Labor Redistributions EPAF PZAREDS Legacy Laura Putz Unrestricted Accounting HSC Financial...

Labor Redistributions EPAF PZAREDS Legacy Laura Putz Unrestricted Accounting HSC Financial Services
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Transcript of Labor Redistributions EPAF PZAREDS Legacy Laura Putz Unrestricted Accounting HSC Financial...

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Labor Redistributions




Laura PutzUnrestricted AccountingHSC Financial Services

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PURPOSE: Create FUTURE labor distributionsREPLACES: EPAN for future (prospective) change in labor distribution HSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice

Account Distribution Change Form (also known as prospective changes on Salary Reallocation Form)

Student Employment’s Status Change Form Faculty Contracts-Funding Change Form Graduate Studies Assistantship Form

This form is still used, in addition to EPAF

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Forms LoboWeb interface, employee tab

Originator Hiring/Timesheet Organization associated with Employee

Approver Department designee with signature authority to provide acknowledgement of

labor distribution appropriateness Central Accounting Offices for distributions affecting contracts or grants.

Purpose-When to use Change future labor distributions

Process Provides for electronic routing for approval and posting of changes

EOD Training Originator:

EPAF-BAN HRP EP 101 Department Approval:


Originator: EPAF- Labor Distribution Change originator Dept Approval: EPAF Labor Distribution Chg-First level approver

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Approval Delivery Expectations

EPAF Routing Allow 5 business days for approval

queue routing Department Approval – 2 days Central Accounting Approval – 3 days

Payroll Deadlines

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Hyperion Labor Distribution Report FSH0002

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EPAF Report Development

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EPAF – Known Issues: Effective Date

Bi-Weekly Payroll:For a change to be effective the first day of the current pay period, query date and effective date must be the first day of a pay period that has not yet been paid.

Monthly Payroll:For a change to be effective the first day of the current month, query date and effective date must be the first day of a pay period that has not yet been paid.

Closed Funds You cannot create a distribution to a closed fund

Future Dated Distribution Changes Current Work Around - HR Service Center is monitoring and working

with departments to facilitate/maintain future change record Future Process – In development stage to be communicated on EPAF

ListServ when implemented Approval Category/Electronic Routing

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EPAF Category Selection & Approval RoutingQuick Reference Guide


Category Code Approval Category Description

Minimum Dept Approval Requirements

Core Office Approval Requirements

FYI Notification

LD_HRD Main Campus & HSC EPAF-with ONLY Unrestricted Indices

Level 1-signature authority (for each index being changed)

Level 2-optional

No electronic approval required; Post Transaction review occurs.


LD_BSM Both Main Campus & HSC indices on EPAF, with any Restricted Indices.

Level 1-signature authority (for each index being changed)

Level 2-optional

MC Fiscal Monitor

HSC Fiscal Monitor



LD_HSM HSC EPAF with any Restricted Indices.

Level 1-signature authority (for each index being changed)

Level 2-optional

HSC Fiscal Monitor PI


LD_MSM Main Campus EPAF with any Restricted Indices.

Level 1-signature authority (for each index being changed)

Level 2-optional

MC Fiscal Monitor PI


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EPAF Category Selection & Approval RoutingQuick Reference Guide


Definitions:EDC Employment Data Center

Fiscal Monitor Core Office Accountant responsible for monitoring transactions for a specific contract or grant. (You may need to select more than one)

HSC Health Sciences Center

Level 1 Department Approver. Should have signature authority on each index, or route it to another approver who DOES have signature authority. If a person has authority over multiple indices, they can approve for all those indices.

Level 2 This is an optional Departmental Approver. Use per department practices.

MC Main Campus

Originator Departmental personnel that create EPAF requests using Lobo Web.

PI Principal Investigator.

Signature Authority A person listed on the Signature Authorization Sheet for that index. You may find the signature authorization sheet in Xtender.

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EPAF Category Selection & Approval RoutingQuick Reference Guide

Ideal: Originator creates EPAF and identifies appropriate category code. Routes EPAF to department personnel with signature authority for Level 1 approval, and identifies/selects fiscal monitor responsible for approving labor changes on affected indices.

Good: The originator has signature authority. They note in the EPAF comment section that they have signature authority. There is another Level 1 approver used.

Good: The originator does not have signature authority. They note in the EPAF comment section the name of the person with signature authority who authorized the EPAF. They route the EPAF to this person for Level 1 approval. [Another Level 1 or 2 approver may be used, per departmental practice].

Acceptable: The originator has signature authority. There is no other Level 1 approver in their dept. They note in the EPAF comment section that they have signature authority. The originator approves the EPAF.

Acceptable: The originator does not have signature authority. They note in the EPAF comment section the name of the person with signature authority who authorized the EPAF. They cannot route the EPAF to this person because this person cannot [out of town, on vacation, no Banner Access…] approve the EPAF in Banner. There is another Level 1 approver used.

Acceptable: The originator does not have signature authority. They note in the EPAF comment section the name of the person with signature authority who authorized the EPAF. They cannot route the EPAF to this person because this person cannot [out of town, on vacation, no Banner Access…] approve the EPAF in Banner. The originator approves the EPAF.

Unacceptable: The originator has signature authority. They do not note in the EPAF comment section that they have signature authority.Unacceptable: The originator does not have signature authority. They do not note in the EPAF comment section the name of the person with signature authority who authorized the EPAF.Unacceptable: The originator does not have signature authority for all indices changed in the EPAF. They do not route the EPAF to a person who DOES have signature authority over each changed index.Unacceptable: The originator does not route the EPAF to the correct Fiscal Monitor(s) in the Core Office.

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EPAF Category Selection & Approval RoutingQuick Reference Guide

How to find someone with Signature Authority for an index:Contracts and Grants Restricted Index (Main Campus or HSC)•Pull up the signature authorization in Xtender.•Route the EPAF to a person listed on the most recently dated signature authorization form.•Note: This applies to restricted indices only.To do this:•Go to Banner screen FRIGITD. Put in index. Tab twice, and the Grant Code populates in the “Grant” field.•Go to Banner screen FRAGRNT. Put in grant number. Select “Next Block”.•Select the Xtender icon near the top of the screen; it is called “Banner XtenderSolutions” when you place your cursor on it.•Select the item with a document type of SIGNATURE.•Route the EPAF to a person listed on the most recently dated signature authorization form.How to find the Fiscal Monitor for an index:Contracts and Grants Restricted Index (Main Campus or HSC)•Go to Banner screen FRIGITD. Put in index. Tab twice, and the Grant Code populates in the “Grant” field.•Go to the Banner screen FRAGRNT. Put in grant number. Select “Next Block”.•Select the Personnel tab.•Use the gray sliding bar on the right to move down until you see indicator 003-Fiscal Monitor.•The name of the Fiscal Monitor on this screen is who you should route this index to for approval.•Hint: This is the same screen [FRAGRNT] from which you accessed the signature authorization form for restricted indices.Alternate Method:HSC:•Go to Post Award website,•Select the “Who to Contact” button near the top of the page. This will tell you, by Org level 5, who the Fiscal Monitor is for all HSC Restricted Indices.•The Org for the index is on the FRAGRNT screen on the Main tab. See instructions (above) to access FRAGRNT if you don’t know the Org code.Unrestricted Index (Main Campus or HSC)•No Fiscal Monitor is required. Do not route EPAFs for only unrestricted indices to a Fiscal Monitor.

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PURPOSE: Change posted labor expense that was originally

processed in Banner. All transactions after 1/1/08

REPLACES: Main Campus Transaction Correction Form HSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice

Account Distribution Change Form Distribution Change Form (Salary Reallocation Form)

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Forms Banner Form PZAREDS

Originator Hiring/Timesheet Organization associated with Employee

Approver Department designee with signature authority to provide

acknowledgement of labor distribution appropriateness Central Accounting Offices processes electronic approval/posting.

Purpose-When to use Change posted labor expense that was originally processed in

Banner. All transactions after 1/1/08

Process Provides for electronic routing for approval and posting of changes

EOD Training FILR 100 – Labor Redistribution

BAR Role Department Labor Redistributions

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Requestor: Allen Mann. For pay period 5R, move the 25.00% from index 133388 to index 133422. David worked 50% of his time in 133422 and 0% in 133388 for pay period 5R.

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Approval Delivery Expectations

Completed PZAREDS 4 business days for posting to be

reflected in Banner Finance Central Accounting Approval – 3 days Night Train Process/Refresh – 1 day

Month-End Close Deadlines Pending Report Development

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PZAREDS – Known Issues:

Positions When and how to select Effect of selecting/not selecting

Split Periods How to identify How to avoid splitting a period in EPAF

Change All Selection Report Development

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PZAREDS – Report Development

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PZAREDS – Report Development

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Legacy Labor Redistribution Form (LRF)

PURPOSE: Change posted labor expense that was originally

processed in HRS All transactions prior to 1/1/08

REPLACES: Main Campus Transaction Correction Form HSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice

Account Distribution Change Form (also known as Salary Reallocation Form)

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LRF Forms

Labor Redistribution Form Originator

Department Requiring Change Approver

Department designee with signature authority to provide acknowledgement of labor distribution appropriateness

Central Accounting Offices Purpose-When to use

Change posted labor expense that was originally processed in HRS

All transactions prior to 1/1/08 Process

Access databases managed by Central Accounting Offices EOD Training

None BAR Role


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Legacy (HRS) Labor Redistribution Process

Financial Services Review Checklist Verify signatures on form correspond with Signature Authority Form on file. Verify that business purpose provides sufficient information to justify

redistribution. Verify transaction date on form corresponds to HRS transaction date on

payroll records. Evaluate if transaction request is in compliance with UBP 2450 “Cost

Transfers”. Verify that index has not been terminated or inactivated. Verify that redistributions are permitted based on FUND budget period end

date. If the FUND is terminated, open the FUND through the end of the month if

the award is a CSTR or 1034 so Deferred Grant will run. Open the FUND through the middle of the next month if the award is a LOC so Deferred Grant will run and the LOC draw will post correctly.

Determine if redistribution impacts completed effort certification on file at Financial Services – Post Award.

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Approval Delivery Expectations

Legacy Redistribution Process 5 business days for posting to

reflected in Banner Finance Central Accounting Approval – 3 days FUPLOAD Process/Refresh – 2 days

Month-End Close Deadlines Forms received 5 business days before

end of month will be processed in month received

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LRF – Known Issues: Wrong Banner ID used

Wrong Transaction Date Listed

Omitting subsequent reallocation dates

2R26 reallocations

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Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) Banner Labor Redistributions (PZAREDS) Legacy Labor Redistribution Form (LRF)

Replaces E-PAN for change in labor distributionHSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice Account Distribution Change Form (also known as prospective changes on Salary Reallocation Form)Student Employment’s Status Change FormFaculty Contracts - Funding Change FormGraduate Studies Assistantship Form [still used, in addition to EPAF

Main Campus Transaction Correction Form HSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice AccountDistribution Change Form (also known as Salary Reallocation Form)

Main Campus Transaction Correction Form HSC Faculty Funding Change/Personnel Action Notice Account Distribution Change Form (also known as Salary Reallocation Form)

Forms Lobo Web interface, employee tab Banner Form PZAREDS Labor Redistribution Form

Originator Hiring/Timesheet Organization associated with Employee

Hiring/Timesheet Organization associated with Employee

Department requiring change

Approver Department designee with signature authority to provide acknowledgement of labor distribution appropriateness

Central Accounting Offices for distributions affecting contracts or grants

Department designee with signature authority to provide acknowledgement of labor distribution appropriateness

Central Accounting Offices processes electronic approval/posting

Department designee with signature authority to provide acknowledgement of labor distribution appropriateness

Central Accounting Offices

Purpose – When to use

Change future labor expense distributions Change posted labor expense that was originally processed in BannerAll transactions occurring after January 1, 2008

Change posted labor expense that was originally processed in HRSAll transactions occurring prior to January 1, 2008

Process Provides for electronic routing for approval and posting of changes

Provides for electronic routing forapproval and posting of changes by Core Offices

Access databases managed by Central Accounting Offices

EOD Training Originator: EPAF – BAN HRP EP 101Department Approval: EOD EPAF – BAN HRP EP102

FILR 100 – Labor Redistributions None

BAR Role Originator: EPAF - Labor Distribution change OriginatorDept Approval: EPAF Labor Distribution Chg-First Level Approver

Department Labor Redistributions None

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