lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s...

OLD:\IE XX. DOZE;\JAN, i\IO:\ITAXA, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1928 NU;\lBER:; MUSICIANS WJLL TO o_F BO_BCAT_s NE_xT s_'ATU_RDAY_Jj BOBCAT MEETS GRIZZLY GO TO BUTTE IN BAND PRtSENT SATURDAY ON GRIDIRON Large't Bobcat Band In )lontana Hbtory. X2w rniforms For Will .Join l'r.i\'ersity )Jusieians In ('ere- .. The Engagement" "' ill .\nnual State Football ('lassie \Viii Be Held al Clark Park In Butte. Thirtieth Time Teams Will Ha,·e ;\Jet. Special Leaves at 7 :00 monies Before Game. Be Gh en al Emerson ·rhe lar·<·I J:, hand t'1af gnnt• lo an f'Uhi<ll• J,!amr "i11 lo Butt1• on (ktohn 27. I. 1u Ho\\ard. director nl th<' Band, an- unc1s that this <1J.{J!ft.',.:al11 n. <·c;mpo ... u1 (1f 1"ifty nu.:n. \\ill bt'.' outfitted in \\ 1.:ollt.!:dat1· t:v:.1 unH· (1f cniur , hats. and ''hill' trousers. t:) will t;d,•· pan in :di t .t' c:olli.,..patt• that are held during- till" ) and \\ill unitt.• "ith till· C1rizzl.) hand in a lwfure the Fifty Picn·.., :\Ir. ll onard i... taldnJ! this uu1> of fift.' na·n on tri1> be.·· U"t' it J-. 00(' o( I hl' lllC>st im pOr· nt collq{e affairs of tlw ) ear. 'fhe nd h;i ... bl't'll 1>radiC'ing- \er) tl h for till' lhrt•e \\ t'cl'"s and ,.e · 'L'r.) con· that the ml'mher .. hip is com· std mo .... tl) •·f nt•\\ men. '!his \\eel.. JI bt· de' oted to h·arninc: school ... and march<'"'"· This is necessary cau:-l:' the nt!'\\ ha' not had :. chance to l<.>arn the c-ollt•ge 'Oll:!S i-. earl) in tht• s(>a .... on. I.cad Paradt• \.:.. 111 the la •\\o ;1. t 1e hand II lead the pa in l3u!te··. A:-. so n :1:-. thl'y h;..: · in;:;.hed 11 .t 1,; t n a ro-. ·t· "111 •·c :i11 v. )"- h 'nl. lt't I 1st' an \ 1 e1 dn lag-. "'hil1 is flo:iting- the r rl t tlt• two b;1nd :s will join n 'l 11 ,. "Tlw St a r l'.a1 ne ." .\H•ry J'rum \Jajvr ". tc-.. v" AHry 01mt·r Ilium )!ujor f" 'r the Hoo(':1 band. will be in Butte l i1I t . . :s rar t on t' 1110lt..'. I rt· ha:-. a.J vu y tilUl"h. in this ob ... ml w. 1 br abll' to gt·t the be:-t 1 .e- ult.-. out of the bant!. The ana <Oi.J d 111. t find a \\ith more .e,..!t· :-. rit : han thi former Bnbt·at 1:. l ,t, r 1 •1d th<'m tht. :s'e>.t Month CHOOSE T.\ LEN TED CAST o, ·er l CO Students Try Out Ji'ur Production. Miss Chabbuck To Direct The Tormt ntor:... l'luh. dramatic so· l'ic>ty of .:\lontana State L"olle;.cc . has resumed ctl'1I\1tie:-. t\ the pre:-:ent yu1.r und'-'r tht• dnt.>cti( n Clf :'iliss h. tue\ , who !-'ludied dramnu ..... at he l of Iowa thi:..; s.ummer. ·I he fir ... t p1odu1.:tion is to lw "1'1--e Eng-ag-ement" by St. John Hankin and will iJe g-1,·en :'\o\"emb<.>1 lti at he Fmt·rson auditorium. 'I he '!<::h•a.t 8pccia.1 lc-a\l"" Bozeman for l:utte, October 27. at 7:00 a. m. tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l "t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111 or other pcr-.on-; de!>Siring to to Butte for t?e I ng The " l>eciu l a rriH· in Butte at 10:1:> Haturday lhere will b.e a numher or. street ca rs at the 'or th ern Pacific dcvot to mt!et the tram. and thc"e "di tal\t' all pa s.stnl{er!-. to the Finlen Hot••I, Leff: Coach Schubert I" !!He the start .... rhe s pecial "di lea ' e Butte at 6:00 S. 0) che. o'clock Saturda.) e' eninj! and n ill ar· l'pp...-r: (\q>tain Fred I rl\ e in Bozeman at ai>i>rO'.\imatel) \\ill be the as a fart•, or ( hez. "hile th0!->2' whu don't g-o en Tit·ket Sale Thur .. cla.) the :-<pet·ial will have to pay $;).50, a : 1 u:kets "111 he on sail' all day fare and third. . '. I ' Jhur -.da), October 2:>. in 'lain Hall, , , );ted Books . \\1th a r t>p r e-sentat 1 , e of the orth· ... J, \nll have to t.akt" ------------------------------ (;'rn Pacific in ch arg-<._ There are t"o >tudent act1nty as thb aclrn1t reasons \\ h) the students shoul d bu\ th.em to t,ht> g-ame. Coup in numb-<•r G PLANS READ Y FOR GRID ' ATHLETES their tickets in ad,ance; fir,t, to :'· 1 1! h<- ta<en at.the >tud<·nt an f\ a ' uid the tremendous ru sh for ti ckets] ,hen the hook \\·111 c.1:cI1111t tht· ('h:H·r lm1u.:r.soriat ing at the depot Sat urda) mornin g; 1-'eC· :-:tutlent to the student se1·t10n. The "The ( a>siles Engai::ement" is an PARADE IN BUT11E I BANQUET GUESTS t.nd, the number of coaches "hich go b' •k mc1eh- needs·'" be >h<>wn lo l:ndish l"OmeJ(;'y u( man111 1 an<l t·on- to J'utte will be determined h) th<.> usher. arL" five selt1on of. ti'" 1a ,. '\'it.t\· dial>μ:w .. and L'ompli· __ 1 ___ ad,ance ticket sa le. r(> erved or :J.[ontana !"t.atc· ( atl'tl siluatiuns make it f:\"<.'l"V bit as It \·ery imporhtnt that < dlL'2e students. Th_e will sit as "So Thi.-:; ls London,'' I Band \\'ill Lead. 8a 1ne Line of Bozen1an Honor n_rnkc up hi.:-- mind bt::fon: a hen.hes. on th(;' t'.el1! d 1 1ct·tly 111 .. tR 0 H AN SW [R i. March As Last Bobcats With Dmner .i<keL whether he intends 10 ,, 0 to . fa.nt of th< ,tudent se """ ,,. J: omment one anti is thl' ont. lhat Year Last Ni g ht '1 and return to Bozeman on.the I e\eivnne "ill love. is the l<rn II ; ,. -- lOSE TO ntinued on Tilree) Tht prindpal .:\loutan: dc>1)1· I he annual I ep banquet 111 honor ol 1 --------------- 1 l'nstration ;n Bulle "ill bl' the par-• the liobcat foot.ball squad and their 0 E BRUIN PRESENTS , a·le which will start a 'oon as the coach was !!i' en at Byron's Cafe last Dy CHE'S MEN \\''ILL irt.Cllir Lou Ifo,\ard, \\ho is taking lar gr-.1 Buhcal Band in the history the lo the )lining City. d do their part in it as big as it ha:,, bc(;'IL B\· re men. :\Ir. H war I i.o make s a more ID<.'JlWt able sce·nc than r before .. .\Lter tnr parnde the hand l bam1uct at the Sihcrbow Club I then go lo (lark J.ark for the me. U..'lnds Will Cnite Be fore the g-ame bE.'gins tht Bobc:at sicians will join the (irizzly band the center of the .field to- ther they '' 11 1 lay: "Stars and ·pes Fon:\·er"' foilowcd by ":\Ion- OXTAXA ST.\TE _ \L UMN I A:'>D BOOSTERS TO D!. "E The hanquet !or )lontana State 0:5t1:rs and we!I as m11i of the institution, will ht! held the banqut't room of 1 u. ..::ii\, BrJ,,. lub in Putte the J arade. he meal will be.1odn promptly at 1Joon tha t all who altt'mi will ha\·c a11.pJe e +o g-et to Clar:< Park lo: th< n;c. The <.>rro11eotb idea th,1t the fair exdusively for ft.I. S. C. um ni has bten explided. "All Bob· t whc:thl'r they Le alurnm, zemun or from any purr t••Untry. are cordially in\'ited attt-nd." savs :Jlr. Elwood ::\!orris o i:- in t'hu;ge of the· ai'fair. The banquet as a n1eeting- ce for peopll! who haYe not met for e time, and ii- a general "pep" eeting for the older pcoplt. !\atm·- y, the stud nt bod\' umnot be in· ed. )!embers of th•: Bobcat Band ( ( untinuetl un t:.:e 'j hi t-1 ) G l l \ M s G 1 A GE us c ear:-: at the de.pot to take fang and :'\lore than a huntht:tl 11>)'<.tl boosters BE IN CONDITION D N Ro REW roctc" t<> the :\e" !•mien Hotel. and were to sho:'· \\ 1e1 e :.he parat!e- the-11· appree1at1on an<l conf1<lence m I I I I Lead b,· the Bobcat Band followed < oath Dyche and hb paL·k of -- Thirt) -l\\ O First Year :llen .i.t- Earl)- Seaso n - immediately by the Fangs, Spurs. and who will battle the University next I Worden and Kleffman Out r o1 I -- tend Opening l\Ieeting · Injuries Nearly the rest oi the student body, all of Saturday in a determined effort to Good But Gardner 'Viii Third Defeat Puts Colorado Cleared lip Chinske Cap- "ho111 "ill wear their colors . and as b1eak the long succession of de- "t· t G 'f h 0 t f C f of Year tains Grizzly Squad many a:- po:s:-;ible their Dlue and Gold feats that ha'c b('cn accorded tht..m. ame 1 eac e rs u o on erence M.\TERIAL Search Finds Many With Ora- turical bility to Form 1929 Squad T. :, y.t\' o :.m:;;wercd the c.tll la:.t \Yt>dne...:day eYen:ng in the 111c<.tinl!. Tnc plan for th: \\a'S outlined. It co nsist eg,3entially of coni;>ctith·e .·· 1u1.s Ea< n one is to l!'iYe an eip:ht ••• n:t. :l' sf,1..•cch on the iun qut•s tion, c-nd b to follow 1.:p \\;th .:i four minute iebuttal. Out of the total num'>er t.1 yin.l?" out a squad " ten will be This will be th> offical rro:ih <lt bate and the team will e from number bv com- ret'tion. · )Jaterial l'ronii...,ing The material for tro..;n debate is better this year than it has C\"er bc..o.en. This is probably due to the fact that 11. 'le L'aJe y:as taken to find 1Jttt \\hO t 1e dc:batc1 s were. ln formc:r \'ca1 s nly or tncsc· whose rc>quired it, tried out for tho squad. )b.ny debater;-; with experienl'£ neve1· malie knc\' n. This yt·c..r. howen:r, a searl'h for n was mude thru .. gh \'ctri- ou. c annc!s. .:\bny 01. tho e intend- i m. o en tel' the t. vout:. ha ve maclr uts records· in hi:..rh sl·houl e and oru.tory. leen re e;\e:J that the":cmd Pi l\.apra. DC'lta quto;;:tion has b1::ln chocs.:11. The t'X;1ct word111.z i'.-1 not available• but the que:;t.nn bN1rs. L<JA..::1 t'1e nhase uf jnrv tri:i.I. \\'cd.!k:-.:ia) )lembcrs ui Pi l ld1a and a:l tno:-e \\ishin1::,: to ti;,- out for alt> 1equ<'-;t<d to attr•nd a <i<.•- 1 a·.e nHeCng- '\"ctlntsday <.'\·enin;:: in :Hontana Hall at X:l.O o'tlo.k. At t ...: I will be formulatltl for th wo1k dc1in!.!' the ,·eaL ·1 · c a1·\' d«late st·ht•cluic ulkin.t? fut m. ..\ numbl'r o: ho:1w ckba.:c ((on,m1wd on Jctg-e Two) I lhe Parade will 1:10,·e west on Entertainment I -- I Race Thi s Year Park streC't to .;\lontan.a, north one Sinl!ing und speaking were the Th_e . squad is ham pt reel by .\ct:onJing- to thC' latest npnrts. from blc k to B1oadway then east to the main items o( int:A.:1esl included in the the mJunes to of the t1;1am. I t.hc Griz.zl}· camp their been Yinltn ll otei 'when· re pa1 ade P} "hich wa8 dieL-ted by Roy h_al_f .1s in the \VYLIE SCORES FOR CATS weakenC'<l by 111JUrtes. Ted I will dt:-band. h.t•1.:>ter. tonstmagtcr. Lo:; H oward I h.os-p1tal an append1ut1s 01w1a- :\lelinger. ha_s completely B:rnd ' Viii .Join lead s.ingir;g. . t10n and w11l_ be unable to wear .a suit Heavv S St . F "ls t St re,on·rcd from th<> mJunes that he, .\new feature this yem will be the This of entertamment has be- for the· remamder o.._ the year. \\ orden : now Olm al O Op C'ei,·ed from the games lc:ombining- of the Boz.en 11 and j_\ fi s- t'ome an annual affair in Bozeman, ,"ill be sorely mis:-;ed by his tt.-'am- ReJuvenated l\1ontana Squad. ,\·a;hin':!\ Sta.te .. Timmy ..;cl..!la b_nr.ds unde1· :.:. :-. .•• hie ::>E.'r,e!"'- no:: a of .t·x1)res:sio_n mat.cs \\:hen the:r th.e field .in Defrate Stars at Quarter. raltbac:k and Gord Jn Ro).!nhen. end j This w11l make up a and consist mer for the tow11...;peop!e in thrir t>nthu:s1- hut.e, h1::; mg m the :\e- re uf•·ering- from letr These of oYer one hundred nieces . Prior to a:-;m frr the team. Captain Zeck was in tatm:.: him as t:ne of th£: !en will be in or at ha:-;t ltht g-ame the•· will , 1 an:h onto the charge of for the din- outstanding men on the team. He has The Bobcats took the Bears from will to play by the time the field ad plav and the "Star ner la"t night. two more yeab to de\elop. "Curly'' Colorado Teachers into camp \).'.?, af- nnual {' 1 a!-'h c·omes up. Waldo Eke- Rpamdccl Banner." Fuither plan;-; will Gardner wag injmed early in tht. ter Ont of the hardest games of the has bet>n on the sfrk lbt. with an J 'Je announted at the 1 -ally. XOTICE! and hus not ::-1..-en mul'h action "ea. son. The pin) "a" 'nfel··ed foot but was to _get in 1 Two hundred BLt:e and Gold Th e flrsl meeting- of the :)lath- then,. be he wi!I be out in rni- the heavy fal the l!"ame ag-ainst the I which will probablv b.:: at tht! f rm t.o gl\·e e•,erythme- he has . Ott':-. t t ,!m. :5!10\\ \\h1t·h made ball and ag-ain--t St. Charles. Pep As ... embk for $1 00 will add ll , pen 11eld runnin.(!' and ability to pack 0 an<l frequent. (;cn<.>ralh· Stronl.!"er jnew fen.turl lo para;le. Hall Tu esda_,_ October 23, at 3:00 I'· the ball on end will mai\e a I a·l ·e· ntshltors were to · . 'i::luable men. Kleffman fl.n_ l 1 m e. g-ame on a sa ety after . bee-i: some Ill the I m. . iullb.ack from la.::-t ,·ears. squad a kick and dropping De1''rate Grizzly Imel.IP smce last. g-an11• SOP HS · FROS H . Prt.f. Hur ... t \\Ill en t_he has been on the lbt s.inl"t:' benmd his own gcal line. The Teachers and there will he ..;enral I J :l:t: ,.".\. )lathemahca l 'JC'\\ of lst•tr1.1:d and it i:-. doubttul if he will outplayed the Bob ab in e\'ery dt!· mo1e before the and thC' , The la st four e'en ts of the Scie nce . l-<' able to P t. f . tli .. ··t •. t partment oi the until they in their annual skin11- ! .scraps "ill be :un off to nit e at.;; ;00. .\II μtrl-'O"!lti are urgc..I to all ,-ea:. P d a be scored. and then the :Jlontnna team 1sh on the: 2rth. . . I If. the Sop h fail to appear, the li ro"h l be present. . in the due to iniuries he re· betame de:>perate and dropped the The gnzzly team is cons1d:rcd to '\Jn. , . eeive(l in the ?\ebraska g-aml. The B(:'ars on every attempt they made to bi· a i:rreat deal t.ln:; I . 'I he Plue nnd. can ''ave !ugh· l'Ct;t of the squad is in fine conclition <:a.rry the .hall. Poc_>r tacklinl? couple.I than 1t been for ... years. . Big and Dance in the I rst ne'.\.t Saturday if the i('ant get .. Hn<l should a goo<l arcount of it· with a shopery fi(_Jd pre,ented the (Contrni:ed on Page 1 wo) · (,) m :\londa)· 1r we "in. 100 support. On to Butt<.>! =--·If \\hen the time c.·omes. fiolxats irom the rushin"!" attack of the ns1tors nt first and e\·en Contest Next Saturday Is the Thirtieth Gridiron Clash Between Cats and Bruins The Bobt'at:s and Grizzlies meet in I 'lany 1elurn game at by lht..' dev the annual trucus ni:xt Saturdav for 1 Sinl'e there have been many of :m .. L the supremacy of the stale. will do.-.e games played betwet>n thl' In HJJ:J of the l'nn·ersity Lt.• their thirtieth C'lash on th<. i:rid· , lii.a!s . kkk{·d a fic•ld Larried tht Lall over for another 'i-0 ir-.;n. 'The Grizzlies have won the in tne final :10 sc<."ond:-.. of the 1H09 'icto1y. The return g:ame at .:\lissliula b\enty times. and th1:rt· have contest to it. to the Grizzlies. A :•g-ain 1esu}tcd in a \ictorv for tht• blen foul' tie g-ames. second battle was thu1 held attd the (11izzly squcld. The 1he fiJ:-.t tilt was !ought in BuLtal:-. \\Enl <lO\\n tt> dl'foat l:l-5. In ltll-i lirizz.1it:s had an un- \\ ti• tnt• l'nivC'1sity carrying- off the The i;110 \\Us t:l.-'feah•d team a11J t1oun the Bub- hr_,not :- with Hll \'frtory uftcr a Lyeaker tor th<.• t_he.· L"ar- c:1t.- Ag:ain l'Omplfrations :Wt in hai.1 f<·uo·nt hattle en a :-now l'OYered 11ed tne hall to th<..· l,nzz.l1t:'s three aml thtrL· wa:; no ga.nw ht•ld 111 1915, t Id. Th: followmi.r vea.r a series of int.:'.1 lim· only to lack the final punch this was due to scH'l;llJ! l)f rl'lations two game:-; was piaJ<'d. .\Jissoula pu.t it o\"er. A game ht<d Lt>twt"en tht• two s.·hools. Reserve Strength after the Blue and Gold took the Richards ha:-. been put in to fill uation in hand there was ynrclag"e Wcrdcm's position and t.:an be depend. made thru their line. The Teachers n< \er threatened after the\· made b1.: J'cnfield at the other half, Wyli\'.' their two points. . at full . and Grady at The )lontana's lone li11e ,,;11 have Gill at center, \'oc:t and s.core came earlv Chez at th<.> !{uanl positions, .:\.!arc>:-' in the d :and t'emmingse-n will hold the tackle3 i quarter on a run dcwn, <.ind the end:-> will be L'O\'cred b\ a Tr o. u n d end by 1 alo and Renn. There an numcrou's I \"'.\ ylte who d_odg-- otht'rs who will bL .able to :-:tep Ill in I and twustecl of injuries to of men. his way. over the They \\ill ulso hu'e the fitrht that will i.:oal lme. The g-o a long- \vays. toward winninU' any J after c-nme. I here "ill be manv men st1t•h blockmg a Teach· :ts Kc; ye:::.. who plays either c n<l <ir punt on their guard, llurd. another end, \Yellin).!tun, la mark as a quarter. \Yo1·thin).!ton, who ran tlO tried to get yatds .;t!!ainst for a touch· it out of. dang-er· du\\11, and DeFTate, perfor- ous territory. !Panel:' Inst ratL"s him in the There was \'t:ry litt e ath f 1 :-;t rnnk. ( etl on Pu.:t- Twn) >ROFESSOR MURRAY WAS {'l lt:'tged \'ktor bv the small marg-in lll )hssoula thl· i-:quad The feud \\a:-: 1cm•\,·..:d tltt' iol!uw f G-0 but l'ame ba.k in tht> next 1.-•mi;leted 11 out of l:i ing- year and c>ndL•d in a li·li ti ... \\hllt ; 111t to "in by a g-t'eatl•r score of 16- I w111 10·0. . , the Bcb<:at::; hung up six points by o. lJU(;' lo finant'ial difficulties in 1 he 11rs.t 011wst 111 \\t·nt four twL•nty yard J there ,.,.·as 11 0 m1:eting- of the two )fis.:;ouli:l wlwn Ow sh:)· :-ma!"'-h<.>d thru .1 he l'niH•l":-ity made by MAKING FOOTBALL FOOT ITS OWN BILLS /1V "THE NINETIES" AT PENN SUMMER SCHOOL the line fur a n and a 7.0 .Jene:.. I :\h.11 rar OJ th!.! Ll ic:d1 Is huols in the cvt111lrv in lt•al'hin l .. , .. ,:;, d(:'partii1l'nt SJK.'nt a. pot'· ' L'! h l•<l:-. and 111atkr in "\.,, 12 _ 11 in a very lightly contested I j \'l'lsity in the [mal of play football be addt•d to the list minating nktm·e of tht· prvgre:;.s mn<lt• Oil of the <luring- .luly, at lOUl:-.l'". h H i h I } or g-rowing- . .\m<.l'il'an infant indus· by this new or footb<.tll and S( ol for nL·aJ en- Enlt rtain1 d h) .Alumnae This \\as the or STOCK JUDGING TEAM " en entz Sl'Ol"el a tou 5 O\\ n. T le trie..;, l 1 ineer_ing teacher:- at th< l \\'hile at Pit' shun:, l'rofo-..so1· :J.Iur- 1 Jg- nm foi· the State (. ollcgc. The 1 1 '\ ar prevented a plnyP•l Pt'rhaps it'::;. a thing- that foot f !'•1·.1•. 1·lia111·. 1 . Thi· ,.' 1·,·1•• ''"•s· "11lc•1 4 ,·1 · 111••! ,·1t 111.1111,·1· 111 Lil<' following t\vo vcar:-. the C'ollege ('ar- in b II h b I I b · ... y - '"' '" "'' 1:t>cl of th(• anriual title b)' th< d<.>ds- WILL GO TO PORTLAND Ti e in HllH a as L'l'Olll'-" a sull' :-;uurce 0 \arc urmng- that it precipit.atetl u h<,c)I c:ond .. ct.c.·<l ·hy the !':iodety Pe.nnsykan.ia-Linl'o n Hot(;'!, by f.(l<.lll· 1·ash rl\'enue to ·m bittL•r I olitical b·1ttl i th · the Promotion of lih.les ol the elt tri,Hl l·IH!im•e r m r dt· ive s. m·p.,. of :H-O and \n ti the rtnjwal of the t·lassil' in Rolling: swards of Iit>lds an.j itr. Thar when ".·ith the c·ooJit..'l!J.ti .. 11 uf at l'. \ \'in Four t .. lt'd a. 6 1 .• 6 tie .. .\d! 1111 " mam1Pcth athletic stadiums throw in· who is now t'andidntt• for till' le of Pitbbur;: ancl the now em11lo\'ctl by th<· \\ t tm:.!"hou"'(· The " Cats" ran their string to four I --- ' 0 le· lll\"(•rsity ni:H t' a 01 'j.) tu pitiful t'Llntrast thl• olJ wetd bor. t!em y of tht· l"nitetl Stah·..;. \\U a Ek<"tn. aml :\bnufac (ompan:·. It \•as fir ,,t of trai!,!ht bY winnin1t tht.• g-amc again Tht• candidates Cur the \lontan:\ w 1 hil7 dL•red athletfr fit>hls ;u1d thC' 1110tlest senior in Ht wo 11 tlH• iring C'vm1>etny. Ov(•l' fvtt\ lc. t:;unr.., .:\{ ntana. c •Jll Alumnae fur n when they took the Grizzlies College .Ju<lidn.I! 1\•ams, "hiL'h t t>• <'l!e. '°tame g-rand:>.tand lind hll''hers of a.:. d ticn as or thP -..ttlllt·nt cm known t·n· .. in;t•rinl.!'" <:o!- yc·ars aml pr1 1 \erl a en· in 11 amp the tune of on a will 111 the !1l'ar fu_ture at · i:'l' t·,. .. . 1 ec:t· :.-;_l. 0 't f.!:r.· . . e hort a whilt' as fiflt-en n•ins ngo. ht.•·cau.s.e he rromhed to make •ces, the \\"P4mi;ious,e (' ompany, j \·at!<.· affair. ' rhc• 111<;11 \\hu attc·nde·l snowv !!lid1ron. Then t·ame a re- the Pa(·1f1.; l nternat.1onul L1veHt0<:k as. rai t>i 111 C'll m.t ll\C' m and a ans\n•r to the "'ln· r vthall pa,· its own bills. 1e Telephunt.: anti Tel«- the dinner and 1.1--c worL. nl'sa'l fo1· Bl;;e and Gold when Exposition held annualh· at Portland the third .quarter of th,· g-anw timentalizing old i:rad who moan:-; fo \\'hen he took offi<'e ht.: inheri ed a Company, ail'l "'<"H•ral publi c v \\'est:nJ!hOUS( "'...•ey \H•le u\·e1whC'lmed by the Griz- aie.w01king !rnrcl to set: re a berth ft 11 .ktul dG)· 1 . 1 :z!y the l'Olleg-e tlays lhat were. defil·it l"f pilt'd up tit« com1n-l·d the te.u·hing- ...:wff :\Ir. R. )lithe!, '20 is an .as- z!ics 'i!t-0. Thi.., is the largest score their re-::.pec:t.1ve teams. le<_! int.: m< ,in< .ll et c 0 Try and Jt<'t a tkkc•t at the Ins .Stanford football team during- th11 f tne Theit' were fifty-two ..;fant to the d1i<•f ol h•• 'lUl' •hat. has <•\'l'I' Lec:n run up in the an· Tht• Candidates trying- out for thP i rut 1 !. The little minult' to any bii.r football ,:amt'. t11· of 18113. That when '\'al· of e•ctril-al L·ng-int>t·rin:.r <' ·:tttnwnt. \lr Bt·Jt GiLb. ''.!l i:-: in nu:ll tla'-'h of the two Livest.o<:k team are Ra lph \.npu.i:wn JJ_? , 11 ' 1 j •• The are ull iillt•ci hy thost lt'r Camp wa::-;. t•oa<·h, too. Tlt>O\'l'r ',.!°:S'..eJ'l'"IJ at th tn11>1 tw l1aclion :--al"'!' dl•puldllt·nt. :\tr. In rno::i thel"l was fr1ct10n between \Tl.'C'all, BC'n Robmson, Lt•ster Suther- t:nded \\hose L'Ollcge expt•riC:'ll('e j.._ limil('d d his admin?strution with l!ion rt}·tW:> Sl""ltl<'H·il al l 'o\d w·. ':!;l j .. in tlw dr{·uit th(> st·hools and the gnmc. C'alle<l 'and. F'rank Ilough. ,I L•sst• H elm and j 1 . 1 , 1 cltGi}ld. ]he ti• hawlinC"" "The Swl·ctheart of and honor bC'eause he IC'ft :s:t,:100 i;, .. .\n PXl·el'.L•nt opnoi- "- rt Zikc·r nmkin,t.!' \ariou. ff four da)·s before the dale on f'avid Carpente r. 1 0 . :!l."? 1 .'" 11 Si .. ma Chi" in tune with nig-ht the bm1k to thl credit of the Stan· ·nny, was tho..;( at.tendin .... ).Ir. r harle:-;, '26 which it wa..;; schNlulrd. This frittion Grnin .lud gi n l! I Lcl<e hnc snM. l.ies . g:,l\t' tln 1.-l ,Jub orl'lwstra. l\lnyhc the,· ure de- forcl Athlctk .. \s a ma..;. _s:::100! t.n tom 1 ar(;' tht·ir mPthori.:... '!-": in ontiol of ft:n)!ineering- draflin . •rnlinue<l and thL' c·ontt'st. was tn lled for the Grai n t nttll' to _Gn?.z!J<.":'; .. tr a ding from the pun• cullt•i.dntc nt +pr f:nmwial for Stanfotd hJ1.'<t_mattn and Jaborato"v «quin· J 1 r. \YiJhi•n J':ik<da, i-. in rad:o c:'f titl.' two )''ears. The bnn Team are :\lelbourne Parke!', Ken neth \\ on in )Jinu tc mosplwre of footb.all g-nmc-s hut tht'y Ht.O\tr do:-..ed n. dt."ul \\ith ,\lunzo l'n• with tho''' of thl' <Jntdn<'f•r- ff! !-'an·h tind \tr. Butlon 1 ver-;, '':!.7 is was in following:- and Co Pe! y, Leonard \V i:1g" . \Villiam I. ln the Kl'eatt•st g-ames art" buihhng- studit:ms and liftinl!" et :il'h for the rniH•r-:itv of :-..i:h1 ls 1n tht• t•ountn· . ..\bou• ... ·x a ·ud<>nt <-'n c; ilH'(.'l' :111cl h:1s th• da"h ended m a draw. A return Shanklin . vnd l ee :\lart1nc ll. Olhcr Im the history ol tlw ll>ntest wa,.. held. debt.;; . <'\.iirat!'O, for a post sl•a-:·on in y:;, the S"' ion \\'(re dl•\'OtPd to ""llll' tinw in 11 ady j p!ant '"alllt' wa::. hl'l<l ut and the meml.el!-i of the aclvant'C'(l g rain ju cl g. "Bul kt" of the Uni-1 And us -:.hort a while as ten years HH"J.1 on a $L.0:)0 ).!Uarantet• 01' ..;Jwct1on of th:• ""e ting-h' &• Com- , > .,, 1 .unv c: {' ratt•o:t., havinl.!' be<·n 'n f:late Colle'.!<' enwrg-ed vitlorious intr dass, from whil'!1 thc> C'ancliclates versity pm:ked thP ball ow·r the• Inst ng-o colle!.!"es madt• Hire of full stu . rer <·ent of the J..!'i.ltl, -n hnnciful of ur:·: plant, at East l)ilt.,bur"' :rnd at· 1 \i:ladelthia. and Penn.: after F'rnnshnm, thc>ir stl•llar nte fr.r thP te;rn1 are n il'kecl are Her..;hcll nrnr!' to lhe Grizzlies n \idory of 7-tJ dent support of athlc>tks by addin!.? dimes accordinl.!' t> clay stan- nrl•nl'" lP.Ctures b\.· their y ... ".,, 1 k .. · . J.: South Ru1d : 1 rncl shook off four tacklt:rs and ran :l:> Hurd, Ha ne,· Olson, l\klver, l''.'it_li. onlv four :->N·onds for the )thl:' cost n ttthlc:til· ti. cket to dn111s but a lot of money th(.•n and a aff. stated that rhh·ag-o. 111.: )Jr. IL IL \\ilk1<'. yards forn touchdown and thl' only A rthu r and Jhrb C' rt De \r1es. f1111.-:;h. Tt'1.l lllmnn 01w ol tlw matnculauon fe<". :\ow football rc-,•orll hrt'akint? crowd of 1,SOO maclE" ontana Collete Compan<l !av· w 10 hH'l .iu"t aiTh'l•d ;it thut time had 1 score of the game. The score being I Th e Grain Juchdng- 'I' ea m is com· j tile backs of the l"niversity ma cit• it a J til-kc-i s have inb the hands of both hnJ)P" nnd g-an· Stnnfut<l rably \\,lh the best engineering, (Continued on Page Two) 5-0. (Continced on Page Two) (Continued on Page Three) scalpers and arc as hard to secure as 1 a cool profit of $500.

Transcript of lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s...

Page 1: lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l "t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111

~xpon~nt OLD:\IE XX. DOZE;\JAN, i\IO:\ITAXA, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1928 NU;\lBER:;


Large't Bobcat Band In )lontana ~talc Hbtory. X2w rniforms For ~J,.n. Will .Join l'r.i\'ersity )Jusieians In ('ere- .. The Ca~siles Engagement" " 'ill

.\nnual State Football ('lassie \Viii Be Held al Clark Park In Butte. Thirtieth Time Teams Will Ha,·e ;\Jet. Special Leaves Promptl~ at 7 :00 monies Before Game. Be Gh en al Emerson

·rhe lar·<·I J:, hand t'1af L~"(r gnnt• lo an f'Uhi<ll• J,!amr "i11 urnc.~ lo Butt1• on (ktohn 27. I. 1u Ho\\ard. director nl th<' Band, an­unc1s that this <1J.{J!ft.',.:al11 n. <·c;mpo ... u1 (1f 1"ifty nu.:n. \\ill bt'.' outfitted in \\ 1.:ollt.!:dat1· t:v:.1 unH· (1f • cniur jacket~. , arsit~ hats. and ''hill' trousers. t:) will t;d,•· pan in :di t .t' c:olli.,..patt• l''\t.·n:i~('~ that are held during- till" ) and \\ill unitt.• "ith till· C1rizzl.) hand in a drmon~tration lwfure the ~311h'.

Fifty Picn·.., :\Ir. ll onard i... taldnJ! this lan~c uu1> of fift.' na·n on thi~ tri1> be.·· U"t' it J-. 00(' o( I hl' lllC>st im pOr· nt collq{e affairs of tlw ) ear. 'fhe nd h;i ... bl't'll 1>radiC'ing- \er)­tl h for till' la~t lhrt•e \\ t'cl'"s and ,.e · at·com1lli~lll"d 'L'r.) muc-~1. con· crin~ that the ml'mher .. hip is com· std mo .... tl) •·f nt•\\ men. '!his \\eel.. JI bt· de' oted to h·arninc: school n~ ... and march<'"'"· This is necessary cau:-l:' the nt!'\\ m~·n ha' t· not had :. chance to l<.>arn the c-ollt•ge 'Oll:!S i-. earl) in tht• s(>a .... on.

I.cad Paradt• \.:.. 111 the la •\\o ;1. t 1e hand II lead the I~ bt'at pa ~t· 1 e in l3u!te··. A:-. so n :1:-. thl'y h;..: ~ · in;:;.hed 11 .t 1,; t n a ro-. ·t· "111 •·c

.~ ' :i11 v. )"- h 'nl. lt't I 1st' an \ 1 e1 dn l· lag-. "'hil1 thi~ is flo:iting-

the r rl t tlt• two b;1nd:s will join n 'l 11 ,. "Tlw St a r ~panded

l'.a1 ne ." .\H•ry J'rum \Jajvr

". tc-..v " AHry 01mt·r Ilium )!ujor f" ' r the Hoo(':1 band. will be in Butte

l i1I t . . :s rart on t' 1110lt..'. I rt· ha:-.

a.J vu y tilUl"h. cX~ll'ril·au:' in this o b ... ml w. 1 br abll' to gt·t the be:-t

1 .e- ult.-. }IO~s.iblc out of the bant!. The ana <Oi.J d 111. t find a \\ith more

.e,..!t· :-. rit : han thi former Bnbt·at 1:. l ,t, r 1 ••1d th<'m durin~ tht. da~.

:s'e>.t Month


o,·er l CO Students Try Out Ji'ur Production. Miss Chabbuck

To Direct

The Tormt ntor:... l'luh. dramatic so· l'ic>ty of .:\lontana State L"olle;.cc . has resumed ctl'1I\1tie:-. t\ 1· the pre:-:ent yu1.r und'-'r tht• dnt.>cti( n Clf :'iliss

h. tue\ , who !-'ludied dramnu ..... at he l ninr~ity of Iowa thi:..; s.ummer.

·I he fir ... t p1odu1.:tion is to lw "1'1--e Ca:-~ilcs Eng-ag-ement" by St. John Hankin and will iJe g-1,·en :'\o\"emb<.>1 lti at he Fmt·rson auditorium.

'I he '!<::h•a.t 8pccia.1 lc-a\l"" Bozeman for l:utte, October 27. at 7:00 o"clm:~ a . m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l"t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111 or other pcr-.on-; de!>Siring to to Butte for t?e Ing ~ame. The " l>eciu l \~ill a rriH· in Butte at 10:1:> Haturday mornin~ . lhere will b.e a numher or. street ca rs at the • 'or thern Pacific dcvot to mt!et the tram. and thc"e "di t a l\t' all pas.stnl{er!-. to the ~E'\\ Finlen Hot••I,

Leff: Coach Schubert I" !!He the ~mrady start.... rhe s pecia l "di lea ' e Butte at 6:00

S. 0) che. o'clock Saturda.) e' eninj! and n ill ar· l'pp...-r: (\q>tain Fred I rl\ e in Bozeman at ai>i>rO'.\imatel) \\ill be the ~amt: as a ~ing!e fart•, or

( hez. ~l: l :l. ~:?..t.J., "hile th0!->2' whu don't g-o en Tit·ket Sale Thur .. cla.) the :-<pet·ial will have to pay $;).50, a

: 1 u:kets "111 he on sail' all day fare and ~ third. . '.

I 'Jhur-.da), October 2:>. in 'lain Hall, , , );ted ~\ct1nt)· Books . \\1th a r t>p re-sentat1, e of the ~ orth· ... J, ~tu<le1.1t:; \nll have to t.akt" th~n

------------------------------ (;'rn Pacific in charg-<._ There are t"o >tudent act1nty boo~ as thb aclrn1t reasons \\ h) the students should bu\ th.em to t,ht> g-ame. Coup in numb-<•r G

PLANS READY FOR GRID 'ATHLETES their tickets in ad,ance; fir,t, to :'·11! h<- ta<en at.the >tud<·nt ga~c an f\ a ' uid the tremendous rus h for tickets] ,hen the hook tt~elf \\·111 c.1:cI1111t tht·

('h:H·r lm1u.:r.soriating at the depot Sat urda) morning ; 1-'eC· :-:tutlent to the student se1·t10n. The "The ( a>siles Engai::ement" is an PARADE IN BUT11E I BANQUET GUESTS t.nd, the number of coaches "hich go b' •k mc1eh- needs·'" be >h<>wn lo l~~ l:ndish l"OmeJ(;'y u( man111 1 ~ an<l t·on- to J'utte will be determined h) th<.> usher. Th~n:: arL" five selt1on of. ti'"

1a ,. '\'it.t\· dial>µ:w .. • and L'ompli· __ 1 ___ ad,ance ticket sa le. ...('a~s r(> erved or :J.[ontana !"t.atc· ( atl'tl siluatiuns make it f:\"<.'l"V bit as It i~ \·ery imporhtnt that ~vcrvone < dlL'2e students. Th_e l•an~i will sit

ltt•ie~tilll! as "So Thi.-:; ls London,'' I Band \\'ill Lead. 8a1ne Line of Bozen1an Busin~ss l\~en Honor n_rnkc up hi.:-- mind bt::fon: buyil~g a lo~ hen.hes. on th(;' t'.el1! d11ct·tly 111


-~-~I_E_~·:· ~--'-"-~_1_·~-~-~,~-~~' tR 0 ~ H AN SW [R h:.~t .,r~r:.~. 'a·i;.1,~~1~~"- i . .1'"t"he" 11 ';,~~~; March As Last Bobcats With Dmner .i<keL whether he intends

10 ,,

0 to . fa.nt of th< ,tudent se """ ,,. J: omment one anti is thl' ont. lhat Year Last Night '1 Butt~ and return to Bozeman on.the I

e\eivnne "ill love. ~he is the l<rn II • ; ,. -- • • ~~~~1

~~ ~1~ ;,",;~",..~~~!,', ;1~nt<~~\>tl'i:~ Bt~RS lOSE TO .~(<. ntinued on Pa~l;'" Tilree) Tht prindpal .:\loutan: ~tat<J dc>1)1· • I he annual I ep banquet 111 honor ol 1

--------------- 1 l'nstration ;n Bulle "ill bl' the par-• the liobcat foot.ball squad and their


, a·le which will start a 'oon as the coach was !!i' en at Byron's Cafe last Dy CHE'S MEN \\''ILL

irt.Cllir Lou Ifo,\ard, \\ho is taking largr-.1 Buhcal Band in the history

the ~chool lo the )lining City.

d do their part in m~kin~ it as big succes~ as it ha:,, bc(;'IL B\· u::in~ re men. :\Ir. H war I hope~ i.o make s a more ID<.'JlWt able sce·nc than r before .. .\Lter tnr parnde the hand l bam1uct at the Sihcrbow Club I then go lo (lark J.ark for the me.

U..'lnds Will Cnite Before the g-ame bE.'gins tht Bobc:at sicians will join the (irizzly band the center of the .field ~tnd to-

ther they '' 11 1 lay: "Stars and ·pes Fon:\·er"' foilowcd by ":\Ion-


The hanquet !or )lontana State 0:5t1:rs and hac·ker~. a~ we!I as m11i of the institution, will ht! held the banqut't room of • 1u . ..::ii\, ~.- BrJ,,.

lub in Putte ."ollowin~ the J arade. he meal will be.1odn promptly at 1Joon

that all who altt'mi will ha\·c a11.pJe e +o g-et to Clar:< Park lo: th<

n;c. The <.>rro11eotb idea th,1t the fair i~ exdusively for ft.I. S. C. um ni has bten explided. "All Bob· t boo~ter~. whc:thl'r they Le alurnm, zemun rt'"~idt'"nts, or from any purr th~ t••Untry. are cordially in\'ited attt-nd." savs :Jlr. Elwood ::\!orris o i:- in t'hu;ge of the· ai'fair.

The banquet ser\'~s as a n1eeting­ce for peopll! who haYe not met for e time, and ii- a general "pep"

eeting for the older pcoplt. !\atm·­y, the stud nt bod\' umnot be in· ed. )!embers of th•: Bobcat Band

( ( untinuetl un t:.:e 'j hi t-1 )

B~Tt G ~ l l ~~~~f~11t~rri~~~- a~hee~~~l~\ i lla~t:rstr~~~ ~~~~;nl~~:c,t~~J;~.z~t~~i11Ki~~.~~1i1~b~fuu~/ \ M s G [l[~[N 1 A GE us c ear:-: at the de.pot to take fang and :'\lore than a huntht:tl 11>)'<.tl boosters BE IN CONDITION D N Ro REW roctc" t<> the :\e" !•mien Hotel. and enthusia~ts. were ~resen:. to sho:'·

\\ 1e1 e :.he parat!e- start~. the-11· appree1at1on an<l conf1<lence m I I I I Lead b,· the Bobcat Band followed < oath Dyche and hb paL·k of 0Tiddcr~ --

Thirt) -l\\ O First Year :llen .i.t- Earl)- Season- immediately by the Fangs, Spurs. and who will battle the University next I Worden and Kleffman Out r o1 I --tend Opening l\Ieeting · Injuries Nearly the rest oi the student body, all of Saturday in a determined effort to Good But Gardner 'Viii Third Defeat Puts Colorado

Cleared lip Chinske Cap- "ho111 "ill wear their colors . and as b1eak the long succession of ~1 de- "t· t G 'f h 0 t f C f of Year tains Grizzly Squad many a:- po:s:-;ible their Dlue and Gold feats that ha'c b('cn accorded tht..m. ~:Jar ame 1 eac e rs u o on erence


Search Finds Many With Ora­turical bility to Form 1929 Squad

T. :, y.t\' o Ire~hmcn :.m:;;wercd the c.tll la:.t \Yt>dne...:day eYen:ng in the ir~ t debat~ 111c<.tinl!. Tnc plan for d:in~! th: ~quad \\a'S outlined. It

consist eg,3entially of coni;>ctith·e .·· 1u1.s Ea< n one is to l!'iYe an eip:ht

••• n:t. :l' sf,1..•cch on the iun qut•s tion, c-nd b to follow i~ 1.:p \\;th .:i four minute iebuttal. Out of the total num'>er t.1 yin.l?" out a squad " ten will be pick~<l. This will be th> offical rro:ih <lt bate ~quad and the team will

e cho~en from thi~ number bv com-ret'tion. ·

)Jaterial l'ronii...,ing The material for tro..;n debate is

better this year than it has C\"er bc..o.en. This is probably due to the fact that 11. 'le L'aJe y:as taken to find 1Jttt \\hO t 1e dc:batc1 s were. ln formc:r \'ca1 s nly tho~e e~pecially in~ere:-tl·d. or

tncsc· whose ~-ourse rc>quired it, tried out for tho squad. )b.ny debater;-; with experienl'£ neve1· malie lhcm~chL­knc\' n. This yt·c..r. howen:r, a searl'h for n ~iterial was mude thru .. gh \'ctri­ou. c annc!s. .:\bny 01. tho e intend­im. o en tel' the t. vout:. have maclr uts :mdin~ records· in hi:..rh sl·houl

deb~ e and oru.tory. \\~c. rd !~as leen r e e;\e:J that the":cmd Pi l\.apra. DC'lta quto;;:tion has b1::ln chocs.:11. The t'X;1ct word111.z i'.-1 not available• but the que:;t.nn bN1rs. L<JA..::1 t'1e nhase uf jnrv tri:i.I.

:\led i n~ \ \'cd.!k:-.:ia) )lembcrs ui Pi Kapp~1 l ld1a and a:l

tno:-e \\ishin1::,: to ti;,- out for \"1r~ity c~hate alt> 1equ<'-;t<d to attr•nd a <i<.•-1 a·.e nHeCng- '\"ctlntsday <.'\·enin;:: in :Hontana Hall at X:l.O o'tlo.k. At thi~ t ...: ~in~ I will be formulatltl for <1.;~dudin"' th wo1k dc1in!.!' the ,·eaL ·1 · c a1·\' d«late st·ht•cluic i~ ulkin.t? fut m. ..\ numbl'r o: ho:1w ckba.:c ~

((on,m1wd on Jctg-e Two)

I cap~. lhe Parade will 1:10,·e west on Entertainment I -- I Race This Year Park streC't to .;\lontan.a, north one Sinl!ing und speaking were the Th_e . B~bcat squad is ham pt reel by

.\ct:onJing- to thC' latest npnrts. from blc k to B1oadway then east to the main items o( int:A.:1esl included in the the mJunes to ~everal of the t1;1am. I t.hc Griz.zl}· camp their te_a1~1 ~as been I~~.,,. Yinltn llotei 'when· re pa1 ade P} ~gTam, "hich wa8 dieL-ted by Roy "G~·e~1.1ie'' ~\-orclcn, ~tar h_al_f .1s in the \VYLIE SCORES FOR CATS weakenC'<l ~omewhat by 111JUrtes. Ted I will dt:-band . h.t•1.:>ter. tonstmagtcr. Lo:; H oward I h.os-p1tal w~th an append1ut1s 01w1a-:\lelinger. f~llbal'k. ha_s !lo~ completely B:rnd ' Viii .Join lead ~he s.ingir;g. . t10n and w11l_ be unable to wear .a suit Heavv S St . F "ls t St re,on·rcd from th<> mJunes that he, • .\new feature this yem will be the This ~on of entertamment has be- for the· remamder o.._ the year. \\ orden : now Olm al O Op

C'ei,·ed from the games ag:ain~t lc:ombining- of the Boz.en 11 and j_\fi s- t'ome an annual affair in Bozeman, ,"ill be sorely mis:-;ed by his tt.-'am- ReJuvenated l\1ontana Squad. ,\·a;hin':!\ Sta.te .. Timmy ~lorrow, ..;cl..!la b_nr.ds unde1· :.:. :-. .•• hie \lir_L'L'~OI'. ~nil ::>E.'r,e!"'- no:: a mea~\" of .t·x1)res:sio_n mat.cs \\:hen the:r tak~ th.e field .in Defrate Stars at Quarter. raltbac:k and Gord Jn Ro).!nhen. end j This w11l make up a and consist mer for the tow11...;peop!e in thrir t>nthu:s1- hut.e, h1::; stella~· pa~:; mg m the :\e-

re uf•·ering- from letr inj1.:rie~. These of oYer one hundred nieces. Prior to a:-;m frr the team. Captain Zeck was in bra~ka ~.ame tatm:.: him as t:ne of th£: !en will ~ill be in ~ha1.e or at ha:-;t ltht g-ame the•· will ,1an:h onto the charge of anan~emt•nts for the din- outstanding men on the team. He has The Bobcats took the Bears from

will h~ a~>le to play by the time the field ad plav "~lontana' and the "Star ner la"t night. two more yeab to de\elop. "Curly'' Colorado Teachers into camp \).'.?, af-~ nnual {' 1 a!-'h c·omes up. Waldo Eke- Rpamdccl Banner." Fuither plan;-; will Gardner wag injmed early in tht. ter Ont of the hardest games of the ~r<.>n has bet>n on the sfrk lbt. with an J 'Je announted at the 1-ally. XOTICE! s.~"ason and hus not ::-1..-en mul'h action rrre~~ilt "ea.son. The pin) m~ "a" 'nfel··ed foot but was ;ibl<~ to _get in 1 Two hundred BLt:e and Gold cap~. The flrsl meeting- of the :)lath- ~mce then,. be he wi!I be out in rni- ~;.ea1 ~ the heavy fal the l!"ame ag-ainst the "\\·~shington I which will probablv b.:: ~old at tht! f rm t.o gl\·e e•,erythme- he has. Ott':-. t t ,!m. ~ml :5!10\\ \\h1t·h made ball Hu~·kie:... and ag-ain--t St. Charles. Pep As ... embk for $1 00 will add ll ~~;·:i~: L~~~~re "1~1~,m~e inhel~1 ~~t~~~ , pen 11eld runnin.(!' and ability to pack

0 ~~-- dif.ft_~ult an<l fumb~es frequent. (;cn<.>ralh· Stronl.!"er jnew fen.turl lo thi~·B;1tt'e para;le. • Hall Tuesda_,_ October 23, at 3:00 I'· the ball on end t~ns will mai\e h~m a I a·l ·e· ntshltors were 1tr~ft to ~core · . 'i::luable men. Kleffman fl.n_ l 1 ~. m e. g-ame on a sa ety after

. ~here ~as bee-i: some c~ang-es Ill the I m. . iullb.ack from la.::-t ,·ears. Fro~h squad bl~.kmg. a kick and dropping De1''rate Grizzly Imel.IP smce ~heir last. g-an11• SOP HS · FROS H . Prt.f. Hur ... t \\Ill ~pc~k e n t_he ~b- has been on the sil~k lbt s.inl"t:' ~cnool benmd his own gcal line. The Teachers and there will mo~t hl~eh: he ..;enral I J:l:t: ,.".\. )lathemahca l 'JC'\\ of lst•tr1.1:d and it i:-. doubttul if he will outplayed the Bob ab in e\'ery dt!· mo1e before the Gnzzhe~ and thC' , The las t four e'en ts of the da~s Science . l-<' able to P t. f . tli .. ··t •. t partment oi the ~ame until they ~r+C'at.;; mc~t in their annual skin11- ! .scraps "ill be :un off tonite at.;; ;00. .\II intere~ted µtrl-'O"!lti are urgc..I to all ~hi~ ,-ea:. P B~:t, 0~ui d a ,~1~l ~O~ be scored. and then the :Jlontnna team 1sh on the: 2rth. . . I If. the Soph fail to appear, the li ro"h l be present. . in the ~ame due to iniuries he re· betame de:>perate and dropped the

The gnzzly team is cons1d:rcd to '\Jn. , • . eeive(l in the ?\ebraska g-aml. The B(:'ars on every attempt they made to bi· a i:rreat deal ~trong-cr t.ln:; ~·ear I . 'I he Plue nnd. (,ol~ can ''ave !ug h· l'Ct;t of the squad is in fine conclition <:a.rry the .hall. Poc_>r tacklinl? couple.I than 1t ha~ been for ... ev:~·al years. . Big A:-.semb~) and Dance in the I rst ne'.\.t Saturday if the i('ant get .. Hn<l should ~i\'e a goo<l arcount of it· with a shopery fi(_Jd pre,ented the

(Contrni:ed on Page 1 wo) · (,) m :\londa)· 1r we "in. 100 support. On to Butt<.>! =--·If \\hen the time c.·omes. fiolxats irom ~t.oppm~ the rushin"!" attack of the ns1tors nt first and e\·en

Contest Next Saturday Is the Thirtieth Gridiron Clash Between Cats and Bruins

The Bobt'at:s and Grizzlies meet in I 'lany Clo~e Game~ 1elurn game at i\li~soula by lht..' dev the annual trucus ni:xt Saturdav for 1 Sinl'e IHO~l there have been many li~ive sco1·~ of :m .. L the supremacy of the stale. Thi~ will do.-.e games played betwet>n thl' In HJJ:J Kie~s of the l'nn·ersity Lt.• their thirtieth C'lash on th<. i:rid· ,lii.a!s. \\"in~tanley kkk{·d a fic•ld ~onl Larried tht Lall over for another 'i-0 ir-.;n. 'The Grizzlies have won the in tne final :10 sc<."ond:-.. of the 1H09 'icto1y. The return g:ame at .:\lissliula bc~tt.le b\enty times. and th1:rt· have contest to ~i'e it. to the Grizzlies. A :•g-ain 1esu}tcd in a \ictorv for tht• blen foul' tie g-ames. second battle was thu1 held attd the (11izzly squcld. The ~L·orc \\a~ ~tl·O.

1he fiJ:-.t tilt was !ought in L~97 BuLtal:-. \\Enl <lO\\n tt> dl'foat l:l-5. In ltll-i th~ lirizz.1it:s had an un-\\ ti• tnt• l'nivC'1sity carrying- off the The i;110 c1.nte~t \\Us t~ h~art t:l.-'feah•d team a11J t1oun ~rl the Bub­hr_,not :- with Hll l~-(; \'frtory uftcr a Lyeaker tor th<.• Bobt·a~~ ~s t_he.· L"ar- c:1t.- 2t>-~•. Ag:ain l'Omplfrations :Wt in hai.1 f<·uo·nt hattle en a :-now l'OYered 11ed tne hall to th<..· l,nzz.l1t:'s three aml thtrL· wa:; no ga.nw ht•ld 111 1915, t Id. Th: followmi.r vea.r a series of int.:'.1 lim· only to lack the final punch this was due to scH'l;llJ! l)f rl'lations two game:-; was piaJ<'d. .\Jissoula ~o pu.t it o\"er. A game \~a.~ th~n ht<d Lt>twt"en tht• two s.·hools.

Reserve Strength after the Blue and Gold took the ~it-Richards ha:-. been put in to fill uation in hand there was ynrclag"e

Wcrdcm's position and t.:an be depend. made thru their line. The Teachers

~~ini>~~ ,~-~r;~.v=b~~~- ~~~z1~1 ~h:r~o~~ijj n< \er threatened after the\· made b1.: J'cnfield at the other half, Wyli\'.' their two points. . at full . and Grady at quart~r. The )lontana's lone li11e ,,;11 have Gill at center, \'oc:t and s.core came earlv Chez at th<.> !{uanl positions, .:\.!arc>:-' in the ~econ d :and t'emmingse-n will hold the tackle3 i quarter on a run dcwn, <.ind the end:-> will be L'O\'cred b\ a Tr o. u n d end by 1 alo and Renn. There an numcrou's I \"'.\ ylte who d_odg-­otht'rs who will bL .able to :-:tep Ill in I e~ and twustecl as1..~ of injuries to ~u1y of the~e men. his way. over the

They \\ill ulso hu'e the fitrht that will i.:oal lme. The g-o a long- \vays. toward winninU' any J ~t'or~. ca~1e after c-nme. I here "ill be manv men st1t•h blockmg a Teach· :ts Kc; ye:::.. who plays either c n<l <ir e~ punt on their guard, llurd. another end, \Yellin).!tun, la yar~ mark as a quarter. \Yo1·thin).!ton, who ran tlO ~hL~y tried to get yatds .;t!!ainst Xl~biaskn for a touch· it out of. dang-er· du\\11, and DeFTate, who~e perfor- ous territory. !Panel:' Inst ~aturday ratL"s him in the There was \'t:ry litt e ath antu~f· f 1 :-;t rnnk. ( Contin~ etl on Pu.:t- Twn)

>ROFESSOR MURRAY WAS {'l lt:'tged \'ktor bv the small marg-in lll )hssoula wlll't·~ thl· (,nz.zl~- i-:quad The feud \\a:-: 1cm•\,·..:d tltt' iol!uw

f G-0 but l'ame ba.k in tht> next 1.-•mi;leted 11 out of l:i altt•m11tt~o ing- year and c>ndL•d in a li·li ti ... \\hllt ; 111t to "in by a g-t'eatl•r score of 16- I a.-:·,o;;.~s ~~ w111 10·0. . , the Bcb<:at::; hung up six points by

o. lJU(;' lo finant'ial difficulties in 1 he 11rs.t 011wst 111 l~JI~ \\t·nt t~1 u~mplct111:.r four twL•nty yard pa~Sl'". J :--:~·~1 there ,.,.·as 110 m1:eting- of the two )fis.:;ouli:l wlwn Ow sh:)· :-ma!"'-h<.>d thru .1 he l'niH•l":-ity sl'ort~ wu~ made by

MAKING FOOTBALL FOOT ITS OWN BILLS /1V "THE NINETIES" AT PENN SUMMER SCHOOL the line fur a to~.chdo\\ n and a 7.0 .Jene:..

I l"iJft'"~:-tOl' :\h.11 rar OJ th!.! ck~ Ll ic:d1 Is huols in the cvt111lrv in lt•al'hin l ;.~h~/1 !1;~(::~ .. t;~;;n~~e~h~~;);:~~~I ~~-; '::0~';:LoJ11:.e \~~~:~11 ~ 1h~~ 1 ~:~:~1;i1~~~'~1~·; , .. ;;~~i ~;~,;,, \'.:~:; ~:::: "~11 \;1)'.·~~~ ;.~~:. tl1~:;~h~lll;:,tii:1~a~~ \~~·b;~:~~~ll~·~t ~he~~ tli~~~~F~;.,r {~i~~~·~fi:.10p~f.~1;:t ,:;, nf~'· g-jn~ering d(:'partii1l'nt SJK.'nt a. pot'· ' L'! h l•<l:-. and ~utijl'«t 111atkr in "\.,, 12_11 in a very lightly contested I j \'l'lsity in the [mal minut~s of play football ~hould be addt•d to the list minating nktm·e of tht· prvgre:;.s mn<lt•

Oil of the ~umn:el'. <luring- .luly, at It..~ lOUl:-.l'". h H i h I } or g-rowing- . .\m<.l'il'an infant indus· by this new busincs~ or footb<.tll and ~umrnu S( ol for cl~·c nL·aJ en- Enlt rtain1 d h) .Alumnae ~~·me. This \\as the Le~innin~ or ~l STOCK JUDGING TEAM " en entz Sl'Ol"el a tou 5 O\\ n. T le trie..;, l 1 ineer_ing teacher:- at th< l "nin·r~it~ \\'hile at Pit' shun:, l'rofo-..so1· :J.Iur- 1 Jg- nm foi· the State (. ollcgc. The 11

'\ ar prevented a ~amc hem~ plnyP•l Pt'rhaps it'::;. a fint~ thing- that foot ~-~~1

4 ('fh~ ~·~~l~\bn)"lot~i':ril~~-;1 ,,~i~~r~urh l ~~ f P1tt:=;.\,u1·~. !'•1·.1•. 1·lia111·.1. Thi· ,.' 1·,·1•• ''"•s· "11lc•14 ,·1 ·111••! ,·1t 111.1111,·1· 111 Lil<' following t\vo vcar:-. the C'ollege ('ar- in !~JI !-). b II h b 1· I I b · ~ ... • y - '"' '" "'' 1:t>cl of th(• anriual title b)' th< d<.>ds- WILL GO TO PORTLAND Tie in HllH a as L'l'Olll'-" a sull' :-;uurce

0 \arc urmng- i.;;.~ue that it precipit.atetl u h<,c)I wa~ c:ond .. ct.c.·<l ·hy the !':iodety Pe.nnsykan.ia-Linl'o n Hot(;'!, by f.(l<.lll· 1·ash rl\'enue to ~meri ·m eoll~Kes bittL•r I olitical b·1ttl i th ·

1· the Promotion of En~inl·C'ring- lih.les ol the elt tri,Hl l·IH!im•erm r dt· ive s. m·p.,. of :H-O and :~O-O. \nti the rtnjwal of the t·lassil' in Rolling: swards of ;t.thll~ti~~ Iit>lds an.j itr. Thar wa~ when cll~rh~·i~ J~1

~~~.~~: i.Juc~ti_on ".·ith the c·ooJit..'l!J.ti .. 11

u f 1 ~rtmen1 at ~l. ~. l'. a~1d ~\'hoar(' B4~bcats \ \'in Four 1 ~ 1 i\ t cU~!· .. lt'd a. 61 .•

6 tie .. .\d!

1111" mam1Pcth athletic stadiums throw in· who is now t'andidntt• for till' pre~•.i·

le ~nt,·l!r:-n· of Pitbbur;: ancl the now em11lo\'ctl by th<· \\ t tm:.!"hou"'(· The " Cats" ran their string to four I --- '0 le· lll\"(•rsity ni:H t' a ~·un •

01 'j.) tu pitiful t'Llntrast thl• olJ wetd bor. t!em y of tht· l"nitetl Stah·..;. \\U a /e~tmghoust• Ek<"tn. aml :\bnufac (ompan:·. It \•as t ~h- f ir ,,t lll"<'~in).! of trai!,!ht bY winnin1t tht.• g-amc again Tht• candidates Cur the \lontan:\ 11 ~·~r~lh

1 ~~.~ lt~~L~~d0" 11 1 w1hil7 1 :iyl~i.· dL•red athletfr fit>hls ;u1d thC' 1110tlest senior in t~ndneerin~. Ht wo11 tlH•

iring C'vm1>etny. Ov(•l' fvtt\ lc.t:;unr.., .:\{ ntana. ~'all c •Jll ~ t· Alumnae fur n ]~HJ:; when they took the Grizzlies !':i~tc College .Ju<lidn.I! 1\•ams, "hiL'h ~ardseki t t>• ~h <'l!e. <.asi.~~. t\\e;h~ '°tame g-rand:>.tand lind hll''hers of a.:. d ticn as trC'a~.n·r or thP -..ttlllt·nt cm \~ell known t·n· .. in;t•rinl.!'" <:o!- se~eral yc·ars aml pr11\erl a v~·ry en· in 11 c·amp ~o the tune of 1;~.G on a will c:.>lllf~te 111 the !1l'ar fu_ture at ·i:'l' t·,. .. . 1ec:t· ~h :.-;_l.

0't ~l f.!:r.· . . e hort a whilt' as fiflt-en n•ins ngo. bt1d~ ht.•·cau.s.e he rromhed to make •ces, the \\"P4mi;ious,e ('ompany, j \·at!<.· affair. ' rhc• 111<;11 \\hu attc·nde·l snowv !!lid1ron. Then t·ame a re- the Pa(·1f1.; l nternat.1onul L1veHt0<:k as. rai t>i

111 C'll m.t ll\C' m and an~ a «ru~hin!!" ans\n•r to the "'ln· r vthall pa,· its own bills.

1e A1~!eri('an Telephunt.: anti Tel«- the dinner and thL~ir 1.1--c ~nt worL. nl'sa'l fo1· thl~ Bl;;e and Gold when Exposition held annualh· at Portland the third .quarter of th,· g-anw '~·hen timentalizing old i:rad who moan:-; fo \\'hen he took offi<'e ht.: inheri ed a r~p~ Company, ail'l "'<"H•ral public v \\'est:nJ!hOUS( follow~· "'...•ey \H•le u\·e1whC'lmed by the Griz- aie.w01king !rnrcl to set: re a berth o~ i~~~' ~a 1.~1 j~1 :~e ft11.ktul t~L~ dG)·

1.1:z!y the l'Olleg-e tlays lhat were. defil·it l"f ~l.~00 pilt'd up a~ain:-:t tit« t1lt~1es com1n-l·d the te.u·hing- ...:wff :\Ir. n~nry R. )lithe!, '20 is an .as- z!ics 'i!t-0. Thi.., is the largest score their re-::.pec:t.1ve teams. le<_! int.: m< ,in< .ll et ~ c

1 "~ 0 Try and Jt<'t a tkkc•t at the Ins .Stanford football team during- th11

f tne ~·hool. Theit' were fifty-two ~· ..;fant to the d1i<•f ol h•• 'lUl' iiasrn~ •hat. has <•\'l'I' Lec:n run up in the an· Tht• Candidates trying- out for thP i rut 1!. ~\er._ The Bo~~;ts .~~[~•red little minult' to any bii.r football ,:amt'. t11· ·a~-on of 18113. That \\n~ when '\'al· .a~hers of e•ctril-al L·ng-int>t·rin:.r <' ·:tttnwnt. \lr Bt·Jt GiLb. ''.!l i:-: in nu:ll tla'-'h of the two i_-iv~ls. Livest.o<:k Jud~in.g team are Ra lph \.npu.i:wn

1 ~~.~h~ JJ_? ,11'1j •• an;~ :~~day. The seat~ are ull iillt•ci hy thost lt'r Camp wa::-;. t•oa<·h, too. Tlt>O\'l'r

',.!°:S'..eJ'l'"IJ at th onferf..'llC~ tn11>1 tw l1aclion :--al"'!' dl•puldllt·nt. :\tr. In rno::i thel"l was fr1ct10n between \Tl.'C'all, BC'n Robmson, Lt•ster Suther- ~nmc t:nded :-~? 1.~lthe .<(~Pl'~~- Sih~. 1 · \\hose L'Ollcge expt•riC:'ll('e j.._ limil('d d ~c~d his admin?strution with l!ion rt}·tW:> in~titutions Sl""ltl<'H·il al l 'o\d w·. })~·f•I'. ':!;l j .. in tlw dr{·uit th(> st·hools and the gnmc. wa~ C'alle<l 'and. F'rank Ilough. ,IL•sst• H elm and j1.1,1cltGi}ld. ''cf'~ 01 ~~ ~~\I~~'. ]he t~1 ~~ ti• hawlinC"" "The Swl·ctheart of and honor bC'eause he IC'ft :s:t,:100 i;, >-'t'~th~t·ountry .. .\n PXl·el'.L•nt opnoi- "-rt Zikc·r dt·1~·rt1111nl nmkin,t.!' \ariou. ff four da)·s before the dale on f'avid Carpente r. 1 '~11~. J)~I~ 0

. :!l."? ·~. 1.'"

11 u~u ~ .; s Si .. ma Chi" in tune with ~vmc nig-ht the bm1k to thl credit of the Stan· ·nny, was ~ffurdt•d tho..;( at.tendin .... tc•..;t~. ).Ir. r harle:-; \~., '26 which it wa..;; schNlulrd. This frittion Grnin .lud gi nl! I Lcl<e hnc snM. l.ies . g:,l\t' tln 1.-l ,Jub orl'lwstra. l\lnyhc the,· ure de- forcl Athlctk As~o,iution .. \s a ma..;. !· _s:::100! t.n tom

1 ar(;' tht·ir mPthori.:... '!-": in ontiol of ft:n)!ineering- draflin . •rnlinue<l and thL' c·ontt'st. was tn lled ('andidale~ for the Grai n .Judgin~ t nttll' to ~llC' _Gn?.z!J<.":'; . . trading from the pun• cullt•i.dntc nt +pr f:nmwial ~troke for Stanfotd

hJ1.'<t_mattn and Jaborato"v «quin· J1r. \YiJhi•n J':ik<da, ' ~j' i-. in rad:o c:'f titl.' fnllowin~ two )''ears. The bnn Team are :\lelbourne Parke!', Kenneth \\ on in L:i~t )Jinu tc mosplwre of footb.all g-nmc-s hut tht'y Ht.O\tr do:-..ed n. dt."ul \\ith ,\lunzo

l'n• with tho''' of thl' hC'~t <Jntdn<'f•r- ff! !-'an·h tind \tr. Butlon 1 ver-;, '':!.7 is was rcli~·cd in th~ following:- ~t·ar and Co Pe! y, Leonard \V i:1g" . \Villiam I. l n 1!1~2 unL~ <~f the Kl'eatt•st g-ames art" buihhng- studit:ms and liftinl!" ~tug-g-, et :il'h for the rniH•r-:itv of ~,. :-..i:h1 ls 1n tht• t•ountn· . ..\bou• ... ·x a ·ud<>nt <-'n c; ilH'(.'l' :111cl h:1s ~pent th• da"h ended m a draw. A return Shanklin . vnd l ee :\lart1ncll. Olhcr Im the history ol tlw ll>ntest wa,.. held. t·olll~gl? debt.;; . <'\.iirat!'O, for a post sl•a-:·on J!Rlll~' in y:;, f)~ the S"' ion \\'(re dl•\'OtPd to ""llll' tinw in 11 ady j c·r~· p!ant th1~ '"alllt' wa::. hl'l<l ut Bozt~man and the meml.el!-i of the aclvant'C'(l g rain juclg. "Bulkt" .Jot~ Ke~rshner of the Uni-1 And us -:.hort a while as ten years HH"J.1 on a $L.0:)0 ).!Uarantet• 01' ~('\'(.•lit~ ..;Jwct1on of th:• ""e ting-h' &• Com- , >.,,

1.unv c: {' ratt•o:t., havinl.!' be<·n 'n f:late Colle'.!<' enwrg-ed vitlorious intr dass, from whil'!1 thc> C'ancliclates versity pm:ked thP ball ow·r the• Inst ng-o colle!.!"es madt• Hire of full stu . rer <·ent of the J..!'i.ltl, - n hnnciful of

ur:·: plant, at East l)ilt.,bur"' :rnd at· 1 \i:ladelthia. and ~hel'on, Penn.: after F'rnnshnm, thc>ir stl•llar nte fr.r thP te;rn1 are n il'kecl are Her..;hcll nrnr!' to lhe Grizzlies n \idory of 7-tJ dent support of athlc>tks by addin!.? dimes accordinl.!' t> prc~ent clay stan­nrl•nl'" lP.Ctures b\.· their enginec.-rin~ y ... ".,,

1k .. · .J.: South Ru1d -~nc~.: :

1rncl shook off four tacklt:rs and ran :l:> Hurd, Ha ne,· Olson, ll ~~h l\klver, l''.'it_li. onlv four :->N·onds l~·ft for the )thl:' cost ~f n ~uson ttthlc:til· ti.cket to dn111s but a lot of money th(.•n and a

aff. Prof'~·Clr ).Jurra~r stated that rhh·ag-o. 111.: )Jr. IL IL \\ilk1<'. 2~. yards forn touchdown and thl' on ly Arthu r and Jhrb C' rt De\r1es. f1111.-:;h. Tt'1.l lllmnn 01w ol tlw \Pl'~n- 1 the matnculauon fe<". :\ow football rc-,•orll hrt'akint? crowd of 1,SOO maclE" ontana ~tat.e Collete Compan<l !av· w

10 hH'l .iu"t aiTh'l•d ;it thut time had

1 score of the game. The score being I The Grain Juchdng- 'I'eam is com· j tile backs of the l"niversity ma cit• it a J til-kc-i s have ~ne inb the hands of both team~ hnJ)P" nnd g-an· Stnnfut<l

rably \\,lh the best engineering, (Continued on Page Two) 5-0. (Continced on Page Two) (Continued on Page Three) scalpers and arc as hard to secure as 1 a cool profit of $500.

Page 2: lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l "t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111



A~sociutc Editor:-> . )Ianaging Editor .. A~sistant Editor Sports Editor .. Fl'nlure Editor Sot.'ll:'l)' Edit.or

:\Iontana State students and boosters has been creditable - a lll'

"llatter of fa\·orable con1ment. In fact. Bobcat congenlalit~·. hmc L~~t~~~~(~u~::~11. Pih:.~n~i~elmk wh1,Ie:->0Tl1£ enthusiasn1, and gracefulne~s in defeat haYe \\"".lJl 1•s I thP l"nin•r:-.i~v of Wyomin-!", '.\"urth

Dakota Ai..:-J!lC~ .• JanH.'< and \It a placC, probably as popular farnrites with Butte pco!)Je. The I ~t. (ha tics. Plans urea: o ""d,•r "";

.\ ft II ,,. in an it•n me dC"I l'p· n n.:kin •.i."n't o i.:1 ~ct..: hot."

hool whn o" n..: an ord 1w1111..d it ~uc.

ill why, hL' <Lit!: "Sh• 1001,illl!" but :--hl' ~hOlt,:

. . . for a trip thruul!:h l'tah. C 1h1rado College enjoys a rank of distinc!Ion in sportsman hip, upnghtness. and \l ';uminl!'.

and fair play achie\'ed through years of commendable conduct PROFESSOR l\ll1RR.\ Y W.\ S

hy ib hundreds of members and followers. \\'hether our rela- .\ T PE'\"\' Sl':\D1ER SCH OOL

J'ir,.,t !"' g- \tph: (:H !!allH) l sn '• his tlw hot• t WL·athl•r "'''

:-:e1 lind ·' .. \lrh: "Xo foolin' 1t·e-ular l'i 1 h.mpt•r:itun .. "

''ons with others be in business or m fun, athletic or soda!, let's

keep them sound.

There is nothing so nice as a large amiable family, one \\'hose indi\·iduals are interested in each other, and one that does not become disintegrated as its members grow older and begin shift­ing for thernseh·es. And one that grasps e\'ery opportunity to lwconw 1·eunited, if onl.\· for a short while. or if on!)· a few of its number are present. \\'hat a wonderful occasion will be at'­~,,rded for such gatherings during next week-end in Butte. How anxious Wl 'II be to meet some dear olri uncle or aunt whom we ha1 e not seen for a long time. -"\ext Saturday will probably ap)war more like Homecoming than an, da,· of the Yl'al'

Tlw !lean of \\'omen at the l'ni1·ersity has issued orders to the effect that all women students. who are not in cumpan)· "ith their families in Butte, must return on the special train. And Dean Herrick has made similar requests. Probably to m·oid an,- possible trouble which might arise between the rinll <emale factions after the game.

\\'e wonder how many freshmen are taking to heart the mes-I sage l'Om·eyed on the little white slips which were distributed t 1 them yesterday after the first three-week grade roundup. Some of them can write home and tell the folks how thl'y are knocking these colleg<• com·ses for a loop. And some ran write ho1.

• 'o dotrlit the illuminating apparatus on the ~orthern Pacific nobeal SJll'l'ial, homeward bound, will be thoroughly inspect d befon thl •Pdiuus journey is begun .

Its a cinch that th,• essential of comfort on that train will be ample room so that wt> don't haYe to bunch up, eight in a ~ea , un our way back to !Jozcman .

! • ••• • •••••.••• ••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~I . -Place Your Order On -

PERSONAL XMAS CARDS :llos t Excellent Li ne Low Priced

En)!ral ii.)!. Pnnting or Grnp1core \\'ork Done Neatly :1

(l\rntinul'cl from P:1 't Ont) bt:cn a ... ignt·U to :-:mall nwtor ....

Flom c.ilt•g"t•

Col rad,1 \,er 11 · t1r

Tht 1'"(' an· ~t>H'l n.l othl'l' ;\l11nt;11 l

St-<.1te ('ollt~,...l' . ..\lum?Hlt• with tht• \Ycsting hous.• t'umpany who \\"1,_•rt• nt oi11l'I' plant:-. or wt·n~ tt•mpn1ari!y 11ut () tt.'\\"ll

:\}. un~am t You Rt•ad

Th" ~ull.,

l ) ll[lel'. Tht• Hnck~•­'...!ian, in t .t', "lh

ut'' (,;o'umn:

\'Hb fl\ll ll I

b1 a"ka 1•!1 \1

am1 erltl t t

fi!-;.hl Uw ".\lnntana Boh :urnin~t tht· :.; 1vng \1.•

The >li1 J <•ry fii•l.I p:t..;~inc- l!a t:c>.


~zz'lz,:f Cl3i1d FULL FASHIONL D HOSIERY THU\ WITMI! Of I OllTH _ Tl,. Jl'LCNOOP ')f flf}J. ~LTY

Something to s/1 JHt abo11t is Style 30 Humm .g Bird Full Fa,t.:oned Hosie It's a \'·in-ner for wear with its in"isibl" reinforcen1ents ai1d narrow lisle hem . Unusu'1lll' long. Tn all color -approved by Paris for Aun1 11n wear.

Sn:u 30. s..,.,, "Weight


~~~~~tlt.~iER ©

Montana State College Bozeman, )Iontana

A school that has built and maintained standards of scholarship. Offering courses in the fo lowing di\·isions:

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f I

~ PHILLIPS BOOK STORE ~ ~ ................. .... ........................ ....... ; I

For Information "'rite to


EAT THE BRUINS IN BUTTE :\lore Pill\ er to the Bobcat Team and

C(la<'h n~ <'he

Langohr' s Flower Shop 1 \l Ea;;! :Ila in Phone 95 - -

;9 vi 1 j. kt. solid gold


STOC K .J l ' DGL ·c; TE.DI \\IL L c;o TO PORTL.\ ()

mer· ,J tl,r n:-c:ttroo:t \\ ,1 td1 yaJur-­' 'h • t• l" > ore-a real




r I m:~-1~ -

An et11pire hung on t11at strap T l l F hitch must ht' right, the pad;. must

ht• nght. On dl'ta,ls surh as that hung the :1train1nt'nt of t 11e d.l\.· s (!o.d and the tin;d surcess of the expedinon.

I .e11" and Cbrk, fi1»t Amc·ricans to cross the continent, kne11 the impnrtanre of "rritlcs" in the concerted plan. They saw rn it their equipment 11 as right, the)' :;uj,en·ised e1·ery "tq> from 111an-po11 er to pack-horse-

power, they applied sure knowledt?;e and ronstanr 1·igilance to their task.

Toda1·'s leaders in business hal'e the ame point of ' ie11.

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18,500,000 ;, Jtr-t 1 •• utmg 1t.tph.J1u1

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Page 3: lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l "t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111


lo be a veng-ed. I I b}o~·~ T::{\;;;l,~e~~·.~t;~t~~c!':in ! ~:~~ ~I ¥.)t! ~ f: ~=!6 ~ II c(•lcg ;n10n w~ on hantl t.o gtve tne ____ f _ .. ----=---!- I team a rousing wekome as they ~ r ~ trotted on the field . The lar_i!est I + ~ crowd in the history of the game wa"' as~cmliled at Clark's Park to c·njoy,.. I

BLUE ANO fiOLO TEA ROOM Home Cooked Food

the annual cla~~k. The name wa :' f ~:.;~t~~l ~oth\c~~e·~ ~ht\~~,:i~ou;s:'f~.01~~ I ,\RT FOH .l_RT'8 ~.\l\E . lth~:-;e bc_lovc1~ !'>ouvcnir::; of t.he 11ast I Sunday and Party Dinners a Specialty

Special rates for board by the month

A New Management-Mrs. E. Byrne

L:unbda Phi ~ \ n nounce"" 'Jarriage .. 1 l ~ambda l'hi Dinner Gue8l~.

Chin!l;kc) to co}fe that thC Bnh·er::::ity ~ . T he 11( w drawmg- boards 111 lhP ye~r;; will still have a chance to ,c.>n­wa~ al' le to r3in a 6-0 \'ic:torv. The ~1tt1.e :ire a so~rce of bot_h <::_ r1hc and c·tc~ the cla~s of 2!l. "l'at~'' outpl:ved the .. •1 in Cvcr de- 1.nsprat1on and ~orrow.- 1 he sorrow 1~ For- the . en 11 K ht en m c n t and

~~1;1~~nteon~i~~ tt~: ,;~<!;~!~ t~>u~u~o~~~ b~~Ji ~~'d l~:rr:~~ 1.0;~1chc;c~l1<~~1~;~1 s~~(~~~~~ f~~~~~:It~~.~~~~1~1 °.~\·~~os~\·1~tho ~~~~~!·~~~Ii. 1 \\' E \Y .\ N T Y 0 U T 0 F E E L A T H 0 l\1 E over wh~n tlie pinc:h came. ones. There is ~·adn\.s ... m.the ey~.of then· own thmkmJ?: ~vith ·'art!~tic.: .. ·'----------·------ ··-------

t.amhrla Phi announc:es the marn- )Ir. and .\lr.i>. Earl Ktyes and :;\lr. Year lH!l'i 1Ml.S lf.:!IS

a 'l' of J\pnnetli Sthwartz to .Jo and Mis. Kl•nneth Schwa1 tz \Vl.:'l'e Schuler on Ol"tobcr 12. dinner guest:-. at the Lambda Phi

no use Sunday. .\m igo Gue!'b.

.\lr. and :\Ir·' Reit'."- h of Roundup wt•1c \\'t:C.'k t'llll g-uc~:ts at the Amigo house.

J.. .. amhda. Phi. }lrs. Wunkn, /\fr~., and

~tr Rav Bowden we1·e dinner guests ;t ~he Lambda Phi hou~e.

rNa Epsilon Guest. .. ~lr. ll. B. BrbtlW. To!>ton. was a

gut•si- a the Beta Ep.:;ilun house Sat­urday. He also at.tendl<l the g:amc.

J .. clta Tau .\nnounce Pled gi ng. Udta Tau annoum·t's the pledg-ing-

1 f .John ~tahl. ( , b<.ink, and .Jean ~mith. ).lissoula.

h a1,pa Delta Guewt~. Jlls. ~oiris c;t Hdena. spent the

wH k end at the Kappa Delta hou~e d:-:itinl! her dau_g-hter. Bernice.

.Amig o. J8H9 .\ll's"1s. Hunt and Guthrie, m<:m- HlOO

b~rs of ~hcridan·.:. 01Th(•s~nt. \H•re l~o.; dmner guests at the Amigo ho;1se 1 ~U~::; Thursday. 190~

Omc:ga Beta. .. Rip" \\'ilson, '28, principal of

\\'hite Sulphur hi)'.?'h !<i<:hool was a week end guest at the Bela ht u:-;.::-

Lambda Phi. ,I .. \. }k(.'orniick, Pi Kappa .\lpha,

was a g:uc~t at the LamU<ln Phi houl"e.

1900 l!l()(j

H107 HJ08 lDO~ 1909 1909 HllO l!JlO !Ul I HIJ2 1912

Delta Tau Open Jlou ..;e }9J;;

a.'~;~~;~0;;.au held opc•n houSC' Sunday ~i:i1 Hl1:1 Ullf}

.\l p:ha Gamma Dl' lta Pledge Dancl'. l!ll 7 Tht pledzes of Alpha Gamma Delta 1918

\lpha Omicron Pi Dinner Guest. held their pledge dan·e Sa.turciay lHlll LUl.'Y Bowman was a J.innei· guest. night at the Elks Ifall. Chaperones IB:!O

at tlie Alpha Omicron Pi house were ;\lr and :\!rs. Tallnrnn and :\Irs. 1921 F .. da\· Richardson. J ~22 " .· -- I -- 1rn2:; .\migo. j\.ar .. r.a Sigma Heu~<.> Gue:-;t. 1 1 ;:~~

.)lr. Rmlber.e: of Gla~i.tow ~pent the .A i·e .. ·ent alumni visitor at the 1~ ?n· w~ek end at the houst.. l\.appl Sigma hOU!"il' was :\1. r 1 1 !)2~

lli~ton· of the Serie~ n~any a stud~nt as he tne:;; to fmd l ec.1ue~ . an <l "thing-um-a-Jut~ . e c his old favorites. :\Tany. have become on th(' WO!'th~' ~CH;11s who

18 H so att~rhed to ~ ce1.ta1n boa_rd that I ronde for the bu<l~lmg g·c:mu:.cs of 6 o the g-nef of losing- 1t has disturbed the younUl'l' ~eneration.

lG 0 all their habits of thinking- . So much - ----~o Game so hat the first lest thc :r \\TO~e on _\II those who didn't ma]u.• lhe 11 l? the new hoards wag a tota l failure. TOI me nlors r. la)-· need not :, 1u~a k to

0 'll It ;?!ways helped to find the sator ic (·<tth otl •<'r vet. The re's the Looters 0 ~O ~ke.c.:h of the tei:H·her to ~lare at dtrr- t r y out ne "XL if (' \eryhody makC's it 6 j '{ ing the exam. Then there was the in- tlu.:n :~P \\ill b!.' en ~!lraki ng ferm~

79 Q siJ?nia of one 's favorite fraterities ug-a in. Drama! ~o Game elaborntEly or ornately donP in va1·i-Xo Game ous ways. Ona always could find th e There are those ,,ho a re not exact I) ~o Game init·al~ nf. ~0 1~1e fr~end or football riu 3 rr c l fo;cm~ but \\hO are quietl) and

0 0 sta ·, er an hst of math and 1 i;ierser·\·E" ri ngh me~rn. 0 !i he lll~tl \" formulae . One cou 1<l in - · a 0 ~t'r be h(-; own name and address and -----------

1 ~· !"' pol rar the :-\Oll'OW nf the class in a I TL\)..llLTOX 11 .\LJ. ~OTES 0 ~ fee in;; word or two. :\ot always in

.. JO o. r aibt eithe1·. . . i :\Irs. G .. ). Riet<:h . of Roundup, was >:o Game ! ni ~~~·a~ with tdlC' ~ears . qone arP a dinnt!'r g"UC'St al Hamilton H all

7 0 the ~Hu ."''(S and friends. S~d -bu~ i Thursda.\· night. ii1rs. Rictch is here . :3n :~.lhc insn1rat1vi; n( ft<>"'h uh•~" ~,ui--1\i•·itintr lH'l' son .Jack who is in the

7 0 fat'es, untoucnec~ i '.\ Lnou~ht or. a hospital with an infected le~. 20 0 I f'ketch (')hou ld bnng: t~ publtc n~t1ce __

:~ 2G 9 ~~.~~)r &;~~·e :;~rt~y n~~~~~ts. ~nda;.~i1~t~~ Th~ women o~ H~milton Ha11 ~n-. i\o Game \as; i1·atio e tho~ ha' . e~i~hed with :tcrtan~cd at the11' fir~t fcrmal dm-

G G 'P ns a e P 1 ner \"\· ednef'da\•. Prl'::-tdent and )frs.

... :: N~ Gam~ AG CLUB HOLDS FIRST I ~~~ki~~~·n ~h~I ~~~~s a;~~ ~~:'\~~~i~ 2S 0 MEETING OF QUARTER[ \'i,ienne Boulware went to ~! is-l± ~ 1 soul a Ja;t week. to sing in the Ai-

. 9 1 \'later l\.cnt Radio contest on Thurs-. ... J 13 dav nir:::h1. 1Jigs Boulware is from ~ Gam~ The Agril:ulture ( lub held its f irst fbt~e and ha" just entered her first

2 ..,. 0 meeting- of the quaiter :;\fonday eve:- yrar's work in the Home Er:onomics 1

0 ning", O<.'lcber 15, tht:re being about 40 rlenartn1ent. She i~ an Alpha Omicron

~' I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


i WEST SIDE uROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries


Phone 266 110 W. Curtiss - . l; l 1 ' 111111111111f111111111111111111111111111111111111111

.. ~ ....... ...-.-.. -----~----J"'------.. -----..--------· .. -.. ......................... -...... ---.-~ .............................. -. ~ ~ • QUALITY SERVICE • ~ > ~ H. B. McCAY ~ \ HARDWARE / ~ ---- ~ ~ STARRETT TOOLS ~.· • ~ Complete Catalogue and Price List Free 5 ~ .,,,. ............................................. ...,._ .. _ .. _.._.._._ .. ...._._._...-..r~ .... --................................. .,,._..,_ ... -.-.....

~ t I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I I l I I l I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I \I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I

Crm.,,g-a Beta Dinner Gue~ts. 1 A1J.lries of :\larshfield, California. I iii2~

~lr. and :\lrs. Chuate and 2\lr. Rcx.•k- Total . :mo \\Cll were d'nncr s..rucst.:. al, the Omeg-a .\11- ha Gamma Hho Pl~d ging. - - -, - --

Club members and six faculty mem- l'i pled~e.

lHO be;~h!n~~ce~r;H?' was called to order by ------------==-:: I: President Ben Robin~.m. who clis.;u~s­ed at :;:.ome length tht !tims and pur­rosc!" of tho Club, ~ta·_ing that it wa~ customa1 y for the l 'lub to put on a dance and a fit.ting ··ontest, but that some difcrence of opinion pre\'ailed a.s to whether tho c.:lub s.hould a.t­tem1,t to on both < £ these e\enb this yea r. Several members spoke in fa\ or of puttinJ?" on both the dance and fit.ting contest and this action

TUX'S llc'a hou>e Sunday. Alpha Gamma Rhn :mnouncc> the TORMENTORS 10

-. __ • pled~in,,- of ,Ralph Correil, Stanford, I PRESENT PLAY h <q:pa Odta Drnner (1ue~t.". I and '\. II. E\ans. Ba11n.'1l1c.

Ilor .... thv B~kc:r a_rnl 1 ~~t ?h'<lln . --- (Continued from Page One) WC.'re !-itmda) drnne1 g'Ul:sts at the ~igma (hi Dmner Guc--ts. . · Kappa Delta house. ~atunla\' e\eninn- the Si,yma Chi'.:: c:las!S nH>t~er who 1~ s.nlemh.d1y vul-

e ... ta Ep:.;ilon Guests.

1 11f ll'I'11IJ111111111 I I I If .


For i\iild Smokers -lOc

Latest Styles-All New Skinner Satin Faced Guaranteed

Two Piece $25.00 - Three Piece $29.50

JACOBS COSTUME SHOP Boh ).lurphy and \\" esley Sawyer,

former ~tmknts at :u. S. C .. were v:lek end visitor::; at the Beta Epsilon hou:-:e.

had as ·dinner ,..gue~ts t:. Pa.tiic.:k :.:ar ~ml.fhn:!s her hitches ~\' ."e .k­Kell. f [ i\·ing$ton \\ho refereed the les.s 111d1ffere~ct .. All (~atacte1.s 1e p lxl

0 B - · \l H 'eks of qmrc <.· lever 1mpersonat10n lo mter-

L~wi:~~w~~r w~~n~~;s he~d Ji~e~'man. pret. each ; - Phone 77 Cleaning and Pressing 10 W. '.\fain

and Joe Swindle:hurst of Living:::. ton . E le \·en in Cas t ,. wa.:;, definitelv decidt>d upon. Dates The.rt'.' are twel\'e in the <:ast-four of the!"(' events will be gi\'en out

men and eie;ht wom<.n charactt~rs. later. Lambda Phi .\nnounces Pled~ing. Pi Beta Phi Dinner The play is a splendid opportunity

Lambda Phi announ e~ the pledg--, Pi Beta Phi entertained with two for an\'one interested in cb·amatics to Tile President next asfi:cd for nom- ~ 12 EA.ST MAIN Orficc rs Ekrted Kleinschmidt Co.

ing of Rodger Graham. Billines; Har- dinners la~t week. Thur~day L venini.• lenwn~trate their ~kill. Anyone wh~ inations for ~lar:iha.L and Treasurer. 1~111 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,

1 1 , ,

1 1 ,

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ';

,ey Kerzhi:t1s, Hanlin; and Daft Nich- Pre:->ident. and ~!rs. Alkinson am~ D<:an appear~ in a Tormentors produc:tion Bob O\·erstreet was elected )fa.Tshall elson .. Joplm. and )!rs. Ha1mlton were .. On i~ eligible to a<lmis.sion into Tonnen- by a substantial maigin and ~lei ------------==-::

-- Saturdav ~vening they enten.:uned tor~. J arker was unanimously elected ~§~§§~ '=~§§§~ Peta E(...;ilGn GuesL'-. 1 .:\lr. nnd. ~Jrs. Allen Bri~coe . .Judith "11any Try for Plac<>s Treasun1', all other o(fi crs holding ~ l'2) ~·

.\Ir. anJ :\lrs. All<:n Bri:;coe and :J.Ir. I rrecl. Ruth Rutle<h~e. and Andy Bris- One of the largest and most en- over. Andy Br:seoe of Lewistov>n, \~ere . oe, all of whom motored U\ er from thu::iastic trv-outs C\'er c:onnC'ctcd with l-ro.1.e:-~or Xelson, of the Dairy de- I wt.>ek end guel"ts at the Beta Epsilon Lewi~town to attend the ~ame. a Tormentor~ production was hel<l la~t partment, exprese<l the hope thal

lfoware of Cheap Glasses

Self-selected store glasses or g-las!"-eS furnished hy incompet­ent persons, is falc:e economy. Value your eyes at thdr worth. Have them t-xamin~cl here. and \vea.r the glas!"es required. \\'"e are competent optometr isl!-(,

hou~e. They attended the game. .Honda\' and Tuesda.v afte1noon. Ap- every Agriculture ~:udent would join There is. nothing fore b;,,:neficial to J.roxin{ately :l hundl·ed st.ude;~s ~·ied the Club and sug(-i°!'.Lt.d that co111mit-


Tuesday and Wednesday




A Fine

Pootball Romance


Plenty of Comedy








The picture that will

entertain all Amer ica.

E~,f~~~~~,;~~;,~~ t~~.~0~~~~~:1-::;~i!'h f \h':?ir~,~~~~~~L:~!'. ~~i·~:· 1:1~: 11~~~Y~ ;~'~,r~~s~~~~fr~t~c,t:, :~:k_;:.t:~o::: nc:1~~. w~yo-, 1hJsc \\~.h1~nf°hi~~e~hc;r~~·~ ab~~t~··l'ast cho~en follow~ : O'D JI ~~P~h~n~~:1t~rft~:'·~r~\~~el~ 1~\~'\~~~t" gt:~.~

. Ethel Borridu·e Teresa onne a::;,sutanc:e of the atti\·c !" .. ppott nf the wearing their dinkies in a new and Lach· ~label Venning- Dollv Tripp :at'ulty.

~:uve~L::i~~:dnh~~~e bae\~nth\~~1~h~1~ ~h~ Lad;· )latl:hmont . .\li.e \'andenhook The next ll1€l'ting- datl was set fo1 )Ji~. Donid_E?l C)audin,a Op_d~·kct Jfonday e\·enint!, Octobt>r ~2. at 7::~0

ame old conventional manner. .\It~. Ca--·~iles K~th~nne 1 h.ell~. 0·t'icx:k. Everv ".\g-~rie" b url-{erl to

-------- :~11~. Hl>rlies. . :\iar.e Do (IZa.llk 1 attentl and h(..: 11 J,;eep up thl• spirit MO T!\N A STATE ALUMNI I GN:firey Ca"iles fled Bem.1101~ I dis1.Ja;cd at the fnst mectini.: .\ftcr 1

• 1

• • • } la1er \Varnngton Haro!~ RJ\ adjcurnment J'efn·,., rn1t-nts were ~erved

LESLIE E. GAGE Jeweler and Optician

Broken Lenses Replaced the Same Day

20 S. Black Ave. Phone 425-W

.\ND BOOSTERS TO DINE The Rector Ned ~lilhs wh: h were enjcved by all.

¥~~~;.;~t};l~ mai_d ~ 1 0i~~1:fto~~l~,~~ ·----------'-------------=== (Continued from Page One) ne~iear:-'al:; haq~ all rcacly be;a;.;n

will attend, and brief talks will be nnd with such a cast the play is as-~iven durint? the course of the meal. urcd of :oUC'le!'s. 'T'he S ilver Bow Club will be official Experi<nced Pla) ers Bobcat headquarters in Butte. I Two of the members are Torment-

!. or:-; of no small reputation-:\li ~s Contest Next Saturday Is the Tripp and Harold Ri'in•'· )!i"

j T1 ipp':.; splendid work will be l·em~m-Thirtieth Gridiron Clash 1 ·,.cred in Lcoter's play Jasl spnnC(.

Between Cats and Bruins ~:·~~~· t;~~d)~~~tt~~ot::~!:~in~:~to~i~:~~s "The Fami ly Up:;tairs" and "So Thi~

t Cont:nued from Pag-0 One) I:-:. r <mdon" which played he1·e an<l on ba l ;<·nr frr the B:>bc:ats. when hi~ trips. -~tc•llar play brought a 21-1 '$ victory ~\Iiss Lora Brown and Fred Bennion to his team, and t~e l!J'.2:' game went C<'me here from '"Pan-ots". the Gal­~:> ~L!"soula . !atin High dramatic organization.




TheTe wa~ a great deal of trouble They displayed their ta lent in "The

aitcr the 192:3 ~ame and athletic con- T\\.enfth Ni$!ht'I and ;,You hand I''. I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I; I I I' i I Ii I I I I It I I gt '0 ~I I I] I] I I It neTti•ns were :-en·ied. Due to this Thev are both member~ of t e cl as~ troulJe thet e was no game held in o" ,.-;~2''. H•24. In HJ2:J the mil!hty Bili Kelly Of the rest of the cast little is ho\·e into \'ie\\'. and tomped thn.1 the known of thdl' dramatic career~ ex-P.otcats f< r four tou. hdown~ to give ·ept that they demonstra ted excel-1-e University a 2~-7 \ictory. The lent a~ilit.y durinl! tr~'o.uts an~l ~!:ore of the Boblat... came \•;her1 ~vun agamst s.tronl! <:0!111wt1~1?n: ::\~u J1 I "Por" Grego1y intercepted a rasc and Ii:: expected of them Ill then \RltOUS

c~n fortv ''ards for a touchdown . P:t.rt~ . . . . !{t•Jlv aitain made trouble for thE rhe plar will be g-1ven ~arly 111

Pr beats in the 192 i cent.est whn1 he ):( v~mher at th<' Emerson aud1tor1 u.m. ht'<.'l\l.·tl pas~es and skirted t he ends for I :\f1ss C'hu_bbtH·k, who .too~.dr3:maltc~ h;ng g-ain". This was Kelly'!' last year a ...\mcg this summer. 1s cl11ect111g the

I 1 t tr.e final FtOr(" 27-0 ~till remains play.





1 ~ Come in and Hear Them Now ~

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Page 4: lBER:; ~JFTY - Montana State University · 2016. 6. 17. · m. ~h e tram Yo di ma kt• . ..,IOJ)s at \lanhaltan. Thri·e l "t.:rks, Bclgradt'. und \.\ h1tehall. fo r all alum111



Th~ Ilotlkittl'ns of ;\I. ~. l ., nlthoU!!h ,. hav1.. not Lt~n so suCCf..'ssful in

heir up •. ming J!ames, an:- out to aHm.l!c them!-;eh"es \\ hl'n thC'.Y met the <uh!, of the CniH~r~ity of )lontana in their annunl t.'ncountt.r. The T'-ittens have q 'tlt.~ a n·t:or<l to uphold. as tht.'ir pnde<.·t.•ssors ha\t_• bc.llt•n the )1i:-~oula ~ earling~ f r the la:-t four years.

Whik• tht• Fro:sh hn\'t. appt•areJ to I luek in experit.•n C' in their f_irst trials, tlwy a1 u rnpidl) rounding- into :-hnpc and :-hould bl' n 111111.:h mure form1d­ablt• ag"gTl'!!Uliun when they hit tht.•ir trndit!on~11 rh·nb m•xt month.

Tht. kitten -.quad thi::. ye-ar includes a nuntht.•r of outstandinc- lll'-.'11 anti I c 'oarh At:n.m-. hns nlt•nty of g'ood ma­tt rial ~1 t:hoo:-:e from. ...\monC" thl':-.e. nahl t w rcputt•cl athi<'te from Alu­'hnma , and K!abo and \lax:-on show up \H•ll at the end po..,:tion:-:. In the I b~wk!'il·ld. Lontr. 1nkrct, Drazkh. :ll h:1ll~ and (;riffin and Bam•r at full. t ht"(\ er~. Captain of the Hl:!X Fro~h.


plays a fine Jr.'.lrne at quartl'r. On thC' line GaJ;t'. Yl•rtiC'I. Duff, Frndy, Mc­(';1rrC'n. nnd Hm·kley are all ml'n wit ;1 g od po ... ~ihilitie~ but lnckin~ some­\\ hat in cXJl< rience.

Cubs DanJ!CrOus The Cub;;; thi:-: year nre nputet1 to

h:n l' un exn•ptionally stron~ :-:quad with several all-state hig-h !'t·hool men in tht'ir linC'up, and the out .. onw of the du ... h is a Wpic of much di5cu~­· i<m anwng- the fans of the two ~rhool~. Coach Harry Adams hns

C.\lll'E:'\TER l ni' crsit' ~(, ph(Jmcre "ho is doin!!

\ arsit.) ptrformanl'C this )l'ar

~):~ e\~d \"t>:~~~ n~~ish~):)~b{ii'~~-~}h~=nl~;~ 1· ":t>Il hal:inl e 0l linl• :tn1l u )."ood ba k-J l O\('tl. by the :-;,ron~ tt'am~. which.he ~1t·l'.I. h!1~. ,ft1~·. th~.·. mo=-l pnrt tlll'y lnck (·ostnntly turn_d out. He 1s workrni:r m lX})lt1cnn. hard to whip hi.:. ~trillf; int-0 l'.hape for Cht ~s) Linl'UI> f L ,!?'anu• with the Bobkittens on in tht:' hac:kfil'id il1r the Cub~ .are '\'o,embl•,. 10 The Cub kam has a Babcock, a lonJ,!', r:ln•ry roui:h-ndtr

1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I ~ I I I I I I



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E\·ery Coat pro\·es that \\'ill~on's

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Leading Men's and Boys'


$68 and $78




HOLD FROSH TO TIE The :.\lontana State Bobkittcn~

.r0t:rlll')'1.."'<.i tn Dillon Fdda\ and played u 1il-' J.!Hllll' ';' 7 with lhe ~tronit



Interc .... t i:- 1·apidly i.:row~l'J!' rn. tlw Cr<.;:-.~-Ctnintt·y run ~b tlw t.1m<" 01 till' c<.mtl·:-.t is approachrn~. Quite a nu~11-

I '.•er of mtn arc <lili~ently tr':1~n!~ll.r ior t ht..• l!\·enl and a~ tlw 1 :h.·1..• t--. 1 un ?t. t~l' intC'r-frate1 nity bao.;.i~, t:11.. I'<.". \'ti

I lllll or.n.1.nrC' C'lltril·.:-: 11=-tt-d. Tht• w111nl'1 .. · of tlns g-rulllin).!' rrrind will l't.."t:Ci\"(' nn ··;\I" s\n•atcr ns his prizl'. and th< 11atl•t1fr y <·ollt.>t·tinc: tht• hi~ht~st nu ll b1..·r of 1wint~ will rc1..·ein• a trophy :.\ a 1 <.'rllH\lll'llt awn rd .

\ "OLl.EYB,\ LI.


THE SUfiAR BOWL The llome of Homemade Candie;;

ii 111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111

• ·l;:·:11~.:i~'-~~·:~~:~~ blol'ked a I ~nt early in the }!'amc and Loni: rnn around the t'llt! fur n touchdown and conv('rte<l for the enly t.-ountcr st.:ur1..d by t.he veal lings. L.att' in the g-amt' . the ~l'utcher~ inH•rceptcd a Bobk1tten pa~s :rnd ran SO y:1nb for a ~ouch­do,•n and tht•n t.:t>ll\ crted to uc the

Th1..~ n1lil"yhall tournament i::. to bt• -s,•ht. liull"d this quartl'r. Each frn- -


tt•rnit·· wi} t•nt~r n team in tlw ~er1('s .. and :1 sl'rlt's wtll be play\'d off to de-

! id\' the winner.


FOR H .1:'\lllUI L

!-<.OH'. Frosh Linc \\ eak

1 The entril':3- for thi: h:rntlball lour- .. 1wy huq• n .. •ached quite hkh numbers .. this yt•ar )fony Fre~hnwn han•

Prompt, Reliable Sen ice - Careful, Courteous Drhers

PHONE 3-1· 1- iV Tht• yearlings line was weak due to t hC> a \;!'<l'JH"l~ of ~t.'' era! men. Ln rson,

:--ig-netl up for thC' 1.:onte..;t :ts Wl~ll n~ .. l'\l rtil ~till"!-< llf fonnL'r years hent·t~. ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I • I, • • I' I 'I I I I I I I It I I \ n c.•v1•nly nintC'. ll~d st•ril.'s i~ a:-:sun:d.

th:- big- Butte boy , has a bad nnkh• .HH. Fi-atly, the ::i.tur i:ente1-. faik•d to .._,n ·h tht? uam .FlW the hitt~n .... L..1ng J S\\- 1'.\1'.\ll~ G ~to..>d out in the hac~-f1eld ~md Do~Hll , 1 \.JOH FH \ XI\ '1lLBl RX Th<" 1.rn;.;p<.<>ct:- for n fir~t t:I:\~~ 1 la~ ed a \\ nnde11ul g-am .. e nt end. I Grinh ( o.ich ... wimmin).! lt>am looks unu:-ually wt•ll \ t.-'rtc1 and Duff al taL"kle~. l· ratl', )le- · thi:-. yt•aL An t.•x.ct•pti(inal1y htn!l' l'an!..'11 and Bucklt•:r at..


1 ~j}1 <l

1 f

1 . in n· mhl'r of l'andhlatcs ar1.. working- out played good ball. Druz1~ 1 .1t u1 ' .di appea1-e m tic ll""l :-; nnl! ll'l!Uhd·h· in an l·ffort to m~1kc tlw trrlllm and Bo\\e1· at fullback post- p1al'tll'C' D Oa\1s l.1; Hutti." pl~t)" at ~ iuad and with sn man:i.- l'"Ompetl"nt tion:-; a!~o pluved fair ball. l'nd and s(l does :1 t:i.11 lad named nwn to draw from, Coach ,Johnny Tht• kitten~ play Intt1·-.:\lounluin I llancy, "ith AYery and ThibOLk•au . .'.\foirison should be alJIL· to comhint:' a Co'lt•)!t~ in llelcnn next Friday. irnd the laltt>r of thl• ?\li~ ... o.Jla 1H~6 \l'r~· f(lrmhlahle l'C'W t.o repn·~ent :\I. t!"O from tlw1e as g-ue.sts. to th<' Griz- 1 nls;o ll.'ndin!! wing llll'!l. Othl•r lim•nH'J1 S. t'. in th<. walt•r e\"cnt:". ;\lont.ana. ... ll trat:a.s m Butte on .:5atur-111wludC>d, Sist)'. the Plain~ ~OU pcnmd- ~t·itt• h:ts Hhedull•d $:.\\ imming- tn('('l~ day. er: :\lcl arthy, Bu(•klC'y . :\ltlll•r, nub- thi ... Yt.':lr with \"arious tt?ams. Thu~ . bin and \"ich1..1 fuJll1nck. Giarntan~l fan.;. .of the wakr s.pt1rt arC> a~~q1rcd from Powdl'r Ri,er t·ountry; Burn~. a I Glcndi\"e is out \\ith a dislncatC'tl nf s'Hlll' \l•n- inkrc~ting- competition. ~to~k lineplung-er from Choteau: l'lif. i aim. Thl'l ~· an n~port.l.'tl to he several goud

.la. ob~·en, fll•l'l ?\1issoula ha.lfbal'k in (',_\\I I'·"' Y. ' E.' " I' ~.· \ 1'l I! I) \). s\•:immC'rs anwnJ.!' the Fi e~hmen das-. Ut:!ti: .lame~ Bickel, Loyola's fore- - -'"' ·" ·' ...... thi:-. y1..•ar a1hl the old nwmber~ of the most athlct1..• the last thn·e YC:ur:;; [ l tah l ni\('n•it)- at Colorado l ni - llalll \•·ill bt• forl·t•tl to demonstrate Geo.- L:1g:1..1·\1ul:-;t. thl' burly Hum11t~n I . ,er~ ity. t~1C'ir lfforts to maintnin their iullriill'k of l~l~ti. and a L'Ouple of big \\ t•dern Statt~ at Colorado " int'!'. berth on t~ll· squad. Amonl!' thC' likely boy~. Cox from Butt~ llig-h and Dalp. I Colt rndo Teacher~ at Lni,crsit) of 1.·amlicla:t•-.: are tlw following-; Barn~:-1. hard and solidly l)l1i!t. \\°) oming-. '\'('}:-:11n. :-::kanarcl. :'\la lion, Rh·inC>:-i;, Bn•l•n is :1 liekly tir:st string- et:"nter, Ct:th .\ ~~ie~ at Urii:dwm Young. Hubbard . Pakala, Erkkiln. Tha1p. Lt p1oduct of "S\\l'de' Dahlbct,!!·:.- foot-\R_L C'h.1rle.;: at. :\l u~tana '\orm.!1. + lil•1l~kilu an I Flannaitan baJI Hhool .tl Butt(\ hq!'h, with Ruth \dJr.L-;h,l lnn er:s1t\ and )lis:soun ----another phot po~s1bility lknry .:\lur- at Lincoln. · "\ ntice ~\\lllllllt'r-.:-'I here" ti! Jw ,1 t\ of the J~t26 ;\lis~<mla hu?h teum~ ---- nlt't tin~ ~f all nic•n interested in en-.Jace~1rd, thC>. ehunk) Butte . h~gh lmc L.\ST S.\Tll HO \\ ·s. S(OHES tC'lllli!" in .t tn fi nJ?u lar meC't ''Ith ~t:11· l:~~t fa~ll: ~~ydt'r .2111 pound '1 ontana l- .. 20: )Jonrnna :\l im·~. tl. Buth• and lll•lcnn Y. )1. C. \ 's. )...'1.u<r\l from (1reat Falls high; )let-

1 all. a lanky lad from Phillip~burg. (;cnzal!a . l:.; : )IL. St. t har <'s, 12. l'tah. fi; Colorado \cdc~. ti. ~ ehra~ ha .. 7; Sy ra l·U"'t.', Ii. B. Y. l' .. ltl; \\·cskrn State, 0.

1f all Frr~hmu1 Wl'll" "iC:atl1 d tlit·et' t'l'Ct apart during- thl• l'Xum tlwy \\Ot1hl ~trt..•ll'il.

.. _.._.._._._.._._ ................................................................ .._ ............... _ ................................................................................. _.._.._ .. _ ......... ..... . \ ~ ~

\ jjHOWARD'S\j l ~ < ~ ~ l FOR~'~~ ~~~!~"~AME l ~ SHEEP LINED COATS ~ ~ ·: > S1L75 to SlS.30 ~ -: \ \ ~ ~ --~.--~ \

~ ~ ~ ohe HUB ~ ~ ED and LOU HOWARD ~ ~ \\'alk-0\·er hoes Stetson Hats ::\obby Caps ~ \ \ ( ........................................... -.. -.-------------.................... _._,._ .. _.._.._.._.._.._~ ....... --..... .._.._.._ .. .I"'..._._.._.._ ................. ~

La~t wt:ck':$ Gnzzly-)liner game l·annol bt• U:'l'd u~ an indil·ator. Da\·is did not sec action. and Chinske \Va~ in but n minute aml a half.

,, ot a cough in a Filrn-Juz"

St. Charles continues a-; a dang:er­ou~ threat in )lontana football cir­cle- . rh(' )!.till(' in Shl•ridan \\ill be I t.ouith .

DeFrate played a great ~nme Saturday. He l looked like a real Yarsity back in action: a man to fill W o r d e n ' s I ~hoes.

1t seems this is a year of re­''er::;als for tradi-

g~j~nl St~tiev ·~~:t I i~i~hsi~anti~l~~ t~~ I seven year~. Gon­zaga turned the

tabl1.. s on St. Charles. Georgia Tech got over !'\otre Dame afte r six suc­ce:-;si\'C defl:at:-: by Rockne's men. The Army whipped Harvard for the first

I time in a;~ ~Nl:.-ons, and the Kansas I .Tayhawkers broke a four-year jinx

by winning- from Kansas Aggie~.

Oll Gardner \\ill be in the lineup again Ratur<la) and one Jong run a~ he mad<• at!ain ... t ltah .\ ggies ~' ould he lp.

Tlwrt> will be a n1l'~ting- of all par tkirants in tht> :.wimmintr tenm try-1 uts 'fue:-:day night in the Enginerinl! I B;ildin". lld<•na and Butte Y. M. C. \':-;. haYe l'halk:ng~d :\1. S. C. ~wim­

lll<'rs and llll' mN•ting will be fo1· as­pirants for the team to n·present the I3lm• and Gold.

Th<· Griz:die's are lunin~ their i-: h are ( r injurit.·~ \\ ith 'lellin~er and 'for -


1 ('W. fullhat·k~. on the b<>nth most of the time.


See u, for all your needs in the electrical line. Reading lamps, Mazda \amps, irons,


warming pads, heaters, per­colators, toasters. waffle irons, etc.

D. H. BUDD CO. 30 W, Main Phone 300 ~~,

saJ'S Nor ma Talmadge after the Blind£ old Test "\Vhcn YOU see my new U nited Arti>ts' picture,"The \Vomun Disputed ,' ) ou "ill notice that I smoke cigarct1es in se\'L:ral scenes. ";'>;ot" .nting to show partiality to any one of the four leading brands, I decided to mahc 11\ choice: Yia the blindfold test, "hi ch l !; ad hc.ird of many times. flappil~, I picked Ow GolDs. "l found them mooth, mild and delight­[ ull) cool , , . } l creaftcr, "hen I am requi red 10 smohc I shall naturally in­,,ist on Uw Go LO • There's 1101 a cough in a fiim-f11/!"

NOK\! \ T \L:\!AOGe. . celebrated i;crcco Har ..• m1ol.:in11 @ r. Lorillard Cu., E.1. 1760 OLD Goa us in 11 1ccnc from her hnut United Artisi11' siarrin& vehicle," fbc Woman Di1putcd."

TllB ll'\ CO \IPAR \ Bl.6 . .. =" OR\I. \ ouch> the h\·:.t luq:J llctrcsscs in 1bc hi:.1or) of 1b..: scrccu •• . fcnuuus for b.:r r G!c. iu ''C11.millc'' aud '' 1'.il..i."

11 lude from the he11rt·lr11l'eS of the tobacco p/0111 ... that's the reason fo r their ho111•y·likt• smooth11ess ... and that's \\ hy you cun pick them "ith your e) es closed.


• Leading

Men's and Boys' Store