laboratory manual

Food Analysis Third Edition

Transcript of laboratory manual

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Food Analysis Third Edition

Shubham Subrot
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The Food Science Text Series provides faculty with the leading teaching tools. The Editorial Board has outlined the most appropriate and complete content for each food science course in a typical food science program, and has identified textbooks of the highest quality, written by leading food science educators.


Series Editor

Dennis R. Heldman, Professor of Food Engineenug, Department of Food Science and Director of Cooperative Research & Development Program, Center for Advanced Food Technology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Board Members

Richard W. Hartel, Professor of Food Engineering, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin.

Hildegarde Heymann, Professor of Sensory Science, Department of Food Science & Technology, University of California-Davis.

Joseph H. Hotchkiss, Professor, Institute of Food Science and Institute for Comparative and t:nvironmental Toxicology, and Chair, Food Science Department, Cornell University.

James M. Jay, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Wayne Stale' University and Adjunct Professor, Univer~ty of Nevada-La~ Vegas.

Kenneth Lee, Professor and Chair. Department of Food Science and Tt:chnology, Thl' Ohio StOlte University.

Norman G. Marriott, Emeritus Professor & Extension Food Scientist, Department of Food Scit:mcc and Techno\t)gy, Virginia Polytechnic and Statt' University

Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, California Polytechnic and State Unive~ity-San Luis Obispo.

S. Suzanne Nielsen, Professor '1f food Science, Department of Food Science, Purdue University.

J. Antonio Torres, Associate Professor of Food Science, Department of Food Scimcc and Technology, Oregon State University.


Elementary Food Science, Fourth Edition, Ernest R. Vieira (1996) Essentials of Food Sanitation, Nonnan G. Marriott (1997) Essentials of food Science, Second Edition, Vickie A. Vaclavik and Elizabeth W Christian

(2003) Food Analysis, Third Edition, 5. Suzanne NidsC'n (2003) Food Analysis Laboratory Manual, S. Suzanne Nielsen (2003) Food Science, Fifth Edition, Norman N. Potter and Joseph H. Hotchki:;s (1995) Fundamentals of food Process Engineering. Se-cond Edition, Romeo T. Toledo (1990) Introduction to Food Process Engineering, P. G. Smith (2003) Modem Food Microbiology, Sixth Edition, james M. Jay (2000) Principles of Food Chemistry, Third Edition, John M. deMan (1YY9) Principles of Food Processing, Dennis R. Heldman and Richard W. Hartel (1997) Principles of Food Sanitation, Fourth Edition, Norman G. Marriott (1999} Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and Practices, Harry T. Lawless and Hildegarde

Heymann (1998)

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Food Analysis Third Edition

edited by

5. Suzanne Nielsen Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBLISHERS New York • Boston • Dordrecht • London • Moscow

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ISBN. 0-30~>-474Y5-il

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Food an<~ly~is/edited by S. Suzannt> l\"ielscn.-3rd ed. p. em.

Includes bibliographical referenct>s and index. ISBN 0-306-47495-6

L Fo(>d-An;:~\p;is. !. Niel:<1.'n, S. Su:r.~nnl:'.

TX545 .F54 2003 664'.07-dc21

20021140664 ------------

J"~2D():I Klmver i\cndt•mic I Plenum Publi~her~. Nt•w York 2J3 Sprin~ Slrt't'l, Nt'w Ynrk, Nt•w York 11l013

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Contributing Auii!Vrs vii

Preface and Ack!ww/edgments IX

List of Abbreviation~ xi

Part I. General Information

1. Introduction tu Food Analysis 3 5. Suza11nc Nit'lsen

2. United States Government Regulations and International Standards Related to Food 1\mlysis 15 5. SUZII/11/C Nielsen

:1. Nutrition Labl'iinp; 35 S. Suzanne Niclsctt and Uoyd E. Metzger

4. Evaluation nf Analytical Dota 51 f. Scot/ Smith

5. Sampling and Sample Prep;uation 65 A11drew Proclor und fmn-Fmtl(ois Meul/enl'f

Part II. Compositional Analysis of Foods

6. Moisture and Total Solids Analysis Hl Robert L. Bradley, Jr.

7. Ash Analysis 103 Le11iel H. Harbcrs and S. Suzanne Nielsm

K Crude Fat Analysis 113 David B. Min and Jeff M. Boff

9. Protein Analysis 131 Sam K. C. Chang

10. Carbohydrate Analysis 143 fames N. BeMiller

11. Vitamin Analysis 175 Ronald R. Eitenmiller and W. 0. Landen, Jr.

12. Mineral Analysis 189 Charles E. Carpenter rmd Delay G. Hendricks

Part Ill. Chemical Properties and Characteristics of Foods

13. pH and Titratable Acidity 207 George D. Sadler arui Patricia A. Murp!Jy

14. Fat Characterization 227 Oscar A. Pike

, 15. Protein Separation and Charactt'rization Procedures 247 Denise M. Smitli

16. Application of Enzymes in Food Analysis 269 Joseph R. Powers

17. Immunoassays 2H7 Pder Spoms

18. Agricultural Biotechnology (CMO) Methods of Analysis 301 Annl' R. Bridges, Kimberly M. Magin. and ]ames W Stave

19. Analysis of Pesticide, Mycotoxin, and Drug Residues in Foods 315 William D. Marshall

20. Analysis for Extraneous Matter 341 fohn R. Pedersen

21. Determination of Oxygen Demand 351 Yong D. Hang


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Part IV. Spectroscopy

22. Basic Principles of Spectroscopy 359 Michael H. Penner

23. Ultraviolet, Visible, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy 371 Michael H. Penner

24. Infrared Spectroscopy 387 Randy L. Wehling

25. Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy 401 Dennis D. Miller and Michael A. Rutzke

26. Mass Spectrometry 423 f. Scott Smith and Rohan A. Thakur

Part V. Chromatography

27. Basic Principles of Chromatography 437 Mary Ann Rounds and S. Suzanne Nielsen


28. High Performance Liquid Chromatography 461 Mary Ann Rounds and ]esse F. Gregory, III

29. Gas Chromatography 479 Gary A. Reineccius

"'l Part VI. Physical Properties of Foods

· 30. Rheological Principles for Food Analysis 503 Christopher R. Daubert and E. Allen Foegeding

31-. Thermal Analysis 517 Timothy W. Schenz

32. Color Analysis 529 F. Jack Francis

Index 543

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Contributing Authors

James N. BeMiller Department of Food Science Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1160

Jeff M. Boff Department of Food Science and Technology The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210

Robert L. Bradley, Jr. (retired) Formerly, Department of Food Science University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Anne R. Bridges Medallion Laboratories General Mills Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427

Chacles E. Carpenter Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences Utah State University Logan, Utah 84322-8700

Sam K. C. Chang Departml.!nt of Cereal and Food Science~> North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota 58105

Christopher R. Daubert Department of Food Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7624

Ronald R. Eitenmiller Department of Food Science University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602

E. Allen Foegeding Department of Food Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7624

F. Jack Francis (retired) Formerly, Department of Food Science University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts 01003

Jesse F. Gregory, III Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611-0370

YongD.Hang Department of Food Science and Technology Cornell University Geneva, New York 14456

Leniel H. Harbers (retired) Formerly, Department of Animal Sciences and

Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1600

Deloy G. Hendricks Department of Nutrition and Fond Sciences Utah State University Lo~an, Utah 84322-~70(}

W. 0. Landen, Jr. Department of Food Science University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30601

Kimberly M. Magin Monsanto Co. St. Louis, Missouri 63198

William D. Marshall Department of Food Science and Agricultural

Chemistry MacDonald Campus of McGill University St.-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 Canada

Lloyd E. Metzger Department of Food Science and Nutrition University of Minnesota St. Paul_ Minnesota 55108-6099

Jean-Fran.;ois Meullenet Department of Food Science University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703


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Dennis D. Miller Department of Food Science Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-7201

David B. Min Department of Food Science and Technology The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210

Patricia A. Murphy Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011

S. Suzanne Nielsen Department of Food Science Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1160

John R. Pedersen (retired) Formerly, Department of Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506-2201

Michael H. Penner Department of Food Science and Technology Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6602

Oscar A. Pike Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602

Joseph R. Powers Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99164-51R4

Andrew Proctor Department of Food Science University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703

Gary A. Reineccius Department of Food Science and Nutrition University of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55108-6099

Mary Ann Rounds (deceased) Department of Physics Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Michael A. Rutzke

Contributing Authors

U.S. Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory USDA/ARS Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853

George D. Sadler National Center for Food Safety and Technology Illinois Institute of Technology Summit-Argo, Illinois 60501

Timothy W. Schenz Abbott Laboratories Ross Products Division Columbus, Ohio 43216

Denise M. Smith Department of Food Science and Toxicology University of Idaho Moscow, [daho R3844-2201

J. Scott Smith Department of Animal Sciences and Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1600

Peter Sporns Department of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional

Science University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G2P5 Canada

James W. Stave Strategic Diagnostics Inc. Newark, Deleware 19713

Rohan A. Thakur Finnigan Corporation: A Thermo Quest Company San Jose, California 95134-1991

Randy L. Wehling Department of Food Science and Technology University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0919

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