Lanciano 3 a s.u


Transcript of Lanciano 3 a s.u

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History of the townn This town was built on

the site of the Ancient Anxanum and was involved in the Gothic war and the Byzantine-Longobard wars. In 981 it became part of the Duchy of Benevento.

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The Cathedral “Santa Maria Del Ponte”

o Santa Maria Del Ponte was raised on three arches of a Roman bridge, under Diocletian’s reign. After an earthquake in 1088 an ancient statue of the Madonna was found.

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The interior has a single nave and is in the Neo-classical style. The vault is decorated with biblical frescos by Giacinto Diana.

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Santa Maria Maggiore

l This church was founded in 1227. the sandstone facade is divided in two sections:

l the left section is preceded by a flight of stairs. There are three pillars per section, the lunette features the relief of Christ on the Cross;

l the right section has an ogival portal, twin two-mullioned windows and a rose window.

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Montanare towers

Montanare towers are situated south of Santa Maria Maggiore and they are the only ones remaining from the Aragonese walls. They were built to defend the area.

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San Francesco

This church was built in 1258. Of the original structure remain the portal, the lower part of the facade and the bell tower. The interior has a single nave and is decorated in the baroque style. Into this church took place the first episode of the Eucharist Miracle (VIII century)

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Eucharist Miracle

l It dates back to 730-750 A.D. In that time while a monk was celebrating the Mass wondered if the eucharistic wafer and the wine really were the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ.

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l Suddenly the sacred wafer and the wine turned into a piece of bleeding flesh and into blood that soon coagulated.

Today the relics are kept in this tabernacle and pilgrims visit this church.

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The Mastrogiurato Ceremony

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The Mastrogiurato was a magistrate of the Reign of Naples that helped the Mayor. He was elected with the Mayor and his principal role was the opening and the closing of the Town Gate.

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Fare clic sull'icona per inserire un'immagine

Since 1981 there has been a ceremony that takes place during the last days of August and that celebrates the Mastrogiurato election. This ceremony contributes to recreate the Medieval atmosphere with Medieval shops, a toys fair and Medieval performances.

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Fare clic sull'icona per inserire un'immagine

The last ceremony is a parade, from Corso Trento Trieste to Piazza Plebiscito, of damsels and knights in Medieval garments…

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…flag wavers…

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…musicians and soldiers.

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n After this the Mastrogiurato is elected and reads an oath of loyalty to the Town in Latin.

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Claudia Tricca e Benedetta Gaspari

3° A S.U.