Lead Management Detailed View

© SAP AG 1 ©SAP AG 2007 Detailed View of Lead Management SAP CRM 5.2 – Marketing


lead management

Transcript of Lead Management Detailed View

  • SAP AG 1

    SAP AG 2007

    Detailed View of

    Lead ManagementSAP CRM 5.2 Marketing

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    Lead Follow-Up

    Lead Creation and Generation

    Lead Distribution Methods

    Lead Management Overview and General Functions

    Lead Analysis

    Further Information

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    Marketing analytics

    Marketing capabilities in SAP CRM

    Web and e-mail Partners

    Direct mail

    Call center

    Field sales


    Predictive analytics

    Lead management

    Lead generation

    Lead qualification

    Lead distribution

    Segmentation and list mgmt.

    External list import

    Segments and list mgmt.

    Marketing attributes

    Campaign management

    Multichannel execution


    Dialog marketing

    Mkt. resource management

    Strategy and planning

    Budget and costs


    Measurement and reporting

    Customer analytics

    Forecasting and planning

    Branches or stores Wireless

    POS and ATMs

    Optimization and refinement

    Product analytics

    Trade promotion management

    Business Planning & Perf Mgmt.

    Trade Promotions

    Retail Execution

    Lead Management as Part of SAP CRM Marketing

    Note: This is another slide that gives a high level overview of the overall marketing capabilities. You can use the

    Speaker Notes:

    This is building blocks that provides an overview of our Marketing capabilities:

    The customer is the focus at the top, and all the customer interaction channels are integrated with the marketing capabilities. Both inbound and outbound channels (direct mail, call/service center, email/web, field sales, partner organization, branch stores, POS/ATMs, wireless, fax, sms, etc.).

    Under the Marketing solution:

    MRM: first we have Marketing Resource Management capabilities which includes Strategy & Planning at a higher level, budget and cost management, brand management capabilities which includes Digital Asset Management, Product Development Management, and other collaborative marketing capabilities.

    Segment and List Management: provides capabilities to import in external data like rented or purchased lists, create new customer attributes, and an easy to use graphical, interactive segmentation and list management tool.

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    Campaign Management: SAP provides marketers the ability to execute marketing campaigns through multiple channels, both inbound and outbound channels: phone, mail, email, web, fax, SMS, etc We also have the ability to plan and execute dialog marketing campaigns. Dialog campaigns are pre-planned two way customer interactions that unfolds over time, every interaction is personalized with relevant information because it leverages information from previous interactions.

    Lead Management: SAP provides a complete lead management solution that allow users to manage lead through its full lifecycle process. Users can generate lead, qualify them, and automatically distribute them allowing sales agents to effectively follow up on all leads.

    Trade Promotion Management: SAP provides a closed loop process around trade promotion management. Centralized fund planning and forecasting capabilities along with tracking and settlement capabilities as well as end result measurement.

    Marketing Analytics: SAP provides a robust set of analytics from basic reporting to advanced analytics around customer and products as well as predictive models/scores and optimization capabilities.

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    Sales Cycle and Closed-Loop SAP CRM

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    Lead Follow-UpLead Distribution

    Lead Processing in SAP CRM

    Lead Creation andGeneration

    Lead Creation

    Lead Generation

    Campaign Response

    Lead Qualification and Follow Up

    Rule-Based Distribution

    Direct Partner Assignment

    Lead to Opportunity

    Lead to . . .


    EnhanceLead Information

    Contact Sales Prospect

  • SAP AG 7

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    Lead Processing Features

    Streamlined process from marketing to sales

    Lead creation across all interaction channels

    Campaign-related lead generation

    Automatic qualification with (multiple) context-sensitive survey support

    Rule-based distribution to the best matching partners

    Integration in channel management and collaborative lead processing with channel partners

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    Lead Processing Roles

    Various roles use lead processing . . .Sales ProfessionalMarketing ProfessionalIC AgentChannel ManagerPartner Manager

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    Lead Processing Benefits

    For Your CustomersImprove response rates to customer requestsBetter understanding of customer needs

    For Your CompanyHigh-quality leads increase revenue generationAccelerate the process from first interest to closed dealImprove close rate by sales organizationReduce sales time and costCapture, qualify, and distribute leadsTrack the progress of each lead with the systems closed-loop monitoring

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    Lead Information (1)

    Customer and prospect; contact personSales employee responsible and additional sales employeesInternal and external partners

    Start and estimated end dateStatus of the lead and reason for the status

    Manually defined lead qualificationAutomatic qualification based upon results of individual evaluations

    Lead groupOrigin and priority of the lead

    General information

    Sales cycle



    Sales cycle

    The following sales information can be recorded in an opportunity:

    General / partner information (see unit for Partner Processing)

    Information about the sales cycle

    Forecast data

    In each phase of the sales cycle, you can decide whether or not the data for the expected sales volume of a product or service should be entered for the sales volume forecast. You should only set the indicator for forecast relevance if you are sure that the opportunity is likely to be completed successfully.

    Information about classification of opportunities

    The following data is used for classifiying opportunities, and provides the basis for global analyses and evaluations:

    Opportunity groupYou can carry out an evaluation of all opportunities, for example belonging to the group "New Customers", or an evaluation of all opportunities belonging to the group "Longstanding Customers.

    Origin of the opportunity (for example, trade fair)

    Priority of the opportunity for your sales

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    Lead Information (2)

    Create, change or display attachments (documents and graphics, for example)

    Sales organizationDistribution channelSales office and groupResponsible organizational unit

    Product information (product category and name, quantity, and unit of measure, for example)





    You can store further information on the other tab pages:


    In the opportunity, you can create, change or display different text types for your own use, or for your correspondence with business partners.

    Organizational Data

    Opportunity Management is integrated into CRM Organizational Management. The tab page Organization is only displayed if an organizational data profile has been assigned for organizational management for the transaction type. The organizational data (sales organization, distribution channel, sales office, sales group and responsible organizational unit) is then determined automatically. You can change the organizational data in the document or enter new data if a field is empty. If the data is entered manually, the system checks whether this combination of organizational data (e.g. sales organization and distribution channel) is maintained in the organizational model.


    If you do not know the exact product name or product category, you can enter a rough product name first. You will then receive an error message related to this in the message log. In this case, you can only save the opportunity as incomplete.

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    Leads in CRM Web UI

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    Different Channels

    Sales Pipeline

    Lead Qualification

    Lead Creation and Targeting

    Selling Contracting






    Status Process





    Lead Qualification Overview

    Analyze, learn, and

    grow customer

    Qualified Lead Qualified Lead

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    Lead Qualification

    Iterative and interactive process by which leads are repeatedly processed with the aim of establishing and improving the level of interest of a business partner

    Qualification level can be set by

    Certain Indices Use of a Survey tool

    Lead qualifier collects all kinds of informationLast orders, activities, service orders, products purchased, and so onInteraction with business partnerDecision based upon experience

    Predefined questionnaireSingle or multiple choice answersFree textBased upon the answers, a score is calculatedQualification level is set automatically based upon the scoreInteraction with business partner

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    Lead Qualification with a Survey

    Automatic lead qualification based upon survey answers

    Define qualification Helps the user find the correct qualification level

    SurveyQ: How many units do you want to buy?

    A: < 10 units

    Q: When do you plan to buythese products?A: > 6 months



    SurveyQ: How many units do you want to buy?

    A: > 100 units

    Q: When do you plan to buythese products?A: < 3 months



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    Add multiple surveys to the leadStructure the surveys by topics: service, product quality, customer shopping behavior, and so onDefine determination rules to preselect the appropriate surveys

    Integration of the Survey Tool



    Transaction type

    Date period

    System status

    Classification (priority, origin, and group)

    Organization dataMultiple assignment

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    Survey Tool

    Easy to use and user-friendlyFlexible tool for creating and maintaining surveys in a single interfaceAutomatically qualifies the lead based upon the survey answersNo programming necessary for standard configurationCan be adapted to suit customers requirements

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    Leads in Channel Management

    Efficient collaboration with channel partners Distribute the leads to the most appropriate external sales partners (channel partner)Monitor partner activities and lead statusIncrease efficiency of partner lead processing Improve response times and lead usage

    More informationOverview presentation on channel managementDetailed presentation on channel marketing

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    Lead Follow-Up

    Lead Creation and Generation

    Lead Distribution Methods

    Lead Management Overview and General Functions

    Lead Analysis

    Further Information

  • SAP AG 20

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    Lead Creation and Generation: Different Channels

    Lead CreationCRM Online

    IC Web Client

    E-Selling and Web Store

    Channel Portal


    CRM Online

    IC Web Client

    E-Selling and Web Store

    Channel Portal

    Survey Lead Generation







    Campaign Response


    ResponseE-Mail and Survey


    ResponseE-Mail and Survey

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    Lead Creation and Qualification with Interaction Center Web ClientProcess-optimized lead application

    Fully integrated lead application in the IC Web client frameworkOptimized for lead processing by IC agents

    Create leads directly from interactive scripting With survey: integrate the lead surveys directly into the scriptLeads created in the backgroundStreamlined and easy-to-use user interface

    Integrate one or more surveysCreate different leads, depending upon the script context

    No specific manual agent actions are required to create the lead

  • SAP AG 22

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    Leads with Response Import (I)

    Create leads based upon external dataImport of campaign responses from external data sources (marketing agencies)Create leads (or activities) as response documents including survey contentFully integrated with external list managementCreates and updates business partners and marketing attributesSupport of external campaign identifiers (campaign ID, coupon code, and personalized response code)Use the response documents to trigger follow-up steps in campaign automation

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    Response Import: Integration of External Agencies and Service Providers



    Target group


    rt c






    BP data

    Use incampaign automation














  • SAP AG 24

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    Lead Creation with Campaign E-mail Response

    E-mail campaigns: create leads based upon surveysSend out personalized e-mails for each business partner in your target groupThe e-mail includes a survey (with a link)The receiver or business partner answers the survey questionsThe system creates a lead and assigns the completed survey to the leadThe lead is already qualified based upon the survey answersIntegrated in campaign automation:The next follow-up step can be triggered, based on the answers and content

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    Lead Creation with a Survey

    OverviewCreate leads with a survey and independently of a campaign(possible as a project-based solution)Integrate lead creation with a survey on your own Web pageThe lead created here is already qualified based upon the survey answersA function module template is available to

    Create a new lead Update an existing lead Assign the survey to the lead

    More informationRefer to survey suite documentation

    Lead 4710Business Printer XDP3

    Sales Prospect: SmithStatus: Open

    Lead 4710Business Printer XDP3

    Sales Prospect: SmithStatus: Open

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    Lead Creation with Web Store

    Lead creation scenariosExplicit creationA customer showing explicit interest in products triggers lead generation by clicking a more information button, for example Implicit creationBased upon users behavior in the Web store, the interest in a product can be deduced based upon

    Survey analysisProduct information downloadDropped basket items

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    SAP AG 2007

    Campaign-Related Lead Generation

    Generate mass leads for follow-upBased upon a predefined target group of business partners external agencies, for exampleCreate an individual lead object for each business partnerUse a lead template to provide predefined information for the lead receiver

    Integrated with Campaign ExecutionLeads will be generated during campaign executionEach lead is related to the campaign for success measurementUse the entered lead data during qualification to trigger follow-up steps with campaign automation

    Lead Generation with Segment BuilderGenerate leads directly without relationship to a campaign

    CampaignXDP 3 Launch

    CampaignXDP 3 Launch



    Lead 4711Lead 4712

    Lead 4713Lead 4711

    Lead 4714Lead 4715

    Lead 4716Business Printer XDP3

    Sales Prospect: SmithStatus: Open

  • SAP AG 28

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    Lead Follow-Up

    Lead Creation and Generation

    Lead Distribution Methods

    Lead Management Overview and General Functions

    Lead Analysis

    Further Information

  • SAP AG 29

    SAP AG 2007

    Lead Distribution Overview

    Distribute the lead to the best matching partnerCreated and generated leads must be followed-up accordingly The best matching partner (internal employee, sales representative, external channel, and sales partner) must be assigned to the lead

    Lead distribution and partner assignment variantsBased upon the standard partner determination frameworkManual distributionRule-based distribution based upon predefined rules

    Distribution methodsWorkflow-independentWorkflow-supported (channel management scenario)

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    Lead Management Process (Channel Management View)

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    Lead Distribution Distribution Workflow to External Channel Partners

    Partneraccepts or

    declines lead

    The lead is distributed by workflow to the external channel partnerThe channel partner receives the lead in his or her workflow inboxShe or he can preview the lead and accept or decline itAfter accepting the lead, it is assigned to the channel partner for follow-upThe channel manager

    Has full visibility into information about the current status of the leadWill be informed if the lead is rejected or if there is no response to a distributed lead

    Leads for channel partners will be distributed by workflow

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    Lead Distribution Methods

    Manual distribution The business user can distribute the documents individually to

    An external channel partner An internal employee

    Semiautomatic (rule-based) distributionThe business user can interact with the system and review the proposed distribution results in the lead application

    Automatic (rule-based) distributionWithout any user intervention (batch job), the system automatically

    Selects the documents to be distributedDetermines the receiversUpdates the documentsNotifies the external partners (by workflow)

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    Rule-Based Document Distribution: Overview

    Rule-based document distributionAutomates the distribution process to reduce the amount of manual intervention wherever possible Provides system support in determining the best (channel) partnerSupports and automates exception-handling

    Business users can define business rules to distribute documents based upon

    Common sales prospect data and attributes (type, geographical location, marketing attributes, and so on)(Channel) partner data (partner type, program, and so on)Existing relationships between sales prospect and channel partnerDocument data such as products, lead qualification level, or opportunity phase

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    Enables business users to define conditions for processingdocuments and the appropriate follow-up actions

    Rule-Based Document Distribution: Details

    Create rules with the rule modelerMultiple business contexts user must select lead distribution or opportunity distributionRule components: conditions and actions

    Conditions are used to identify the type of documents to be selected for processingActions are used to determine the appropriate receiver of the document, define the appropriate status update (for example, distributed to partner), and update the appropriate partner function Sample rule: If the document is a channel lead and the lead qualification level is hot, then distribute it to a gold partner in the region of the sales prospect Partner responsibilities and qualifications can be used to route the document to a specific partner employee

    Nested rulesStaging environment

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    Rule Modeler Conditions and Actions

    Easily select attributes to create conditions . . .

    . . . and define appropriate actions for processed documents

    Example shows the lead attributes which are available for creating conditions and the actions are defined as distribute to a Channel Partner, update the document status to Distributed to Sales Partnerand stop processing rules once a partner has been found.

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    Lead Processing by Partners

    Enable partners to manage leads centrally and provide updates throughout the sales cycle

    Preview lead information Provide updates on distributed leadsCreate new leads

    Specific partner transaction that facilitates ease in reportingAccess to product information and qualification tools Defaulted partner determinationStatus management

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    Lead Follow-Up

    Lead Creation and Generation

    Lead Distribution Methods

    Lead Management Overview and General Functions

    Lead Analysis

    Further Information

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    Key account manager

    Follow-Up Processing: Automatic Lead-to-Opportunity Workflow

    Standard SAP Business WorkflowLead to opportunity workflow preconfiguredSystem routes hot lead to responsible sales employeeSales employee decides if opportunity should be createdAutomatic creation of opportunity possible based upon lead attributes


    Call centeragent


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    Lead Transfer Based upon Workflow

    Lead routing based upon qualification level (example requires setting up a workflow)

    Hot routes to sales Warm routes to call centerCold routes to channel partners

    Transfer can be done automatically Using standard SAP Business Workflow model in SAP CRMDelivered sample workflow can be adapted to individual needs

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    Manual Follow-Up Creation

    Create follow-up documentationCreate various follow-up documents: sales orders, quotations, and so onBased upon customizing

    Channel partner portal: lead to order on behalfChannel management process in partner portalChannel partner can create an order directly from the lead on behalf of a customer Document flow tracks the reference documentData is copied directly to the order in the Web store

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    Lead Follow-Up

    Lead Creation and Generation

    Lead Distribution Methods

    Lead Management Overview and General Functions

    Lead Analysis

    Further Information

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    Marketing Analytics

    Marketing analytics help marketing professionals understand how well their programs and campaigns are performing.Marketing professionals also get the information they need to understand customer preferences and demographic information for proper segmentation.

    External List Analysis

    Marketing Budget Planning

    1 Campaign Planning

    Target Group Optimization

    Marketing Plan Analysis

    Campaign Monitoring and Success Analysis






    Lead Analysis6

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    Lead Analysis: Business Questions

    How successful are different channels in a

    campaign from the point of view of leads?

    Can you tell me the efficiency of the

    work in lead qualifying?

    How difficult is it to transform a lead into an opportunity using

    the initial qualification level of a lead?

    Can you give me an overview of the

    leads compared to the different

    time intervals?

    Which of my leads were lost?Is there a primary reason for losing

    leads?Do I need a new



  • SAP AG 44

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    Lead Analysis: Content Overview

    Key Figures in Lead AnalysisNumber of leads with the status of

    OpenIn processWonLost

    Duration of leads until won or lostChanges in the qualification levelNumber of leads won(transformed into opportunity or contract)Expected order quantity per leadNumber of activities per lead

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    Lead Analysis Overview

    Wonlost AnalysisGeneral Related to product categoriesRelated to the assigned campaignsRelated to the lead originTransformation rate

    Lead DurationDuration in days until lead is won or lost

    Analyze the success and efficiency of your lead processing activities.

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    Lead Processing Optimization Proposals

    Quality of the leads and chance to turn them into realbusiness (based upon the qualification level)

    Rework the rules setting of the qualification levelOptimize lead qualification support with a questionnaireAnalyze why the qualification level differs from the final status of the lead

    Number of leads in current processingSmaller number of leads = fewer business chances = less real businessCheck marketing and market contact strategies: did you reach theexpected target group of sales prospects?

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    SAP AG 2007

    Lead Won-Lost Analysis General

    Lead wonlost analysis: get a general overview

    Get an overview ofThe current lead situation how many leads in which status and qualificationNumber and overview of known chances to make businessA first impression of the current, all-around lead quality

    This analysis provides a comparison of theStatus (open, in process, won, or lost)Qualification level (cold, warm, or hot)Related to the time of creation

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    Lead Won-Lost Analysis Product Categories

    Analyze leads related to product categories

    Get an impression of your customers needsWhat product categories are they interested in?Qualification level related to the product category: which lead and product categories have the best chances to turn into business?

    This analysis provides a comparison of theStatus (open, in process, won, or lost)Qualification level (cold, warm, or hot)Product categoriesRelated to the time of creation

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    Lead Won-Lost Analysis Campaigns

    Analyze your campaign success related to leads

    Get an overview ofThe number of leads compared to each campaign and campaign elementThe qualification level: did we reach the right target group?The quality: how many leads could we turn into business (won)?

    This analysis provides a comparison of theStatus (open, in process, won, or lost)Qualification level (cold, warm, or hot)Campaign elementRelated to the time of creation

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    Lead Won-Lost Analysis Origin

    Lead origin analysis get an impression of your channelsEvaluate the origin of the lead compared with the status and qualification level

    Visualize the rate of the maintained originsShows the success and status rate of each originOffers drilldown to qualification-level spreading for each origin, related to the lead status

    The lead origin is independent of optionally assigned campaignsThe origin is only lead-relatedA campaign can also be assigned to the lead

    Optimize your lead origin channels based upon these results

    Campaign and contact strategiesQuality of inbound channels: interaction center, Web store, and so onExternal lead sources

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    Lead Won-Lost Analysis Transformation Rate

    Won leads transformation rateWon leads rate = success rate

    Get a general overview of the transformation rate of won leadsEasy success analysis reduced to the lead qualification level

    This analyses provides a comparison of theQualification level (cold, warm, or hot)Transformation rate (percentage) of won leadsRelated to the period of creation

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    Lead Duration

    Lead duration how long does it take to win or lose a lead?Get an overview of lead duration

    Until won or lostCompared to the qualification levelRelated to the time of creation

    Lot of leads but do they become business in time?Market feedback: how long does it take after the first contact until customers decide to buy?Market indicator: the need, the positioning, and the right target group?Market behavior: first forecasting not monetary, but timeline relatedOptimize your lead follow-up strategies

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    CRM Knowledge Transferhttp://service.sap.com/okp > SAP CRM 2006s/2 External access: Program Conditions for SAP Customers and PartnersInternal access: http://service.sap.com/rkt-crm > SAP CRM 2006s/2

    Online Documentation (available at RTC)SAP Help Portal: http://help.sap.com/crm/

    CRM Roll-Out Maphttps://portal.wdf.sap.corp/go/crm-rollout-map

    Further Information

    CRM Field Informationhttps://portal.wdf.sap.corp/go/crm-field

    SAP Public Webhttp://www.sap.com/solutions/business-suite/crm/featuresfunctions/index.epx

  • SAP AG 54

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