enhance learning x 2

I want to learn how to use tech to do these things George presented. I feel/think I need a tech


Page 3: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive


Technology isn’t the issue: it’s how you use it!

Technology is a resource/system to learning. The importance of building relationships with


Using tech to build creativity, empathy, resilience, passion, a good life!

Teach them how to swim in social media (grade 5 teacher)

Novelty of Tech & Innovation

Technology challenged me

Not all students have devices:

Socio-economic issues – most, but not all, students have devices

Challenges of innovating within the system:

What do we value? Funnel/support

Get out of the silos

Sparks – Culture of doubt is so true!

Innovation inside the box

Challenges of system realities

A good TEACHER makes the difference – but does the system TRUST or CONTROL them?

Does my work create the “box”, keeping things fixed?

Are standards and innovation always at cross purposes?


Challenges in working “The System” of Education (Traditional Models)

“The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together!”

How do we move beyond culture of compliance?

….and fear of failure? What can we do?

Culture of compliance

Make the positives louder:

Make the positives louder so they drown out the negatives x 2

Make the positives so loud the negative is almost unable to be heard

Positive messages of students sparked me

Make the positives louder than the negatives

Model what you want to see, drown out the negatives with positives

Empower kids!:

Kids can lead – listen to them

Empowering kids

Student-led learning:

Letting go of my rigidity to allow student led learning (Challenge)

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Many ways of learning – not just in school:

Integrate experiential learning

Intraversion vs. extraversion

What students should have when they graduate

Learning just happens, should not be confined to a school setting

Respect various ways of learning, encourage passion

Fractal learning is in!

Intergenerational learning and mentorship

Process of learning – scientifically critical thinking

Learning through challenge, risk, know how to channel it – This is a risk! Will we step up and

learn through it?

What opportunities are you seeing for learning and innovation on PEI?


Develop and create opportunity for partnerships

High school credits for external (outside school) activities (4-H, Music, Sports)

Non profit to work with the teachers formal/informal

Opportunities, ongoing work and partnerships with community organizations and businesses

e.g. Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Opportunity to support holistic life long learning

Changing the system:

What if we didn’t have PISA? More autonomy in learning decisions

4-H – Learn to do by doing – Key to learning. How do we do this in the classroom and still fulfill

the requirements of the classroom?

Get hands dirty, make videos either science or art, appreciation, all starts with the willingness to

try. Observation of others. Use our substitute teachers in their area of expertise.

Have volunteers come into the school and assist with those experiencing difficulties. We need

an opportunity to break the rules. Everyone gets what each needs. Some kids need quiet

teachers, too.

Writing life stories with people in community. Students, seniors, hospice, music therapy, art

therapy. Learning about tech challenges – address them. E.g. Snow plowing/improving IT

Opportunity to determine goal of learning for PEI

Early interventions

Start up zones:

Innovative and supportive space

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Pop-up ventures and innovation. Pod casts? Conferences. Communities of practice. Book clubs,

writing groups, fiddlers’ socials

Need more opportunity to explore careers on PEI in person and be aware of all the services and

programs and events – central location

Groups and individuals addressing specific needs – entrepreneurial approach

Small Island so try it out “pilot schools”

Remove barriers and create access to learning:

Make opportunities for learning more widely available – break down barriers

Remove barriers to accessing programs (travel, cost, knowledge)

Leadership: Women in Politics – a real need in PEI

Invest in developing healthy environment when young, builds on more complex learning.

Finland model nature education

o Play based, nutrition, healthier

Socio-economic barriers need to be addressed.

Encourage Curiosity and New Ideas:

Continue to invest in community spaces that value learning and sharing – public libraries!

Don’t forget about Mental Health! Needs to be a priority

Open K-12 system to allow for more community connections and specialist sharing

Meet children where they are at with their interests

How do we encourage “new” ideas?

Opportunity to rebalance learning journey vs. destination

Ongoing conversation about bias, stigma, and what we live that inhibits change in our views on


How do we foster curiosity/enthusiasm and allow it to drive the process?

Our people:

We have as many opportunities as there are Islanders

Non-traditional learning opportunities:

Encouraging learning after school hours

How do we challenge each student?

Embed experience in learning

Mental literacy – more intimate learning opportunities through relationships – new approaches

like horse therapy

Seniors’ College

Learn about the world around you

Non-traditional formal opportunities

Value different styles of learning and motivations for learning

Embed learning in experiences

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Development of peer support network and training opportunity

Community Schools:

Mobilizing local volunteers to move educational change forward

Adult/Senior education, community gardens

Inter-generational groups

Intergenerational learning, e.g. gardening, learning how to pickle, BOAST (Bring Older Adults and

Students Together), LOVE (Letting Older Volunteers Educate)

Learning from experience

Youth Programming:

Life skills/support

Communicating our stories:

Call-in shows, there is too much content on-line, isolation

- Island Morning, Twitter, CBC, podcasts

Create a centralized resource:

A central resource “Kijiji” like for linking needs in the community with resource providers.

“Education advisors” in the community to help make linkages between needs and opportunities

in the same way we have accountants, doctors, etc…

Is there any type of mentor-matching that is centralized?

There is a desire for schools to use more community mentors, but we don’t know who to

contact or what the possibilities are

Our existing programs – Horizons & Start:


Skills link

Youth garden project Morell (SEAM)

Start to apply right (STAR)

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LearnDay Open Space Conversations, by Theme

Public Education System

1. Philosophy of learning

2. Student mental health

3. Immigration in the classroom

4. Helping parents and children assist immigrants

5. Parents involved in education (Why), Home and School, learning more about the education

system so parents can help the child

6. Role of Teacher-Librarians and School Librarians

7. High School Co-op Program and Independent Study Courses

8. School Governance

Learning Models

9. Finland Education and Beyond

10. Competency-Based Learning vs. Grade Grouping

11. Universal Design for Instruction

12. Learn to do by doing

13. Synergies between formal and non-formal learning sectors, opportunities for experiential /

place-based learning


14. Interface between high school and post-secondary – grades

15. Transitions

Adult Learning

16. Youth Projects – STAR, SEAM

17. Adult learning – bringing under-represented groups (who?) into the workforce (where?)

Learning and Work

18. Does the job market on PEI reward the values of creativity, risk taking?

19. How to explore career options

Community-Based Learning

20. Mentorship Network “We are all teacher-learners.”

21. The Role of the Arts in the Context of Learning

22. Starting a non-profit for STEAM

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1. Philosophy of learning

Notes and Ideas:

Bridges between partners

Think of the future in a holistic way

Develop a shared vision

Define learning broadly

Engage community

Inspire people to think differently

System lag in response to life-long learning

Everyone has a piece of genius and needs a space and a place

Supports development of the social fabric

Acknowledge learning in families

Literacy rates

Learning is bi-directional

Need to recognize prior learning.


How do we truly become the Mighty Island?

Are we filling buckets when we should be lighting fires?

How to involve everyone in learning?

Next Steps:

Identify best practices

Identify diverse stakeholders





Islanders lead in learning

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2. Student mental health

Notes and Ideas:

Give students a creative outlet, e.g. art, to help them cope with anxiety

Build upon the ‘well-being program pilots’ at Westisle and Montague families of schools (these

are great but more related to crisis)

Need to start early to teach students what ‘mental wellness’ is

For teenagers, the discussion on mental health is happening online because the schools aren’t

having them


How can we help staff and students at each level learn about mental health?

Mental literacy – how do we increase our knowledge of what we are facing?

If you teach students how to use the Canada Food Guide, why can’t you teach them yoga,

mindfulness, art?

Next Steps:

Attend Summit on Mental Health (similar to this)

Literacy – we need to increase our knowledge of mental health


PEI Students Score High on Happiness

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3. Immigration in the classroom

Notes and Ideas:

Settlement workers in schools (SWIS)

Potential partnerships with UPEI too


Why not use the settlement workers (Newcomers) in the class (schools) / University / Holland


Is there ACOA money available for programs?

Next Steps:

Meeting – research best practices


Partners: Dept of Education, UPEI, Holland College, School Board, PEIANC, ACOA


Strong Partnerships

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4. Helping parents and children assist immigrants (Helping the parents help their

children in school)

Notes and Ideas:


Language (PTA)

Do not know what their role is

Do parents have too much responsibility?

Not all the same

Some of the parents are illiterate in their own language….

Over-protective (over the kids)

Creates behaviour issues


How can a parent be able to assist a child when they do not speak / need language …

Do we rely too much on parents?

Are there services? – If yes, is it communicated clearly?

Next Steps:


What changes we want to see:

Interpreters on site (this does exist on site PTA meetings)

Teach parents

Empower the children

Peer program

Peer program for parents

Extra curriculum – get children involved

Big Buddy


Reach Out! Investigate their customs / culture

Invite them in

Share foods



Page 12: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

5. Parents involved in education (Why), Home and School, learning more about

the education system so parents can help the child

Notes and Ideas: Reasons for parent involvement:

Parents are first/primary educators

Involvement never stops

Teachers may change, parents don’t

Care about their education and set an example for the child for life-ling learning

Additional opportunity to build your relationship with your child

Parents are the cheering section for the children

Parents are at the centre of the child’s life/learning experience

Unconditional love

A way to show child that the parent feels pride and concern for their welfare and education

Helps to make child feel secure and safe

Listen well – 2 ears/1 mouth


How can Government support Home & School, school communities and involve students in the

process and turn community ideas into Government policy?

The future is going to be what we choose to make it. How do we instill a desire in students to do

for themself?

Next Steps:

Get rid of Day Planners

Teach to the teachable moment

Encourage parents involvement in Home & School

Helping parents to feel positive about education, especially for those parents who did not have a

positive experience themselves

When children, parents and teachers all know (have met) one another there will be fewer

behavioral problems – connection has been made which creates an expectation of all. You will

be a student, not just a number

Advocacy for all children – a link with Gov’t and Teachers’ Federation, support for one another

Recognize the steps in education that have occurred because of the participation of parents

through the Home & School Federation’s active continuous attention to gaps and successes

Collaboration – effective tool of Home & School – needs to be taken to next higher level


Parents are models Teachers change but parents are constant

Proud parents = secure children

Communities solve problems


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6. Role of Teacher-Librarians and School Librarians

Notes and Ideas:

Teaching the information process

Big picture learning


Maker spaces?

Finding the joy

Making learning “FUN”

Critical thinking skills

“Mining” students for interests to help excite them

Teaching research skills

Supporting literacy

Partnership with public libraries

Information literacy

Evaluation skills

Encouraging curiosity

Directive is a step in the right direction IF FOLLOWED


What are the inequalities for our students due to different staffing and funding models?

How do we support teacher-librarians to continue and expand to develop and support teacher

abilities and comfort levels?

Teacher-librarians feel guilty fighting for libraries in schools when we know the demands on

resource, mental health, class size issues.

Next Steps:

Better understanding of benefits and roles for administrators



School Libraries and Teacher Librarians are Vital to

Learning and Growing

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7. High School Co-op Program and Independent Study Courses

Notes and Ideas:

Gives students a job experience that may help with admission requirements

Currently may pose a problem because not all students have the flexibility in their schedules

In some areas, the Co-op Program is offered in the summer

Have people from the community come into the schools to talk to the students


Does the Co-op Program have enough visibility? The right perceptions?

How can we use technology to bring people virtually into the classroom?

Next Steps:

Increase the positive perception of the Co-op Program by sharing success stories among teachers,

students, and parents.


Co-op Program takes centre stage

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8. School Governance

Notes and Ideas:

Who on PEI has the actual authority to make decision in Education?


What is the role of the DAC?

Will our Premier agree to the election of school trustees?

How do we achieve more inclusive decision making at a local level?

Next Steps:

Communities need to move forward without permission and demand a meaningful say in educational decision making


Communities Achieve Local Decision Making in


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9. Finland Education and Beyond

Notes and Ideas:

Philosophy of Education starts with pregnancy – (pre-natal)

Health, Social Services, Nutrition

True “Hug School” services for families/students

Learning inside and outside of school

Tied to communities

Nature education important, Ecology

4-day school weeks

Growth here in Montessori, etc.

“Whole Child” philosophy – parents engaged in this process


Social economic barriers now here

Outdoor classroom here at Mt. Stewart

How do we eliminate barriers for parent and community engagement and positive role models

for community members and others who have skills to share (gardeners, mechanics, “picklers”

etc.) ?

“Light a fire not fill a bucket”


How do we make learning age-appropriate based on new child development research?

How do we foster things like empathy, co-operation, collaboration in students, not just think about test scores?

Is it possible to do this in a diverse community i.e. cultures, social economic factors, meet needs of all students?

Next Steps:

Challenge PEI to do a pilot of a “hub school”

How do we build engagement we had in last year’s discussion around schools and broaden it to education/learning

Have greater inter-generational and inter-cultural learning in order to deepen empathy and learning

Finland project based not so tied to disciplines – thematic – look at this

Life skills – Learning skills – outcomes show successes


Adopt Holistic Learning Philosophy to Strengthen Education, School System and Communities on PEI / Finland Rocks – Adopt Model to PEI!

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10. Competency-Based Learning vs. Grade Grouping

Notes and Ideas:

Multi-level classroom

Student centered vs teacher centered

Flipped classroom concept

Universal design for learning

Proficiency – mastering skills

Reach back concept – reactive for gap filling

Zero streaming and labeling

Small group learning

Year to catch up

Progress monitoring


What to do with students who are not ready for credit at high school?

Is there a way to incorporate within the existing structure?

What life skills need to be part of this change?

Next Steps:

Resources for independent study

Support from the administration


Small Steps to Incorporate Competency-Based Learning

Within Our Existing Structures

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11. Universal Design for Instruction

Notes and Ideas:

Open questions

Tools – different

Choices + opportunity

Process creates lots of opportunities

Stations – skills

Reach every type of learner

Barriers against race…


Is grade levels restricting?

Next Steps:

Cut the homework!

Multiple intelligences

Observe your students

Play cultivates creativity at all ages. Content learning….


Educational Framework for Applying UD for Learning




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12. Learn to do by doing

Notes and Ideas:

Heritage Fairs

Kids are play based, hands on, tactile

Bricks for Kids

Take time, Make time, Spend time

Home Economics classes

Culinary Programs

Moving from a product education system to a process based system (centered around the

learner not subjects)

Small libraries

Life skills (Red Cross)


Junior Achievement

Acting – Drama


Taking ownership

Home & School


We not They


How do we connect success stories? Pass on information?

Can the curriculum absorb these ideas and prepare our students for the workforce and having

empathy for their fellow human beings?

Information overload – Misinformation, Time to analyze what information is correct

Next Steps:

Project Based Learning

Coop Learning – More understanding of program

Independent studies

External Credits ex. 4-H, Music, Duke of Edinburg, Academy of Dance etc.

Self directed learning (Starts in teacher training)

Empower parents, teachers (students as the centre)

Provide tools to use library, labs, use public libraries

Book mobile

Use available resources



Children Remember Best When They Do. Be a Doer,

Leader. All Learning Starts With an Interest. Hands On.

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13. Synergies between formal and non-formal learning sectors, opportunities

for experiential / place-based learning

Notes and Ideas:

Knowing what’s out there in non-formal sector

Community schools go on line?

Co-op in High Schools (existing experiences)

Academic diploma programs (existing experiences)

AirBnB experiences – model for what we can do


Where are the opportunities?

How can we facilitate them?

What are barriers to experimental learning?

Identify breakdown

Next Steps:

One- stop shop for life-long learning (on line, listing all, push information)

Identify how we can make each other aware of the opportunities that already exist

Support teachers in incorporating new experiences


Experiential Learning for ALL!

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14. Interface between high school and post-secondary – grades

Notes and Ideas:

80% is not 80% -- school to school variance

Exam to get into University/College

Adaprive assessments

IB Program

Theory of Knowledge

Creativity, Service and Action

Not % grades

Lacks physics at Rural

Liberal arts program

75% grade marked externally

Alternate assessments:

Observations, conversation, product

Competency based vs. outcome based – Can university be competency based?

% Grades net deficit; don’t motivate properly; valued for wrong reasons; society

Work for yourself rather than mark!


What should we really be measuring?

Should educators be doing assessment or even monitoring students for testing?

What would be different if you didn’t have to worry about grades in high school? Next Steps:

University competency exam

Shift to IB type levels rather than percentages


To Mark or Not To Mark?

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15. Transitions

Notes and Ideas:

Learning is lifelong; Learning can be accidental; Learning can be holistic

Do students start school too early?

Moving information

Transition from high school to outside high school


Mental health through transitions

Transactional, transitional, transformative

Moving through the system:

o Do we have a common language?

o Are we communicating (?)

Transition means change

Stigma around being ready to change and transition

Competency vs. grade-based

Students should be able to look ahead and behind

Questions: N/A

Next Steps:

Misunderstanding of terms – language – training

How do we get on the same page?

Practicing a competency approach

Defining transitions from different perspectives

Consistency to promote learning

Fix broken steps

How do we talk to one another?


Transitions – a Lifelong Journey

Transition thinking

A good way to look at learning

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16. Youth Projects – STAR, SEAM

Notes and Ideas:

Guest speakers

More time for budgeting

Interview skills

Participants led the program

Police officers – ‘bots’ can see everything you do on social media – police officer as guest


How can we connect to students: “Spit out the truth.”


Apartments for youth: Difficult to find apartments

Is there room for mentoring?

Supports for teenagers that need help (other programs in other jurisdictions)

Next Steps:

Funding - $0 Funding to start with

People in education deciding to keep it going

Sponsorship / philanthropy

Public awareness

Connections – sharing of information and resources


Awareness of the great work participants are doing

Talk more about mental health

Help students who are under the radar

Beds and resources for mental health


Youth needs more help on PEI!!!

Expand STAR and SEAM. Apply the same principles. Increase the capacity.

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17. Adult learning – bringing under-represented groups (who?) into the

workforce (where?)

Notes and Ideas:

Stigma with self-identifying e.g. Parents’ ability to assist children

Creating a culture where people can identify strengths and build skills e.g. Hub University

Lots of programs in place now (competition for limited & and lack of communication) e.g. Life-

long learning

People trying to fit within project eligibility, rather than looking at people’s needs

Competition for project funds

Consistency with programs (better known)

Philosophy of learning that includes all ages

Islanders need a space to dream (tied to their needs, where they are now and where they want

to be)

People’s life experiences are not linear

School was a bad experience for a lot of people


Where do people find supports?

Where do people access resources e.g. Internet and info?

What are the “real” competencies needed (not education) for jobs?

Next Steps:

Take successful WLPEI models out to whole Island

How do we get message out, engage strategy (TV, computers, etc.)


Skilled Island Workforce Grows / Unemployment Rates


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18. Does the job market on PEI reward the values of creativity, risk taking?

Notes and Ideas:

Culture PEI (Mark) – connecting outcomes and incomes

Side gigs, Christmas fairs

Contract culture (“I drink coffee for lunch”) – not sustainable, very stressful

Would a short-course based Arts School on PEI

PEI Storytellers

The Hive – Incubators

Underground network of artists / entrepreneurs


Are the systems stodgy? Yes

Is art / creativity valued? (Yes ... Not enough!)

Next Steps:

More networks!


More $$ for arts!

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19. How to explore career options

Notes and Ideas:

Explore careers in secondary school

Explore careers at a young age – K-12

Be entrepreneurs

Career is not linear – what does cluster look like?

Experiment with options – AVC Vet Camp, movie production

Educational expectations:

o It’s ok to go to university

o It’s ok to study trades in college

o 2 + 2 avenue – A+

Should guidance counsellors be giving career advice?

Apprenticeship? Early beginning, 7, 8, 9

Summer break – opportunity for external learning


Liaison to work between schools / organizations / industry and guidance counsellors

Grade 7 (junior high) explore opportunities earlier

Unleashing potential – creativity … how do we explore further?

Manage – think for yourself

Questions: N/A

Next Steps:

Embrace and accept and trust people’s choices

Employment – difficult, always changing

Reality – difficult to obtain employment


Embracing Employment Realities!

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20. Mentorship Network “We are all teacher-learners.”

Notes and Ideas:

Valuable, Proven Philosophy – We all have (expertise) something to share – one-on-one support

Kijiji Idea – Just in time mentorship – Informal Connection

Community Focus - Huge untapped potential – 2-way street – speaks to demographic changes –

we will lose the knowledge

Nurturing not just skills, but also relationships

Provides contextual perspective (can relate, interest)

Intergenerational – could be formal/informal part of an onboarding process ...

What exists?

Small business start up

Career development services (idea to support students)

Mentoring “subjects”

Skills (soft & tangible) }

Modeling } Create deeper community ties

Transitions – immigrants – older workers }

Links to health


Would we all participate? YES!

What about new immigrants?

Can mentorship start? To interact – To appreciate – To use skills

What can mentorship look like? A physical Hub?

When should mentoring start? Any age?

What about older workers?

Use money to mentor instead of re-skill

How do you respect older workers? Through employment transition

Next Steps:

Form a working Committee

Bridge with Government – Learning Partnership (DAC, Hailey) – Health & Wellness (Craig)

Put a formal plan into action


We Are All Teachers - Learners

Page 28: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

21. The Role of the Arts in the Context of Learning

Notes and Ideas:

Students advised to take math and science courses for career prospects

Foundational Learning – The Arts

Whole learner – Head – Hands – Heart

Visual Art portfolio necessary to Engineering

Take students to art Galleries

The Art Engage!

Art 5% curriculum – Music 5% curriculum

Academy Diploma Program – Arts & Culture

Visual Arts is foundational for numeracy and literacy!


Is it necessary to go outside public school system for Arts education?

What is the VALUE of the Arts?

How do we integrate arts into the secondary curriculum? Stem subjects often sole emphasis for


Next Steps:

Project Based Learning

STEAM Projects

Art for Arts’ Sake

Cultivate Arts Appreciation

Academy Diploma Programs

School trips should have Art component

Cultural exchange

Strengthen Cultural Sector for Economic reasons



Page 29: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

22. Starting a non-profit for STEAM

Notes and Ideas:

How do we get into the school programs?

How do we “build stuff” as a group in the community?

Grow the curiosity

Look at other established models i.e. “let’s talk science” partnering

How can technology be more integrated in schools?

Develop pre & post visit activities

Communicate with teachers

Workshop with teachers

How can the community develop ways to enhance public education?




Next Steps:

STEAM can reach out and collect names/money who would be able to go into schools

Make connections with Department of Education


Not-for-profit can be the connector between experts

and schools.

Page 30: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

#LearnDay Notes: Opening Question, Open Space Conversations

What opportunities are you seeing for learning and innovation on PEI?


Develop and create opportunity for partnerships

High school credits for external (outside school) activities (4-H, Music, Sports)

Non profit to work with the teachers formal/informal

Opportunities, ongoing work and partnerships with community organizations and businesses

e.g. Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Opportunity to support holistic lifelong learning

Changing the system:

What if we didn’t have PISA? More autonomy in learning decisions

4-H – Learn to do by doing – Key to learning. How do we do this in the classroom and still fulfill

the requirements of the classroom?

Get hands dirty, make videos either science or art, appreciation, all starts with the willingness to

try. Observation of others. Use our substitute teachers in their area of expertise.

Have volunteers come into the school and assist with those experiencing difficulties. We need

an opportunity to break the rules. Everyone gets what each needs. Some kids need quiet

teachers, too.

Writing life stories with people in community. Students, seniors, hospice, music therapy, art

therapy. Learning about tech challenges – address them. E.g. Snow plowing/improving IT

Opportunity to determine goal of learning for PEI

Early interventions

Start up zones:

Innovative and supportive space

Pop-up ventures and innovation. Pod casts? Conferences. Communities of practice. Book clubs,

writing groups, fiddlers’ socials

Need more opportunity to explore careers on PEI in person and be aware of all the services and

programs and events – central location

Groups and individuals addressing specific needs – entrepreneurial approach

Small Island so try it out “pilot schools”

Remove barriers and create access to learning:

Make opportunities for learning more widely available – break down barriers

Remove barriers to accessing programs (travel, cost, knowledge)

Leadership: Women in Politics – a real need in PEI

Invest in developing healthy environment when young, builds on more complex learning.

Finland model nature education

Page 31: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

o Play based, nutrition, healthier

Socio-economic barriers need to be addressed.

Encourage Curiosity and New Ideas:

Continue to invest in community spaces that value learning and sharing – public libraries!

Don’t forget about Mental Health! Needs to be a priority

Open K-12 system to allow for more community connections and specialist sharing

Meet children where they are at with their interests

How do we encourage “new” ideas?

Opportunity to rebalance learning journey vs. destination

Ongoing conversation about bias, stigma, and what we live that inhibits change in our views on


How do we foster curiosity/enthusiasm and allow it to drive the process?

Our people:

We have as many opportunities as there are Islanders

Non-traditional learning opportunities:

Encouraging learning after school hours

How do we challenge each student?

Embed experience in learning

Mental literacy – more intimate learning opportunities through relationships – new approaches

like horse therapy

Seniors’ College

Learn about the world around you

Non-traditional formal opportunities

Value different styles of learning and motivations for learning

Embed learning in experiences

Development of peer support network and training opportunity

Community Schools:

Mobilizing local volunteers to move educational change forward

Adult/Senior education, community gardens

Inter-generational groups

Intergenerational learning, e.g. gardening, learning how to pickle, BOAST (Bring Older Adults and

Students Together), LOVE (Letting Older Volunteers Educate)

Learning from experience

Youth Programming:

Life skills/support

Page 32: #LearnDay Notes: Reactions to Keynote Speaker George Couros · 2017-12-28 · ^The smartest person in the room is the room. We can do so much together! How ... Innovative and supportive

Communicating our stories:

Call-in shows, there is too much content on-line, isolation

- Island Morning, Twitter, CBC, podcasts

Create a centralized resource:

A central resource “Kijiji” like for linking needs in the community with resource providers.

“Education advisors” in the community to help make linkages between needs and opportunities

in the same way we have accountants, doctors, etc…

Is there any type of mentor-matching that is centralized?

There is a desire for schools to use more community mentors, but we don’t know who to

contact or what the possibilities are

Our existing programs – Horizons & Start:


Skills link

Youth garden project Morell (SEAM)

Start to apply right (STAR)