Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1...

Language, Gender, and Culture Directions : Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is:

Transcript of Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1...

Page 1: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Language, Gender, and Culture

Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1st assignment is: Anticipatory Set

Page 2: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Pre-reading: Anticipatory SetDirections # 1-5 and mark “Y” or “N” for each

1. I prefer it when people speak quietly around me.

2. I prefer it when people look me in the eye when we talk.

3. I like it most when I am taller (or higher up) than the person with whom I am speaking.

4. I like to talk loudly at parties.5. I appreciate when someone is at least a foot

from me when we are in conversation.

Page 3: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

6. I am quiet more often than I am loud.

7. I like to be the center of attention.

8. I often wish I was more out-spoken.

9. I consider myself to be a good communicator.

10.I always know when someone is angry with me – even if they don’t say it.

11.I can tell when someone is being dishonest.

12. My facial expressions come across loud and clear to people.

13. I find myself telling secrets or gossiping with my friends a lot.

Page 4: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

14. I do not like to be in a crowd of people.

15. I look people in the eye when I talk to them.

16. I am more comfortable talking to one gender than the other.

17. I have more friends of my gender than the other.

18. I spend a lot of time on the phone with my friends.

19. My mom or dad say I am too loud.

20. My parents are openly affectionate with each other.

21. I find myself with my hand on my hip or my arms crossed when I talk to someone.

Page 5: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Debrief with a small group (to model)

• Review a few key statements.

• Be prepared to “defend your answer”

Page 6: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Introduce the new unit: “Language, Gender and Culture”

Predict the definitions:1. Language2. Gender3. Culture

Discuss with table + as a class.

Page 7: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Quickwrite: (7 min) TS, Ex+2CM, Ex+2CM, CS

#1) One or two generations ago, men and women seemed to have firmer codes for how to behave: men could be loud and assertive, but women were expected to dress modestly and use feminine voices. Do you think these “rules” for males and females behavior still hold true today? From your own experiences and observations, what can you point to as support for your position?

Page 8: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Quickwrite: (7 min) TS, Ex+2CM, Ex+2CM, CS

#2) Families have their own rules for how males and females should talk and behave. Think back to the advice you have heard in your family or to the rules you have noticed your family members following. Describe the communication styles for talking and behaving for men and women in your family.

Page 9: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Share Quickwrite Ideas• Lines of communication. Line up: A= outside circle B=inside

facing partner• Write your partner’s name on your sheet and share your ideas

on Quickwrite #1. Jot notes in margin what you heard.• Shift to talk to a second partner about what your partner said.

(new partners for Quickwrite #2)• Debrief• Show Close-Talkers (Seinfeld)• Low Talkers:

Page 10: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

The Summative Prompt• Make a Do/What chart:Misunderstandings happen every day, often based on

differences in communication styles. Now that you have studied multiple texts as part of the L,G,C Unit, write an essay in which you discuss the causes of misunderstandings that exist in regards to communication between genders and cultures, along with possible solutions.

Your essay MUST include quotations from two of the texts at a minimum. Quotes must be integrated and include parenthetical citations.

Page 11: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

“Phylosophe” by: Judith Butler (p.31)

• Transcript of YouTube clip.

Page 12: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

The Big Question

• What are the major misunderstandings that exist in regards to communication between genders and cultures?

• Frame: The … that exist between … and … include …,…,and… It is important to find ways to overcome these because ...

Page 13: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Big Question:We are all aware of misunderstandings or misjudgments that exist regarding language, gender, and culture in our society. What are some specific examples?  How do such misunderstandings affect our ability to communicate with others?

Sentence Frame:One example of miscommunication between (languages/genders/cultures) that I’ve witnessed is … This (surprised/shocked/…) me because… (When it comes/ In regards) to (languages/cultures/genders), people need to remember…

Page 14: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.


• Debrief and add 4 more to each side.

Effective Ineffective

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Page 15: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Making Predictions

Prediction (1 minute): Tannen’s article is titled “His Politeness is Her Powerlessness.” Make a prediction: What will it be about?

• Frame: I believe that …’s article will (discuss/argue/explain) … because …

• (30 seconds): Share with a partner

Page 16: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Making Predictions

• Read paragraph 1 (look closely at the last

sentence): “Often, the labeling of ‘women’s

language’ as ‘powerless language’ reflects the view of women’s behavior through the lens of men’s.”

2. (1 minute): What do you think Tannen means by this?

• (30 seconds) Share with partner; then whole class.

Page 17: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

First Reading

• Look for the thesis in the first paragraph. Paraphrase the thesis using the Sentence Frame:

Thesis Statement Frame:

• The (thesis/controlling impression/main idea) of …’s article is …

Page 18: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

First Reading• Finish reading to understand the main ideas. • Highlight words/ideas that relate to direct or

indirect communication. – Direct = Verbal = 1/3 of the message– Indirect = nonverbal= 2/3 of the message

• What new information did you learn? Anything surprising? Anything you disagree with?

Page 19: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

De-brief Seinfeld’s “Close Talkers”

• Frame: The Seinfeld video clip “Close Talkers” (includes/displays/exhibits) characteristics of (L/G/C). – One example of a (L/C/G) issue is...

– This was (illustrated by/reflected in)...

Page 20: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

• LANGUAGE POINT: “Indirectness itself does not reflect powerlessness” but that women are “seeking connection” when they speak.

• CULTURAL POINT: “Evidence from other cultures also makes it clear that indirectness does not in itself reflect low status. Rather, our assumptions about the status of women compel us to interpret anything they do as low status.”

2nd Reading: read as a “skeptic”(add: Icons + Annotate)

Page 21: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

2nd Reading Questions• Suggests: Our tendency to characterize women’s

behavior as low status is what makes it difficult to see their conversational styles as legitimate, powerful, or effective.

1. Is Tannen assuming that only women are seeking to build rapport? (In other words, is she implying that men don’t also seek to build connections?)

2. Is Tannen valuing women’s speech as superior to that of men’s?

3. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of making generalizations according to gender?

Page 22: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

PARTNERS: Textual Structure

1. Discuss your ideas of why Tannen devotes the majority of her article to analyzing women’s speech.

2. Does this rhetorical choice strengthen or undermine the persuasiveness of her argument?

3. Have your ideas changed about the ways in which men and women talk?

Page 23: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

• Write the Main Idea at the end of the article:

American men tend to speak …, whereas American women tend to speak …. In America, … is viewed as powerlessness, and is often labeled … or... In other cultures, ... This is important because…

HW= Use different color to: add adjectives to nouns, add adverbs to verbs (use arrows to show what you are modifying).

Page 24: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Summarizing and Responding: Discuss, then write.1 paragraph (7 minutes)

A. Linguistic researchers, such as Tannen, have shown that male and female communication styles are different. Some have gone so far as to suggest that women could benefit themselves by learning a “male” style of communication, including, for example, giving direct orders, as Tannen describes. Such behaviors, these researchers argue, could help women to win the respect of men in the business world and thus advance women’s careers. How would you respond to this suggestion? Consider to what extent your gender determines your answer.

Page 25: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

B. People often say one thing and do another. What does Tannen mean when she says, “Only modern Western societies place a priority on direct communication, and even for us it is more a value than a practice” (paragraph 8)? Do you agree that we claim to value direct speech but often act otherwise? Give specific examples to support your point of view based on your personal experience or on your observation of others.

Summarizing and Responding: Discuss, then write.1 paragraph (7 minutes)

Page 26: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus Pre-Reading

• I Love Lucy (Job switch) and Modern Family (Phil at Spa)

• Sentence Frame: Although these two clips come from very different eras, both show examples of … The message of both clips seems to be …

Page 27: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Men are From Mars, Women are from VenusMen seem to flip around the television more than

women. Men get that remote control in their hands, they don't even know what the hell they're not watching. You know we just keep going, "Rerun, that's stupid, he's stupid, go, go, go." "What are you watching?" "I don't care, I gotta keep going." "Who was that?" "I don't know what it was, doesn't matter, it's not your fault. I gotta keep going." "I think that's a documentary on your father." "Don't care, what else is on?" Women don't do this. Women will stop and go, "Well let me see what the show is, before I change the channel. Maybe we can nurture it, work with it, help it grow into something." Men don't do that. Because women nest and men hunt. That's why we watch TV differently.

-Jerry Seinfeld

Page 28: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Men are From Mars, Women are from Venusby: John Gray

Quickwrite: (CHOOSE ONE) 7 min. = 1 paragraph

Who are better communicators: males or females? Explain how.

What are some ways you have noticed that males and females communicate differently?

Page 29: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Making Predictions1. What can you infer from the title?2. (Skim the text) How is this book probably

structured?3. What are the benefits to this type of


Page 30: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Read the Article1. Highlight (communication) 2. Annotate (talk to the text).

Page 31: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

STRESS! (After Mars/Venus read)1. Create 3 columns2. Headings: Stressors/Healthy

Strategies/Unhealthy Strategies3. List 5 causes of stress + healthy

strategies/unhealthy strategies

Page 32: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Focus on ListeningPart 3 (Listen carefully!)

1. Listen as you hear an excerpt from Dr. John Gray’s book, “Men are from Mars…”

2. Jot down notes in 2 columns (males/females)

Page 33: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

2 paragraphs (compare/contrast)Write two paragraphs (compare and contrast)

about how males and females cope with stress.

(7 minutes/paragraph)TS: When coping with stress, men tend to … (Add


TS: On the other hand, women tend to cope with stress by … (Add CD, CM, CS)

Page 34: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

1 paragraphs (compare/contrast)

Write one paragraph (compare and contrast) about solutions to how males and females should better communicate (base this paragraph on what you wrote previously).

(7 minutes/paragraph)

Page 35: Language, Gender, and Culture Directions: Staple ~ 5 pages and set up your Table of Contents Your 1 st assignment is: Anticipatory Set.

Add the Introduction + Conclusion prghs

(7 minutes/paragraph)INTRODUCTION: (How to Begin This?) = • Hook, Topic, Bkgd., ThesisCONCLUSION: (Really Strong Ending) = • re-state thesis• summarize• end strong