KSJ Writers' Forum February 2016

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Transcript of KSJ Writers' Forum February 2016

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February 2016February 2016 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum0202

EDITORIALEDITORIALVishwas Misquith SJVishwas Misquith SJ

he individualistic people of our modern

times crave for power and wealth. TSafeguarding of their own interests

becomes the priority in life. This process leads to

selfishness, creating alienation and fragmentation in

the society. Selfishness also causes violence and

destruction of both humans and nature. Thus peace

and harmony in a society are lost. In this context, the

hearts and minds ravaged by war and violence long

for the reconstruction of their lives. Now the success

of building a peaceful

society depends on

'reconciliation'. This

reconciliation can be a

healing balm to put the

past of violence and war

behind them and to look

forward to a life with


According to

Kriesberg, the term

Reconciliation refers to

a n “ A m i c a b l e

relationship established

after a rupture in a

relationship.” So, it is

important for a healthy

relationship, to go

beyond the cycle of

revenge. On the other hand, Montvilk sees

Reconciliation as an active participation of both the

perpetrator and the victim. According to him,

Reconciliation is a process of contrition on the part

of the 'perpetrator' and forgiveness from the 'victim'.

Thus it is being proactive, seeking to create an

encounter to share feelings and experiences with a

view to create a relationship.

Reading signs of the time, GC 35 in its

decrees had made special mention of reconciliation

with God, with one another and with creation. It

cites globalisation as the cause of division in

society, though it has its own laudable positives. GC

35 makes special reference to the issue of poverty.

Although globalisation has lifted many poor from

the poverty line, it has still created a huge gap

between the rich and the poor. So the GC calls us to

see the world from the perspective of the poor, to act

with and for them so

that right relationships

are re-established.

B e s i d e s t h a t , i t

reminds us to restore

right relationship with

creation. As it is

destroyed in the name

of development, we

need to pay keen

attention to it.

F i n a l l y , “ t h e

response to these

situations must come

from our deep faith in

the Lord who calls us

to work with others for

the kingdom of God,

for the establishment of right relationships among

people and with creation.” (GC 35 Decree 3) It is a

call to all of us to understand the need for a peaceful

and harmonious society, and the way forward is

Reconciliation. Let us come to terms with our past

that is filled with violence, war and destruction, in

order to have a better future.

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40 DAYS OF LENT40 DAYS OF LENTRyan Rodrigues SJRyan Rodrigues SJ

prescribes fasting and abstinence on Ash

Wednesday and Good Friday. There are however a

few exceptions to this rule, one such being pregnant

women. Fasting from food can help us. It can fill us

with compassion for those who are hungry,

especially for justice in our world of today. It brings

us closer to God and helps us to feel one with the

millions who suffer in the world for lack of food

each day. Lent is a time to feel one with those who

are the face of the suffering Lord in our midst. When

one thinks of Almsgiving, the verses from Matthew

25 do cross my mind. Almsgiving is a fruit of prayer.

It inspires one to reach out to the needy,

the poor, the homeless, the sick, the

naked, the widows, the orphans and the

downtrodden, the last, the least and the

lost of society.

In several places in his letters, St

Paul uses the imagery of an athlete. It

appeals to me as a fitting analogy

especially during this Lenten season. Let

us run the race, being steadfast in our love

for God and press on towards the goal

that is Christ. In order to discover, to go

deeper and be in touch with our spiritual selves we

have to work hard and train ourselves like an athlete

for the simple reason that we are today, more than

ever, in cultures that are anti-gospel and often

individualistic. Consumerism, Hedonism,

Relativism and the like are the norm of the day. In

this context, we need to re-orient ourselves.

What is my Lenten spirituality? How do I

want to live differently this Lenten season? Let us

slow down a bit, search for what is God's will for us,

forgive one another, ask for forgiveness from God,

rethink our priorities and pray for the crucified

people. Have a fruitful Lent!

0303 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

ierre Teilhard de Chardin once said, “We are

not human beings having a spiritual Pexperience but spiritual beings having a

human experience.” St Augustine of Hippo

remarked as well, “Our hearts are restless, O God,

and they will never find rest until they rest in you.”

These are some spontaneous thoughts that cross my

mind when I think of the season of Lent.

'Quadragesima' in Latin stands for the fortieth day. It

was in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD that the Latin

Church fixed the number of days for Lent to be forty.

Since then for the Catholic Church, the days from

Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday

mark the Lenten Season.

L e n t i s a t i m e o f

pilgrimage. It is a time to return to,

r e n e w a n d r e f r e s h o n e ' s

relationship with Christ and with

God. Lent is a time when the Holy

Mother Church invites us in the

words of Prophet Joel to, 'come

back to me.' Lent calls us to turn

away from evil and turn to the

Lord, to prepare for the Messiah

who will come again, rising triumphantly from the

dead. As Christians this is our hope and this is what

we long for deep in our hearts.

Lent prescribes to us three important ways in

which we can set right our relationship: prayer,

fasting and almsgiving. Many of us follow pious

practices of spending time with Jesus along the Way

of the Cross during the Fridays of Lent. These prayer

experiences ought to help us to build right

relationships with God, with ourselves, with one

another and with creation. Some others do give up

certain food or even fast for spiritual purposes. For

all persons, aged fourteen to sixty, the Church

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0404 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

ecently I received an inspiring message. It

read – '2give and 2get is easy but it is hard Rto 4give and 4get'. Later as I thought

deeply and I felt that when compared to other things

reconciliation is more challenging and necessary.

Reconciliation includes giving, receiving,

forgiving, experiencing forgiveness, forgetting

painful memories, healing them and living a happy

life. Our human nature is prone to make mistakes.

Little misunderstandings, some verbal fights,

baseless prejudices and unkind deeds spoil our

relationships very fast. But healing of these wounds

is not that easy. It needs true reconciliation.

Reconciliation requires

humility, courage, generosity

and selflessness. When I joined

the Prenovitiate, I came across

people of different interests,

opinions and temperaments. I

found it hard to adjust with all. I

u s e d t o h a v e c o n s t a n t

misunderstanding with my

companions. Because of my

stormy relationship with some I

didn't like community life. In the novitiate, my

novice master advised me to settle all

misunderstandings before going to bed. Initially I

felt this is not possible for me. It so happened that

one day during games I had a heated argument with

one of my companions. From that moment he was

angry with me and he didn't even look at my face. I

too was upset and felt it was his mistake. The whole

evening, I was not at ease. Finally I took courage and

went to this person, that night itself to be reconciled

on the matter. I knocked at his window, called him

out and asked pardon for what had happened.

Immediately he too started speaking nicely and said

`sorry.' Both of us accepted our mistakes and

decided to forget the matter. After this incident,

small arguments and fights didn't take me much time

and energy to settle. This gave me the hope that

reconciliation is not so difficult. When we are

humble, open, forgiving and understanding,

everything goes on smoothly.

Reconciliation does not pertain to

relationship with humans only. Reconciliation

needs to be done with God, oneself and nature also.

To have such reconciliation we have to keep various

things in our mind. I would put them as different


Reconsider: Most of the time

we make decisions and

judgments instantly. We even

defend them when something

wrong happens. The patience to

carefully consider our actions

again and take appropriate

steps can prove very helpful in

building right relationships.

Restore: It is very easy to

destroy or create harm to nature and others. When it

comes to restoration and putting things right, we

take the back foot. We tend to delay and make no

efforts. But with the passage of time relationships

become sour. Hence restoration process must be

done without delay.

Reason out: The scriptures say 'Do to others

whatever you would like them to do to you' (Mt

7:12). We preach a lot about this golden rule but

hardly practise it. So instead of expecting others to

be good to us all the time, we have to be reasonable

in thinking and doing our part.


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0505 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

The dark cloud had covered my sweet soul,

Letting into it a deep loneliness and desperate


The gushing tears

rolled down my feeble

cheeks proving my


And completely

disfigured my

wrinkled face with

their thick water.

Oh! What a terrible

pain it was!

I could feel as if death

was knocking at the

door of my soul.

Where is love?

Where is compassion?

And, where is mercy?

Does it truly exist in your hearts?

If it does, why then do you behave so cruelly to

my sensitive life?

I don't understand, because I am a leper with a

kind heart,

Desiring to live my life to the full.

Why then do you spoil

my freedom by hurting

my inner peace?

Whenever I recall my

rejecting parents and my

near and dear ones,

My heart at once breaks

into a thousand pieces

and it weeps till it's


If you were in my place,

what would your

response be?

Would you be arrogant

or merciful?

At least from now on, can you be my hands and

feet? If you be,

Then I'll remain faithful to you to my last breath.

I AM HURTI AM HURTSunil Kumar SJSunil Kumar SJ

Relieve: We carry many burdens of unforgiveness,

misunderstanding and prejudices in our hearts. This

way we make other's and our life miserable. How

nice it would be when we forget the painful past and

relieve our minds of all negative thoughts!

Renew: Renewal should be part of each one's life.

We have to change for the better. Each day we have

to strive to build right relationship with God, others,

ourselves and nature. It would be good if we die to

our old, rigid and conservative self and be filled

with renewed vigour and zeal.

Reconciliation is to be received, relished, regarded,

resonated, revived and rendered. We are in the

season of Lent. This is the Jubilee Year of Mercy. I

think it is the right time for us to reflect on and

recollect our unhealed experiences and work on

them. True reconciliation will surely help us to

enjoy the mercy and love of the Risen Lord.


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Contd. from pg. 04Contd. from pg. 04

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In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we cannot

forget the role of dialogue for reconciliation among

peoples, with God and with nature. This is an

essential condition for the peaceful coexistence and

the unity willed by God (Gaudium et Spes, 24, 29;

Lumen Gentium, 9, 13, 42) and re-established by

Christ (Gaudium et Spes, 78). Dialogue is

fundamental for the Church, which is called to

collaborate in God's plan with its methods of

presence, respect, and love

towards all persons. For the

Church, dialogue is based on the

very life of God, one and triune.

God is the father of the entire

human family. Christ has joined

every person to himself and the

Spirit works in each individual.

(Redemptor Hominis, 13).

Dialogue is also based on love for

the human person as such, who is

the primary and fundamental way

of the Church (Redemptor

Hominis, 14). This friendly

relationship among believers of various religions is

born of respect and love for one another; it presumes

the exercise of fundamental freedom to practice

one's own faith completely and to compare it with

that of others (Redemptor Hominis, 12).

But we know from our experience that

dialogue is not an easy thing. Religion itself can be

made an instrument and become the excuse for

polarization and division. In the current world

situation, to engage in dialogue means learning to

forgive, since all the religious communities can

point to possible wrongs suffered through the



0606 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

n fact, today no one can fail to see the

importance and the need of interreligious Idialogue for all religions and all believers. One

of the important elements that unify Christianity and

the other religions is the common “human

existence” shared by all their entire adherents. All of

us share a common human nature. This structure of

human existence is common to all human beings

whether they are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or

Hindus or any other.

The existence we

need to focus on here is that

human beings are created in

the image and likeness of

God. Therefore as children of

God we are all related to one

another and are mindful of

others. The human person is

not simply a part of a large

cosmic mosaic. On the

contrary, the human person is

the most active, self-

reflective agent under God.

As free subjects and responsible agents of their

lives, human beings experience the need to create

relationships with other human persons. The

Individual person is a social being. According to the

Old and the New Testaments, human existence is to

be a loving coexistence with other persons.

We Christians are commanded by God to

love our neighbor. “You shall not take vengeance or

bear a grudge against any of your people, but you

shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.”

(Leviticus 19:18) And just as Jesus' existence is one

in the service of others (Mark 10:45), so must every

person's life be a coexistence of service.

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tensions and difficulties, as well as the growing

interdependence in all sectors of society necessary

for living together, for human promotion, and above

all, for pursuing the demands of peace. All this will

render a dialogical style of human relationships and

this is all the more urgent today. At a deeper level,

persons rooted in their own religious traditions can

share their experiences of prayer, contemplation,

faith, and duty, as well as their expressions and ways

of searching for the Absolute. This type of dialogue

can be a mutual enrichment and fruitful cooperation

for promoting and preserving the highest values and

spiritual ideals.

God never ceases to reconcile persons to

Himself by the work of

His Spirit. The Church

relies on the promise

made by Christ that the

Spirit will guide it in

history towards the

fullness of truth (John

16:13). For this reason

it goes out to meet

individuals, peoples, and their cultures, aware that in

every human community are found the seeds of

goodness and truth, and conscious that God has a

loving plan for every nation (Acts 17: 26-27). The

Church therefore wants to work together with all in

order to fulfil this plan, and by doing so recognize

the value of the infinite and varied wisdom of God

and contribute to the evangelization of cultures.

Let us therefore turn to Christ; let us learn

from him how to behave with others. Thus in him we

will live the merciful love of the Father, who through

the Spirit invites all to be reconciled in Christ and to

be reconciled among themselves.

0707 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

As the human sciences have emphasized, in

interpersonal dialogue one experiences one's own

limitations as well as the possibility of overcoming

them. A person discovers that he/she does not

possess the truth in a perfect and total way, but can

walk together with others towards that goal. Mutual

affirmation, reciprocal correction, and fraternal

exchange lead the partners in dialogue to an ever

greater maturity which in turn generates

interpersonal communion. Religious experiences

and outlooks can themselves be purified and

enriched in this process of encounter.

The Church, however, feels itself called to

dialogue principally because of its faith. In the

Trinitarian mystery,

Christian revelation

allows us to glimpse

in God a life of

communion and

i n t e r c h a n g e .

Therefore every

follower of Christ,

by reason of their

human and Christian vocation, is called to live

dialogue in their daily life, whether they are in a

majority situation or in that of a minority. They

ought to bring the spirit of the Gospel into any

environment in which they live and work - that of

family, social, educational, artistic, economic, or

political life.

The dynamics of human encounter with

people of other faiths should lead us Christians to

listen to and strive to understand that which other

believers communicate to us in order to profit from

the gifts which God bestows so generously. Socio-

cultural changes in the world, with their inherent

Contd. from pg. 06Contd. from pg. 06


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Amith D'Souza SJAmith D'Souza SJfriends in reality as well as on Facebook!

One day, all of a sudden, I realized that he

had not spoken to me for the past two days. But I

kept quiet, thinking that he might need some time by

himself. But shortly I discovered that he was

speaking to all the community members except me. I

wanted to find out the reason for his behaviour. Soon

I got to know the reason through another friend of

mine. Since I did not dare to

speak directly with him, I

thought of sending him an e-

mail to ask for forgiveness. But

my ego did not allow me to do


I n m y p r a y e r , m y

consciousness used to poke me

to go and reconcile with him

and he would forgive and

accept me. But I would

decline, saying, “Why should I

go and be reconciled with him?

Is that a worthy reason to fight

with a friend? Why should I

speak to him? Am I not able to

live without him? Will he

speak to me, even if I go and speak with him? Why

are you irritating me? Every day he prays twice as

much as I do. Tell him to go and reconcile with me.”

But my consciousness did not give up. It was

constantly urging me to reconcile with him. Out of

frustration and anger, I gave up my prayer. My

whole life began to move downward. I lost interest

in everything, even in food. I lost my self-esteem

and felt that no one wants to live with me in this

world. I began to live a life of isolation and

meaninglessness. Days of anger turned into months

and years.

0808 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

re you coming for his funeral

mass?”asked Prajwal, one of my friends. AI did not respond to him. He continued, “Why were

you not speaking to him?”

Since I was already annoyed hearing this

question so many times from my friends, I vented all

my frustration on him and said, “I do not know. I do

not know anything. Ask

him. And I warn you, I do

not want to hear this

question again.”

Why am I not

speaking to him? The

reason was, one day I had

fooled him in front of our

superior. From then on we

became enemies, we, who

were once considered to

be the best friends in our


I do not remember

when did I first spoke to him. But I do remember the

incident which made us good friends. It was at a solo

singing competition in our community. All my

friends sang very well. It was my turn to sing. As I

finished the first sentence of the song 'Jesus fire in

my heart', I saw my friends holding their hands on

their stomachs and laughing aloud as if they were

watching a Charlie Chaplin's movie. But he did not

laugh. Since I could not continue any further, I came

back and sat on my chair. There were tears in my

eyes. In the evening, he came to me and said, “Do

not feel sad about what happened in the afternoon. I

will help you to sing.” Since then we became good





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She asked all present there,

'Would you show mercy to a friend?

To your near and dear one?'

All sounded in one voice,


'But would you do it to a


'No', the voice echoed in the


'Why this distinction?' she


'For he does not deserve


She smiled, 'then he requires it


For that murderer her merciful

heart leaped,

No wonder she is the queen of


0909 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

Not long ago there lived a queen,

Miss Universe she would be,

If she lived in times of ours.

Yet it was not her beauty,

That resounds in people's


But it's her merciful heart.

One day it leaped so high,

And made it clear to all,

That she is the queen of


That day her son's murderer,

Was to be sentenced to death.

But she was on the throne ,

To declare her mercy on him.

Her judgment sounded


Many doubted her sound


She realized what's in the air.

Now I am standing before him. He is sleeping before

the altar and in the coffin. What should I do now?

Should I shout at him or reconcile with him? How

can I tell him that he was my best friend and that I

really loved him? I have wasted so many years

without speaking to him. I am about to lose even the

mere opportunity to see him.

Dear friends, let this not happen in your life.

As a helpless creature in this world, I implore you

that here and now you reconcile with your

community members and friends. And say to them

that you really love them, no matter how grave the

reason for your fight must have been. Have the

humility to say sorry because it will help you to

brighten your own life with the greatest gift of the

human person in the world. Please do not lose this

gift as I lost one. Do not follow your ego but the God

of your true consciousness, who tells everyone to

reconcile to everybody and everything in the world.




RELATIONSHIPSAmith D'Souza SJAmith D'Souza SJContd. from pg. 08Contd. from pg. 08

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that the breaks of my car failed. We fell down the

slope and in that tragic incident I lost my conscience.

When I woke up, I couldn't move due to the

severe injuries. How shall I explain that horrible

experience? My dear wife and my lovely daughter

were no more. I cried out loudly. It was very chill

that night. I was alone crying, shivering and

suffering with pain.

S o o n I h e a r d t h e

footsteps of a man and I

cried out for help. The

man came running and

lifted me, nursed my

wounds with some

leaves and covered my

shivering body with his

old shawl. Very soon he

found some help on the

road and admitted me to

a hospital. He was with

me till the end of the

treatment, leaving aside

all his work. When I felt

better, I wanted to thank

that person. Not very

long after I was treated

did I come to know that

he was of a low caste and

a poor man. My eyes

were filled with tears. I

always had mistreated people who were poor and of

low caste. My eyes were opened at that moment and

I understood that all of us are human beings. I

understood how we can live together sharing and

caring for each other. From then on I've reconciled

myself with all. Reconciliation is helping me to

become a better human being.


1010 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

t was a time for Christmas celebration when I

saw a gentleman gathering the poor and giving Ithem clothes, money and so on. When I met

him personally he narrated a beautiful incident of his

life. Mr Mohan was a Brahmin, damn rich. He never

used to like people who are poor or of a low caste

because he believed that they are born that way for

the sins they have

committed in the present

or in the past life. He

hated them. And he

narrates the story...

It was in the

month of January that I

wanted to go for a tour

with my small family. In

accordance with my

wife's wish we decided

to go to Koppa, the

K a s h m i r o f t h e

Chickmagalur district.

From Mangalore, we

decided to travel via

Agumbe Ghat which

was a new place to my


It was evening

around 6 that we began

our journey so that next

day in the early morning we could go to the beautiful

estates. Usually in the mornings there will be mist

spread over the tea plantations. It's a heavenly

experience. My daughter was very happy and was

singing as we started off. It was my first experience

of riding in the Ghat area. It was dark and I was very

cautious in my driving. However, it was God's wish

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RECONCILIATIONSandeep Gonsalves SJSandeep Gonsalves SJ

1111 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

hat is the Church? The answer to this

question today differs from the one our Wearly Christian brethren gave and

lived. Thanks to the “Pope Francis Effect” spreading

like wildfire, renewing the meaning of the Church in stthe 21 century.

“The church is not a theological classroom. It

is a conversion, confession, repentance,

reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center,

where flawed

people place

their faith in

Christ, gather

to know and

l o v e h i m

better, and

learn to love

others as he

d e s i g n e d . ”

These words


This is why in the Scripture Jesus says, “So

when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something

against you, leave your gift there before the altar and

go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and

then come and offer your gift.”(Mt 5:23-24). It is

basically love that pushes people to reconcile and the

result of reconciliation is love that overflows. The

famous verse in Luke 6:36 invites us to, “Be


p a s t o r ,

strongly back

up the renewal of the Church in the current world.

Isn't this what Christ intended His people, the

Church, to be?

Paul David

T r i p p ,

merciful, just as your heavenly Father is merciful.”

Pope Francis is shouting aloud these words from

Rome, but how much of it are we putting into

practice in our home? Recently I heard of a priest

refusing to bless a new house, just because the

family had not paid the “annual due”. A certain Fr.

Principal denies admission to college to a vegetable

vendor's son. Some years ago a parish priest fined a

parishioner for not joining the protest which the

parish had organized. These are a few facts. I would

not be wrong if

I say, day by

day instances

of this kind are

increasing in

the Church.

How much are

w e


w i t h G o d ' s

plan or at least

how much do

we understand

what the Pope

is saying?

Playing cymbals in front of a donkey) I think

this old Kannada saying is very applicable to many

of us. If we don't agree, then why do so many lay

people appreciate the Pope, but can't say the same

thing about their local Parish Priest? Are we

becoming more like our Heavenly Father? Or are we

swimming smoothly with the current of the

fascinating world? What about the long years of

training we receive in our seminaries? These are not

just my questions, but the questions asked by literate

and illiterate people in our ministry places and


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STRENGTHENS USSunil Kumar SJSunil Kumar SJ

“If the Church isn't a center for

reconciliation, how can we call it a Church???”

As Fr. Joe Mannath SDB says, the people who

come in contact with us should learn more from our

way of life than from the courses and workshops we

conduct. Let our life example lead people towards

the way of reconciliation. “Hard work is the only

means for genuine success”; likewise, “mercy is the

only mantra for reconciliation.”

1212 Writers’ ForumWriters’ Forum

Most of the religious cannot be disturbed

during their siesta; we also find it difficult to humble

ourselves and be reconciled with the members in our

community. Are we really merciful? Our mission is

to reconcile broken families, and the broken

humanity; but pitifully most of us are ourselves

broken people, unable to reconcile or heal others.

We never see in the Bible or elsewhere, where God

says, “Don't pray to me while I am taking rest,” or

“First you pay what is due to the temple and then ask

for any grace.” But most of our parishes and

institutions seem to hang an invisible board contrary

to God's plan.

orgiveness is our radical decision to let go

our feelings of resentment, frustration, anger For revenge towards a person or group that

has hurt us. Forgiveness is an exclusively personal

choice. No priests or parents can compel us to do so.

Forgiveness is challenging. To ensure that it is

genuine we not merely discard our negative

emotions but

also acquire

positive and

m o t i v a t i n g


P r a c t i c i n g

fo rg iveness

becomes its

own reward; it

heals us and

restores in us a sense of well-being. We no longer

remain prisoner to self-esteem and a good personal


Finally, through forgiveness we imitate Jesus

who bore His cross for the sins of humanity. Through

forgiveness we give ourselves permission to feel the

v a r i e t y o f

emotions evoked

by the offence.

Le t us pu t a

definitive end to

the blame-game.

Let us forgive

ourse lves and

others as God

fo rg ives us -





RECONCILIATIONContd. from pg. 11Contd. from pg. 11 Sandeep Gonsalves SJSandeep Gonsalves SJ

February 2016February 2016

Page 13: KSJ Writers' Forum February 2016
Page 14: KSJ Writers' Forum February 2016

“Reconciliation means to know, accept and love

the difference in others”

“Reconciliation means to know, accept and love

the difference in others”


1515 Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumJANUARY 2016JANUARY 2016








